
Vendor (Supplier) in ESG data model(Vendor)


Traits for this entity are listed below.


ParameterValueData typeExplanation
versionNumber"4.3"stringsemantic version number of the entity

Holds the list of language specific descriptive text for an object.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
enBase entity from which all ESG Data Model entities are derived.
enA supplier of products, goods or services.
entitya reference to the constant entity holding the list of localized text

names a specific identity attribute to use with an entity

ParameterValueData typeExplanation

Minimum version of the object model required to fully understand the data schema used.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation

Semantic version number of the IDM.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation

The schema object has an identifier, which is a string, specified as the parameter of the trait. It allows writers to define more identification values.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
identifier"{016E5380-ABB2-4F6D-A99C-F29FD2D3E510}"stringThe identifier for the schema object. There's no uniqueness guarantee enforced by CDM. It's a contract between reader and writer of the schema.

The name of the business area from which the entity originates.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation

Holds the list of language specific display text for an object.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
enVendor (Supplier)
entitya reference to the constant entity holding the list of localized text

A level of abstraction assigned to an Entity schema. Logical schema descriptions use complex dataTypes, inheritance, and entities as attributes. Resolved descriptions contain none of those things, only final trait and attribute sets are shown. A composition schema manipulates, guides, or restates parts of logical schemas to produce one resolved schema.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
level"resolved"stringPossible values: logical, composition, resolved


Name Description First Included in Instance
VendorId The unique identifier of a Vendor. Sustainability/esg-data-model/Vendor
VendorName The business name of the Vendor. Sustainability/esg-data-model/Vendor
VendorPhoneticName The phonetic name shows the pronunciation of the Vendor Name using the international phonetic alphabet, which uses special signs to represent the different sounds made by the voice in speech. Sustainability/esg-data-model/Vendor
VendorNote A narrative, description or more detail regarding the associated Vendor. Sustainability/esg-data-model/Vendor
VendorTypeId The unique identifier of a Vendor Type. Sustainability/esg-data-model/Vendor
VendorDateOfEstablishment The date that the Vendor was established. Sustainability/esg-data-model/Vendor
StateOfVendorEstablishment The state in which the Vendor was established. Sustainability/esg-data-model/Vendor
CountryOfVendorEstablishment The country in which the Vendor was established. Sustainability/esg-data-model/Vendor
StateOfVendorResidence The state in which the Vendor has it's primary business or official residence. Sustainability/esg-data-model/Vendor
CountryOfVendorResidence The country in which the Vendor has it's primary business or official residence. Sustainability/esg-data-model/Vendor
FirstDateOfOperation The first date that the Vendor entered into normal business or operations. Sustainability/esg-data-model/Vendor
CurrentManagementFirstControlDate The date that current management assumed control of the Vendor's normal business operations. Sustainability/esg-data-model/Vendor
StockExchangeName The name of the stock exchange that the security is listed upon. Sustainability/esg-data-model/Vendor
ListedSecuritySymbol The security symbol of the Vendor, if any. Sustainability/esg-data-model/Vendor
BankruptcyIndicator Indicates that bankruptcy proceeding exist for the Vendor customer, which is a proceeding under the U.S. Bankruptcy Code, in which either a debtor files a bankruptcy petition and voluntarily seeks protection from creditors, or creditors file a bankruptcy petition against a debtor to force the debtor to pay debts owed to them. Sustainability/esg-data-model/Vendor
SmallBusinessIndicator Indicates that business is a small business by SBA guidelines. Sustainability/esg-data-model/Vendor
ManufacturingIndicator Notes manufacturing operations occur at site. Sustainability/esg-data-model/Vendor
ForeignOwnedIndicator Identifies companies with parent outside of the U.S. Sustainability/esg-data-model/Vendor
DunsNumber The DUNS number is a nine-digit number issued by Dun & Bradstreet and assigned to each business location in the D&B database having a unique, separate, and distinct operation to businesses for the purpose of identifying them. The number as issued is random and the digits apparently have no significance as to their issuance. Sustainability/esg-data-model/Vendor
DunBradstreetSingleLocationSubsidiary There are eight (8) types of business relationships defined in D&B WorldBase:Single Location SubsidiaryA single location subsidiary has reporting responsibilities to its parent; however, it does not have branches or subsidiaries reporting to it. Do not confuse this with a stand-alone business which is titled "single location" and is not part of a corporate family.HeadquartersA headquarters is a business establishment that has branches or divisions reporting to it, and is financially responsible for those branches or divisions. If the headquarters is more that 50% owned by another corporation, it also will be a subsidiary. If it owns more that 50% of another corporation, then it is also a parent.BranchA branch is a secondary location of its headquarters. It has no legal responsibility for its debts, even though bills may be paid from the branch location. It will have the same legal business name as its headquarters, although branches frequently operate under a different trade style than the headquarters establishment. A branch may be located at the same address as the headquarters if it has a unique trade style. In such cases, the branch may appear to be a duplicate with a different D-U-N-S number than the headquarters record, which may confuse customers if they don't purchase the trade style field.DivisionA division, like a branch, is a secondary location of a business. However, a division carries out specific business operations related to the headquarters under a divisional name. Divisions look similar to branches in D&B WorldBase and carry a branch code.SubsidiaryA subsidiary is a corporation that is more than 50% owned by another corporation and will have a different legal business name from its parent company. A subsidiary may have branches or subsidiaries of its own. If it does, then its D-U-N-S Number appears in the headquarter/parent D-U-N-S Number field of its children.ParentA parent is a corporation that owns more than 50 percent of another corporation. The parent company also may be a subsidiary of another corporation. If the parent also has branches, then it is also a headquarters.Domestic UltimateThe Domestic Ultimate is a subsidiary within the global family tree which is the highest ranking member within a specific country.Global UltimateThe Global Ultimate is the top most responsible entity within the global family tree. The Global Ultimate may have branches or subsidiaries reporting directly or indirectly to it. Sustainability/esg-data-model/Vendor
DunBradstreetHeadquarters There are eight (8) types of business relationships defined in D&B WorldBase:Single Location SubsidiaryA single location subsidiary has reporting responsibilities to its parent; however, it does not have branches or subsidiaries reporting to it. Do not confuse this with a stand-alone business which is titled "single location" and is not part of a corporate family.HeadquartersA headquarters is a business establishment that has branches or divisions reporting to it, and is financially responsible for those branches or divisions. If the headquarters is more that 50% owned by another corporation, it also will be a subsidiary. If it owns more that 50% of another corporation, then it is also a parent.BranchA branch is a secondary location of its headquarters. It has no legal responsibility for its debts, even though bills may be paid from the branch location. It will have the same legal business name as its headquarters, although branches frequently operate under a different trade style than the headquarters establishment. A branch may be located at the same address as the headquarters if it has a unique trade style. In such cases, the branch may appear to be a duplicate with a different D-U-N-S number than the headquarters record, which may confuse customers if they don't purchase the trade style field.DivisionA division, like a branch, is a secondary location of a business. However, a division carries out specific business operations related to the headquarters under a divisional name. Divisions look similar to branches in D&B WorldBase and carry a branch code.SubsidiaryA subsidiary is a corporation that is more than 50% owned by another corporation and will have a different legal business name from its parent company. A subsidiary may have branches or subsidiaries of its own. If it does, then its D-U-N-S Number appears in the headquarter/parent D-U-N-S Number field of its children.ParentA parent is a corporation that owns more than 50 percent of another corporation. The parent company also may be a subsidiary of another corporation. If the parent also has branches, then it is also a headquarters.Domestic UltimateThe Domestic Ultimate is a subsidiary within the global family tree which is the highest ranking member within a specific country.Global UltimateThe Global Ultimate is the top most responsible entity within the global family tree. The Global Ultimate may have branches or subsidiaries reporting directly or indirectly to it. Sustainability/esg-data-model/Vendor
DunBradstreetBranch There are eight (8) types of business relationships defined in D&B WorldBase:Single Location SubsidiaryA single location subsidiary has reporting responsibilities to its parent; however, it does not have branches or subsidiaries reporting to it. Do not confuse this with a stand-alone business which is titled "single location" and is not part of a corporate family.HeadquartersA headquarters is a business establishment that has branches or divisions reporting to it, and is financially responsible for those branches or divisions. If the headquarters is more that 50% owned by another corporation, it also will be a subsidiary. If it owns more that 50% of another corporation, then it is also a parent.BranchA branch is a secondary location of its headquarters. It has no legal responsibility for its debts, even though bills may be paid from the branch location. It will have the same legal business name as its headquarters, although branches frequently operate under a different trade style than the headquarters establishment. A branch may be located at the same address as the headquarters if it has a unique trade style. In such cases, the branch may appear to be a duplicate with a different D-U-N-S number than the headquarters record, which may confuse customers if they don't purchase the trade style field.DivisionA division, like a branch, is a secondary location of a business. However, a division carries out specific business operations related to the headquarters under a divisional name. Divisions look similar to branches in D&B WorldBase and carry a branch code.SubsidiaryA subsidiary is a corporation that is more than 50% owned by another corporation and will have a different legal business name from its parent company. A subsidiary may have branches or subsidiaries of its own. If it does, then its D-U-N-S Number appears in the headquarter/parent D-U-N-S Number field of its children.ParentA parent is a corporation that owns more than 50 percent of another corporation. The parent company also may be a subsidiary of another corporation. If the parent also has branches, then it is also a headquarters.Domestic UltimateThe Domestic Ultimate is a subsidiary within the global family tree which is the highest ranking member within a specific country.Global UltimateThe Global Ultimate is the top most responsible entity within the global family tree. The Global Ultimate may have branches or subsidiaries reporting directly or indirectly to it. Sustainability/esg-data-model/Vendor
DunBradstreetDivision There are eight (8) types of business relationships defined in D&B WorldBase:Single Location SubsidiaryA single location subsidiary has reporting responsibilities to its parent; however, it does not have branches or subsidiaries reporting to it. Do not confuse this with a stand-alone business which is titled "single location" and is not part of a corporate family.HeadquartersA headquarters is a business establishment that has branches or divisions reporting to it, and is financially responsible for those branches or divisions. If the headquarters is more that 50% owned by another corporation, it also will be a subsidiary. If it owns more that 50% of another corporation, then it is also a parent.BranchA branch is a secondary location of its headquarters. It has no legal responsibility for its debts, even though bills may be paid from the branch location. It will have the same legal business name as its headquarters, although branches frequently operate under a different trade style than the headquarters establishment. A branch may be located at the same address as the headquarters if it has a unique trade style. In such cases, the branch may appear to be a duplicate with a different D-U-N-S number than the headquarters record, which may confuse customers if they don't purchase the trade style field.DivisionA division, like a branch, is a secondary location of a business. However, a division carries out specific business operations related to the headquarters under a divisional name. Divisions look similar to branches in D&B WorldBase and carry a branch code.SubsidiaryA subsidiary is a corporation that is more than 50% owned by another corporation and will have a different legal business name from its parent company. A subsidiary may have branches or subsidiaries of its own. If it does, then its D-U-N-S Number appears in the headquarter/parent D-U-N-S Number field of its children.ParentA parent is a corporation that owns more than 50 percent of another corporation. The parent company also may be a subsidiary of another corporation. If the parent also has branches, then it is also a headquarters.Domestic UltimateThe Domestic Ultimate is a subsidiary within the global family tree which is the highest ranking member within a specific country.Global UltimateThe Global Ultimate is the top most responsible entity within the global family tree. The Global Ultimate may have branches or subsidiaries reporting directly or indirectly to it. Sustainability/esg-data-model/Vendor
DunBradstreetSubsidiary There are eight (8) types of business relationships defined in D&B WorldBase:Single Location SubsidiaryA single location subsidiary has reporting responsibilities to its parent; however, it does not have branches or subsidiaries reporting to it. Do not confuse this with a stand-alone business which is titled "single location" and is not part of a corporate family.HeadquartersA headquarters is a business establishment that has branches or divisions reporting to it, and is financially responsible for those branches or divisions. If the headquarters is more that 50% owned by another corporation, it also will be a subsidiary. If it owns more that 50% of another corporation, then it is also a parent.BranchA branch is a secondary location of its headquarters. It has no legal responsibility for its debts, even though bills may be paid from the branch location. It will have the same legal business name as its headquarters, although branches frequently operate under a different trade style than the headquarters establishment. A branch may be located at the same address as the headquarters if it has a unique trade style. In such cases, the branch may appear to be a duplicate with a different D-U-N-S number than the headquarters record, which may confuse customers if they don't purchase the trade style field.DivisionA division, like a branch, is a secondary location of a business. However, a division carries out specific business operations related to the headquarters under a divisional name. Divisions look similar to branches in D&B WorldBase and carry a branch code.SubsidiaryA subsidiary is a corporation that is more than 50% owned by another corporation and will have a different legal business name from its parent company. A subsidiary may have branches or subsidiaries of its own. If it does, then its D-U-N-S Number appears in the headquarter/parent D-U-N-S Number field of its children.ParentA parent is a corporation that owns more than 50 percent of another corporation. The parent company also may be a subsidiary of another corporation. If the parent also has branches, then it is also a headquarters.Domestic UltimateThe Domestic Ultimate is a subsidiary within the global family tree which is the highest ranking member within a specific country.Global UltimateThe Global Ultimate is the top most responsible entity within the global family tree. The Global Ultimate may have branches or subsidiaries reporting directly or indirectly to it. Sustainability/esg-data-model/Vendor
DunBradstreetParent There are eight (8) types of business relationships defined in D&B WorldBase:Single Location SubsidiaryA single location subsidiary has reporting responsibilities to its parent; however, it does not have branches or subsidiaries reporting to it. Do not confuse this with a stand-alone business which is titled "single location" and is not part of a corporate family.HeadquartersA headquarters is a business establishment that has branches or divisions reporting to it, and is financially responsible for those branches or divisions. If the headquarters is more that 50% owned by another corporation, it also will be a subsidiary. If it owns more that 50% of another corporation, then it is also a parent.BranchA branch is a secondary location of its headquarters. It has no legal responsibility for its debts, even though bills may be paid from the branch location. It will have the same legal business name as its headquarters, although branches frequently operate under a different trade style than the headquarters establishment. A branch may be located at the same address as the headquarters if it has a unique trade style. In such cases, the branch may appear to be a duplicate with a different D-U-N-S number than the headquarters record, which may confuse customers if they don't purchase the trade style field.DivisionA division, like a branch, is a secondary location of a business. However, a division carries out specific business operations related to the headquarters under a divisional name. Divisions look similar to branches in D&B WorldBase and carry a branch code.SubsidiaryA subsidiary is a corporation that is more than 50% owned by another corporation and will have a different legal business name from its parent company. A subsidiary may have branches or subsidiaries of its own. If it does, then its D-U-N-S Number appears in the headquarter/parent D-U-N-S Number field of its children.ParentA parent is a corporation that owns more than 50 percent of another corporation. The parent company also may be a subsidiary of another corporation. If the parent also has branches, then it is also a headquarters.Domestic UltimateThe Domestic Ultimate is a subsidiary within the global family tree which is the highest ranking member within a specific country.Global UltimateThe Global Ultimate is the top most responsible entity within the global family tree. The Global Ultimate may have branches or subsidiaries reporting directly or indirectly to it. Sustainability/esg-data-model/Vendor
DunBradstreetUltimate There are eight (8) types of business relationships defined in D&B WorldBase:Single Location SubsidiaryA single location subsidiary has reporting responsibilities to its parent; however, it does not have branches or subsidiaries reporting to it. Do not confuse this with a stand-alone business which is titled "single location" and is not part of a corporate family.HeadquartersA headquarters is a business establishment that has branches or divisions reporting to it, and is financially responsible for those branches or divisions. If the headquarters is more that 50% owned by another corporation, it also will be a subsidiary. If it owns more that 50% of another corporation, then it is also a parent.BranchA branch is a secondary location of its headquarters. It has no legal responsibility for its debts, even though bills may be paid from the branch location. It will have the same legal business name as its headquarters, although branches frequently operate under a different trade style than the headquarters establishment. A branch may be located at the same address as the headquarters if it has a unique trade style. In such cases, the branch may appear to be a duplicate with a different D-U-N-S number than the headquarters record, which may confuse customers if they don't purchase the trade style field.DivisionA division, like a branch, is a secondary location of a business. However, a division carries out specific business operations related to the headquarters under a divisional name. Divisions look similar to branches in D&B WorldBase and carry a branch code.SubsidiaryA subsidiary is a corporation that is more than 50% owned by another corporation and will have a different legal business name from its parent company. A subsidiary may have branches or subsidiaries of its own. If it does, then its D-U-N-S Number appears in the headquarter/parent D-U-N-S Number field of its children.ParentA parent is a corporation that owns more than 50 percent of another corporation. The parent company also may be a subsidiary of another corporation. If the parent also has branches, then it is also a headquarters.Domestic UltimateThe Domestic Ultimate is a subsidiary within the global family tree which is the highest ranking member within a specific country.Global UltimateThe Global Ultimate is the top most responsible entity within the global family tree. The Global Ultimate may have branches or subsidiaries reporting directly or indirectly to it. Sustainability/esg-data-model/Vendor
DunBradstreetGlobalUltimate There are eight (8) types of business relationships defined in D&B WorldBase:Single Location SubsidiaryA single location subsidiary has reporting responsibilities to its parent; however, it does not have branches or subsidiaries reporting to it. Do not confuse this with a stand-alone business which is titled "single location" and is not part of a corporate family.HeadquartersA headquarters is a business establishment that has branches or divisions reporting to it, and is financially responsible for those branches or divisions. If the headquarters is more that 50% owned by another corporation, it also will be a subsidiary. If it owns more that 50% of another corporation, then it is also a parent.BranchA branch is a secondary location of its headquarters. It has no legal responsibility for its debts, even though bills may be paid from the branch location. It will have the same legal business name as its headquarters, although branches frequently operate under a different trade style than the headquarters establishment. A branch may be located at the same address as the headquarters if it has a unique trade style. In such cases, the branch may appear to be a duplicate with a different D-U-N-S number than the headquarters record, which may confuse customers if they don't purchase the trade style field.DivisionA division, like a branch, is a secondary location of a business. However, a division carries out specific business operations related to the headquarters under a divisional name. Divisions look similar to branches in D&B WorldBase and carry a branch code.SubsidiaryA subsidiary is a corporation that is more than 50% owned by another corporation and will have a different legal business name from its parent company. A subsidiary may have branches or subsidiaries of its own. If it does, then its D-U-N-S Number appears in the headquarter/parent D-U-N-S Number field of its children.ParentA parent is a corporation that owns more than 50 percent of another corporation. The parent company also may be a subsidiary of another corporation. If the parent also has branches, then it is also a headquarters.Domestic UltimateThe Domestic Ultimate is a subsidiary within the global family tree which is the highest ranking member within a specific country.Global UltimateThe Global Ultimate is the top most responsible entity within the global family tree. The Global Ultimate may have branches or subsidiaries reporting directly or indirectly to it. Sustainability/esg-data-model/Vendor
LegalEntityFormId The unique identifier of the Legal Entity Form. Sustainability/esg-data-model/Vendor
ResponsibilityCenterId The unique identifier of a Responsibility Center. Sustainability/esg-data-model/Vendor
LedgerId The unique identifier of a Ledger. Sustainability/esg-data-model/Vendor
LedgerAccountNumber The unique identifier of a Ledger Account. Sustainability/esg-data-model/Vendor
NaicsNationalIndustryCode The unique identifier of a NAICS National Industry Code. Sustainability/esg-data-model/Vendor
SicIndustryCode The unique identifier of the SIC Industry. Sustainability/esg-data-model/Vendor
AnzsicClassCode The unique identifier of an ANZSIC Class. Sustainability/esg-data-model/Vendor
IsoCurrencyCode The ISO 4217 currency code. Sustainability/esg-data-model/Vendor
PartyId The unique identifier of a Party. Sustainability/esg-data-model/Vendor


