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CI/CD for AKS apps with GitHub Actions and GitFlow

Azure Container Registry
Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
Azure Monitor
Azure Pipelines

GitOps is an operating model for cloud-native applications that stores application and declarative infrastructure code in Git to be used as the source of truth for automated continuous delivery. With GitOps, you describe the desired state of your entire system in a git repository, and a GitOps operator deploys it to your environment, which is often a Kubernetes cluster. For more information on GitOps for Kubernetes on Azure, visit GitOps for Azure Kubernetes Service or CI/CD and GitOps disciplines with Azure Arc-enabled Kubernetes.

The example scenario in this article is applicable to businesses that want to modernize end-to-end application development by using containers, continuous integration (CI) for build, and GitOps for continuous deployment (CD). In this scenario, a Flask app is used as an example. This web app consists of a front-end written using Python and the Flask framework.


The following options explore push-based and pull-based CI/CD approaches.

Option 1: Push-based CI/CD

Diagram of the push-based architecture with GitHub Actions.

Push-based architecture with GitHub Actions for CI and CD.

Download a Visio file of this architecture.


This scenario covers a push-based DevOps pipeline for a two-tier web application, with a front-end web component and a back-end that uses Redis. This pipeline uses GitHub Actions for build and deployment. The data flows through the scenario as follows:

  1. The app code is developed.
  2. The app code is committed to a GitHub git repository.
  3. GitHub Actions builds a container image from the app code and pushes the container image to Azure Container Registry.
  4. A GitHub Actions job deploys, or pushes, the app, as described in the manifest files, to the Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) cluster using kubectl or the Deploy to Kubernetes cluster action.

Option 2: Pull-based CI/CD (GitOps)

Diagram of the pull-based architecture with GitHub Actions and Argo CD.

Pull-based architecture with GitHub Actions for CI and Argo CD for CD.

Download a Visio file of this architecture.


This scenario covers a pull-based DevOps pipeline for a two-tier web application, with a front-end web component and a back-end that uses Redis. This pipeline uses GitHub Actions for build. For deployment, it uses Argo CD as a GitOps operator to pull/sync the app. The data flows through the scenario as follows:

  1. The app code is developed.
  2. The app code is committed to a GitHub repository.
  3. GitHub Actions builds a container image from the app code and pushes the container image to Azure Container Registry.
  4. GitHub Actions updates a Kubernetes manifest deployment file with the current image version based on the version number of the container image in the Azure Container Registry.
  5. Argo CD syncs with, or pulls from, the Git repository.
  6. Argo CD deploys the app to the AKS cluster.


  • GitHub Actions is an automation solution that can integrate with Azure services for continuous integration (CI). In this scenario, GitHub Actions orchestrates the creation of new container images based on commits to source control, pushes those images to Azure Container Registry, then updates the Kubernetes manifest files in the GitHub repository.
  • Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) is a managed Kubernetes platform that lets you deploy and manage containerized applications without container orchestration expertise. As a hosted Kubernetes service, Azure handles critical tasks like health monitoring and maintenance for you.
  • Azure Container Registry stores and manages container images that are used by the AKS cluster. Images are securely stored, and can be replicated to other regions by the Azure platform to speed up deployment times.
  • GitHub is a web-based source control system that runs on Git and is used by developers to store and version their application code. In this scenario, GitHub is used to store the source code in a Git repository, then GitHub Actions is used to perform build and push of the container image to Azure Container Registry in the push-based approach.
  • Argo CD is an open-source GitOps operator that integrates with GitHub and AKS. Argo CD supports continuous deployment (CD). Flux could have been used for this purpose, but Argo CD showcases how an app team might choose a separate tool for their specific application lifecycle concerns, compared with using the same tool that the cluster operators use for cluster management.
  • Azure Monitor helps you track performance, maintain security, and identify trends. Metrics obtained by Azure Monitor can be used by other resources and tools, such as Grafana.


