Comparteix a través de

PointF.Addition Operador


Convierte la estructura PointF especificada según el tamaño indicado.


Addition(PointF, Size)

Convierte un PointF según el valor de Size especificado.

Addition(PointF, SizeF)

Convierte la estructura PointF según el valor de SizeF especificado.

Addition(PointF, Size)


Convierte un PointF según el valor de Size especificado.

 static System::Drawing::PointF operator +(System::Drawing::PointF pt, System::Drawing::Size sz);
public static System.Drawing.PointF operator + (System.Drawing.PointF pt, System.Drawing.Size sz);
static member ( + ) : System.Drawing.PointF * System.Drawing.Size -> System.Drawing.PointF
Public Shared Operator + (pt As PointF, sz As Size) As PointF



PointF que se va a convertir.


Size que especifica el par de números que se va a agregar a las coordenadas de pt.


Estructura PointF convertida.


  • En el ejemplo de código siguiente se agrega una sombra a un ListBox mediante el Addition operador . Este ejemplo está diseñado para usarse con un formulario Windows Forms. Para ejecutar este ejemplo, pegue este código en un formulario y llame al AddShadow método al controlar el evento del Paint formulario. Asegúrese de que el formulario contiene un ListBox denominado listBox1.
   void AddShadow( PaintEventArgs^ e )
      // Create two SizeF objects.
      SizeF shadowSize = listBox1->Size;
      SizeF addSize = SizeF(10.5F,20.8F);

      // Add them together and save the result in shadowSize.
      shadowSize = shadowSize + addSize;

      // Get the location of the ListBox and convert it to a PointF.
      PointF shadowLocation = listBox1->Location;

      // Add two points to get a new location.
      shadowLocation = shadowLocation + System::Drawing::Size( 5, 5 );

      // Create a rectangleF. 
      RectangleF rectFToFill = RectangleF(shadowLocation,shadowSize);

      // Create a custom brush using a semi-transparent color, and 
      // then fill in the rectangle.
      Color customColor = Color::FromArgb( 50, Color::Gray );
      SolidBrush^ shadowBrush = gcnew SolidBrush( customColor );
      array<RectangleF>^ temp0 = {rectFToFill};
      e->Graphics->FillRectangles( shadowBrush, temp0 );

      // Dispose of the brush.
      delete shadowBrush;
private void AddShadow(PaintEventArgs e)

    // Create two SizeF objects.
    SizeF shadowSize = listBox1.Size;
    SizeF addSize = new SizeF(10.5F, 20.8F);

    // Add them together and save the result in shadowSize.
    shadowSize = shadowSize + addSize;

    // Get the location of the ListBox and convert it to a PointF.
    PointF shadowLocation = listBox1.Location;

    // Add two points to get a new location.
    shadowLocation = shadowLocation + new Size(5, 5);

    // Create a rectangleF. 
    RectangleF rectFToFill = 
        new RectangleF(shadowLocation, shadowSize);

    // Create a custom brush using a semi-transparent color, and 
    // then fill in the rectangle.
    Color customColor = Color.FromArgb(50, Color.Gray);
    SolidBrush shadowBrush = new SolidBrush(customColor);
    e.Graphics.FillRectangles(shadowBrush, new RectangleF[]{rectFToFill});

    // Dispose of the brush.
Private Sub AddShadow(ByVal e As PaintEventArgs)

    ' Create two SizeF objects.
    Dim shadowSize As SizeF = Size.op_Implicit(listBox1.Size)
    Dim addSize As New SizeF(10.5F, 20.8F)

    ' Add them together and save the result in shadowSize.
    shadowSize = SizeF.op_Addition(shadowSize, addSize)

    ' Get the location of the ListBox and convert it to a PointF.
    Dim shadowLocation As PointF = Point.op_Implicit(listBox1.Location)

    ' Add a Size to the Point to get a new location.
    shadowLocation = PointF.op_Addition(shadowLocation, New Size(5, 5))

    ' Create a rectangleF. 
    Dim rectFToFill As New RectangleF(shadowLocation, shadowSize)

    ' Create a custom brush using a semi-transparent color, and 
    ' then fill in the rectangle.
    Dim customColor As Color = Color.FromArgb(50, Color.Gray)
    Dim shadowBrush As SolidBrush = New SolidBrush(customColor)
    e.Graphics.FillRectangles(shadowBrush, _
        New RectangleF() {rectFToFill})

    ' Dispose of the brush.
End Sub

Se aplica a

Addition(PointF, SizeF)


Convierte la estructura PointF según el valor de SizeF especificado.

 static System::Drawing::PointF operator +(System::Drawing::PointF pt, System::Drawing::SizeF sz);
public static System.Drawing.PointF operator + (System.Drawing.PointF pt, System.Drawing.SizeF sz);
static member ( + ) : System.Drawing.PointF * System.Drawing.SizeF -> System.Drawing.PointF
Public Shared Operator + (pt As PointF, sz As SizeF) As PointF



PointF que se va a convertir.


SizeF que especifica los números que se van a sumar a las coordenadas x e y de PointF.


Estructura PointF convertida.


En el ejemplo de código siguiente se muestra cómo usar el Addition operador . Para ejecutar este ejemplo, pegue el código siguiente en un formulario Windows Forms. Controle el evento del Paint formulario y llame a opAdditionExample, pasando e como PaintEventArgs.

private void OpAdditionExample(PaintEventArgs e)
    PointF point1 = new PointF(120.5F, 120F);
    SizeF size1 = new SizeF(120.5F, 30.5F);
    RectangleF rect1 = new RectangleF(point1, size1);
    if (new PointF(rect1.Right, rect1.Bottom) == point1 + size1)
        e.Graphics.DrawString("They are equal", this.Font, Brushes.Black, rect1);
        e.Graphics.DrawString("They are not equal", this.Font, Brushes.Red, rect1);
Private Sub OpAdditionExample(ByVal e As PaintEventArgs) 
    Dim size1 As New SizeF(120.5F, 30.5F)
    Dim point1 As New PointF(20.5F, 20F)
    Dim rect1 As New RectangleF(point1, size1)
    If New PointF(rect1.Right, rect1.Bottom) = point1 + size1 Then
        e.Graphics.DrawString("They are equal", Me.Font, Brushes.Black, rect1)
        e.Graphics.DrawString("They are not equal", Me.Font, Brushes.Red, rect1)
    End If
End Sub


El Addition operador agrega el Width valor del tamaño especificado a la coordenada x de PointF y Height a la coordenada y de .PointF

El método equivalente para este operador es PointF.Add(PointF, SizeF)

Se aplica a