
Application.Cells Property (Excel)

Returns a Range object that represents all the cells on the active worksheet. If the active document is not a worksheet, this property fails.


expression .Cells

expression A variable that represents an Application object.


Because the Item property is the default property for the Range object, you can specify the row and column index immediately after the Cells keyword. For more information, see the Item property and the examples for this topic.

Using this property without an object qualifier returns a Range object that represents all the cells on the active worksheet.


Sample code provided by:MVP 參與者 Tom Urtis, Atlas Programming Management | About the Contributor

This example looks at data in each row and inserts a blank row each time the value in column A changes.

Sub ChangeInsertRows()
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    Dim xRow As Long
    For xRow = Application.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row To 3 Step -1
        If Application.Cells(xRow, 1).Value <> Application.Cells(xRow - 1, 1).Value Then Rows(xRow).Resize(1).Insert
    Next xRow
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

About the Contributor

MVP Tom Urtis 是 Atlas 程式設計管理的創辦人,這是一家在矽谷提供 Microsoft Office 和 Excel 商務解決方案的公司。Tom 擁有 25 多年營運管理和開發 Microsoft Office 應用程式的資歷,而且是《Holy Macro! It’s 2,500 Excel VBA Examples》的共同作者。



Application Object

Application Object Members