Comparteix a través de

Int64.CompareTo Método


Compara esta instancia con un objeto especificado o con un objeto Int64, y devuelve una indicación de sus valores relativos.



Compara esta instancia con un entero de 64 bits con signo y devuelve una indicación de los valores relativos.


Compara esta instancia con un objeto especificado y devuelve una indicación de los valores relativos.


Compara esta instancia con un entero de 64 bits con signo y devuelve una indicación de los valores relativos.

 virtual int CompareTo(long value);
public int CompareTo (long value);
abstract member CompareTo : int64 -> int
override this.CompareTo : int64 -> int
Public Function CompareTo (value As Long) As Integer



Entero que se va a comparar.



Número con signo que indica los valores relativos de esta instancia y value.

Valor devuelto Descripción
Menor que cero Esta instancia es menor que value.
Cero Esta instancia es igual a value.
Mayor que cero Esta instancia es mayor que value.



En el ejemplo de código siguiente se muestran versiones genéricas y no genéricas del CompareTo método para varios tipos de valor y referencia.

// This example demonstrates the two versions of the 
// CompareTo method for several base types.
// The general version takes a parameter of type Object, while the specific
// version takes a type-specific parameter, such as Boolean, Int32, or Double.
using namespace System;

void Show( String^ caption, Object^ var1, Object^ var2, int resultGeneric, int resultNonGeneric )
   String^ relation;
   Console::Write( caption );
   if ( resultGeneric == resultNonGeneric )
      if ( resultGeneric < 0 )
            relation = "less than";
      if ( resultGeneric > 0 )
            relation = "greater than";
            relation = "equal to";
      Console::WriteLine( "{0} is {1} {2}", var1, relation, var2 );
   // The following condition will never occur because the generic and non-generic
   // CompareTo methods are equivalent.
      Console::WriteLine( "Generic CompareTo = {0}; non-generic CompareTo = {1}", resultGeneric, resultNonGeneric );

int main()
   String^ nl = Environment::NewLine;
   String^ msg = "{0}The following is the result of using the generic and non-generic{0}"
   "versions of the CompareTo method for several base types:{0}";
   Object^ obj; // An Object used to insure CompareTo(Object) is called.

