
CreateUserRequest Element

This content is no longer actively maintained. It is provided as is, for anyone who may still be using these technologies, with no warranties or claims of accuracy with regard to the most recent product version or service release.

Creates a user account in the conference center.


    password = "string"
    userID = "string"
    userName = "string"
    sendWelcomeMessage = "True" | "False">

The following sections describe attributes, parent elements, and child elements.





string type. Length range 1–64 characters.

Specifies the user's password if used. If omitted, the service creates a random password for the user. When specified, the password must be at least one character and only use ASCII characters. Optional. If absent, the system autogenerates a password.


string type. Length range 1-64 characters.

Specifies the user ID. Use only ASCII characters. For character restrictions for the userID attribute, see String Restriction and Transformation.


string type. Length range 1–255 characters.

Deprecated. Use firstName and lastName options instead.


Boolean type. Value range [True | False].

If True, the system attempts to send an e-mail message to the new user, as described below. If False, no e-mail is sent. The default is False. This attribute is optional.

Element Information

Any child elements, if present, must be in the order shown in the Child Elements table.

The GroupList child element, if present, contains the groups to which the user is added.

Parent Element



PlaceWareConfCenter Element


Child Elements



OptionList Element

0 or 1

GroupList Element

0 or 1


The following options must be present:

  • email

  • lastName

The system attempts to send a welcome e-mail message to a newly created user if all of the following are true:

  • The sendWelcomeMessage attribute is present and has the value True.

  • The conferencing service is configured to send welcome messages.

  • The e-mail option contains a syntactically correct e-mail address.

The welcome e-mail message for a newly created user is sent 5 to 15 minutes after the user is created.

A welcome e-mail message contains the userID for the new user. If the new user has a password, the e-mail message also contains the password. Do not select this option if you do not want user IDs and passwords sent in clear text e-mail messages over the Internet.

The userID that is assigned in the CreateUserRequest can be changed using the ModifyUserRequest operational message. Any recordings or meetings owned by this user are transferred to the new userID on successful modification of the user.


CreateUserRequest must not be called on a conference center hosted by Microsoft Online. For more information, see Using the Live Meeting API with Microsoft Online-Hosted Live Meeting Service.

User Options

The OptionList Element element can contain options of the following option types.

When a meeting organizer (user) creates a meeting and does not explicitly set meeting-related options, the options for that user appearing in the following table are used to default the meeting option values for the created meeting. Recording option values follow the same pattern.

Any user default options that are not set at the time a user is created default to the account default values.

Option Name



BooleanOption Element. Value range [True | False].

Enables or disables the chat feature for a meeting.

Sets the default value for this option, which is used for all meetings that this user creates.


StringOption Element.Length range 1–255 characters.

Deprecated. Specifies an allowable IP address pattern. When present, this user can only log on from an IP address matching pattern. This option is ignored if supplied in the request.


BooleanOption Element. Value range [True | False].

Enables or disables meeting participants to request control for application sharing.

Sets the default value for this option, which is used for all meetings that this user creates.


BooleanOption Element. Value range [True | False].

Allow (True) or disallow (False) meeting participants to use the Send E-mail feature in the Live Meeting client.

Sets the default value for this option, which is used for all meetings that this user creates.


BooleanOption Element. Value range [True | False].

If True, administrator has enabled video for this user.

Added in Live Meeting service API Update for Live Meeting 2007.


EnumerationOption Element. Value range [16bitColor | 24bitColor | 256Color | 16shadeGray | 256shadeGray].

Specifies the color settings for application sharing.

Sets the default value for this option, which is used for all meetings that this user creates.


ApplicationSharingOption Element. Value range [Disabled | Single | Desktop].

Specifies the default kind of application sharing for meetings created by the user. If unspecified, this option is set to the value of the applicationSharingPreferenceUserDefault option set in the conference center.


ApplicationSharingOption Element. Value range [Disabled | Single | Desktop].

Specifies the kind of application sharing permitted for the user. The default is the value of the conference center applicationSharingPrivilegeUserDefault option.


DecimalOption Element. Value range 0–999.

Specifies the height of the console frame for audience consoles in pixels.

Sets the default value for this option, which is used for all meetings that this user creates.


