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DesignerTransaction Clase


Permite agrupar una serie de acciones en tiempo de diseño para mejorar el rendimiento y habilitar la posibilidad de deshacer la mayoría de los tipos de cambio.

public ref class DesignerTransaction abstract : IDisposable
public abstract class DesignerTransaction : IDisposable
type DesignerTransaction = class
    interface IDisposable
Public MustInherit Class DesignerTransaction
Implements IDisposable


En el siguiente programa de ejemplo de código se muestra cómo crear un DesignerTransaction objeto a partir de un diseñador. Para ejecutar este ejemplo, compile el código fuente en una biblioteca de clases. Debe agregar una referencia al ensamblado System.Design. En un nuevo proyecto, agregue una referencia al archivo DLL compilado y agregue el componente de la biblioteca al cuadro de herramientas.

Visual Studio es altamente compatible con esta característica.

Consulte también Tutorial: Rellenar automáticamente el cuadro de herramientas con componentes personalizados.

Opcionalmente, el diseñador puede mostrar notificaciones sobre eventos de transacción del diseñador. Si agrega una instancia de DTComponent a un formulario mientras está en modo de diseño, aparece un cuadro de mensaje que pregunta si desea recibir notificaciones de eventos de transacción del diseñador. Puede alternar estas notificaciones mediante el menú contextual que aparece al hacer clic con el DTComponentbotón derecho en una instancia de . Las transacciones se crean al cambiar los valores mediante el ventana Propiedades. También puede hacer que el diseñador realice una transacción haciendo clic en Realizar transacción de ejemplo en el menú contextual del componente.

#using <system.dll>
#using <>
#using <>

using namespace System;
using namespace System::ComponentModel;
using namespace System::ComponentModel::Design;
using namespace System::Windows::Forms;
using namespace System::Windows::Forms::Design;

This sample demonstrates how to perform a series of actions in a designer
transaction, how to change values of properties of a component from a
designer, and how to complete transactions without being interrupted
by other activities.

To run this sample, add this code to a class library project and compile.
Create a new Windows Forms project or load a form in the designer. Add a
reference to the class library that was compiled in the first step.
Right-click the Toolbox in design mode and click Customize Toolbox.
Browse to the class library that was compiled in the first step and
select OK until the DTComponent item appears in the Toolbox.  Add an
instance of this component to the form.

When the component is created and added to the component tray for your
design project, the Initialize method of the designer is called.
This method displays a message box informing you that designer transaction
event handlers will be registered unless you click Cancel. When you set
properties in the properties window, each change will be encapsulated in
a designer transaction, allowing the change to be undone later.

When you right-click the component, the shortcut menu for the component
is displayed. The designer constructs this menu according to whether
designer transaction notifications are enabled, and offers the option
of enabling or disabling the notifications, depending on the current
mode. The shortcut menu also presents a Perform Example Transaction
item, which will set the values of the component's StringProperty and
CountProperty properties. You can undo the last designer transaction using
the Undo command provided by the Visual Studio development environment.

private ref class DTDesigner: public ComponentDesigner
   bool notification_mode;
   int count;
   void LinkDTNotifications( Object^ /*sender*/, EventArgs^ /*e*/ )
      if (  !notification_mode )
         IDesignerHost^ host = dynamic_cast<IDesignerHost^>(GetService( IDesignerHost::typeid ));
         if ( host != nullptr )
            notification_mode = true;
            host->TransactionOpened += gcnew EventHandler( this, &DTDesigner::OnDesignerTransactionOpened );
            host->TransactionClosed += gcnew DesignerTransactionCloseEventHandler( this, &DTDesigner::OnDesignerTransactionClosed );

