

entitlementManagementSettings resource type

Namespace: microsoft.graph

Represents settings that control the behavior of Microsoft Entra entitlement management. This resource doesn't include the catalog creators setting; to view or change the catalog creators role membership, use the role assignments API with the entitlement management RBAC provider.


Method Return type Description
Get entitlementManagementSettings Read the properties of an entitlementManagementSettings object.
Update entitlementManagementSettings Update the properties of an entitlementManagementSettings object.


Property Type Description
durationUntilExternalUserDeletedAfterBlocked Duration If externalUserLifecycleAction is blockSignInAndDelete, the duration, typically many days, after an external user is blocked from sign in before their account is deleted.
externalUserLifecycleAction accessPackageExternalUserLifecycleAction Automatic action that the service should take when an external user's last access package assignment is removed. The possible values are: none, blockSignIn, blockSignInAndDelete, unknownFutureValue.
id String A constant. Read-only.



JSON representation

Here's is a JSON representation of the resource.

  "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.entitlementManagementSettings",
  "durationUntilExternalUserDeletedAfterBlocked": "String (duration)",
  "externalUserLifecycleAction": "String",
  "id": "String"