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Oid Constructores


Inicializa una nueva instancia de la clase Oid.



Inicializa una nueva instancia de la clase Oid.


Inicializa una nueva instancia de la clase Oid utilizando el objeto Oid especificado.


Inicializa una nueva instancia de la clase Oid utilizando un valor de cadena de un objeto Oid.

Oid(String, String)

Inicializa una nueva instancia de la clase Oid con el nombre descriptivo y el valor especificados.



Inicializa una nueva instancia de la clase Oid.

public Oid ();
Public Sub New ()


En el ejemplo de código siguiente se muestra cómo se utiliza la clase Oid.

#using <system.dll>

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Security::Cryptography;
int main()
   // Assign values to strings.
   String^ Value1 = "1.2.840.113549.1.1.1";
   String^ Name1 = "3DES";
   String^ Value2 = "";
   String^ InvalidName = "This name is not a valid name";
   String^ InvalidValue = "";
   // Create new Oid objects using the specified values.
   // Note that the corresponding Value or Friendly Name property is automatically added to the object.
   Oid ^ o1 = gcnew Oid( Value1 );
   Oid ^ o2 = gcnew Oid( Name1 );
   // Create a new Oid object using the specified Value and Friendly Name properties.
   // Note that the two are not compared to determine if the Value is associated 
   //  with the Friendly Name.
   Oid ^ o3 = gcnew Oid( Value2,InvalidName );
   //Create a new Oid object using the specified Value. Note that if the value
   //  is invalid or not known, no value is assigned to the Friendly Name property.
   Oid ^ o4 = gcnew Oid( InvalidValue );
   //Write out the property information of the Oid objects.
   Console::WriteLine( "Oid1: Automatically assigned Friendly Name: {0}, {1}", o1->FriendlyName, o1->Value );
   Console::WriteLine( "Oid2: Automatically assigned Value: {0}, {1}", o2->FriendlyName, o2->Value );
   Console::WriteLine( "Oid3: Name and Value not compared: {0}, {1}", o3->FriendlyName, o3->Value );
   Console::WriteLine( "Oid4: Invalid Value used: {0}, {1} {2}", o4->FriendlyName, o4->Value, Environment::NewLine );
   //Create an Oid collection and add several Oid objects.
   OidCollection ^ oc = gcnew OidCollection;
   oc->Add( o1 );
   oc->Add( o2 );
   oc->Add( o3 );
   Console::WriteLine( "Number of Oids in the collection: {0}", oc->Count );
   Console::WriteLine( "Is synchronized: {0} {1}", oc->IsSynchronized, Environment::NewLine );
   //Create an enumerator for moving through the collection.
   OidEnumerator ^ oe = oc->GetEnumerator();
   //You must execute a MoveNext() to get to the first item in the collection.
   // Write out Oids in the collection.
   Console::WriteLine( "First Oid in collection: {0},{1}", oe->Current->FriendlyName, oe->Current->Value );
   Console::WriteLine( "Second Oid in collection: {0},{1}", oe->Current->FriendlyName, oe->Current->Value );
   //Return index in the collection to the beginning.
using System;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
public class OidSample
    public static void Main()
        // Assign values to strings.
        string Value1 = "1.2.840.113549.1.1.1";
        string Name1 = "3DES";
        string Value2 = "";
        string InvalidName = "This name is not a valid name";
        string InvalidValue = "";

        // Create new Oid objects using the specified values.
        // Note that the corresponding Value or Friendly Name property is automatically added to the object.
        Oid o1 = new Oid(Value1);
        Oid o2 = new Oid(Name1);

        // Create a new Oid object using the specified Value and Friendly Name properties.
        // Note that the two are not compared to determine if the Value is associated
        //  with the Friendly Name.
        Oid o3 = new Oid(Value2, InvalidName);

        //Create a new Oid object using the specified Value. Note that if the value
        //  is invalid or not known, no value is assigned to the Friendly Name property.
        Oid o4 = new Oid(InvalidValue);

        //Write out the property information of the Oid objects.
        Console.WriteLine("Oid1: Automatically assigned Friendly Name: {0}, {1}", o1.FriendlyName, o1.Value);
        Console.WriteLine("Oid2: Automatically assigned Value: {0}, {1}", o2.FriendlyName, o2.Value);
        Console.WriteLine("Oid3: Name and Value not compared: {0}, {1}", o3.FriendlyName, o3.Value);
        Console.WriteLine("Oid4: Invalid Value used: {0}, {1} {2}", o4.FriendlyName, o4.Value, Environment.NewLine);

