Comparteix a través de

Registry.GetValue(String, String, Object) Método


Recupera el valor asociado al nombre especificado de la clave del Registro especificada. Si el nombre no se encuentra en esta clave, devuelve un valor predeterminado, que se puede definir previamente, o null si la clave especificada no existe.

 static System::Object ^ GetValue(System::String ^ keyName, System::String ^ valueName, System::Object ^ defaultValue);
public static object GetValue (string keyName, string valueName, object defaultValue);
public static object? GetValue (string keyName, string? valueName, object? defaultValue);
static member GetValue : string * string * obj -> obj
Public Shared Function GetValue (keyName As String, valueName As String, defaultValue As Object) As Object



Ruta de acceso completa de la clave del Registro que comienza con una clave raíz válida, como "HKEY_CURRENT_USER".


Nombre del par nombre/valor.


Valor que se devuelve si valueName no existe.


Es null si la subclave especificada por keyName no existe; de lo contrario, el valor asociado a valueName, o defaultValue si valueName no se encuentra.


El usuario no tiene los permisos necesarios para leer en la clave del Registro.

El objeto RegistryKey que contiene el valor especificado se ha marcado para su eliminación.

keyName no comienza con una clave raíz del Registro válida.


En el ejemplo de código siguiente se almacenan valores de varios tipos de datos en una clave de ejemplo, se crea la clave tal y como lo hace y, a continuación, se recuperan y muestran los valores. En el ejemplo se muestra cómo almacenar y recuperar el par nombre-valor predeterminado (sin nombre) y el uso de defaultValue cuando no existe un par nombre-valor.

using namespace System;
using namespace Microsoft::Win32;

int main()
    // The name of the key must include a valid root.
    String^ userRoot = "HKEY_CURRENT_USER";
    String^ subKey = "RegistrySetValueExample2";
    String^ keyName = String::Concat(userRoot, "\\", subKey);
    // An int value can be stored without specifying the
    // registry data type, but Int64 values will be stored
    // as strings unless you specify the type. Note that
    // the int is stored in the default name/value
    // pair.
    Registry::SetValue(keyName, "", 5280);
    Registry::SetValue(keyName, "TestInt64", 12345678901234, 
    // Strings with expandable environment variables are
    // stored as ordinary strings unless you specify the
    // data type.
    Registry::SetValue(keyName, "TestExpand", "My path: %path%");
    Registry::SetValue(keyName, "TestExpand2", "My path: %path%", 
    // Arrays of strings are stored automatically as 
    // MultiString. Similarly, arrays of Byte are stored
    // automatically as Binary.
    array<String^>^ strings  = {"One", "Two", "Three"};
    Registry::SetValue(keyName, "TestArray", strings);
    // Your default value is returned if the name/value pair
    // does not exist.
    String^ noSuch = (String^)Registry::GetValue(keyName, 
        "Return this default if NoSuchName does not exist.");
    Console::WriteLine("\r\nNoSuchName: {0}", noSuch);
    // Retrieve the int and Int64 values, specifying 
    // numeric default values in case the name/value pairs
    // do not exist. The int value is retrieved from the
    // default (nameless) name/value pair for the key.
    int testInteger = (int)Registry::GetValue(keyName, "", -1);
    Console::WriteLine("(Default): {0}", testInteger);
    long long testInt64 = (long long)Registry::GetValue(keyName, 
        "TestInt64", System::Int64::MinValue);
    Console::WriteLine("TestInt64: {0}", testInt64);
    // When retrieving a MultiString value, you can specify
    // an array for the default return value. 
    array<String^>^ testArray = (array<String^>^)Registry::GetValue(
        keyName, "TestArray", 
        gcnew array<String^> {"Default if TestArray does not exist."});
    for (int i = 0; i < testArray->Length; i++)
        Console::WriteLine("TestArray({0}): {1}", i, testArray[i]);
    // A string with embedded environment variables is not
    // expanded if it was stored as an ordinary string.
    String^ testExpand = (String^)Registry::GetValue(keyName, 
        "TestExpand", "Default if TestExpand does not exist.");
    Console::WriteLine("TestExpand: {0}", testExpand);
    // A string stored as ExpandString is expanded.
    String^ testExpand2 = (String^)Registry::GetValue(keyName, 
        "TestExpand2", "Default if TestExpand2 does not exist.");
        "TestExpand2: {0}...", testExpand2->Substring(0, 40));
        "\r\nUse the registry editor to examine the key.");
    Console::WriteLine("Press the Enter key to delete the key.");
// This code example produces output similar to the following:
// NoSuchName: Return this default if NoSuchName does not exist.
// (Default): 5280
// TestInt64: 12345678901234
// TestArray(0): One
// TestArray(1): Two
// TestArray(2): Three
// TestExpand: My path: %path%
// TestExpand2: My path: D:\Program Files\Microsoft.NET\...
// Use the registry editor to examine the key.
// Press the Enter key to delete the key.
using System;
using Microsoft.Win32;

