Comparteix a través de

AppSettingsSection Clase


Proporciona compatibilidad con el sistema de configuración para la sección de configuración appSettings. Esta clase no puede heredarse.

public ref class AppSettingsSection sealed : System::Configuration::ConfigurationSection
public sealed class AppSettingsSection : System.Configuration.ConfigurationSection
type AppSettingsSection = class
    inherit ConfigurationSection
Public NotInheritable Class AppSettingsSection
Inherits ConfigurationSection


En el ejemplo siguiente se muestra cómo usar la AppSettingsSection clase en una aplicación de consola. Lee y escribe los pares clave-valor que contiene la appSettings sección . También muestra cómo obtener acceso a la File propiedad de la AppSettingsSection clase .


Antes de compilar este código, agregue una referencia en el proyecto para System.Configuration.dll.

using System;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;

// IMPORTANT: To compile this example, you must add to the project 
// a reference to the System.Configuration assembly.

class UsingAppSettingsSection
    #region UsingAppSettingsSection

    // This function shows how to use the File property of the
    // appSettings section.
    // The File property is used to specify an auxiliary 
    // configuration file.
    // Usually you create an auxiliary file off-line to store 
    // additional settings that you can modify as needed without
    // causing an application restart,as in the case of a Web 
    // application.
    // These settings are then added to the ones defined in the
    // application configuration file.
    static void  IntializeConfigurationFile()
        // Create a set of unique key/value pairs to store in
        // the appSettings section of an auxiliary configuration
        // file.
        string time1 = String.Concat(DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString(),
                               " ", DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString());

        string time2 = String.Concat(DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString(),
                               " ", new DateTime(2009, 06, 30).ToLongTimeString());
        string[] buffer = {"<appSettings>",
        "<add key='AuxAppStg0' value='" + time1 + "'/>", 
        "<add key='AuxAppStg1' value='" + time2 + "'/>",

        // Create an auxiliary configuration file and store the
        // appSettings defined before.
        // Note creating a file at run-time is just for demo 
        // purposes to run this example.
        File.WriteAllLines("auxiliaryFile.config", buffer);
        // Get the current configuration associated
        // with the application.
        System.Configuration.Configuration config =

        // Associate the auxiliary with the default
        // configuration file. 
        System.Configuration.AppSettingsSection appSettings = config.AppSettings;
        appSettings.File = "auxiliaryFile.config";
        // Save the configuration file.

        // Force a reload in memory of the 
        // changed section.

    // This function shows how to write a key/value
    // pair to the appSettings section.
    static void WriteAppSettings()
            // Get the application configuration file.
            System.Configuration.Configuration config =

            // Create a unique key/value pair to add to 
            // the appSettings section.
            string keyName = "AppStg" + config.AppSettings.Settings.Count;
            string value = string.Concat(DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString(),
                           " ", DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString());

            // Add the key/value pair to the appSettings 
            // section.
            // config.AppSettings.Settings.Add(keyName, value);
            System.Configuration.AppSettingsSection appSettings = config.AppSettings;
            appSettings.Settings.Add(keyName, value);

            // Save the configuration file.

            // Force a reload in memory of the changed section.
            // This to read the section with the
            // updated values.

                "Added the following Key: {0} Value: {1} .", keyName, value);
        catch (Exception e)
            Console.WriteLine("Exception raised: {0}",

    // This function shows how to read the key/value
    // pairs (settings collection)contained in the 
    // appSettings section.
    static void ReadAppSettings()

            // Get the configuration file.
            System.Configuration.Configuration config =

            // Get the appSettings section.
            System.Configuration.AppSettingsSection appSettings =

            // Get the auxiliary file name.
            Console.WriteLine("Auxiliary file: {0}", config.AppSettings.File);

            // Get the settings collection (key/value pairs).
            if (appSettings.Settings.Count != 0)
                foreach (string key in appSettings.Settings.AllKeys)
                    string value = appSettings.Settings[key].Value;
                    Console.WriteLine("Key: {0} Value: {1}", key, value);
                Console.WriteLine("The appSettings section is empty. Write first.");
        catch (Exception e)
            Console.WriteLine("Exception raised: {0}",

    #endregion UsingAppSettingsSection

    #region ApplicationMain

    // This class obtains user's input and provide feedback.
    // It contains the application Main.
    class ApplicationMain
        // Display user's menu.
        public static void UserMenu()
            StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();

            buffer.AppendLine("Please, make your selection.");
            buffer.AppendLine("1    -- Write appSettings section.");
            buffer.AppendLine("2    -- Read  appSettings section.");
            buffer.AppendLine("?    -- Display help.");
            buffer.AppendLine("Q,q  -- Exit the application.");


