Comparteix a través de

ConfigurationValidatorAttribute Clase


Actúa como la clase base para los tipos de atributos del validador de System.Configuration.

public ref class ConfigurationValidatorAttribute : Attribute
public class ConfigurationValidatorAttribute : Attribute
type ConfigurationValidatorAttribute = class
    inherit Attribute
Public Class ConfigurationValidatorAttribute
Inherits Attribute


En los ejemplos de código siguientes se muestra cómo crear dos validadores personalizados mediante el ConfigurationValidatorAttribute tipo . En el primer ejemplo se realiza la validación mediante parámetros codificados de forma rígida; en el segundo ejemplo se realiza la validación mediante los parámetros asignados en el momento en que se aplica a la propiedad de sección relacionada. Este ejemplo de código también contiene tres archivos auxiliares. El primer archivo contiene la sección personalizada que usa los validadores descritos anteriormente, el segundo archivo contiene un tipo de convertidor personalizado y el tercer archivo contiene la aplicación de consola que compila y usa los validadores personalizados y la sección que los contiene.

En el ejemplo de código siguiente se muestra cómo crear un validador fijo con parámetros codificados de forma rígida.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections;
using System.Text;
using System.Configuration;

namespace Samples.AspNet
    // Show how to create a custom fixed 
    // validator. That is a validator whose
    // validation parameters are hard code in this
    // type.
    public class FixedValidator :
        public override bool CanValidate(Type type)
            return type == typeof(Automobile);

        public override void Validate(object value)

            ArrayList make = new ArrayList();


            int minYear = 2004;
            long maxMiles = 100;
            string color = "red";
            Automobile car = (Automobile)value;

                if (!make.Contains(car.Make))
                    throw new ConfigurationErrorsException(
                       "My dream car is not made by " + car.Make);

                // Make sure the year is valid 
                if (car.Year < minYear)

                    throw new ConfigurationErrorsException(
                       "My dream car cannot be older than " + minYear.ToString());

                // Make sure the car can still run on its own
                if (car.Miles > maxMiles)
                  throw new ConfigurationErrorsException(
                        "My dream car drive odometer cannot read more than " + 
                        maxMiles.ToString() + " miles");

                // Validate color
                if (car.Color.ToLower() != color)
                    throw new ConfigurationErrorsException(
                        "My dream car can oly be " + color);
            catch (ConfigurationErrorsException err)
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.Collections
Imports System.Text
Imports System.Configuration

' Show how to create a custom fixed 
' validator. That is a validator whose
' validation parameters are hard code in this
' type.

Public Class FixedValidator
    Inherits ConfigurationValidatorBase
    Public Overrides Function CanValidate( _
    ByVal type As Type) As Boolean
        Return type Is GetType(Automobile)

    End Function 'CanValidate
    Public Overrides Sub Validate(ByVal value _
    As Object)

        Dim make As New ArrayList()


        Dim minYear As Integer = 2004
        Dim maxMiles As Long = 100
        Dim color As String = "red"

        Dim car As Automobile = CType(value, Automobile)

            If Not make.Contains(car.Make) Then
                Throw New ConfigurationErrorsException( _
                "My dream car is not made by " + car.Make)
            End If

            ' Make sure the year is valid 
            If car.Year < minYear Then
                Throw New ConfigurationErrorsException( _
                "My dream car cannot be older than " + _
            End If

            ' Make sure the car can still run on its own
            If car.Miles > maxMiles Then
                Throw New ConfigurationErrorsException( _
                "My dream car drive odometer cannot read more than " + _
                maxMiles.ToString() + " miles")
            End If

            ' Validate color
            If car.Color.ToLower() <> color Then
                Throw New ConfigurationErrorsException( _
                "My dream car can oly be " + color)
            End If

        Catch err As ConfigurationErrorsException
        End Try

    End Sub
End Class

En el ejemplo de código siguiente se muestra cómo crear un validador programable.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Configuration;

namespace Samples.AspNet

    // Show how to create a custom programmable 
    // validator. That is a validator whose
    // validation parameters can be passed when the
    // validator is applied to a property.
    public class ProgrammableValidator : 
        private string pmake;
        private string pcolor;
        private long pmaxMiles;
        private int pminYear;

        public ProgrammableValidator(string make, string color, 
            long maxMiles, int minYear)
            pmake = make;
            pcolor = color;
            pminYear = minYear;
            pmaxMiles = maxMiles;

        public override bool CanValidate(Type type)
            return type == typeof(Automobile);

        public override void Validate(object value)

