Comparteix a través de

Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable Método


Recupera el valor de una variable de entorno.



Recupera el valor de una variable de entorno del proceso actual.

GetEnvironmentVariable(String, EnvironmentVariableTarget)

Recupera el valor de una variable de entorno del proceso actual o de la clave del Registro del sistema operativo Windows para la máquina local o el usuario actual.



Recupera el valor de una variable de entorno del proceso actual.

 static System::String ^ GetEnvironmentVariable(System::String ^ variable);
public static string GetEnvironmentVariable (string variable);
public static string? GetEnvironmentVariable (string variable);
static member GetEnvironmentVariable : string -> string
Public Shared Function GetEnvironmentVariable (variable As String) As String



Nombre de la variable de entorno.


El valor de la variable de entorno especificada por variable o null si no se encuentra la variable de entorno.


variable es null.

El autor de la llamada no tiene el permiso requerido para llevar a cabo esta operación.


En el ejemplo siguiente se usa el GetEnvironmentVariable método para recuperar la windir variable de entorno, que contiene la ruta de acceso del directorio de Windows.

using namespace System;
using namespace System::IO;

void main()
      if (Environment::OSVersion->Platform == PlatformID::Win32NT)
            // Change the directory to %WINDIR%
            Environment::CurrentDirectory = Environment::GetEnvironmentVariable( "windir" );
            DirectoryInfo^ info = gcnew DirectoryInfo( "." );

            Console::WriteLine("Directory Info:   {0}", info->FullName);
            Console::WriteLine("This example runs on Windows only.");
// The example displays output like the following on a .NET implementation running on Windows:
//        Directory Info:   C:\windows
// The example displays the following output on a .NET implementation on Unix-based systems:
//        This example runs on Windows only.
using System;
using System.IO;

public class Example
   public static void Main()
      if (Environment.OSVersion.Platform == PlatformID.Win32NT)
         // Change the directory to %WINDIR%
         Environment.CurrentDirectory = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("windir");
         DirectoryInfo info = new DirectoryInfo(".");

         Console.WriteLine("Directory Info:   " + info.FullName);
         Console.WriteLine("This example runs on Windows only.");
// The example displays output like the following on a .NET implementation running on Windows:
//        Directory Info:   C:\windows
// The example displays the following output on a .NET implementation on Unix-based systems:
//        This example runs on Windows only.
open System
open System.IO

if Environment.OSVersion.Platform = PlatformID.Win32NT then
    // Change the directory to %WINDIR%
    Environment.CurrentDirectory <- Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable "windir"
    let info = DirectoryInfo "."

    printfn $"Directory Info:   {info.FullName}"
    printfn "This example runs on Windows only."
// The example displays output like the following on a .NET implementation running on Windows:
//        Directory Info:   C:\windows
// The example displays the following output on a .NET implementation on Unix-based systems:
//        This example runs on Windows only.
Imports System.IO

Module Example
   Public Sub Main()
        If Environment.OSVersion.Platform = PlatformID.Win32NT Then
            ' Change the directory to %WINDIR%
            Environment.CurrentDirectory = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("windir")
            Dim info As New DirectoryInfo(".")
            Console.WriteLine("Directory Info:   " + info.FullName)
            Console.WriteLine("This example runs on Windows only.")
         End If
   End Sub
End Module
' The example displays output like the following on a .NET implementation running on Windows:
'        Directory Info:   C:\windows
' The example displays the following output on a .NET implementation on Unix-based systems:
'        This example runs on Windows only.

En el ejemplo siguiente se intenta recuperar el valor de una variable de entorno denominada Test1 del bloque de entorno de proceso. Si la variable no existe, el ejemplo lo crea y recupera su valor. En el ejemplo se muestra el valor de la variable . Si el ejemplo creó la variable, también llama al GetEnvironmentVariables(EnvironmentVariableTarget) método con cada miembro de la EnvironmentVariableTarget enumeración para establecer que la variable solo se puede recuperar del bloque de entorno de proceso actual. Por último, si el ejemplo creó la variable , la elimina.

using System;

public class Example
   public static void Main()
      string value;
      bool toDelete = false;

      // Check whether the environment variable exists.
      value = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("Test1");
      // If necessary, create it.
      if (value == null)
         Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("Test1", "Value1");
         toDelete = true;

         // Now retrieve it.
         value = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("Test1");
      // Display the value.
      Console.WriteLine($"Test1: {value}\n");