   DateTime now = DateTime::Now;
   // Time span = 11 days, 22 hours, 33 minutes, 44 seconds
   TimeSpan tsX = TimeSpan(11,22,33,44);
   // Version = 1.2.333.4
   Version^ versX = gcnew Version(  "1.2.333.4" );
   // Guid = CA761232-ED42-11CE-BACD-00AA0057B223
   Guid guidX = Guid( "{CA761232-ED42-11CE-BACD-00AA0057B223}");
   Boolean a1 = true,a2 = true;
   Byte b1 = 1,b2 = 1;
   Int16 c1 = -2,c2 = 2;
   Int32 d1 = 3,d2 = 3;
   Int64 e1 = 4,e2 = -4;
   Decimal f1 = Decimal(-5.5), f2 = Decimal(5.5);
   Single g1 = 6.6f,g2 = 6.6f;
   Double h1 = 7.7,h2 = -7.7;
   Char i1 = 'A',i2 = 'A';
   String^ j1 = "abc", ^j2 = "abc";
   DateTime k1 = now,k2 = now;
   TimeSpan l1 = tsX,l2 = tsX;
   Version^ m1 = versX, ^m2 = gcnew Version(  "2.0" );
   Guid n1 = guidX,n2 = guidX;
   // The following types are not CLS-compliant.
   SByte w1 = 8,w2 = 8;
   UInt16 x1 = 9,x2 = 9;
   UInt32 y1 = 10,y2 = 10;
   UInt64 z1 = 11,z2 = 11;
   Console::WriteLine( msg, nl );
      Show( "Boolean: ", a1, a2, a1.CompareTo( a2 ), a1.CompareTo( a2 ) );
      Show( "Byte:    ", b1, b2, b1.CompareTo( b2 ), b1.CompareTo( b2 ) );
      Show( "Int16:   ", c1, c2, c1.CompareTo( c2 ), c1.CompareTo( c2 ) );
      Show( "Int32:   ", d1, d2, d1.CompareTo( d2 ), d1.CompareTo( d2 ) );
      Show( "Int64:   ", e1, e2, e1.CompareTo( e2 ), e1.CompareTo( e2 ) );
      Show( "Decimal: ", f1, f2, f1.CompareTo( f2 ), f1.CompareTo( f2 ) );
      Show( "Single:  ", g1, g2, g1.CompareTo( g2 ), g1.CompareTo( g2 ) );
      Show( "Double:  ", h1, h2, h1.CompareTo( h2 ), h1.CompareTo( h2 ) );
      Show( "Char:    ", i1, i2, i1.CompareTo( i2 ), i1.CompareTo( i2 ) );
      // Use an anonymous object to hide the String object.
      obj = j2;
      Show( "String:  ", j1, j2, j1->CompareTo( j2 ), j1->CompareTo( obj ) );
      Show( "DateTime:", k1, k2, k1.CompareTo( k2 ), k1.CompareTo( k2 ) );
      Show(  "TimeSpan: ", l1, l2, l1.CompareTo( l2 ), l1.CompareTo( l2 ) );
      // Use an anonymous object to hide the Version object.
      obj = m2;
      Show(  "Version:  ", m1, m2, m1->CompareTo( m2 ), m1->CompareTo( obj ) );
      Show(  "Guid:     ", n1, n2, n1.CompareTo( n2 ), n1.CompareTo( n2 ) );
      Console::WriteLine( "{0}The following types are not CLS-compliant:", nl );
      Show( "SByte:   ", w1, w2, w1.CompareTo( w2 ), w1.CompareTo( w2 ) );
      Show( "UInt16:  ", x1, x2, x1.CompareTo( x2 ), x1.CompareTo( x2 ) );
      Show( "UInt32:  ", y1, y2, y1.CompareTo( y2 ), y1.CompareTo( y2 ) );
      Show( "UInt64:  ", z1, z2, z1.CompareTo( z2 ), z1.CompareTo( z2 ) );
   catch ( Exception^ e ) 
      Console::WriteLine( e );

//     This example displays the following output:
//     The following is the result of using the generic and non-generic versions of the
//     CompareTo method for several base types:
//     Boolean:  True is equal to True
//     Byte:     1 is equal to 1
//     Int16:    -2 is less than 2
//     Int32:    3 is equal to 3
//     Int64:    4 is greater than -4
//     Decimal:  -5.5 is less than 5.5
//     Single:   6.6 is equal to 6.6
//     Double:   7.7 is greater than -7.7
//     Char:     A is equal to A
//     String:   abc is equal to abc
//     DateTime: 12/1/2003 5:37:46 PM is equal to 12/1/2003 5:37:46 PM
//     TimeSpan: 11.22:33:44 is equal to 11.22:33:44
//     Version:  1.2.333.4 is less than 2.0
//     Guid:     ca761232-ed42-11ce-bacd-00aa0057b223 is equal to ca761232-ed42-11ce-bacd-00
//     aa0057b223
//     The following types are not CLS-compliant:
//     SByte:    8 is equal to 8
//     UInt16:   9 is equal to 9
//     UInt32:   10 is equal to 10
//     UInt64:   11 is equal to 11
// This example demonstrates the generic and non-generic versions of the
// CompareTo method for several base types.
// The non-generic version takes a parameter of type Object, while the generic
// version takes a type-specific parameter, such as Boolean, Int32, or Double.

using System;

class Sample
    public static void Main()
    string    nl = Environment.NewLine;
    string    msg = "{0}The following is the result of using the generic and non-generic{0}" +
                    "versions of the CompareTo method for several base types:{0}";

    DateTime  now = DateTime.Now;
// Time span = 11 days, 22 hours, 33 minutes, 44 seconds
    TimeSpan  tsX = new TimeSpan(11, 22, 33, 44);
// Version = 1.2.333.4
    Version   versX = new Version("1.2.333.4");
// Guid = CA761232-ED42-11CE-BACD-00AA0057B223
    Guid      guidX = new Guid("{CA761232-ED42-11CE-BACD-00AA0057B223}");

