

host resource type

Namespace: microsoft.graph.security


The Microsoft Graph API for Microsoft Defender Threat Intelligence requires an active Defender Threat Intelligence Portal license and API add-on license for the tenant.

Represents a hostname or IP address that is currently or was previously available on the internet and Microsoft Defender Threat Intelligence has detected.

This is an abstract type. Implementations of this type include:

Inherits from artifact.


Method Return type Description
Get host microsoft.graph.security.host Read the properties and relationships of a host object.
Get whoisRecord microsoft.graph.security.whoisRecord Get the specified whoisRecord resource.
List childHostPairs for a host as parent microsoft.graph.security.hostPair collection Get a list of hostPair resources.
List hostPairs for a host microsoft.graph.security.hostPair collection Get a list of hostPair resources.
List components microsoft.graph.security.hostComponent collection Get a list of hostComponent resources.
List cookies microsoft.graph.security.hostCookie collection Get a list of hostCookie resources.
List parentHostPairs for a host as child microsoft.graph.security.hostPair collection Get a list of hostPairs resources.
List passiveDns microsoft.graph.security.passivednsrecord collection Get a list of passiveDnsRecord resources.
List passiveDnsReverse microsoft.graph.security.passivednsrecord collection Get a list of passiveDnsRecord resources from a reverse passive DNS retrieval.
List ports microsoft.graph.security.hostPort collection Get a list of hostPort resources.
Get reputation microsoft.graph.security.hostReputation Get the properties and relationships of a hostReputation object.
List subdomains microsoft.graph.security.subdomain collection Get a list of subdomain resources.
List trackers microsoft.graph.security.hostTracker collection Get a list of hostTracker resources.
List hostSslCertificates microsoft.graph.security.hostSslCertificate collection Get a list of hostSslCertificate objects from the host navigation property.


Property Type Description
firstSeenDateTime DateTimeOffset The first date and time when this host was observed. The timestamp type represents date and time information using ISO 8601 format and is always in UTC. For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2014 is 2014-01-01T00:00:00Z.
id String Unique identifier for the host. Read-only. Inherited from microsoft.graph.security.artifact.
lastSeenDateTime DateTimeOffset The most recent date and time when this host was observed. The timestamp type represents date and time information using ISO 8601 format and is always in UTC. For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2014 is 2014-01-01T00:00:00Z.


Relationship Type Description
childHostPairs microsoft.graph.security.hostPair collection The hostPairs that are resources associated with a host, where that host is the parentHost and has an outgoing pairing to a childHost.
components microsoft.graph.security.hostComponent collection The hostComponents that are associated with this host.
cookies microsoft.graph.security.hostCookie collection The hostCookies that are associated with this host.
hostPairs microsoft.graph.security.hostPair collection The hostPairs that are associated with this host, where this host is either the parentHost or childHost.
parentHostPairs microsoft.graph.security.hostPair collection The hostPairs that are associated with a host, where that host is the childHost and has an incoming pairing with a parentHost.
passiveDns microsoft.graph.security.passiveDnsRecord collection Passive DNS retrieval about this host.
passiveDnsReverse microsoft.graph.security.passiveDnsRecord collection Reverse passive DNS retrieval about this host.
ports microsoft.graph.security.hostPort collection The hostPorts associated with a host.
reputation microsoft.graph.security.hostReputation Represents a calculated reputation of this host.
sslCertificates microsoft.graph.security.hostSslCertificate collection The hostSslCertificates that are associated with this host.
subdomains microsoft.graph.security.subdomain collection The subdomains that are associated with this host.
trackers microsoft.graph.security.hostTracker collection The hostTrackers that are associated with this host.
whois microsoft.graph.security.whoisRecord The most recent whoisRecord for this host.

JSON representation

The following JSON representation shows the resource type.

  "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.security.host",
  "firstSeenDateTime": "String (timestamp)",
  "id": "String (identifier)",
  "lastSeenDateTime": "String (timestamp)"