StringOption Element. Length range 1–255 characters.

Specifies the URL that identifies the contents of the custom frame for audience consoles.

Sets the default value for this option, which is used for all meetings that this user creates.


EnumerationOption Element. Value range [ACL | None | Password].

Specifies the entry control for the meeting attendees.

Sets the default value for this option, which is used for all meetings that this user creates.


StringOption Element. Length range 0–64 characters.

Specifies the password needed for audience entry into a meeting. This password cannot be the same as the account password and should conform to the strength requirements of the account password.


BooleanOption Element. Range value [True | False].

Enables (True) or disables (False) the CALLME feature, which allows users to click Join Conference in the Live Meeting client to connect to the audio conference call.

Sets the default value for this option, which is used for all meetings that this user creates.


BooleanOption Element. Value range [True | False].

If True, indicates that the user has the ability to use computer audio broadcasting during their meetings.

Sets the default value for this option, which is used for all meetings that this user creates.


StringOption Element. Length range 0–2000 characters.

Specifies the name of the audio provider for a meeting.

Sets the default value for this option, which is used for all meetings that this user creates.

The string specified for this option must be one of the audio providers from the options located in (Administer -> Rolesand Policies -> Audio / Video -> Conference Provider) Web page in Live Meeting Manager.


StringOption Element. Length range 1–256 characters.

Specifies the numbers to append to the audio/phone number when dialing. The following characters are accepted: "0123456789*#," and "p". Comma and p indicate a pause of one second.

Sets the default value for this option, which is used for all meetings that this user creates.


StringOption Element. Length range 1–256 characters.

Specifies the numbers to precede the audio/phone number when dialing. The following characters are accepted: "0123456789*#," and "p". Comma and p indicate a pause of one second.

Sets the default value for this option, which is used for all meetings that this user creates.


BooleanOption Element. Value range [True | False].

Enables or disables the Join Conference features of the Live Meeting client for a meeting.

Sets the default value for this option, which is used for all meetings that this user creates.

Setting this value to True enables PSTN capability for meeting audio. The details of the associated audio bridge should be specified in the meeting options for the associated meeting. If a certified Audio Conference Provider is specified, call control features like call me will be available in the meeting.

This setting may be enabled in conjunction with enableAudioVoip to create a hybrid voip and PSTN meeting.


StringOption Element. Length range 1–32 characters.

Specifies the leader code used by the conference call service. The following characters are accepted: "0123456789*#," and "p". Comma and p indicate a pause of one second.

Sets the default value for this option, which is used for all meetings that this user creates.


StringOption Element. Length range 1–32 characters.

Specifies the participant code used by the conference call service. The following characters are accepted: "0123456789*#," and "p". Comma and p indicate a pause of one second.

Sets the default value for this option, which is used for all meetings that this user creates.


StringOption Element. Length range 0–16 characters.

Specifies the city code of the audio/phone number for the meeting and only takes the characters "0123456789*#".

Sets the default value for this option, which is used for all meetings that this user creates.


StringOption Element. Length range 1–255 characters.

Specifies the country code of the audio/phone number for the meeting and only takes the characters "0123456789*#".


StringOption Element. Length range 0–16 characters.

Specifies the city code of the audio/phone number for the toll-free meeting number and only takes the characters "0123456789*#".

Sets the default value for this option, which is used for all meetings that this user creates.


StringOption Element. Length range 1–254 characters.

Specifies the country code of the audio/phone number for the toll-free meeting number and only takes the characters "0123456789*#".

Sets the default value for this option, which is used for all meetings that this user creates.


StringOption Element. Length range 1–48 characters.

Specifies the toll free telephone number for the meeting and only takes the characters "0123456789*#".

Sets the default value for this option, which is used for all meetings that this user creates.


StringOption Element. Length range 1–48 characters.

Specifies the non-toll-free telephone number for the meeting and only takes the characters "0123456789*#".

Sets the default value for this option, which is used for all meetings that this user creates.


BooleanOption Element. Value range [True | False].

If True, indicates that the user has the ability to use computer audio conferencing during their meetings.

Sets the default value for this option, which is used for all meetings that this user creates.


StringOption Element. Length range 1–32 characters.