The unique identifier of a Vendor. First included in: Sustainability/esg-data-model/Vendor (this entity)


displayNameVendor ID
descriptionThe unique identifier of a Vendor.


List of traits for the VendorId attribute are listed below.

indicates an atomic but multi-unit version of a fundamental type such as a multi byte encoded character, a double precision float, a long integer.

names a specific identity attribute to use with an entity

ParameterValueData typeExplanation

The schema object has an identifier, which is a string, specified as the parameter of the trait. It allows writers to define more identification values.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
identifier"{5044D47C-378E-4A2C-820C-0A68D2B15559}"stringThe identifier for the schema object. There's no uniqueness guarantee enforced by CDM. It's a contract between reader and writer of the schema.

Holds the list of language specific display text for an object.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
enVendor ID
entitya reference to the constant entity holding the list of localized text

Holds the list of language specific descriptive text for an object.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
enThe unique identifier of a Vendor.
entitya reference to the constant entity holding the list of localized text

indicates an atomic but multi-unit version of a fundamental type such as a multi byte encoded character, a double precision float, a long integer.


The business name of the Vendor. First included in: Sustainability/esg-data-model/Vendor (this entity)


displayNameVendor Name
descriptionThe business name of the Vendor.


List of traits for the VendorName attribute are listed below.

indicates an atomic but multi-unit version of a fundamental type such as a multi byte encoded character, a double precision float, a long integer.

indicates a contiguous sequence of fundamental units that should be taken as a whole and considered one value. Array of Character is a String, and Array of Byte is a Binary Object.

The schema object has an identifier, which is a string, specified as the parameter of the trait. It allows writers to define more identification values.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
identifier"{168FF16D-F210-4B65-99CA-8B1C6EDA5F97}"stringThe identifier for the schema object. There's no uniqueness guarantee enforced by CDM. It's a contract between reader and writer of the schema.

The attribute value can be set to NULL.

Holds the list of language specific display text for an object.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
enVendor Name
entitya reference to the constant entity holding the list of localized text

Holds the list of language specific descriptive text for an object.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
enThe business name of the Vendor.
entitya reference to the constant entity holding the list of localized text

maximum length or value constraints

ParameterValueData typeExplanation

indicates a contiguous sequence of fundamental units that should be taken as a whole and considered one value. Array of Character is a String, and Array of Byte is a Binary Object.


The phonetic name shows the pronunciation of the Vendor Name using the international phonetic alphabet, which uses special signs to represent the different sounds made by the voice in speech. First included in: Sustainability/esg-data-model/Vendor (this entity)


displayNameVendor Phonetic Name
descriptionThe phonetic name shows the pronunciation of the Vendor Name using the international phonetic alphabet, which uses special signs to represent the different sounds made by the voice in speech.


List of traits for the VendorPhoneticName attribute are listed below.

indicates an atomic but multi-unit version of a fundamental type such as a multi byte encoded character, a double precision float, a long integer.

indicates a contiguous sequence of fundamental units that should be taken as a whole and considered one value. Array of Character is a String, and Array of Byte is a Binary Object.

The schema object has an identifier, which is a string, specified as the parameter of the trait. It allows writers to define more identification values.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
identifier"{34FC33B2-0FDA-4E52-A8E2-1807F27D804E}"stringThe identifier for the schema object. There's no uniqueness guarantee enforced by CDM. It's a contract between reader and writer of the schema.

The attribute value can be set to NULL.

Holds the list of language specific display text for an object.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
enVendor Phonetic Name
entitya reference to the constant entity holding the list of localized text

Holds the list of language specific descriptive text for an object.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
enThe phonetic name shows the pronunciation of the Vendor Name using the international phonetic alphabet, which uses special signs to represent the different sounds made by the voice in speech.
entitya reference to the constant entity holding the list of localized text

maximum length or value constraints

ParameterValueData typeExplanation

indicates a contiguous sequence of fundamental units that should be taken as a whole and considered one value. Array of Character is a String, and Array of Byte is a Binary Object.


A narrative, description or more detail regarding the associated Vendor. First included in: Sustainability/esg-data-model/Vendor (this entity)


displayNameVendor Note
descriptionA narrative, description or more detail regarding the associated Vendor.


List of traits for the VendorNote attribute are listed below.

indicates an atomic but multi-unit version of a fundamental type such as a multi byte encoded character, a double precision float, a long integer.

indicates a contiguous sequence of fundamental units that should be taken as a whole and considered one value. Array of Character is a String, and Array of Byte is a Binary Object.

The schema object has an identifier, which is a string, specified as the parameter of the trait. It allows writers to define more identification values.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
identifier"{05A6643F-375C-497D-99EF-5213BA304BC7}"stringThe identifier for the schema object. There's no uniqueness guarantee enforced by CDM. It's a contract between reader and writer of the schema.

The attribute value can be set to NULL.

Holds the list of language specific display text for an object.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
enVendor Note
entitya reference to the constant entity holding the list of localized text

Holds the list of language specific descriptive text for an object.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
enA narrative, description or more detail regarding the associated Vendor.
entitya reference to the constant entity holding the list of localized text

maximum length or value constraints

ParameterValueData typeExplanation

indicates a contiguous sequence of fundamental units that should be taken as a whole and considered one value. Array of Character is a String, and Array of Byte is a Binary Object.


