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CspKeyContainerInfo Clase


Proporciona información adicional sobre un par de claves criptográficas. Esta clase no puede heredarse.

public ref class CspKeyContainerInfo sealed
public sealed class CspKeyContainerInfo
public sealed class CspKeyContainerInfo
public sealed class CspKeyContainerInfo
type CspKeyContainerInfo = class
type CspKeyContainerInfo = class
type CspKeyContainerInfo = class
Public NotInheritable Class CspKeyContainerInfo


En el ejemplo de código siguiente se crea un contenedor de claves y se recupera información sobre ese contenedor.

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Security::Cryptography;
using namespace System::Text;
int main()
   RSACryptoServiceProvider^ rsa = gcnew RSACryptoServiceProvider;
      // Note: In cases where a random key is generated,   
      // a key container is not created until you call  
      // a method that uses the key.  This example calls
      // the Encrypt method before calling the
      // CspKeyContainerInfo property so that a key
      // container is created.  
      // Create some data to encrypt and display it.
      String^ data = L"Here is some data to encrypt.";
      Console::WriteLine( L"Data to encrypt: {0}", data );
      // Convert the data to an array of bytes and 
      // encrypt it.
      array<Byte>^byteData = Encoding::ASCII->GetBytes( data );
      array<Byte>^encData = rsa->Encrypt( byteData, false );
      // Display the encrypted value.
      Console::WriteLine( L"Encrypted Data: {0}", Encoding::ASCII->GetString( encData ) );
      Console::WriteLine( L"CspKeyContainerInfo information:" );
      // Create a new CspKeyContainerInfo object.
      CspKeyContainerInfo^ keyInfo = rsa->CspKeyContainerInfo;
      // Display the value of each property.
      Console::WriteLine( L"Accessible property: {0}", keyInfo->Accessible );
      Console::WriteLine( L"Exportable property: {0}", keyInfo->Exportable );
      Console::WriteLine( L"HardwareDevice property: {0}", keyInfo->HardwareDevice );
      Console::WriteLine( L"KeyContainerName property: {0}", keyInfo->KeyContainerName );
      Console::WriteLine( L"KeyNumber property: {0}", keyInfo->KeyNumber );
      Console::WriteLine( L"MachineKeyStore property: {0}", keyInfo->MachineKeyStore );
      Console::WriteLine( L"Protected property: {0}", keyInfo->Protected );
      Console::WriteLine( L"ProviderName property: {0}", keyInfo->ProviderName );
      Console::WriteLine( L"ProviderType property: {0}", keyInfo->ProviderType );
      Console::WriteLine( L"RandomlyGenerated property: {0}", keyInfo->RandomlyGenerated );
      Console::WriteLine( L"Removable property: {0}", keyInfo->Removable );
      Console::WriteLine( L"UniqueKeyContainerName property: {0}", keyInfo->UniqueKeyContainerName );
   catch ( Exception^ e ) 
      Console::WriteLine( e );
      // Clear the key.

using System;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Text;

public class CspKeyContainerInfoExample

    public static void Main(String[] args)
        RSACryptoServiceProvider rsa = new RSACryptoServiceProvider();

            // Note: In cases where a random key is generated,
            // a key container is not created until you call
            // a method that uses the key.  This example calls
            // the Encrypt method before calling the
            // CspKeyContainerInfo property so that a key
            // container is created.

            // Create some data to encrypt and display it.
            string data = "Here is some data to encrypt.";

            Console.WriteLine("Data to encrypt: " + data);

            // Convert the data to an array of bytes and
            // encrypt it.
            byte[] byteData = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(data);

            byte[] encData = rsa.Encrypt(byteData, false);

            // Display the encrypted value.
            Console.WriteLine("Encrypted Data: " + Encoding.ASCII.GetString(encData));


            Console.WriteLine("CspKeyContainerInfo information:");


            // Create a new CspKeyContainerInfo object.
            CspKeyContainerInfo keyInfo = rsa.CspKeyContainerInfo;

            // Display the value of each property.

