Comparteix a través de

TypeFilter Delegado


Filtra las clases representadas en una matriz de objetos Type.

public delegate bool TypeFilter(Type ^ m, System::Object ^ filterCriteria);
public delegate bool TypeFilter(Type m, object? filterCriteria);
public delegate bool TypeFilter(Type m, object filterCriteria);
public delegate bool TypeFilter(Type m, object filterCriteria);
public delegate bool TypeFilter(Type m, object filterCriteria);
type TypeFilter = delegate of Type * obj -> bool
type TypeFilter = delegate of Type * obj -> bool
type TypeFilter = delegate of Type * obj -> bool
Public Delegate Function TypeFilter(m As Type, filterCriteria As Object) As Boolean 



Objeto Type al que se aplica el filtro.


Objeto arbitrario que se utiliza para filtrar la lista.

Valor devuelto

true para incluir Type en la lista filtrada; de lo contrario, false.



En este ejemplo se muestra cómo definir un método que coincida con el TypeFilter prototipo de delegado, lo que le permite usar la reflexión para filtrar o devolver un subconjunto de entradas coincidentes.

Imports System.Reflection

' This interface is defined in this assembly.
Public Interface IBookRetailer
    Sub Purchase()
    Sub ApplyDiscount()
End Interface

' This interface is also defined in this assembly.
Public Interface IMusicRetailer
    Sub Purchase()
End Interface

' This class implements three interfaces;
'    Two are defined in this assembly.
'    One is defined in another assembly.
Public Class MyRetailer
    Implements IBookRetailer, IMusicRetailer, IComparable

    ' For demonstration purposes, this method returns nothing.
    Public Function CompareTo(ByVal obj As Object) As Integer Implements System.IComparable.CompareTo
        Return Nothing
    End Function

    ' For demonstration purposes only, this method does nothing.
    Public Sub ApplyDiscount() Implements IBookRetailer.ApplyDiscount
    End Sub

    ' For demonstration purposes only, this method does nothing.
    Public Sub Purchase() Implements IBookRetailer.Purchase
    End Sub

    ' For demonstration purposes only, this method does nothing.
    Public Sub Purchase1() Implements IMusicRetailer.Purchase
    End Sub
End Class

Module Module1
    Sub Main()
        ' Find the interfaces defined by the MyRetailer class. Each interface found is passed to
        ' the TypeFilter method which checks if the interface is defined in the executing assembly.
        Dim retailerType As Type = GetType(MyRetailer)
        Dim interfaces() As Type = _
            retailerType.FindInterfaces(AddressOf TypeFilter, retailerType.Assembly.GetName().ToString())

        ' Show the interfaces that are defined in this assembly that are also implemented by MyRetailer.
        Console.WriteLine("MyRetailer implements the following interfaces (defined in this assembly):")
        For Each t In interfaces
            Console.WriteLine("   {0}", t.Name)
    End Sub

    ' This method is called by the FindInterfaces method. 
    ' This method is called once per defined interface.
    Function TypeFilter(ByVal t As Type, ByVal filterCriteria As Object) As Boolean
        ' Return true if interface is defined in the same 
        ' assembly identified by the filterCriteria object.
        Return t.Assembly.GetName().ToString() = CType(filterCriteria, String)
    End Function
End Module
' The example displays the following output:
'    MyRetailer implements the following interfaces (defined in this assembly):
'      IBookRetailer
'      IMusicRetailer


El TypeFilter delegado se usa para filtrar una lista de clases. En concreto, se usa para filtrar las clases representadas en una matriz de Type objetos. El Type.FindInterfaces método usa este delegado para filtrar la lista de interfaces que devuelve. Cada clase derivada de Delegate y MulticastDelegate tiene un constructor y un DynamicInvoke método . Vea el ejemplo de código de Visual C++ que se muestra en la descripción de Delegate.

Métodos de extensión


Obtiene un objeto que representa el método representado por el delegado especificado.

Se aplica a

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