Microsoft Windows HTTP Services (WinHTTP) 憑證組態工具 “WinHttpCertCfg.exe” 可讓系統管理員在因特網伺服器 Web 應用程式管理員 (IWAM) 帳戶存取的任何證書存儲中安裝及設定用戶端憑證。 此工具也不需要對 IWAM 帳戶等帳戶執行任何特殊動作,以在使用中伺服器頁面 (ASP) 時取得憑證的存取權。
Microsoft Management Console (MMC) 可讓系統管理員將客戶端憑證匯入本機電腦。 不過,匯入憑證不會自動授與其他帳戶私鑰的存取權。 用戶端憑證驗證需要此私鑰。 Microsoft Windows HTTP Services (WinHTTP) 憑證組態工具可讓您在需要時授與其他帳戶的存取權,例如 IWAM 帳戶。
As an Information Security Administrator, you plan and implement information security of sensitive data by using Microsoft Purview and related services. You’re responsible for mitigating risks by protecting data inside collaboration environments that are managed by Microsoft 365 from internal and external threats and protecting data used by AI services. You also implement information protection, data loss prevention, retention, insider risk management, and manage information security alerts and activities.