        //Create an Oid collection and add several Oid objects.
        OidCollection oc = new OidCollection();
        Console.WriteLine("Number of Oids in the collection: {0}", oc.Count);
        Console.WriteLine("Is synchronized: {0} {1}", oc.IsSynchronized, Environment.NewLine);

        //Create an enumerator for moving through the collection.
        OidEnumerator oe = oc.GetEnumerator();
        //You must execute a MoveNext() to get to the first item in the collection.
        // Write out Oids in the collection.
        Console.WriteLine("First Oid in collection: {0},{1}", oe.Current.FriendlyName,oe.Current.Value);
        Console.WriteLine("Second Oid in collection: {0},{1}", oe.Current.FriendlyName, oe.Current.Value);
        //Return index in the collection to the beginning.
Imports System.Security.Cryptography

Public Class OidSample
   Shared msg As String
   Public Shared Sub Main()
      ' Assign values to strings.
      Dim Value1 As String = "1.2.840.113549.1.1.1"
      Dim Name1 As String = "3DES"
      Dim Value2 As String = ""
      Dim InvalidName As String = "This name is not a valid name"
      Dim InvalidValue As String = ""
      ' Create new Oid objects using the specified values.
      ' Note that the corresponding Value or Friendly Name property is automatically added to the object.
      Dim o1 As New Oid(Value1)
      Dim o2 As New Oid(Name1)
      ' Create a new Oid object using the specified Value and Friendly Name properties.
      ' Note that the two are not compared to determine if the Value is associated 
      '  with the Friendly Name.
      Dim o3 As New Oid(Value2, InvalidName)
      'Create a new Oid object using the specified Value. Note that if the value
      '  is invalid or not known, no value is assigned to the Friendly Name property.
      Dim o4 As New Oid(InvalidValue)
      'Write out the property information of the Oid objects.
    msg = "Oid1: Automatically assigned Friendly Name: " & o1.FriendlyName & ", " & o1.Value
      'Console.WriteLine("Oid1: Automatically assigned Friendly Name: {0}, {1}", o1.FriendlyName, o1.Value)

      'Console.WriteLine("Oid2: Automatically assigned Value: {0}, {1}", o2.FriendlyName, o2.Value)
    msg = "Oid2: Automatically assigned Value: " & o2.FriendlyName & ", " & o2.Value

      'Console.WriteLine("Oid3: Name and Value not compared: {0}, {1}", o3.FriendlyName, o3.Value)
    msg = "Oid3: Name and Value not compared: " & o3.FriendlyName & ", " & o3.Value

     ' Console.WriteLine("Oid4: Invalid Value used: {0}, {1} {2}", o4.FriendlyName, o4.Value, Environment.NewLine)
    msg = "Oid4: Invalid Value used: " & o4.FriendlyName & ", " & o4.Value

      'Create an Oid collection and add several Oid objects.
      Dim oc As New OidCollection()
     ' Console.WriteLine("Number of Oids in the collection: {0}", oc.Count)
      ' Console.WriteLine("Is synchronized: {0} {1}", oc.IsSynchronized, Environment.NewLine)

    msg = "Number of Oids in the collection: " & oc.Count
    msg = "Is synchronized: " & oc.IsSynchronized

      'Create an enumerator for moving through the collection.
      Dim oe As OidEnumerator = oc.GetEnumerator()
      'You must execute a MoveNext() to get to the first item in the collection.
      ' Write out Oids in the collection.
      'Console.WriteLine("First Oid in collection: {0},{1}", oe.Current.FriendlyName, oe.Current.Value)
    msg = "First Oid in collection: " & oe.Current.FriendlyName & ", " & oe.Current.Value

     ' Console.WriteLine("Second Oid in collection: {0},{1}", oe.Current.FriendlyName, oe.Current.Value)
    msg = "Second Oid in collection: " & oe.Current.FriendlyName & ", " & oe.Current.Value

      'Return index in the collection to the beginning.
   End Sub
End Class


Este es el constructor sin parámetros.

Se aplica a



Inicializa una nueva instancia de la clase Oid utilizando el objeto Oid especificado.

 Oid(System::Security::Cryptography::Oid ^ oid);
public Oid (System.Security.Cryptography.Oid oid);
new System.Security.Cryptography.Oid : System.Security.Cryptography.Oid -> System.Security.Cryptography.Oid
Public Sub New (oid As Oid)



Información del identificador de objeto que se va a utilizar para crear el nuevo identificador de objeto.


oid es null.