            Automobile car = (Automobile)value;


                // Validate make
                if (car.Make != pmake)
                    throw new ConfigurationErrorsException(
                       "I do not by cars made by " + car.Make);

                // Validate color
                if (car.Color != pcolor)
                    throw new ConfigurationErrorsException(
                        "My commute car must be " + pcolor);

                // Validate year
                if (car.Year < pminYear)
                    throw new ConfigurationErrorsException(
                        "It's about time you get a new car.");

                // Validate miles
                if (car.Miles > pmaxMiles)
                    throw new ConfigurationErrorsException(
                        "Don't take too long trips with that car.");
            catch (ConfigurationErrorsException err)

    public class ProgrammableValidatorAttribute : 
        private string pmake;
        private string pcolor;
        private int pminYear;
        private long pmaxMiles;

        public string Make
            get { return pmake; }
            set { pmake = value; }

        public string Color
            get { return pcolor; }
            set { pcolor = value; }

        public int MinYear
            get { return pminYear; }
            set { pminYear = value; }
        public long MaxMiles
            get { return pmaxMiles; }
            set { pmaxMiles = value; }

        public ProgrammableValidatorAttribute(string make, string color,
            long miles, int year)
            pmake = make;
            pcolor = color;
            pminYear = year;
            pmaxMiles = miles;

        public override ConfigurationValidatorBase ValidatorInstance
                return new ProgrammableValidator(pmake, pcolor, pmaxMiles, pminYear);
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.Text
Imports System.Configuration

' Show how to create a custom programmable 
' validator. That is a validator whose
' validation parameters can be passed when the
' validator is applied to a property.

Public Class ProgrammableValidator
    Inherits ConfigurationValidatorBase
    Private pmake As String
    Private pcolor As String
    Private pmaxMiles As Long
    Private pminYear As Integer
    Public Sub New(ByVal make As String, ByVal color As String, ByVal maxMiles As Long, ByVal minYear As Integer) 
        pmake = make
        pcolor = color
        pminYear = minYear
        pmaxMiles = maxMiles
    End Sub
    Public Overrides Function CanValidate( _
    ByVal type As Type) As Boolean
        Return type Is GetType(Automobile)

    End Function 'CanValidate
    Public Overrides Sub Validate(ByVal value As Object) 
        Dim car As Automobile = CType(value, Automobile)
            ' Validate make
            If car.Make <> pmake Then
                Throw New ConfigurationErrorsException( _
                "I do not by cars made by " + car.Make)
            End If
            ' Validate color
            If car.Color <> pcolor Then
                Throw New ConfigurationErrorsException( _
                "My commute car must be " + pcolor)
            End If
            ' Validate year
            If car.Year < pminYear Then
                Throw New ConfigurationErrorsException( _
                "It's about time you get a new car.")
            End If
            ' Validate miles
            If car.Miles > pmaxMiles Then
                Throw New ConfigurationErrorsException( _
                "Don't take too long trips with that car.")
            End If
        Catch err As ConfigurationErrorsException
        End Try
    End Sub
End Class

Public Class ProgrammableValidatorAttribute
    Inherits ConfigurationValidatorAttribute
    Private pmake As String
    Private pcolor As String
    Private pminYear As Integer
    Private pmaxMiles As Long
    Public Property Make() As String 
            Return pmake
        End Get
            pmake = value
        End Set
    End Property 
    Public Property Color() As String 
            Return pcolor
        End Get
            pcolor = value
        End Set
    End Property 
    Public Property MinYear() As Integer 
            Return pminYear
        End Get
            pminYear = value
        End Set
    End Property
    Public Property MaxMiles() As Long 
            Return pmaxMiles
        End Get
            pmaxMiles = value
        End Set
    End Property
    Public Sub New(ByVal make As String, _
    ByVal color As String, ByVal miles As Long, _
    ByVal year As Integer)
        pmake = make
        pcolor = color
        pminYear = year
        pmaxMiles = miles

    End Sub

    Public Overrides ReadOnly Property ValidatorInstance() _
    As ConfigurationValidatorBase
            Return New ProgrammableValidator(pmake, _
            pcolor, pmaxMiles, pminYear)
        End Get
    End Property
End Class

