Client Type Models

Name Description
AadMetadata Azure Active Directory metadata used for secured connection to cluster.
AadMetadataObject Azure Active Directory metadata object used for secured connection to cluster.
AddRemoveIncrementalNamedPartitionScalingMechanism Represents a scaling mechanism for adding or removing named partitions of a stateless service. Partition names are in the format '0','1''N-1'
AddRemoveIncrementalNamedPartitionScalingMechanism Represents a scaling mechanism for adding or removing named partitions of a stateless service. Partition names are in the format '0','1''N-1'
AddRemoveReplicaScalingMechanism Describes the horizontal auto scaling mechanism that adds or removes replicas (containers or container groups).
AddRemoveReplicaScalingMechanism Describes the horizontal auto scaling mechanism that adds or removes replicas (containers or container groups).
AnalysisEventMetadata Metadata about an Analysis Event.
ApplicationBackupConfigurationInfo Backup configuration information for a specific Service Fabric application specifying what backup policy is being applied and suspend description, if any.
ApplicationBackupConfigurationInfo Backup configuration information for a specific Service Fabric application specifying what backup policy is being applied and suspend description, if any.
ApplicationBackupEntity Identifies the Service Fabric application which is being backed up.
ApplicationBackupEntity Identifies the Service Fabric application which is being backed up.
ApplicationCapacityDescription Describes capacity information for services of this application. This description can be used for describing the following.
- Reserving the capacity for the services on the nodes
- Limiting the total number of nodes that services of this application can run on
- Limiting the custom capacity metrics to limit the total consumption of this metric by the services of this application
ApplicationContainerInstanceExitedEvent Container Exited event.
ApplicationContainerInstanceExitedEvent Container Exited event.
ApplicationCreatedEvent Application Created event.
ApplicationCreatedEvent Application Created event.
ApplicationDefinitionKind enum The mechanism used to define a Service Fabric application.
ApplicationDeletedEvent Application Deleted event.
ApplicationDeletedEvent Application Deleted event.
ApplicationDescription Describes a Service Fabric application.
ApplicationEvent Represents the base for all Application Events.
ApplicationEvent Represents the base for all Application Events.
ApplicationHealth Represents the health of the application. Contains the application aggregated health state and the service and deployed application health states.
ApplicationHealth Represents the health of the application. Contains the application aggregated health state and the service and deployed application health states.
ApplicationHealthEvaluation Represents health evaluation for an application, containing information about the data and the algorithm used by the health store to evaluate health.
ApplicationHealthEvaluation Represents health evaluation for an application, containing information about the data and the algorithm used by the health store to evaluate health.
ApplicationHealthPolicies Defines the application health policy map used to evaluate the health of an application or one of its children entities.
ApplicationHealthPolicy Defines a health policy used to evaluate the health of an application or one of its children entities.
ApplicationHealthPolicyMapItem Defines an item in ApplicationHealthPolicyMap.
ApplicationHealthPolicyMapObject Represents the map of application health policies for a ServiceFabric cluster upgrade
ApplicationHealthReportExpiredEvent Application Health Report Expired event.
ApplicationHealthReportExpiredEvent Application Health Report Expired event.
ApplicationHealthState Represents the health state of an application, which contains the application identifier and the aggregated health state.
ApplicationHealthState Represents the health state of an application, which contains the application identifier and the aggregated health state.
ApplicationHealthStateChunk Represents the health state chunk of a application.
The application health state chunk contains the application name, its aggregated health state and any children services and deployed applications that respect the filters in cluster health chunk query description.
ApplicationHealthStateChunk Represents the health state chunk of a application.
The application health state chunk contains the application name, its aggregated health state and any children services and deployed applications that respect the filters in cluster health chunk query description.
ApplicationHealthStateChunkList The list of application health state chunks in the cluster that respect the input filters in the chunk query. Returned by get cluster health state chunks query.
ApplicationHealthStateChunkList The list of application health state chunks in the cluster that respect the input filters in the chunk query. Returned by get cluster health state chunks query.
ApplicationHealthStateFilter Defines matching criteria to determine whether a application should be included in the cluster health chunk.
One filter can match zero, one or multiple applications, depending on its properties.
ApplicationInfo Information about a Service Fabric application.
ApplicationLoadInfo Load Information about a Service Fabric application.
ApplicationLoadMetricInformation Describes load information for a custom resource balancing metric. This can be used to limit the total consumption of this metric by the services of this application.
ApplicationMetadata Metadata associated with a specific application.
ApplicationMetricDescription Describes capacity information for a custom resource balancing metric. This can be used to limit the total consumption of this metric by the services of this application.
ApplicationNameInfo Information about the application name.
ApplicationNewHealthReportEvent Application Health Report Created event.
ApplicationNewHealthReportEvent Application Health Report Created event.
ApplicationPackageCleanupPolicy enum The kind of action that needs to be taken for cleaning up the application package after successful provision.
ApplicationParameter Describes an application parameter override to be applied when creating or upgrading an application.
ApplicationProcessExitedEvent Process Exited event.
ApplicationProcessExitedEvent Process Exited event.
ApplicationProperties Describes properties of a application resource.
ApplicationResourceDescription This type describes a application resource.
ApplicationResourceUpgradeProgressInfo This type describes an application resource upgrade.
ApplicationResourceUpgradeState enum The state of the application resource upgrade.
ApplicationScopedVolume Describes a volume whose lifetime is scoped to the application's lifetime.
ApplicationScopedVolume Describes a volume whose lifetime is scoped to the application's lifetime.
ApplicationScopedVolumeCreationParameters Describes parameters for creating application-scoped volumes.
ApplicationScopedVolumeCreationParametersServiceFabricVolumeDisk Describes parameters for creating application-scoped volumes provided by Service Fabric Volume Disks
ApplicationScopedVolumeCreationParametersServiceFabricVolumeDisk Describes parameters for creating application-scoped volumes provided by Service Fabric Volume Disks
ApplicationScopedVolumeKind enum Specifies the application-scoped volume kind.
ApplicationsHealthEvaluation Represents health evaluation for applications, containing health evaluations for each unhealthy application that impacted current aggregated health state.
ApplicationsHealthEvaluation Represents health evaluation for applications, containing health evaluations for each unhealthy application that impacted current aggregated health state.
ApplicationStatus enum The status of the application.
ApplicationTypeApplicationsHealthEvaluation Represents health evaluation for applications of a particular application type. The application type applications evaluation can be returned when cluster health evaluation returns unhealthy aggregated health state, either Error or Warning. It contains health evaluations for each unhealthy application of the included application type that impacted current aggregated health state.
ApplicationTypeApplicationsHealthEvaluation Represents health evaluation for applications of a particular application type. The application type applications evaluation can be returned when cluster health evaluation returns unhealthy aggregated health state, either Error or Warning. It contains health evaluations for each unhealthy application of the included application type that impacted current aggregated health state.
ApplicationTypeDefinitionKind enum The mechanism used to define a Service Fabric application type.
ApplicationTypeHealthPolicyMapItem Defines an item in ApplicationTypeHealthPolicyMap.
ApplicationTypeImageStorePath Path description for the application package in the image store specified during the prior copy operation.
ApplicationTypeInfo Information about an application type.
ApplicationTypeManifest Contains the manifest describing an application type registered in a Service Fabric cluster.
ApplicationTypeMetadata Metadata associated with a specific application type.
ApplicationTypeStatus enum The status of the application type.
ApplicationUpdateDescription Describes the parameters for updating an application instance.
ApplicationUpgradeCompletedEvent Application Upgrade Completed event.
ApplicationUpgradeCompletedEvent Application Upgrade Completed event.
ApplicationUpgradeDescription Describes the parameters for an application upgrade. Note that upgrade description replaces the existing application description. This means that if the parameters are not specified, the existing parameters on the applications will be overwritten with the empty parameters list. This would result in the application using the default value of the parameters from the application manifest. If you do not want to change any existing parameter values, please get the application parameters first using the GetApplicationInfo query and then supply those values as Parameters in this ApplicationUpgradeDescription.
ApplicationUpgradeDomainCompletedEvent Application Upgrade Domain Completed event.
ApplicationUpgradeDomainCompletedEvent Application Upgrade Domain Completed event.
ApplicationUpgradeProgressInfo Describes the parameters for an application upgrade.
ApplicationUpgradeRollbackCompletedEvent Application Upgrade Rollback Completed event.
ApplicationUpgradeRollbackCompletedEvent Application Upgrade Rollback Completed event.
ApplicationUpgradeRollbackStartedEvent Application Upgrade Rollback Started event.
ApplicationUpgradeRollbackStartedEvent Application Upgrade Rollback Started event.
ApplicationUpgradeStartedEvent Application Upgrade Started event.
ApplicationUpgradeStartedEvent Application Upgrade Started event.
ApplicationUpgradeUpdateDescription Describes the parameters for updating an ongoing application upgrade.
ArmMetadata Common ArmMetadata assocaited with Service Fabric Entities.
AutoScalingMechanism Describes the mechanism for performing auto scaling operation. Derived classes will describe the actual mechanism.
AutoScalingMechanismKind enum Enumerates the mechanisms for auto scaling.
AutoScalingMetric Describes the metric that is used for triggering auto scaling operation. Derived classes will describe resources or metrics.
AutoScalingMetricKind enum Enumerates the metrics that are used for triggering auto scaling.
AutoScalingPolicy Describes the auto scaling policy
AutoScalingResourceMetric Describes the resource that is used for triggering auto scaling.
AutoScalingResourceMetric Describes the resource that is used for triggering auto scaling.
AutoScalingResourceMetricName enum Enumerates the resources that are used for triggering auto scaling.
AutoScalingTrigger Describes the trigger for performing auto scaling operation.
AutoScalingTriggerKind enum Enumerates the triggers for auto scaling.
AverageLoadScalingTrigger Describes the average load trigger used for auto scaling.
AverageLoadScalingTrigger Describes the average load trigger used for auto scaling.
AveragePartitionLoadScalingTrigger Represents a scaling trigger related to an average load of a metric/resource of a partition.
AveragePartitionLoadScalingTrigger Represents a scaling trigger related to an average load of a metric/resource of a partition.
AverageServiceLoadScalingTrigger Represents a scaling policy related to an average load of a metric/resource of a service.
AverageServiceLoadScalingTrigger Represents a scaling policy related to an average load of a metric/resource of a service.
AzureBlobBackupStorageDescription Describes the parameters for Azure blob store used for storing and enumerating backups.
AzureBlobBackupStorageDescription Describes the parameters for Azure blob store used for storing and enumerating backups.
AzureInternalMonitoringPipelineSinkDescription Diagnostics settings for Geneva.
AzureInternalMonitoringPipelineSinkDescription Diagnostics settings for Geneva.
BackupConfigurationInfo Describes the backup configuration information.
BackupEntity Describes the Service Fabric entity that is configured for backup.
BackupEntityKind enum The entity type of a Service Fabric entity such as Application, Service or a Partition where periodic backups can be enabled.
BackupInfo Represents a backup point which can be used to trigger a restore.
BackupPartitionDescription Describes the parameters for triggering partition's backup.
BackupPolicyDescription Describes a backup policy for configuring periodic backup.
BackupPolicyScope enum Specifies the scope at which the backup policy is applied.
