Session.Error 屬性
取得 XML 資料流程中的其他錯誤資訊。 您也可以從 VBScript Err 物件取得錯誤資訊。
Session.Error As BSTR
錯誤資訊的 XML 表示。
下列 VBScript 程式碼範例顯示腳本,其中包含 資源 URI中的錯誤。 正確的資源 URI 為\_QuotaSetting?VolumePath=c:\\
'Create a WSMan object.
Set objWsman = CreateObject( "WSMAN.Automation" )
If objWsman is Nothing Then
WScript.Echo "Failed to create WSMAN Automation object"
End If
'Create a Session object.
Set objSession = objWsman.CreateSession
If objSession is Nothing Then
WScript.Echo "Failed to create WSMAN Session object"
End If
strResourceUri = ""_
& "wmi/root/cimv2/Win32_QuotaSetting"
On Error Resume Next
strResponse = objSession.Get( strResourceUri )
If Err.number <> 0 Then
strErrorXML = objSession.Error
WScript.Echo strErrorXML
Call DisplayOutput(strResponse)
End If
On Error Goto 0
' Displays Error information from Err object and Session.Error
Sub DisplayErrorInfo()
WScript.Echo "An error has occurred."
WScript.Echo "Error Info"
WScript.Echo "-----------"
WScript.Echo "Number : 0x" & hex(Err.number)
WScript.Echo "Description : " & Err.Description
WScript.Echo "Source : " & Err.Source
WScript.Echo "HelpFile : " & Err.helpfile
WScript.Echo "HelpContext : " & Err.HelpContext
End Sub
Number : 0x803380FA
Description : The WinRM client cannot process the request.
The resource URI is not valid: it does not contain keys, but
the class selected is not a singleton. To access an instance which
is not a singleton, keys must be provided. Use the following
command to get more information about how to construct a
resource URI: "winrm help uris".
Source : Session
HelpFile :
HelpContext : 0
Code="2150859002" Machine="Server1" xml:lang="en-US">
<f:ProviderFault provider="WMIv1 plugin for Windows Remote Management "
Code="2150859002" Machine="" xml:lang="en-US">
<f:Message>The WinRM client cannot process the request.
The resource URI is not valid: it does not contain keys, but the
class selected is not a singleton. To access an instance which is
not a singleton, keys must be provided. Use the following command
to get more information in how to construct a resource URI:
"winrm help uris".
需求 | 值 |
最低支援的用戶端 |
Windows Vista |
最低支援的伺服器 |
Windows Server 2008 |
標頭 |
Idl |
程式庫 |