      // Confirm that the value can only be retrieved from the process
      // environment block if running on a Windows system.
      if (Environment.OSVersion.Platform == PlatformID.Win32NT)
         Console.WriteLine("Attempting to retrieve Test1 from:");
         foreach (EnvironmentVariableTarget enumValue in
                           Enum.GetValues(typeof(EnvironmentVariableTarget))) {
            value = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("Test1", enumValue);
            Console.WriteLine($"   {enumValue}: {(value != null ? "found" : "not found")}");

      // If we've created it, now delete it.
      if (toDelete) {
         Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("Test1", null);
         // Confirm the deletion.
         if (Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("Test1") == null)
            Console.WriteLine("Test1 has been deleted.");
// The example displays the following output if run on a Windows system:
//      Test1: Value1
//      Attempting to retrieve Test1 from:
//         Process: found
//         User: not found
//         Machine: not found
//      Test1 has been deleted.
// The example displays the following output if run on a Unix-based system:
//      Test1: Value1
//      Test1 has been deleted.
module Example

open System

let mutable toDelete = false

// Check whether the environment variable exists.
let value = 
    let v = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable "Test1"
    // If necessary, create it.
    if isNull v then
        Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("Test1", "Value1")
        toDelete <- true
        Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable "Test1"

// Display the value.
printfn $"Test1: {value}\n"

// Confirm that the value can only be retrieved from the process
// environment block if running on a Windows system.
if Environment.OSVersion.Platform = PlatformID.Win32NT then
    printfn "Attempting to retrieve Test1 from:"
    for enumValue in Enum.GetValues typeof<EnvironmentVariableTarget> do
        let value = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("Test1", enumValue :?> EnvironmentVariableTarget)
        printfn $"""   {enumValue}: {if value <> null then "found" else "not found"}"""
    printfn ""

// If we've created it, now delete it.
if toDelete then
    Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("Test1", null)
    // Confirm the deletion.
    if Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable "Test1" |> isNull then
        printfn "Test1 has been deleted."
// The example displays the following output if run on a Windows system:
//      Test1: Value1
//      Attempting to retrieve Test1 from:
//         Process: found
//         User: not found
//         Machine: not found
//      Test1 has been deleted.
// The example displays the following output if run on a Unix-based system:
//      Test1: Value1
//      Test1 has been deleted.
Module Example
   Public Sub Main()
      Dim value As String 
      Dim toDelete As Boolean = False
      ' Check whether the environment variable exists.
      value = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("Test1")
      ' If necessary, create it.
      If value Is Nothing Then
         Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("Test1", "Value1")
         toDelete = True
         ' Now retrieve it.
         value = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("Test1")
      End If
      ' Display the value.
      Console.WriteLine($"Test1: {value}")
      ' Confirm that the value can only be retrieved from the process
      ' environment block if running on a Windows system.
      If Environment.OSVersion.Platform = PlatformID.Win32NT Then
         Console.WriteLine("Attempting to retrieve Test1 from:")
         For Each enumValue As EnvironmentVariableTarget In 
            value = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("Test1", enumValue)
            Console.WriteLine($"   {enumValue}: {If(value IsNot Nothing, "found", "not found")}")
      End If

      ' If we've created it, now delete it.
      If toDelete Then 
         Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("Test1", Nothing)
         ' Confirm the deletion.
         If Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("Test1") = Nothing Then
            Console.WriteLine("Test1 has been deleted.")
         End If
      End If         
   End Sub
End Module
' The example displays the following output if run on a Windows system:
'      Test1: Value1
'      Attempting to retrieve Test1 from:
'         Process: found
'         User: not found
'         Machine: not found
'      Test1 has been deleted.
' The example displays the following output if run on a Unix-based system:
'      Test1: Value1
'      Test1 has been deleted.


Para obtener más información sobre esta API, consulte Comentarios complementarios de la API para Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable.

Consulte también

Se aplica a

GetEnvironmentVariable(String, EnvironmentVariableTarget)


Recupera el valor de una variable de entorno del proceso actual o de la clave del Registro del sistema operativo Windows para la máquina local o el usuario actual.

 static System::String ^ GetEnvironmentVariable(System::String ^ variable, EnvironmentVariableTarget target);
public static string? GetEnvironmentVariable (string variable, EnvironmentVariableTarget target);
public static string GetEnvironmentVariable (string variable, EnvironmentVariableTarget target);
static member GetEnvironmentVariable : string * EnvironmentVariableTarget -> string
Public Shared Function GetEnvironmentVariable (variable As String, target As EnvironmentVariableTarget) As String



Nombre de una variable de entorno.