BackupProgressInfo Describes the progress of a partition's backup.
BackupScheduleDescription Describes the backup schedule parameters.
BackupScheduleFrequencyType enum Describes the frequency with which to run the time based backup schedule.
BackupScheduleKind enum The kind of backup schedule, time based or frequency based.
BackupState enum Represents the current state of the partition backup operation.
BackupStorageDescription Describes the parameters for the backup storage.
BackupStorageKind enum The kind of backup storage, where backups are saved.
BackupSuspensionInfo Describes the backup suspension details.
BackupSuspensionScope enum Specifies the scope at which the backup suspension was applied.
BackupType enum Describes the type of backup, whether its full or incremental.
BasicRetentionPolicyDescription Describes basic retention policy.
BasicRetentionPolicyDescription Describes basic retention policy.
BinaryPropertyValue Describes a Service Fabric property value of type Binary.
BinaryPropertyValue Describes a Service Fabric property value of type Binary.
Chaos Contains a description of Chaos.
ChaosCodePackageRestartScheduledEvent Chaos Restart Code Package Fault Scheduled event.
ChaosCodePackageRestartScheduledEvent Chaos Restart Code Package Fault Scheduled event.
ChaosContext Describes a map, which is a collection of (string, string) type key-value pairs. The map can be used to record information about
the Chaos run. There cannot be more than 100 such pairs and each string (key or value) can be at most 4095 characters long.
This map is set by the starter of the Chaos run to optionally store the context about the specific run.
ChaosEvent Represents an event generated during a Chaos run.
ChaosEventKind enum The kind of Chaos event.
ChaosEventsSegment Contains the list of Chaos events and the continuation token to get the next segment.
ChaosEventWrapper Wrapper object for Chaos event.
ChaosNodeRestartScheduledEvent Chaos Restart Node Fault Scheduled event.
ChaosNodeRestartScheduledEvent Chaos Restart Node Fault Scheduled event.
ChaosParameters Defines all the parameters to configure a Chaos run.
ChaosParametersDictionaryItem Defines an item in ChaosParametersDictionary of the Chaos Schedule.
ChaosPartitionPrimaryMoveScheduledEvent Chaos Move Primary Fault Scheduled event.
ChaosPartitionPrimaryMoveScheduledEvent Chaos Move Primary Fault Scheduled event.
ChaosPartitionSecondaryMoveScheduledEvent Chaos Move Secondary Fault Scheduled event.
ChaosPartitionSecondaryMoveScheduledEvent Chaos Move Secondary Fault Scheduled event.
ChaosReplicaRemovalScheduledEvent Chaos Remove Replica Fault Scheduled event.
ChaosReplicaRemovalScheduledEvent Chaos Remove Replica Fault Scheduled event.
ChaosReplicaRestartScheduledEvent Chaos Restart Replica Fault Scheduled event.
ChaosReplicaRestartScheduledEvent Chaos Restart Replica Fault Scheduled event.
ChaosSchedule Defines the schedule used by Chaos.
ChaosScheduleDescription Defines the Chaos Schedule used by Chaos and the version of the Chaos Schedule. The version value wraps back to 0 after surpassing 2,147,483,647.
ChaosScheduleJob Defines a repetition rule and parameters of Chaos to be used with the Chaos Schedule.
ChaosScheduleJobActiveDaysOfWeek Defines the days of the week that a Chaos Schedule Job will run for.
ChaosScheduleStatus enum Current status of the schedule.
ChaosStartedEvent Chaos Started event.
ChaosStartedEvent Chaos Started event.
ChaosStatus enum Current status of the Chaos run.
ChaosStoppedEvent Chaos Stopped event.
ChaosStoppedEvent Chaos Stopped event.
ChaosTargetFilter Defines all filters for targeted Chaos faults, for example, faulting only certain node types or faulting only certain applications.
If ChaosTargetFilter is not used, Chaos faults all cluster entities. If ChaosTargetFilter is used, Chaos faults only the entities that meet the ChaosTargetFilter
specification. NodeTypeInclusionList and ApplicationInclusionList allow a union semantics only. It is not possible to specify an intersection
of NodeTypeInclusionList and ApplicationInclusionList. For example, it is not possible to specify "fault this application only when it is on that node type."
Once an entity is included in either NodeTypeInclusionList or ApplicationInclusionList, that entity cannot be excluded using ChaosTargetFilter. Even if
applicationX does not appear in ApplicationInclusionList, in some Chaos iteration applicationX can be faulted because it happens to be on a node of nodeTypeY that is included
in NodeTypeInclusionList. If both NodeTypeInclusionList and ApplicationInclusionList are null or empty, an ArgumentException is thrown.
CheckExistsPropertyBatchOperation Represents a PropertyBatchOperation that compares the Boolean existence of a property with the Exists argument.
The PropertyBatchOperation operation fails if the property's existence is not equal to the Exists argument.
The CheckExistsPropertyBatchOperation is generally used as a precondition for the write operations in the batch.
Note that if one PropertyBatchOperation in a PropertyBatch fails,
the entire batch fails and cannot be committed in a transactional manner.
CheckExistsPropertyBatchOperation Represents a PropertyBatchOperation that compares the Boolean existence of a property with the Exists argument.
The PropertyBatchOperation operation fails if the property's existence is not equal to the Exists argument.
The CheckExistsPropertyBatchOperation is generally used as a precondition for the write operations in the batch.
Note that if one PropertyBatchOperation in a PropertyBatch fails,
the entire batch fails and cannot be committed in a transactional manner.
CheckSequencePropertyBatchOperation Compares the Sequence Number of a property with the SequenceNumber argument.
A property's sequence number can be thought of as that property's version.
Every time the property is modified, its sequence number is increased.
The sequence number can be found in a property's metadata.
The comparison fails if the sequence numbers are not equal.
CheckSequencePropertyBatchOperation is generally used as a precondition for the write operations in the batch.
Note that if one PropertyBatchOperation in a PropertyBatch fails,
the entire batch fails and cannot be committed in a transactional manner.
CheckSequencePropertyBatchOperation Compares the Sequence Number of a property with the SequenceNumber argument.
A property's sequence number can be thought of as that property's version.
Every time the property is modified, its sequence number is increased.
The sequence number can be found in a property's metadata.
The comparison fails if the sequence numbers are not equal.
CheckSequencePropertyBatchOperation is generally used as a precondition for the write operations in the batch.
Note that if one PropertyBatchOperation in a PropertyBatch fails,
the entire batch fails and cannot be committed in a transactional manner.
CheckValuePropertyBatchOperation Represents a PropertyBatchOperation that compares the value of the property with the expected value.
The CheckValuePropertyBatchOperation is generally used as a precondition for the write operations in the batch.
Note that if one PropertyBatchOperation in a PropertyBatch fails,
the entire batch fails and cannot be committed in a transactional manner.
CheckValuePropertyBatchOperation Represents a PropertyBatchOperation that compares the value of the property with the expected value.
The CheckValuePropertyBatchOperation is generally used as a precondition for the write operations in the batch.
Note that if one PropertyBatchOperation in a PropertyBatch fails,
the entire batch fails and cannot be committed in a transactional manner.
ClusterConfiguration Information about the standalone cluster configuration.
ClusterConfigurationUpgradeDescription Describes the parameters for a standalone cluster configuration upgrade.
ClusterConfigurationUpgradeStatusInfo Information about a standalone cluster configuration upgrade status.
ClusterEvent Represents the base for all Cluster Events.
ClusterEvent Represents the base for all Cluster Events.
ClusterHealth Represents the health of the cluster.
Contains the cluster aggregated health state, the cluster application and node health states as well as the health events and the unhealthy evaluations.
ClusterHealth Represents the health of the cluster.
Contains the cluster aggregated health state, the cluster application and node health states as well as the health events and the unhealthy evaluations.
ClusterHealthChunk Represents the health chunk of the cluster.
Contains the cluster aggregated health state, and the cluster entities that respect the input filter.
ClusterHealthChunkQueryDescription The cluster health chunk query description, which can specify the health policies to evaluate cluster health and very expressive filters to select which cluster entities to include in response.
ClusterHealthPolicies Health policies to evaluate cluster health.
ClusterHealthPolicy Defines a health policy used to evaluate the health of the cluster or of a cluster node.
ClusterHealthReportExpiredEvent Cluster Health Report Expired event.
ClusterHealthReportExpiredEvent Cluster Health Report Expired event.
ClusterLoadInfo Information about load in a Service Fabric cluster. It holds a summary of all metrics and their load in a cluster.
ClusterManifest Information about the cluster manifest.
ClusterNewHealthReportEvent Cluster Health Report Created event.
ClusterNewHealthReportEvent Cluster Health Report Created event.
ClusterUpgradeCompletedEvent Cluster Upgrade Completed event.
ClusterUpgradeCompletedEvent Cluster Upgrade Completed event.
ClusterUpgradeDescriptionObject Represents a ServiceFabric cluster upgrade
ClusterUpgradeDomainCompletedEvent Cluster Upgrade Domain Completed event.
ClusterUpgradeDomainCompletedEvent Cluster Upgrade Domain Completed event.
ClusterUpgradeHealthPolicyObject Defines a health policy used to evaluate the health of the cluster during a cluster upgrade.
ClusterUpgradeProgressObject Information about a cluster upgrade.
ClusterUpgradeRollbackCompletedEvent Cluster Upgrade Rollback Completed event.
ClusterUpgradeRollbackCompletedEvent Cluster Upgrade Rollback Completed event.
ClusterUpgradeRollbackStartedEvent Cluster Upgrade Rollback Started event.
ClusterUpgradeRollbackStartedEvent Cluster Upgrade Rollback Started event.
ClusterUpgradeStartedEvent Cluster Upgrade Started event.
ClusterUpgradeStartedEvent Cluster Upgrade Started event.
ClusterVersion The cluster version.
CodePackageEntryPoint Information about setup or main entry point of a code package deployed on a Service Fabric node.
CodePackageEntryPointStatistics Statistics about setup or main entry point of a code package deployed on a Service Fabric node.
ComposeDeploymentStatus enum The status of the compose deployment.
ComposeDeploymentStatusInfo Information about a Service Fabric compose deployment.
ComposeDeploymentUpgradeDescription Describes the parameters for a compose deployment upgrade.
ComposeDeploymentUpgradeProgressInfo Describes the parameters for a compose deployment upgrade.
ComposeDeploymentUpgradeState enum The state of the compose deployment upgrade.
ConfigParameterOverride Information about a configuration parameter override.
ContainerApiRequestBody parameters for making container API call.
ContainerApiResponse Response body that wraps container API result.
ContainerApiResult Container API result.
ContainerCodePackageProperties Describes a container and its runtime properties.
ContainerEvent A container event.
ContainerInstanceEvent Represents the base for all Container Events.
ContainerInstanceEvent Represents the base for all Container Events.
ContainerInstanceView Runtime information of a container instance.
ContainerLabel Describes a container label.
ContainerLogs Container logs.
ContainerState The container state.
CreateComposeDeploymentDescription Defines description for creating a Service Fabric compose deployment.
CreateFabricDump enum Possible values include: 'False', 'True'
CurrentUpgradeDomainProgressInfo Information about the current in-progress upgrade domain. Not applicable to node-by-node upgrades.
CurrentUpgradeUnitsProgressInfo Information about the current in-progress upgrade units.
DataLossMode enum Possible values include: 'Invalid', 'PartialDataLoss', 'FullDataLoss'
DayOfWeek enum Describes the days in a week.
DeactivationIntent enum Possible values include: 'Pause', 'Restart', 'RemoveData'
DeactivationIntentDescription Describes the intent or reason for deactivating the node.
DefaultExecutionPolicy The default execution policy. Always restart the service if an exit occurs.
DefaultExecutionPolicy The default execution policy. Always restart the service if an exit occurs.
DeletePropertyBatchOperation Represents a PropertyBatchOperation that deletes a specified property if it exists.
Note that if one PropertyBatchOperation in a PropertyBatch fails,
the entire batch fails and cannot be committed in a transactional manner.
DeletePropertyBatchOperation Represents a PropertyBatchOperation that deletes a specified property if it exists.
Note that if one PropertyBatchOperation in a PropertyBatch fails,
the entire batch fails and cannot be committed in a transactional manner.
DeltaNodesCheckHealthEvaluation Represents health evaluation for delta nodes, containing health evaluations for each unhealthy node that impacted current aggregated health state.
Can be returned during cluster upgrade when the aggregated health state of the cluster is Warning or Error.
DeltaNodesCheckHealthEvaluation Represents health evaluation for delta nodes, containing health evaluations for each unhealthy node that impacted current aggregated health state.
Can be returned during cluster upgrade when the aggregated health state of the cluster is Warning or Error.