The unique identifier of a Vendor Type. First included in: Sustainability/esg-data-model/Vendor (this entity)


displayNameVendor Type ID
descriptionThe unique identifier of a Vendor Type.


List of traits for the VendorTypeId attribute are listed below.

The attribute value can be set to NULL.

Holds the list of language specific display text for an object.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
enVendor Type ID
entitya reference to the constant entity holding the list of localized text

Holds the list of language specific descriptive text for an object.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
enThe unique identifier of a Vendor Type.
entitya reference to the constant entity holding the list of localized text

Marks the attributes that hold foreign key references to a linked (used as an attribute) entity. This attribute is added to the resolved entity to enumerate the referenced entities.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
entitya reference to the constant entity holding the list of entity references

The schema object has an identifier, which is a string, specified as the parameter of the trait. It allows writers to define more identification values.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
identifier"{06C0D92E-2FDE-40E3-89CD-44CA8C805FCF}"stringThe identifier for the schema object. There's no uniqueness guarantee enforced by CDM. It's a contract between reader and writer of the schema.



The date that the Vendor was established. First included in: Sustainability/esg-data-model/Vendor (this entity)


displayNameVendor Date Of Establishment
descriptionThe date that the Vendor was established.


List of traits for the VendorDateOfEstablishment attribute are listed below.

The schema object has an identifier, which is a string, specified as the parameter of the trait. It allows writers to define more identification values.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
identifier"{2FD54695-5C9F-4559-B1A9-F1D677205435}"stringThe identifier for the schema object. There's no uniqueness guarantee enforced by CDM. It's a contract between reader and writer of the schema.

The attribute value can be set to NULL.

Holds the list of language specific display text for an object.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
enVendor Date Of Establishment
entitya reference to the constant entity holding the list of localized text

Holds the list of language specific descriptive text for an object.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
enThe date that the Vendor was established.
entitya reference to the constant entity holding the list of localized text



The state in which the Vendor was established. First included in: Sustainability/esg-data-model/Vendor (this entity)


displayNameState Of Vendor Establishment
descriptionThe state in which the Vendor was established.


List of traits for the StateOfVendorEstablishment attribute are listed below.

indicates an atomic but multi-unit version of a fundamental type such as a multi byte encoded character, a double precision float, a long integer.

indicates a contiguous sequence of fundamental units that should be taken as a whole and considered one value. Array of Character is a String, and Array of Byte is a Binary Object.

The schema object has an identifier, which is a string, specified as the parameter of the trait. It allows writers to define more identification values.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
identifier"{1A559BED-2646-4486-90F2-3AAF80A29B28}"stringThe identifier for the schema object. There's no uniqueness guarantee enforced by CDM. It's a contract between reader and writer of the schema.

The attribute value can be set to NULL.

Holds the list of language specific display text for an object.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
enState Of Vendor Establishment
entitya reference to the constant entity holding the list of localized text

Holds the list of language specific descriptive text for an object.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
enThe state in which the Vendor was established.
entitya reference to the constant entity holding the list of localized text

maximum length or value constraints

ParameterValueData typeExplanation

indicates a contiguous sequence of fundamental units that should be taken as a whole and considered one value. Array of Character is a String, and Array of Byte is a Binary Object.


The country in which the Vendor was established. First included in: Sustainability/esg-data-model/Vendor (this entity)


displayNameCountry Of Vendor Establishment
descriptionThe country in which the Vendor was established.


List of traits for the CountryOfVendorEstablishment attribute are listed below.

indicates an atomic but multi-unit version of a fundamental type such as a multi byte encoded character, a double precision float, a long integer.

indicates a contiguous sequence of fundamental units that should be taken as a whole and considered one value. Array of Character is a String, and Array of Byte is a Binary Object.

The schema object has an identifier, which is a string, specified as the parameter of the trait. It allows writers to define more identification values.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
identifier"{3AEA1128-90DA-4349-BE69-A6FA161132F0}"stringThe identifier for the schema object. There's no uniqueness guarantee enforced by CDM. It's a contract between reader and writer of the schema.

The attribute value can be set to NULL.

Holds the list of language specific display text for an object.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
enCountry Of Vendor Establishment
entitya reference to the constant entity holding the list of localized text

Holds the list of language specific descriptive text for an object.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
enThe country in which the Vendor was established.
entitya reference to the constant entity holding the list of localized text

maximum length or value constraints

ParameterValueData typeExplanation

indicates a contiguous sequence of fundamental units that should be taken as a whole and considered one value. Array of Character is a String, and Array of Byte is a Binary Object.


The state in which the Vendor has it's primary business or official residence. First included in: Sustainability/esg-data-model/Vendor (this entity)


displayNameState Of Vendor Residence
descriptionThe state in which the Vendor has it's primary business or official residence.


List of traits for the StateOfVendorResidence attribute are listed below.

indicates an atomic but multi-unit version of a fundamental type such as a multi byte encoded character, a double precision float, a long integer.

indicates a contiguous sequence of fundamental units that should be taken as a whole and considered one value. Array of Character is a String, and Array of Byte is a Binary Object.

The schema object has an identifier, which is a string, specified as the parameter of the trait. It allows writers to define more identification values.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
identifier"{4856B163-9D29-4A04-A94D-FF490E729643}"stringThe identifier for the schema object. There's no uniqueness guarantee enforced by CDM. It's a contract between reader and writer of the schema.

The attribute value can be set to NULL.

Holds the list of language specific display text for an object.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
enState Of Vendor Residence
entitya reference to the constant entity holding the list of localized text

Holds the list of language specific descriptive text for an object.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
enThe state in which the Vendor has it's primary business or official residence.
entitya reference to the constant entity holding the list of localized text

maximum length or value constraints

ParameterValueData typeExplanation

indicates a contiguous sequence of fundamental units that should be taken as a whole and considered one value. Array of Character is a String, and Array of Byte is a Binary Object.


The country in which the Vendor has it's primary business or official residence. First included in: Sustainability/esg-data-model/Vendor (this entity)


displayNameCountry Of Vendor Residence
descriptionThe country in which the Vendor has it's primary business or official residence.


List of traits for the CountryOfVendorResidence attribute are listed below.

indicates an atomic but multi-unit version of a fundamental type such as a multi byte encoded character, a double precision float, a long integer.

indicates a contiguous sequence of fundamental units that should be taken as a whole and considered one value. Array of Character is a String, and Array of Byte is a Binary Object.

The schema object has an identifier, which is a string, specified as the parameter of the trait. It allows writers to define more identification values.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
identifier"{027BAFC6-8559-4511-AD02-B487E5F03E30}"stringThe identifier for the schema object. There's no uniqueness guarantee enforced by CDM. It's a contract between reader and writer of the schema.

The attribute value can be set to NULL.

Holds the list of language specific display text for an object.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
enCountry Of Vendor Residence
entitya reference to the constant entity holding the list of localized text

Holds the list of language specific descriptive text for an object.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
enThe country in which the Vendor has it's primary business or official residence.
entitya reference to the constant entity holding the list of localized text

maximum length or value constraints

ParameterValueData typeExplanation

indicates a contiguous sequence of fundamental units that should be taken as a whole and considered one value. Array of Character is a String, and Array of Byte is a Binary Object.


The first date that the Vendor entered into normal business or operations. First included in: Sustainability/esg-data-model/Vendor (this entity)


displayNameFirst Date Of Operation
descriptionThe first date that the Vendor entered into normal business or operations.


List of traits for the FirstDateOfOperation attribute are listed below.

The schema object has an identifier, which is a string, specified as the parameter of the trait. It allows writers to define more identification values.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
identifier"{0CBD4815-41A5-4475-8F86-B08114376E69}"stringThe identifier for the schema object. There's no uniqueness guarantee enforced by CDM. It's a contract between reader and writer of the schema.

The attribute value can be set to NULL.

Holds the list of language specific display text for an object.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
enFirst Date Of Operation
entitya reference to the constant entity holding the list of localized text

Holds the list of language specific descriptive text for an object.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
enThe first date that the Vendor entered into normal business or operations.
entitya reference to the constant entity holding the list of localized text



The date that current management assumed control of the Vendor's normal business operations. First included in: Sustainability/esg-data-model/Vendor (this entity)


displayNameCurrent Management First Control Date
descriptionThe date that current management assumed control of the Vendor's normal business operations.


List of traits for the CurrentManagementFirstControlDate attribute are listed below.

The schema object has an identifier, which is a string, specified as the parameter of the trait. It allows writers to define more identification values.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
identifier"{0D239564-35B8-4FAB-8815-1F4C7A830DF9}"stringThe identifier for the schema object. There's no uniqueness guarantee enforced by CDM. It's a contract between reader and writer of the schema.

The attribute value can be set to NULL.

Holds the list of language specific display text for an object.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
enCurrent Management First Control Date
entitya reference to the constant entity holding the list of localized text

Holds the list of language specific descriptive text for an object.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
enThe date that current management assumed control of the Vendor's normal business operations.
entitya reference to the constant entity holding the list of localized text



The name of the stock exchange that the security is listed upon. First included in: Sustainability/esg-data-model/Vendor (this entity)


displayNameStock Exchange Name
descriptionThe name of the stock exchange that the security is listed upon.


List of traits for the StockExchangeName attribute are listed below.

indicates an atomic but multi-unit version of a fundamental type such as a multi byte encoded character, a double precision float, a long integer.

indicates a contiguous sequence of fundamental units that should be taken as a whole and considered one value. Array of Character is a String, and Array of Byte is a Binary Object.

The schema object has an identifier, which is a string, specified as the parameter of the trait. It allows writers to define more identification values.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
identifier"{08D5316F-EBAD-48C4-91B3-116FB656841F}"stringThe identifier for the schema object. There's no uniqueness guarantee enforced by CDM. It's a contract between reader and writer of the schema.

The attribute value can be set to NULL.

Holds the list of language specific display text for an object.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
enStock Exchange Name
entitya reference to the constant entity holding the list of localized text

Holds the list of language specific descriptive text for an object.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
enThe name of the stock exchange that the security is listed upon.
entitya reference to the constant entity holding the list of localized text

maximum length or value constraints

ParameterValueData typeExplanation

indicates a contiguous sequence of fundamental units that should be taken as a whole and considered one value. Array of Character is a String, and Array of Byte is a Binary Object.


The security symbol of the Vendor, if any. First included in: Sustainability/esg-data-model/Vendor (this entity)


displayNameListed Security Symbol
descriptionThe security symbol of the Vendor, if any.


List of traits for the ListedSecuritySymbol attribute are listed below.

indicates an atomic but multi-unit version of a fundamental type such as a multi byte encoded character, a double precision float, a long integer.

indicates a contiguous sequence of fundamental units that should be taken as a whole and considered one value. Array of Character is a String, and Array of Byte is a Binary Object.

The schema object has an identifier, which is a string, specified as the parameter of the trait. It allows writers to define more identification values.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
identifier"{02367DA4-B5C5-426D-B310-269E7CADC004}"stringThe identifier for the schema object. There's no uniqueness guarantee enforced by CDM. It's a contract between reader and writer of the schema.

The attribute value can be set to NULL.

Holds the list of language specific display text for an object.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
enListed Security Symbol
entitya reference to the constant entity holding the list of localized text

Holds the list of language specific descriptive text for an object.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
enThe security symbol of the Vendor, if any.
entitya reference to the constant entity holding the list of localized text

maximum length or value constraints

ParameterValueData typeExplanation

indicates a contiguous sequence of fundamental units that should be taken as a whole and considered one value. Array of Character is a String, and Array of Byte is a Binary Object.


Indicates that bankruptcy proceeding exist for the Vendor customer, which is a proceeding under the U.S. Bankruptcy Code, in which either a debtor files a bankruptcy petition and voluntarily seeks protection from creditors, or creditors file a bankruptcy petition against a debtor to force the debtor to pay debts owed to them. First included in: Sustainability/esg-data-model/Vendor (this entity)


displayNameBankruptcy Indicator
descriptionIndicates that bankruptcy proceeding exist for the Vendor customer, which is a proceeding under the U.S. Bankruptcy Code, in which either a debtor files a bankruptcy petition and voluntarily seeks protection from creditors, or creditors file a bankruptcy petition against a debtor to force the debtor to pay debts owed to them.


List of traits for the BankruptcyIndicator attribute are listed below.

The schema object has an identifier, which is a string, specified as the parameter of the trait. It allows writers to define more identification values.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
identifier"{5DDBFF0E-C2C5-4C98-8163-BF15D279666E}"stringThe identifier for the schema object. There's no uniqueness guarantee enforced by CDM. It's a contract between reader and writer of the schema.

The attribute value can be set to NULL.

