Comparteix a través de

ParameterInfo.Attributes Propiedad


Obtiene los atributos de este parámetro.

 virtual property System::Reflection::ParameterAttributes Attributes { System::Reflection::ParameterAttributes get(); };
public virtual System.Reflection.ParameterAttributes Attributes { get; }
member this.Attributes : System.Reflection.ParameterAttributes
Public Overridable ReadOnly Property Attributes As ParameterAttributes

Valor de propiedad

Objeto ParameterAttributes que representa los atributos de este parámetro.


En el ejemplo siguiente se define un método con tres parámetros. Usa la Attributes propiedad para obtener los atributos del segundo parámetro y mostrarlos en la consola.

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Reflection;
using namespace System::Runtime::InteropServices;
public ref class MyClass1
   int MyMethod( int i, [Out]short * j, long * k )
       *j = 2;
      return 0;


void main()
   // Get the type. 
   Type^ myType = MyClass1::typeid;

   // Get the method named 'MyMethod' from the type.
   MethodBase^ myMethodBase = myType->GetMethod( "MyMethod" );

   // Get the parameters associated with the method.
   array<ParameterInfo^>^myParameters = myMethodBase->GetParameters();
   Console::WriteLine( "\nThe method {0} has the {1} parameters :", "ParameterInfo_Example::MyMethod", myParameters->Length );

   // Print the attributes associated with each of the parameters.
   for ( int i = 0; i < myParameters->Length; i++ )
      Console::WriteLine( "\tThe {0} parameter has the attribute : {1}", i + 1, myParameters[ i ]->Attributes );
using System;
using System.Reflection;
public class MyClass1
   public int MyMethod( int i, out short j, ref long k)
      j = 2;
      return 0;

public class ParameterInfo_Attributes
   public static void Main()
      // Get the type.
      Type myType = typeof(MyClass1);
      // Get the method named 'MyMethod' from the type.
      MethodBase myMethodBase = myType.GetMethod("MyMethod");
      // Get the parameters associated with the method.
      ParameterInfo[] myParameters = myMethodBase.GetParameters();
      Console.WriteLine("\nThe method {0} has the {1} parameters :",
                          "ParameterInfo_Example.MyMethod", myParameters.Length);
      // Print the attributes associated with each of the parameters.
      for(int i = 0; i < myParameters.Length; i++)
         Console.WriteLine("\tThe {0} parameter has the attribute : {1}",
                                             i + 1, myParameters[i].Attributes);
Imports System.Reflection

Public Class MyClass1
   Public Function MyMethod(i As Integer, ByRef j As Short, ByRef k As Long) As Integer
      j = 2
      Return 0
   End Function 'MyMethod
End Class

Public Class ParameterInfo_Attributes
   Public Shared Sub Main()
      ' Get the type. 
      Dim myType As Type = GetType(MyClass1)
      ' Get the method named 'MyMethod' from the type.
      Dim myMethodBase As MethodBase = myType.GetMethod("MyMethod")
      ' Get the parameters associated with the method.
      Dim myParameters As ParameterInfo() = myMethodBase.GetParameters()
      Console.WriteLine(ControlChars.Cr + "The method {0} has the {1} parameters :", "ParameterInfo_Example.MyMethod", myParameters.Length)
      ' Print the attributes associated with each of the parameters.
      Dim i As Integer
      For i = 0 To myParameters.Length - 1
         Console.WriteLine(ControlChars.Tab + "The {0} parameter has the attribute : {1}", i + 1, myParameters(i).Attributes)
      Next i
   End Sub
End Class


Este método utiliza el AttrsImpl método .

Para obtener la ParameterInfo matriz, primero obtenga el método o el constructor y, a continuación, llame a MethodBase.GetParameters.

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