Uno de los valores de EnvironmentVariableTarget. Solo Process se admite en .NET que se ejecuta en sistemas similares a Unix.


El valor de la variable de entorno especificada por los parámetros variable y target, o null si no se encuentra la variable de entorno.


variable es null.

target no es un valor EnvironmentVariableTarget válido.

El autor de la llamada no tiene el permiso requerido para llevar a cabo esta operación.


En el ejemplo siguiente se crean variables de entorno para los EnvironmentVariableTarget.Processdestinos , EnvironmentVariableTarget.Usery Machine , se comprueba si el registro del sistema operativo contiene las variables de entorno de usuario y máquina y, a continuación, elimina las variables de entorno. Dado que .NET en sistemas similares a Unix no admite variables de entorno por usuario y por equipo, solo SetEnvironmentVariable(String, String) y SetEnvironmentVariable(String, String, EnvironmentVariableTarget) con un valor de almacenar correctamente una variable de EnvironmentVariableTarget.Process entorno en el bloque de entorno de proceso.

using System;
using System.Collections;
using Microsoft.Win32;

class Sample
    public static void Main()
        // Environment variable names for default, process, user, and machine targets.
        string defaultEnvVar = nameof(defaultEnvVar);
        string processEnvVar = nameof(processEnvVar);
        string userEnvVar = nameof(userEnvVar);
        string machineEnvVar = nameof(machineEnvVar);

        string dft = nameof(dft);
        string process = nameof(process);
        string user = nameof(user);
        string machine = nameof(machine);

        // Set the environment variable for each target.
        Console.WriteLine("Setting environment variables for each target...\n");
        // The default target (the current process).
        Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable(defaultEnvVar, dft);
        // The current process.
        Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable(processEnvVar, process,
        // The current user.
        Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable(userEnvVar, user,
        // The local machine.
        Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable(machineEnvVar, machine,

        // Define an array of environment variables.
        string[] envVars = { defaultEnvVar,processEnvVar, userEnvVar, machineEnvVar };

        // Try to get the environment variables from each target.
        // The default (no specified target).
        Console.WriteLine("Retrieving environment variables from the default target:");
        foreach (var envVar in envVars)
          var value = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(envVar) ?? "(none)";
          Console.WriteLine($"   {envVar}: {value}");
        // The process block.
        Console.WriteLine("\nRetrieving environment variables from the Process target:");
        foreach (var envVar in envVars)
          var value = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(envVar, EnvironmentVariableTarget.Process) ?? "(none)";
          Console.WriteLine($"   {envVar}: {value}");
        // The user block.
        Console.WriteLine("\nRetrieving environment variables from the User target:");
        foreach (var envVar in envVars)
          var value = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(envVar, EnvironmentVariableTarget.User) ?? "(none)";
          Console.WriteLine($"   {envVar}: {value}");
        // The machine block.
        Console.WriteLine("\nRetrieving environment variables from the Machine target:");
        foreach (var envVar in envVars)
          var value = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(envVar, EnvironmentVariableTarget.Machine) ?? "(none)";
          Console.WriteLine($"   {envVar}: {value}");

        // Delete the environment variable for each target.
        Console.WriteLine("\nDeleting environment variables for each target...\n");
        // The default target (the current process).
        Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable(defaultEnvVar, null);
        // The current process.
        Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable(processEnvVar, null,
        // The current user.
        Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable(userEnvVar, null,
        // The local machine.
        Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable(machineEnvVar, null,
// The example displays the following output if run on a Windows system:
//      Setting environment variables for each target...
//      Retrieving environment variables from the default target:
//        defaultEnvVar: dft
//        processEnvVar: process
//        userEnvVar: user
//        machineEnvVar: (none)
//      Retrieving environment variables from the Process target:
//        defaultEnvVar: dft
//        processEnvVar: process
//        userEnvVar: user
//        machineEnvVar: (none)
//      Retrieving environment variables from the User target:
//        defaultEnvVar: (none)
//        processEnvVar: (none)
//        userEnvVar: user
//        machineEnvVar: (none)
//      Retrieving environment variables from the Machine target:
//        defaultEnvVar: (none)
//        processEnvVar: (none)
//        userEnvVar: (none)
//        machineEnvVar: machine
//      Deleting environment variables for each target...
// The example displays the following output if run on a Unix-based system:
//      Setting environment variables for each target...
//      Retrieving environment variables from the default target:
//        defaultEnvVar: dft
//        processEnvVar: process
//        userEnvVar: (none)
//        machineEnvVar: (none)
//      Retrieving environment variables from the Process target:
//        defaultEnvVar: dft
//        processEnvVar: process
//        userEnvVar: (none)
//        machineEnvVar: (none)
//      Retrieving environment variables from the User target:
//        defaultEnvVar: (none)
//        processEnvVar: (none)
//        userEnvVar: (none)
//        machineEnvVar: (none)
//      Retrieving environment variables from the Machine target:
//        defaultEnvVar: (none)
//        processEnvVar: (none)
//        userEnvVar: (none)
//        machineEnvVar: (none)
//      Deleting environment variables for each target...
module Sample