  • Azure Pipelines helps you implement a CI/DC and test pipeline for any app.
  • Jenkins is an open-source automation server that can integrate with Azure services for CI/CD.
  • Flux can be utilized as the GitOps operator. It can perform the same tasks as Argo CD and works the same way with AKS.

Scenario details

In this scenario, the automated build and deployment of your app uses several technologies. The code is developed in VS Code and stored in a GitHub repository. GitHub Actions is used to build the app as a container, then push the container image to an Azure Container Registry. GitHub Actions is used to update the necessary Kubernetes manifest deployment file, also stored in the Git repository, while the GitOps operator Argo CD picks up the Kubernetes manifest files from there and deploys the app to the AKS cluster.

Other examples include providing an automated development environment, validating new code commits, and pushing new deployments into staging or production environments. Traditionally, businesses had to manually build and compile applications and updates, and maintain a large, monolithic code base. With a modern approach to application development that uses CI and GitOps for CD, you can quickly build, test, and deploy services. This modern approach lets you release applications and updates to your customers faster, and respond to changing business demands in a more agile manner.

By using Azure and GitHub services such as AKS, Container Registry, GitHub, and GitHub Actions, companies can use the latest application development techniques and tools to simplify the process of implementing high availability. Also, by using open-source technologies, such as Flux or Argo CD for GitOps, companies simplify the deployment and enforce the desired state of applications.

Potential use cases

Other relevant use cases include:

  • Modernize application development practices by adopting a microservice, container-based approach.
  • Speed up application development and deployment lifecycles.
  • Automate deployments to test or acceptance environments for validation.
  • Ensure configurations and desired state of application.
  • Automate cluster lifecycle management.

CI/CD options

This document showcases the use of GitOps for a modern approach to handling continuous deployment in a CI/CD pipeline. However, every organization is different. When deploying applications to Kubernetes clusters through automated delivery pipelines, it's important to understand the various ways it can be done.

The two most common CI/CD options for deploying an application to an AKS cluster are push-based and pull-based. The push option utilizes GitHub Actions for continuous deployment and the pull option utilizes GitOps for continuous deployment.

Option 1: Push-based architecture with GitHub Actions for CI and CD

In this approach, code starts with the CI part of the pipeline working its way to changes being pushed as deployments to the Kubernetes cluster. The deployments are based on a trigger. There are various triggers that can start the deployment, for example, commits to the repository or a trigger from another CI pipeline. With this approach, the pipeline system has access to the Kubernetes cluster. The push-based module is the most common model used today by CI/CD tools.

Reasons to use a push-based approach:

  • Flexibility: Most GitOps operators currently only run in Kubernetes. If your organization wants to deploy applications to anything other than Kubernetes, you'll need to push the application to that environment via other CI/CD tooling such as with GitHub Actions.

  • Efficiency: A standardized approach to deploying your cloud native and traditional applications is more efficient. Currently, GitOps is best suited for cloud-native applications that run on Kubernetes.

  • Simplicity: Push-based CI/CD is well-known among the broadest set of engineers in many organizations. A push-based approach might be simpler than a mix of push-based and pull-based CI/CD approaches.

  • Structure: Current repository structure used for your application might not be well suited for GitOps, meaning that significant planning and restructuring would be required to fit for GitOps.

Option 2: Pull-based architecture with GitHub Actions for CI and GitOps operator Argo CD for CD

This approach centers around applying any changes from inside a Kubernetes cluster. The Kubernetes cluster includes an operator that scans a git repository for the desired state of the cluster, picking up and applying any changes that need to be made. In this model, no external client has admin-level credentials to the Kubernetes cluster. The pull-model isn't new but hasn't been widely used by CI/CD tools. Recently, with the introduction of GitOps, the pull-model has been gaining adoption. Many organizations have been utilizing GitOps to facilitate continuous deployment in their CD/CD pipelines.

Reasons to use a pull-based approach:

  • Consistency: With GitOps, an operator compares the state of your Kubernetes clusters with the desired state of your configuration and applications in a git repository. If there's any drift to the configuration or applications, the GitOps operator brings the Kubernetes cluster back to the desired state automatically.

