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Nullable<T>.GetValueOrDefault Método


Recupera el valor del objeto Nullable<T> actual o un valor predeterminado.



Recupera el valor del objeto Nullable<T> actual o el valor predeterminado del tipo subyacente.


Recupera el valor del objeto Nullable<T> actual o el valor predeterminado especificado.


En el ejemplo de código siguiente se recupera el valor de un Nullable<T> objeto si se define ese valor; de lo contrario, recupera el valor predeterminado o un valor predeterminado específico.

// This code example demonstrates the
// Nullable<T>.GetValueOrDefault methods.

using System;

class Sample
    public static void Main()
    float? mySingle = 12.34f;
    float? yourSingle = -1.0f;

   Console.WriteLine("*** Display a value or the default value ***\n");
// Display the values of mySingle and yourSingle.

    Display("A1", mySingle, yourSingle);

// Assign the value of mySingle to yourSingle, then display the values
// of mySingle and yourSingle. The yourSingle variable is assigned the
// value 12.34 because mySingle has a value.

    yourSingle = mySingle.GetValueOrDefault();
    Display("A2", mySingle, yourSingle);

// Assign null (Nothing in Visual Basic) to mySingle, which means no value is
// defined for mySingle. Then assign the value of mySingle to yourSingle and
// display the values of both variables. The default value of all binary zeroes
// is assigned to yourSingle because mySingle has no value.

    mySingle = null;
    yourSingle = mySingle.GetValueOrDefault();
    Display("A3", mySingle, yourSingle);

// Reassign the original values of mySingle and yourSingle.
    mySingle = 12.34f;
    yourSingle = -1.0f;

    Console.Write("\n*** Display a value or the ");
    Console.WriteLine("specified default value ***\n");

// Display the values of mySingle and yourSingle.
    Display("B1", mySingle, yourSingle);

// Assign the value of mySingle to yourSingle, then display the values
// of mySingle and yourSingle. The yourSingle variable is assigned the
// value 12.34 because mySingle has a value.

    yourSingle = mySingle.GetValueOrDefault(-222.22f);
    Display("B2", mySingle, yourSingle);

// Assign null (Nothing in Visual Basic) to mySingle, which means no value is
// defined for mySingle. Then assign the value of mySingle to yourSingle and
// display the values of both variables. The specified default value of -333.33
// is assigned to yourSingle because mySingle has no value.

    mySingle = null;
    yourSingle = mySingle.GetValueOrDefault(-333.33f);
    Display("B3", mySingle, yourSingle);

// Display the values of two nullable of System.Single structures.
// The Console.WriteLine method automatically calls the ToString methods of
// each input argument to display its values. If no value is defined for a
// nullable type, the ToString method for that argument returns the empty
// string ("").
    public static void Display(string title, float? dspMySingle, float? dspYourSingle)
    Console.WriteLine("{0}) mySingle = [{1}], yourSingle = [{2}]",
                      title, dspMySingle, dspYourSingle);

This code example produces the following results:

A1) mySingle = [12.34], yourSingle = [-1]
A2) mySingle = [12.34], yourSingle = [12.34]
A3) mySingle = [], yourSingle = [0]

*** Display a value or the specified default value ***

B1) mySingle = [12.34], yourSingle = [-1]
B2) mySingle = [12.34], yourSingle = [12.34]
B3) mySingle = [], yourSingle = [-333.33]

// This code example demonstrates the
// Nullable<T>.GetValueOrDefault methods.
open System

// Display the values of two nullable of System.Single structures.
// The printfn string interpolation automatically calls the ToString methods of
// each input argument to display its values. If no value is defined for a
// nullable type, the ToString method for that argument returns the empty
// string ("").
let display title dspMySingle dspYourSingle =
    printfn $"{title}) mySingle = [{dspMySingle}], yourSingle = [{dspYourSingle}]"

let mySingle = Nullable 12.34f
let yourSingle = Nullable -1f

let main _ =
    printfn "*** Display a value or the default value ***\n"
    // Display the values of mySingle and yourSingle.

    display "A1" mySingle yourSingle

    // Shadow the value of mySingle to yourSingle, then display the values
    // of mySingle and yourSingle. The yourSingle variable is assigned the
    // value 12.34 because mySingle has a value.

    let yourSingle = mySingle.GetValueOrDefault()
    display "A2" mySingle yourSingle

    // Shadow null (Nothing in Visual Basic) to mySingle, which means no value is
    // defined for mySingle. Then assign the value of mySingle to yourSingle and
    // display the values of both variables. The default value of all binary zeroes
    // is assigned to yourSingle because mySingle has no value.

    let mySingle = Nullable()
    let yourSingle = mySingle.GetValueOrDefault()
    display "A3" mySingle yourSingle

    // Shadow the original values of mySingle and yourSingle.
    let mySingle = Nullable 12.34f
    let yourSingle = Nullable -1.0f

    printf "\n*** Display a value or the "
    printfn "specified default value ***\n"

    // Display the values of mySingle and yourSingle.
    display "B1" mySingle yourSingle

    // Shadow the value of mySingle to yourSingle, then display the values
    // of mySingle and yourSingle. The yourSingle variable is assigned the
    // value 12.34 because mySingle has a value.

    let yourSingle = mySingle.GetValueOrDefault -222.22f
    display "B2" mySingle yourSingle