Specifies the name of a billing unit in an organization to which any meeting expenses are billed. The conference center does not interpret this string. A conference center can be configured to permit only users in the Administrator role to set or change this option.

Sets the default value for this option, which is used for all meetings that this user creates.


StringOption Element. Length range 0–255 characters.

Specifies the company name of the user. Live Meeting service currently does not use or interpret this option.


BooleanOption Element. Value range [True | False].

If True, enables the custom frame in the Live Meeting client.


BooleanOption Element. Value range [True | False].

Enables or disables the deletion of the meeting organized by this user and its content, according to the values for the deleteContentTimeAmount and deleteContentTimeType options.

If the meeting expiration policy for the account is enabled, the meeting organizer cannot set the deleteContentAfterMeetingEnds option to False for this meeting. The account policies can only be set from the Live Meeting Manager (Administer->Roles and Policies->Edit Meeting Policies->Meeting or Recording Expiration). Therefore, if you try to set the option value to False through this element, it is automatically changed to True and the related deleteContentTimeAmount and deleteContentTimeType options are set to the maximum value allowed by the account policies.

If the meeting expiration policy for the account is disabled, the meeting organizer can update the deleteContentAfterMeetingEnds option to True or False.

deleteContentAfterMeetingEnds, deleteContentTimeAmount, and deleteContentTimeType should normally be specified together. When you do not specify the options together, they are specified for you according to the following rules:

If you are specifying the value for the first time, the option value is changed to the account default value.

If you are attempting to change the value of an option you have set before, the value is changed to the current default value specified in the configuration database.

If neither the account nor current default values are present, the maximum allowed valid value for the options is used.


DecimalOption Element. Value range 1–1440.

Specifies the amount of time to wait before deleting the meeting organized by this user and its content after it ends. The unit of time is specified in the value of the deleteContentTimeType option.

Usually specified in conjunction with deleteContentAfterMeetingEnds and deleteContentTimeType. If any of these options are not specified in the request, it defaults to the account default value in case of user creation or to existing values in the configuration database in case of user modification. In case the account default value or the existing value itself is not present, the maximum allowed valid value for the options is used.


EnumerationOption Element. Value range [minute| hour| day| month].

Specifies the unit of time to wait before deleting the meeting organized by this user and its content after the meeting ends. The amount of time is specified in the value of the deleteContentTimeAmount option.

Usually specified in conjunction with deleteContentAfterMeetingEnds and deleteContentTimeAmount. If any of these options is not specified in the request, it defaults to the account default value in case of user creation or to existing values in the configuration database in case of user modification. In case the account default value or the existing value itself is not present, the maximum allowed valid value for the options is used.


BooleanOption ElementValue range [True | False].

When True, user can create Easy Assist sessions.

Added in Live Meeting service API Update for Live Meeting 2007.


StringOption Element. Length range 0–255 characters.

Specifies the default Easy Assist session summary e-mail address target. At the conclusion of an Easy Assist session, the Support Agent provides a summary of the support session in the form of an e-mail. This e-mail address is the default easyAssistSummaryEmailId of any Easy Assist session this user creates. See String Restriction and Transformation for information about valid characters within an e-mail address.

Added in Live Meeting service API Update for Live Meeting 2007.


StringOption Element. Length range 1–255 characters.

Specifies the user's e-mail address. All conference centers require it to be present. The e-mail address assigned to each user in the conference center must be unique.


BooleanOption Element. Value range [True | False].

Allow (True) or disallow (False) meeting participants to use the Annotations modality feature in the Live Meeting client.

Sets the default value for this option, which is used for all meetings that this user creates.

Added in Live Meeting service API for Live Meeting 2007, Service Release 5.


BooleanOption Element. Value range [True | False].

Allow (True) or disallow (False) meeting participants to use the Chat modality in the Live Meeting client.

Sets the default value for this option, which is used for all meetings that this user creates.

Added in Live Meeting service API for Live Meeting 2007, Service Release 5.


BooleanOption Element. Value range [True | False].

Allow (True) or disallow (False) meeting participants to use the Handouts modality in the Live Meeting client.

Sets the default value for this option, which is used for all meetings that this user creates.