        // Obtain user's input and provide
        // feedback.
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Define user selection string.
            string selection;

            // Get the name of the application.
            string appName =


            // Get user selection.
            while (true)

                Console.Write("> ");
                selection = Console.ReadLine();
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(selection))

            while (selection.ToLower() != "q")
                // Process user's input.
                switch (selection)
                    case "1":

                    case "2":

                Console.Write("> ");
                selection = Console.ReadLine();
    #endregion ApplicationMain
Imports System.Collections.Specialized
Imports System.Configuration
Imports System.Text
Imports System.IO

' IMPORTANT: To compile this example, you must add to the project 
' a reference to the System.Configuration assembly.

Class UsingAppSettingsSection
#Region "UsingAppSettingsSection"

    ' This function shows how to use the File property of the
    ' appSettings section.
    ' The File property is used to specify an auxiliary 
    ' configuration file.
    ' Usually you create an auxiliary file off-line to store 
    ' additional settings that you can modify as needed without
    ' causing an application restart,as in the case of a Web 
    ' application.
    ' These settings are then added to the ones defined in the
    ' application configuration file.
    Private Shared Sub IntializeConfigurationFile()
        ' Create a set of unique key/value pairs to store in
        ' the appSettings section of an auxiliary configuration
        ' file.
        Dim time1 As String = String.Concat(Date.Now.ToLongDateString(), " ", Date.Now.ToLongTimeString())

        Dim time2 As String = String.Concat(Date.Now.ToLongDateString(), " ", New Date(2009, 6, 30).ToLongTimeString())

        Dim buffer() As String = {"<appSettings>", "<add key='AuxAppStg0' value='" & time1 & "'/>", "<add key='AuxAppStg1' value='" & time2 & "'/>", "</appSettings>"}

        ' Create an auxiliary configuration file and store the
        ' appSettings defined before.
        ' Note creating a file at run-time is just for demo 
        ' purposes to run this example.
        File.WriteAllLines("auxiliaryFile.config", buffer)

        ' Get the current configuration associated
        ' with the application.
        Dim config As System.Configuration.Configuration = ConfigurationManager.OpenExeConfiguration(ConfigurationUserLevel.None)

        ' Associate the auxiliary with the default
        ' configuration file. 
        Dim appSettings As System.Configuration.AppSettingsSection = config.AppSettings
        appSettings.File = "auxiliaryFile.config"

        ' Save the configuration file.

        ' Force a reload in memory of the 
        ' changed section.

    End Sub

    ' This function shows how to write a key/value
    ' pair to the appSettings section.
    Private Shared Sub WriteAppSettings()
            ' Get the application configuration file.
            Dim config As System.Configuration.Configuration = ConfigurationManager.OpenExeConfiguration(ConfigurationUserLevel.None)

            ' Create a unique key/value pair to add to 
            ' the appSettings section.
            Dim keyName As String = "AppStg" & config.AppSettings.Settings.Count
            Dim value As String = String.Concat(Date.Now.ToLongDateString(), " ", Date.Now.ToLongTimeString())

            ' Add the key/value pair to the appSettings 
            ' section.
            ' config.AppSettings.Settings.Add(keyName, value);
            Dim appSettings As System.Configuration.AppSettingsSection = config.AppSettings
            appSettings.Settings.Add(keyName, value)

            ' Save the configuration file.

            ' Force a reload in memory of the changed section.
            ' This to read the section with the
            ' updated values.

            Console.WriteLine("Added the following Key: {0} Value: {1} .", keyName, value)
        Catch e As Exception
            Console.WriteLine("Exception raised: {0}", e.Message)
        End Try
    End Sub

    ' This function shows how to read the key/value
    ' pairs (settings collection)contained in the 
    ' appSettings section.
    Private Shared Sub ReadAppSettings()

            ' Get the configuration file.
            Dim config As System.Configuration.Configuration = ConfigurationManager.OpenExeConfiguration(ConfigurationUserLevel.None)

            ' Get the appSettings section.
            Dim appSettings As System.Configuration.AppSettingsSection = CType(config.GetSection("appSettings"), System.Configuration.AppSettingsSection)

            ' Get the auxiliary file name.
            Console.WriteLine("Auxiliary file: {0}", config.AppSettings.File)