   void UnlinkDTNotifications( Object^ /*sender*/, EventArgs^ /*e*/ )
      if ( notification_mode )
         IDesignerHost^ host = dynamic_cast<IDesignerHost^>(GetService( IDesignerHost::typeid ));
         if ( host != nullptr )
            notification_mode = false;
            host->TransactionOpened -= gcnew EventHandler( this, &DTDesigner::OnDesignerTransactionOpened );
            host->TransactionClosed -= gcnew DesignerTransactionCloseEventHandler( this, &DTDesigner::OnDesignerTransactionClosed );

   void OnDesignerTransactionOpened( Object^ /*sender*/, EventArgs^ /*e*/ )
      MessageBox::Show( "A Designer Transaction was started. (TransactionOpened)" );

   void OnDesignerTransactionClosed( Object^ /*sender*/, DesignerTransactionCloseEventArgs^ /*e*/ )
      MessageBox::Show( "A Designer Transaction was completed. (TransactionClosed)" );

   void DoTransaction( Object^ /*sender*/, EventArgs^ /*e*/ )
      IDesignerHost^ host = static_cast<IDesignerHost^>(GetService( IDesignerHost::typeid ));
      DesignerTransaction^ t = host->CreateTransaction( "Change Text and Size" );
      /* The code within the using statement is considered to be a single transaction.
              When the user selects Undo, the system will undo everything executed in this code block.
      if ( notification_mode )
            MessageBox::Show( "Entering a Designer-Initiated Designer Transaction" );

      // The .NET Framework automatically associates the TypeDescriptor with the correct component
      PropertyDescriptor^ someText = TypeDescriptor::GetProperties( Component )[ "StringProperty" ];
      someText->SetValue( Component, "This text was set by the designer for this component." );
      PropertyDescriptor^ anInteger = TypeDescriptor::GetProperties( Component )[ "CountProperty" ];
      anInteger->SetValue( Component, count );

      // Complete the designer transaction.
      if ( notification_mode )
            MessageBox::Show( "Designer-Initiated Designer Transaction Completed" );

   property DesignerVerbCollection^ Verbs 
      // The Verbs property is overridden from ComponentDesigner
      virtual DesignerVerbCollection^ get() override
         DesignerVerbCollection^ dvc = gcnew DesignerVerbCollection;
         dvc->Add( gcnew DesignerVerb( "Perform Example Transaction",gcnew EventHandler( this, &DTDesigner::DoTransaction ) ) );
         if ( notification_mode )
                  dvc->Add( gcnew DesignerVerb( "End Designer Transaction Notifications",
                     gcnew EventHandler( this, &DTDesigner::UnlinkDTNotifications ) ) );
                  dvc->Add( gcnew DesignerVerb( "Show Designer Transaction Notifications",
                     gcnew EventHandler( this, &DTDesigner::LinkDTNotifications ) ) );

         return dvc;
   virtual void Initialize( IComponent^ component ) override
      ComponentDesigner::Initialize( component );
      notification_mode = false;
      count = 10;
      IDesignerHost^ host = dynamic_cast<IDesignerHost^>(GetService( IDesignerHost::typeid ));
      if ( host == nullptr )
         MessageBox::Show( "The IDesignerHost service interface could not be obtained." );

      if ( MessageBox::Show( "Press the Yes button to display notification message boxes for the designer transaction opened and closed notifications.", "Link DesignerTransaction Notifications?", MessageBoxButtons::YesNo, MessageBoxIcon::Question, MessageBoxDefaultButton::Button1, MessageBoxOptions::RightAlign ) == DialogResult::Yes )
         host->TransactionOpened += gcnew EventHandler( this, &DTDesigner::OnDesignerTransactionOpened );
         host->TransactionClosed += gcnew DesignerTransactionCloseEventHandler( this, &DTDesigner::OnDesignerTransactionClosed );
         notification_mode = true;

      UnlinkDTNotifications( this, gcnew EventArgs );

// Associate the DTDesigner with this component

public ref class DTComponent: public System::ComponentModel::Component
   String^ m_String;
   int m_Count;
   void InitializeComponent()
      m_String = "Initial Value";
      m_Count = 0;

   property String^ StringProperty 
      String^ get()
         return m_String;

      void set( String^ value )
         m_String = value;

   property int CountProperty 
      int get()
         return m_Count;

      void set( int value )
         m_Count = value;
using System;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.ComponentModel.Design;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Windows.Forms.Design;

    This sample demonstrates how to perform a series of actions in a designer 
    transaction, how to change values of properties of a component from a 
    designer, and how to complete transactions without being interrupted 
    by other activities.