    Boolean  a1 = true,  a2 = true;
    Byte     b1 = 1,     b2 = 1;
    Int16    c1 = -2,    c2 = 2;
    Int32    d1 = 3,     d2 = 3;
    Int64    e1 = 4,     e2 = -4;
    Decimal  f1 = -5.5m, f2 = 5.5m;
    Single   g1 = 6.6f,  g2 = 6.6f;
    Double   h1 = 7.7d,  h2 = -7.7d;
    Char     i1 = 'A',   i2 = 'A';
    String   j1 = "abc", j2 = "abc";
    DateTime k1 = now,   k2 = now;
    TimeSpan l1 = tsX,   l2 = tsX;
    Version  m1 = versX, m2 = new Version("2.0");
    Guid     n1 = guidX, n2 = guidX;

// The following types are not CLS-compliant.
    SByte    w1 = 8,     w2 = 8;
    UInt16   x1 = 9,     x2 = 9;
    UInt32   y1 = 10,    y2 = 10;
    UInt64   z1 = 11,    z2 = 11;
    Console.WriteLine(msg, nl);
// The second and third Show method call parameters are automatically boxed because
// the second and third Show method declaration arguments expect type Object.

        Show("Boolean:  ", a1, a2, a1.CompareTo(a2), a1.CompareTo((Object)a2));
        Show("Byte:     ", b1, b2, b1.CompareTo(b2), b1.CompareTo((Object)b2));
        Show("Int16:    ", c1, c2, c1.CompareTo(c2), c1.CompareTo((Object)c2));
        Show("Int32:    ", d1, d2, d1.CompareTo(d2), d1.CompareTo((Object)d2));
        Show("Int64:    ", e1, e2, e1.CompareTo(e2), e1.CompareTo((Object)e2));
        Show("Decimal:  ", f1, f2, f1.CompareTo(f2), f1.CompareTo((Object)f2));
        Show("Single:   ", g1, g2, g1.CompareTo(g2), g1.CompareTo((Object)g2));
        Show("Double:   ", h1, h2, h1.CompareTo(h2), h1.CompareTo((Object)h2));
        Show("Char:     ", i1, i2, i1.CompareTo(i2), i1.CompareTo((Object)i2));
        Show("String:   ", j1, j2, j1.CompareTo(j2), j1.CompareTo((Object)j2));
        Show("DateTime: ", k1, k2, k1.CompareTo(k2), k1.CompareTo((Object)k2));
        Show("TimeSpan: ", l1, l2, l1.CompareTo(l2), l1.CompareTo((Object)l2));
        Show("Version:  ", m1, m2, m1.CompareTo(m2), m1.CompareTo((Object)m2));
        Show("Guid:     ", n1, n2, n1.CompareTo(n2), n1.CompareTo((Object)n2));
        Console.WriteLine("{0}The following types are not CLS-compliant:", nl);
        Show("SByte:    ", w1, w2, w1.CompareTo(w2), w1.CompareTo((Object)w2));
        Show("UInt16:   ", x1, x2, x1.CompareTo(x2), x1.CompareTo((Object)x2));
        Show("UInt32:   ", y1, y2, y1.CompareTo(y2), y1.CompareTo((Object)y2));
        Show("UInt64:   ", z1, z2, z1.CompareTo(z2), z1.CompareTo((Object)z2));
    catch (Exception e)

    public static void Show(string caption, Object var1, Object var2,
                            int resultGeneric, int resultNonGeneric)
    string relation;

    if (resultGeneric == resultNonGeneric)
        if      (resultGeneric < 0) relation = "less than";
        else if (resultGeneric > 0) relation = "greater than";
        else                        relation = "equal to";
        Console.WriteLine("{0} is {1} {2}", var1, relation, var2);

// The following condition will never occur because the generic and non-generic
// CompareTo methods are equivalent.

