
Xamarin.Mac 中的資料庫

本文涵蓋使用索引鍵/值編碼和索引鍵/值觀察,以允許 Xcode 介面產生器中 SQLite 資料庫與 UI 元素之間的數據系結。 它也涵蓋使用 SQLite.NET ORM 來提供 SQLite 數據的存取權。


在 Xamarin.Mac 應用程式中使用 C# 和 .NET 時,您可以存取 Xamarin.iOS 或 Xamarin.Android 應用程式可以存取的相同 SQLite 資料庫。

在本文中,我們將涵蓋兩種方式來存取 SQLite 數據:

  1. 直接存取 - 藉由直接存取 SQLite 資料庫,我們可以使用資料庫中的數據,搭配 Xcode 介面產生器中建立的 UI 元素進行索引鍵/值編碼和數據系結。 藉由在 Xamarin.Mac 應用程式中使用索引鍵/值編碼和數據系結技術,您可以大幅減少您必須撰寫和維護的程式碼數量,以填入和使用 UI 元素。 您也可以從前端使用者介面(Model-View-Controller)進一步分離備份數據(數據模型),進而更輕鬆地維護、更有彈性的應用程式設計。
  2. SQLite.NET ORM - 藉由使用 開放原始碼 SQLite.NET 對象關聯性管理員 (ORM), 我們可以大幅減少從 SQLite 資料庫讀取和寫入數據所需的程式代碼數量。 然後,此數據可用來填入使用者介面專案,例如數據表檢視。


在本文中,我們將討論在 Xamarin.Mac 應用程式中使用 SQLite 資料庫的索引鍵/值編碼和數據系結的基本概念。 強烈建議您先完成 Hello,Mac 文章,特別是 Xcode 和 Interface Builder 和 Outlets 和 Actions 簡介小節,因為它涵蓋我們將在本文中使用的重要概念和技術。

由於我們將使用索引鍵/值編碼和數據系結,因此請先完成 數據系結和索引鍵/值編碼 ,因為將涵蓋此檔及其範例應用程式將使用的核心技術和概念。

您可能也想要查看 Xamarin.Mac Internals 檔的公開 C# 類別/方法Objective-C一節,它也會說明 Register 用來將 C# 類別連線至Objective-C物件和 UI 元素的 和 Export 屬性。

直接 SQLite 存取

對於即將系結至 Xcode 介面產生器中 UI 元素的 SQLite 數據,強烈建議您直接存取 SQLite 資料庫(而不是使用 ORM 等技術),因為您可以完全控制從資料庫寫入和讀取數據的方式。

如我們在數據系結和索引鍵/值編碼檔中所見,在 Xamarin.Mac 應用程式中使用索引鍵/值編碼和數據系結技術,您可以大幅減少您必須撰寫和維護的程式代碼數量,以填入和使用 UI 元素。 結合 SQLite 資料庫的直接存取權時,也可以大幅減少讀取和寫入該資料庫所需的程式代碼數量。

在本文中,我們將從數據系結和索引鍵/值編碼檔修改範例應用程式,以使用 SQLite 資料庫作為系結的備份來源。

包含 SQLite 資料庫支援

在繼續之前,我們需要加入幾個 的參考,將 SQLite 資料庫支援新增至應用程式。DLL 檔案。


  1. 在 Solution Pad 中,以滑鼠右鍵按兩下 [參考] 資料夾,然後選取 [編輯參考]。

  2. 同時選取 Mono.Data.SqliteSystem.Data 元件:


  3. 按兩下 [ 確定] 按鈕以儲存您的變更並新增參考。


既然我們已新增直接存取 SQLite 資料庫至應用程式的支持,我們需要修改數據模型物件,以從資料庫讀取和寫入數據(以及提供索引鍵/值編碼和數據系結)。 在我們的範例應用程式中,我們將編輯 PersonModel.cs 類別,使其看起來如下:

using System;
using System.Data;
using System.IO;
using Mono.Data.Sqlite;
using Foundation;
using AppKit;

namespace MacDatabase
    public class PersonModel : NSObject
        #region Private Variables
        private string _ID = "";
        private string _managerID = "";
        private string _name = "";
        private string _occupation = "";
        private bool _isManager = false;
        private NSMutableArray _people = new NSMutableArray();
        private SqliteConnection _conn = null;

        #region Computed Properties
        public SqliteConnection Conn {
            get { return _conn; }
            set { _conn = value; }

        public string ID {
            get { return _ID; }
            set {
                WillChangeValue ("ID");
                _ID = value;
                DidChangeValue ("ID");

        public string ManagerID {
            get { return _managerID; }
            set {
                WillChangeValue ("ManagerID");
                _managerID = value;
                DidChangeValue ("ManagerID");

        public string Name {
            get { return _name; }
            set {
                WillChangeValue ("Name");
                _name = value;
                DidChangeValue ("Name");

                // Save changes to database?
                if (_conn != null) Update (_conn);

        public string Occupation {
            get { return _occupation; }
            set {
                WillChangeValue ("Occupation");
                _occupation = value;
                DidChangeValue ("Occupation");

                // Save changes to database?
                if (_conn != null) Update (_conn);

        public bool isManager {
            get { return _isManager; }
            set {
                WillChangeValue ("isManager");
                WillChangeValue ("Icon");
                _isManager = value;
                DidChangeValue ("isManager");
                DidChangeValue ("Icon");

                // Save changes to database?
                if (_conn != null) Update (_conn);

        public bool isEmployee {
            get { return (NumberOfEmployees == 0); }

        public NSImage Icon {
            get {
                if (isManager) {
                    return NSImage.ImageNamed ("group.png");
                } else {
                    return NSImage.ImageNamed ("user.png");

        public NSArray People {
            get { return _people; }

        public nint NumberOfEmployees {
            get { return (nint)_people.Count; }

        #region Constructors
        public PersonModel ()

        public PersonModel (string name, string occupation)
            // Initialize
            this.Name = name;
            this.Occupation = occupation;

        public PersonModel (string name, string occupation, bool manager)
            // Initialize
            this.Name = name;
            this.Occupation = occupation;
            this.isManager = manager;

        public PersonModel (string id, string name, string occupation)
            // Initialize
            this.ID = id;
            this.Name = name;
            this.Occupation = occupation;

        public PersonModel (SqliteConnection conn, string id)
            // Load from database
            Load (conn, id);

        #region Array Controller Methods
        public void AddPerson(PersonModel person) {
            WillChangeValue ("personModelArray");
            isManager = true;
            _people.Add (person);
            DidChangeValue ("personModelArray");

        public void InsertPerson(PersonModel person, nint index) {
            WillChangeValue ("personModelArray");
            _people.Insert (person, index);
            DidChangeValue ("personModelArray");

        public void RemovePerson(nint index) {
            WillChangeValue ("personModelArray");
            _people.RemoveObject (index);
            DidChangeValue ("personModelArray");

        public void SetPeople(NSMutableArray array) {
            WillChangeValue ("personModelArray");
            _people = array;
            DidChangeValue ("personModelArray");