            ' Get the settings collection (key/value pairs).
            If appSettings.Settings.Count <> 0 Then
                For Each key As String In appSettings.Settings.AllKeys
                    Dim value As String = appSettings.Settings(key).Value
                    Console.WriteLine("Key: {0} Value: {1}", key, value)
                Next key
                Console.WriteLine("The appSettings section is empty. Write first.")
            End If
        Catch e As Exception
            Console.WriteLine("Exception raised: {0}", e.Message)
        End Try
    End Sub

#End Region ' UsingAppSettingsSection

#Region "ApplicationMain"

    Shared Sub UserMenu()
        Dim buffer As New StringBuilder()

        buffer.AppendLine("Please, make your selection.")
        buffer.AppendLine("1    -- Write appSettings section.")
        buffer.AppendLine("2    -- Read  appSettings section.")
        buffer.AppendLine("?    -- Display help.")
        buffer.AppendLine("Q,q  -- Exit the application.")

    End Sub

    ' Obtain user's input and provide
    ' feedback.
    Shared Sub Main(ByVal args() As String)
        ' Define user selection string.
        Dim selection As String

        ' Get the name of the application.
        Dim appName As String = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs()(0)


        ' Get user selection.

            Console.Write("> ")
            selection = Console.ReadLine()
            If selection <> String.Empty Then
                Exit Do
            End If

        Do While selection.ToLower() <> "q"
            ' Process user's input.
            Select Case selection
                Case "1"

                Case "2"

                Case Else
            End Select
            Console.Write("> ")
            selection = Console.ReadLine()
    End Sub
    ' End Class
#End Region ' ApplicationMain
End Class
Imports System.Collections.Specialized
Imports System.Configuration
Imports System.Text
Imports System.IO

' IMPORTANT: To compile this example, you must add to the project 
' a reference to the System.Configuration assembly.

Class UsingAppSettingsSection
#Region "UsingAppSettingsSection"

    ' This function shows how to use the File property of the
    ' appSettings section.
    ' The File property is used to specify an auxiliary 
    ' configuration file.
    ' Usually you create an auxiliary file off-line to store 
    ' additional settings that you can modify as needed without
    ' causing an application restart,as in the case of a Web 
    ' application.
    ' These settings are then added to the ones defined in the
    ' application configuration file.
    Private Shared Sub IntializeConfigurationFile()
        ' Create a set of unique key/value pairs to store in
        ' the appSettings section of an auxiliary configuration
        ' file.
        Dim time1 As String = String.Concat(Date.Now.ToLongDateString(), " ", Date.Now.ToLongTimeString())

        Dim time2 As String = String.Concat(Date.Now.ToLongDateString(), " ", New Date(2009, 6, 30).ToLongTimeString())

        Dim buffer() As String = {"<appSettings>", "<add key='AuxAppStg0' value='" & time1 & "'/>", "<add key='AuxAppStg1' value='" & time2 & "'/>", "</appSettings>"}

        ' Create an auxiliary configuration file and store the
        ' appSettings defined before.
        ' Note creating a file at run-time is just for demo 
        ' purposes to run this example.
        File.WriteAllLines("auxiliaryFile.config", buffer)

        ' Get the current configuration associated
        ' with the application.
        Dim config As System.Configuration.Configuration = ConfigurationManager.OpenExeConfiguration(ConfigurationUserLevel.None)

        ' Associate the auxiliary with the default
        ' configuration file. 
        Dim appSettings As System.Configuration.AppSettingsSection = config.AppSettings
        appSettings.File = "auxiliaryFile.config"

        ' Save the configuration file.

        ' Force a reload in memory of the 
        ' changed section.

    End Sub

    ' This function shows how to write a key/value
    ' pair to the appSettings section.
    Private Shared Sub WriteAppSettings()
            ' Get the application configuration file.
            Dim config As System.Configuration.Configuration = ConfigurationManager.OpenExeConfiguration(ConfigurationUserLevel.None)

            ' Create a unique key/value pair to add to 
            ' the appSettings section.
            Dim keyName As String = "AppStg" & config.AppSettings.Settings.Count
            Dim value As String = String.Concat(Date.Now.ToLongDateString(), " ", Date.Now.ToLongTimeString())

            ' Add the key/value pair to the appSettings 
            ' section.
            ' config.AppSettings.Settings.Add(keyName, value);
            Dim appSettings As System.Configuration.AppSettingsSection = config.AppSettings
            appSettings.Settings.Add(keyName, value)

            ' Save the configuration file.

            ' Force a reload in memory of the changed section.
            ' This to read the section with the
            ' updated values.