DeployedApplicationHealth Information about the health of an application deployed on a Service Fabric node.
DeployedApplicationHealth Information about the health of an application deployed on a Service Fabric node.
DeployedApplicationHealthEvaluation Represents health evaluation for a deployed application, containing information about the data and the algorithm used by the health store to evaluate health.
DeployedApplicationHealthEvaluation Represents health evaluation for a deployed application, containing information about the data and the algorithm used by the health store to evaluate health.
DeployedApplicationHealthReportExpiredEvent Deployed Application Health Report Expired event.
DeployedApplicationHealthReportExpiredEvent Deployed Application Health Report Expired event.
DeployedApplicationHealthState Represents the health state of a deployed application, which contains the entity identifier and the aggregated health state.
DeployedApplicationHealthState Represents the health state of a deployed application, which contains the entity identifier and the aggregated health state.
DeployedApplicationHealthStateChunk Represents the health state chunk of a deployed application, which contains the node where the application is deployed, the aggregated health state and any deployed service packages that respect the chunk query description filters.
DeployedApplicationHealthStateChunk Represents the health state chunk of a deployed application, which contains the node where the application is deployed, the aggregated health state and any deployed service packages that respect the chunk query description filters.
DeployedApplicationHealthStateChunkList The list of deployed application health state chunks that respect the input filters in the chunk query. Returned by get cluster health state chunks query.
DeployedApplicationHealthStateFilter Defines matching criteria to determine whether a deployed application should be included as a child of an application in the cluster health chunk.
The deployed applications are only returned if the parent application matches a filter specified in the cluster health chunk query description.
One filter can match zero, one or multiple deployed applications, depending on its properties.
DeployedApplicationInfo Information about application deployed on the node.
DeployedApplicationNewHealthReportEvent Deployed Application Health Report Created event.
DeployedApplicationNewHealthReportEvent Deployed Application Health Report Created event.
DeployedApplicationsHealthEvaluation Represents health evaluation for deployed applications, containing health evaluations for each unhealthy deployed application that impacted current aggregated health state.
Can be returned when evaluating application health and the aggregated health state is either Error or Warning.
DeployedApplicationsHealthEvaluation Represents health evaluation for deployed applications, containing health evaluations for each unhealthy deployed application that impacted current aggregated health state.
Can be returned when evaluating application health and the aggregated health state is either Error or Warning.
DeployedApplicationStatus enum The status of the application deployed on the node. Following are the possible values.
DeployedCodePackageInfo Information about code package deployed on a Service Fabric node.
DeployedServicePackageHealth Information about the health of a service package for a specific application deployed on a Service Fabric node.
DeployedServicePackageHealth Information about the health of a service package for a specific application deployed on a Service Fabric node.
DeployedServicePackageHealthEvaluation Represents health evaluation for a deployed service package, containing information about the data and the algorithm used by health store to evaluate health. The evaluation is returned only when the aggregated health state is either Error or Warning.
DeployedServicePackageHealthEvaluation Represents health evaluation for a deployed service package, containing information about the data and the algorithm used by health store to evaluate health. The evaluation is returned only when the aggregated health state is either Error or Warning.
DeployedServicePackageHealthReportExpiredEvent Deployed Service Health Report Expired event.
DeployedServicePackageHealthReportExpiredEvent Deployed Service Health Report Expired event.
DeployedServicePackageHealthState Represents the health state of a deployed service package, containing the entity identifier and the aggregated health state.
DeployedServicePackageHealthState Represents the health state of a deployed service package, containing the entity identifier and the aggregated health state.
DeployedServicePackageHealthStateChunk Represents the health state chunk of a deployed service package, which contains the service manifest name and the service package aggregated health state.
DeployedServicePackageHealthStateChunk Represents the health state chunk of a deployed service package, which contains the service manifest name and the service package aggregated health state.
DeployedServicePackageHealthStateChunkList The list of deployed service package health state chunks that respect the input filters in the chunk query. Returned by get cluster health state chunks query.
DeployedServicePackageHealthStateFilter Defines matching criteria to determine whether a deployed service package should be included as a child of a deployed application in the cluster health chunk.
The deployed service packages are only returned if the parent entities match a filter specified in the cluster health chunk query description. The parent deployed application and its parent application must be included in the cluster health chunk.
One filter can match zero, one or multiple deployed service packages, depending on its properties.
DeployedServicePackageInfo Information about service package deployed on a Service Fabric node.
DeployedServicePackageNewHealthReportEvent Deployed Service Health Report Created event.
DeployedServicePackageNewHealthReportEvent Deployed Service Health Report Created event.
DeployedServicePackagesHealthEvaluation Represents health evaluation for deployed service packages, containing health evaluations for each unhealthy deployed service package that impacted current aggregated health state. Can be returned when evaluating deployed application health and the aggregated health state is either Error or Warning.
DeployedServicePackagesHealthEvaluation Represents health evaluation for deployed service packages, containing health evaluations for each unhealthy deployed service package that impacted current aggregated health state. Can be returned when evaluating deployed application health and the aggregated health state is either Error or Warning.
DeployedServiceReplicaDetailInfo Information about a Service Fabric service replica deployed on a node.
DeployedServiceReplicaInfo Information about a Service Fabric service replica deployed on a node.
DeployedServiceTypeInfo Information about service type deployed on a node, information such as the status of the service type registration on a node.
DeployedStatefulServiceReplicaDetailInfo Information about a stateful replica running in a code package. Note DeployedServiceReplicaQueryResult will contain duplicate data like ServiceKind, ServiceName, PartitionId and replicaId.
DeployedStatefulServiceReplicaDetailInfo Information about a stateful replica running in a code package. Note DeployedServiceReplicaQueryResult will contain duplicate data like ServiceKind, ServiceName, PartitionId and replicaId.
DeployedStatefulServiceReplicaInfo Information about a stateful service replica deployed on a node.
DeployedStatefulServiceReplicaInfo Information about a stateful service replica deployed on a node.
DeployedStatelessServiceInstanceDetailInfo Information about a stateless instance running in a code package. Note that DeployedServiceReplicaQueryResult will contain duplicate data like ServiceKind, ServiceName, PartitionId and InstanceId.
DeployedStatelessServiceInstanceDetailInfo Information about a stateless instance running in a code package. Note that DeployedServiceReplicaQueryResult will contain duplicate data like ServiceKind, ServiceName, PartitionId and InstanceId.
DeployedStatelessServiceInstanceInfo Information about a stateless service instance deployed on a node.
DeployedStatelessServiceInstanceInfo Information about a stateless service instance deployed on a node.
DeploymentStatus enum Specifies the status of a deployed application or service package on a Service Fabric node.
DeployServicePackageToNodeDescription Defines description for downloading packages associated with a service manifest to image cache on a Service Fabric node.
DiagnosticsDescription Describes the diagnostics options available
DiagnosticsRef Reference to sinks in DiagnosticsDescription.
DiagnosticsSinkKind enum The kind of DiagnosticsSink.
DiagnosticsSinkProperties Properties of a DiagnosticsSink.
DisableBackupDescription It describes the body parameters while disabling backup of a backup entity(Application/Service/Partition).
DiskInfo Information about the disk
DoublePropertyValue Describes a Service Fabric property value of type Double.
DoublePropertyValue Describes a Service Fabric property value of type Double.
DsmsAzureBlobBackupStorageDescription Describes the parameters for Dsms Azure blob store used for storing and enumerating backups.
DsmsAzureBlobBackupStorageDescription Describes the parameters for Dsms Azure blob store used for storing and enumerating backups.
EnableBackupDescription Specifies the parameters needed to enable periodic backup.
EndpointProperties Describes a container endpoint.
EndpointRef Describes a reference to a service endpoint.
EnsureAvailabilitySafetyCheck Safety check that waits to ensure the availability of the partition. It waits until there are replicas available such that bringing down this replica will not cause availability loss for the partition.
EnsureAvailabilitySafetyCheck Safety check that waits to ensure the availability of the partition. It waits until there are replicas available such that bringing down this replica will not cause availability loss for the partition.
EnsurePartitionQuorumSafetyCheck Safety check that ensures that a quorum of replicas are not lost for a partition.
EnsurePartitionQuorumSafetyCheck Safety check that ensures that a quorum of replicas are not lost for a partition.
EntityHealth Health information common to all entities in the cluster. It contains the aggregated health state, health events and unhealthy evaluation.
EntityHealthState A base type for the health state of various entities in the cluster. It contains the aggregated health state.
EntityHealthStateChunk A base type for the health state chunk of various entities in the cluster. It contains the aggregated health state.
EntityHealthStateChunkList A base type for the list of health state chunks found in the cluster. It contains the total number of health states that match the input filters.
EntityKind enum The entity type of a Service Fabric entity such as Cluster, Node, Application, Service, Partition, Replica etc.
EntityKindHealthStateCount Represents health state count for entities of the specified entity kind.
EntryPointStatus enum Specifies the status of the code package entry point deployed on a Service Fabric node.
EnvironmentVariable Describes an environment variable for the container.
EnvironmentVariableType enum The type of the environment variable being given in value
Epoch An Epoch is a configuration number for the partition as a whole. When the configuration of the replica set changes, for example when the Primary replica changes, the operations that are replicated from the new Primary replica are said to be a new Epoch from the ones which were sent by the old Primary replica.
EventHealthEvaluation Represents health evaluation of a HealthEvent that was reported on the entity.
The health evaluation is returned when evaluating health of an entity results in Error or Warning.
EventHealthEvaluation Represents health evaluation of a HealthEvent that was reported on the entity.
The health evaluation is returned when evaluating health of an entity results in Error or Warning.
ExecutingFaultsChaosEvent Describes a Chaos event that gets generated when Chaos has decided on the faults for an iteration. This Chaos event contains the details of the faults as a list of strings.
ExecutingFaultsChaosEvent Describes a Chaos event that gets generated when Chaos has decided on the faults for an iteration. This Chaos event contains the details of the faults as a list of strings.
ExecutionPolicy The execution policy of the service
ExecutionPolicyType enum Enumerates the execution policy types for services.
ExternalStoreProvisionApplicationTypeDescription Describes the operation to register or provision an application type using an application package from an external store instead of a package uploaded to the Service Fabric image store.
ExternalStoreProvisionApplicationTypeDescription Describes the operation to register or provision an application type using an application package from an external store instead of a package uploaded to the Service Fabric image store.
FabricCodeVersionInfo Information about a Service Fabric code version.
FabricConfigVersionInfo Information about a Service Fabric config version.
FabricError The REST API operations for Service Fabric return standard HTTP status codes. This type defines the additional information returned from the Service Fabric API operations that are not successful.
FabricErrorCodes enum Defines the fabric error codes that be returned as part of the error object in response to Service Fabric API operations that are not successful. Following are the error code values that can be returned for a specific HTTP status code.