        #region SQLite Routines
        public void Create(SqliteConnection conn) {

            // Clear last connection to prevent circular call to update
            _conn = null;

            // Create new record ID?
            if (ID == "") {
                ID = Guid.NewGuid ().ToString();

            // Execute query
            conn.Open ();
            using (var command = conn.CreateCommand ()) {
                // Create new command
                command.CommandText = "INSERT INTO [People] (ID, Name, Occupation, isManager, ManagerID) VALUES (@COL1, @COL2, @COL3, @COL4, @COL5)";

                // Populate with data from the record
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@COL1", ID);
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@COL2", Name);
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@COL3", Occupation);
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@COL4", isManager);
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@COL5", ManagerID);

                // Write to database
                command.ExecuteNonQuery ();
            conn.Close ();

            // Save children to database as well
            for (nuint n = 0; n < People.Count; ++n) {
                // Grab person
                var Person = People.GetItem<PersonModel>(n);

                // Save manager ID and create the sub record
                Person.ManagerID = ID;
                Person.Create (conn);

            // Save last connection
            _conn = conn;

        public void Update(SqliteConnection conn) {

            // Clear last connection to prevent circular call to update
            _conn = null;

            // Execute query
            conn.Open ();
            using (var command = conn.CreateCommand ()) {
                // Create new command
                command.CommandText = "UPDATE [People] SET Name = @COL2, Occupation = @COL3, isManager = @COL4, ManagerID = @COL5 WHERE ID = @COL1";

                // Populate with data from the record
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@COL1", ID);
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@COL2", Name);
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@COL3", Occupation);
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@COL4", isManager);
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@COL5", ManagerID);

                // Write to database
                command.ExecuteNonQuery ();
            conn.Close ();

            // Save children to database as well
            for (nuint n = 0; n < People.Count; ++n) {
                // Grab person
                var Person = People.GetItem<PersonModel>(n);

                // Update sub record
                Person.Update (conn);

            // Save last connection
            _conn = conn;

        public void Load(SqliteConnection conn, string id) {
            bool shouldClose = false;

            // Clear last connection to prevent circular call to update
            _conn = null;

            // Is the database already open?
            if (conn.State != ConnectionState.Open) {
                shouldClose = true;
                conn.Open ();

            // Execute query
            using (var command = conn.CreateCommand ()) {
                // Create new command
                command.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM [People] WHERE ID = @COL1";

                // Populate with data from the record
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@COL1", id);

                using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader ()) {
                    while (reader.Read ()) {
                        // Pull values back into class
                        ID = (string)reader [0];
                        Name = (string)reader [1];
                        Occupation = (string)reader [2];
                        isManager = (bool)reader [3];
                        ManagerID = (string)reader [4];

            // Is this a manager?
            if (isManager) {
                // Yes, load children
                using (var command = conn.CreateCommand ()) {
                    // Create new command
                    command.CommandText = "SELECT ID FROM [People] WHERE ManagerID = @COL1";

                    // Populate with data from the record
                    command.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@COL1", id);

                    using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader ()) {
                        while (reader.Read ()) {
                            // Load child and add to collection
                            var childID = (string)reader [0];
                            var person = new PersonModel (conn, childID);
                            _people.Add (person);

            // Should we close the connection to the database
            if (shouldClose) {
                conn.Close ();

            // Save last connection
            _conn = conn;

        public void Delete(SqliteConnection conn) {

            // Clear last connection to prevent circular call to update
            _conn = null;

            // Execute query
            conn.Open ();
            using (var command = conn.CreateCommand ()) {
                // Create new command
                command.CommandText = "DELETE FROM [People] WHERE (ID = @COL1 OR ManagerID = @COL1)";

                // Populate with data from the record
                command.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@COL1", ID);

                // Write to database
                command.ExecuteNonQuery ();
            conn.Close ();

            // Empty class
            ID = "";
            ManagerID = "";
            Name = "";
            Occupation = "";
            isManager = false;
            _people = new NSMutableArray();

            // Save last connection
            _conn = conn;


首先,我們已新增數個 use 語句,這些語句是使用 SQLite 所需的語句,而且我們新增了變數來儲存對 SQLite 資料庫的最後一個連線:

using System.Data;
using System.IO;
using Mono.Data.Sqlite;

private SqliteConnection _conn = null;

當使用者透過數據系結修改 UI 中的內容時,我們將使用此已儲存的連線,自動將記錄的任何變更儲存至資料庫:

public string Name {
    get { return _name; }
    set {
        WillChangeValue ("Name");
        _name = value;
        DidChangeValue ("Name");

        // Save changes to database?
        if (_conn != null) Update (_conn);

public string Occupation {
    get { return _occupation; }
    set {
        WillChangeValue ("Occupation");
        _occupation = value;
        DidChangeValue ("Occupation");

        // Save changes to database?
        if (_conn != null) Update (_conn);

public bool isManager {
    get { return _isManager; }
    set {
        WillChangeValue ("isManager");
        WillChangeValue ("Icon");
        _isManager = value;
        DidChangeValue ("isManager");
        DidChangeValue ("Icon");

        // Save changes to database?
        if (_conn != null) Update (_conn);

如果之前已儲存數據,則對 Name、Occupation 或 isManager 屬性所做的任何變更都會傳送至資料庫(例如,如果_conn變數不是 null)。 接下來,讓我們看看我們已新增至 建立更新載入刪除 資料庫中人員的方法。


已新增下列程式代碼,以在 SQLite 資料庫中建立新記錄:

public void Create(SqliteConnection conn) {

    // Clear last connection to prevent circular call to update
    _conn = null;

    // Create new record ID?
    if (ID == "") {
        ID = Guid.NewGuid ().ToString();

    // Execute query
    conn.Open ();
    using (var command = conn.CreateCommand ()) {
        // Create new command
        command.CommandText = "INSERT INTO [People] (ID, Name, Occupation, isManager, ManagerID) VALUES (@COL1, @COL2, @COL3, @COL4, @COL5)";

        // Populate with data from the record
        command.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@COL1", ID);
        command.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@COL2", Name);
        command.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@COL3", Occupation);
        command.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@COL4", isManager);
        command.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@COL5", ManagerID);

        // Write to database
        command.ExecuteNonQuery ();
    conn.Close ();

    // Save children to database as well
    for (nuint n = 0; n < People.Count; ++n) {
        // Grab person
        var Person = People.GetItem<PersonModel>(n);

        // Save manager ID and create the sub record
        Person.ManagerID = ID;
        Person.Create (conn);

    // Save last connection
    _conn = conn;

我們使用 來 SQLiteCommand 在資料庫中建立新記錄。 我們從 傳入 方法的 SQLiteConnection (conn) 取得新的指令,方法是呼叫 CreateCommand。 接下來,我們將 SQL 指令設定為實際寫入新記錄,並提供實際值的參數:

command.CommandText = "INSERT INTO [People] (ID, Name, Occupation, isManager, ManagerID) VALUES (@COL1, @COL2, @COL3, @COL4, @COL5)";