Added in Live Meeting service API for Live Meeting 2007, Service Release 5.


BooleanOption Element. Value range [True | False].

Allow (True) or disallow (False) meeting participants to use the Question and Answer modality in the Live Meeting client.

Sets the default value for this option, which is used for all meetings that this user creates.

Added in Live Meeting service API for Live Meeting 2007, Service Release 5.


BooleanOption Element. Value range [True | False].

Allow (True) or disallow (False) meeting participants to use the Shared notes modality in the Live Meeting client.

Sets the default value for this option, which is used for all meetings that this user creates.

Added in Live Meeting service API for Live Meeting 2007, Service Release 5.


BooleanOption Element. Value range [True | False].

Allow (True) or disallow (False) meeting participants to use the Text page modality in the Live Meeting client.

Sets the default value for this option, which is used for all meetings that this user creates.

Added in Live Meeting service API for Live Meeting 2007, Service Release 5.


BooleanOption Element. Value range [True | False].

Allow (True) or disallow (False) meeting participants to use the Whiteboard modality in the Live Meeting client.

Sets the default value for this option, which is used for all meetings that this user creates.

Added in Live Meeting service API for Live Meeting 2007, Service Release 5.


BooleanOption Element. Value range [True | False].

Enables or disables an Internet broadcast of a meeting. When True, attendee voice and video are automatically muted when entering the meeting.

Sets the default value for this option, which is used for all meetings that this user creates.


BooleanOption Element. Value range [True | False].

If True, enables VOIP for the meeting. This option, along with the options audioEmbedded and enableAudioBroadcast, determines the audio type for the meeting. There are four choices for the audio type: Telephone Conferencing (PSTN), Computer Conferencing (VOIP), Telephone and Computer Conferencing (PSTN+VOIP), and No Audio. The Audio Options table below shows how the mappings for these options map to the audioType for the meeting.

The account policies can be set in Live Meeting Manager (Administer -> Roles and Policies -> Audio/Video Policies -> Enabling computer audio conferencing.

The new audio option enableAudioVOIP should be specified in conjunction with the existing audio settings audioEmbedded and enableAudioBroadcast. If all the three are not specified, the defaults for these options are considered in determining the audio type for the meeting.

Added in Live Meeting service API for Live Meeting 2007.


BooleanOption Element. Value range [True | False].

Enables or disables the ability to have custom frames. If True, the user is allowed to use the customFramesEnabled option.


BooleanOption Element. Value range [True | False].

Enables or disables the Lobby feature for the user.

Sets the default value for this option, which is used for all meetings that this user creates.


BooleanOption Element. Value range [True | False].

If True, enables meeting participants to send e-mail from the meeting lobby.


BooleanOption Element. Value range [True | False].

This corresponds to a new meeting option that you can override through the Meeting Options page in Live Meeting Manager under the Personal Recording section on the Meeting Options page. When this option is set to Presenters can record and presenters can allow attendees to record, presenters can set the permissions to allow attendee to record. For more information, see personalRecordingPrivilege in CreateUserRequest Element Element.

Added in Live Meeting service API for Live Meeting 2007.


BooleanOption Element. Value range [True | False].

This corresponds to a new user permission that you can override through the Modify Users page in Live Meeting Manager. This option can be set by selecting or clearing the check box under the Personal Recording section on the Create/Modify User page. If the account policy for this option is disabled, the request handler replaces it with the relevant value (which is False). The account policies can be set from the UI in Live Meeting Manager. For more information, see personalRecordingPrivilege in CreateUserRequest Element Element.

Added in Live Meeting service API for Live Meeting 2007


BooleanOption Element. Value range [True | False].

Enables or disables the deletion of recordings of the meeting organized by this user after it is published, in accordance with the values for the recordingExpirationTimeAmount and recordingExpirationTimeType options.

If the recording expiration policy for the account is enabled, the meeting organizer cannot set the enableRecordingExpiration option to False for this recording. The account policies can only be set from the Live Meeting Manager (Administer->Roles and Policies->Edit Meeting Policies->Meeting or Recording Expiration). Therefore, if you try to set the option value to False through this element, it is automatically changed to True and the related recordingExpirationTimeAmount and recordingExpirationTimeType options are set to the maximum value allowed by the account policies.

