Project.CurrencySymbol 屬性 (Project)
取得或設定代表貨幣值的字元。 讀取/寫入的 String。
expression。 CurrencySymbol
表達 代表 Project 物件的變數。
專案 CurrencySymbol 屬性會對應值相等在 Windows [控制台] 之 [ 自訂地區選項] 對話方塊。
Sub FormatCurrency()
Dim CountryOrRegion As String
' Prompt the user to enter the name of a country or region.
CountryOrRegion = UCase(InputBox$("Enter the name of a country or region: ", "Format Currency By Country Or Region"))
Select Case CountryOrRegion
Case "US", "United States", "USA", "United States of America"
ActiveProject.CurrencySymbol = "$"
ActiveProject.CurrencySymbolPosition = pjBefore
ActiveProject.CurrencySymbol = Chr(163)
ActiveProject.CurrencySymbolPosition = pjBefore
ActiveProject.CurrencySymbol = "kr"
ActiveProject.CurrencySymbolPosition = pjAfterWithSpace
' Warn user if the currency format is not known.
Case Else
MsgBox ("The currency format for that country or region is unknown.")
End Select
End Sub
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