稍後我們會使用 Parameters.AddWithValue 上的 SQLiteCommand方法,設定參數的值。 藉由使用參數,我們可確保值(例如單引號)在傳送至 SQLite 之前會正確編碼。 範例:

command.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@COL1", ID);

最後,由於某個人員可以是經理,並擁有員工集合,因此我們會遞歸地呼叫 Create 這些人員上的方法,以將它們儲存至資料庫:

// Save children to database as well
for (nuint n = 0; n < People.Count; ++n) {
    // Grab person
    var Person = People.GetItem<PersonModel>(n);

    // Save manager ID and create the sub record
    Person.ManagerID = ID;
    Person.Create (conn);


已新增下列程式代碼,以更新 SQLite 資料庫中的現有記錄:

public void Update(SqliteConnection conn) {

    // Clear last connection to prevent circular call to update
    _conn = null;

    // Execute query
    conn.Open ();
    using (var command = conn.CreateCommand ()) {
        // Create new command
        command.CommandText = "UPDATE [People] SET Name = @COL2, Occupation = @COL3, isManager = @COL4, ManagerID = @COL5 WHERE ID = @COL1";

        // Populate with data from the record
        command.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@COL1", ID);
        command.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@COL2", Name);
        command.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@COL3", Occupation);
        command.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@COL4", isManager);
        command.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@COL5", ManagerID);

        // Write to database
        command.ExecuteNonQuery ();
    conn.Close ();

    // Save children to database as well
    for (nuint n = 0; n < People.Count; ++n) {
        // Grab person
        var Person = People.GetItem<PersonModel>(n);

        // Update sub record
        Person.Update (conn);

    // Save last connection
    _conn = conn;

如同上述建立,我們會從傳入 SQLiteConnection的 取得 SQLiteCommand ,並將 SQL 設定為更新記錄(提供參數):

command.CommandText = "UPDATE [People] SET Name = @COL2, Occupation = @COL3, isManager = @COL4, ManagerID = @COL5 WHERE ID = @COL1";

我們會填入參數值(例如: command.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@COL1", ID);),並再次以遞歸方式呼叫任何子記錄的更新:

// Save children to database as well
for (nuint n = 0; n < People.Count; ++n) {
    // Grab person
    var Person = People.GetItem<PersonModel>(n);

    // Update sub record
    Person.Update (conn);


已新增下列程式代碼,以從 SQLite 資料庫載入現有的記錄:

public void Load(SqliteConnection conn, string id) {
    bool shouldClose = false;

    // Clear last connection to prevent circular call to update
    _conn = null;

    // Is the database already open?
    if (conn.State != ConnectionState.Open) {
        shouldClose = true;
        conn.Open ();

    // Execute query
    using (var command = conn.CreateCommand ()) {
        // Create new command
        command.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM [People] WHERE ID = @COL1";

        // Populate with data from the record
        command.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@COL1", id);

        using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader ()) {
            while (reader.Read ()) {
                // Pull values back into class
                ID = (string)reader [0];
                Name = (string)reader [1];
                Occupation = (string)reader [2];
                isManager = (bool)reader [3];
                ManagerID = (string)reader [4];

    // Is this a manager?
    if (isManager) {
        // Yes, load children
        using (var command = conn.CreateCommand ()) {
            // Create new command
            command.CommandText = "SELECT ID FROM [People] WHERE ManagerID = @COL1";

            // Populate with data from the record
            command.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@COL1", id);

            using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader ()) {
                while (reader.Read ()) {
                    // Load child and add to collection
                    var childID = (string)reader [0];
                    var person = new PersonModel (conn, childID);
                    _people.Add (person);

    // Should we close the connection to the database
    if (shouldClose) {
        conn.Close ();

    // Save last connection
    _conn = conn;


bool shouldClose = false;

// Is the database already open?
if (conn.State != ConnectionState.Open) {
    shouldClose = true;
    conn.Open ();

// Should we close the connection to the database
if (shouldClose) {
    conn.Close ();

一如往常,我們將 SQL 設定為擷取記錄並使用參數:

// Create new command
command.CommandText = "SELECT ID FROM [People] WHERE ManagerID = @COL1";

// Populate with data from the record
command.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@COL1", id);

最後,我們使用數據讀取器來執行查詢並傳回記錄欄位(我們會複製到 類別的 PersonModel 實例):

using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader ()) {
    while (reader.Read ()) {
        // Pull values back into class
        ID = (string)reader [0];
        Name = (string)reader [1];
        Occupation = (string)reader [2];
        isManager = (bool)reader [3];
        ManagerID = (string)reader [4];

如果這個人是經理,我們也需要載入所有員工(同樣地,以遞歸方式呼叫他們的 Load 方法):

// Is this a manager?
if (isManager) {
    // Yes, load children
    using (var command = conn.CreateCommand ()) {
        // Create new command
        command.CommandText = "SELECT ID FROM [People] WHERE ManagerID = @COL1";

        // Populate with data from the record
        command.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@COL1", id);

        using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader ()) {
            while (reader.Read ()) {
                // Load child and add to collection
                var childID = (string)reader [0];
                var person = new PersonModel (conn, childID);
                _people.Add (person);


新增下列程式代碼,以從 SQLite 資料庫移除現有的紀錄:

public void Delete(SqliteConnection conn) {

    // Clear last connection to prevent circular call to update
    _conn = null;

    // Execute query
    conn.Open ();
    using (var command = conn.CreateCommand ()) {
        // Create new command
        command.CommandText = "DELETE FROM [People] WHERE (ID = @COL1 OR ManagerID = @COL1)";

        // Populate with data from the record
        command.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@COL1", ID);

        // Write to database
        command.ExecuteNonQuery ();
    conn.Close ();

    // Empty class
    ID = "";
    ManagerID = "";
    Name = "";
    Occupation = "";
    isManager = false;
    _people = new NSMutableArray();

    // Save last connection
    _conn = conn;

在這裡,我們提供 SQL 來刪除經理記錄和該經理下任何員工的記錄(使用參數):

// Create new command
command.CommandText = "DELETE FROM [People] WHERE (ID = @COL1 OR ManagerID = @COL1)";

// Populate with data from the record
command.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@COL1", ID);

移除記錄之後,我們會清除 類別的 PersonModel 目前實例:

// Empty class
ID = "";
ManagerID = "";
Name = "";
Occupation = "";
isManager = false;
_people = new NSMutableArray();


隨著數據模型變更,以支援讀取和寫入資料庫,我們需要開啟資料庫的連接,並在第一次執行時將其初始化。 讓我們將下列程式代碼新增至 MainWindow.cs 檔案:

using System.Data;
using System.IO;
using Mono.Data.Sqlite;

private SqliteConnection DatabaseConnection = null;

private SqliteConnection GetDatabaseConnection() {
    var documents = Environment.GetFolderPath (Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop);
    string db = Path.Combine (documents, "People.db3");