If the recording expiration policy for the account is disabled, the meeting organizer can update the enableRecordingExpiration option to True or False.

enableRecordingExpiration, recordingExpirationTimeAmount, and recordingExpirationTimeType should normally be specified together. When you do not specify the options together, they are specified for you according to the following rules:

If you are specifying the value for the first time, the option value is changed to the member default value.

If you are attempting to change the value of an option you have set before, the value is changed to the current default value specified in the configuration database.

If neither the member or current default values are present, the maximum allowed valid value for the options is used.

Added in Live Meeting service API for Live Meeting 2007.


BooleanOption Element. Value range [True | False].

If True, makes the Seating Chart feature available for the meeting.


TimeOption Element. Value range yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ.

If expireTime is present and the current time is after expireTime, the user cannot log on. Also, no one can enter any meeting owned by the user.


StringOption Element. Length range 0–255 characters.

Specifies the first name of the user.


BooleanOption Element. Value range [True | False].

If True, audience members can enter the meeting at any time. If False, they can enter only during the period that begins 30 minutes before the scheduled start of the meeting and ends at the scheduled end of the meeting.

Sets the default value for this option, which is used for all meetings that this user creates.


StringOption Element. Length range 1–256 characters.

This option is maintained for backward compatibility. audioParticipantCode is the preferred option for recording this information. By default, this is no longer visible in the Live Meeting Manager. For more information, see Known Issues.

Sets the default value for this option, which is used for all meetings that this user creates.


StringOption Element. Length range 1–256 characters.

This option is maintained for backward compatibility. audioLeaderCode is the preferred option for recording this information. By default, this is no longer visible in the Live Meeting Manager. For more information, see Known Issues.

Sets the default value for this option, which is used for all meetings that this user creates.


EnumerationOption Element. Value range [red | blue | yellow | purple | green].

Sets the color of the seat at the beginning of the meeting. The default is green.

Sets the default value for this option, which is used for all meetings that this user creates.


BooleanOption Element. Value range [True | False].

True if, and only if, the user has administrator privilege. The default is False. Setting both isAdministrator and isOrganizer to False amounts to specifying the Member-only role when a user account is created. If the Administrator role has meeting privileges and a user sets isAdministrator to True and isOrganizer to False, the user is still able to perform organizer actions. Otherwise, setting isOrganizer to False prevents the created user from organizing meetings.


BooleanOption Element. Value range [True | False].

True if, and only if, the user has organizer privilege. The default is False. Setting both isAdministrator and isOrganizer to False amounts to specifying the Member-only role when a user account is created. If the Administrator role has meeting privileges and a user sets isAdministrator to True and isOrganizer to False, the user is still able to perform organizer actions. Otherwise, setting isOrganizer to False prevents the created user from organizing meetings.


StringOption Element. Length range 1–255 characters.

Specifies the last name of the user. This is a required option.


StringOption Element. Length range 0–255 characters.

Specifies the message that appears to users when they enter a lobby before their meeting.

Sets the default value for this option, which is used for all meetings that this user creates.


LocaleOption Element

Specifies the default locale for meetings created by this user. Only one of the locales supported by the conference center can be specified. The list of locales supported by a conference center can be queried using the locales option in GetConferencingServiceData. Specifying an unsupported locale results in an error being returned. When specifying a locale, the language and country attributes are required. For more information, see Locale Element.

Sets the default value for this option, which is used for all meetings that this user creates.


DecimalOption Element. Value range 1 to 231-1.

Specifies the default duration, in seconds, for meetings. The default value is 60.

Sets the default value for this option, which is used for all meetings that this user creates.


EnumerationOption Element. Value range [None | MeetNow | Full].

Specifies the type of meeting that a user can create.


DecimalOption Element. Value range 1 to 231-1 attendees.

Specifies the default number of scheduled participants in the meeting.

Sets the default value for this option, which is used for all meetings that this user creates.


StringOption Element. Length range 1–1023 characters.

The default opaque1 option value for meetings created by this user. Represents a string that the conference center does not interpret. The value cannot be changed using the conference center's user interface.

Sets the default value for this option, which is used for all meetings that this user creates.