    // Shadow null (Nothing in Visual Basic) to mySingle, which means no value is
    // defined for mySingle. Then shadow the value of mySingle to yourSingle and
    // display the values of both variables. The specified default value of -333.33
    // is assigned to yourSingle because mySingle has no value.

    let mySingle = Nullable()
    let yourSingle = mySingle.GetValueOrDefault -333.33f
    display "B3" mySingle yourSingle

// This code example produces the following results:
//     A1) mySingle = [12.34], yourSingle = [-1]
//     A2) mySingle = [12.34], yourSingle = [12.34]
//     A3) mySingle = [], yourSingle = [0]
//     *** Display a value or the specified default value ***
//     B1) mySingle = [12.34], yourSingle = [-1]
//     B2) mySingle = [12.34], yourSingle = [12.34]
//     B3) mySingle = [], yourSingle = [-333.33]
' This code example demonstrates the 
' Nullable(Of T).GetValueOrDefault methods.

Class Sample
    Public Shared Sub Main() 
        Dim mySingle As Nullable(Of System.Single) = 12.34F 
        Dim yourSingle As Nullable(Of System.Single) = - 1.0F 
        Console.WriteLine("*** Display a value or the default value ***" & vbCrLf)
    ' Display the values of mySingle and yourSingle.
        Display("A1", mySingle, yourSingle)
    ' Assign the value of mySingle to yourSingle, then display the values 
    ' of mySingle and yourSingle. The yourSingle variable is assigned the 
    ' value 12.34 because mySingle has a value.
        yourSingle = mySingle.GetValueOrDefault()
        Display("A2", mySingle, yourSingle)
    ' Assign null (Nothing in Visual Basic) to mySingle, which means no value is
    ' defined for mySingle. Then assign the value of mySingle to yourSingle and
    ' display the values of both variables. The default value of all binary zeroes 
    ' is assigned to yourSingle because mySingle has no value.
        mySingle = Nothing
        yourSingle = mySingle.GetValueOrDefault()
        Display("A3", mySingle, yourSingle)
    ' Reassign the original values of mySingle and yourSingle.
        mySingle = 12.34F
        yourSingle = - 1.0F
        Console.Write(vbCrLf & "*** Display a value or the ")
        Console.WriteLine("specified default value ***" & vbCrLf)
    ' Display the values of mySingle and yourSingle.
        Display("B1", mySingle, yourSingle)
    ' Assign the value of mySingle to yourSingle, then display the values 
    ' of mySingle and yourSingle. The yourSingle variable is assigned the 
    ' value 12.34 because mySingle has a value.
        yourSingle = mySingle.GetValueOrDefault(- 222.22F)
        Display("B2", mySingle, yourSingle)
    ' Assign null (Nothing in Visual Basic) to mySingle, which means no value is
    ' defined for mySingle. Then assign the value of mySingle to yourSingle and
    ' display the values of both variables. The specified default value of -333.33
    ' is assigned to yourSingle because mySingle has no value.
        mySingle = Nothing
        yourSingle = mySingle.GetValueOrDefault(- 333.33F)
        Display("B3", mySingle, yourSingle)
    End Sub
    ' Display the values of two nullable of System.Single structures.
    ' The Console.WriteLine method automatically calls the ToString methods of 
    ' each input argument to display its values. If no value is defined for a
    ' nullable type, the ToString method for that argument returns the empty
    ' string ("").

    Public Shared Sub Display(ByVal title As String, _
                              ByVal dspMySingle As Nullable(Of System.Single), _
                              ByVal dspYourSingle As Nullable(Of System.Single))
        If (True) Then
            Console.WriteLine("{0}) mySingle = [{1}], yourSingle = [{2}]", _
                               title, dspMySingle, dspYourSingle)
        End If
    End Sub
End Class

'This code example produces the following results:
'A1) mySingle = [12.34], yourSingle = [-1]
'A2) mySingle = [12.34], yourSingle = [12.34]
'A3) mySingle = [], yourSingle = [0]
'*** Display a value or the specified default value ***
'B1) mySingle = [12.34], yourSingle = [-1]
'B2) mySingle = [12.34], yourSingle = [12.34]
'B3) mySingle = [], yourSingle = [-333.33]



Recupera el valor del objeto Nullable<T> actual o el valor predeterminado del tipo subyacente.

 T GetValueOrDefault();
public T GetValueOrDefault ();
public readonly T GetValueOrDefault ();
member this.GetValueOrDefault : unit -> 'T
Public Function GetValueOrDefault () As T



Valor de la Value propiedad si la HasValue propiedad es true; de lo contrario, el valor predeterminado del tipo subyacente.


El GetValueOrDefault método devuelve un valor incluso si la HasValue propiedad es false (a diferencia de la Value propiedad , que produce una excepción). Si la HasValue propiedad es false, el método devuelve el valor predeterminado del tipo subyacente.

Consulte también

Se aplica a



Recupera el valor del objeto Nullable<T> actual o el valor predeterminado especificado.

 T GetValueOrDefault(T defaultValue);
public T GetValueOrDefault (T defaultValue);
public readonly T GetValueOrDefault (T defaultValue);
member this.GetValueOrDefault : 'T -> 'T
Public Function GetValueOrDefault (defaultValue As T) As T



Valor que se devuelve si la propiedad HasValue es false.



Valor de la propiedad Value si la propiedad HasValue es true; de lo contrario, el parámetro defaultValue.


El GetValueOrDefault método devuelve un valor incluso si la HasValue propiedad es false (a diferencia de la Value propiedad , que produce una excepción).

Consulte también

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