    // Create the database if it doesn't already exist
    bool exists = File.Exists (db);
    if (!exists)
        SqliteConnection.CreateFile (db);

    // Create connection to the database
    var conn = new SqliteConnection("Data Source=" + db);

    // Set the structure of the database
    if (!exists) {
        var commands = new[] {
            "CREATE TABLE People (ID TEXT, Name TEXT, Occupation TEXT, isManager BOOLEAN, ManagerID TEXT)"
        conn.Open ();
        foreach (var cmd in commands) {
            using (var c = conn.CreateCommand()) {
                c.CommandText = cmd;
                c.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
                c.ExecuteNonQuery ();
        conn.Close ();

        // Build list of employees
        var Craig = new PersonModel ("0","Craig Dunn", "Documentation Manager");
        Craig.AddPerson (new PersonModel ("Amy Burns", "Technical Writer"));
        Craig.AddPerson (new PersonModel ("Joel Martinez", "Web & Infrastructure"));
        Craig.AddPerson (new PersonModel ("Kevin Mullins", "Technical Writer"));
        Craig.AddPerson (new PersonModel ("Mark McLemore", "Technical Writer"));
        Craig.AddPerson (new PersonModel ("Tom Opgenorth", "Technical Writer"));
        Craig.Create (conn);

        var Larry = new PersonModel ("1","Larry O'Brien", "API Documentation Manager");
        Larry.AddPerson (new PersonModel ("Mike Norman", "API Documentor"));
        Larry.Create (conn);

    // Return new connection
    return conn;

讓我們進一步瞭解上述程序代碼。 首先,我們會挑選新資料庫的位置(在此範例中為使用者的 Desktop),查看資料庫是否存在,如果不存在,請加以建立:

var documents = Environment.GetFolderPath (Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop);
string db = Path.Combine (documents, "People.db3");

// Create the database if it doesn't already exist
bool exists = File.Exists (db);
if (!exists)
    SqliteConnection.CreateFile (db);


var conn = new SqliteConnection("Data Source=" + db);

然後,我們會在資料庫中建立我們需要的所有 SQL 數據表:

var commands = new[] {
    "CREATE TABLE People (ID TEXT, Name TEXT, Occupation TEXT, isManager BOOLEAN, ManagerID TEXT)"
conn.Open ();
foreach (var cmd in commands) {
    using (var c = conn.CreateCommand()) {
        c.CommandText = cmd;
        c.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
        c.ExecuteNonQuery ();
conn.Close ();

最後,我們會使用我們的數據模型 (PersonModel) 在第一次執行應用程式時或資料庫遺失時,為資料庫建立一組默認的記錄:

// Build list of employees
var Craig = new PersonModel ("0","Craig Dunn", "Documentation Manager");
Craig.AddPerson (new PersonModel ("Amy Burns", "Technical Writer"));
Craig.AddPerson (new PersonModel ("Joel Martinez", "Web & Infrastructure"));
Craig.AddPerson (new PersonModel ("Kevin Mullins", "Technical Writer"));
Craig.AddPerson (new PersonModel ("Mark McLemore", "Technical Writer"));
Craig.AddPerson (new PersonModel ("Tom Opgenorth", "Technical Writer"));
Craig.Create (conn);

var Larry = new PersonModel ("1","Larry O'Brien", "API Documentation Manager");
Larry.AddPerson (new PersonModel ("Mike Norman", "API Documentor"));
Larry.Create (conn);

當應用程式啟動並開啟 [主視窗] 時,我們會使用上面新增的程式代碼來連線資料庫:

public override void AwakeFromNib ()
    base.AwakeFromNib ();

    // Get access to database
    DatabaseConnection = GetDatabaseConnection ();


透過從 SQLite 資料庫直接存取系結資料的所有元件,我們可以在應用程式提供的不同檢視中載入資料,而且它會自動顯示在 UI 中。



Person = new PersonModel (Conn, "0");



// Load all employees
_conn.Open ();
using (var command = _conn.CreateCommand ()) {
    // Create new command
    command.CommandText = "SELECT ID FROM [People]";

    using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader ()) {
        while (reader.Read ()) {
            // Load child and add to collection
            var childID = (string)reader [0];
            var person = new PersonModel (_conn, childID);
            AddPerson (person);
_conn.Close ();

在這裡,我們會使用 類別的建構 PersonModel 函式多載,將人員載入記憶體中:

var person = new PersonModel (_conn, childID);

我們也呼叫數據系結類別,將人員新增至人員集合 AddPerson (person),這可確保我們的UI能夠辨識變更並加以顯示:

public void AddPerson(PersonModel person) {
    WillChangeValue ("personModelArray");
    isManager = true;
    _people.Add (person);
    DidChangeValue ("personModelArray");



// Load only managers employees
_conn.Open ();
using (var command = _conn.CreateCommand ()) {
    // Create new command
    command.CommandText = "SELECT ID FROM [People] WHERE isManager = 1";

    using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader ()) {
        while (reader.Read ()) {
            // Load child and add to collection
            var childID = (string)reader [0];
            var person = new PersonModel (_conn, childID);
            AddPerson (person);
_conn.Close ();

SQL 語句中 唯一的實際差異(只載入管理員 command.CommandText = "SELECT ID FROM [People] WHERE isManager = 1"),但運作方式與上述區段相同。


macOS 可用的功能表控制項(例如下拉式方塊)可以設定為從內部清單填入下拉式清單(可以在介面產生器中預先定義或透過程式代碼填入),或提供您自己的自定義外部數據源。 如需詳細資訊,請參閱 提供功能表控件數據

例如,在 Interface Builder 中編輯上述的簡單系結範例、新增下拉式方塊,並使用名為 的 EmployeeSelector輸出來公開它:


[屬性偵測器] 中,檢查 [自動完成] 和 [使用數據源] 屬性:


儲存變更並返回 Visual Studio for Mac 進行同步處理。


接下來,將新的類別新增至名為 ComboBoxDataSource 的專案,使其看起來如下:

using System;
using System.Data;
using System.IO;
using Mono.Data.Sqlite;
using Foundation;
using AppKit;

namespace MacDatabase
    public class ComboBoxDataSource : NSComboBoxDataSource
        #region Private Variables
        private SqliteConnection _conn = null;
        private string _tableName = "";
        private string _IDField = "ID";
        private string _displayField = "";
        private nint _recordCount = 0;

        #region Computed Properties
        public SqliteConnection Conn {
            get { return _conn; }
            set { _conn = value; }

        public string TableName {
            get { return _tableName; }
            set {
                _tableName = value;
                _recordCount = GetRecordCount ();

        public string IDField {
            get { return _IDField; }
            set {
                _IDField = value;
                _recordCount = GetRecordCount ();

        public string DisplayField {
            get { return _displayField; }
            set {
                _displayField = value;
                _recordCount = GetRecordCount ();

        public nint RecordCount {
            get { return _recordCount; }

        #region Constructors
        public ComboBoxDataSource (SqliteConnection conn, string tableName, string displayField)
            // Initialize
            this.Conn = conn;
            this.TableName = tableName;
            this.DisplayField = displayField;

        public ComboBoxDataSource (SqliteConnection conn, string tableName, string idField, string displayField)
            // Initialize
            this.Conn = conn;
            this.TableName = tableName;
            this.IDField = idField;
            this.DisplayField = displayField;

