Deploy to an AI/ML studio online endpoint using the Azure Developer CLI

The Azure Developer CLI enables you to quickly and easily deploy to an Azure ML Studio or Azure AI Studio online endpoint. azd supports the following AI/ML studio features, which you'll learn to configure in the sections ahead:

  • Custom environments
    • Environments can be viewed with Azure ML Studio under the Environments section.
  • Custom models
  • Prompt flows
  • Online deployments (within Online-Endpoint)
    • Deployments can be viewed with Azure ML Studio under the deployments section.
    • Deployments can be viewed with Azure AI Studio under the deployments section.


To work with AI/ML studio online endpoints, you'll need the following:

The AI Studio Starter template can help create all the required infrastructure to get started with AI Studio endpoints.

Configure the AI/ML studio online endpoint

Configure support for AI/ML online endpoints in the services section of the azure.yaml file:

  • Set the host value to ai.endpoint.
  • The config section for ai.endpoint supports the following configurations:
    • workspace: The name of the AI studio workspace. Supports azd environment variable substitutions and syntax.
      • If not specified, azd will look for environment variable with name AZUREAI_PROJECT_NAME.
    • environment: Optional custom configuration for ML environments. azd creates a new environment version from the referenced YAML file definition.
    • flow: Optional custom configuration for flows. azd creates a new prompt flow from the specified file path.
    • model: Optional custom configuration for ML models. azd creates a new model version from the referenced YAML file definition.
    • deployment: Required configuration for online endpoint deployments. azd creates a new online deployment to the associated online endpoint from the referenced YAML file definition.

Consider the following sample azure.yaml file that configures these features:

name: contoso-chat
  template: contoso-chat@0.0.1-beta
    # Referenced new ai.endpoint host type
    host: ai.endpoint
    # New config flow for AI project configuration
      # The name of the AI studio workspace
      workspace: ${AZUREAI_PROJECT_NAME}
      # Optional: Path to custom ML environment manifest
        path: deployment/docker/environment.yml
      # Optional: Path to your prompt flow folder that contains the flow manifest
        path: ./contoso-chat
      # Optional: Path to custom model manifest
        path: deployment/chat-model.yaml
          "properties.azureml.promptflow.source_flow_id": ${AZUREAI_FLOW_NAME}
      # Required: Path to deployment manifest
        path: deployment/chat-deployment.yaml
          PRT_CONFIG_OVERRIDE: deployment.subscription_id=${AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID},deployment.resource_group=${AZURE_RESOURCE_GROUP},deployment.workspace_name=${AZUREAI_PROJECT_NAME},deployment.endpoint_name=${AZUREAI_ENDPOINT_NAME},deployment.deployment_name=${AZUREAI_DEPLOYMENT_NAME}

The config.deployment section is required and creates a new online deployment to the associated online endpoint from the referenced yaml file definition. This functionality handles various concerns for you, including the following:

  • Associates environment and model will be referenced when available.
  • azd waits for deployment to enter a terminal provisioning state.
  • On successful deployments, all traffic is shifted to the new deployment version.
  • All previous deployments, are deleted to free up compute for future deployments.

Explore configuration options

Each supported feature for AI/ML online endpoints supports customizations for your specific scenario using the options described in the following sections.


The flow configuration section is optional and supports the following values:

  • name: The name of the flow. Defaults to <service-name>-flow-<timestamp> if not specified.

  • path: The relative path to a folder that contains the flow manifest.

  • overrides: Any custom overrides to apply to the flow.


    Each call to azd deploy creates a new timestamped flow.


The environment configuration section is optional and supports the following values:

  • name: The name of the custom environment. Defaults to <service-name>-environment if not specified.

  • path: The relative path to a custom environment yaml manifest.

  • overrides: Any custom overrides to apply to the environment.


    Each call to azd deploy creates a new environment version.


The model configuration section is optional and supports following values:

  • name: The name of the custom model. Defaults to <service-name>-model if not specified.

  • path: The relative path to a custom model yaml manifest.

  • overrides: Any custom overrides to apply to the model.


    Each call to azd deploy creates a new environment version.


The deployment configuration section is required and supports the following values:

  • name: The name of the custom deployment. Defaults to <service-name>-deployment if not specified.

  • path: The relative path to a custom deployment yaml manifest.

  • environment: A map of key value pairs to set environment variables for the deployment. Supports environment variable substitutions from OS/AZD environment variables using ${VAR_NAME} syntax.

  • overrides: Any custom overrides to apply to the deployment.


    Only supports managed online deployments.