public class Example
    public static void Main()
        // The name of the key must include a valid root.
        const string userRoot = "HKEY_CURRENT_USER";
        const string subkey = "RegistrySetValueExample";
        const string keyName = userRoot + "\\" + subkey;

        // An int value can be stored without specifying the
        // registry data type, but long values will be stored
        // as strings unless you specify the type. Note that
        // the int is stored in the default name/value
        // pair.
        Registry.SetValue(keyName, "", 5280);
        Registry.SetValue(keyName, "TestLong", 12345678901234,

        // Strings with expandable environment variables are
        // stored as ordinary strings unless you specify the
        // data type.
        Registry.SetValue(keyName, "TestExpand", "My path: %path%");
        Registry.SetValue(keyName, "TestExpand2", "My path: %path%",

        // Arrays of strings are stored automatically as
        // MultiString. Similarly, arrays of Byte are stored
        // automatically as Binary.
        string[] strings = {"One", "Two", "Three"};
        Registry.SetValue(keyName, "TestArray", strings);

        // Your default value is returned if the name/value pair
        // does not exist.
        string noSuch = (string) Registry.GetValue(keyName,
            "Return this default if NoSuchName does not exist.");
        Console.WriteLine("\r\nNoSuchName: {0}", noSuch);

        // Retrieve the int and long values, specifying
        // numeric default values in case the name/value pairs
        // do not exist. The int value is retrieved from the
        // default (nameless) name/value pair for the key.
        int tInteger = (int) Registry.GetValue(keyName, "", -1);
        Console.WriteLine("(Default): {0}", tInteger);
        long tLong = (long) Registry.GetValue(keyName, "TestLong",
        Console.WriteLine("TestLong: {0}", tLong);

        // When retrieving a MultiString value, you can specify
        // an array for the default return value.
        string[] tArray = (string[]) Registry.GetValue(keyName,
            new string[] {"Default if TestArray does not exist."});
        for(int i=0; i<tArray.Length; i++)
            Console.WriteLine("TestArray({0}): {1}", i, tArray[i]);

        // A string with embedded environment variables is not
        // expanded if it was stored as an ordinary string.
        string tExpand = (string) Registry.GetValue(keyName,
             "Default if TestExpand does not exist.");
        Console.WriteLine("TestExpand: {0}", tExpand);

        // A string stored as ExpandString is expanded.
        string tExpand2 = (string) Registry.GetValue(keyName,
            "Default if TestExpand2 does not exist.");
        Console.WriteLine("TestExpand2: {0}...",
            tExpand2.Substring(0, 40));

        Console.WriteLine("\r\nUse the registry editor to examine the key.");
        Console.WriteLine("Press the Enter key to delete the key.");
// This code example produces output similar to the following:
//NoSuchName: Return this default if NoSuchName does not exist.
//(Default): 5280
//TestLong: 12345678901234
//TestArray(0): One
//TestArray(1): Two
//TestArray(2): Three
//TestExpand: My path: %path%
//TestExpand2: My path: D:\Program Files\Microsoft.NET\...
//Use the registry editor to examine the key.
//Press the Enter key to delete the key.
Imports Microsoft.Win32

Public Class Example
    Public Shared Sub Main()
        ' The name of the key must include a valid root.
        Const userRoot As String = "HKEY_CURRENT_USER"
        Const subkey As String = "RegistrySetValueExample"
        Const keyName As String = userRoot & "\" & subkey

        ' Integer values can be stored without specifying the
        ' registry data type, but Long values will be stored
        ' as strings unless you specify the type. Note that
        ' the integer is stored in the default name/value
        ' pair.
        Registry.SetValue(keyName, "", 5280)
        Registry.SetValue(keyName, "TestLong", 12345678901234, _

        ' Strings with expandable environment variables are
        ' stored as ordinary strings unless you specify the
        ' data type.
        Registry.SetValue(keyName, "TestExpand", "My path: %path%")
        Registry.SetValue(keyName, "TestExpand2", "My path: %path%", _