        #region Private Methods
        private nint GetRecordCount ()
            bool shouldClose = false;
            nint count = 0;

            // Has a Table, ID and display field been specified?
            if (TableName !="" && IDField != "" && DisplayField != "") {
                // Is the database already open?
                if (Conn.State != ConnectionState.Open) {
                    shouldClose = true;
                    Conn.Open ();

                // Execute query
                using (var command = Conn.CreateCommand ()) {
                    // Create new command
                    command.CommandText = $"SELECT count({IDField}) FROM [{TableName}]";

                    // Get the results from the database
                    using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader ()) {
                        while (reader.Read ()) {
                            // Read count from query
                            var result = (long)reader [0];
                            count = (nint)result;

                // Should we close the connection to the database
                if (shouldClose) {
                    Conn.Close ();

            // Return the number of records
            return count;

        #region Public Methods
        public string IDForIndex (nint index)
            NSString value = new NSString ("");
            bool shouldClose = false;

            // Has a Table, ID and display field been specified?
            if (TableName != "" && IDField != "" && DisplayField != "") {
                // Is the database already open?
                if (Conn.State != ConnectionState.Open) {
                    shouldClose = true;
                    Conn.Open ();

                // Execute query
                using (var command = Conn.CreateCommand ()) {
                    // Create new command
                    command.CommandText = $"SELECT {IDField} FROM [{TableName}] ORDER BY {DisplayField} ASC LIMIT 1 OFFSET {index}";

                    // Get the results from the database
                    using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader ()) {
                        while (reader.Read ()) {
                            // Read the display field from the query
                            value = new NSString ((string)reader [0]);

                // Should we close the connection to the database
                if (shouldClose) {
                    Conn.Close ();

            // Return results
            return value;

        public string ValueForIndex (nint index)
            NSString value = new NSString ("");
            bool shouldClose = false;

            // Has a Table, ID and display field been specified?
            if (TableName != "" && IDField != "" && DisplayField != "") {
                // Is the database already open?
                if (Conn.State != ConnectionState.Open) {
                    shouldClose = true;
                    Conn.Open ();

                // Execute query
                using (var command = Conn.CreateCommand ()) {
                    // Create new command
                    command.CommandText = $"SELECT {DisplayField} FROM [{TableName}] ORDER BY {DisplayField} ASC LIMIT 1 OFFSET {index}";

                    // Get the results from the database
                    using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader ()) {
                        while (reader.Read ()) {
                            // Read the display field from the query
                            value = new NSString ((string)reader [0]);

                // Should we close the connection to the database
                if (shouldClose) {
                    Conn.Close ();

            // Return results
            return value;

        public string IDForValue (string value)
            NSString result = new NSString ("");
            bool shouldClose = false;

            // Has a Table, ID and display field been specified?
            if (TableName != "" && IDField != "" && DisplayField != "") {
                // Is the database already open?
                if (Conn.State != ConnectionState.Open) {
                    shouldClose = true;
                    Conn.Open ();

                // Execute query
                using (var command = Conn.CreateCommand ()) {
                    // Create new command
                    command.CommandText = $"SELECT {IDField} FROM [{TableName}] WHERE {DisplayField} = @VAL";

                    // Populate parameters
                    command.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@VAL", value);

                    // Get the results from the database
                    using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader ()) {
                        while (reader.Read ()) {
                            // Read the display field from the query
                            result = new NSString ((string)reader [0]);

                // Should we close the connection to the database
                if (shouldClose) {
                    Conn.Close ();

            // Return results
            return result;

        #region Override Methods
        public override nint ItemCount (NSComboBox comboBox)
            return RecordCount;

        public override NSObject ObjectValueForItem (NSComboBox comboBox, nint index)
            NSString value = new NSString ("");
            bool shouldClose = false;

            // Has a Table, ID and display field been specified?
            if (TableName != "" && IDField != "" && DisplayField != "") {
                // Is the database already open?
                if (Conn.State != ConnectionState.Open) {
                    shouldClose = true;
                    Conn.Open ();

                // Execute query
                using (var command = Conn.CreateCommand ()) {
                    // Create new command
                    command.CommandText = $"SELECT {DisplayField} FROM [{TableName}] ORDER BY {DisplayField} ASC LIMIT 1 OFFSET {index}";

                    // Get the results from the database
                    using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader ()) {
                        while (reader.Read ()) {
                            // Read the display field from the query
                            value = new NSString((string)reader [0]);

                // Should we close the connection to the database
                if (shouldClose) {
                    Conn.Close ();

            // Return results
            return value;

        public override nint IndexOfItem (NSComboBox comboBox, string value)
            bool shouldClose = false;
            bool found = false;
            string field = "";
            nint index = NSRange.NotFound;

            // Has a Table, ID and display field been specified?
            if (TableName != "" && IDField != "" && DisplayField != "") {
                // Is the database already open?
                if (Conn.State != ConnectionState.Open) {
                    shouldClose = true;
                    Conn.Open ();

                // Execute query
                using (var command = Conn.CreateCommand ()) {
                    // Create new command
                    command.CommandText = $"SELECT {DisplayField} FROM [{TableName}] ORDER BY {DisplayField} ASC";

                    // Get the results from the database
                    using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader ()) {
                        while (reader.Read () && !found) {
                            // Read the display field from the query
                            field = (string)reader [0];

                            // Is this the value we are searching for?
                            if (value == field) {
                                // Yes, exit loop
                                found = true;

                // Should we close the connection to the database
                if (shouldClose) {
                    Conn.Close ();

            // Return results
            return index;

        public override string CompletedString (NSComboBox comboBox, string uncompletedString)
            bool shouldClose = false;
            bool found = false;
            string field = "";

            // Has a Table, ID and display field been specified?
            if (TableName != "" && IDField != "" && DisplayField != "") {
                // Is the database already open?
                if (Conn.State != ConnectionState.Open) {
                    shouldClose = true;
                    Conn.Open ();

                // Escape search string
                uncompletedString = uncompletedString.Replace ("'", "");

                // Execute query
                using (var command = Conn.CreateCommand ()) {
                    // Create new command
                    command.CommandText = $"SELECT {DisplayField} FROM [{TableName}] WHERE {DisplayField} LIKE @VAL";

                    // Populate parameters
                    command.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@VAL", uncompletedString + "%");

                    // Get the results from the database
                    using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader ()) {
                        while (reader.Read ()) {
                            // Read the display field from the query
                            field = (string)reader [0];

                // Should we close the connection to the database
                if (shouldClose) {
                    Conn.Close ();

            // Return results
            return field;

