
Microsoft.WindowsMobile.DirectX.Direct3D Namespace

[This documentation is for preview only, and is subject to change in later releases. Blank topics are included as placeholders.]

This namespace provides Direct3D application programming for Pocket PCs, Smartphones, and other devices running Windows CE with the .NET Compact Framework.

This namespace provides mobile application developers a low-level graphics application programming interface (API) that enables you to manipulate visual models of 3-D objects and take advantage of hardware acceleration.


  Class Description
Public class AdapterInformation Manipulates adapter information. This class cannot be inherited.
Public class AdapterListCollection Manipulates a collection of adapters. This class cannot be inherited.
Public class AlreadyLockedException The exception that is thrown when an attempt is made to lock a resource that is already locked.
Public class BaseMesh Manipulates and queries mesh objects and derived mesh objects.
Public class BaseTexture Manipulates texture resources.
Public class CustomVertex Defines various custom fixed-format vertex types. This class cannot be inherited.
Public class D3DX Contains default constant values for Direct3D extensions. This class cannot be inherited.
Public class Device The parent object of all graphical objects in the scene.
Public class DeviceLostException The device has been lost but cannot be reset at this time. Therefore, rendering is not possible.
Public class DeviceNotResetException The device has been lost but can be reset at this time.
Public class DisplayModeCollection Manipulates a collection of DisplayMode structures. This class cannot be inherited.
Public class DriverInternalErrorException Internal driver error. Applications should generally shut down when receiving this error.
Public class DriverInvalidCallException The driver reports that the current method call is invalid.
Public class DriverUnsupportedException The driver is unsupported.
Public class Font Encapsulates the textures and resources needed to render a specific font on a specific device.
Public class Geometry Contains a collection of math-related functions. This class cannot be inherited.
Public class GraphicsException Provides base exceptions for graphics.
Public class IndexBuffer Manipulates an index buffer resource.
Public class InvalidCallException The method call is invalid.
Public class InvalidDeviceException The requested device type is not valid.
Public class Light Defines a set of lighting properties.
Public class LightFixed Represents a set of lighting properties. This class cannot be inherited.
Public class LightsCollection Defines a collection of lights.
Public class LightsFixedCollection Defines a collection of lights. This class cannot be inherited.
Public class Manager Provides information about the environment, and enumerates and retrieves device capabilities.
Public class MemoryPoolEmptyException The exception that is thrown when there is no available memory.
Public class Mesh Manipulates mesh objects.
Public class MoreDataException The exception that is thrown when more data is available than the specified buffer size can hold.
Public class NotAvailableException The exception that is thrown when the device does not support the queried technique.
Public class NotFoundException The exception that is thrown when the device does not support the queried technique.
Public class PresentParameters Describes the presentation parameters.
Public class RenderStateManager Defines device render states.
Public class Resource Queries and prepares resources.
Public class Sprite Provides methods and properties that simplify the process of drawing sprites using Direct3D.
Public class Surface Queries and prepares surfaces.
Public class SwapChain Manipulates a swap chain.
Public class Texture Manipulates a texture resource.
Public class TextureLoader Contains functions for loading textures.
Public class TextureStateManager Contains texture states for the device.
Public class TextureStateManagerCollection Collection of TextureStateManager objects.
Public class Transforms Allows applications to specify and obtain matrix transformations, for example, the world, view, and transformation matrices used for Direct3D object rendering.
Public class VertexBuffer Manipulates vertex buffer resources.
Public class VertexInformation Provides information about a vertex.
Public class VertexTextureCoordinate Constructs bit patterns that are used to identify texture coordinate formats in a flexible vertex format description.