open System

// Environment variable names for default, process, user, and machine targets.
let rec defaultEnvVar = nameof defaultEnvVar
let rec processEnvVar = nameof processEnvVar
let rec userEnvVar = nameof userEnvVar
let rec machineEnvVar = nameof machineEnvVar

let rec dft = nameof dft
let rec proc = nameof proc
let rec user = nameof user
let rec machine = nameof machine

// Set the environment variable for each target.
printfn "Setting environment variables for each target...\n"
// The default target (the current process).
Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable(defaultEnvVar, dft)
// The current process.
Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable(processEnvVar, proc, EnvironmentVariableTarget.Process)
// The current user.
Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable(userEnvVar, user, EnvironmentVariableTarget.User)
// The local machine.
Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable(machineEnvVar, machine, EnvironmentVariableTarget.Machine)

// Define a list of environment variables.
let envVars = [ defaultEnvVar; processEnvVar; userEnvVar; machineEnvVar ]

// Try to get the environment variables from each target.
// The default (no specified target).
printfn "Retrieving environment variables from the default target:"
for envVar in envVars do
    let value = 
        match Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable envVar with
        | null -> "(none)"
        | v -> v
    printfn $"   {envVar}: {value}"

// The process block.
printfn "\nRetrieving environment variables from the Process target:"
for envVar in envVars do
    let value = 
        match Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(envVar, EnvironmentVariableTarget.Process) with
        | null -> "(none)"
        | v -> v
    printfn $"   {envVar}: {value}"

// The user block.
printfn "\nRetrieving environment variables from the User target:"
for envVar in envVars do
    let value = 
        match Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(envVar, EnvironmentVariableTarget.User) with
        | null -> "(none)"
        | v -> v
    printfn $"   {envVar}: {value}"

// The machine block.
printfn "\nRetrieving environment variables from the Machine target:"
for envVar in envVars do
    let value = 
        match Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(envVar, EnvironmentVariableTarget.Machine) with
        | null -> "(none)"
        | v -> v
    printfn $"   {envVar}: {value}"

// Delete the environment variable for each target.
printfn "\nDeleting environment variables for each target...\n"
// The default target (the current process).
Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable(defaultEnvVar, null)
// The current process.
Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable(processEnvVar, null, EnvironmentVariableTarget.Process)
// The current user.
Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable(userEnvVar, null, EnvironmentVariableTarget.User)
// The local machine.
Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable(machineEnvVar, null, EnvironmentVariableTarget.Machine)

// The example displays the following output if run on a Windows system:
//      Setting environment variables for each target...
//      Retrieving environment variables from the default target:
//        defaultEnvVar: dft
//        processEnvVar: process
//        userEnvVar: user
//        machineEnvVar: (none)
//      Retrieving environment variables from the Process target:
//        defaultEnvVar: dft
//        processEnvVar: process
//        userEnvVar: user
//        machineEnvVar: (none)
//      Retrieving environment variables from the User target:
//        defaultEnvVar: (none)
//        processEnvVar: (none)
//        userEnvVar: user
//        machineEnvVar: (none)
//      Retrieving environment variables from the Machine target:
//        defaultEnvVar: (none)
//        processEnvVar: (none)
//        userEnvVar: (none)
//        machineEnvVar: machine
//      Deleting environment variables for each target...
// The example displays the following output if run on a Unix-based system:
//      Setting environment variables for each target...
//      Retrieving environment variables from the default target:
//        defaultEnvVar: dft
//        processEnvVar: process
//        userEnvVar: (none)
//        machineEnvVar: (none)
//      Retrieving environment variables from the Process target:
//        defaultEnvVar: dft
//        processEnvVar: process
//        userEnvVar: (none)
//        machineEnvVar: (none)
//      Retrieving environment variables from the User target:
//        defaultEnvVar: (none)
//        processEnvVar: (none)
//        userEnvVar: (none)
//        machineEnvVar: (none)
//      Retrieving environment variables from the Machine target:
//        defaultEnvVar: (none)
//        processEnvVar: (none)
//        userEnvVar: (none)
//        machineEnvVar: (none)
//      Deleting environment variables for each target...
Imports System.Collections
Imports Microsoft.Win32