En el ejemplo de código siguiente se muestra cómo crear una sección personalizada mediante los validadores anteriores.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Configuration;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Globalization;

namespace Samples.AspNet
    // Define the distinctive 
    // charecteristics of a car.
    public sealed class Automobile
        public enum specification
            make=0, color=1, miles=2, year=3, picture=4

        public string Make;
        public string Color;
        public int Year;
        public long Miles;
        public string Picture;

    // Define a custom section to select a car.
    // This section contains two properties one
    // to define a commute car the other 
    // to define a dream car.
    // This generates a configuration section such as:
    // <Cars commute="Make:AlfaRomeo Color:Blue Miles:10000 Year:2002"
    // dream="Make:Ferrari Color:Red Miles:10 Year:2005" />
    public sealed class SelectCar :
        // Define your commute car.
        // The ProgrammableValidatorAttribute allows you to define the 
        // chracteristics of your commute car by changing
        // the values you pass to the next.
        // See the ProgrammableValidatorAttribute for details.
        [ProgrammableValidator("AlfaRomeo", "Blue", 10000, 2002)]
        // The AutomobileConverter converts between the Automobile
        // object and its related configuration commute attribute 
        // string value. 
        // Refer to AutomobileConverter for details.
        // Define the name of the configuration attribute to associate
        // with this property. Enter the default values.
        // Remember these default values must reflect the parameters
        // you entered in the ProgrammableValidator above.
        [ConfigurationProperty("commute", DefaultValue = "Make:AlfaRomeo Color:Blue Miles:10000 Year:2002")]
        public Automobile Commute
                return (Automobile)this["commute"];
                this["commute"] = value;

        // Apply the FixedValidatorAttribute. Here your choice 
        // (dream) is predetermined by the values contained in the
        // FixedValidatorAttribute. Being a dream, you would think 
        // otherwise but that's not the case.
        // See the FixedValidatorAttribute to choose your dream.

        // The AutomobileConverter converts between the Automobile
        // object and its related configuration dream attribute 
        // string value. 
        // Refer to AutomobileConverter for details.
        [ConfigurationProperty("dream", DefaultValue = "Make:Ferrari Color:Red Miles:10 Year:2005")]
        public Automobile Dream
                return (Automobile)this["dream"];
                this["dream"] = value;

        public SelectCar()
            // Here you put your 
            // initializations, if necessary.
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.Text
Imports System.Configuration
Imports System.ComponentModel
Imports System.Globalization

' Define the distinctive 
' charecteristics of a car.

NotInheritable Public Class Automobile
    Public Enum specification
        make = 0
        color = 1
        miles = 2
        year = 3
        picture = 4
    End Enum 'specification

    Public Make As String
    Public Color As String
    Public Year As Integer
    Public Miles As Long
    Public Picture As String
End Class

' Define a custom section to select a car.
' This section contains two properties one
' to define a commute car the other 
' to define a dream car.
' This generates a configuration section such as:
' <Cars commute="Make:AlfaRomeo Color:Blue Miles:10000 Year:2002"
' dream="Make:Ferrari Color:Red Miles:10 Year:2005" />

NotInheritable Public Class SelectCar
    Inherits ConfigurationSection
    ' Define your commute car.
    ' The ProgrammableValidatorAttribute allows you to define the 
    ' chracteristics of your commute car by changing
    ' the values you pass to the next.
    ' See the ProgrammableValidatorAttribute for details.
    <ProgrammableValidator("AlfaRomeo", "Blue", 10000, 2002), _
    TypeConverter(GetType(AutomobileConverter)), _
    ConfigurationProperty("commute", _
    DefaultValue:="Make:AlfaRomeo Color:Blue Miles:10000 Year:2002")> _
    Public Property Commute() As Automobile

        ' The AutomobileConverter converts between the Automobile
        ' object and its related configuration commute attribute 
        ' string value. 
        ' Refer to AutomobileConverter for details.