- Possible values of the error code for HTTP status code 400 (Bad Request)

- Possible values of the error code for HTTP status code 404 (Not Found)

- Possible values of the error code for HTTP status code 409 (Conflict)

- Possible values of the error code for HTTP status code 413 (Request Entity Too Large)

- Possible values of the error code for HTTP status code 500 (Internal Server Error)
- "E_FAIL"
- "SerializationError"

- Possible values of the error code for HTTP status code 503 (Service Unavailable)

- Possible values of the error code for HTTP status code 504 (Gateway Timeout)
FabricErrorError Error object containing error code and error message.
FabricEvent Represents the base for all Fabric Events.
FabricEventKind enum The kind of FabricEvent.
FabricReplicaStatus enum Specifies the status of the replica.
FailedPropertyBatchInfo Derived from PropertyBatchInfo. Represents the property batch failing. Contains information about the specific batch failure.
FailedPropertyBatchInfo Derived from PropertyBatchInfo. Represents the property batch failing. Contains information about the specific batch failure.
FailedUpgradeDomainProgressObject The detailed upgrade progress for nodes in the current upgrade domain at the point of failure. Not applicable to node-by-node upgrades.
FailureAction enum The compensating action to perform when a Monitored upgrade encounters monitoring policy or health policy violations.
Invalid indicates the failure action is invalid. Rollback specifies that the upgrade will start rolling back automatically.
Manual indicates that the upgrade will switch to UnmonitoredManual upgrade mode.
FailureReason enum The cause of an upgrade failure that resulted in FailureAction being executed.
FailureUpgradeDomainProgressInfo Information about the upgrade domain progress at the time of upgrade failure.
FileInfo Information about a image store file.
FileShareBackupStorageDescription Describes the parameters for file share storage used for storing or enumerating backups.
FileShareBackupStorageDescription Describes the parameters for file share storage used for storing or enumerating backups.
FileVersion Information about the version of image store file.
FolderInfo Information about a image store folder. It includes how many files this folder contains and its image store relative path.
FolderSizeInfo Information of a image store folder size
FrequencyBasedBackupScheduleDescription Describes the frequency based backup schedule.
FrequencyBasedBackupScheduleDescription Describes the frequency based backup schedule.
GatewayDestination Describes destination endpoint for routing traffic.
GatewayProperties Describes properties of a gateway resource.
GatewayResourceDescription This type describes a gateway resource.
GetBackupByStorageQueryDescription Describes additional filters to be applied, while listing backups, and backup storage details from where to fetch the backups.
GetPropertyBatchOperation Represents a PropertyBatchOperation that gets the specified property if it exists.
Note that if one PropertyBatchOperation in a PropertyBatch fails,
the entire batch fails and cannot be committed in a transactional manner.
GetPropertyBatchOperation Represents a PropertyBatchOperation that gets the specified property if it exists.
Note that if one PropertyBatchOperation in a PropertyBatch fails,
the entire batch fails and cannot be committed in a transactional manner.
GuidPropertyValue Describes a Service Fabric property value of type Guid.
GuidPropertyValue Describes a Service Fabric property value of type Guid.
HeaderMatchType enum Possible values include: 'exact'
HealthEvaluation Represents a health evaluation which describes the data and the algorithm used by health manager to evaluate the health of an entity.
HealthEvaluationKind enum The health manager in the cluster performs health evaluations in determining the aggregated health state of an entity. This enumeration provides information on the kind of evaluation that was performed. Following are the possible values.
HealthEvaluationWrapper Wrapper object for health evaluation.
HealthEvent Represents health information reported on a health entity, such as cluster, application or node, with additional metadata added by the Health Manager.
HealthEvent Represents health information reported on a health entity, such as cluster, application or node, with additional metadata added by the Health Manager.
HealthInformation Represents common health report information. It is included in all health reports sent to health store and in all health events returned by health queries.
HealthState enum The health state of a Service Fabric entity such as Cluster, Node, Application, Service, Partition, Replica etc.
HealthStateCount Represents information about how many health entities are in Ok, Warning and Error health state.
HealthStatistics The health statistics of an entity, returned as part of the health query result when the query description is configured to include statistics.
The statistics include health state counts for all children types of the current entity.
For example, for cluster, the health statistics include health state counts for nodes, applications, services, partitions, replicas, deployed applications and deployed service packages.
For partition, the health statistics include health counts for replicas.
HostIsolationMode enum Specifies the isolation mode of main entry point of a code package when it's host type is ContainerHost. This is specified as part of container host policies in application manifest while importing service manifest.
HostType enum Specifies the type of host for main entry point of a code package as specified in service manifest.
HttpConfig Describes the http configuration for external connectivity for this network.
HttpHostConfig Describes the hostname properties for http routing.
HttpRouteConfig Describes the hostname properties for http routing.
HttpRouteMatchHeader Describes header information for http route matching.
HttpRouteMatchPath Path to match for routing.
HttpRouteMatchRule Describes a rule for http route matching.
IdentityDescription Information describing the identities associated with this application.
IdentityItemDescription Describes a single user-assigned identity associated with the application.
ImageRegistryCredential Image registry credential.
ImageRegistryPasswordType enum The type of the image registry password being given in password
ImageStoreContent Information about the image store content.
ImageStoreCopyDescription Information about how to copy image store content from one image store relative path to another image store relative path.
ImageStoreInfo Information about the ImageStore's resource usage
ImpactLevel enum Possible values include: 'Invalid', 'None', 'Restart', 'RemoveData', 'RemoveNode'
InlinedValueSecretResourceProperties Describes the properties of a secret resource whose value is provided explicitly as plaintext. The secret resource may have multiple values, each being uniquely versioned. The secret value of each version is stored encrypted, and delivered as plaintext into the context of applications referencing it.
InlinedValueSecretResourceProperties Describes the properties of a secret resource whose value is provided explicitly as plaintext. The secret resource may have multiple values, each being uniquely versioned. The secret value of each version is stored encrypted, and delivered as plaintext into the context of applications referencing it.
InstanceLifecycleDescription Describes how the instance will behave
Int64PropertyValue Describes a Service Fabric property value of type Int64.
Int64PropertyValue Describes a Service Fabric property value of type Int64.
Int64RangePartitionInformation Describes the partition information for the integer range that is based on partition schemes.
Int64RangePartitionInformation Describes the partition information for the integer range that is based on partition schemes.
InvokeDataLossResult Represents information about an operation in a terminal state (Completed or Faulted).
InvokeQuorumLossResult Represents information about an operation in a terminal state (Completed or Faulted).
KeyValueStoreReplicaStatus Key value store related information for the replica.
KeyValueStoreReplicaStatus Key value store related information for the replica.
LoadedPartitionInformationQueryDescription Represents data structure that contains query information.
LoadedPartitionInformationResult Represents partition information.
LoadedPartitionInformationResultList Represents data structure that contains top/least loaded partitions for a certain metric.
LoadMetricInformation Represents data structure that contains load information for a certain metric in a cluster.
LoadMetricReport Represents the load metric report which contains the time metric was reported, its name and value.
LoadMetricReportInfo Information about load reported by replica.
LocalNetworkResourceProperties Information about a Service Fabric container network local to a single Service Fabric cluster.
LocalNetworkResourceProperties Information about a Service Fabric container network local to a single Service Fabric cluster.
ManagedApplicationIdentity Describes a managed application identity.
ManagedApplicationIdentityDescription Managed application identity description.
ManagedIdentityAzureBlobBackupStorageDescription Describes the parameters for Azure blob store (connected using managed identity) used for storing and enumerating backups.
ManagedIdentityAzureBlobBackupStorageDescription Describes the parameters for Azure blob store (connected using managed identity) used for storing and enumerating backups.
ManagedIdentityType enum The type of managed identity to be used to connect to Azure Blob Store via Managed Identity.
MetricLoadDescription Specifies metric load information.
MonitoringPolicyDescription Describes the parameters for monitoring an upgrade in Monitored mode.
MoveCost enum Specifies the move cost for the service.
NameDescription Describes a Service Fabric name.
NamedPartitionInformation Describes the partition information for the name as a string that is based on partition schemes.
NamedPartitionInformation Describes the partition information for the name as a string that is based on partition schemes.
NamedPartitionSchemeDescription Describes the named partition scheme of the service.
NamedPartitionSchemeDescription Describes the named partition scheme of the service.
NetworkKind enum The type of a Service Fabric container network.
NetworkRef Describes a network reference in a service.
NetworkResourceDescription This type describes a network resource.
NetworkResourceProperties Describes properties of a network resource.
NetworkResourcePropertiesBase This type describes the properties of a network resource, including its kind.
NodeAbortedEvent Node Aborted event.
NodeAbortedEvent Node Aborted event.
NodeAddedToClusterEvent Node Added event.
NodeAddedToClusterEvent Node Added event.
NodeClosedEvent Node Closed event.
NodeClosedEvent Node Closed event.
NodeDeactivateCompletedEvent Node Deactivate Completed event.
NodeDeactivateCompletedEvent Node Deactivate Completed event.
NodeDeactivateStartedEvent Node Deactivate Started event.
NodeDeactivateStartedEvent Node Deactivate Started event.
NodeDeactivationInfo Information about the node deactivation. This information is valid for a node that is undergoing deactivation or has already been deactivated.
NodeDeactivationIntent enum The intent or the reason for deactivating the node. Following are the possible values for it.
NodeDeactivationStatus enum The status of node deactivation operation. Following are the possible values.
NodeDeactivationTask The task representing the deactivation operation on the node.
NodeDeactivationTaskId Identity of the task related to deactivation operation on the node.
NodeDeactivationTaskType enum The type of the task that performed the node deactivation. Following are the possible values.
NodeDownEvent Node Down event.
NodeDownEvent Node Down event.
NodeEvent Represents the base for all Node Events.
NodeEvent Represents the base for all Node Events.
NodeHealth Information about the health of a Service Fabric node.
NodeHealth Information about the health of a Service Fabric node.
NodeHealthEvaluation Represents health evaluation for a node, containing information about the data and the algorithm used by health store to evaluate health. The evaluation is returned only when the aggregated health state is either Error or Warning.
NodeHealthEvaluation Represents health evaluation for a node, containing information about the data and the algorithm used by health store to evaluate health. The evaluation is returned only when the aggregated health state is either Error or Warning.
NodeHealthReportExpiredEvent Node Health Report Expired event.
NodeHealthReportExpiredEvent Node Health Report Expired event.
NodeHealthState Represents the health state of a node, which contains the node identifier and its aggregated health state.
NodeHealthState Represents the health state of a node, which contains the node identifier and its aggregated health state.
NodeHealthStateChunk Represents the health state chunk of a node, which contains the node name and its aggregated health state.
NodeHealthStateChunk Represents the health state chunk of a node, which contains the node name and its aggregated health state.
NodeHealthStateChunkList The list of node health state chunks in the cluster that respect the input filters in the chunk query. Returned by get cluster health state chunks query.
NodeHealthStateChunkList The list of node health state chunks in the cluster that respect the input filters in the chunk query. Returned by get cluster health state chunks query.
NodeHealthStateFilter Defines matching criteria to determine whether a node should be included in the returned cluster health chunk.
One filter can match zero, one or multiple nodes, depending on its properties.
Can be specified in the cluster health chunk query description.
NodeId An internal ID used by Service Fabric to uniquely identify a node. Node Id is deterministically generated from node name.
NodeImpact Describes the expected impact of a repair to a particular node.