            Console.WriteLine("Accessible property: " + keyInfo.Accessible);

            Console.WriteLine("Exportable property: " + keyInfo.Exportable);

            Console.WriteLine("HardwareDevice property: " + keyInfo.HardwareDevice);

            Console.WriteLine("KeyContainerName property: " + keyInfo.KeyContainerName);

            Console.WriteLine("KeyNumber property: " + keyInfo.KeyNumber.ToString());

            Console.WriteLine("MachineKeyStore property: " + keyInfo.MachineKeyStore);

            Console.WriteLine("Protected property: " + keyInfo.Protected);

            Console.WriteLine("ProviderName property: " + keyInfo.ProviderName);

            Console.WriteLine("ProviderType property: " + keyInfo.ProviderType);

            Console.WriteLine("RandomlyGenerated property: " + keyInfo.RandomlyGenerated);

            Console.WriteLine("Removable property: " + keyInfo.Removable);

            Console.WriteLine("UniqueKeyContainerName property: " + keyInfo.UniqueKeyContainerName);
        catch (Exception e)
            // Clear the key.
Imports System.Security.Cryptography
Imports System.Text

Module CspKeyContainerInfoExample

    Sub Main(ByVal args() As String)
        Dim rsa As New RSACryptoServiceProvider()

            ' Note: In cases where a random key is generated,   
            ' a key container is not created until you call  
            ' a method that uses the key.  This example calls
            ' the Encrypt method before calling the
            ' CspKeyContainerInfo property so that a key
            ' container is created.  
            ' Create some data to encrypt and display it.
            Dim data As String = "Here is some data to encrypt."

            Console.WriteLine("Data to encrypt: " + data)

            ' Convert the data to an array of bytes and 
            ' encrypt it.
            Dim byteData As Byte() = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(data)

            Dim encData As Byte() = rsa.Encrypt(byteData, False)

            ' Display the encrypted value.
            Console.WriteLine("Encrypted Data: " + Encoding.ASCII.GetString(encData))


            Console.WriteLine("CspKeyContainerInfo information:")


            ' Create a new CspKeyContainerInfo object.
            Dim keyInfo As CspKeyContainerInfo = rsa.CspKeyContainerInfo

            ' Display the value of each property.
            Console.WriteLine("Accessible property: " + keyInfo.Accessible.ToString())

            Console.WriteLine("Exportable property: " + keyInfo.Exportable.ToString())

            Console.WriteLine("HardwareDevice property: " + keyInfo.HardwareDevice.ToString())

            Console.WriteLine("KeyContainerName property: " + keyInfo.KeyContainerName)

            Console.WriteLine("KeyNumber property: " + keyInfo.KeyNumber.ToString())

            Console.WriteLine("MachineKeyStore property: " + keyInfo.MachineKeyStore.ToString())

            Console.WriteLine("Protected property: " + keyInfo.Protected.ToString())

            Console.WriteLine("ProviderName property: " + keyInfo.ProviderName)

            Console.WriteLine("ProviderType property: " + keyInfo.ProviderType.ToString())

            Console.WriteLine("RandomlyGenerated property: " + keyInfo.RandomlyGenerated.ToString())

            Console.WriteLine("Removable property: " + keyInfo.Removable.ToString())

            Console.WriteLine("UniqueKeyContainerName property: " + keyInfo.UniqueKeyContainerName)

        Catch e As Exception
            ' Clear the key.
        End Try

    End Sub
End Module


Use esta clase para obtener información adicional sobre un par de claves, como el nombre del contenedor de claves o el número de clave.

En los casos en los que o genera una clave RSACryptoServiceProviderDSACryptoServiceProvideraleatoria, no se creará un contenedor de claves hasta que llame a un método que use la clave. Algunas propiedades de la CspKeyContainerInfo clase producirán un CryptographicException si no se ha creado un contenedor de claves.



Inicializa una instancia nueva de la clase CspKeyContainerInfo con los parámetros especificados.



Obtiene un valor que indica si una clave en un contenedor de claves es accesible.


Obtiene un objeto CryptoKeySecurity que representa derechos de acceso y reglas de auditoría para un contenedor.


Obtiene un valor que indica si una clave se puede exportar de un contenedor de claves.


Obtiene un valor que indica si es una clave de hardware.


Obtiene un nombre de contenedor de claves.


Obtiene un valor que describe si una clave asimétrica se crea como una clave de firma o una clave de intercambio.


Obtiene un valor que indica si una clave procede de un conjunto de claves de máquina.


Obtiene un valor que indica si un par de claves está protegido.


Obtiene el nombre del proveedor de una clave.


Obtiene el tipo de proveedor de una clave.


Obtiene un valor que indica si una clase criptográfica administrada generó de forma aleatoria un contenedor de claves.


Obtiene un valor que indica si una clave se puede quitar de un contenedor de claves.


Obtiene un nombre del contenedor de claves único.



Determina si el objeto especificado es igual que el objeto actual.

(Heredado de Object)

Sirve como la función hash predeterminada.

(Heredado de Object)

Obtiene el Type de la instancia actual.

(Heredado de Object)

Crea una copia superficial del Object actual.

(Heredado de Object)

Devuelve una cadena que representa el objeto actual.

(Heredado de Object)

Se aplica a