        ' Define the name of the configuration attribute to associate
        ' with this property. Enter the default values.
        ' Remember these default values must reflect the parameters
        ' you entered in the ProgrammableValidator above.
            Return CType(Me("commute"), Automobile)
        End Get
        Set(ByVal value As Automobile)
            Me("commute") = value
        End Set
    End Property
    ' Apply the FixedValidatorAttribute. Here your choice 
    ' (dream) is predetermined by the values contained in the
    ' FixedValidatorAttribute. Being a dream, you would think 
    ' otherwise but that's not the case.
    ' See the FixedValidatorAttribute to choose your dream.
    <ConfigurationValidatorAttribute(GetType(FixedValidator)), _
    TypeConverter(GetType(AutomobileConverter)), _
    ConfigurationProperty("dream", _
    DefaultValue:="Make:Ferrari Color:Red Miles:10 Year:2005")> _
    Public Property Dream() As Automobile

        ' The AutomobileConverter converts between the Automobile
        ' object and its related configuration dream attribute 
        ' string value. 
        ' Refer to AutomobileConverter for details.

            Return CType(Me("dream"), Automobile)
        End Get
        Set(ByVal value As Automobile)
            Me("dream") = value
        End Set
    End Property
    Public Sub New() 
    End Sub
End Class
' Here you put your 
' initializations, if necessary.

En el ejemplo de código siguiente se muestra cómo crear un convertidor personalizado.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Configuration;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Globalization;

namespace Samples.AspNet
    // The AutomobileConverter converts between the Automobile
    // object and its related configuration commute and
    // dream attribute string values. 
    public sealed class AutomobileConverter :
        internal bool ValidateType(object value,
            Type expected)
            bool result;

            if ((value != null) &&
                (value.GetType() != expected))
                result = false;
                result = true;

            return result;

        public override bool CanConvertTo(
            ITypeDescriptorContext ctx, Type type)
            return (type == typeof(Automobile));

        public override bool CanConvertFrom(
            ITypeDescriptorContext ctx, Type type)
            return (type == typeof(Automobile));

        public override object ConvertTo(
            ITypeDescriptorContext ctx, CultureInfo ci,
            object value, Type type)
            string data;

            if (ValidateType(value, typeof(Automobile)))
                string make = (string)(((Automobile)value).Make);
                string color = (string)(((Automobile)value).Color);
                string miles = (string)(((Automobile)value).Miles.ToString());
                string year = (string)(((Automobile)value).Year.ToString());

                data = "Make:" + make + " Color:" + color + 
                        " Miles:" + miles + " Year:" + year;
                data = "Invalid type";

            return data;

        public override object ConvertFrom(
            ITypeDescriptorContext ctx, CultureInfo ci, object data)
            Automobile selectedCar = 
                new Automobile();
            string carInfo  = (string)data;

            string[] carSpecs = carInfo.Split(new Char[] { ' ' });

            // selectedCar.Make = carSpecs[0].ToString();
            // selectedCar.Make = carSpecs[0].ToString();

            string make = 
            string color =
            string miles =
            string year =

            selectedCar.Make = 
            selectedCar.Color = 
                color.Substring(color.IndexOf(":") + 1);
            selectedCar.Miles = 
                Convert.ToInt32(miles.Substring(miles.IndexOf(":") + 1));
            selectedCar.Year = 
                Convert.ToInt32(year.Substring(year.IndexOf(":") + 1));
            return selectedCar;
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.Text
Imports System.Configuration
Imports System.ComponentModel
Imports System.Globalization

' The AutomobileConverter converts between the Automobile
' object and its related configuration commute and
' dream attribute string values. 

NotInheritable Public Class AutomobileConverter
    Inherits ConfigurationConverterBase
    Friend Function ValidateType(ByVal value As Object, _
    ByVal expected As Type) As Boolean
        Dim result As Boolean

        If Not (value Is Nothing) _
        AndAlso value.GetType() IsNot expected Then
            result = False
            result = True
        End If
        Return result

    End Function 'ValidateType
    Public Overrides Function CanConvertTo(ByVal ctx _
    As ITypeDescriptorContext, ByVal type As Type) As Boolean
        Return type Is GetType(Automobile)

    End Function 'CanConvertTo
    Public Overrides Function CanConvertFrom(ByVal ctx _
    As ITypeDescriptorContext, ByVal type As Type) As Boolean
        Return type Is GetType(Automobile)

    End Function 'CanConvertFrom
    Public Overrides Function ConvertTo(ByVal ctx _
    As ITypeDescriptorContext, ByVal ci As CultureInfo, _
    ByVal value As Object, ByVal type As Type) As Object
        Dim data As String