This type supports the Service Fabric platform; it is not meant to be used directly from your code.
NodeInfo Information about a node in Service Fabric cluster.
NodeLoadInfo Information about load on a Service Fabric node. It holds a summary of all metrics and their load on a node.
NodeLoadMetricInformation Represents data structure that contains load information for a certain metric on a node.
NodeNewHealthReportEvent Node Health Report Created event.
NodeNewHealthReportEvent Node Health Report Created event.
NodeOpenFailedEvent Node Open Failed event.
NodeOpenFailedEvent Node Open Failed event.
NodeOpenSucceededEvent Node Opened Succeeded event.
NodeOpenSucceededEvent Node Opened Succeeded event.
NodeRemovedFromClusterEvent Node Removed event.
NodeRemovedFromClusterEvent Node Removed event.
NodeRepairImpactDescription Describes the expected impact of a repair on a set of nodes.

This type supports the Service Fabric platform; it is not meant to be used directly from your code.
NodeRepairImpactDescription Describes the expected impact of a repair on a set of nodes.

This type supports the Service Fabric platform; it is not meant to be used directly from your code.
NodeRepairTargetDescription Describes the list of nodes targeted by a repair action.

This type supports the Service Fabric platform; it is not meant to be used directly from your code.
NodeRepairTargetDescription Describes the list of nodes targeted by a repair action.

This type supports the Service Fabric platform; it is not meant to be used directly from your code.
NodeResult Contains information about a node that was targeted by a user-induced operation.
NodesHealthEvaluation Represents health evaluation for nodes, containing health evaluations for each unhealthy node that impacted current aggregated health state. Can be returned when evaluating cluster health and the aggregated health state is either Error or Warning.
NodesHealthEvaluation Represents health evaluation for nodes, containing health evaluations for each unhealthy node that impacted current aggregated health state. Can be returned when evaluating cluster health and the aggregated health state is either Error or Warning.
NodeStatus enum The status of the node.
NodeStatusFilter enum Possible values include: 'default', 'all', 'up', 'down', 'enabling', 'disabling', 'disabled', 'unknown', 'removed'
NodeTagsDescription Describes the tags required for placement or running of the service.
NodeTransitionProgress Information about an NodeTransition operation. This class contains an OperationState and a NodeTransitionResult. The NodeTransitionResult is not valid until OperationState
is Completed or Faulted.
NodeTransitionResult Represents information about an operation in a terminal state (Completed or Faulted).
NodeTransitionType enum Possible values include: 'Invalid', 'Start', 'Stop'
NodeTypeHealthPolicyMapItem Defines an item in NodeTypeHealthPolicyMap.
NodeTypeNodesHealthEvaluation Represents health evaluation for nodes of a particular node type. The node type nodes evaluation can be returned when cluster health evaluation returns unhealthy aggregated health state, either Error or Warning. It contains health evaluations for each unhealthy node of the included node type that impacted current aggregated health state.
NodeTypeNodesHealthEvaluation Represents health evaluation for nodes of a particular node type. The node type nodes evaluation can be returned when cluster health evaluation returns unhealthy aggregated health state, either Error or Warning. It contains health evaluations for each unhealthy node of the included node type that impacted current aggregated health state.
NodeUpEvent Node Up event.
NodeUpEvent Node Up event.
NodeUpgradePhase enum The state of the upgrading node.
NodeUpgradeProgressInfo Information about the upgrading node and its status
OperatingSystemType enum The operation system required by the code in service.
OperationState enum The state of the operation.
OperationStatus Contains the OperationId, OperationState, and OperationType for user-induced operations.
OperationType enum The type of the operation.
Ordering enum Defines the order.
PackageSharingPolicyInfo Represents a policy for the package sharing.
PackageSharingPolicyScope enum Represents the scope for PackageSharingPolicy. This is specified during DeployServicePackageToNode operation.
PagedApplicationInfoList The list of applications in the cluster. The list is paged when all of the results cannot fit in a single message. The next set of results can be obtained by executing the same query with the continuation token provided in this list.
PagedApplicationResourceDescriptionList The list of application resources. The list is paged when all of the results cannot fit in a single message. The next set of results can be obtained by executing the same query with the continuation token provided in this list.
PagedApplicationTypeInfoList The list of application types that are provisioned or being provisioned in the cluster. The list is paged when all of the results cannot fit in a single message. The next set of results can be obtained by executing the same query with the continuation token provided in this list.
PagedBackupConfigurationInfoList The list of backup configuration information. The list is paged when all of the results cannot fit in a single message. The next set of results can be obtained by executing the same query with the continuation token provided in this list.
PagedBackupEntityList The list of backup entities that are being periodically backed. The list is paged when all of the results cannot fit in a single message. The next set of results can be obtained by executing the same query with the continuation token provided in this list.
PagedBackupInfoList The list of backups. The list is paged when all of the results cannot fit in a single message. The next set of results can be obtained by executing the same query with the continuation token provided in this list.
PagedBackupPolicyDescriptionList The list of backup policies configured in the cluster. The list is paged when all of the results cannot fit in a single message. The next set of results can be obtained by executing the same query with the continuation token provided in this list.
PagedComposeDeploymentStatusInfoList The list of compose deployments in the cluster. The list is paged when all of the results cannot fit in a single message. The next set of results can be obtained by executing the same query with the continuation token provided in this list.
PagedDeployedApplicationInfoList The list of deployed applications in activating, downloading, or active states on a node.
The list is paged when all of the results cannot fit in a single message.
The next set of results can be obtained by executing the same query with the continuation token provided in this list.
PagedGatewayResourceDescriptionList The list of gateway resources. The list is paged when all of the results cannot fit in a single message. The next set of results can be obtained by executing the same query with the continuation token provided in this list.
PagedNetworkResourceDescriptionList The list of network resources. The list is paged when all of the results cannot fit in a single message. The next set of results can be obtained by executing the same query with the continuation token provided in this list.
PagedNodeInfoList The list of nodes in the cluster. The list is paged when all of the results cannot fit in a single message. The next set of results can be obtained by executing the same query with the continuation token provided in this list.
PagedPropertyInfoList The paged list of Service Fabric properties under a given name. The list is paged when all of the results cannot fit in a single message. The next set of results can be obtained by executing the same query with the continuation token provided in this list.
PagedReplicaInfoList The list of replicas in the cluster for a given partition. The list is paged when all of the results cannot fit in a single message. The next set of results can be obtained by executing the same query with the continuation token provided in this list.
PagedSecretResourceDescriptionList The list of secret resources. The list is paged when all of the results cannot fit in a single message. The next set of results can be obtained by executing the same query with the continuation token provided in this list.
PagedSecretValueResourceDescriptionList The list of values of a secret resource, paged if the number of results exceeds the limits of a single message. The next set of results can be obtained by executing the same query with the continuation token provided in the previous page.
PagedServiceInfoList The list of services in the cluster for an application. The list is paged when all of the results cannot fit in a single message. The next set of results can be obtained by executing the same query with the continuation token provided in this list.
PagedServicePartitionInfoList The list of partition in the cluster for a service. The list is paged when all of the results cannot fit in a single message. The next set of results can be obtained by executing the same query with the continuation token provided in this list.
PagedServiceReplicaDescriptionList The list of service resource replicas in the cluster. The list is paged when all of the results cannot fit in a single message. The next set of results can be obtained by executing the same query with the continuation token provided in this list.
PagedServiceResourceDescriptionList The list of service resources. The list is paged when all of the results cannot fit in a single message. The next set of results can be obtained by executing the same query with the continuation token provided in this list.
PagedSubNameInfoList A paged list of Service Fabric names. The list is paged when all of the results cannot fit in a single message. The next set of results can be obtained by executing the same query with the continuation token provided in this list.
PagedUpdatePartitionLoadResultList The list of results of the call UpdatePartitionLoad. The list is paged when all of the results cannot fit in a single message. The next set of results can be obtained by executing the same query with the continuation token provided in this list.
PagedVolumeResourceDescriptionList The list of volume resources. The list is paged when all of the results cannot fit in a single message. The next set of results can be obtained by executing the same query with the continuation token provided in this list.
PartitionAccessStatus enum Specifies the access status of the partition.
PartitionAnalysisEvent Represents the base for all Partition Analysis Events.
PartitionAnalysisEvent Represents the base for all Partition Analysis Events.
PartitionBackupConfigurationInfo Backup configuration information, for a specific partition, specifying what backup policy is being applied and suspend description, if any.
PartitionBackupConfigurationInfo Backup configuration information, for a specific partition, specifying what backup policy is being applied and suspend description, if any.
PartitionBackupEntity Identifies the Service Fabric stateful partition which is being backed up.
PartitionBackupEntity Identifies the Service Fabric stateful partition which is being backed up.
PartitionDataLossProgress Information about a partition data loss user-induced operation.
PartitionEvent Represents the base for all Partition Events.
PartitionEvent Represents the base for all Partition Events.
PartitionHealth Information about the health of a Service Fabric partition.
PartitionHealth Information about the health of a Service Fabric partition.
PartitionHealthEvaluation Represents health evaluation for a partition, containing information about the data and the algorithm used by health store to evaluate health. The evaluation is returned only when the aggregated health state is either Error or Warning.
PartitionHealthEvaluation Represents health evaluation for a partition, containing information about the data and the algorithm used by health store to evaluate health. The evaluation is returned only when the aggregated health state is either Error or Warning.
PartitionHealthReportExpiredEvent Partition Health Report Expired event.
PartitionHealthReportExpiredEvent Partition Health Report Expired event.
PartitionHealthState Represents the health state of a partition, which contains the partition identifier and its aggregated health state.
PartitionHealthState Represents the health state of a partition, which contains the partition identifier and its aggregated health state.
PartitionHealthStateChunk Represents the health state chunk of a partition, which contains the partition ID, its aggregated health state and any replicas that respect the filters in the cluster health chunk query description.
PartitionHealthStateChunk Represents the health state chunk of a partition, which contains the partition ID, its aggregated health state and any replicas that respect the filters in the cluster health chunk query description.
PartitionHealthStateChunkList The list of partition health state chunks that respect the input filters in the chunk query description.
Returned by get cluster health state chunks query as part of the parent application hierarchy.
PartitionHealthStateFilter Defines matching criteria to determine whether a partition should be included as a child of a service in the cluster health chunk.
The partitions are only returned if the parent entities match a filter specified in the cluster health chunk query description. The parent service and application must be included in the cluster health chunk.
One filter can match zero, one or multiple partitions, depending on its properties.
PartitionInformation Information about the partition identity, partitioning scheme and keys supported by it.
PartitionInstanceCountScaleMechanism Represents a scaling mechanism for adding or removing instances of stateless service partition.
PartitionInstanceCountScaleMechanism Represents a scaling mechanism for adding or removing instances of stateless service partition.
PartitionLoadInformation Represents load information for a partition, which contains the primary, secondary and auxiliary reported load metrics.
In case there is no load reported, PartitionLoadInformation will contain the default load for the service of the partition.
For default loads, LoadMetricReport's LastReportedUtc is set to 0.
PartitionMetricLoadDescription Represents load information for a partition, which contains the metrics load information about primary, all secondary replicas/instances or a specific secondary replica/instance on a specific node , all auxiliary replicas or a specific auxiliary replica on a specific node.
PartitionNewHealthReportEvent Partition Health Report Created event.
PartitionNewHealthReportEvent Partition Health Report Created event.
PartitionPrimaryMoveAnalysisEvent Partition Primary Move Analysis event.
PartitionPrimaryMoveAnalysisEvent Partition Primary Move Analysis event.
PartitionQuorumLossProgress Information about a partition quorum loss user-induced operation.
PartitionReconfiguredEvent Partition Reconfiguration event.
PartitionReconfiguredEvent Partition Reconfiguration event.
PartitionRestartProgress Information about a partition restart user-induced operation.
PartitionSafetyCheck Represents a safety check for the service partition being performed by service fabric before continuing with operations.
PartitionScheme enum Enumerates the ways that a service can be partitioned.
PartitionSchemeDescription Describes how the service is partitioned.
PartitionsHealthEvaluation Represents health evaluation for the partitions of a service, containing health evaluations for each unhealthy partition that impacts current aggregated health state. Can be returned when evaluating service health and the aggregated health state is either Error or Warning.
PartitionsHealthEvaluation Represents health evaluation for the partitions of a service, containing health evaluations for each unhealthy partition that impacts current aggregated health state. Can be returned when evaluating service health and the aggregated health state is either Error or Warning.
PrimaryReplicatorStatus Provides statistics about the Service Fabric Replicator, when it is functioning in a Primary role.
PrimaryReplicatorStatus Provides statistics about the Service Fabric Replicator, when it is functioning in a Primary role.
Probe Probes have a number of fields that you can use to control their behavior.
ProbeExec Exec command to run inside the container.
ProbeHttpGet Http probe for the container.
ProbeHttpGetHeaders Http headers.
ProbeTcpSocket Tcp port to probe inside the container.
PropertyBatchDescriptionList Describes a list of property batch operations to be executed. Either all or none of the operations will be committed.
PropertyBatchInfo Information about the results of a property batch.
PropertyBatchInfoKind enum The kind of property batch info, determined by the results of a property batch. The following are the possible values.
PropertyBatchOperation Represents the base type for property operations that can be put into a batch and submitted.
PropertyBatchOperationKind enum The kind of property batch operation, determined by the operation to be performed. The following are the possible values.
PropertyDescription Description of a Service Fabric property.
PropertyInfo Information about a Service Fabric property.
PropertyMetadata The metadata associated with a property, including the property's name.
PropertyValue Describes a Service Fabric property value.
PropertyValueKind enum The kind of property, determined by the type of data. Following are the possible values.
ProvisionApplicationTypeDescription Describes the operation to register or provision an application type using an application package uploaded to the Service Fabric image store.
ProvisionApplicationTypeDescription Describes the operation to register or provision an application type using an application package uploaded to the Service Fabric image store.
ProvisionApplicationTypeDescriptionBase Represents the type of registration or provision requested, and if the operation needs to be asynchronous or not. Supported types of provision operations are from either image store or external store.
ProvisionApplicationTypeKind enum The kind of application type registration or provision requested. The application package can be registered or provisioned either from the image store or from an external store. Following are the kinds of the application type provision.
ProvisionFabricDescription Describes the parameters for provisioning a cluster.
PutPropertyBatchOperation Puts the specified property under the specified name.
Note that if one PropertyBatchOperation in a PropertyBatch fails,
the entire batch fails and cannot be committed in a transactional manner.
PutPropertyBatchOperation Puts the specified property under the specified name.
Note that if one PropertyBatchOperation in a PropertyBatch fails,
the entire batch fails and cannot be committed in a transactional manner.
QuorumLossMode enum Possible values include: 'Invalid', 'QuorumReplicas', 'AllReplicas'
ReconfigurationInformation Information about current reconfiguration like phase, type, previous configuration role of replica and reconfiguration start date time.
ReconfigurationPhase enum The reconfiguration phase of a replica of a stateful service.
ReconfigurationType enum The type of reconfiguration for replica of a stateful service.
RegistryCredential Credential information to connect to container registry.
ReliableCollectionsRef Specifying this parameter adds support for reliable collections
RemoteReplicatorAcknowledgementDetail Provides various statistics of the acknowledgements that are being received from the remote replicator.
RemoteReplicatorAcknowledgementStatus Provides details about the remote replicators from the primary replicator's point of view.
RemoteReplicatorStatus Represents the state of the secondary replicator from the primary replicator’s point of view.
RepairImpactDescriptionBase Describes the expected impact of executing a repair task.