    To run this sample, add this code to a class library project and compile. 
    Create a new Windows Forms project or load a form in the designer. Add a 
    reference to the class library that was compiled in the first step.
    Right-click the Toolbox in design mode and click Customize Toolbox.  
    Browse to the class library that was compiled in the first step and 
    select OK until the DTComponent item appears in the Toolbox.  Add an 
    instance of this component to the form.  
    When the component is created and added to the component tray for your
    design project, the Initialize method of the designer is called. 
    This method displays a message box informing you that designer transaction
    event handlers will be registered unless you click Cancel. When you set 
    properties in the properties window, each change will be encapsulated in 
    a designer transaction, allowing the change to be undone later.  
    When you right-click the component,	the shortcut menu for the component 
    is displayed. The designer constructs this menu according to whether 
    designer transaction notifications are enabled, and offers the option
    of enabling or disabling the notifications, depending on the current 
    mode. The shortcut menu also presents a Perform Example Transaction 
    item, which will set the values of the component's StringProperty and 
    CountProperty properties. You can undo the last designer transaction using 
    the Undo command provided by the Visual Studio development environment.

namespace DesignerTransactionSample
    // Associate the DTDesigner with this component
    public class DTComponent : System.ComponentModel.Component
        private string m_String;
    private int m_Count;
    public string StringProperty
            { return m_String; }
        { m_String = value; }
    public int CountProperty
        { return m_Count; }
        { m_Count = value; }

    private void InitializeComponent()
        m_String = "Initial Value";
        m_Count = 0;
    internal class DTDesigner : ComponentDesigner
    private bool notification_mode = false;
    private int count = 10;
    // The Verbs property is overridden from ComponentDesigner
    public override DesignerVerbCollection Verbs
            DesignerVerbCollection dvc = new DesignerVerbCollection();				
        dvc.Add( new DesignerVerb("Perform Example Transaction", new EventHandler(this.DoTransaction)) );
            dvc.Add(new DesignerVerb("End Designer Transaction Notifications", new EventHandler(this.UnlinkDTNotifications)));
            dvc.Add(new DesignerVerb("Show Designer Transaction Notifications", new EventHandler(this.LinkDTNotifications)));				return dvc;
        public override void Initialize(System.ComponentModel.IComponent component)

            IDesignerHost host = (IDesignerHost)GetService(typeof(IDesignerHost));			
            if(host == null)
                MessageBox.Show("The IDesignerHost service interface could not be obtained.");

            if( MessageBox.Show("Press the Yes button to display notification message boxes for the designer transaction opened and closed notifications.","Link DesignerTransaction Notifications?", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1, MessageBoxOptions.RightAlign) == DialogResult.Yes )
            host.TransactionOpened += new EventHandler(OnDesignerTransactionOpened);
                host.TransactionClosed += new DesignerTransactionCloseEventHandler(OnDesignerTransactionClosed);
                notification_mode = true;
        private void LinkDTNotifications(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if(notification_mode == false)
            IDesignerHost host = (IDesignerHost)GetService(typeof(IDesignerHost));							
                if(host != null)
            notification_mode = true;
                   host.TransactionOpened += new EventHandler(OnDesignerTransactionOpened);
                   host.TransactionClosed += new DesignerTransactionCloseEventHandler(OnDesignerTransactionClosed);