        If ValidateType(value, GetType(Automobile)) Then
            Dim make As String = _
            CStr(CType(value, Automobile).Make)
            Dim color As String = _
            CStr(CType(value, Automobile).Color)
            Dim miles As String = _
            CStr(CType(value, Automobile).Miles.ToString())
            Dim year As String = _
            CStr(CType(value, Automobile).Year.ToString())

            data = "Make:" + make + " Color:" + color + _
            " Miles:" + miles + " Year:" + year

            data = "Invalid type"
        End If
        Return data

    End Function 'ConvertTo
    Public Overrides Function ConvertFrom(ByVal ctx _
    As ITypeDescriptorContext, ByVal ci As CultureInfo, _
    ByVal data As Object) As Object
        Dim selectedCar As New Automobile()

        Dim carInfo As String = CStr(data)

        Dim carSpecs As String() = carInfo.Split(New [Char]() {" "c})

        ' selectedCar.Make = carSpecs[0].ToString();
        ' selectedCar.Make = carSpecs[0].ToString();
        Dim make As String = _
        Dim color As String = _
        Dim miles As String = _
        Dim year As String = _

        selectedCar.Make = _
        make.Substring(make.IndexOf(":") + 1)
        selectedCar.Color = _
        color.Substring(color.IndexOf(":") + 1)
        selectedCar.Miles = _
        Convert.ToInt32(miles.Substring(miles.IndexOf(":") + 1))
        selectedCar.Year = _
        Convert.ToInt32(year.Substring(year.IndexOf(":") + 1))

        Return selectedCar

    End Function 'ConvertFrom
End Class

En el ejemplo de código siguiente se muestra cómo crear la aplicación de consola que compila y usa los validadores personalizados y su sección contenedora.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Configuration;

namespace Samples.AspNet

    class TestingConfigValidatorAttribute
        static TestingConfigValidatorAttribute()

                SelectCar car;

                // Get the current configuration file.
                System.Configuration.Configuration config =

                // Create the section entry for the selected car.
                if (config.Sections["Cars"] == null)
                    car = new SelectCar();
                    config.Sections.Add("Cars", car);
                    car.SectionInformation.ForceSave = true;
            catch (ConfigurationErrorsException err)

        private static void GetCars()

                // Get the current configuration file.
                System.Configuration.Configuration config =

                // Get the Cars section.
                SelectCar cars =
                    config.GetSection("Cars") as SelectCar;

                Console.WriteLine("Dream Make: {0} Color: {1} Miles: {2} Year: {3}",
                    cars.Dream.Make, cars.Dream.Color,
                    cars.Dream.Miles, cars.Dream.Year);

                Console.WriteLine("Commute Make: {0} Color: {1} Miles: {2} Year: {3}",
                    cars.Commute.Make, cars.Commute.Color,
                    cars.Commute.Miles, cars.Commute.Year);
            catch (ConfigurationErrorsException err)

        private static void NotAllowedCars()

                // Get the current configuration file.
                System.Configuration.Configuration config =

                Automobile dreamCar = new Automobile();
                dreamCar.Color = "Red";
                dreamCar.Make = "BMW";
                dreamCar.Miles = 10;
                dreamCar.Year = 2005;

                Automobile commuteCar = new Automobile();
                commuteCar.Color = "Blue";
                commuteCar.Make = "Yugo";
                commuteCar.Miles = 10;
                commuteCar.Year = 1990;

                // Get the Cars section.
                SelectCar cars =
                    config.GetSection("Cars") as SelectCar;

                cars.Dream = dreamCar;
                cars.Commute = commuteCar;
            catch (ConfigurationErrorsException err)

        static void Main(string[] args)
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.Text
Imports System.Configuration