在此範例中,我們會建立新的 NSComboBoxDataSource ,以呈現來自任何 SQLite 數據源的下拉式方塊專案。 首先,我們會定義下列屬性:

  • Conn - 取得或設定與 SQLite 資料庫的連接。
  • TableName - 取得或設定資料表名稱。
  • IDField - 取得或設定提供指定數據表唯一標識符的欄位。 預設值是 ID
  • DisplayField - 取得或設定下拉式清單中顯示的欄位。
  • RecordCount - 取得指定數據表中的記錄數目。

當我們建立 物件的新實例時,我們會傳入連接、數據表名稱、選擇性的標識符欄位和顯示字段:

public ComboBoxDataSource (SqliteConnection conn, string tableName, string displayField)
    // Initialize
    this.Conn = conn;
    this.TableName = tableName;
    this.DisplayField = displayField;

方法 GetRecordCount 會傳回指定資料表中的記錄數目:

private nint GetRecordCount ()
    bool shouldClose = false;
    nint count = 0;

    // Has a Table, ID and display field been specified?
    if (TableName !="" && IDField != "" && DisplayField != "") {
        // Is the database already open?
        if (Conn.State != ConnectionState.Open) {
            shouldClose = true;
            Conn.Open ();

        // Execute query
        using (var command = Conn.CreateCommand ()) {
            // Create new command
            command.CommandText = $"SELECT count({IDField}) FROM [{TableName}]";

            // Get the results from the database
            using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader ()) {
                while (reader.Read ()) {
                    // Read count from query
                    var result = (long)reader [0];
                    count = (nint)result;

        // Should we close the connection to the database
        if (shouldClose) {
            Conn.Close ();

    // Return the number of records
    return count;

每當變更 TableNameIDFieldDisplayField 屬性值時,就會呼叫它。

方法 IDForIndex 會針對指定下拉式清單項目索引處的記錄傳回唯一識別碼 (IDField) :

public string IDForIndex (nint index)
    NSString value = new NSString ("");
    bool shouldClose = false;

    // Has a Table, ID and display field been specified?
    if (TableName != "" && IDField != "" && DisplayField != "") {
        // Is the database already open?
        if (Conn.State != ConnectionState.Open) {
            shouldClose = true;
            Conn.Open ();

        // Execute query
        using (var command = Conn.CreateCommand ()) {
            // Create new command
            command.CommandText = $"SELECT {IDField} FROM [{TableName}] ORDER BY {DisplayField} ASC LIMIT 1 OFFSET {index}";

            // Get the results from the database
            using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader ()) {
                while (reader.Read ()) {
                    // Read the display field from the query
                    value = new NSString ((string)reader [0]);

        // Should we close the connection to the database
        if (shouldClose) {
            Conn.Close ();

    // Return results
    return value;

方法 ValueForIndex 會傳回指定下拉式清單索引上項目的值 (DisplayField) :

public string ValueForIndex (nint index)
    NSString value = new NSString ("");
    bool shouldClose = false;

    // Has a Table, ID and display field been specified?
    if (TableName != "" && IDField != "" && DisplayField != "") {
        // Is the database already open?
        if (Conn.State != ConnectionState.Open) {
            shouldClose = true;
            Conn.Open ();

        // Execute query
        using (var command = Conn.CreateCommand ()) {
            // Create new command
            command.CommandText = $"SELECT {DisplayField} FROM [{TableName}] ORDER BY {DisplayField} ASC LIMIT 1 OFFSET {index}";

            // Get the results from the database
            using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader ()) {
                while (reader.Read ()) {
                    // Read the display field from the query
                    value = new NSString ((string)reader [0]);

        // Should we close the connection to the database
        if (shouldClose) {
            Conn.Close ();

    // Return results
    return value;

方法IDForValue會針對指定的值傳回唯一標識碼 (IDFieldDisplayField):

public string IDForValue (string value)
    NSString result = new NSString ("");
    bool shouldClose = false;

    // Has a Table, ID and display field been specified?
    if (TableName != "" && IDField != "" && DisplayField != "") {
        // Is the database already open?
        if (Conn.State != ConnectionState.Open) {
            shouldClose = true;
            Conn.Open ();

        // Execute query
        using (var command = Conn.CreateCommand ()) {
            // Create new command
            command.CommandText = $"SELECT {IDField} FROM [{TableName}] WHERE {DisplayField} = @VAL";

            // Populate parameters
            command.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@VAL", value);

            // Get the results from the database
            using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader ()) {
                while (reader.Read ()) {
                    // Read the display field from the query
                    result = new NSString ((string)reader [0]);

        // Should we close the connection to the database
        if (shouldClose) {
            Conn.Close ();

    // Return results
    return result;

ItemCount傳回清單中預先計算的項目數,如 變更、 IDFieldDisplayField 屬性時TableName所計算:

public override nint ItemCount (NSComboBox comboBox)
    return RecordCount;

方法 ObjectValueForItem 會提供指定下拉式清單項目索引的值 (DisplayField

public override NSObject ObjectValueForItem (NSComboBox comboBox, nint index)
    NSString value = new NSString ("");
    bool shouldClose = false;

    // Has a Table, ID and display field been specified?
    if (TableName != "" && IDField != "" && DisplayField != "") {
        // Is the database already open?
        if (Conn.State != ConnectionState.Open) {
            shouldClose = true;
            Conn.Open ();

        // Execute query
        using (var command = Conn.CreateCommand ()) {
            // Create new command
            command.CommandText = $"SELECT {DisplayField} FROM [{TableName}] ORDER BY {DisplayField} ASC LIMIT 1 OFFSET {index}";

            // Get the results from the database
            using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader ()) {
                while (reader.Read ()) {
                    // Read the display field from the query
                    value = new NSString((string)reader [0]);

        // Should we close the connection to the database
        if (shouldClose) {
            Conn.Close ();

    // Return results
    return value;

請注意,我們在 SQLite 命令中使用 LIMITOFFSET 語句來限制我們需要的一筆記錄。

方法會 IndexOfItem 傳回指定值 (DisplayField) 的下拉式清單項目索引:

public override nint IndexOfItem (NSComboBox comboBox, string value)
    bool shouldClose = false;
    bool found = false;
    string field = "";
    nint index = NSRange.NotFound;

    // Has a Table, ID and display field been specified?
    if (TableName != "" && IDField != "" && DisplayField != "") {
        // Is the database already open?
        if (Conn.State != ConnectionState.Open) {
            shouldClose = true;
            Conn.Open ();

        // Execute query
        using (var command = Conn.CreateCommand ()) {
            // Create new command
            command.CommandText = $"SELECT {DisplayField} FROM [{TableName}] ORDER BY {DisplayField} ASC";

            // Get the results from the database
            using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader ()) {
                while (reader.Read () && !found) {
                    // Read the display field from the query
                    field = (string)reader [0];

                    // Is this the value we are searching for?
                    if (value == field) {
                        // Yes, exit loop
                        found = true;