  Structure Description
Public structure AdapterDetails Contains information that identifies the adapter.
Public structure AddressCaps Represents the texture addressing capabilities for Texture structures.
Public structure AttributeRange Stores an attribute table entry.
Public structure BehaviorFlags Contains a set of properties that indicate the global behavior of a device.
Public structure BlendCaps Indicates the supported blend capabilities.
Public structure BlendOperationCaps Represents the supported blend operation capabilities.
Public structure Caps Represents the capabilities of the hardware exposed through the Direct3D object.
Public structure ClipStatus Describes the current clip status.
Public structure ColorValue Stores the red, green, blue, and alpha channel values that together define a specific color.
Public structure ColorValueFixed Stores the red, green, blue, and alpha channel values, in a fixed-point structure, that together define a specific color.
Public structure ComparisonCaps Retrieves comparison capabilities.
Public structure CustomVertex.PositionColored Represents a custom vertex format structure that contains position and color information.
Public structure CustomVertex.PositionColoredTextured Represents a custom vertex format structure that contains position, color, and one set of texture coordinates.
Public structure CustomVertex.PositionNormal Represents a custom vertex format structure that contains position and normal data.
Public structure CustomVertex.PositionNormalColored Represents a custom vertex format structure that contains position, color, and normal data.
Public structure CustomVertex.PositionNormalFixed Represents a custom vertex format fixed-point structure that contains position and normal data.
Public structure CustomVertex.PositionNormalTextured Represents a custom vertex format structure that contains position, normal data, and one set of texture coordinates.
Public structure CustomVertex.PositionOnly Represents a custom vertex format structure that contains only position data.
Public structure CustomVertex.PositionOnlyFixed Represents a custom vertex format, in a fixed-point structure, that contains only position data.
Public structure CustomVertex.PositionTextured Represents a custom vertex format structure that contains position and one set of texture coordinates.
Public structure CustomVertex.Transformed Represents a custom vertex format structure that contains transformed vertices.
Public structure CustomVertex.TransformedColored Represents a custom vertex format structure that contains transformed vertices and color information.
Public structure CustomVertex.TransformedColoredTextured Represents a custom vertex format structure that contains transformed vertices, color, and one set of texture coordinates.
Public structure CustomVertex.TransformedFixed Represents a custom vertex format, in a fixed-point structure, that contains transformed vertices.
Public structure CustomVertex.TransformedTextured Represents a custom vertex format structure that contains transformed vertices and one set of texture coordinates.
Public structure DeviceCaps Gets device-specific information about a device.
Public structure DeviceCreationParameters Represents the creation parameters for a device.
Public structure DisplayMode Represents the display mode.
Public structure FilterCaps Indicates texture filter capabilities.
Public structure FixedPoint Represents a 16.16 fixed-point number.
Public structure FontDescription Defines the attributes of a font.
Public structure IndexBufferDescription Represents an index buffer.
Public structure LineCaps Defines the capabilities for line-drawing primitives.
Public structure Material Specifies material properties.
Public structure MaterialFixed Specifies material properties in a fixed-point structure.
Public structure MatrixFixed Represents a matrix for fixed-point math operations.
Public structure MeshOptions Specifies the type of mesh optimization to perform.
Public structure MiscCaps Provides a variety of driver primitive capabilities.
Public structure PaletteEntry Specifies the color and usage of an entry in a logical palette.
Public structure RasterCaps Contains information about raster drawing capabilities.
Public structure ShadeCaps Defines shading operation capabilities.
Public structure StencilCaps Contains flags that specify supported stencil buffer operations.
Public structure SurfaceCaps Represents information about surface capabilities.
Public structure SurfaceDescription Describes a surface.
Public structure TextureCaps Contains miscellaneous texture-mapping capabilities.
Public structure TextureOperationCaps Contains values that describe the texture operations that the current device supports.
Public structure TextureRequirements Contains texture creation parameters.
Public structure ValidateDeviceParams Describes the number of passes and the result code returned from the ValidateDevice method of a Device.
Public structure Vector3Fixed Represents a vector in three-dimensional (3-D) space.
Public structure VertexBufferDescription Describes a vertex buffer.
Public structure VertexProcessingCaps Describes vertex processing capabilities.
Public structure Viewport Defines the window dimensions of a render target surface onto which a 3-D volume projects.


  Enumeration Description
Public enumeration BackBufferType Represents constants that identify the type of back buffers in a swap chain.
Public enumeration Blend Defines the supported color blend.
Public enumeration BlendOperation Defines the supported blend operations.
Public enumeration CharacterSet Defines a character set.
Public enumeration ClearFlags Specifies the buffer to use when calling the Clear method.
Public enumeration ClipStatusFlags Defines the current clip status.
Public enumeration ColorSource Defines the location at which a color or color component must be accessed for lighting calculations.
Public enumeration ColorWriteEnable Represents values that are used to specify a channel in the RenderStateManager class type.
Public enumeration Compare Represents the supported compare functions in the RenderStateManager class type.
Public enumeration CreateFlags Defines the flags to use when creating a device.
Public enumeration Cull Defines the supported culling modes, which specify how back faces are culled during geometry rendering.
Public enumeration DepthFormat Defines depth buffer formats.
Public enumeration DeviceType Specifies a device type.
Public enumeration DrawTextFormat Specifies the method of formatting text.
Public enumeration FillMode Defines constants that describe the fill mode.
Public enumeration Filter Defines texture filtering modes for a texture stage.
Public enumeration FogMode Defines constants that describe the fog mode.
Public enumeration FontQuality Specifies the level of font quality.
Public enumeration FontWeight Specifies font weights.
Public enumeration Format Defines various types of surface formats.
Public enumeration LightType Defines the light type.
Public enumeration LockFlags Defines the type of lock to perform.
Public enumeration MeshFlags Defines flags used to specify creation options for a mesh.
Public enumeration MultiSampleType Defines the levels of full-scene multisampling that the device can apply.
Public enumeration PitchAndFamily Defines font families.
Public enumeration Pool Defines the memory class that holds buffers for a resource.
Public enumeration Precision Specifies the desired output precision.
Public enumeration PresentFlag Defines flags that control a Present operation for a Device.
Public enumeration PresentInterval Defines flags that describe the relationship between the adapter refresh rate and the rate at which the Present operations are completed for a Device.
Public enumeration PrimitiveType Defines the primitives supported by Direct3D.
Public enumeration Profile Provides a guarantee that a certain level of functionality is supported.
Public enumeration ResourceType Defines resource types.
Public enumeration ResultCode Defines resource types.
Public enumeration ShadeMode Defines constants that describe the supported shading modes.
Public enumeration SpriteFlags Defines flags used to specify sprite rendering options.
Public enumeration StencilOperation Defines the supported stencil operations.
Public enumeration SwapEffect Defines swap effects.
Public enumeration TextureAddress Defines constants that describe the supported texture-addressing modes.
Public enumeration TextureArgument Defines the supported texture arguments.
Public enumeration TextureCoordinateIndex Defines the supported texture coordinate index values.
Public enumeration TextureFilter Defines texture filtering modes for a texture stage.
Public enumeration TextureOperation Defines per-stage texture-blending operations.
Public enumeration TextureTransform Defines texture-stage state values.
Public enumeration TransformType Defines constants that describe transformation state values.
Public enumeration Usage Defines supported usage types for the current resource.
Public enumeration VertexFormats Describes values that define a vertex format used to describe the contents of vertices that are stored interleaved in a single data stream.
Public enumeration WrapCoordinates Defines supported wrap coordinates.