Holds the list of language specific display text for an object.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
enBankruptcy Indicator
entitya reference to the constant entity holding the list of localized text

Holds the list of language specific descriptive text for an object.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
enIndicates that bankruptcy proceeding exist for the Vendor customer, which is a proceeding under the U.S. Bankruptcy Code, in which either a debtor files a bankruptcy petition and voluntarily seeks protection from creditors, or creditors file a bankruptcy petition against a debtor to force the debtor to pay debts owed to them.
entitya reference to the constant entity holding the list of localized text



Indicates that business is a small business by SBA guidelines. First included in: Sustainability/esg-data-model/Vendor (this entity)


displayNameSmall Business Indicator
descriptionIndicates that business is a small business by SBA guidelines.


List of traits for the SmallBusinessIndicator attribute are listed below.

The schema object has an identifier, which is a string, specified as the parameter of the trait. It allows writers to define more identification values.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
identifier"{69EE947F-57A7-4639-90AA-F515761A9B99}"stringThe identifier for the schema object. There's no uniqueness guarantee enforced by CDM. It's a contract between reader and writer of the schema.

The attribute value can be set to NULL.

Holds the list of language specific display text for an object.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
enSmall Business Indicator
entitya reference to the constant entity holding the list of localized text

Holds the list of language specific descriptive text for an object.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
enIndicates that business is a small business by SBA guidelines.
entitya reference to the constant entity holding the list of localized text



Notes manufacturing operations occur at site. First included in: Sustainability/esg-data-model/Vendor (this entity)


displayNameManufacturing Indicator
descriptionNotes manufacturing operations occur at site.


List of traits for the ManufacturingIndicator attribute are listed below.

The schema object has an identifier, which is a string, specified as the parameter of the trait. It allows writers to define more identification values.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
identifier"{29100DFC-B87B-4C47-ADE0-56421C98778B}"stringThe identifier for the schema object. There's no uniqueness guarantee enforced by CDM. It's a contract between reader and writer of the schema.

The attribute value can be set to NULL.

Holds the list of language specific display text for an object.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
enManufacturing Indicator
entitya reference to the constant entity holding the list of localized text

Holds the list of language specific descriptive text for an object.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
enNotes manufacturing operations occur at site.
entitya reference to the constant entity holding the list of localized text



Identifies companies with parent outside of the U.S. First included in: Sustainability/esg-data-model/Vendor (this entity)


displayNameForeign Owned Indicator
descriptionIdentifies companies with parent outside of the U.S.


List of traits for the ForeignOwnedIndicator attribute are listed below.

The schema object has an identifier, which is a string, specified as the parameter of the trait. It allows writers to define more identification values.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
identifier"{1E0BA4B8-DACE-4E3F-879C-3490C6AC137C}"stringThe identifier for the schema object. There's no uniqueness guarantee enforced by CDM. It's a contract between reader and writer of the schema.

The attribute value can be set to NULL.

Holds the list of language specific display text for an object.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
enForeign Owned Indicator
entitya reference to the constant entity holding the list of localized text

Holds the list of language specific descriptive text for an object.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
enIdentifies companies with parent outside of the U.S.
entitya reference to the constant entity holding the list of localized text



The DUNS number is a nine-digit number issued by Dun & Bradstreet and assigned to each business location in the D&B database having a unique, separate, and distinct operation to businesses for the purpose of identifying them. The number as issued is random and the digits apparently have no significance as to their issuance. First included in: Sustainability/esg-data-model/Vendor (this entity)


displayNameDUNS Number
descriptionThe DUNS number is a nine-digit number issued by Dun & Bradstreet and assigned to each business location in the D&B database having a unique, separate, and distinct operation to businesses for the purpose of identifying them. The number as issued is random and the digits apparently have no significance as to their issuance.


List of traits for the DunsNumber attribute are listed below.

for setting the exact precision and scale of numeric values

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
precision"9"integerthe total number of significant digits
scale"0"integerthe number of digits to the right of the decimal place

The schema object has an identifier, which is a string, specified as the parameter of the trait. It allows writers to define more identification values.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
identifier"{46C05057-08F8-43C1-B24B-8B21FDB1BA2B}"stringThe identifier for the schema object. There's no uniqueness guarantee enforced by CDM. It's a contract between reader and writer of the schema.

The attribute value can be set to NULL.

Holds the list of language specific display text for an object.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
enDUNS Number
entitya reference to the constant entity holding the list of localized text

Holds the list of language specific descriptive text for an object.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
enThe DUNS number is a nine-digit number issued by Dun & Bradstreet and assigned to each business location in the D&B database having a unique, separate, and distinct operation to businesses for the purpose of identifying them. The number as issued is random and the digits apparently have no significance as to their issuance.
entitya reference to the constant entity holding the list of localized text

for setting the exact precision and scale of numeric values


There are eight (8) types of business relationships defined in D&B WorldBase:

Single Location Subsidiary

A single location subsidiary has reporting responsibilities to its parent; however, it does not have branches or subsidiaries reporting to it. Do not confuse this with a stand-alone business which is titled "single location" and is not part of a corporate family.


A headquarters is a business establishment that has branches or divisions reporting to it, and is financially responsible for those branches or divisions. If the headquarters is more that 50% owned by another corporation, it also will be a subsidiary. If it owns more that 50% of another corporation, then it is also a parent.


A branch is a secondary location of its headquarters. It has no legal responsibility for its debts, even though bills may be paid from the branch location. It will have the same legal business name as its headquarters, although branches frequently operate under a different trade style than the headquarters establishment. A branch may be located at the same address as the headquarters if it has a unique trade style. In such cases, the branch may appear to be a duplicate with a different D-U-N-S number than the headquarters record, which may confuse customers if they don't purchase the trade style field.


A division, like a branch, is a secondary location of a business. However, a division carries out specific business operations related to the headquarters under a divisional name. Divisions look similar to branches in D&B WorldBase and carry a branch code.


A subsidiary is a corporation that is more than 50% owned by another corporation and will have a different legal business name from its parent company. A subsidiary may have branches or subsidiaries of its own. If it does, then its D-U-N-S Number appears in the headquarter/parent D-U-N-S Number field of its children.


A parent is a corporation that owns more than 50 percent of another corporation. The parent company also may be a subsidiary of another corporation. If the parent also has branches, then it is also a headquarters.

Domestic Ultimate

The Domestic Ultimate is a subsidiary within the global family tree which is the highest ranking member within a specific country.

Global Ultimate

The Global Ultimate is the top most responsible entity within the global family tree. The Global Ultimate may have branches or subsidiaries reporting directly or indirectly to it. First included in: Sustainability/esg-data-model/Vendor (this entity)


displayNameDun Bradstreet Single Location Subsidiary
descriptionThere are eight (8) types of business relationships defined in D&B WorldBase:

Single Location Subsidiary

A single location subsidiary has reporting responsibilities to its parent; however, it does not have branches or subsidiaries reporting to it. Do not confuse this with a stand-alone business which is titled "single location" and is not part of a corporate family.


A headquarters is a business establishment that has branches or divisions reporting to it, and is financially responsible for those branches or divisions. If the headquarters is more that 50% owned by another corporation, it also will be a subsidiary. If it owns more that 50% of another corporation, then it is also a parent.


A branch is a secondary location of its headquarters. It has no legal responsibility for its debts, even though bills may be paid from the branch location. It will have the same legal business name as its headquarters, although branches frequently operate under a different trade style than the headquarters establishment. A branch may be located at the same address as the headquarters if it has a unique trade style. In such cases, the branch may appear to be a duplicate with a different D-U-N-S number than the headquarters record, which may confuse customers if they don't purchase the trade style field.


A division, like a branch, is a secondary location of a business. However, a division carries out specific business operations related to the headquarters under a divisional name. Divisions look similar to branches in D&B WorldBase and carry a branch code.


A subsidiary is a corporation that is more than 50% owned by another corporation and will have a different legal business name from its parent company. A subsidiary may have branches or subsidiaries of its own. If it does, then its D-U-N-S Number appears in the headquarter/parent D-U-N-S Number field of its children.


A parent is a corporation that owns more than 50 percent of another corporation. The parent company also may be a subsidiary of another corporation. If the parent also has branches, then it is also a headquarters.

Domestic Ultimate

The Domestic Ultimate is a subsidiary within the global family tree which is the highest ranking member within a specific country.

Global Ultimate

The Global Ultimate is the top most responsible entity within the global family tree. The Global Ultimate may have branches or subsidiaries reporting directly or indirectly to it.



List of traits for the DunBradstreetSingleLocationSubsidiary attribute are listed below.

The schema object has an identifier, which is a string, specified as the parameter of the trait. It allows writers to define more identification values.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
identifier"{0C18746B-DC77-4A4A-BB91-E63DA05E40EC}"stringThe identifier for the schema object. There's no uniqueness guarantee enforced by CDM. It's a contract between reader and writer of the schema.

The attribute value can be set to NULL.

Holds the list of language specific display text for an object.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
enDun Bradstreet Single Location Subsidiary
entitya reference to the constant entity holding the list of localized text

Holds the list of language specific descriptive text for an object.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
enThere are eight (8) types of business relationships defined in D&B WorldBase:

Single Location Subsidiary

A single location subsidiary has reporting responsibilities to its parent; however, it does not have branches or subsidiaries reporting to it. Do not confuse this with a stand-alone business which is titled "single location" and is not part of a corporate family.


A headquarters is a business establishment that has branches or divisions reporting to it, and is financially responsible for those branches or divisions. If the headquarters is more that 50% owned by another corporation, it also will be a subsidiary. If it owns more that 50% of another corporation, then it is also a parent.


A branch is a secondary location of its headquarters. It has no legal responsibility for its debts, even though bills may be paid from the branch location. It will have the same legal business name as its headquarters, although branches frequently operate under a different trade style than the headquarters establishment. A branch may be located at the same address as the headquarters if it has a unique trade style. In such cases, the branch may appear to be a duplicate with a different D-U-N-S number than the headquarters record, which may confuse customers if they don't purchase the trade style field.


A division, like a branch, is a secondary location of a business. However, a division carries out specific business operations related to the headquarters under a divisional name. Divisions look similar to branches in D&B WorldBase and carry a branch code.


A subsidiary is a corporation that is more than 50% owned by another corporation and will have a different legal business name from its parent company. A subsidiary may have branches or subsidiaries of its own. If it does, then its D-U-N-S Number appears in the headquarter/parent D-U-N-S Number field of its children.


A parent is a corporation that owns more than 50 percent of another corporation. The parent company also may be a subsidiary of another corporation. If the parent also has branches, then it is also a headquarters.

Domestic Ultimate

The Domestic Ultimate is a subsidiary within the global family tree which is the highest ranking member within a specific country.

Global Ultimate

The Global Ultimate is the top most responsible entity within the global family tree. The Global Ultimate may have branches or subsidiaries reporting directly or indirectly to it.

entitya reference to the constant entity holding the list of localized text



There are eight (8) types of business relationships defined in D&B WorldBase:

Single Location Subsidiary

A single location subsidiary has reporting responsibilities to its parent; however, it does not have branches or subsidiaries reporting to it. Do not confuse this with a stand-alone business which is titled "single location" and is not part of a corporate family.


A headquarters is a business establishment that has branches or divisions reporting to it, and is financially responsible for those branches or divisions. If the headquarters is more that 50% owned by another corporation, it also will be a subsidiary. If it owns more that 50% of another corporation, then it is also a parent.


A branch is a secondary location of its headquarters. It has no legal responsibility for its debts, even though bills may be paid from the branch location. It will have the same legal business name as its headquarters, although branches frequently operate under a different trade style than the headquarters establishment. A branch may be located at the same address as the headquarters if it has a unique trade style. In such cases, the branch may appear to be a duplicate with a different D-U-N-S number than the headquarters record, which may confuse customers if they don't purchase the trade style field.


A division, like a branch, is a secondary location of a business. However, a division carries out specific business operations related to the headquarters under a divisional name. Divisions look similar to branches in D&B WorldBase and carry a branch code.


A subsidiary is a corporation that is more than 50% owned by another corporation and will have a different legal business name from its parent company. A subsidiary may have branches or subsidiaries of its own. If it does, then its D-U-N-S Number appears in the headquarter/parent D-U-N-S Number field of its children.


A parent is a corporation that owns more than 50 percent of another corporation. The parent company also may be a subsidiary of another corporation. If the parent also has branches, then it is also a headquarters.

Domestic Ultimate

The Domestic Ultimate is a subsidiary within the global family tree which is the highest ranking member within a specific country.