        private void UnlinkDTNotifications(object sender, EventArgs e)
                IDesignerHost host = (IDesignerHost)GetService(typeof(IDesignerHost));							
            if(host != null)
            notification_mode = false;
                    host.TransactionOpened -= new EventHandler(OnDesignerTransactionOpened);
                    host.TransactionClosed -= new DesignerTransactionCloseEventHandler(OnDesignerTransactionClosed);

        private void OnDesignerTransactionOpened(object sender, EventArgs e)
        System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("A Designer Transaction was started. (TransactionOpened)");

        private void OnDesignerTransactionClosed(object sender, DesignerTransactionCloseEventArgs e)
        System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("A Designer Transaction was completed. (TransactionClosed)");

        private void DoTransaction(object sender, EventArgs e) 
            IDesignerHost host = (IDesignerHost)GetService(typeof(IDesignerHost));			
            DesignerTransaction t = host.CreateTransaction("Change Text and Size");

            /* The code within the using statement is considered to be a single transaction.
           When the user selects Undo, the system will undo everything executed in this code block. */
            using (t)
                System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Entering a Designer-Initiated Designer Transaction");
                // The .NET Framework automatically associates the TypeDescriptor with the correct component
            PropertyDescriptor someText = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(Component)["StringProperty"];
                someText.SetValue(Component, "This text was set by the designer for this component.");

                PropertyDescriptor anInteger = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(Component)["CountProperty"];
            anInteger.SetValue(Component, count);

                // Complete the designer transaction.
                System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Designer-Initiated Designer Transaction Completed");
    protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
        UnlinkDTNotifications(this, new EventArgs());
Imports System.ComponentModel
Imports System.ComponentModel.Design
Imports System.Windows.Forms
Imports System.Windows.Forms.Design

'   This sample demonstrates how to perform a series of actions in a designer 
'   transaction, how to change values of properties of a component from a 
'   designer, and how to complete transactions without being interrupted 
'   by other activities.

'   To run this sample, add this code to a class library project and compile. 
'   Create a new Windows Forms project or load a form in the designer. Add a 
'   reference to the class library that was compiled in the first step.
'   Right-click the Toolbox in design mode and click Customize Toolbox.  
'   Browse to the class library that was compiled in the first step and 
'   select OK until the DTComponent item appears in the Toolbox.  Add an 
'   instance of this component to the form.  

'   When the component is created and added to the component tray for your
'   design project, the Initialize method of the designer is called. 
'   This method displays a message box informing you that designer transaction
'   event handlers are being registered unless you click Cancel. When you set 
'   properties in the properties window, each change will be encapsulated in 
'   a designer transaction, allowing the change to be undone later.  

'   When you right-click the component, the shortcut menu for the component 
'   is displayed. The designer constructs this menu according to whether 
'   designer transaction notifications are enabled, and offers the option
'   of enabling or disabling the notifications, depending on the current 
'   mode. The shortcut menu also presents a Perform Example Transaction 
'   item which will set the values of the component's StringProperty and 
'   CountProperty properties. You can undo the last designer transaction using 
'   the Undo command provided by the Visual Studio development environment.	

Namespace DesignerTransactionSample

    ' Associate the DTDesigner with this component
    <DesignerAttribute(GetType(DTDesigner))> _
    Public Class DTComponent
        Inherits System.ComponentModel.Component
        Private m_String As String
        Private m_Count As Integer

        Public Property StringProperty() As String
                Return m_String
            End Get
            Set(ByVal Value As String)
                m_String = Value
            End Set
        End Property

        Public Property CountProperty() As Integer
                Return m_Count
            End Get
            Set(ByVal Value As Integer)
                m_Count = Value
            End Set
        End Property

        Private Sub InitializeComponent()
            m_String = "Initial Value"
            m_Count = 0
        End Sub

    End Class

    Friend Class DTDesigner
        Inherits ComponentDesigner

        Private notification_mode As Boolean = False
        Private count As Integer = 10