            Console.WriteLine("Added the following Key: {0} Value: {1} .", keyName, value)
        Catch e As Exception
            Console.WriteLine("Exception raised: {0}", e.Message)
        End Try
    End Sub

    ' This function shows how to read the key/value
    ' pairs (settings collection)contained in the 
    ' appSettings section.
    Private Shared Sub ReadAppSettings()

            ' Get the configuration file.
            Dim config As System.Configuration.Configuration = ConfigurationManager.OpenExeConfiguration(ConfigurationUserLevel.None)

            ' Get the appSettings section.
            Dim appSettings As System.Configuration.AppSettingsSection = CType(config.GetSection("appSettings"), System.Configuration.AppSettingsSection)

            ' Get the auxiliary file name.
            Console.WriteLine("Auxiliary file: {0}", config.AppSettings.File)

            ' Get the settings collection (key/value pairs).
            If appSettings.Settings.Count <> 0 Then
                For Each key As String In appSettings.Settings.AllKeys
                    Dim value As String = appSettings.Settings(key).Value
                    Console.WriteLine("Key: {0} Value: {1}", key, value)
                Next key
                Console.WriteLine("The appSettings section is empty. Write first.")
            End If
        Catch e As Exception
            Console.WriteLine("Exception raised: {0}", e.Message)
        End Try
    End Sub

#End Region ' UsingAppSettingsSection

#Region "ApplicationMain"

    Shared Sub UserMenu()
        Dim buffer As New StringBuilder()

        buffer.AppendLine("Please, make your selection.")
        buffer.AppendLine("1    -- Write appSettings section.")
        buffer.AppendLine("2    -- Read  appSettings section.")
        buffer.AppendLine("?    -- Display help.")
        buffer.AppendLine("Q,q  -- Exit the application.")

    End Sub

    ' Obtain user's input and provide
    ' feedback.
    Shared Sub Main(ByVal args() As String)
        ' Define user selection string.
        Dim selection As String

        ' Get the name of the application.
        Dim appName As String = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs()(0)


        ' Get user selection.

            Console.Write("> ")
            selection = Console.ReadLine()
            If selection <> String.Empty Then
                Exit Do
            End If

        Do While selection.ToLower() <> "q"
            ' Process user's input.
            Select Case selection
                Case "1"

                Case "2"

                Case Else
            End Select
            Console.Write("> ")
            selection = Console.ReadLine()
    End Sub
    ' End Class
#End Region ' ApplicationMain
End Class


La appSettings sección de configuración proporciona pares clave-valor de string valores para una aplicación. En lugar de tener acceso a estos valores mediante una instancia de un AppSettingsSection objeto, debe usar la AppSettings propiedad de la ConfigurationManager clase o la AppSettings propiedad de la WebConfigurationManager clase .



Inicializa una nueva instancia de la clase AppSettingsSection.



Obtiene una referencia a la instancia de Configuration de nivel superior que representa la jerarquía de configuración a la que pertenece la instancia actual de ConfigurationElement.

(Heredado de ConfigurationElement)

Obtiene un objeto ElementInformation que contiene la funcionalidad e información no personalizable del objeto ConfigurationElement.

(Heredado de ConfigurationElement)

Obtiene el objeto ConfigurationElementProperty que representa al propio objeto ConfigurationElement.

(Heredado de ConfigurationElement)

Obtiene el objeto ContextInformation para el objeto ConfigurationElement.

(Heredado de ConfigurationElement)

Obtiene o establece un archivo de configuración que proporciona una configuración adicional o reemplaza la configuración especificada en el elemento appSettings.


Obtiene un valor que indica si la propiedad CurrentConfiguration es null.

(Heredado de ConfigurationElement)

Obtiene o establece una propiedad o atributo de este elemento de configuración.

(Heredado de ConfigurationElement)

Obtiene o establece una propiedad, un atributo o un elemento secundario de este elemento de configuración.

(Heredado de ConfigurationElement)

Obtiene la colección de atributos bloqueados.

(Heredado de ConfigurationElement)

Obtiene la colección de elementos bloqueados.

(Heredado de ConfigurationElement)

Obtiene la colección de atributos bloqueados.

(Heredado de ConfigurationElement)

Obtiene la colección de elementos bloqueados.

(Heredado de ConfigurationElement)

Obtiene o establece un valor que indica si el elemento está bloqueado.

(Heredado de ConfigurationElement)

Obtiene la colección de propiedades.

(Heredado de ConfigurationElement)

Obtiene un objeto SectionInformation que contiene la funcionalidad e información no personalizable del objeto ConfigurationSection.

(Heredado de ConfigurationSection)

Obtiene una colección de pares clave-valor que contiene la configuración de la aplicación.