Global Ultimate

The Global Ultimate is the top most responsible entity within the global family tree. The Global Ultimate may have branches or subsidiaries reporting directly or indirectly to it. First included in: Sustainability/esg-data-model/Vendor (this entity)


displayNameDun Bradstreet Headquarters
descriptionThere are eight (8) types of business relationships defined in D&B WorldBase:

Single Location Subsidiary

A single location subsidiary has reporting responsibilities to its parent; however, it does not have branches or subsidiaries reporting to it. Do not confuse this with a stand-alone business which is titled "single location" and is not part of a corporate family.


A headquarters is a business establishment that has branches or divisions reporting to it, and is financially responsible for those branches or divisions. If the headquarters is more that 50% owned by another corporation, it also will be a subsidiary. If it owns more that 50% of another corporation, then it is also a parent.


A branch is a secondary location of its headquarters. It has no legal responsibility for its debts, even though bills may be paid from the branch location. It will have the same legal business name as its headquarters, although branches frequently operate under a different trade style than the headquarters establishment. A branch may be located at the same address as the headquarters if it has a unique trade style. In such cases, the branch may appear to be a duplicate with a different D-U-N-S number than the headquarters record, which may confuse customers if they don't purchase the trade style field.


A division, like a branch, is a secondary location of a business. However, a division carries out specific business operations related to the headquarters under a divisional name. Divisions look similar to branches in D&B WorldBase and carry a branch code.


A subsidiary is a corporation that is more than 50% owned by another corporation and will have a different legal business name from its parent company. A subsidiary may have branches or subsidiaries of its own. If it does, then its D-U-N-S Number appears in the headquarter/parent D-U-N-S Number field of its children.


A parent is a corporation that owns more than 50 percent of another corporation. The parent company also may be a subsidiary of another corporation. If the parent also has branches, then it is also a headquarters.

Domestic Ultimate

The Domestic Ultimate is a subsidiary within the global family tree which is the highest ranking member within a specific country.

Global Ultimate

The Global Ultimate is the top most responsible entity within the global family tree. The Global Ultimate may have branches or subsidiaries reporting directly or indirectly to it.



List of traits for the DunBradstreetHeadquarters attribute are listed below.

The schema object has an identifier, which is a string, specified as the parameter of the trait. It allows writers to define more identification values.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
identifier"{1D5FD916-D045-4055-9518-1AE40C246339}"stringThe identifier for the schema object. There's no uniqueness guarantee enforced by CDM. It's a contract between reader and writer of the schema.

The attribute value can be set to NULL.

Holds the list of language specific display text for an object.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
enDun Bradstreet Headquarters
entitya reference to the constant entity holding the list of localized text

Holds the list of language specific descriptive text for an object.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
enThere are eight (8) types of business relationships defined in D&B WorldBase:

Single Location Subsidiary

A single location subsidiary has reporting responsibilities to its parent; however, it does not have branches or subsidiaries reporting to it. Do not confuse this with a stand-alone business which is titled "single location" and is not part of a corporate family.


A headquarters is a business establishment that has branches or divisions reporting to it, and is financially responsible for those branches or divisions. If the headquarters is more that 50% owned by another corporation, it also will be a subsidiary. If it owns more that 50% of another corporation, then it is also a parent.


A branch is a secondary location of its headquarters. It has no legal responsibility for its debts, even though bills may be paid from the branch location. It will have the same legal business name as its headquarters, although branches frequently operate under a different trade style than the headquarters establishment. A branch may be located at the same address as the headquarters if it has a unique trade style. In such cases, the branch may appear to be a duplicate with a different D-U-N-S number than the headquarters record, which may confuse customers if they don't purchase the trade style field.


A division, like a branch, is a secondary location of a business. However, a division carries out specific business operations related to the headquarters under a divisional name. Divisions look similar to branches in D&B WorldBase and carry a branch code.


A subsidiary is a corporation that is more than 50% owned by another corporation and will have a different legal business name from its parent company. A subsidiary may have branches or subsidiaries of its own. If it does, then its D-U-N-S Number appears in the headquarter/parent D-U-N-S Number field of its children.


A parent is a corporation that owns more than 50 percent of another corporation. The parent company also may be a subsidiary of another corporation. If the parent also has branches, then it is also a headquarters.

Domestic Ultimate

The Domestic Ultimate is a subsidiary within the global family tree which is the highest ranking member within a specific country.

Global Ultimate

The Global Ultimate is the top most responsible entity within the global family tree. The Global Ultimate may have branches or subsidiaries reporting directly or indirectly to it.

entitya reference to the constant entity holding the list of localized text



There are eight (8) types of business relationships defined in D&B WorldBase:

Single Location Subsidiary

A single location subsidiary has reporting responsibilities to its parent; however, it does not have branches or subsidiaries reporting to it. Do not confuse this with a stand-alone business which is titled "single location" and is not part of a corporate family.


A headquarters is a business establishment that has branches or divisions reporting to it, and is financially responsible for those branches or divisions. If the headquarters is more that 50% owned by another corporation, it also will be a subsidiary. If it owns more that 50% of another corporation, then it is also a parent.


A branch is a secondary location of its headquarters. It has no legal responsibility for its debts, even though bills may be paid from the branch location. It will have the same legal business name as its headquarters, although branches frequently operate under a different trade style than the headquarters establishment. A branch may be located at the same address as the headquarters if it has a unique trade style. In such cases, the branch may appear to be a duplicate with a different D-U-N-S number than the headquarters record, which may confuse customers if they don't purchase the trade style field.


A division, like a branch, is a secondary location of a business. However, a division carries out specific business operations related to the headquarters under a divisional name. Divisions look similar to branches in D&B WorldBase and carry a branch code.


A subsidiary is a corporation that is more than 50% owned by another corporation and will have a different legal business name from its parent company. A subsidiary may have branches or subsidiaries of its own. If it does, then its D-U-N-S Number appears in the headquarter/parent D-U-N-S Number field of its children.


A parent is a corporation that owns more than 50 percent of another corporation. The parent company also may be a subsidiary of another corporation. If the parent also has branches, then it is also a headquarters.

Domestic Ultimate

The Domestic Ultimate is a subsidiary within the global family tree which is the highest ranking member within a specific country.

Global Ultimate

The Global Ultimate is the top most responsible entity within the global family tree. The Global Ultimate may have branches or subsidiaries reporting directly or indirectly to it. First included in: Sustainability/esg-data-model/Vendor (this entity)


displayNameDun Bradstreet Branch
descriptionThere are eight (8) types of business relationships defined in D&B WorldBase:

Single Location Subsidiary

A single location subsidiary has reporting responsibilities to its parent; however, it does not have branches or subsidiaries reporting to it. Do not confuse this with a stand-alone business which is titled "single location" and is not part of a corporate family.


A headquarters is a business establishment that has branches or divisions reporting to it, and is financially responsible for those branches or divisions. If the headquarters is more that 50% owned by another corporation, it also will be a subsidiary. If it owns more that 50% of another corporation, then it is also a parent.


A branch is a secondary location of its headquarters. It has no legal responsibility for its debts, even though bills may be paid from the branch location. It will have the same legal business name as its headquarters, although branches frequently operate under a different trade style than the headquarters establishment. A branch may be located at the same address as the headquarters if it has a unique trade style. In such cases, the branch may appear to be a duplicate with a different D-U-N-S number than the headquarters record, which may confuse customers if they don't purchase the trade style field.


A division, like a branch, is a secondary location of a business. However, a division carries out specific business operations related to the headquarters under a divisional name. Divisions look similar to branches in D&B WorldBase and carry a branch code.


A subsidiary is a corporation that is more than 50% owned by another corporation and will have a different legal business name from its parent company. A subsidiary may have branches or subsidiaries of its own. If it does, then its D-U-N-S Number appears in the headquarter/parent D-U-N-S Number field of its children.


A parent is a corporation that owns more than 50 percent of another corporation. The parent company also may be a subsidiary of another corporation. If the parent also has branches, then it is also a headquarters.

Domestic Ultimate

The Domestic Ultimate is a subsidiary within the global family tree which is the highest ranking member within a specific country.

Global Ultimate

The Global Ultimate is the top most responsible entity within the global family tree. The Global Ultimate may have branches or subsidiaries reporting directly or indirectly to it.



List of traits for the DunBradstreetBranch attribute are listed below.

The schema object has an identifier, which is a string, specified as the parameter of the trait. It allows writers to define more identification values.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
identifier"{435C6CAB-0453-432C-B394-FF5511749236}"stringThe identifier for the schema object. There's no uniqueness guarantee enforced by CDM. It's a contract between reader and writer of the schema.

The attribute value can be set to NULL.

Holds the list of language specific display text for an object.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
enDun Bradstreet Branch
entitya reference to the constant entity holding the list of localized text

Holds the list of language specific descriptive text for an object.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
enThere are eight (8) types of business relationships defined in D&B WorldBase:

Single Location Subsidiary

A single location subsidiary has reporting responsibilities to its parent; however, it does not have branches or subsidiaries reporting to it. Do not confuse this with a stand-alone business which is titled "single location" and is not part of a corporate family.


A headquarters is a business establishment that has branches or divisions reporting to it, and is financially responsible for those branches or divisions. If the headquarters is more that 50% owned by another corporation, it also will be a subsidiary. If it owns more that 50% of another corporation, then it is also a parent.


A branch is a secondary location of its headquarters. It has no legal responsibility for its debts, even though bills may be paid from the branch location. It will have the same legal business name as its headquarters, although branches frequently operate under a different trade style than the headquarters establishment. A branch may be located at the same address as the headquarters if it has a unique trade style. In such cases, the branch may appear to be a duplicate with a different D-U-N-S number than the headquarters record, which may confuse customers if they don't purchase the trade style field.


A division, like a branch, is a secondary location of a business. However, a division carries out specific business operations related to the headquarters under a divisional name. Divisions look similar to branches in D&B WorldBase and carry a branch code.


A subsidiary is a corporation that is more than 50% owned by another corporation and will have a different legal business name from its parent company. A subsidiary may have branches or subsidiaries of its own. If it does, then its D-U-N-S Number appears in the headquarter/parent D-U-N-S Number field of its children.


A parent is a corporation that owns more than 50 percent of another corporation. The parent company also may be a subsidiary of another corporation. If the parent also has branches, then it is also a headquarters.

Domestic Ultimate

The Domestic Ultimate is a subsidiary within the global family tree which is the highest ranking member within a specific country.

Global Ultimate

The Global Ultimate is the top most responsible entity within the global family tree. The Global Ultimate may have branches or subsidiaries reporting directly or indirectly to it.

entitya reference to the constant entity holding the list of localized text



There are eight (8) types of business relationships defined in D&B WorldBase:

Single Location Subsidiary

A single location subsidiary has reporting responsibilities to its parent; however, it does not have branches or subsidiaries reporting to it. Do not confuse this with a stand-alone business which is titled "single location" and is not part of a corporate family.


A headquarters is a business establishment that has branches or divisions reporting to it, and is financially responsible for those branches or divisions. If the headquarters is more that 50% owned by another corporation, it also will be a subsidiary. If it owns more that 50% of another corporation, then it is also a parent.


A branch is a secondary location of its headquarters. It has no legal responsibility for its debts, even though bills may be paid from the branch location. It will have the same legal business name as its headquarters, although branches frequently operate under a different trade style than the headquarters establishment. A branch may be located at the same address as the headquarters if it has a unique trade style. In such cases, the branch may appear to be a duplicate with a different D-U-N-S number than the headquarters record, which may confuse customers if they don't purchase the trade style field.


A division, like a branch, is a secondary location of a business. However, a division carries out specific business operations related to the headquarters under a divisional name. Divisions look similar to branches in D&B WorldBase and carry a branch code.


A subsidiary is a corporation that is more than 50% owned by another corporation and will have a different legal business name from its parent company. A subsidiary may have branches or subsidiaries of its own. If it does, then its D-U-N-S Number appears in the headquarter/parent D-U-N-S Number field of its children.


A parent is a corporation that owns more than 50 percent of another corporation. The parent company also may be a subsidiary of another corporation. If the parent also has branches, then it is also a headquarters.

Domestic Ultimate

The Domestic Ultimate is a subsidiary within the global family tree which is the highest ranking member within a specific country.

Global Ultimate

The Global Ultimate is the top most responsible entity within the global family tree. The Global Ultimate may have branches or subsidiaries reporting directly or indirectly to it. First included in: Sustainability/esg-data-model/Vendor (this entity)


displayNameDun Bradstreet Division
descriptionThere are eight (8) types of business relationships defined in D&B WorldBase:

Single Location Subsidiary

A single location subsidiary has reporting responsibilities to its parent; however, it does not have branches or subsidiaries reporting to it. Do not confuse this with a stand-alone business which is titled "single location" and is not part of a corporate family.


A headquarters is a business establishment that has branches or divisions reporting to it, and is financially responsible for those branches or divisions. If the headquarters is more that 50% owned by another corporation, it also will be a subsidiary. If it owns more that 50% of another corporation, then it is also a parent.