        ' The Verbs property is overridden from ComponentDesigner
        Public Overrides ReadOnly Property Verbs() As DesignerVerbCollection
                Dim dvc As New DesignerVerbCollection()
                dvc.Add(New DesignerVerb("Perform Example Transaction", AddressOf Me.DoTransaction))
                If notification_mode Then
                    dvc.Add(New DesignerVerb("End Designer Transaction Notifications", AddressOf Me.UnlinkDTNotifications))
                    dvc.Add(New DesignerVerb("Show Designer Transaction Notifications", AddressOf Me.LinkDTNotifications))
                End If
                Return dvc
            End Get
        End Property

        Public Overrides Sub Initialize(ByVal component As System.ComponentModel.IComponent)

            Dim host As IDesignerHost = CType(GetService(GetType(IDesignerHost)), IDesignerHost)
            If host Is Nothing Then
                MessageBox.Show("The IDesignerHost service interface could not be obtained.")
            End If

            If MessageBox.Show("Press the Yes button to display notification message boxes for the designer transaction opened and closed notifications.", "Link DesignerTransaction Notifications?", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1, MessageBoxOptions.RightAlign) = DialogResult.Yes Then
                AddHandler host.TransactionOpened, AddressOf OnDesignerTransactionOpened
                AddHandler host.TransactionClosed, AddressOf OnDesignerTransactionClosed
                notification_mode = True
            End If
        End Sub

        Private Sub LinkDTNotifications(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
            If notification_mode = False Then
                Dim host As IDesignerHost = CType(GetService(GetType(IDesignerHost)), IDesignerHost)
                If (host IsNot Nothing) Then
                    notification_mode = True
                    AddHandler host.TransactionOpened, AddressOf OnDesignerTransactionOpened
                    AddHandler host.TransactionClosed, AddressOf OnDesignerTransactionClosed
                End If
            End If
        End Sub

        Private Sub UnlinkDTNotifications(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
            If notification_mode Then
                Dim host As IDesignerHost = CType(GetService(GetType(IDesignerHost)), IDesignerHost)
                If (host IsNot Nothing) Then
                    notification_mode = False
                    RemoveHandler host.TransactionOpened, AddressOf Me.OnDesignerTransactionOpened
                    RemoveHandler host.TransactionClosed, AddressOf Me.OnDesignerTransactionClosed
                End If
            End If
        End Sub

        Private Sub OnDesignerTransactionOpened(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
            System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("A Designer Transaction was started. (TransactionOpened)")
        End Sub

        Private Sub OnDesignerTransactionClosed(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As DesignerTransactionCloseEventArgs)
            System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("A Designer Transaction was completed. (TransactionClosed)")
        End Sub

        Private Sub DoTransaction(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
            Dim host As IDesignerHost = CType(GetService(GetType(IDesignerHost)), IDesignerHost)
            Dim t As DesignerTransaction = host.CreateTransaction("Change Text and Size")

            ' The code within the using statement is considered to be a single transaction.
            ' When the user selects Undo, the system will undo everything executed in this code block. 
                If (notification_mode) Then
                    System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Entering a Designer-Initiated Designer Transaction")
                End If

                Dim someText As PropertyDescriptor = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(Component)("StringProperty")
                someText.SetValue(Component, "This text was set by the designer for this component.")
                Dim anInteger As PropertyDescriptor = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(Component)("CountProperty")
                anInteger.SetValue(Component, count)
                count = count + 1

                Exit Try
            End Try
            If (notification_mode) Then
                System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Designer-Initiated Designer Transaction Completed")
            End If
        End Sub

        Protected Overloads Overrides Sub Dispose(ByVal disposing As Boolean)
            UnlinkDTNotifications(Me, New EventArgs())
        End Sub

    End Class
End Namespace 'DesignerTransactionSample


Las transacciones pueden realizar un seguimiento de las acciones que se pueden deshacer más adelante. Los cambios realizados durante una transacción se pueden invertir mediante la cancelación de una transacción, que intenta revertir automáticamente cada cambio estableciendo cada propiedad modificada en su valor anterior al cambio. Las transacciones también pueden mejorar el rendimiento durante una serie de operaciones aplazando las actualizaciones a la presentación hasta la finalización de la transacción.