DecimalOption Element. Value range 0–999.

Specifies the height of the custom frame for presenter consoles, in pixels.

Sets the default value for this option, which is used for all meetings that this user creates.


StringOption Element. Length range 1–255 characters.

Specifies the URL that identifies the contents of the custom frame for presenter consoles.

Sets the default value for this option, which is used for all meetings that this user creates.


EnumerationOption Element. Value range [ACL | Password].

Specifies the entry control for the meeting.

Sets the default value for this option, which is used for all meetings that this user creates.


StringOption Element. Length range 0–64 characters.

Specifies the password needed for presenter entry into a meeting. This password cannot be the same as the account password and should conform to the strength requirements of the account password.


EnumerationOption Element. Value range [All | None | Presenters].

This corresponds to a new user permission that you can override through the Modify Users page in Live Meeting Manager. You can set this option by selecting or clearing the check box under the Personal Recording section on the Create/Modify User page. If the account policy for this option is disabled, the request handler replaces it with the relevant value (which is False). The account policies can be set from the UI in Live Meeting Manager (Administer->Roles and Policies->Roles->Organizer>Enable Presenters to Record and Permit Attendee to Record.

Added in Live Meeting service API for Live Meeting 2007.


PrintingOption Element. Value range [Disabled | Presenter | All].

Specifies the default printPDFPreference option value for meetings created by this user. The default is the value of the conference center printPDFPreferenceUserDefault option.


PrintingOption Element. Value range [Disabled | Presenter | All].

Presenter or All if, and only if, PDF printing is allowed in meetings created by this user. The default is the value of the conference center printPDFPrivilegeUserDefault option.


Obsolete since Live Meeting Service API 2007 Service Release 3. The value is always True.

BooleanOption Element. Value range [True | False].

If True, enables publishing in Live Meeting format, which features Microsoft® Windows® Media 10 format with the Live Meeting Replay Wrapper.

Sets the default value for this option, which is used for all meetings that this user creates. Setting the option to False has no effect because the conference center always publishes in Live Meeting format.

Deprecated. The return value will always be True.


BooleanOption Element. Value range [True | False].

The default is the value of the conference center publishNonStreamedAudioUserDefault option.

Sets the default value for this option, which is used for all meetings that this user creates.

Note: The Boolean option publishNonStreamedAudio has been deprecated. The return value will always be False


BooleanOption Element. Value range [True | False]. Read-only.

True if, and only if, recordings of the meeting can be published in the Microsoft Windows Media® format (subject to controls on the entire conference center). The default is the value of the organizer's publishWindowsMediaMovie option. This is replaced in Office Live Meeting API by the publishLiveMeetingMedia option.

Deprecated. The return value will always be True.


BooleanOption Element. Value range [True | False].

Enables or disables the Question and Answer console for the user for a meeting.

Sets the default value for this option, which is used for all meetings that this user creates.


BooleanOption Element. Value range [True | False].

This maps to the setting in User Preferences in the Live Meeting Manager as follows:

If False, only meeting organizers can download recordings. If True, anyone who can view the recording can download the recording.

Sets the default value for this option, which is used for all meetings that this user creates.


DecimalOption Element. Value range 1–1440.

Specifies the amount of time to wait before deleting the recordings of the meeting organized by this user after they are published. The unit of time is specified in the value of the recordingExpirationTimeType option.

Usually specified in conjunction with enableRecordingExpiration and recordingExpirationTimeType. If none of these options are specified in the request, it defaults to the account default value in case of user creation or to existing values in the configuration database in case of user modification. In case the account default value or the existing value itself is not present, the maximum allowed valid value for the options is used.

Added in Live Meeting service API for Live Meeting 2007.


EnumerationOption Element. Value range [minute | hour | day | month].

Specifies the unit of time to wait before deleting the recordings of the meeting organized by this user after they are published. The amount of time is specified in the value of the recordingExpirationTimeAmount option.

Usually specified in conjunction with enableRecordingExpiration and recordingExpirationTimeAmount. If none of these options are specified in the request, it defaults to the account default value in case of user creation or to existing values in the configuration database in case of user modification. In case the account default value or the existing value itself is not present, the maximum allowed valid value for the options is used.

