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EqualityComparer<T> Clase


Proporciona una clase base para las implementaciones de la interfaz genérica IEqualityComparer<T>.

generic <typename T>
public ref class EqualityComparer abstract : System::Collections::Generic::IEqualityComparer<T>, System::Collections::IEqualityComparer
public abstract class EqualityComparer<T> : System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer<T>, System.Collections.IEqualityComparer
public abstract class EqualityComparer<T> : System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer<T>, System.Collections.IEqualityComparer
type EqualityComparer<'T> = class
    interface IEqualityComparer<'T>
    interface IEqualityComparer
type EqualityComparer<'T> = class
    interface IEqualityComparer
    interface IEqualityComparer<'T>
Public MustInherit Class EqualityComparer(Of T)
Implements IEqualityComparer, IEqualityComparer(Of T)

Parámetros de tipo


Tipo de objetos que se van a comparar.



En el ejemplo siguiente se crea una colección de diccionarios de objetos de tipo Box con un comparador de igualdad. Dos cuadros se consideran iguales si sus dimensiones son iguales. A continuación, agrega los cuadros a la colección.

El diccionario se vuelve a crear con un comparador de igualdad que define la igualdad de una manera diferente: dos cuadros se consideran iguales si sus volúmenes son iguales.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

class Program
    static Dictionary<Box, String> boxes;

    static void Main()
        BoxSameDimensions boxDim = new BoxSameDimensions();
        boxes = new Dictionary<Box, string>(boxDim);

        Console.WriteLine("Boxes equality by dimensions:");
        Box redBox = new Box(8, 4, 8);
        Box greenBox = new Box(8, 6, 8);
        Box blueBox = new Box(8, 4, 8);
        Box yellowBox = new Box(8, 8, 8);
        AddBox(redBox, "red");
        AddBox(greenBox, "green");
        AddBox(blueBox, "blue");
        AddBox(yellowBox, "yellow");

        Console.WriteLine("Boxes equality by volume:");

        BoxSameVolume boxVolume = new BoxSameVolume();
        boxes = new Dictionary<Box, string>(boxVolume);
        Box pinkBox = new Box(8, 4, 8);
        Box orangeBox = new Box(8, 6, 8);
        Box purpleBox = new Box(4, 8, 8);
        Box brownBox = new Box(8, 8, 4);
        AddBox(pinkBox, "pink");
        AddBox(orangeBox, "orange");
        AddBox(purpleBox, "purple");
        AddBox(brownBox, "brown");

    public static void AddBox(Box bx, string name)
            boxes.Add(bx, name);
            Console.WriteLine("Added {0}, Count = {1}, HashCode = {2}",
                name, boxes.Count.ToString(), bx.GetHashCode());
        catch (ArgumentException)
            Console.WriteLine("A box equal to {0} is already in the collection.", name);

public class Box
    public Box(int h, int l, int w)
        this.Height = h;
        this.Length = l;
        this.Width = w;
    public int Height { get; set; }
    public int Length { get; set; }
    public int Width { get; set; }

class BoxSameDimensions : EqualityComparer<Box>
    public override bool Equals(Box b1, Box b2)
        if (b1 == null && b2 == null)
            return true;
        else if (b1 == null || b2 == null)
            return false;

        return (b1.Height == b2.Height &&
                b1.Length == b2.Length &&
                b1.Width == b2.Width);

    public override int GetHashCode(Box bx)
        int hCode = bx.Height ^ bx.Length ^ bx.Width;
        return hCode.GetHashCode();

class BoxSameVolume : EqualityComparer<Box>
    public override bool Equals(Box b1, Box b2)
        if (b1 == null && b2 == null)
            return true;
        else if (b1 == null || b2 == null)
            return false;

        return (b1.Height * b1.Width * b1.Length ==
                b2.Height * b2.Width * b2.Length);

    public override int GetHashCode(Box bx)
        int hCode = bx.Height * bx.Length * bx.Width;
        return hCode.GetHashCode();
/* This example produces an output similar to the following:
      Boxes equality by dimensions:
      Added red, Count = 1, HashCode = 46104728
      Added green, Count = 2, HashCode = 12289376
      A box equal to blue is already in the collection.
      Added yellow, Count = 3, HashCode = 43495525

      Boxes equality by volume:
      Added pink, Count = 1, HashCode = 55915408
      Added orange, Count = 2, HashCode = 33476626
      A box equal to purple is already in the collection.
      A box equal to brown is already in the collection.
'Imports System.Collections
Imports System.Collections.Generic

Module Program
    Dim boxes As Dictionary(Of Box, [String])

    Public Sub Main(ByVal args As String())

        Dim boxDim As New BoxSameDimensions()
        boxes = New Dictionary(Of Box, String)(boxDim)

        Console.WriteLine("Boxes equality by dimensions:")
        Dim redBox As New Box(8, 4, 8)
        Dim greenBox As New Box(8, 6, 8)
        Dim blueBox As New Box(8, 4, 8)
        Dim yellowBox As New Box(8, 8, 8)
        AddBox(redBox, "red")
        AddBox(greenBox, "green")
        AddBox(blueBox, "blue")
        AddBox(yellowBox, "yellow")

        Console.WriteLine("Boxes equality by volume:")