Cuando una transacción está en curso, algunos componentes aplazan su procesamiento hasta que la transacción se haya completado escuchando los TransactionOpening eventos y TransactionClosed . El ventana Propiedades, por ejemplo, no actualiza su presentación después de que se haya abierto una transacción hasta que se haya cerrado la transacción.

Para usar transacciones para operaciones reversibles o múltiples, haga que el diseñador cree un DesignerTransaction para cada operación o serie de operaciones que deben ser reversibles. Tenga cuidado de no realizar acciones fuera de las transacciones que podrían impedir que una secuencia de eventos de deshacer se complete correctamente.

Puede obtener un nuevo DesignerTransaction mediante una llamada al CreateTransaction método de .IDesignerHost Asegúrese de obtener cada uno DesignerTransaction de los activos IDesignerHost para integrarse correctamente con el mecanismo de procesamiento de transacciones del diseñador, en lugar de crear un nuevo DesignerTransaction directamente.

Para realizar una acción dentro de una transacción, primero debe crear una transacción. A continuación, debe llamar al OnComponentChanging método antes de que se produzca cada cambio o conjunto de cambios, y el OnComponentChanged método después de que se produzca cada cambio o conjunto de cambios. Por último, complete y cierre la transacción llamando al Commit método .


Al realizar cambios en los valores de propiedad, use el SetValue método de , PropertyDescriptorque llama a los métodos de cambio de componente de IComponentChangeService y crea un DesignerTransaction objeto que representa el cambio automáticamente.

Para realizar una transacción, complete los pasos siguientes:

  1. Llame CreateTransaction a para obtener un DesignerTransaction objeto que se puede usar para controlar la transacción.

  2. Dentro de un try bloque, para cada acción que quiera realizar un seguimiento con un DesignerTransaction, llame al OnComponentChanging método , realice el cambio o los cambios y, a continuación, llame al OnComponentChanged método para indicar que se han realizado los cambios o cambios.

  3. Para completar la transacción, llame Commit desde dentro de un finally bloque .

En C#, puede usar la using instrucción en lugar de un try/finally bloque, como en el ejemplo siguiente.

using (host.CreateTransaction() {  
// Insert your code here.  

Para cancelar e intentar revertir una transacción antes de confirmarla, llame al Cancel método . Cuando se invoca el Cancel método , las acciones de las que realiza DesignerTransaction el seguimiento se invierten para intentar revertir los cambios. Para deshacer las acciones que se produjeron como parte de las transacciones anteriores, debe usar el comando deshacer proporcionado por el entorno de desarrollo.



Inicializa una nueva instancia de la clase DesignerTransaction sin ninguna descripción.


Inicializa una nueva instancia de la clase DesignerTransaction utilizando la descripción de transacción especificada.



Obtiene un valor que indica si se canceló la transacción.


Obtiene un valor que indica si se confirmó la transacción.


Obtiene una descripción para la transacción.



Cancela la transacción e intenta deshacer los cambios realizados por los eventos de la transacción.


Confirma la transacción.


Libera los recursos no administrados que usa DesignerTransaction y, de forma opcional, libera los recursos administrados.


Determina si el objeto especificado es igual que el objeto actual.

(Heredado de Object)

Libera los recursos asociados a este objeto. Este reemplazo confirma esta transacción si aún no se había confirmado.


Sirve como la función hash predeterminada.

(Heredado de Object)

Obtiene el Type de la instancia actual.

(Heredado de Object)

Crea una copia superficial del Object actual.

(Heredado de Object)

Genera el evento Cancel.


Realiza el trabajo real de confirmación de una transacción.


Devuelve una cadena que representa el objeto actual.

(Heredado de Object)

Implementaciones de interfaz explícitas


Libera todos los recursos que usa DesignerTransaction.

Se aplica a

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