Added in Live Meeting service API for Live Meeting 2007.


StringOption Element. Length range 1-255 characters.

Deprecated. Specifies the phone number to call for recording the meeting and only takes the characters "0123456789*#,".

This option is ignored if included in the request. No Fault is returned.


BooleanOption Element. Value range [True | False].

Specifies the default value for the recordingEnabled meeting option for meetings created by this user. The default is the value of the conference center recordingPreferenceUserDefault option.


BooleanOption Element. Value range [True | False].

Enables or disables the recordingPrivilege controls recording in a meeting. The default is the value of the conference center recordingPrivilegeUserDefault option.


BooleanOption Element. Value range [True | False].

Enables or disables extended registration for recordings.

Sets the default value for this option, which is used for all recordings that this user creates.


BooleanOption Element. Value range [True | False].

Enables or disables extended registration for meetings.

Sets the default value for this option, which is used for all meetings that this user creates.


StringOption Element. Length range 1–32 characters.

Used to set the text that describes the purpose for the seat color in the Live Meeting client.

Sets the default value for this option, which is used for all meetings that this user creates.


StringOption Element. Length range 1–32 characters.

Used to set the text that describes the purpose for the seat color in the Live Meeting client.

Sets the default value for this option which is used for all meetings that this user creates.


StringOption Element. Length range 1–32 characters.

Used to set the text that describes the purpose for the seat color in the Live Meeting client.

Sets the default value for this option, which is used for all meetings that this user creates.


StringOption Element. Length range 1–32 characters.

Used to set the text that describes the purpose for the seat color in the Live Meeting client.

Sets the default value for this option, which is used for all meetings that this user creates.


StringOption Element. Length range 1-32 characters.

Used to set the text that describes the purpose for the seat color in the Live Meeting client.

Sets the default value for this option, which is used for all meetings that this user creates.


StringOption Element. Length range 1-32 characters.

Specifies the text displayed in relation to the list of seat colors. The default is Feedback to Presenter.

Sets the default value for this option, which is used for all meetings that this user creates.


EnumerationOption Element. Value range [Inherit | OwnerOnly].

Sets the recording entry control.

Inherit means that all meeting participants can view recordings using their meeting entry information.

OwnerOnly means that only the Administrator and Organizer can view recordings. They can grant access to individual users.

Sets the default value for this option, which is used for all meetings that this user creates.


BooleanOption Element. Value range [True | False].

Shows the toll-free audio/phone number in the Live Meeting client during the meeting.

Sets the default value for this option, which is used for all meetings that this user creates.


BooleanOption Element. Value range [True | False].

Shows the audio/phone number in the Live Meeting client during the meeting.

Sets the default value for this option, which is used for all meetings that this user creates.


BooleanOption Element. Value range [True | False].

Activates or deactivates the menu bar item that enables the presenter to end a meeting.

Sets the default value for this option, which is used for all meetings that this user creates.


StringOption Element. Length range 1-255 characters.

The default is the time zone ID of the conference center.

Sets the default value for this option, which is used for all meetings that this user creates.

No exceptions are thrown by this element. All out-of-range option values are intelligently replaced by an appropriate value.

The enableRecordingExpiration, recordingExpirationTimeAmount, and recordingExpirationTimeType options provide the ability to override recording settings that are added when users are created. After a user is created, these settings can still be overridden by calling ModifyUser Message and ModifyUserProfile Message. ModifyUser can be called by account administrators and ModifyUserProfile can be called by meeting organizers.

The applicationSharingPrivilege option indicates the maximum sharing privilege granted to the user while applicationSharingPreference indicates the default privilege the user wants when he or she creates a meeting. For example, the user can have a Desktop privilege but his or her preference is Single.

The infoA option is a more free-format field than audioParticipantCode.

The infoP option is a more free-format field than audioLeaderCode.

Audio Options Table

The Audio Options table below shows how the mappings for enableAudioVOIP and enableAudioBroadcast options

Values Returned/Accepted by the XML-API





Never returned, if received the API returns an ERROR

Never returned, if received the API returns an ERROR







No Comp. Audio



See Also


CreateUserReply Element

CreateUser Message