Module Sample 
    Public Sub Main() 
        ' Environment variable names for default, process, user, and machine targets.
        Dim defaultEnvVar As String = NameOf(defaultEnvVar)
        Dim processEnvVar As String = NameOf(processEnvVar)
        Dim userEnvVar As String = NameOf(userEnvVar)
        Dim machineEnvVar As String = NameOf(machineEnvVar)

        Dim dft As String = NameOf(dft)
        Dim process As String = NameOf(process)
        Dim user As String = NameOf(user)
        Dim machine As String = NameOf(machine)

        ' Set the environment variable for each target.
        Console.WriteLine("Setting environment variables for each target...")
        ' The default target (the current process).
        Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable(defaultEnvVar, dft)
        ' The current process.
        Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable(processEnvVar, process, 
        ' The current user.
        Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable(userEnvVar, user, 
        ' The local machine.
        Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable(machineEnvVar, machine, 

        ' Define an array of environment variables.
        Dim envVars As String() = { defaultEnvVar, processEnvVar, userEnvVar, machineEnvVar }
        ' Try to get the environment variables from each target.
        ' The default (no specified target).
        Console.WriteLine("Retrieving environment variables from the default target:")
        For Each envVar in envVars
          Dim value = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(envVar)
          Console.WriteLine($"   {envVar}: {If(value IsNot Nothing, value, "(none)")}")
        ' The process block.
        Console.WriteLine("Retrieving environment variables from the Process target:")
        For Each envVar in envVars
          Dim value = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(envVar, EnvironmentVariableTarget.Process)
          Console.WriteLine($"   {envVar}: {If(value IsNot Nothing, value, "(none)")}")
        ' The user block.
        Console.WriteLine("Retrieving environment variables from the User target:")
        For Each envVar in envVars
          Dim value = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(envVar, EnvironmentVariableTarget.User)
          Console.WriteLine($"   {envVar}: {value}")
        ' The machine block.
        Console.WriteLine("Retrieving environment variables from the Machine target:")
        For Each envVar in envVars
          Dim value = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(envVar, EnvironmentVariableTarget.Machine)
          Console.WriteLine($"   {envVar}: {value}")

        ' Delete the environment variable for each target.
        Console.WriteLine("Deleting environment variables for each target...")
        ' The default target (the current process).
        Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable(defaultEnvVar, Nothing)
        ' The current process.
        Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable(processEnvVar, Nothing, 
        ' The current user.
        Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable(userEnvVar, Nothing, 
        ' The local machine.
        Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable(machineEnvVar, Nothing, 
    End Sub
End Module
' The example displays the following output if run on a Windows system:
'      Setting environment variables for each target...
'      Retrieving environment variables from the default target:
'        defaultEnvVar: dft
'        processEnvVar: process
'        userEnvVar: user
'        machineEnvVar: (none)
'      Retrieving environment variables from the Process target:
'        defaultEnvVar: dft
'        processEnvVar: process
'        userEnvVar: user
'        machineEnvVar: (none)
'      Retrieving environment variables from the User target:
'        defaultEnvVar: (none)
'        processEnvVar: (none)
'        userEnvVar: user
'        machineEnvVar: (none)
'      Retrieving environment variables from the Machine target:
'        defaultEnvVar: (none)
'        processEnvVar: (none)
'        userEnvVar: (none)
'        machineEnvVar: machine
'      Deleting environment variables for each target...
' The example displays the following output if run on a Unix-based system:
'      Setting environment variables for each target...
'      Retrieving environment variables from the default target:
'        defaultEnvVar: dft
'        processEnvVar: process
'        userEnvVar: (none)
'        machineEnvVar: (none)
'      Retrieving environment variables from the Process target:
'        defaultEnvVar: dft
'        processEnvVar: process
'        userEnvVar: (none)
'        machineEnvVar: (none)
'      Retrieving environment variables from the User target:
'        defaultEnvVar: (none)
'        processEnvVar: (none)
'        userEnvVar: (none)
'        machineEnvVar: (none)
'      Retrieving environment variables from the Machine target:
'        defaultEnvVar: (none)
'        processEnvVar: (none)
'        userEnvVar: (none)
'        machineEnvVar: (none)
'      Deleting environment variables for each target...


Para obtener más información sobre esta API, consulte Comentarios complementarios de la API para Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable.

Consulte también

Se aplica a