Visio () 的 Application.Application 屬性
會傳回與物件關聯的 Microsoft Visio 實例。 唯讀。
expression 代表 Application 物件的變數。
下列 Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) 巨集會取得與使用中文件有關聯的 Application 物件,並在 [即時運算] 視窗中列印該物件的處理程序識別碼編號。
Public Sub Application_Example()
Dim vsoApplication As Visio.Application
Dim vsoDocument As Visio.Document
Set vsoDocument = ActiveDocument
'Get the instance of Visio associated with the Document object.
Set vsoApplication = vsoDocument.Application
Debug.Print "The process ID of the Application object associated with the active document is: " & vsoApplication.ProcessID
End Sub
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