CPaneContainer Class
The CPaneContainer class is a basic component of the docking model implemented by MFC. An object of this class stores pointers to two docking panes or to two instances of CPaneContainer. It also stores a pointer to the divider that separates the panes (or the containers). By nesting containers inside containers, the framework can build a binary tree that represents complex docking layouts. The root of the binary tree is stored in a CPaneContainerManager object.
class CPaneContainer : public CObject
Public Constructors
Name |
Description |
Default constructor. |
Public Methods
Name |
Description |
Reads or writes this object from or to an archive. (Overrides CObject::Serialize.) |
CPaneContainer objects are created automatically by the framework.
The following example demonstrates how to construct an instance of the CPaneContainer class. This code snippet is part of the Set Pane Size sample.
CPaneDialog m_wndDlgBar;
CPaneDivider* pDefaultPaneDivider = m_wndDlgBar.GetDefaultPaneDivider ();
if (pDefaultPaneDivider == NULL)
AfxMessageBox (_T ("The DialogBar is not docked."));
BOOL bLeftBar = FALSE;
CPaneContainer* pContainer = pDefaultPaneDivider->FindPaneContainer (&m_wndDlgBar, bLeftBar);
Inheritance Hierarchy
Header: afxpanecontainer.h