        Dim boxVolume As New BoxSameVolume()
        boxes = New Dictionary(Of Box, String)(boxVolume)
        Dim pinkBox As New Box(8, 4, 8)
        Dim orangeBox As New Box(8, 6, 8)
        Dim purpleBox As New Box(4, 8, 8)
        Dim brownBox As New Box(8, 8, 4)
        AddBox(pinkBox, "pink")
        AddBox(orangeBox, "orange")
        AddBox(purpleBox, "purple")
        AddBox(brownBox, "brown")
    End Sub

    Public Sub AddBox(ByVal bx As Box, ByVal name As String)
            boxes.Add(bx, name)
            Console.WriteLine("Added {0}, Count = {1}, HashCode = {2}", _
                              name, boxes.Count.ToString(), bx.GetHashCode())
        Catch generatedExceptionName As ArgumentException
            Console.WriteLine("A box equal to {0} is already in the collection.", name)
        End Try
    End Sub
End Module

Public Class Box
    Public Sub New(ByVal h As Integer, ByVal l As Integer, ByVal w As Integer)
        Me.Height = h
        Me.Length = l
        Me.Width = w
    End Sub
    Private _Height As Integer
    Public Property Height() As Integer
            Return _Height
        End Get
        Set(ByVal value As Integer)
            _Height = value
        End Set
    End Property

    Private _Length As Integer
    Public Property Length() As Integer
            Return _Length
        End Get
        Set(ByVal value As Integer)
            _Length = value
        End Set
    End Property

    Private _Width As Integer
    Public Property Width() As Integer
            Return _Width
        End Get
        Set(ByVal value As Integer)
            _Width = value
        End Set
    End Property
End Class

Class BoxSameDimensions : Inherits EqualityComparer(Of Box)
    Public Overloads Overrides Function Equals(ByVal b1 As Box, _
                                      ByVal b2 As Box) As Boolean
        If b1 Is Nothing AndAlso b2 Is Nothing Then
           Return True
        Else If b1 Is Nothing OrElse b2 Is Nothing Then
           Return False
        End If

        Return (b1.Height = b2.Height AndAlso b1.Length = b2.Length _
                                      AndAlso b1.Width = b2.Width)
    End Function

    Public Overloads Overrides Function GetHashCode(ByVal bx As Box) As Integer
        Dim hCode As Integer = bx.Height Xor bx.Length Xor bx.Width
        Return hCode.GetHashCode()
    End Function
End Class

Class BoxSameVolume : Inherits EqualityComparer(Of Box)
    Public Overloads Overrides Function Equals(ByVal b1 As Box, _
                                          ByVal b2 As Box) As Boolean
        If b1 Is Nothing AndAlso b2 Is Nothing Then
           Return True
        Else If b1 Is Nothing OrElse b2 Is Nothing Then
           Return False
        End If

        Return (b1.Height * b1.Width * b1.Length = _
                b2.Height * b2.Width * b2.Length)
    End Function

    Public Overloads Overrides Function GetHashCode(ByVal bx As Box) As Integer
        Dim hCode As Integer = bx.Height * bx.Length * bx.Width
        Return hCode.GetHashCode()
    End Function
End Class
' This example produces an output similar to the following:
' * 
'    Boxes equality by dimensions:
'    Added red, Count = 1, HashCode = 46104728
'    Added green, Count = 2, HashCode = 12289376
'    A box equal to blue is already in the collection.
'    Added yellow, Count = 3, HashCode = 43495525
'    Boxes equality by volume:
'    Added pink, Count = 1, HashCode = 55915408
'    Added orange, Count = 2, HashCode = 33476626
'    A box equal to purple is already in the collection.
'    A box equal to brown is already in the collection.
' * 


Derive de esta clase para proporcionar una implementación personalizada de la IEqualityComparer<T> interfaz genérica para su uso con clases de colección como la Dictionary<TKey,TValue> clase genérica o con métodos como List<T>.Sort.

La Default propiedad comprueba si el tipo T implementa la System.IEquatable<T> interfaz genérica y, si es así, devuelve un EqualityComparer<T> objeto que invoca la implementación del IEquatable<T>.Equals método . De lo contrario, devuelve un EqualityComparer<T>, tal y como lo proporciona T.

En .NET 8 y versiones posteriores, se recomienda usar el EqualityComparer<T>.Create(Func<T,T,Boolean>, Func<T,Int32>) método para crear instancias de este tipo.



Inicializa una nueva instancia de la clase EqualityComparer<T>.



Devuelve un comparador de igualdad predeterminado para el tipo especificado por el argumento genérico.


Create(Func<T,T,Boolean>, Func<T,Int32>)

Crea un EqualityComparer<T> mediante el uso de los delegados especificados como la implementación de los métodos y GetHashCode(T) del Equals(T, T) comparador.


Determina si el objeto especificado es igual que el objeto actual.

(Heredado de Object)
Equals(T, T)

Cuando se reemplaza en una clase derivada, determina si dos objetos de tipo T son iguales.


Sirve como la función hash predeterminada.

(Heredado de Object)

Cuando se reemplaza en una clase derivada sirve como función hash para los objetos especificados para los algoritmos hash y las estructuras de datos, como las tablas hash.


Obtiene el Type de la instancia actual.

(Heredado de Object)

Crea una copia superficial del Object actual.

(Heredado de Object)

Devuelve una cadena que representa el objeto actual.

(Heredado de Object)

Implementaciones de interfaz explícitas

IEqualityComparer.Equals(Object, Object)

Determina si los objetos especificados son iguales.


Devuelve un código hash para el objeto especificado.

Se aplica a

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