A branch is a secondary location of its headquarters. It has no legal responsibility for its debts, even though bills may be paid from the branch location. It will have the same legal business name as its headquarters, although branches frequently operate under a different trade style than the headquarters establishment. A branch may be located at the same address as the headquarters if it has a unique trade style. In such cases, the branch may appear to be a duplicate with a different D-U-N-S number than the headquarters record, which may confuse customers if they don't purchase the trade style field.


A division, like a branch, is a secondary location of a business. However, a division carries out specific business operations related to the headquarters under a divisional name. Divisions look similar to branches in D&B WorldBase and carry a branch code.


A subsidiary is a corporation that is more than 50% owned by another corporation and will have a different legal business name from its parent company. A subsidiary may have branches or subsidiaries of its own. If it does, then its D-U-N-S Number appears in the headquarter/parent D-U-N-S Number field of its children.


A parent is a corporation that owns more than 50 percent of another corporation. The parent company also may be a subsidiary of another corporation. If the parent also has branches, then it is also a headquarters.

Domestic Ultimate

The Domestic Ultimate is a subsidiary within the global family tree which is the highest ranking member within a specific country.

Global Ultimate

The Global Ultimate is the top most responsible entity within the global family tree. The Global Ultimate may have branches or subsidiaries reporting directly or indirectly to it.



List of traits for the DunBradstreetDivision attribute are listed below.

The schema object has an identifier, which is a string, specified as the parameter of the trait. It allows writers to define more identification values.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
identifier"{26ECAE4F-3363-41F9-9856-B83382C2A1F1}"stringThe identifier for the schema object. There's no uniqueness guarantee enforced by CDM. It's a contract between reader and writer of the schema.

The attribute value can be set to NULL.

Holds the list of language specific display text for an object.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
enDun Bradstreet Division
entitya reference to the constant entity holding the list of localized text

Holds the list of language specific descriptive text for an object.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
enThere are eight (8) types of business relationships defined in D&B WorldBase:

Single Location Subsidiary

A single location subsidiary has reporting responsibilities to its parent; however, it does not have branches or subsidiaries reporting to it. Do not confuse this with a stand-alone business which is titled "single location" and is not part of a corporate family.


A headquarters is a business establishment that has branches or divisions reporting to it, and is financially responsible for those branches or divisions. If the headquarters is more that 50% owned by another corporation, it also will be a subsidiary. If it owns more that 50% of another corporation, then it is also a parent.


A branch is a secondary location of its headquarters. It has no legal responsibility for its debts, even though bills may be paid from the branch location. It will have the same legal business name as its headquarters, although branches frequently operate under a different trade style than the headquarters establishment. A branch may be located at the same address as the headquarters if it has a unique trade style. In such cases, the branch may appear to be a duplicate with a different D-U-N-S number than the headquarters record, which may confuse customers if they don't purchase the trade style field.


A division, like a branch, is a secondary location of a business. However, a division carries out specific business operations related to the headquarters under a divisional name. Divisions look similar to branches in D&B WorldBase and carry a branch code.


A subsidiary is a corporation that is more than 50% owned by another corporation and will have a different legal business name from its parent company. A subsidiary may have branches or subsidiaries of its own. If it does, then its D-U-N-S Number appears in the headquarter/parent D-U-N-S Number field of its children.


A parent is a corporation that owns more than 50 percent of another corporation. The parent company also may be a subsidiary of another corporation. If the parent also has branches, then it is also a headquarters.

Domestic Ultimate

The Domestic Ultimate is a subsidiary within the global family tree which is the highest ranking member within a specific country.

Global Ultimate

The Global Ultimate is the top most responsible entity within the global family tree. The Global Ultimate may have branches or subsidiaries reporting directly or indirectly to it.

entitya reference to the constant entity holding the list of localized text



There are eight (8) types of business relationships defined in D&B WorldBase:

Single Location Subsidiary

A single location subsidiary has reporting responsibilities to its parent; however, it does not have branches or subsidiaries reporting to it. Do not confuse this with a stand-alone business which is titled "single location" and is not part of a corporate family.


A headquarters is a business establishment that has branches or divisions reporting to it, and is financially responsible for those branches or divisions. If the headquarters is more that 50% owned by another corporation, it also will be a subsidiary. If it owns more that 50% of another corporation, then it is also a parent.


A branch is a secondary location of its headquarters. It has no legal responsibility for its debts, even though bills may be paid from the branch location. It will have the same legal business name as its headquarters, although branches frequently operate under a different trade style than the headquarters establishment. A branch may be located at the same address as the headquarters if it has a unique trade style. In such cases, the branch may appear to be a duplicate with a different D-U-N-S number than the headquarters record, which may confuse customers if they don't purchase the trade style field.


A division, like a branch, is a secondary location of a business. However, a division carries out specific business operations related to the headquarters under a divisional name. Divisions look similar to branches in D&B WorldBase and carry a branch code.


A subsidiary is a corporation that is more than 50% owned by another corporation and will have a different legal business name from its parent company. A subsidiary may have branches or subsidiaries of its own. If it does, then its D-U-N-S Number appears in the headquarter/parent D-U-N-S Number field of its children.


A parent is a corporation that owns more than 50 percent of another corporation. The parent company also may be a subsidiary of another corporation. If the parent also has branches, then it is also a headquarters.

Domestic Ultimate

The Domestic Ultimate is a subsidiary within the global family tree which is the highest ranking member within a specific country.

Global Ultimate

The Global Ultimate is the top most responsible entity within the global family tree. The Global Ultimate may have branches or subsidiaries reporting directly or indirectly to it. First included in: Sustainability/esg-data-model/Vendor (this entity)


displayNameDun Bradstreet Subsidiary
descriptionThere are eight (8) types of business relationships defined in D&B WorldBase:

Single Location Subsidiary

A single location subsidiary has reporting responsibilities to its parent; however, it does not have branches or subsidiaries reporting to it. Do not confuse this with a stand-alone business which is titled "single location" and is not part of a corporate family.


A headquarters is a business establishment that has branches or divisions reporting to it, and is financially responsible for those branches or divisions. If the headquarters is more that 50% owned by another corporation, it also will be a subsidiary. If it owns more that 50% of another corporation, then it is also a parent.


A branch is a secondary location of its headquarters. It has no legal responsibility for its debts, even though bills may be paid from the branch location. It will have the same legal business name as its headquarters, although branches frequently operate under a different trade style than the headquarters establishment. A branch may be located at the same address as the headquarters if it has a unique trade style. In such cases, the branch may appear to be a duplicate with a different D-U-N-S number than the headquarters record, which may confuse customers if they don't purchase the trade style field.


A division, like a branch, is a secondary location of a business. However, a division carries out specific business operations related to the headquarters under a divisional name. Divisions look similar to branches in D&B WorldBase and carry a branch code.


A subsidiary is a corporation that is more than 50% owned by another corporation and will have a different legal business name from its parent company. A subsidiary may have branches or subsidiaries of its own. If it does, then its D-U-N-S Number appears in the headquarter/parent D-U-N-S Number field of its children.


A parent is a corporation that owns more than 50 percent of another corporation. The parent company also may be a subsidiary of another corporation. If the parent also has branches, then it is also a headquarters.

Domestic Ultimate

The Domestic Ultimate is a subsidiary within the global family tree which is the highest ranking member within a specific country.

Global Ultimate

The Global Ultimate is the top most responsible entity within the global family tree. The Global Ultimate may have branches or subsidiaries reporting directly or indirectly to it.



List of traits for the DunBradstreetSubsidiary attribute are listed below.

The schema object has an identifier, which is a string, specified as the parameter of the trait. It allows writers to define more identification values.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
identifier"{319067A1-6B9C-4668-B22F-CD71DD25973A}"stringThe identifier for the schema object. There's no uniqueness guarantee enforced by CDM. It's a contract between reader and writer of the schema.

The attribute value can be set to NULL.

Holds the list of language specific display text for an object.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
enDun Bradstreet Subsidiary
entitya reference to the constant entity holding the list of localized text

Holds the list of language specific descriptive text for an object.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
enThere are eight (8) types of business relationships defined in D&B WorldBase:

Single Location Subsidiary

A single location subsidiary has reporting responsibilities to its parent; however, it does not have branches or subsidiaries reporting to it. Do not confuse this with a stand-alone business which is titled "single location" and is not part of a corporate family.


A headquarters is a business establishment that has branches or divisions reporting to it, and is financially responsible for those branches or divisions. If the headquarters is more that 50% owned by another corporation, it also will be a subsidiary. If it owns more that 50% of another corporation, then it is also a parent.


A branch is a secondary location of its headquarters. It has no legal responsibility for its debts, even though bills may be paid from the branch location. It will have the same legal business name as its headquarters, although branches frequently operate under a different trade style than the headquarters establishment. A branch may be located at the same address as the headquarters if it has a unique trade style. In such cases, the branch may appear to be a duplicate with a different D-U-N-S number than the headquarters record, which may confuse customers if they don't purchase the trade style field.


A division, like a branch, is a secondary location of a business. However, a division carries out specific business operations related to the headquarters under a divisional name. Divisions look similar to branches in D&B WorldBase and carry a branch code.


A subsidiary is a corporation that is more than 50% owned by another corporation and will have a different legal business name from its parent company. A subsidiary may have branches or subsidiaries of its own. If it does, then its D-U-N-S Number appears in the headquarter/parent D-U-N-S Number field of its children.


A parent is a corporation that owns more than 50 percent of another corporation. The parent company also may be a subsidiary of another corporation. If the parent also has branches, then it is also a headquarters.

Domestic Ultimate

The Domestic Ultimate is a subsidiary within the global family tree which is the highest ranking member within a specific country.

Global Ultimate

The Global Ultimate is the top most responsible entity within the global family tree. The Global Ultimate may have branches or subsidiaries reporting directly or indirectly to it.

entitya reference to the constant entity holding the list of localized text



There are eight (8) types of business relationships defined in D&B WorldBase:

Single Location Subsidiary

A single location subsidiary has reporting responsibilities to its parent; however, it does not have branches or subsidiaries reporting to it. Do not confuse this with a stand-alone business which is titled "single location" and is not part of a corporate family.


A headquarters is a business establishment that has branches or divisions reporting to it, and is financially responsible for those branches or divisions. If the headquarters is more that 50% owned by another corporation, it also will be a subsidiary. If it owns more that 50% of another corporation, then it is also a parent.


A branch is a secondary location of its headquarters. It has no legal responsibility for its debts, even though bills may be paid from the branch location. It will have the same legal business name as its headquarters, although branches frequently operate under a different trade style than the headquarters establishment. A branch may be located at the same address as the headquarters if it has a unique trade style. In such cases, the branch may appear to be a duplicate with a different D-U-N-S number than the headquarters record, which may confuse customers if they don't purchase the trade style field.


A division, like a branch, is a secondary location of a business. However, a division carries out specific business operations related to the headquarters under a divisional name. Divisions look similar to branches in D&B WorldBase and carry a branch code.


A subsidiary is a corporation that is more than 50% owned by another corporation and will have a different legal business name from its parent company. A subsidiary may have branches or subsidiaries of its own. If it does, then its D-U-N-S Number appears in the headquarter/parent D-U-N-S Number field of its children.


A parent is a corporation that owns more than 50 percent of another corporation. The parent company also may be a subsidiary of another corporation. If the parent also has branches, then it is also a headquarters.

Domestic Ultimate

The Domestic Ultimate is a subsidiary within the global family tree which is the highest ranking member within a specific country.

Global Ultimate

The Global Ultimate is the top most responsible entity within the global family tree. The Global Ultimate may have branches or subsidiaries reporting directly or indirectly to it. First included in: Sustainability/esg-data-model/Vendor (this entity)


displayNameDun Bradstreet Parent
descriptionThere are eight (8) types of business relationships defined in D&B WorldBase:

Single Location Subsidiary

A single location subsidiary has reporting responsibilities to its parent; however, it does not have branches or subsidiaries reporting to it. Do not confuse this with a stand-alone business which is titled "single location" and is not part of a corporate family.


A headquarters is a business establishment that has branches or divisions reporting to it, and is financially responsible for those branches or divisions. If the headquarters is more that 50% owned by another corporation, it also will be a subsidiary. If it owns more that 50% of another corporation, then it is also a parent.


A branch is a secondary location of its headquarters. It has no legal responsibility for its debts, even though bills may be paid from the branch location. It will have the same legal business name as its headquarters, although branches frequently operate under a different trade style than the headquarters establishment. A branch may be located at the same address as the headquarters if it has a unique trade style. In such cases, the branch may appear to be a duplicate with a different D-U-N-S number than the headquarters record, which may confuse customers if they don't purchase the trade style field.