        // Should we close the connection to the database
        if (shouldClose) {
            Conn.Close ();

    // Return results
    return index;

如果找不到值,則會 NSRange.NotFound 傳回值,且所有項目都會在下拉式清單中取消選取。

方法 CompletedString 會傳回部分類型專案的第一個相符值 (DisplayField) :

public override string CompletedString (NSComboBox comboBox, string uncompletedString)
    bool shouldClose = false;
    bool found = false;
    string field = "";

    // Has a Table, ID and display field been specified?
    if (TableName != "" && IDField != "" && DisplayField != "") {
        // Is the database already open?
        if (Conn.State != ConnectionState.Open) {
            shouldClose = true;
            Conn.Open ();

        // Escape search string
        uncompletedString = uncompletedString.Replace ("'", "");

        // Execute query
        using (var command = Conn.CreateCommand ()) {
            // Create new command
            command.CommandText = $"SELECT {DisplayField} FROM [{TableName}] WHERE {DisplayField} LIKE @VAL";

            // Populate parameters
            command.Parameters.AddWithValue ("@VAL", uncompletedString + "%");

            // Get the results from the database
            using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader ()) {
                while (reader.Read ()) {
                    // Read the display field from the query
                    field = (string)reader [0];

        // Should we close the connection to the database
        if (shouldClose) {
            Conn.Close ();

    // Return results
    return field;


若要將所有片段結合在一起,請編輯 SubviewSimpleBindingController 並使其看起來如下:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Data;
using System.IO;
using Mono.Data.Sqlite;
using Foundation;
using AppKit;

namespace MacDatabase
    public partial class SubviewSimpleBindingController : AppKit.NSViewController
        #region Private Variables
        private PersonModel _person = new PersonModel();
        private SqliteConnection Conn;

        #region Computed Properties
        //strongly typed view accessor
        public new SubviewSimpleBinding View {
            get {
                return (SubviewSimpleBinding)base.View;

        public PersonModel Person {
            get {return _person; }
            set {
                WillChangeValue ("Person");
                _person = value;
                DidChangeValue ("Person");

        public ComboBoxDataSource DataSource {
            get { return EmployeeSelector.DataSource as ComboBoxDataSource; }

        #region Constructors
        // Called when created from unmanaged code
        public SubviewSimpleBindingController (IntPtr handle) : base (handle)
            Initialize ();

        // Called when created directly from a XIB file
        [Export ("initWithCoder:")]
        public SubviewSimpleBindingController (NSCoder coder) : base (coder)
            Initialize ();

        // Call to load from the XIB/NIB file
        public SubviewSimpleBindingController (SqliteConnection conn) : base ("SubviewSimpleBinding", NSBundle.MainBundle)
            // Initialize
            this.Conn = conn;
            Initialize ();

        // Shared initialization code
        void Initialize ()

        #region Private Methods
        private void LoadSelectedPerson (string id)

            // Found?
            if (id != "") {
                // Yes, load requested record
                Person = new PersonModel (Conn, id);

        #region Override Methods
        public override void AwakeFromNib ()
            base.AwakeFromNib ();

            // Configure Employee selector dropdown
            EmployeeSelector.DataSource = new ComboBoxDataSource (Conn, "People", "Name");

            // Wireup events
            EmployeeSelector.Changed += (sender, e) => {
                // Get ID
                var id = DataSource.IDForValue (EmployeeSelector.StringValue);
                LoadSelectedPerson (id);

            EmployeeSelector.SelectionChanged += (sender, e) => {
                // Get ID
                var id = DataSource.IDForIndex (EmployeeSelector.SelectedIndex);
                LoadSelectedPerson (id);

            // Auto select the first person
            EmployeeSelector.StringValue = DataSource.ValueForIndex (0);
            Person = new PersonModel (Conn, DataSource.IDForIndex(0));


屬性 DataSource 提供附加至下拉式方塊之的 ComboBoxDataSource 快捷方式。

方法 LoadSelectedPerson 會從資料庫載入指定唯一標識碼的人員:

private void LoadSelectedPerson (string id)

    // Found?
    if (id != "") {
        // Yes, load requested record
        Person = new PersonModel (Conn, id);

在方法覆寫中 AwakeFromNib ,首先我們會附加自定義下拉式方塊數據源的實例:

EmployeeSelector.DataSource = new ComboBoxDataSource (Conn, "People", "Name");


EmployeeSelector.Changed += (sender, e) => {
    // Get ID
    var id = DataSource.IDForValue (EmployeeSelector.StringValue);
    LoadSelectedPerson (id);


EmployeeSelector.SelectionChanged += (sender, e) => {
    // Get ID
    var id = DataSource.IDForIndex (EmployeeSelector.SelectedIndex);
    LoadSelectedPerson (id);


// Auto select the first person
EmployeeSelector.StringValue = DataSource.ValueForIndex (0);
Person = new PersonModel (Conn, DataSource.IDForIndex(0));


如上所述,藉由使用 開放原始碼 SQLite.NET 對象關聯性管理員 (ORM),我們可以大幅減少從 SQLite 資料庫讀取和寫入數據所需的程式代碼數量。 這在系結數據時可能不是最佳路由,因為索引鍵/值編碼和數據系結在物件上放置的數個需求。

根據 SQLite.Net 網站,“SQLite 是一個軟體連結庫, 可實作獨立、無伺服器、零設定、交易式 SQL 資料庫引擎。SQLite 是世界上最廣泛部署的資料庫引擎。SQLite 的原始碼位於公用網域中。

在下列各節中,我們將示範如何使用 SQLite.Net 來提供數據表檢視的數據。

包含 SQLite.net NuGet

SQLite.NET 會顯示為您在應用程式中所包含的 NuGet 套件。 我們必須先包含此套件,才能使用 SQLite.NET 新增資料庫支援。


  1. 在 Solution Pad 中,以滑鼠右鍵按兩下 [套件] 資料夾,然後選取 [新增套件...

  2. 在搜尋方塊輸入 SQLite.net ,然後選取 sqlite-net 專案:

    新增 SQLite NuGet 套件

  3. 按兩下 [ 新增套件] 按鈕以完成。


讓我們將新的類別新增至專案,並在 中 OccupationModel呼叫 。 接下來,讓我們編輯 OccupationModel.cs 檔案,讓它看起來如下所示:

using System;
using SQLite;

namespace MacDatabase
    public class OccupationModel
        #region Computed Properties
        [PrimaryKey, AutoIncrement]
        public int ID { get; set; }

        public string Name { get; set;}
        public string Description { get; set;}

        #region Constructors
        public OccupationModel ()

        public OccupationModel (string name, string description)

            // Initialize
            this.Name = name;
            this.Description = description;


首先,我們會包含 SQLite.NET (using Sqlite),然後公開數個 Properties,每一個屬性都會在儲存此記錄時寫入資料庫。 我們做為主鍵的第一個屬性,並將其設定為自動遞增,如下所示:

[PrimaryKey, AutoIncrement]
public int ID { get; set; }


隨著數據模型變更,以支援讀取和寫入資料庫,我們需要開啟資料庫的連接,並在第一次執行時將其初始化。 讓我們新增下列程式代碼:

using SQLite;

public SQLiteConnection Conn { get; set; }

private SQLiteConnection GetDatabaseConnection() {
    var documents = Environment.GetFolderPath (Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop);
    string db = Path.Combine (documents, "Occupation.db3");
    OccupationModel Occupation;

    // Create the database if it doesn't already exist
    bool exists = File.Exists (db);

    // Create connection to database
    var conn = new SQLiteConnection (db);

    // Initially populate table?
    if (!exists) {
        // Yes, build table
        conn.CreateTable<OccupationModel> ();

        // Add occupations
        Occupation = new OccupationModel ("Documentation Manager", "Manages the Documentation Group");
        conn.Insert (Occupation);

        Occupation = new OccupationModel ("Technical Writer", "Writes technical documentation and sample applications");
        conn.Insert (Occupation);

        Occupation = new OccupationModel ("Web & Infrastructure", "Creates and maintains the websites that drive documentation");
        conn.Insert (Occupation);

        Occupation = new OccupationModel ("API Documentation Manager", "Manages the API Documentation Group");
        conn.Insert (Occupation);

        Occupation = new OccupationModel ("API Documenter", "Creates and maintains API documentation");
        conn.Insert (Occupation);

    return conn;


var documents = Environment.GetFolderPath (Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop);
string db = Path.Combine (documents, "Occupation.db3");
OccupationModel Occupation;

// Create the database if it doesn't already exist
bool exists = File.Exists (db);


var conn = new SQLiteConnection (db);


// Yes, build table
conn.CreateTable<OccupationModel> ();

// Add occupations
Occupation = new OccupationModel ("Documentation Manager", "Manages the Documentation Group");
conn.Insert (Occupation);

Occupation = new OccupationModel ("Technical Writer", "Writes technical documentation and sample applications");
conn.Insert (Occupation);

Occupation = new OccupationModel ("Web & Infrastructure", "Creates and maintains the websites that drive documentation");
conn.Insert (Occupation);

Occupation = new OccupationModel ("API Documentation Manager", "Manages the API Documentation Group");
conn.Insert (Occupation);

Occupation = new OccupationModel ("API Documenter", "Creates and maintains API documentation");
conn.Insert (Occupation);


作為範例使用方式,我們會在 Xcode 的介面產生器中,將數據表檢視新增至 UI。 我們將透過輸出 (OccupationTable) 公開此資料表檢視,以便我們可以透過 C# 程式代碼加以存取:


接下來,我們將新增自定義類別,以從 SQLite.NET 資料庫將數據填入此數據表。


讓我們建立自定義數據源來提供數據表的數據。 首先,新增名為 TableORMDatasource 的新類別,使其看起來如下:

using System;
using AppKit;
using CoreGraphics;
using Foundation;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using SQLite;

namespace MacDatabase
    public class TableORMDatasource : NSTableViewDataSource
        #region Computed Properties
        public List<OccupationModel> Occupations { get; set;} = new List<OccupationModel>();
        public SQLiteConnection Conn { get; set; }

        #region Constructors
        public TableORMDatasource (SQLiteConnection conn)
            // Initialize
            this.Conn = conn;
            LoadOccupations ();

        #region Public Methods
        public void LoadOccupations() {

            // Get occupations from database
            var query = Conn.Table<OccupationModel> ();

            // Copy into table collection
            Occupations.Clear ();
            foreach (OccupationModel occupation in query) {
                Occupations.Add (occupation);


        #region Override Methods
        public override nint GetRowCount (NSTableView tableView)
            return Occupations.Count;

當我們稍後建立這個類別的實例時,我們會傳入開啟 SQLite.NET 資料庫連線。 方法 LoadOccupations 會查詢資料庫,並將找到的記錄複製到記憶體中(使用我們的 OccupationModel 數據模型)。


我們需要的最後一個類別是自定義數據表委派,以顯示我們從 SQLite.NET 資料庫載入的資訊。 讓我們將新的 TableORMDelegate 新增至專案,使其看起來如下:

using System;
using AppKit;
using CoreGraphics;
using Foundation;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using SQLite;

namespace MacDatabase
    public class TableORMDelegate : NSTableViewDelegate
        #region Constants
        private const string CellIdentifier = "OccCell";

        #region Private Variables
        private TableORMDatasource DataSource;

        #region Constructors
        public TableORMDelegate (TableORMDatasource dataSource)
            // Initialize
            this.DataSource = dataSource;

        #region Override Methods
        public override NSView GetViewForItem (NSTableView tableView, NSTableColumn tableColumn, nint row)
            // This pattern allows you reuse existing views when they are no-longer in use.
            // If the returned view is null, you instance up a new view
            // If a non-null view is returned, you modify it enough to reflect the new data
            NSTextField view = (NSTextField)tableView.MakeView (CellIdentifier, this);
            if (view == null) {
                view = new NSTextField ();
                view.Identifier = CellIdentifier;
                view.BackgroundColor = NSColor.Clear;
                view.Bordered = false;
                view.Selectable = false;
                view.Editable = false;

            // Setup view based on the column selected
            switch (tableColumn.Title) {
            case "Occupation":
                view.StringValue = DataSource.Occupations [(int)row].Name;
            case "Description":
                view.StringValue = DataSource.Occupations [(int)row].Description;

            return view;

在這裡,我們會使用數據源的 Occupations 集合(從 SQLite.NET 資料庫載入),透過方法覆寫填入數據表 GetViewForItem 的數據行。


所有專案都就緒后,藉由覆 AwakeFromNib 寫 方法並使其看起來像這樣,從 .xib 檔案擴充數據表時,讓我們填入數據表:

public override void AwakeFromNib ()
    base.AwakeFromNib ();

    // Get database connection
    Conn = GetDatabaseConnection ();

    // Create the Occupation Table Data Source and populate it
    var DataSource = new TableORMDatasource (Conn);

    // Populate the Product Table
    OccupationTable.DataSource = DataSource;
    OccupationTable.Delegate = new TableORMDelegate (DataSource);

首先,我們取得 SQLite.NET 資料庫的存取權,如果資料庫不存在,就會建立並填入資料庫。 接下來,我們會建立自定義數據表數據源的新實例、傳入資料庫連線,並將它附加至數據表。 最後,我們會建立自定義數據表委派的新實例、傳入數據源,並將它附加至數據表。


本文已詳細探討在 Xamarin.Mac 應用程式中使用 SQLite 資料庫的數據系結和索引鍵/值編碼。 首先,它會使用索引鍵/值編碼 (KVC) 和索引鍵/值觀察 (KVO) 將 C# 類別公開至 Objective-C 。 接下來,它示範如何使用 KVO 相容類別,並將它系結至 Xcode 介面產生器中的 UI 元素。 本文也涵蓋透過 SQLite.NET ORM 使用 SQLite 數據,並在數據表檢視中顯示該資料。