        Console.WriteLine("Generic CompareTo = {0}; non-generic CompareTo = {1}",
                           resultGeneric, resultNonGeneric);
This example produces the following results:

The following is the result of using the generic and non-generic versions of the
CompareTo method for several base types:

Boolean:  True is equal to True
Byte:     1 is equal to 1
Int16:    -2 is less than 2
Int32:    3 is equal to 3
Int64:    4 is greater than -4
Decimal:  -5.5 is less than 5.5
Single:   6.6 is equal to 6.6
Double:   7.7 is greater than -7.7
Char:     A is equal to A
String:   abc is equal to abc
DateTime: 12/1/2003 5:37:46 PM is equal to 12/1/2003 5:37:46 PM
TimeSpan: 11.22:33:44 is equal to 11.22:33:44
Version:  1.2.333.4 is less than 2.0
Guid:     ca761232-ed42-11ce-bacd-00aa0057b223 is equal to ca761232-ed42-11ce-bacd-00

The following types are not CLS-compliant:
SByte:    8 is equal to 8
UInt16:   9 is equal to 9
UInt32:   10 is equal to 10
UInt64:   11 is equal to 11
' This example demonstrates the generic and non-generic versions of the 
' CompareTo method for several base types.
' The non-generic version takes a parameter of type Object, while the generic
' version takes a type-specific parameter, such as Boolean, Int32, or Double.

Class Sample
   Public Shared Sub Main()
      Dim nl As String = Environment.NewLine
      Dim msg As String = _
          "{0}The following is the result of using the generic and non-generic{0}" & _
          "versions of the CompareTo method for several base types:{0}"
      Dim now As DateTime = DateTime.Now
      ' Time span = 11 days, 22 hours, 33 minutes, 44 seconds
      Dim tsX As New TimeSpan(11, 22, 33, 44)
      ' Version = 1.2.333.4
      Dim versX As New Version("1.2.333.4")
      ' Guid = CA761232-ED42-11CE-BACD-00AA0057B223
      Dim guidX As New Guid("{CA761232-ED42-11CE-BACD-00AA0057B223}")
      Dim a1 As [Boolean] = True,    a2 As [Boolean] = True
      Dim b1 As [Byte] = 1,          b2 As [Byte] = 1
      Dim c1 As Int16 = -2,          c2 As Int16 = 2
      Dim d1 As Int32 = 3,           d2 As Int32 = 3
      Dim e1 As Int64 = 4,           e2 As Int64 = -4
      Dim f1 As [Decimal] = -5.5D,   f2 As [Decimal] = 5.5D
      Dim g1 As [Single] = 6.6F,     g2 As [Single] = 6.6F
      Dim h1 As [Double] = 7.7,      h2 As [Double] = -7.7
      Dim i1 As [Char] = "A"c,       i2 As [Char] = "A"c
      Dim j1 As String = "abc",      j2 As String = "abc"
      Dim k1 As DateTime = now,      k2 As DateTime = now
      Dim l1 As TimeSpan = tsX,      l2 As TimeSpan = tsX
      Dim m1 As Version = versX,     m2 As New Version("2.0")
      Dim n1 As Guid = guidX,        n2 As Guid = guidX
      ' The following types are not CLS-compliant.
      ' SByte, UInt16, UInt32, UInt64

      Console.WriteLine(msg, nl)
         ' The second and third Show method call parameters are automatically boxed because
         ' the second and third Show method declaration arguments expect type Object.

         Show("Boolean:  ", a1, a2, a1.CompareTo(a2), a1.CompareTo(CObj(a2)))
         Show("Byte:     ", b1, b2, b1.CompareTo(b2), b1.CompareTo(CObj(b2)))
         Show("Int16:    ", c1, c2, c1.CompareTo(c2), c1.CompareTo(CObj(c2)))
         Show("Int32:    ", d1, d2, d1.CompareTo(d2), d1.CompareTo(CObj(d2)))
         Show("Int64:    ", e1, e2, e1.CompareTo(e2), e1.CompareTo(CObj(e2)))
         Show("Decimal:  ", f1, f2, f1.CompareTo(f2), f1.CompareTo(CObj(f2)))
         Show("Single:   ", g1, g2, g1.CompareTo(g2), g1.CompareTo(CObj(g2)))
         Show("Double:   ", h1, h2, h1.CompareTo(h2), h1.CompareTo(CObj(h2)))
         Show("Char:     ", i1, i2, i1.CompareTo(i2), i1.CompareTo(CObj(i2)))
         Show("String:   ", j1, j2, j1.CompareTo(j2), j1.CompareTo(CObj(j2)))
         Show("DateTime: ", k1, k2, k1.CompareTo(k2), k1.CompareTo(CObj(k2)))
         Show("TimeSpan: ", l1, l2, l1.CompareTo(l2), l1.CompareTo(CObj(l2)))
         Show("Version:  ", m1, m2, m1.CompareTo(m2), m1.CompareTo(CObj(m2)))
         Show("Guid:     ", n1, n2, n1.CompareTo(n2), n1.CompareTo(CObj(n2)))
         Console.WriteLine("{0}The following types are not CLS-compliant:", nl)
         Console.WriteLine("SByte, UInt16, UInt32, UInt64")

