

Install Kiota

Kiota can be accessed in the following ways.

Download binaries

You can download the latest version for your operating system.

Operating system Download
Linux (x64) linux-x64.zip
macOS (arm64) osx-arm64.zip
macOS (x64) osx-x64.zip
Windows (x64) win-x64.zip
Windows (x86) win-x86.zip

All releases

Run in Docker

You can run Kiota in our Docker container with one of the following commands.

docker run -v /some/output/path:/app/output \
-v /some/input/description.yml:/app/openapi.yaml \
mcr.microsoft.com/openapi/kiota generate --language csharp -n namespace-prefix


You can alternatively use the --openapi parameter with a URI instead of volume mapping.

To generate a client library from an online OpenAPI description and into the current directory:

docker run -v ${PWD}:/app/output mcr.microsoft.com/openapi/kiota \
generate --language typescript -n gfx -d \

Install as .NET tool

If you have the .NET SDK installed, you can install Kiota as a .NET tool.

To install the tool, execute the following command.

dotnet tool install --global Microsoft.OpenApi.Kiota

Build from source

  1. Clone the Kiota repository.

  2. Install the .NET SDK 8.0.

  3. Open the solution with Visual Studio and right select publish or execute the following command:

    dotnet publish ./src/kiota/kiota.csproj -c Release -p:PublishSingleFile=true -r <runtime-identifiers>
    Runtime identifier Value
    Linux (x64) linux-x64
    macOS (arm64) osx-arm64
    macOS (x64) osx-x64
    Windows (x64) win-x64
    Windows (x86) win-x86


    Refer to .NET runtime identifier catalog so select the appropriate runtime for your platform.

    For example, the following command builds for Windows (x64).

    dotnet publish ./src/kiota/kiota.csproj -c Release -p:PublishSingleFile=true -r win-x64
  4. Navigate to the output directory (usually under src/kiota/bin/Release/net7.0).

  5. Run kiota.exe ....

Install the Visual Studio Code extension

  1. Open the Marketplace page of the extension
  2. Select on the Install button.


The Kiota Visual Studio Code extension is currently in public preview and is subject to change.

Run in GitHub actions

You can use the setup Kiota GitHub Action in your workflow to automate client refresh and more by adding a reference to it in your workflow definition and using the CLI just like you would locally.

  - uses: actions/checkout@v3

  - uses: microsoft/setup-kiota@v0.5.0

  - name: Update kiota clients in the repository
    run: kiota update -o . # for a complete documentation of the CLI commands see https://aka.ms/kiota/docs
    working-directory: src # assumes client is under the src path in your repository


The setup Kiota GitHub Action in public preview and is subject to change.

Install with asdf


The asdf Kiota plugin is maintained and distributed by the community and is not an official Microsoft plugin. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, with respect to the plugin or its use. Use of this plugin is at your own risk. Microsoft shall not be liable for any damages arising out of or in connection with the use of this plugin.

The community made Kiota available as an asdf plugin. To install the asdf-kiota plugin, follow these instructions:

asdf plugin add kiota
# or
asdf plugin add kiota https://github.com/asdf-community/asdf-kiota.git

# Show all installable versions
asdf list-all kiota

# Install specific version
asdf install kiota latest

# Set a version globally (on your ~/.tool-versions file)
asdf global kiota latest

# Now kiota commands are available
kiota --version

Install with Homebrew


The Homebrew formula for Kiota is maintained and distributed by the community and is not an official Microsoft plugin. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, with respect to the plugin or its use. Use of this plugin is at your own risk. Microsoft shall not be liable for any damages arising out of or in connection with the use of this plugin.

The community made Kiota available as a Homebrew formula for macOS running on x64 and arm64 architectures. To install, follow these instructions:

brew install kiota

REST API Client Code Generator


The REST API Client Code Generator extension for Visual Studio is maintained and distributed by the community and is not an official Microsoft Visual Studio extension. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, with respect to the extension or its use. Use of this extension is at your own risk. Microsoft shall not be liable for any damages arising out of or in connection with the use of this extension.

REST API Client Code Generator is a collection of Visual Studio C# custom tool code generators for OpenAPI specifications. This extension installs Kiota on-demand and adds the required NuGet packages to build the generated code to the project. The generated code is created as a "code-behind" file to the OpenAPI specifications file in the .NET project. This extension offers same-day releases for new Kiota versions, but this requires updating the extension, which can be configured to be automatically.


  1. From Visual Studio (Windows), using the Manage Extensions dialog box (Tools -> Manage Extensions), search for extension called REST API Client Code Generator. This extension is available for Visual Studio 2022 for AMD64 and ARM64 and Visual Studio 2019


    For Visual Studio for Mac, follow these instructions

  2. Select on the Download button. To complete the installation, restart Visual Studio.

  3. Follow these instructions for generating code.

Next steps

For details on running Kiota, see Using the Kiota tool.