

teamsTab resource type

Namespace: microsoft.graph

Represents a tab pinned (attached) to a channel or a chat.

For more information about tabs, see Build tabs for Teams.


Method Return Type Description
List tabs in channel teamsTab List tabs pinned to a channel.
Get tab in channel teamsTab Read a tab pinned to a channel.
Add tab to channel teamsTab Add (pin) a tab to a channel.
Update tab in channel teamsTab Update the tab properties.
Remove tab from channel None Remove (unpin) a tab from a channel.


Property Type Description
configuration teamsTabConfiguration Container for custom settings applied to a tab. The tab is considered configured only once this property is set.
displayName string Name of the tab.
id string Identifier that uniquely identifies a specific instance of a channel tab. Read only.
webUrl string Deep link URL of the tab instance. Read only.


Relationship Type Description
teamsApp teamsApp The application that is linked to the tab. This can't be changed after tab creation.

JSON representation

The following JSON representation shows the resource type.

  "id": "string",
  "displayName": "string",
  "webUrl": "string",
  "configuration" : "teamsTabConfiguration"

Configuring the built-in tab types