      Catch e As Exception
      End Try
   End Sub
   Public Shared Sub Show(caption As String, var1 As [Object], var2 As [Object], _
                          resultGeneric As Integer, resultNonGeneric As Integer)
      Dim relation As String
      If resultGeneric = resultNonGeneric Then
         If resultGeneric < 0 Then
            relation = "less than"
         ElseIf resultGeneric > 0 Then
            relation = "greater than"
            relation = "equal to"
         End If
         Console.WriteLine("{0} is {1} {2}", var1, relation, var2)
      ' The following condition will never occur because the generic and non-generic
      ' CompareTo methods are equivalent.

         Console.WriteLine("Generic CompareTo = {0}; non-generic CompareTo = {1}", _
                            resultGeneric, resultNonGeneric)
      End If
   End Sub
End Class
'This example produces the following results:
'The following is the result of using the generic and non-generic versions of the
'CompareTo method for several base types:
'Boolean:  True is equal to True
'Byte:     1 is equal to 1
'Int16:    -2 is less than 2
'Int32:    3 is equal to 3
'Int64:    4 is greater than -4
'Decimal:  -5.5 is less than 5.5
'Single:   6.6 is equal to 6.6
'Double:   7.7 is greater than -7.7
'Char:     A is equal to A
'String:   abc is equal to abc
'DateTime: 12/1/2003 5:37:46 PM is equal to 12/1/2003 5:37:46 PM
'TimeSpan: 11.22:33:44 is equal to 11.22:33:44
'Version:  1.2.333.4 is less than 2.0
'Guid:     ca761232-ed42-11ce-bacd-00aa0057b223 is equal to ca761232-ed42-11ce-bacd-00
'The following types are not CLS-compliant:
'SByte, UInt16, UInt32, UInt64


Este método implementa la interfaz y funciona ligeramente mejor que el método porque no tiene que convertir el System.IComparable<T> parámetro en un objeto Int64.CompareTo value .

Dependiendo del lenguaje de programación, podría ser posible codificar un método en el que el tipo de parámetro tenga menos bits (es más estrecho) que el CompareTo tipo de instancia. Esto es posible porque algunos lenguajes de programación realizan una conversión de ampliación implícita que representa el parámetro como un tipo con tantos bits como la instancia de .

Por ejemplo, suponga que el tipo de instancia es Int32 y el tipo de parámetro es Byte . El compilador de Microsoft C# genera instrucciones para representar el valor del parámetro como un objeto y, a continuación, genera un método que compara los valores de la instancia y la representación Int32 Int32.CompareTo del Int32 Int32 parámetro.

Consulte la documentación del lenguaje de programación para determinar si su compilador realiza conversiones de ampliación implícitas en tipos numéricos.

Consulte también

Se aplica a


Compara esta instancia con un objeto especificado y devuelve una indicación de los valores relativos.

 virtual int CompareTo(System::Object ^ value);
public int CompareTo (object? value);
public int CompareTo (object value);
abstract member CompareTo : obj -> int
override this.CompareTo : obj -> int
Public Function CompareTo (value As Object) As Integer



Objeto que se va a comparar o null.



Número con signo que indica los valores relativos de esta instancia y value.

Valor devuelto Descripción
Menor que cero Esta instancia es menor que value.
Cero Esta instancia es igual a value.
Mayor que cero Esta instancia es mayor que value o bien value es null.



value no es Int64.


, Int64 independientemente de su valor, se considera mayor que una referencia nula.

El value parámetro debe ser o una instancia de ; de lo null Int64 contrario, se produce una excepción.

Consulte también

Se aplica a