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Enum.Equals(Object) Método


Devuelve un valor que indica si esta instancia equivale a un objeto especificado.

 override bool Equals(System::Object ^ obj);
public override bool Equals (object obj);
public override bool Equals (object? obj);
override this.Equals : obj -> bool
Public Overrides Function Equals (obj As Object) As Boolean



Objeto que se va a comparar con esta instancia o null.


true si obj es un valor de enumeración del mismo tipo y con el mismo valor subyacente que esta instancia; de lo contrario, false.


En el ejemplo siguiente se muestra el uso del método Equals.

using namespace System;
public enum class Colors
   Red, Green, Blue, Yellow

public enum class Mammals
   Cat, Dog, Horse, Dolphin

int main()
   Mammals myPet = Mammals::Cat;
   Colors myColor = Colors::Red;
   Mammals yourPet = Mammals::Dog;
   Colors yourColor = Colors::Red;
   Console::WriteLine(  "My favorite animal is a {0}", myPet );
   Console::WriteLine(  "Your favorite animal is a {0}", yourPet );
   Console::WriteLine(  "Do we like the same animal? {0}", myPet.Equals( yourPet ) ? (String^)"Yes" : "No" );
   Console::WriteLine(  "My favorite color is {0}", myColor );
   Console::WriteLine(  "Your favorite color is {0}", yourColor );
   Console::WriteLine(  "Do we like the same color? {0}", myColor.Equals( yourColor ) ? (String^)"Yes" : "No" );
   Console::WriteLine(  "The value of my color ({0}) is {1}", myColor, Enum::Format( Colors::typeid, myColor,  "d" ) );
   Console::WriteLine(  "The value of my pet (a {0}) is {1}", myPet, Enum::Format( Mammals::typeid, myPet,  "d" ) );
   Console::WriteLine(  "Even though they have the same value, are they equal? {0}", myColor.Equals( myPet ) ? (String^)"Yes" : "No" );
// The example displays the following output:
//    My favorite animal is a Cat
//    Your favorite animal is a Dog
//    Do we like the same animal? No
//    My favorite color is Red
//    Your favorite color is Red
//    Do we like the same color? Yes
//    The value of my color (Red) is 0
//    The value of my pet (a Cat) is 0
//    Even though they have the same value, are they equal? No
using System;

public class EqualsTest {
    enum Colors { Red, Green, Blue, Yellow };
    enum Mammals { Cat, Dog, Horse, Dolphin };

    public static void Main() {
        Mammals myPet = Mammals.Cat;
        Colors myColor = Colors.Red;
        Mammals yourPet = Mammals.Dog;
        Colors yourColor = Colors.Red;

        Console.WriteLine("My favorite animal is a {0}", myPet);
        Console.WriteLine("Your favorite animal is a {0}", yourPet);
        Console.WriteLine("Do we like the same animal? {0}", myPet.Equals(yourPet) ? "Yes" : "No");

        Console.WriteLine("My favorite color is {0}", myColor);
        Console.WriteLine("Your favorite color is {0}", yourColor);
        Console.WriteLine("Do we like the same color? {0}", myColor.Equals(yourColor) ? "Yes" : "No");

        Console.WriteLine("The value of my color ({0}) is {1}", myColor, Enum.Format(typeof(Colors), myColor, "d"));
        Console.WriteLine("The value of my pet (a {0}) is {1}", myPet, Enum.Format(typeof(Mammals), myPet, "d"));
        Console.WriteLine("Even though they have the same value, are they equal? {0}",
                    myColor.Equals(myPet) ? "Yes" : "No");
// The example displays the following output:
//    My favorite animal is a Cat
//    Your favorite animal is a Dog
//    Do we like the same animal? No
//    My favorite color is Red
//    Your favorite color is Red
//    Do we like the same color? Yes
//    The value of my color (Red) is 0
//    The value of my pet (a Cat) is 0
//    Even though they have the same value, are they equal? No
open System

type Colors =
    | Red = 0
    | Green = 1
    | Blue = 2
    | Yellow = 3

type Mammals =
    | Cat = 0
    | Dog = 1
    | Horse = 2
    | Dolphin = 3

let myPet = Mammals.Cat
let myColor = Colors.Red
let yourPet = Mammals.Dog
let yourColor = Colors.Red

    $"""My favorite animal is a {myPet}
Your favorite animal is a {yourPet}
Do we like the same animal? {if myPet.Equals yourPet then "Yes" else "No"}

My favorite color is {myColor}
Your favorite color is {yourColor}
Do we like the same color? {if myColor.Equals yourColor then "Yes" else "No"}

The value of my color ({myColor}) is {Enum.Format(typeof<Colors>, myColor, "d")}
The value of my pet (a {myPet}) is {Enum.Format(typeof<Mammals>, myPet, "d")}
Even though they have the same value, are they equal? {if myColor.Equals myPet then "Yes" else "No"}"""