A division, like a branch, is a secondary location of a business. However, a division carries out specific business operations related to the headquarters under a divisional name. Divisions look similar to branches in D&B WorldBase and carry a branch code.


A subsidiary is a corporation that is more than 50% owned by another corporation and will have a different legal business name from its parent company. A subsidiary may have branches or subsidiaries of its own. If it does, then its D-U-N-S Number appears in the headquarter/parent D-U-N-S Number field of its children.


A parent is a corporation that owns more than 50 percent of another corporation. The parent company also may be a subsidiary of another corporation. If the parent also has branches, then it is also a headquarters.

Domestic Ultimate

The Domestic Ultimate is a subsidiary within the global family tree which is the highest ranking member within a specific country.

Global Ultimate

The Global Ultimate is the top most responsible entity within the global family tree. The Global Ultimate may have branches or subsidiaries reporting directly or indirectly to it.



List of traits for the DunBradstreetParent attribute are listed below.

The schema object has an identifier, which is a string, specified as the parameter of the trait. It allows writers to define more identification values.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
identifier"{15228718-D000-4CCF-8879-7F7FBECDA7E3}"stringThe identifier for the schema object. There's no uniqueness guarantee enforced by CDM. It's a contract between reader and writer of the schema.

The attribute value can be set to NULL.

Holds the list of language specific display text for an object.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
enDun Bradstreet Parent
entitya reference to the constant entity holding the list of localized text

Holds the list of language specific descriptive text for an object.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
enThere are eight (8) types of business relationships defined in D&B WorldBase:

Single Location Subsidiary

A single location subsidiary has reporting responsibilities to its parent; however, it does not have branches or subsidiaries reporting to it. Do not confuse this with a stand-alone business which is titled "single location" and is not part of a corporate family.


A headquarters is a business establishment that has branches or divisions reporting to it, and is financially responsible for those branches or divisions. If the headquarters is more that 50% owned by another corporation, it also will be a subsidiary. If it owns more that 50% of another corporation, then it is also a parent.


A branch is a secondary location of its headquarters. It has no legal responsibility for its debts, even though bills may be paid from the branch location. It will have the same legal business name as its headquarters, although branches frequently operate under a different trade style than the headquarters establishment. A branch may be located at the same address as the headquarters if it has a unique trade style. In such cases, the branch may appear to be a duplicate with a different D-U-N-S number than the headquarters record, which may confuse customers if they don't purchase the trade style field.


A division, like a branch, is a secondary location of a business. However, a division carries out specific business operations related to the headquarters under a divisional name. Divisions look similar to branches in D&B WorldBase and carry a branch code.


A subsidiary is a corporation that is more than 50% owned by another corporation and will have a different legal business name from its parent company. A subsidiary may have branches or subsidiaries of its own. If it does, then its D-U-N-S Number appears in the headquarter/parent D-U-N-S Number field of its children.


A parent is a corporation that owns more than 50 percent of another corporation. The parent company also may be a subsidiary of another corporation. If the parent also has branches, then it is also a headquarters.

Domestic Ultimate

The Domestic Ultimate is a subsidiary within the global family tree which is the highest ranking member within a specific country.

Global Ultimate

The Global Ultimate is the top most responsible entity within the global family tree. The Global Ultimate may have branches or subsidiaries reporting directly or indirectly to it.

entitya reference to the constant entity holding the list of localized text



There are eight (8) types of business relationships defined in D&B WorldBase:

Single Location Subsidiary

A single location subsidiary has reporting responsibilities to its parent; however, it does not have branches or subsidiaries reporting to it. Do not confuse this with a stand-alone business which is titled "single location" and is not part of a corporate family.


A headquarters is a business establishment that has branches or divisions reporting to it, and is financially responsible for those branches or divisions. If the headquarters is more that 50% owned by another corporation, it also will be a subsidiary. If it owns more that 50% of another corporation, then it is also a parent.


A branch is a secondary location of its headquarters. It has no legal responsibility for its debts, even though bills may be paid from the branch location. It will have the same legal business name as its headquarters, although branches frequently operate under a different trade style than the headquarters establishment. A branch may be located at the same address as the headquarters if it has a unique trade style. In such cases, the branch may appear to be a duplicate with a different D-U-N-S number than the headquarters record, which may confuse customers if they don't purchase the trade style field.


A division, like a branch, is a secondary location of a business. However, a division carries out specific business operations related to the headquarters under a divisional name. Divisions look similar to branches in D&B WorldBase and carry a branch code.


A subsidiary is a corporation that is more than 50% owned by another corporation and will have a different legal business name from its parent company. A subsidiary may have branches or subsidiaries of its own. If it does, then its D-U-N-S Number appears in the headquarter/parent D-U-N-S Number field of its children.


A parent is a corporation that owns more than 50 percent of another corporation. The parent company also may be a subsidiary of another corporation. If the parent also has branches, then it is also a headquarters.

Domestic Ultimate

The Domestic Ultimate is a subsidiary within the global family tree which is the highest ranking member within a specific country.

Global Ultimate

The Global Ultimate is the top most responsible entity within the global family tree. The Global Ultimate may have branches or subsidiaries reporting directly or indirectly to it. First included in: Sustainability/esg-data-model/Vendor (this entity)


displayNameDun Bradstreet Ultimate
descriptionThere are eight (8) types of business relationships defined in D&B WorldBase:

Single Location Subsidiary

A single location subsidiary has reporting responsibilities to its parent; however, it does not have branches or subsidiaries reporting to it. Do not confuse this with a stand-alone business which is titled "single location" and is not part of a corporate family.


A headquarters is a business establishment that has branches or divisions reporting to it, and is financially responsible for those branches or divisions. If the headquarters is more that 50% owned by another corporation, it also will be a subsidiary. If it owns more that 50% of another corporation, then it is also a parent.


A branch is a secondary location of its headquarters. It has no legal responsibility for its debts, even though bills may be paid from the branch location. It will have the same legal business name as its headquarters, although branches frequently operate under a different trade style than the headquarters establishment. A branch may be located at the same address as the headquarters if it has a unique trade style. In such cases, the branch may appear to be a duplicate with a different D-U-N-S number than the headquarters record, which may confuse customers if they don't purchase the trade style field.


A division, like a branch, is a secondary location of a business. However, a division carries out specific business operations related to the headquarters under a divisional name. Divisions look similar to branches in D&B WorldBase and carry a branch code.


A subsidiary is a corporation that is more than 50% owned by another corporation and will have a different legal business name from its parent company. A subsidiary may have branches or subsidiaries of its own. If it does, then its D-U-N-S Number appears in the headquarter/parent D-U-N-S Number field of its children.


A parent is a corporation that owns more than 50 percent of another corporation. The parent company also may be a subsidiary of another corporation. If the parent also has branches, then it is also a headquarters.

Domestic Ultimate

The Domestic Ultimate is a subsidiary within the global family tree which is the highest ranking member within a specific country.

Global Ultimate

The Global Ultimate is the top most responsible entity within the global family tree. The Global Ultimate may have branches or subsidiaries reporting directly or indirectly to it.



List of traits for the DunBradstreetUltimate attribute are listed below.

The schema object has an identifier, which is a string, specified as the parameter of the trait. It allows writers to define more identification values.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
identifier"{3A30EB07-0C8A-4677-8BB7-00E0055E22AE}"stringThe identifier for the schema object. There's no uniqueness guarantee enforced by CDM. It's a contract between reader and writer of the schema.

The attribute value can be set to NULL.

Holds the list of language specific display text for an object.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
enDun Bradstreet Ultimate
entitya reference to the constant entity holding the list of localized text

Holds the list of language specific descriptive text for an object.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
enThere are eight (8) types of business relationships defined in D&B WorldBase:

Single Location Subsidiary

A single location subsidiary has reporting responsibilities to its parent; however, it does not have branches or subsidiaries reporting to it. Do not confuse this with a stand-alone business which is titled "single location" and is not part of a corporate family.


A headquarters is a business establishment that has branches or divisions reporting to it, and is financially responsible for those branches or divisions. If the headquarters is more that 50% owned by another corporation, it also will be a subsidiary. If it owns more that 50% of another corporation, then it is also a parent.


A branch is a secondary location of its headquarters. It has no legal responsibility for its debts, even though bills may be paid from the branch location. It will have the same legal business name as its headquarters, although branches frequently operate under a different trade style than the headquarters establishment. A branch may be located at the same address as the headquarters if it has a unique trade style. In such cases, the branch may appear to be a duplicate with a different D-U-N-S number than the headquarters record, which may confuse customers if they don't purchase the trade style field.


A division, like a branch, is a secondary location of a business. However, a division carries out specific business operations related to the headquarters under a divisional name. Divisions look similar to branches in D&B WorldBase and carry a branch code.


A subsidiary is a corporation that is more than 50% owned by another corporation and will have a different legal business name from its parent company. A subsidiary may have branches or subsidiaries of its own. If it does, then its D-U-N-S Number appears in the headquarter/parent D-U-N-S Number field of its children.


A parent is a corporation that owns more than 50 percent of another corporation. The parent company also may be a subsidiary of another corporation. If the parent also has branches, then it is also a headquarters.

Domestic Ultimate

The Domestic Ultimate is a subsidiary within the global family tree which is the highest ranking member within a specific country.

Global Ultimate

The Global Ultimate is the top most responsible entity within the global family tree. The Global Ultimate may have branches or subsidiaries reporting directly or indirectly to it.

entitya reference to the constant entity holding the list of localized text



There are eight (8) types of business relationships defined in D&B WorldBase:

Single Location Subsidiary

A single location subsidiary has reporting responsibilities to its parent; however, it does not have branches or subsidiaries reporting to it. Do not confuse this with a stand-alone business which is titled "single location" and is not part of a corporate family.


A headquarters is a business establishment that has branches or divisions reporting to it, and is financially responsible for those branches or divisions. If the headquarters is more that 50% owned by another corporation, it also will be a subsidiary. If it owns more that 50% of another corporation, then it is also a parent.


A branch is a secondary location of its headquarters. It has no legal responsibility for its debts, even though bills may be paid from the branch location. It will have the same legal business name as its headquarters, although branches frequently operate under a different trade style than the headquarters establishment. A branch may be located at the same address as the headquarters if it has a unique trade style. In such cases, the branch may appear to be a duplicate with a different D-U-N-S number than the headquarters record, which may confuse customers if they don't purchase the trade style field.


A division, like a branch, is a secondary location of a business. However, a division carries out specific business operations related to the headquarters under a divisional name. Divisions look similar to branches in D&B WorldBase and carry a branch code.


A subsidiary is a corporation that is more than 50% owned by another corporation and will have a different legal business name from its parent company. A subsidiary may have branches or subsidiaries of its own. If it does, then its D-U-N-S Number appears in the headquarter/parent D-U-N-S Number field of its children.


A parent is a corporation that owns more than 50 percent of another corporation. The parent company also may be a subsidiary of another corporation. If the parent also has branches, then it is also a headquarters.

Domestic Ultimate

The Domestic Ultimate is a subsidiary within the global family tree which is the highest ranking member within a specific country.

Global Ultimate

The Global Ultimate is the top most responsible entity within the global family tree. The Global Ultimate may have branches or subsidiaries reporting directly or indirectly to it. First included in: Sustainability/esg-data-model/Vendor (this entity)


displayNameDun Bradstreet Global Ultimate
descriptionThere are eight (8) types of business relationships defined in D&B WorldBase:

Single Location Subsidiary

A single location subsidiary has reporting responsibilities to its parent; however, it does not have branches or subsidiaries reporting to it. Do not confuse this with a stand-alone business which is titled "single location" and is not part of a corporate family.


A headquarters is a business establishment that has branches or divisions reporting to it, and is financially responsible for those branches or divisions. If the headquarters is more that 50% owned by another corporation, it also will be a subsidiary. If it owns more that 50% of another corporation, then it is also a parent.


A branch is a secondary location of its headquarters. It has no legal responsibility for its debts, even though bills may be paid from the branch location. It will have the same legal business name as its headquarters, although branches frequently operate under a different trade style than the headquarters establishment. A branch may be located at the same address as the headquarters if it has a unique trade style. In such cases, the branch may appear to be a duplicate with a different D-U-N-S number than the headquarters record, which may confuse customers if they don't purchase the trade style field.


A division, like a branch, is a secondary location of a business. However, a division carries out specific business operations related to the headquarters under a divisional name. Divisions look similar to branches in D&B WorldBase and carry a branch code.


