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PersianCalendar.ToDateTime Método


Devuelve un objeto DateTime que se establece en la fecha, hora y era especificadas.

 override DateTime ToDateTime(int year, int month, int day, int hour, int minute, int second, int millisecond, int era);
public override DateTime ToDateTime (int year, int month, int day, int hour, int minute, int second, int millisecond, int era);
override this.ToDateTime : int * int * int * int * int * int * int * int -> DateTime
Public Overrides Function ToDateTime (year As Integer, month As Integer, day As Integer, hour As Integer, minute As Integer, second As Integer, millisecond As Integer, era As Integer) As DateTime



Entero del 1 al 9378 que representa el año.


Entero del 1 al 12 que representa el mes.


Entero del 1 al 31 que representa el día.


Entero del 0 al 23 que representa la hora.


Entero del 0 al 59 que representa el minuto.


Entero del 0 al 59 que representa el segundo.


Entero del 0 al 999 que representa el milisegundo.


Entero del 0 al 1 que representa la era.


Objeto DateTime cuyo valor está establecido en la fecha y la hora especificadas de la era actual.


year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond o era está fuera del intervalo admitido por este calendario.


En el ejemplo de código siguiente se muestra el uso del ToDateTime método .

using System;
using System.Globalization;

class Sample
    public static void Main()
      PersianCalendar jc = new PersianCalendar();
      DateTime thisDate = DateTime.Now;

        // Properties
      Console.WriteLine("\n........... Selected Properties .....................\n");
      foreach (int era in jc.Eras)
         Console.WriteLine(" era = {0}", era);
      Console.WriteLine("\nTwoDigitYearMax = {0}", jc.TwoDigitYearMax);
        // Methods
      Console.WriteLine("\n............ Selected Methods .......................\n");

      Console.WriteLine("GetDayOfYear: day = {0}", jc.GetDayOfYear(thisDate));
      Console.WriteLine("GetDaysInMonth: days = {0}",
                        jc.GetDaysInMonth( thisDate.Year, thisDate.Month,
      Console.WriteLine("GetDaysInYear: days = {0}",
                        jc.GetDaysInYear(thisDate.Year, PersianCalendar.PersianEra));
      Console.WriteLine("GetLeapMonth: leap month (if any) = {0}",
                        jc.GetLeapMonth(thisDate.Year, PersianCalendar.PersianEra));
      Console.WriteLine("GetMonthsInYear: months in a year = {0}",
                        jc.GetMonthsInYear(thisDate.Year, PersianCalendar.PersianEra));
      Console.WriteLine("IsLeapDay: This is a leap day = {0}",
                        jc.IsLeapDay(thisDate.Year, thisDate.Month, thisDate.Day,
      Console.WriteLine("IsLeapMonth: This is a leap month = {0}",
                        jc.IsLeapMonth(thisDate.Year, thisDate.Month,
      Console.WriteLine("IsLeapYear: 1370 is a leap year = {0}",
                        jc.IsLeapYear(1370, PersianCalendar.PersianEra));

        // Get the 4-digit year for a year whose last two digits are 99. The 4-digit year
        // depends on the current value of the TwoDigitYearMax property.

      Console.WriteLine("  If TwoDigitYearMax = {0}, ToFourDigitYear(99) = {1}",
                         jc.TwoDigitYearMax, jc.ToFourDigitYear(99));
      jc.TwoDigitYearMax = thisDate.Year;
      Console.WriteLine("  If TwoDigitYearMax = {0}, ToFourDigitYear(99) = {1}",
                        jc.TwoDigitYearMax, jc.ToFourDigitYear(99));
// The example displays the following output:
//       ........... Selected Properties .....................
//       Eras: era = 1
//       TwoDigitYearMax = 99
//       ............ Selected Methods .......................
//       GetDayOfYear: day = 1
//       GetDaysInMonth: days = 31
//       GetDaysInYear: days = 365
//       GetLeapMonth: leap month (if any) = 0
//       GetMonthsInYear: months in a year = 12
//       IsLeapDay: This is a leap day = False
//       IsLeapMonth: This is a leap month = False
//       IsLeapYear: 1370 is a leap year = True
//       ToFourDigitYear:
//         If TwoDigitYearMax = 99, ToFourDigitYear(99) = 99
//         If TwoDigitYearMax = 2012, ToFourDigitYear(99) = 1999
Imports System.Globalization