  • Security: A pull-based approach to CI/CD with GitOps allows you to shift security credentials to your Kubernetes cluster, which reduces the security and risk surface by removing credentials from being stored in your external CI tooling. You'll also be able to reduce allowed inbound connections and limit admin-level access to your Kubernetes clusters.

  • Versioning: Since GitOps utilizes a git repository as the source of truth, your continuous deployment inherently has versioning, rollback, and audit capabilities.

  • Multi-tenancy: A pull-based approach with GitOps is well suited for distributed teams and or multi-tenancy. With GitOps, you can utilize separate git repositories, separate access rights, and distribute deployments across different namespaces.

  • Cloud native: More applications are being modernized or built to be cloud-native. For any organization that has most of its applications running in Kubernetes, utilizing a GitOps operator for continuous deployment is simpler and more efficient than a traditional push-based approach to CI/CD.


These considerations implement the pillars of the Azure Well-Architected Framework, which is a set of guiding tenets that can be used to improve the quality of a workload. For more information, see Microsoft Azure Well-Architected Framework.


Reliability ensures your application can meet the commitments you make to your customers. For more information, see Overview of the reliability pillar.

To monitor your application performance and report on issues, this scenario utilizes Azure Monitor. It lets you monitor and troubleshoot performance issues that might require code updates, which can then be deployed with the CI/CD pipeline.

As part of the AKS cluster, a load balancer distributes application traffic to one or more containers or pods that run your application. This approach to running containerized applications in Kubernetes provides a highly available infrastructure for your customers.


This article doesn't directly address CI/CD pipeline high availability. For more information, visit High availability for GitHub Actions and Argo CD Declarative GitOps CD for Kubernetes.

Resiliency components are built into Kubernetes. These components monitor and restart containers, or pods, if there's an issue. When multiple Kubernetes nodes are combined, your application can tolerate a pod or node being unavailable.

For general guidance on designing resilient solutions, see Designing reliable Azure applications.


Security provides assurances against deliberate attacks and the abuse of your valuable data and systems. For more information, see Overview of the security pillar.

For separation of credentials and permissions, this scenario uses a dedicated Microsoft Entra service principal. The credentials for this service principal are stored as a secure credential object in GitHub, as GitHub Actions Secrets, so that they're not directly exposed and visible within scripts or the build pipeline.

For general guidance on securing applications on AKS clusters, see Security concepts for applications and clusters in AKS.

For separation of concerns, the guidance is to separate the compute that runs the business application from the CD agents, or GitOps operator, by running the business application and the GitOps operator in separate namespaces on the Kubernetes cluster. For further separation of concerns, the GitOps operator can be run on a Kubernetes cluster that's dedicated to the GitOps instance separate from the production Kubernetes cluster that runs the business application.


This article doesn't directly address how to secure a CI/CD pipeline.

Performance efficiency

Performance efficiency is the ability of your workload to scale to meet the demands placed on it by users in an efficient manner. For more information, see Performance efficiency pillar overview.

AKS lets you scale the number of cluster nodes to meet the demands of your applications. As your application grows, you can scale up the number of Kubernetes nodes that run your service.

With GitHub Actions, the cloud provider automatically scales the number of runners. If self-hosted runners are used, the host of the runner would be responsible to scale them as needed.

For other scalability topics, see the performance efficiency checklist.

Deploy this scenario

Follow the steps in the AKS-baseline-automation reference implementation to deploy the scenario. The reference implementation repository has guided walk-throughs for both the push-based CI/CD scenario and the pull-based CI/CD (GitOps) scenario.


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Next steps

This scenario used Azure Container Registry and AKS to store and run a container-based application. Azure Container Apps or Azure Container Instances can also be used to run container-based applications, without having to provision any orchestration components. For more information, see Azure Container Instances overview and Azure Container Apps overview.

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