A subsidiary is a corporation that is more than 50% owned by another corporation and will have a different legal business name from its parent company. A subsidiary may have branches or subsidiaries of its own. If it does, then its D-U-N-S Number appears in the headquarter/parent D-U-N-S Number field of its children.


A parent is a corporation that owns more than 50 percent of another corporation. The parent company also may be a subsidiary of another corporation. If the parent also has branches, then it is also a headquarters.

Domestic Ultimate

The Domestic Ultimate is a subsidiary within the global family tree which is the highest ranking member within a specific country.

Global Ultimate

The Global Ultimate is the top most responsible entity within the global family tree. The Global Ultimate may have branches or subsidiaries reporting directly or indirectly to it.



List of traits for the DunBradstreetGlobalUltimate attribute are listed below.

The schema object has an identifier, which is a string, specified as the parameter of the trait. It allows writers to define more identification values.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
identifier"{51CED266-0051-4CB4-8AC7-0340B1B32ACA}"stringThe identifier for the schema object. There's no uniqueness guarantee enforced by CDM. It's a contract between reader and writer of the schema.

The attribute value can be set to NULL.

Holds the list of language specific display text for an object.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
enDun Bradstreet Global Ultimate
entitya reference to the constant entity holding the list of localized text

Holds the list of language specific descriptive text for an object.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
enThere are eight (8) types of business relationships defined in D&B WorldBase:

Single Location Subsidiary

A single location subsidiary has reporting responsibilities to its parent; however, it does not have branches or subsidiaries reporting to it. Do not confuse this with a stand-alone business which is titled "single location" and is not part of a corporate family.


A headquarters is a business establishment that has branches or divisions reporting to it, and is financially responsible for those branches or divisions. If the headquarters is more that 50% owned by another corporation, it also will be a subsidiary. If it owns more that 50% of another corporation, then it is also a parent.


A branch is a secondary location of its headquarters. It has no legal responsibility for its debts, even though bills may be paid from the branch location. It will have the same legal business name as its headquarters, although branches frequently operate under a different trade style than the headquarters establishment. A branch may be located at the same address as the headquarters if it has a unique trade style. In such cases, the branch may appear to be a duplicate with a different D-U-N-S number than the headquarters record, which may confuse customers if they don't purchase the trade style field.


A division, like a branch, is a secondary location of a business. However, a division carries out specific business operations related to the headquarters under a divisional name. Divisions look similar to branches in D&B WorldBase and carry a branch code.


A subsidiary is a corporation that is more than 50% owned by another corporation and will have a different legal business name from its parent company. A subsidiary may have branches or subsidiaries of its own. If it does, then its D-U-N-S Number appears in the headquarter/parent D-U-N-S Number field of its children.


A parent is a corporation that owns more than 50 percent of another corporation. The parent company also may be a subsidiary of another corporation. If the parent also has branches, then it is also a headquarters.

Domestic Ultimate

The Domestic Ultimate is a subsidiary within the global family tree which is the highest ranking member within a specific country.

Global Ultimate

The Global Ultimate is the top most responsible entity within the global family tree. The Global Ultimate may have branches or subsidiaries reporting directly or indirectly to it.

entitya reference to the constant entity holding the list of localized text



The unique identifier of the Legal Entity Form. First included in: Sustainability/esg-data-model/Vendor (this entity)


displayNameLegal Entity Form ID
descriptionThe unique identifier of the Legal Entity Form.


List of traits for the LegalEntityFormId attribute are listed below.

The schema object has an identifier, which is a string, specified as the parameter of the trait. It allows writers to define more identification values.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
identifier"{37B03429-12C4-46B4-BC64-7F2A40384817}"stringThe identifier for the schema object. There's no uniqueness guarantee enforced by CDM. It's a contract between reader and writer of the schema.

The attribute value can be set to NULL.

Holds the list of language specific display text for an object.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
enLegal Entity Form ID
entitya reference to the constant entity holding the list of localized text

Holds the list of language specific descriptive text for an object.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
enThe unique identifier of the Legal Entity Form.
entitya reference to the constant entity holding the list of localized text



The unique identifier of a Responsibility Center. First included in: Sustainability/esg-data-model/Vendor (this entity)


displayNameResponsibility Center ID
descriptionThe unique identifier of a Responsibility Center.


List of traits for the ResponsibilityCenterId attribute are listed below.

The schema object has an identifier, which is a string, specified as the parameter of the trait. It allows writers to define more identification values.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
identifier"{4DB688DE-1D29-4748-BC16-142A30825F33}"stringThe identifier for the schema object. There's no uniqueness guarantee enforced by CDM. It's a contract between reader and writer of the schema.

The attribute value can be set to NULL.

Holds the list of language specific display text for an object.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
enResponsibility Center ID
entitya reference to the constant entity holding the list of localized text

Holds the list of language specific descriptive text for an object.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
enThe unique identifier of a Responsibility Center.
entitya reference to the constant entity holding the list of localized text



The unique identifier of a Ledger. First included in: Sustainability/esg-data-model/Vendor (this entity)


displayNameLedger ID
descriptionThe unique identifier of a Ledger.


List of traits for the LedgerId attribute are listed below.

The schema object has an identifier, which is a string, specified as the parameter of the trait. It allows writers to define more identification values.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
identifier"{1749CCF9-E87B-416E-9250-5B00E3589B79}"stringThe identifier for the schema object. There's no uniqueness guarantee enforced by CDM. It's a contract between reader and writer of the schema.

The attribute value can be set to NULL.

Holds the list of language specific display text for an object.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
enLedger ID
entitya reference to the constant entity holding the list of localized text

Holds the list of language specific descriptive text for an object.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
enThe unique identifier of a Ledger.
entitya reference to the constant entity holding the list of localized text



The unique identifier of a Ledger Account. First included in: Sustainability/esg-data-model/Vendor (this entity)


displayNameLedger Account Number
descriptionThe unique identifier of a Ledger Account.


List of traits for the LedgerAccountNumber attribute are listed below.

indicates an atomic but multi-unit version of a fundamental type such as a multi byte encoded character, a double precision float, a long integer.

indicates a contiguous sequence of fundamental units that should be taken as a whole and considered one value. Array of Character is a String, and Array of Byte is a Binary Object.

The schema object has an identifier, which is a string, specified as the parameter of the trait. It allows writers to define more identification values.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
identifier"{573F7BD0-68C4-43C1-BCAF-FFB4B05E1294}"stringThe identifier for the schema object. There's no uniqueness guarantee enforced by CDM. It's a contract between reader and writer of the schema.

The attribute value can be set to NULL.

Holds the list of language specific display text for an object.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
enLedger Account Number
entitya reference to the constant entity holding the list of localized text

Holds the list of language specific descriptive text for an object.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
enThe unique identifier of a Ledger Account.
entitya reference to the constant entity holding the list of localized text

maximum length or value constraints

ParameterValueData typeExplanation

indicates a contiguous sequence of fundamental units that should be taken as a whole and considered one value. Array of Character is a String, and Array of Byte is a Binary Object.


The unique identifier of a NAICS National Industry Code. First included in: Sustainability/esg-data-model/Vendor (this entity)


displayNameNAICS National Industry Code
descriptionThe unique identifier of a NAICS National Industry Code.


List of traits for the NaicsNationalIndustryCode attribute are listed below.

for setting the exact precision and scale of numeric values

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
precision"6"integerthe total number of significant digits
scale"0"integerthe number of digits to the right of the decimal place

The schema object has an identifier, which is a string, specified as the parameter of the trait. It allows writers to define more identification values.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
identifier"{181032BF-FEDA-4FE5-852C-7B11550CF7E9}"stringThe identifier for the schema object. There's no uniqueness guarantee enforced by CDM. It's a contract between reader and writer of the schema.

The attribute value can be set to NULL.

Holds the list of language specific display text for an object.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
enNAICS National Industry Code
entitya reference to the constant entity holding the list of localized text

Holds the list of language specific descriptive text for an object.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
enThe unique identifier of a NAICS National Industry Code.
entitya reference to the constant entity holding the list of localized text

for setting the exact precision and scale of numeric values


The unique identifier of the SIC Industry. First included in: Sustainability/esg-data-model/Vendor (this entity)


displayNameSIC Industry Code
descriptionThe unique identifier of the SIC Industry.


List of traits for the SicIndustryCode attribute are listed below.

for setting the exact precision and scale of numeric values

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
precision"4"integerthe total number of significant digits
scale"0"integerthe number of digits to the right of the decimal place

The schema object has an identifier, which is a string, specified as the parameter of the trait. It allows writers to define more identification values.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
identifier"{1A967F91-A854-4EF2-B89A-BE8ADB2D3F07}"stringThe identifier for the schema object. There's no uniqueness guarantee enforced by CDM. It's a contract between reader and writer of the schema.

The attribute value can be set to NULL.

Holds the list of language specific display text for an object.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
enSIC Industry Code
entitya reference to the constant entity holding the list of localized text

Holds the list of language specific descriptive text for an object.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
enThe unique identifier of the SIC Industry.
entitya reference to the constant entity holding the list of localized text

for setting the exact precision and scale of numeric values


The unique identifier of an ANZSIC Class. First included in: Sustainability/esg-data-model/Vendor (this entity)


displayNameANZSIC Class Code
descriptionThe unique identifier of an ANZSIC Class.


List of traits for the AnzsicClassCode attribute are listed below.

for setting the exact precision and scale of numeric values

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
precision"4"integerthe total number of significant digits
scale"0"integerthe number of digits to the right of the decimal place

The schema object has an identifier, which is a string, specified as the parameter of the trait. It allows writers to define more identification values.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
identifier"{06622E44-D8D0-4970-9885-D2AFCC5781CA}"stringThe identifier for the schema object. There's no uniqueness guarantee enforced by CDM. It's a contract between reader and writer of the schema.

The attribute value can be set to NULL.

Holds the list of language specific display text for an object.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
enANZSIC Class Code
entitya reference to the constant entity holding the list of localized text

Holds the list of language specific descriptive text for an object.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
enThe unique identifier of an ANZSIC Class.
entitya reference to the constant entity holding the list of localized text

for setting the exact precision and scale of numeric values


The ISO 4217 currency code. First included in: Sustainability/esg-data-model/Vendor (this entity)


displayNameISO Currency Code
descriptionThe ISO 4217 currency code.


List of traits for the IsoCurrencyCode attribute are listed below.

indicates an atomic but multi-unit version of a fundamental type such as a multi byte encoded character, a double precision float, a long integer.

indicates a contiguous sequence of fundamental units that should be taken as a whole and considered one value. Array of Character is a String, and Array of Byte is a Binary Object.

The attribute value can be set to NULL.

Holds the list of language specific display text for an object.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
enISO Currency Code
entitya reference to the constant entity holding the list of localized text

Holds the list of language specific descriptive text for an object.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
enThe ISO 4217 currency code.
entitya reference to the constant entity holding the list of localized text

maximum length or value constraints

ParameterValueData typeExplanation

Marks the attributes that hold foreign key references to a linked (used as an attribute) entity. This attribute is added to the resolved entity to enumerate the referenced entities.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
entitya reference to the constant entity holding the list of entity references

The schema object has an identifier, which is a string, specified as the parameter of the trait. It allows writers to define more identification values.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
identifier"{72704C97-D725-4EBA-B333-BFC1A12EB455}"stringThe identifier for the schema object. There's no uniqueness guarantee enforced by CDM. It's a contract between reader and writer of the schema.

indicates a contiguous sequence of fundamental units that should be taken as a whole and considered one value. Array of Character is a String, and Array of Byte is a Binary Object.


The unique identifier of a Party. First included in: Sustainability/esg-data-model/Vendor (this entity)


displayNameParty ID
descriptionThe unique identifier of a Party.


List of traits for the PartyId attribute are listed below.

indicates an atomic but multi-unit version of a fundamental type such as a multi byte encoded character, a double precision float, a long integer.

The attribute value can be set to NULL.

Holds the list of language specific display text for an object.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
enParty ID
entitya reference to the constant entity holding the list of localized text

Holds the list of language specific descriptive text for an object.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
enThe unique identifier of a Party.
entitya reference to the constant entity holding the list of localized text

Marks the attributes that hold foreign key references to a linked (used as an attribute) entity. This attribute is added to the resolved entity to enumerate the referenced entities.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
entitya reference to the constant entity holding the list of entity references

The schema object has an identifier, which is a string, specified as the parameter of the trait. It allows writers to define more identification values.

ParameterValueData typeExplanation
identifier"{05888EDC-0D27-4E16-B563-9851B5E17430}"stringThe identifier for the schema object. There's no uniqueness guarantee enforced by CDM. It's a contract between reader and writer of the schema.

indicates an atomic but multi-unit version of a fundamental type such as a multi byte encoded character, a double precision float, a long integer.