This type supports the Service Fabric platform; it is not meant to be used directly from your code.
RepairImpactKind enum Specifies the kind of the impact. This type supports the Service Fabric platform; it is not meant to be used directly from your code.'
RepairTargetDescriptionBase Describes the entities targeted by a repair action.

This type supports the Service Fabric platform; it is not meant to be used directly from your code.
RepairTargetKind enum Specifies the kind of the repair target. This type supports the Service Fabric platform; it is not meant to be used directly from your code.'
RepairTask Represents a repair task, which includes information about what kind of repair was requested, what its progress is, and what its final result was.

This type supports the Service Fabric platform; it is not meant to be used directly from your code.
RepairTaskApproveDescription Describes a request for forced approval of a repair task.

This type supports the Service Fabric platform; it is not meant to be used directly from your code.
RepairTaskCancelDescription Describes a request to cancel a repair task.

This type supports the Service Fabric platform; it is not meant to be used directly from your code.
RepairTaskDeleteDescription Describes a request to delete a completed repair task.

This type supports the Service Fabric platform; it is not meant to be used directly from your code.
RepairTaskHealthCheckState enum Specifies the workflow state of a repair task's health check. This type supports the Service Fabric platform; it is not meant to be used directly from your code.
RepairTaskHistory A record of the times when the repair task entered each state.

This type supports the Service Fabric platform; it is not meant to be used directly from your code.
RepairTaskUpdateHealthPolicyDescription Describes a request to update the health policy of a repair task.

This type supports the Service Fabric platform; it is not meant to be used directly from your code.
RepairTaskUpdateInfo Describes the result of an operation that created or updated a repair task.