// The example displays the following output:
//    My favorite animal is a Cat
//    Your favorite animal is a Dog
//    Do we like the same animal? No
//    My favorite color is Red
//    Your favorite color is Red
//    Do we like the same color? Yes
//    The value of my color (Red) is 0
//    The value of my pet (a Cat) is 0
//    Even though they have the same value, are they equal? No
Public Class EqualsTest
    Enum Colors
    End Enum 
    Enum Mammals
    End Enum 
    Public Shared Sub Main()
        Dim myPet As Mammals = Mammals.Cat
        Dim myColor As Colors = Colors.Red
        Dim yourPet As Mammals = Mammals.Dog
        Dim yourColor As Colors = Colors.Red
        Dim output as string
        Console.WriteLine("My favorite animal is a {0}", myPet)
        Console.WriteLine("Your favorite animal is a {0}", yourPet)
        If myPet.Equals(yourPet) Then output = "Yes" Else output = "No"
        Console.WriteLine("Do we like the same animal? {0}", output)
        Console.WriteLine("My favorite color is {0}", myColor)
        Console.WriteLine("Your favorite color is {0}", yourColor)
        If myColor.Equals(yourColor) Then output = "Yes" Else output = "No"
        Console.WriteLine("Do we like the same color? {0}", output)
        Console.WriteLine("The value of my color ({0}) is {1}", myColor, [Enum].Format(GetType(Colors), myColor, "d"))
        Console.WriteLine("The value of my pet (a {0}) is {1}", myPet, [Enum].Format(GetType(Mammals), myPet, "d"))
        Console.WriteLine("Even though they have the same value, are they equal? {0}", 
                          If(myColor.Equals(myPet), "Yes", "No"))
    End Sub 
End Class 
' The example displays the following output:
'    My favorite animal is a Cat
'    Your favorite animal is a Dog
'    Do we like the same animal? No
'    My favorite color is Red
'    Your favorite color is Red
'    Do we like the same color? Yes
'    The value of my color (Red) is 0
'    The value of my pet (a Cat) is 0
'    Even though they have the same value, are they equal? No

En el ejemplo siguiente se definen dos tipos de enumeración, SledDog y WorkDog. La SledDog enumeración tiene dos miembros, SledDog.AlaskanMalamute y SledDog.Malamute, que tienen el mismo valor subyacente. La llamada al Equals método indica que estos valores son iguales porque sus valores subyacentes son los mismos. Los SledDog.Malamute miembros y WorkDog.Newfoundland tienen el mismo valor subyacente, aunque representan diferentes tipos de enumeración. Una llamada al Equals método indica que estos valores no son iguales.

using System;

public enum SledDog { Unknown=0, AlaskanMalamute=1, Malamute=1,
                      Husky=2, SiberianHusky=2 };

public enum WorkDog { Unknown=0, Newfoundland=1, GreatPyrennes=2 };

public class Example
   public static void Main()
      SledDog dog1 = SledDog.Malamute;
      SledDog dog2 = SledDog.AlaskanMalamute;
      WorkDog dog3 = WorkDog.Newfoundland;

      Console.WriteLine("{0:F} ({0:D}) = {1:F} ({1:D}): {2}",
                        dog1, dog2, dog1.Equals(dog2));
      Console.WriteLine("{0:F} ({0:D}) = {1:F} ({1:D}): {2}",
                        dog1, dog3, dog1.Equals(dog3));
// The example displays the following output:
//       Malamute (1) = Malamute (1): True
//       Malamute (1) = Newfoundland (1): False
type SledDog =
    | Unknown = 0
    | AlaskanMalamute = 1
    | Malamute = 1
    | Husky = 2
    | SiberianHusky = 2

type WorkDog =
    | Unknown = 0
    | Newfoundland = 1
    | GreatPyrennes = 2

let dog1 = SledDog.Malamute
let dog2 = SledDog.AlaskanMalamute
let dog3 = WorkDog.Newfoundland

printfn $"{dog1:F} ({dog1:D}) = {dog2:F} ({dog2:D}): {dog1.Equals dog2}"
printfn $"{dog1:F} ({dog1:D}) = {dog3:F} ({dog3:D}): {dog1.Equals dog3}"
// The example displays the following output:
//       Malamute (1) = Malamute (1): True
//       Malamute (1) = Newfoundland (1): False
Public Enum SledDog As Integer
End Enum

Public Enum WorkDog As Integer
End Enum

Module Example
   Public Sub Main()
      Dim dog1 As SledDog = SledDog.Malamute
      Dim dog2 As SledDog = SledDog.AlaskanMalamute
      Dim dog3 As WorkDog = WorkDog.Newfoundland
      Console.WriteLine("{0:F} ({0:D}) = {1:F} ({1:D}): {2}", 
                        dog1, dog2, dog1.Equals(dog2))
      Console.WriteLine("{0:F} ({0:D}) = {1:F} ({1:D}): {2}",
                        dog1, dog3, dog1.Equals(dog3))
   End Sub
End Module
' The example displays the following output:
'       Malamute (1) = Malamute (1): True
'       Malamute (1) = Newfoundland (1): False


El Enum.Equals(Object) método invalida ValueType.Equals(Object) para definir cómo se evalúan los miembros de enumeración para determinar la igualdad.

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