DeserializeElement(XmlReader, Boolean)

Lee XML del archivo de configuración.

(Heredado de ConfigurationElement)

Lee XML del archivo de configuración.

(Heredado de ConfigurationSection)

Compara la instancia actual de ConfigurationElement con el objeto especificado.

(Heredado de ConfigurationElement)

Obtiene un valor único que representa la instancia actual de ConfigurationElement.

(Heredado de ConfigurationElement)

Devuelve un objeto personalizado cuando se reemplaza en una clase derivada.

(Heredado de ConfigurationSection)

Devuelve la versión transformada del nombre de ensamblado especificado.

(Heredado de ConfigurationElement)

Devuelve la versión transformada del nombre de tipo especificado.

(Heredado de ConfigurationElement)

Obtiene el Type de la instancia actual.

(Heredado de Object)

Establece el objeto ConfigurationElement en su estado inicial.

(Heredado de ConfigurationElement)

Se utiliza para inicializar un conjunto predeterminado de valores para el objeto ConfigurationElement.

(Heredado de ConfigurationElement)

Indica si se ha modificado este elemento de configuración desde la última vez en que se guardo o cargó al implementarlo en una clase derivada.

(Heredado de ConfigurationSection)

Obtiene un valor que indica si el objeto ConfigurationElement es de solo lectura.

(Heredado de ConfigurationElement)

Agrega a la lista que se pasa los errores de propiedad no válida que hay en este objeto ConfigurationElement y en todos los subelementos.

(Heredado de ConfigurationElement)

Crea una copia superficial del Object actual.

(Heredado de Object)
OnDeserializeUnrecognizedAttribute(String, String)

Obtiene un valor que indica si se ha encontrado un atributo desconocido durante la deserialización.

(Heredado de ConfigurationElement)
OnDeserializeUnrecognizedElement(String, XmlReader)

Obtiene un valor que indica si se ha encontrado un elemento desconocido durante la deserialización.

(Heredado de ConfigurationElement)

Se inicia una excepción cuando no se encuentra una propiedad necesaria.

(Heredado de ConfigurationElement)

Se llama a este método después de la deserialización.

(Heredado de ConfigurationElement)

Se llama a este método antes de la serialización.

(Heredado de ConfigurationElement)

Restablece el estado interno del objeto ConfigurationElement, incluyendo los bloqueos y las colecciones de propiedades.

(Heredado de ConfigurationElement)

Restablece el valor del método IsModified() en false cuando se implementa en una clase derivada.

(Heredado de ConfigurationSection)
SerializeElement(XmlWriter, Boolean)

Escribe el contenido de este elemento de configuración en el archivo de configuración cuando se implementa en una clase derivada.

(Heredado de ConfigurationElement)
SerializeSection(ConfigurationElement, String, ConfigurationSaveMode)

Crea una cadena XML que contiene una vista separada del objeto ConfigurationSection como una sección única para escribir en un archivo.

(Heredado de ConfigurationSection)
SerializeToXmlElement(XmlWriter, String)

Escribe las etiquetas externas de este elemento de configuración en el archivo de configuración cuando se implementa en una clase derivada.

(Heredado de ConfigurationElement)
SetPropertyValue(ConfigurationProperty, Object, Boolean)

Establece una propiedad en el valor especificado.

(Heredado de ConfigurationElement)

Establece la propiedad IsReadOnly() para el objeto ConfigurationElement y todos los subelementos.

(Heredado de ConfigurationElement)
ShouldSerializeElementInTargetVersion(ConfigurationElement, String, FrameworkName)

Indica si el elemento especificado se debe serializar cuando la jerarquía de objetos de configuración se serializa para la versión de destino especificada de .NET Framework.

(Heredado de ConfigurationSection)
ShouldSerializePropertyInTargetVersion(ConfigurationProperty, String, FrameworkName, ConfigurationElement)

Indica si la propiedad especificada se debe serializar cuando la jerarquía de objetos de configuración se serializa para la versión de destino especificada de .NET Framework.

(Heredado de ConfigurationSection)

Indica si la instancia actual ConfigurationSection se debe serializar cuando la jerarquía de objetos de configuración se serializa para la versión de destino especificada de .NET Framework.

(Heredado de ConfigurationSection)

Devuelve una cadena que representa el objeto actual.

(Heredado de Object)
Unmerge(ConfigurationElement, ConfigurationElement, ConfigurationSaveMode)

Modifica el objeto ConfigurationElement para quitar todos los valores que no se deben guardar.

(Heredado de ConfigurationElement)

Se aplica a

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