This type supports the Service Fabric platform; it is not meant to be used directly from your code.
ReplicaEvent Represents the base for all Replica Events.
ReplicaEvent Represents the base for all Replica Events.
ReplicaHealth Represents a base class for stateful service replica or stateless service instance health.
Contains the replica aggregated health state, the health events and the unhealthy evaluations.
ReplicaHealthEvaluation Represents health evaluation for a replica, containing information about the data and the algorithm used by health store to evaluate health. The evaluation is returned only when the aggregated health state is either Error or Warning.
ReplicaHealthEvaluation Represents health evaluation for a replica, containing information about the data and the algorithm used by health store to evaluate health. The evaluation is returned only when the aggregated health state is either Error or Warning.
ReplicaHealthReportServiceKind enum Possible values include: 'Stateless', 'Stateful'
ReplicaHealthState Represents a base class for stateful service replica or stateless service instance health state.
ReplicaHealthStateChunk Represents the health state chunk of a stateful service replica or a stateless service instance.
The replica health state contains the replica ID and its aggregated health state.
ReplicaHealthStateChunk Represents the health state chunk of a stateful service replica or a stateless service instance.
The replica health state contains the replica ID and its aggregated health state.
ReplicaHealthStateChunkList The list of replica health state chunks that respect the input filters in the chunk query. Returned by get cluster health state chunks query.
ReplicaHealthStateFilter Defines matching criteria to determine whether a replica should be included as a child of a partition in the cluster health chunk.
The replicas are only returned if the parent entities match a filter specified in the cluster health chunk query description. The parent partition, service and application must be included in the cluster health chunk.
One filter can match zero, one or multiple replicas, depending on its properties.
ReplicaInfo Information about the identity, status, health, node name, uptime, and other details about the replica.
ReplicaKind enum The role of a replica of a stateful service.
ReplicaLifecycleDescription Describes how the replica will behave
ReplicaMetricLoadDescription Specifies metric loads of a partition's specific secondary replica or instance.
ReplicaRole enum The role of a replica of a stateful service.
ReplicasHealthEvaluation Represents health evaluation for replicas, containing health evaluations for each unhealthy replica that impacted current aggregated health state. Can be returned when evaluating partition health and the aggregated health state is either Error or Warning.
ReplicasHealthEvaluation Represents health evaluation for replicas, containing health evaluations for each unhealthy replica that impacted current aggregated health state. Can be returned when evaluating partition health and the aggregated health state is either Error or Warning.
ReplicaStatus enum The status of a replica of a service.
ReplicaStatusBase Information about the replica.
ReplicatorOperationName enum Specifies the operation currently being executed by the Replicator.
ReplicatorQueueStatus Provides various statistics of the queue used in the service fabric replicator.
Contains information about the service fabric replicator like the replication/copy queue utilization, last acknowledgement received timestamp, etc.
Depending on the role of the replicator, the properties in this type imply different meanings.
ReplicatorStatus Represents a base class for primary or secondary replicator status.
Contains information about the service fabric replicator like the replication/copy queue utilization, last acknowledgement received timestamp, etc.
ResolvedServiceEndpoint Endpoint of a resolved service partition.
ResolvedServicePartition Information about a service partition and its associated endpoints.
ResourceLimits This type describes the resource limits for a given container. It describes the most amount of resources a container is allowed to use before being restarted.
ResourceRequests This type describes the requested resources for a given container. It describes the least amount of resources required for the container. A container can consume more than requested resources up to the specified limits before being restarted. Currently, the requested resources are treated as limits.
ResourceRequirements This type describes the resource requirements for a container or a service.
ResourceStatus enum Status of the resource.
RestartDeployedCodePackageDescription Defines description for restarting a deployed code package on Service Fabric node.
RestartNodeDescription Describes the parameters to restart a Service Fabric node.
RestartPartitionMode enum Possible values include: 'Invalid', 'AllReplicasOrInstances', 'OnlyActiveSecondaries'
RestartPartitionResult Represents information about an operation in a terminal state (Completed or Faulted).
RestartPolicy enum Enumerates the restart policy for RunToCompletionExecutionPolicy
RestorePartitionDescription Specifies the parameters needed to trigger a restore of a specific partition.
RestoreProgressInfo Describes the progress of a restore operation on a partition.
RestoreState enum Represents the current state of the partition restore operation.
ResultStatus enum Possible values include: 'Invalid', 'Succeeded', 'Cancelled', 'Interrupted', 'Failed', 'Pending'
ResumeApplicationUpgradeDescription Describes the parameters for resuming an unmonitored manual Service Fabric application upgrade
ResumeClusterUpgradeDescription Describes the parameters for resuming a cluster upgrade.
RetentionPolicyDescription Describes the retention policy configured.
RetentionPolicyType enum The type of retention policy. Currently only "Basic" retention policy is supported.
RollingUpgradeMode enum The mode used to monitor health during a rolling upgrade. The values are UnmonitoredAuto, UnmonitoredManual, and Monitored.
RollingUpgradeUpdateDescription Describes the parameters for updating a rolling upgrade of application or cluster.
RunToCompletionExecutionPolicy The run to completion execution policy, the service will perform its desired operation and complete successfully. If the service encounters failure, it will restarted based on restart policy specified. If the service completes its operation successfully, it will not be restarted again.
RunToCompletionExecutionPolicy The run to completion execution policy, the service will perform its desired operation and complete successfully. If the service encounters failure, it will restarted based on restart policy specified. If the service completes its operation successfully, it will not be restarted again.
SafetyCheck Represents a safety check performed by service fabric before continuing with the operations. These checks ensure the availability of the service and the reliability of the state.
SafetyCheckKind enum The kind of safety check performed by service fabric before continuing with the operations. These checks ensure the availability of the service and the reliability of the state. Following are the kinds of safety checks.
SafetyCheckWrapper A wrapper for the safety check object. Safety checks are performed by service fabric before continuing with the operations. These checks ensure the availability of the service and the reliability of the state.
ScalingMechanismDescription Describes the mechanism for performing a scaling operation.
ScalingMechanismKind enum Enumerates the ways that a service can be scaled.
ScalingPolicyDescription Describes how the scaling should be performed
ScalingTriggerDescription Describes the trigger for performing a scaling operation.
ScalingTriggerKind enum Enumerates the ways that a service can be scaled.
Scheme enum Possible values include: 'http', 'https'
SecondaryActiveReplicatorStatus Status of the secondary replicator when it is in active mode and is part of the replica set.
SecondaryActiveReplicatorStatus Status of the secondary replicator when it is in active mode and is part of the replica set.
SecondaryIdleReplicatorStatus Status of the secondary replicator when it is in idle mode and is being built by the primary.
SecondaryIdleReplicatorStatus Status of the secondary replicator when it is in idle mode and is being built by the primary.
SecondaryReplicatorStatus Provides statistics about the Service Fabric Replicator, when it is functioning in a ActiveSecondary role.
SecretKind enum Describes the kind of secret.
SecretResourceDescription This type describes a secret resource.
SecretResourceProperties Describes the properties of a secret resource.
SecretResourcePropertiesBase This type describes the properties of a secret resource, including its kind.
SecretValue This type represents the unencrypted value of the secret.
SecretValueProperties This type describes properties of secret value resource.
SecretValueResourceDescription This type describes a value of a secret resource. The name of this resource is the version identifier corresponding to this secret value.
SecretValueResourceProperties This type describes properties of a secret value resource.
SecretValueResourceProperties This type describes properties of a secret value resource.
SeedNodeSafetyCheck Represents a safety check for the seed nodes being performed by service fabric before continuing with node level operations.
SeedNodeSafetyCheck Represents a safety check for the seed nodes being performed by service fabric before continuing with node level operations.
SelectedPartition This class returns information about the partition that the user-induced operation acted upon.
ServiceBackupConfigurationInfo Backup configuration information for a specific Service Fabric service specifying what backup policy is being applied and suspend description, if any.
ServiceBackupConfigurationInfo Backup configuration information for a specific Service Fabric service specifying what backup policy is being applied and suspend description, if any.
ServiceBackupEntity Identifies the Service Fabric stateful service which is being backed up.
ServiceBackupEntity Identifies the Service Fabric stateful service which is being backed up.
ServiceCorrelationDescription Creates a particular correlation between services.
ServiceCorrelationScheme enum The service correlation scheme.
ServiceCreatedEvent Service Created event.
ServiceCreatedEvent Service Created event.
ServiceDeletedEvent Service Deleted event.
ServiceDeletedEvent Service Deleted event.
ServiceDescription A ServiceDescription contains all of the information necessary to create a service.
ServiceEndpointRole enum The role of the replica where the endpoint is reported.
ServiceEvent Represents the base for all Service Events.
ServiceEvent Represents the base for all Service Events.
ServiceFromTemplateDescription Defines description for creating a Service Fabric service from a template defined in the application manifest.
ServiceHealth Information about the health of a Service Fabric service.
ServiceHealth Information about the health of a Service Fabric service.
ServiceHealthEvaluation Represents health evaluation for a service, containing information about the data and the algorithm used by health store to evaluate health. The evaluation is returned only when the aggregated health state is either Error or Warning.
ServiceHealthEvaluation Represents health evaluation for a service, containing information about the data and the algorithm used by health store to evaluate health. The evaluation is returned only when the aggregated health state is either Error or Warning.
ServiceHealthReportExpiredEvent Service Health Report Expired event.
ServiceHealthReportExpiredEvent Service Health Report Expired event.
ServiceHealthState Represents the health state of a service, which contains the service identifier and its aggregated health state.
ServiceHealthState Represents the health state of a service, which contains the service identifier and its aggregated health state.
ServiceHealthStateChunk Represents the health state chunk of a service, which contains the service name, its aggregated health state and any partitions that respect the filters in the cluster health chunk query description.
ServiceHealthStateChunk Represents the health state chunk of a service, which contains the service name, its aggregated health state and any partitions that respect the filters in the cluster health chunk query description.
ServiceHealthStateChunkList The list of service health state chunks that respect the input filters in the chunk query. Returned by get cluster health state chunks query.
ServiceHealthStateFilter Defines matching criteria to determine whether a service should be included as a child of an application in the cluster health chunk.
The services are only returned if the parent application matches a filter specified in the cluster health chunk query description.
One filter can match zero, one or multiple services, depending on its properties.
ServiceHostUpgradeImpact enum The expected impact of the upgrade.
ServiceIdentity Map service identity friendly name to an application identity.
ServiceInfo Information about a Service Fabric service.
ServiceKind enum The kind of service (Stateless or Stateful).
ServiceLoadMetricDescription Specifies a metric to load balance a service during runtime.
ServiceLoadMetricWeight enum Determines the metric weight relative to the other metrics that are configured for this service. During runtime, if two metrics end up in conflict, the Cluster Resource Manager prefers the metric with the higher weight.
ServiceMetadata Metadata associated with a specific service.
ServiceNameInfo Information about the service name.
ServiceNewHealthReportEvent Service Health Report Created event.
ServiceNewHealthReportEvent Service Health Report Created event.
ServiceOperationName enum Specifies the current active life-cycle operation on a stateful service replica or stateless service instance.
ServicePackageActivationMode enum The activation mode of service package to be used for a Service Fabric service. This is specified at the time of creating the Service.
ServicePartitionInfo Information about a partition of a Service Fabric service.
ServicePartitionKind enum The kind of partitioning scheme used to partition the service.
ServicePartitionStatus enum The status of the service fabric service partition.
ServicePlacementAllowMultipleStatelessInstancesOnNodePolicyDescription Describes the policy to be used for placement of a Service Fabric service allowing multiple stateless instances of a partition of the service to be placed on a node.
ServicePlacementAllowMultipleStatelessInstancesOnNodePolicyDescription Describes the policy to be used for placement of a Service Fabric service allowing multiple stateless instances of a partition of the service to be placed on a node.
ServicePlacementInvalidDomainPolicyDescription Describes the policy to be used for placement of a Service Fabric service where a particular fault or upgrade domain should not be used for placement of the instances or replicas of that service.
ServicePlacementInvalidDomainPolicyDescription Describes the policy to be used for placement of a Service Fabric service where a particular fault or upgrade domain should not be used for placement of the instances or replicas of that service.
ServicePlacementNonPartiallyPlaceServicePolicyDescription Describes the policy to be used for placement of a Service Fabric service where all replicas must be able to be placed in order for any replicas to be created.
ServicePlacementNonPartiallyPlaceServicePolicyDescription Describes the policy to be used for placement of a Service Fabric service where all replicas must be able to be placed in order for any replicas to be created.
ServicePlacementPolicyDescription Describes the policy to be used for placement of a Service Fabric service.
ServicePlacementPolicyType enum The type of placement policy for a service fabric service. Following are the possible values.
ServicePlacementPreferPrimaryDomainPolicyDescription Describes the policy to be used for placement of a Service Fabric service where the service's Primary replicas should optimally be placed in a particular domain.

This placement policy is usually used with fault domains in scenarios where the Service Fabric cluster is geographically distributed in order to indicate that a service's primary replica should be located in a particular fault domain, which in geo-distributed scenarios usually aligns with regional or datacenter boundaries. Note that since this is an optimization it is possible that the Primary replica may not end up located in this domain due to failures, capacity limits, or other constraints.
ServicePlacementPreferPrimaryDomainPolicyDescription Describes the policy to be used for placement of a Service Fabric service where the service's Primary replicas should optimally be placed in a particular domain.

This placement policy is usually used with fault domains in scenarios where the Service Fabric cluster is geographically distributed in order to indicate that a service's primary replica should be located in a particular fault domain, which in geo-distributed scenarios usually aligns with regional or datacenter boundaries. Note that since this is an optimization it is possible that the Primary replica may not end up located in this domain due to failures, capacity limits, or other constraints.
ServicePlacementRequiredDomainPolicyDescription Describes the policy to be used for placement of a Service Fabric service where the instances or replicas of that service must be placed in a particular domain
ServicePlacementRequiredDomainPolicyDescription Describes the policy to be used for placement of a Service Fabric service where the instances or replicas of that service must be placed in a particular domain
ServicePlacementRequireDomainDistributionPolicyDescription Describes the policy to be used for placement of a Service Fabric service where two replicas from the same partition should never be placed in the same fault or upgrade domain.

While this is not common it can expose the service to an increased risk of concurrent failures due to unplanned outages or other cases of subsequent/concurrent failures. As an example, consider a case where replicas are deployed across different data center, with one replica per location. In the event that one of the datacenters goes offline, normally the replica that was placed in that datacenter will be packed into one of the remaining datacenters. If this is not desirable then this policy should be set.
ServicePlacementRequireDomainDistributionPolicyDescription Describes the policy to be used for placement of a Service Fabric service where two replicas from the same partition should never be placed in the same fault or upgrade domain.