        ' Arrays of strings are stored automatically as 
        ' MultiString. Similarly, arrays of Byte are stored
        ' automatically as Binary.
        Dim strings() As String = {"One", "Two", "Three"}
        Registry.SetValue(keyName, "TestArray", strings)

        ' Your default value is returned if the name/value pair
        ' does not exist.
        Dim noSuch As String = _
            Registry.GetValue(keyName, "NoSuchName", _
            "Return this default if NoSuchName does not exist.")
        Console.WriteLine(vbCrLf & "NoSuchName: {0}", noSuch)

        ' Retrieve the Integer and Long values, specifying 
        ' numeric default values in case the name/value pairs
        ' do not exist. The Integer value is retrieved from the
        ' default (nameless) name/value pair for the key.
        Dim tInteger As Integer = _
            Registry.GetValue(keyName, "", -1)
        Console.WriteLine("(Default): {0}", tInteger)
        Dim tLong As Long = Registry.GetValue(keyName, _
             "TestLong", Long.MinValue)
        Console.WriteLine("TestLong: {0}", tLong)

        ' When retrieving a MultiString value, you can specify
        ' an array for the default return value. The value is
        ' declared inline, but could also be declared as:
        ' Dim default() As String = {"Default value."}
        Dim tArray() As String = _
            Registry.GetValue(keyName, "TestArray", _
            New String() {"Default if TestArray does not exist."})
        For i As Integer = 0 To tArray.Length - 1
            Console.WriteLine("TestArray({0}): {1}", i, tArray(i))

        ' A string with embedded environment variables is not
        ' expanded if it was stored as an ordinary string.
        Dim tExpand As String = Registry.GetValue(keyName, _
             "TestExpand", "Default if TestExpand does not exist.")
        Console.WriteLine("TestExpand: {0}", tExpand)

        ' A string stored as ExpandString is expanded.
        Dim tExpand2 As String = Registry.GetValue(keyName, _
             "TestExpand2", "Default if TestExpand2 does not exist.")
        Console.WriteLine("TestExpand2: {0}...", _
            tExpand2.Substring(0, 40))

        Console.WriteLine(vbCrLf & _
            "Use the registry editor to examine the key.")
        Console.WriteLine("Press the Enter key to delete the key.")
    End Sub
End Class
' This code example produces output similar to the following:
'NoSuchName: Return this default if NoSuchName does not exist.
'(Default): 5280
'TestLong: 12345678901234
'TestArray(0): One
'TestArray(1): Two
'TestArray(2): Three
'TestExpand: My path: %path%
'TestExpand2: My path: D:\Program Files\Microsoft.NET\...
'Use the registry editor to examine the key.
'Press the Enter key to delete the key.


La cadena valueName no distingue mayúsculas de minúsculas.


Una clave del Registro puede contener un valor que no está asociado a ningún nombre. Cuando este valor sin nombre se muestra en el editor del Registro, aparece la cadena "(Default)" en lugar de un nombre. Para recuperar este valor sin nombre, especifique null o la cadena vacía ("") para valueName.

Los nombres raíz válidos son HKEY_CURRENT_USER, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, HKEY_USERS, HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA, HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG y HKEY_DYN_DATA. Por ejemplo, en Visual Basic, la cadena "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\MyTestKey" tiene acceso a pares clave-valor para la subclave "MyTestKey" en la raíz HKEY_CURRENT_USER.

Cuando el GetValue método recupera valores de cadena expandibles (RegistryValueKind.ExpandString), expande cadenas de entorno mediante datos del entorno local. Si un valor que contiene referencias expandibles a variables de entorno se ha almacenado como una cadena (RegistryValueKind.String), en lugar de como una cadena expandible (RegistryValueKind.ExpandString), GetValue no la expande. Puede expandir esta cadena después de que se haya recuperado llamando al Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables método .


La manera recomendada de recuperar datos de HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA es usar la PerformanceCounter clase en lugar del RegistryKey.GetValue método .

Los GetValue métodos y SetValue abren y cierran las claves del Registro cada vez que se usan, por lo que no funcionan así como los métodos de la RegistryKey clase si se accede a un gran número de valores.

RegistryKey también proporciona métodos que permiten agregar una lista de control de acceso (ACL) a una clave del Registro, probar el tipo de datos de un valor antes de recuperarlo y eliminar claves.

Se aplica a