Class Sample
    Public Shared Sub Main()
        ' Get today's date.
        Dim jc As New PersianCalendar()
        Dim thisDate As Date = Date.Now

        ' Properties
        Console.WriteLine(vbCrLf & _
                          "........... Selected Properties ....................." & vbCrLf)
        Dim era As Integer
        For Each era In jc.Eras
            Console.WriteLine(" era = {0}", era)
        Next era
        Console.WriteLine("TwoDigitYearMax = {0}", jc.TwoDigitYearMax)
        ' Methods
        Console.WriteLine(vbCrLf & _
                          "............ Selected Methods ......................." & vbCrLf)

        Console.WriteLine("GetDayOfYear: day = {0}", jc.GetDayOfYear(thisDate))

        Console.WriteLine("GetDaysInMonth: days = {0}", _
                           jc.GetDaysInMonth(thisDate.Year, _
                                             thisDate.Month, _
        Console.WriteLine("GetDaysInYear: days = {0}", _
                          jc.GetDaysInYear(thisDate.Year, PersianCalendar.PersianEra))
        Console.WriteLine("GetLeapMonth: leap month (if any) = {0}", _
                           jc.GetLeapMonth(thisDate.Year, PersianCalendar.PersianEra))
        Console.WriteLine("GetMonthsInYear: months in a year = {0}", _
                           jc.GetMonthsInYear(thisDate.Year, PersianCalendar.PersianEra))
        Console.WriteLine("IsLeapDay: This is a leap day = {0}", _
                           jc.IsLeapDay(thisDate.Year, _
                                        thisDate.Month, thisDate.Day, _
        Console.WriteLine("IsLeapMonth: This is a leap month = {0}", _
                           jc.IsLeapMonth(thisDate.Year, _
                                          thisDate.Month, _
        Console.WriteLine("IsLeapYear: 1370 is a leap year = {0}", _
                           jc.IsLeapYear(1370, PersianCalendar.PersianEra))

        ' Get the 4-digit year for a year whose last two digits are 99. The 4-digit year 
        ' depends on the current value of the TwoDigitYearMax property.

        Console.WriteLine("  If TwoDigitYearMax = {0}, ToFourDigitYear(99) = {1}", _
                          jc.TwoDigitYearMax, jc.ToFourDigitYear(99))
        jc.TwoDigitYearMax = thisDate.Year
        Console.WriteLine("  If TwoDigitYearMax = {0}, ToFourDigitYear(99) = {1}", _
                          jc.TwoDigitYearMax, jc.ToFourDigitYear(99))
    End Sub
End Class 
' The example displays output like the following: 
'       ........... Seleted Properties .....................
'       Eras: era = 1
'       TwoDigitYearMax = 99
'       ............ Selected Methods .......................
'       GetDayOfYear: day = 1
'       GetDaysInMonth: days = 31
'       GetDaysInYear: days = 365
'       GetLeapMonth: leap month (if any) = 0
'       GetMonthsInYear: months in a year = 12
'       IsLeapDay: This is a leap day = False
'       IsLeapMonth: This is a leap month = False
'       IsLeapYear: 1370 is a leap year = True
'       ToFourDigitYear:
'         If TwoDigitYearMax = 99, ToFourDigitYear(99) = 99
'         If TwoDigitYearMax = 2012, ToFourDigitYear(99) = 1999


El ToDateTime método es útil porque puede convertir cualquier fecha del calendario actual en una fecha de calendario gregoriana. La fecha gregoriana se puede usar posteriormente, por ejemplo, para comparar fechas en calendarios diferentes o crear una fecha equivalente en un calendario determinado.

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