While this is not common it can expose the service to an increased risk of concurrent failures due to unplanned outages or other cases of subsequent/concurrent failures. As an example, consider a case where replicas are deployed across different data center, with one replica per location. In the event that one of the datacenters goes offline, normally the replica that was placed in that datacenter will be packed into one of the remaining datacenters. If this is not desirable then this policy should be set.
ServiceProperties Describes properties of a service resource.
ServiceReplicaDescription Describes a replica of a service resource.
ServiceReplicaDescription Describes a replica of a service resource.
ServiceReplicaProperties Describes the properties of a service replica.
ServiceResourceDescription This type describes a service resource.
ServiceResourceProperties This type describes properties of a service resource.
ServicesHealthEvaluation Represents health evaluation for services of a certain service type belonging to an application, containing health evaluations for each unhealthy service that impacted current aggregated health state. Can be returned when evaluating application health and the aggregated health state is either Error or Warning.
ServicesHealthEvaluation Represents health evaluation for services of a certain service type belonging to an application, containing health evaluations for each unhealthy service that impacted current aggregated health state. Can be returned when evaluating application health and the aggregated health state is either Error or Warning.
ServiceStatus enum The status of the application.
ServiceTypeDescription Describes a service type defined in the service manifest of a provisioned application type. The properties the ones defined in the service manifest.
ServiceTypeExtensionDescription Describes extension of a service type defined in the service manifest.
ServiceTypeHealthPolicy Represents the health policy used to evaluate the health of services belonging to a service type.
ServiceTypeHealthPolicyMapItem Defines an item in ServiceTypeHealthPolicyMap.
ServiceTypeInfo Information about a service type that is defined in a service manifest of a provisioned application type.
ServiceTypeManifest Contains the manifest describing a service type registered as part of an application in a Service Fabric cluster.
ServiceTypeRegistrationStatus enum The status of the service type registration on the node.
ServiceUpdateDescription A ServiceUpdateDescription contains all of the information necessary to update a service.
ServiceUpgradeProgress Information about how many replicas are completed or pending for a specific service during upgrade.
Setting Describes a setting for the container. The setting file path can be fetched from environment variable "Fabric_SettingPath". The path for Windows container is "C:\secrets". The path for Linux container is "/var/secrets".
SettingType enum The type of the setting being given in value
SingletonPartitionInformation Information about a partition that is singleton. The services with singleton partitioning scheme are effectively non-partitioned. They only have one partition.
SingletonPartitionInformation Information about a partition that is singleton. The services with singleton partitioning scheme are effectively non-partitioned. They only have one partition.
SingletonPartitionSchemeDescription Describes the partition scheme of a singleton-partitioned, or non-partitioned service.
SingletonPartitionSchemeDescription Describes the partition scheme of a singleton-partitioned, or non-partitioned service.
SizeTypes enum Possible values include: 'Small', 'Medium', 'Large'
StartClusterUpgradeDescription Describes the parameters for starting a cluster upgrade.
StartedChaosEvent Describes a Chaos event that gets generated when Chaos is started.
StartedChaosEvent Describes a Chaos event that gets generated when Chaos is started.
State enum Possible values include: 'Invalid', 'Created', 'Claimed', 'Preparing', 'Approved', 'Executing', 'Restoring', 'Completed'
StatefulReplicaHealthReportExpiredEvent Stateful Replica Health Report Expired event.
StatefulReplicaHealthReportExpiredEvent Stateful Replica Health Report Expired event.
StatefulReplicaNewHealthReportEvent Stateful Replica Health Report Created event.
StatefulReplicaNewHealthReportEvent Stateful Replica Health Report Created event.
StatefulServiceDescription Describes a stateful service.
StatefulServiceDescription Describes a stateful service.
StatefulServiceInfo Information about a stateful Service Fabric service.
StatefulServiceInfo Information about a stateful Service Fabric service.
StatefulServicePartitionInfo Information about a partition of a stateful Service Fabric service..
StatefulServicePartitionInfo Information about a partition of a stateful Service Fabric service..
StatefulServiceReplicaHealth Represents the health of the stateful service replica.
Contains the replica aggregated health state, the health events and the unhealthy evaluations.
StatefulServiceReplicaHealth Represents the health of the stateful service replica.
Contains the replica aggregated health state, the health events and the unhealthy evaluations.
StatefulServiceReplicaHealthState Represents the health state of the stateful service replica, which contains the replica ID and the aggregated health state.
StatefulServiceReplicaHealthState Represents the health state of the stateful service replica, which contains the replica ID and the aggregated health state.
StatefulServiceReplicaInfo Represents a stateful service replica. This includes information about the identity, role, status, health, node name, uptime, and other details about the replica.
StatefulServiceReplicaInfo Represents a stateful service replica. This includes information about the identity, role, status, health, node name, uptime, and other details about the replica.
StatefulServiceTypeDescription Describes a stateful service type defined in the service manifest of a provisioned application type.
StatefulServiceTypeDescription Describes a stateful service type defined in the service manifest of a provisioned application type.
StatefulServiceUpdateDescription Describes an update for a stateful service.
StatefulServiceUpdateDescription Describes an update for a stateful service.
StatelessReplicaHealthReportExpiredEvent Stateless Replica Health Report Expired event.
StatelessReplicaHealthReportExpiredEvent Stateless Replica Health Report Expired event.
StatelessReplicaNewHealthReportEvent Stateless Replica Health Report Created event.
StatelessReplicaNewHealthReportEvent Stateless Replica Health Report Created event.
StatelessServiceDescription Describes a stateless service.
StatelessServiceDescription Describes a stateless service.
StatelessServiceInfo Information about a stateless Service Fabric service.
StatelessServiceInfo Information about a stateless Service Fabric service.
StatelessServiceInstanceHealth Represents the health of the stateless service instance.
Contains the instance aggregated health state, the health events and the unhealthy evaluations.
StatelessServiceInstanceHealth Represents the health of the stateless service instance.
Contains the instance aggregated health state, the health events and the unhealthy evaluations.
StatelessServiceInstanceHealthState Represents the health state of the stateless service instance, which contains the instance ID and the aggregated health state.
StatelessServiceInstanceHealthState Represents the health state of the stateless service instance, which contains the instance ID and the aggregated health state.
StatelessServiceInstanceInfo Represents a stateless service instance. This includes information about the identity, status, health, node name, uptime, and other details about the instance.
StatelessServiceInstanceInfo Represents a stateless service instance. This includes information about the identity, status, health, node name, uptime, and other details about the instance.
StatelessServicePartitionInfo Information about a partition of a stateless Service Fabric service.
StatelessServicePartitionInfo Information about a partition of a stateless Service Fabric service.
StatelessServiceTypeDescription Describes a stateless service type defined in the service manifest of a provisioned application type.
StatelessServiceTypeDescription Describes a stateless service type defined in the service manifest of a provisioned application type.
StatelessServiceUpdateDescription Describes an update for a stateless service.
StatelessServiceUpdateDescription Describes an update for a stateless service.
StoppedChaosEvent Describes a Chaos event that gets generated when Chaos stops because either the user issued a stop or the time to run was up.
StoppedChaosEvent Describes a Chaos event that gets generated when Chaos stops because either the user issued a stop or the time to run was up.
StringPropertyValue Describes a Service Fabric property value of type String.
StringPropertyValue Describes a Service Fabric property value of type String.
SuccessfulPropertyBatchInfo Derived from PropertyBatchInfo. Represents the property batch succeeding. Contains the results of any "Get" operations in the batch.
SuccessfulPropertyBatchInfo Derived from PropertyBatchInfo. Represents the property batch succeeding. Contains the results of any "Get" operations in the batch.
SystemApplicationHealthEvaluation Represents health evaluation for the fabric:/System application, containing information about the data and the algorithm used by health store to evaluate health. The evaluation is returned only when the aggregated health state of the cluster is either Error or Warning.
SystemApplicationHealthEvaluation Represents health evaluation for the fabric:/System application, containing information about the data and the algorithm used by health store to evaluate health. The evaluation is returned only when the aggregated health state of the cluster is either Error or Warning.
TcpConfig Describes the tcp configuration for external connectivity for this network.
TestErrorChaosEvent Describes a Chaos event that gets generated when an unexpected event occurs in the Chaos engine.
For example, due to the cluster snapshot being inconsistent, while faulting an entity, Chaos found that the entity was already faulted -- which would be an unexpected event.
TestErrorChaosEvent Describes a Chaos event that gets generated when an unexpected event occurs in the Chaos engine.
For example, due to the cluster snapshot being inconsistent, while faulting an entity, Chaos found that the entity was already faulted -- which would be an unexpected event.
TimeBasedBackupScheduleDescription Describes the time based backup schedule.
TimeBasedBackupScheduleDescription Describes the time based backup schedule.
TimeOfDay Defines an hour and minute of the day specified in 24 hour time.
TimeRange Defines a time range in a 24 hour day specified by a start and end time.
UniformInt64RangePartitionSchemeDescription Describes a partitioning scheme where an integer range is allocated evenly across a number of partitions.
UniformInt64RangePartitionSchemeDescription Describes a partitioning scheme where an integer range is allocated evenly across a number of partitions.
UnplacedReplicaInformation Contains information for an unplaced replica.
UnprovisionApplicationTypeDescriptionInfo Describes the operation to unregister or unprovision an application type and its version that was registered with the Service Fabric.
UnprovisionFabricDescription Describes the parameters for unprovisioning a cluster.
UpdateClusterUpgradeDescription Parameters for updating a cluster upgrade.
UpdatePartitionLoadResult Specifies result of updating load for specified partitions. The output will be ordered based on the partition ID.
UpgradeDomainDeltaNodesCheckHealthEvaluation Represents health evaluation for delta unhealthy cluster nodes in an upgrade domain, containing health evaluations for each unhealthy node that impacted current aggregated health state.
Can be returned during cluster upgrade when cluster aggregated health state is Warning or Error.
UpgradeDomainDeltaNodesCheckHealthEvaluation Represents health evaluation for delta unhealthy cluster nodes in an upgrade domain, containing health evaluations for each unhealthy node that impacted current aggregated health state.
Can be returned during cluster upgrade when cluster aggregated health state is Warning or Error.
UpgradeDomainDeployedApplicationsHealthEvaluation Represents health evaluation for deployed applications in an upgrade domain, containing health evaluations for each unhealthy deployed application that impacted current aggregated health state. Can be returned when evaluating cluster health during cluster upgrade and the aggregated health state is either Error or Warning.
UpgradeDomainDeployedApplicationsHealthEvaluation Represents health evaluation for deployed applications in an upgrade domain, containing health evaluations for each unhealthy deployed application that impacted current aggregated health state. Can be returned when evaluating cluster health during cluster upgrade and the aggregated health state is either Error or Warning.
UpgradeDomainInfo Information about an upgrade domain.
UpgradeDomainNodesHealthEvaluation Represents health evaluation for cluster nodes in an upgrade domain, containing health evaluations for each unhealthy node that impacted current aggregated health state. Can be returned when evaluating cluster health during cluster upgrade and the aggregated health state is either Error or Warning.
UpgradeDomainNodesHealthEvaluation Represents health evaluation for cluster nodes in an upgrade domain, containing health evaluations for each unhealthy node that impacted current aggregated health state. Can be returned when evaluating cluster health during cluster upgrade and the aggregated health state is either Error or Warning.
UpgradeDomainState enum The state of the upgrade domain.
UpgradeKind enum The kind of upgrade out of the following possible values.
UpgradeMode enum The mode used to monitor health during a rolling upgrade. The values are UnmonitoredAuto, UnmonitoredManual, Monitored, and UnmonitoredDeferred.
UpgradeOrchestrationServiceState Service state of Service Fabric Upgrade Orchestration Service.
UpgradeOrchestrationServiceStateSummary Service state summary of Service Fabric Upgrade Orchestration Service.
UpgradeSortOrder enum Defines the order in which an upgrade proceeds through the cluster.
UpgradeState enum The state of the upgrade domain.
UpgradeType enum The type of upgrade out of the following possible values.
UpgradeUnitInfo Information about an upgrade unit.
UpgradeUnitState enum The state of the upgrade unit.
UploadChunkRange Information about which portion of the file to upload.
UploadSession Information about a image store upload session
UploadSessionInfo Information about an image store upload session. A session is associated with a relative path in the image store.
UsageInfo Information about how much space and how many files in the file system the ImageStore is using in this category
ValidateClusterUpgradeResult Specifies result of validating a cluster upgrade.
ValidationFailedChaosEvent Chaos event corresponding to a failure during validation.
ValidationFailedChaosEvent Chaos event corresponding to a failure during validation.
VolumeProperties Describes properties of a volume resource.
VolumeProvider enum Describes the provider of the volume resource.
VolumeProviderParametersAzureFile This type describes a volume provided by an Azure Files file share.
VolumeReference Describes a reference to a volume resource.
VolumeResourceDescription This type describes a volume resource.
WaitForInbuildReplicaSafetyCheck Safety check that waits for the replica build operation to finish. This indicates that there is a replica that is going through the copy or is providing data for building another replica. Bring the node down will abort this copy operation which are typically expensive involving data movements.
WaitForInbuildReplicaSafetyCheck Safety check that waits for the replica build operation to finish. This indicates that there is a replica that is going through the copy or is providing data for building another replica. Bring the node down will abort this copy operation which are typically expensive involving data movements.
WaitForPrimaryPlacementSafetyCheck Safety check that waits for the primary replica that was moved out of the node due to upgrade to be placed back again on that node.
WaitForPrimaryPlacementSafetyCheck Safety check that waits for the primary replica that was moved out of the node due to upgrade to be placed back again on that node.
WaitForPrimarySwapSafetyCheck Safety check that waits for the primary replica to be moved out of the node before starting an upgrade to ensure the availability of the primary replica for the partition.
WaitForPrimarySwapSafetyCheck Safety check that waits for the primary replica to be moved out of the node before starting an upgrade to ensure the availability of the primary replica for the partition.
WaitForReconfigurationSafetyCheck Safety check that waits for the current reconfiguration of the partition to be completed before starting an upgrade.
WaitForReconfigurationSafetyCheck Safety check that waits for the current reconfiguration of the partition to be completed before starting an upgrade.
WaitingChaosEvent Describes a Chaos event that gets generated when Chaos is waiting for the cluster to become ready for faulting, for example, Chaos may be waiting for the on-going upgrade to finish.
WaitingChaosEvent Describes a Chaos event that gets generated when Chaos is waiting for the cluster to become ready for faulting, for example, Chaos may be waiting for the on-going upgrade to finish.