Class TestingConfigValidatorAttribute
    Shared Sub New() 
            Dim car As SelectCar
            ' Get the current configuration file.
            Dim config As System.Configuration.Configuration = ConfigurationManager.OpenExeConfiguration(ConfigurationUserLevel.None)
            ' Create the section entry for the selected car.
            If config.Sections("Cars") Is Nothing Then
                car = New SelectCar()
                config.Sections.Add("Cars", car)
                car.SectionInformation.ForceSave = True
            End If 
        Catch err As ConfigurationErrorsException
        End Try
    End Sub
    Private Shared Sub GetCars() 
            ' Get the current configuration file.
            Dim config As System.Configuration.Configuration = ConfigurationManager.OpenExeConfiguration(ConfigurationUserLevel.None)
            ' Get the Cars section.
            Dim cars As SelectCar = config.GetSection("Cars")
            Console.WriteLine("Dream Make: {0} Color: {1} Miles: {2} Year: {3}", cars.Dream.Make, cars.Dream.Color, cars.Dream.Miles, cars.Dream.Year)
            Console.WriteLine("Commute Make: {0} Color: {1} Miles: {2} Year: {3}", cars.Commute.Make, cars.Commute.Color, cars.Commute.Miles, cars.Commute.Year)
        Catch err As ConfigurationErrorsException
        End Try
    End Sub
    Private Shared Sub NotAllowedCars() 
            ' Get the current configuration file.
            Dim config As System.Configuration.Configuration = ConfigurationManager.OpenExeConfiguration(ConfigurationUserLevel.None)
            Dim dreamCar As New Automobile()
            dreamCar.Color = "Red"
            dreamCar.Make = "BMW"
            dreamCar.Miles = 10
            dreamCar.Year = 2005
            Dim commuteCar As New Automobile()
            commuteCar.Color = "Blue"
            commuteCar.Make = "Yugo"
            commuteCar.Miles = 10
            commuteCar.Year = 1990
            ' Get the Cars section.
            Dim cars As SelectCar = config.GetSection("Cars")
            cars.Dream = dreamCar
            cars.Commute = commuteCar
        Catch err As ConfigurationErrorsException
        End Try
    End Sub
    Shared Sub Main(ByVal args() As String) 
    End Sub
End Class

El ejemplo de código siguiente es un extracto de configuración usado por el ejemplo anterior.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>  
        <section name="Cars" type="Samples.AspNet.SelectCar, ConfigValidatorAttribute, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null" allowLocation="false" allowDefinition="Everywhere" allowExeDefinition="MachineToApplication" restartOnExternalChanges="true" requirePermission="true" />  
    <Cars commute="Make:AlfaRomeo Color:Blue Miles:10000 Year:2002"  
        dream="Make:Ferrari Color:Red Miles:10 Year:2005" />  


Todos los tipos de atributo de validador estándar de configuración ASP.NET derivan de ConfigurationValidatorAttribute. Puede usar este tipo para crear su propio atributo de validador personalizado.



Inicializa una nueva instancia de la clase ConfigurationValidatorAttribute.


Inicializa una nueva instancia de la clase ConfigurationValidatorAttribute utilizando el tipo de validador especificado.



Cuando se implementa en una clase derivada, obtiene un identificador único para este Attribute.

(Heredado de Attribute)

Obtiene la instancia del atributo del validador.


Obtiene el tipo del atributo del validador.



Devuelve un valor que indica si esta instancia es igual que un objeto especificado.

(Heredado de Attribute)

Devuelve el código hash de esta instancia.

(Heredado de Attribute)

Obtiene el Type de la instancia actual.

(Heredado de Object)

Si se reemplaza en una clase derivada, indica si el valor de esta instancia es el valor predeterminado de la clase derivada.

(Heredado de Attribute)

Cuando se invalida en una clase derivada, devuelve un valor que indica si esta instancia es igual a un objeto especificado.

(Heredado de Attribute)

Crea una copia superficial del Object actual.

(Heredado de Object)

Devuelve una cadena que representa el objeto actual.

(Heredado de Object)

Implementaciones de interfaz explícitas

_Attribute.GetIDsOfNames(Guid, IntPtr, UInt32, UInt32, IntPtr)

Asigna un conjunto de nombres a un conjunto correspondiente de identificadores de envío.

(Heredado de Attribute)
_Attribute.GetTypeInfo(UInt32, UInt32, IntPtr)

Obtiene la información de tipos de un objeto, que puede utilizarse para obtener la información de tipos de una interfaz.

(Heredado de Attribute)

Recupera el número de interfaces de información de tipo que proporciona un objeto (0 ó 1).

(Heredado de Attribute)
_Attribute.Invoke(UInt32, Guid, UInt32, Int16, IntPtr, IntPtr, IntPtr, IntPtr)

Proporciona acceso a las propiedades y los métodos expuestos por un objeto.

(Heredado de Attribute)

Se aplica a

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