En el ejemplo de código siguiente se muestra cómo se utiliza la clase Oid.

#using <system.dll>

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Security::Cryptography;
int main()
   // Assign values to strings.
   String^ Value1 = "1.2.840.113549.1.1.1";
   String^ Name1 = "3DES";
   String^ Value2 = "";
   String^ InvalidName = "This name is not a valid name";
   String^ InvalidValue = "";
   // Create new Oid objects using the specified values.
   // Note that the corresponding Value or Friendly Name property is automatically added to the object.
   Oid ^ o1 = gcnew Oid( Value1 );
   Oid ^ o2 = gcnew Oid( Name1 );
   // Create a new Oid object using the specified Value and Friendly Name properties.
   // Note that the two are not compared to determine if the Value is associated 
   //  with the Friendly Name.
   Oid ^ o3 = gcnew Oid( Value2,InvalidName );
   //Create a new Oid object using the specified Value. Note that if the value
   //  is invalid or not known, no value is assigned to the Friendly Name property.
   Oid ^ o4 = gcnew Oid( InvalidValue );
   //Write out the property information of the Oid objects.
   Console::WriteLine( "Oid1: Automatically assigned Friendly Name: {0}, {1}", o1->FriendlyName, o1->Value );
   Console::WriteLine( "Oid2: Automatically assigned Value: {0}, {1}", o2->FriendlyName, o2->Value );
   Console::WriteLine( "Oid3: Name and Value not compared: {0}, {1}", o3->FriendlyName, o3->Value );
   Console::WriteLine( "Oid4: Invalid Value used: {0}, {1} {2}", o4->FriendlyName, o4->Value, Environment::NewLine );
   //Create an Oid collection and add several Oid objects.
   OidCollection ^ oc = gcnew OidCollection;
   oc->Add( o1 );
   oc->Add( o2 );
   oc->Add( o3 );
   Console::WriteLine( "Number of Oids in the collection: {0}", oc->Count );
   Console::WriteLine( "Is synchronized: {0} {1}", oc->IsSynchronized, Environment::NewLine );
   //Create an enumerator for moving through the collection.
   OidEnumerator ^ oe = oc->GetEnumerator();
   //You must execute a MoveNext() to get to the first item in the collection.
   // Write out Oids in the collection.
   Console::WriteLine( "First Oid in collection: {0},{1}", oe->Current->FriendlyName, oe->Current->Value );
   Console::WriteLine( "Second Oid in collection: {0},{1}", oe->Current->FriendlyName, oe->Current->Value );
   //Return index in the collection to the beginning.
using System;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
public class OidSample
    public static void Main()
        // Assign values to strings.
        string Value1 = "1.2.840.113549.1.1.1";
        string Name1 = "3DES";
        string Value2 = "";
        string InvalidName = "This name is not a valid name";
        string InvalidValue = "";

        // Create new Oid objects using the specified values.
        // Note that the corresponding Value or Friendly Name property is automatically added to the object.
        Oid o1 = new Oid(Value1);
        Oid o2 = new Oid(Name1);

        // Create a new Oid object using the specified Value and Friendly Name properties.
        // Note that the two are not compared to determine if the Value is associated
        //  with the Friendly Name.
        Oid o3 = new Oid(Value2, InvalidName);

        //Create a new Oid object using the specified Value. Note that if the value
        //  is invalid or not known, no value is assigned to the Friendly Name property.
        Oid o4 = new Oid(InvalidValue);

        //Write out the property information of the Oid objects.
        Console.WriteLine("Oid1: Automatically assigned Friendly Name: {0}, {1}", o1.FriendlyName, o1.Value);
        Console.WriteLine("Oid2: Automatically assigned Value: {0}, {1}", o2.FriendlyName, o2.Value);
        Console.WriteLine("Oid3: Name and Value not compared: {0}, {1}", o3.FriendlyName, o3.Value);
        Console.WriteLine("Oid4: Invalid Value used: {0}, {1} {2}", o4.FriendlyName, o4.Value, Environment.NewLine);

        //Create an Oid collection and add several Oid objects.
        OidCollection oc = new OidCollection();
        Console.WriteLine("Number of Oids in the collection: {0}", oc.Count);
        Console.WriteLine("Is synchronized: {0} {1}", oc.IsSynchronized, Environment.NewLine);

        //Create an enumerator for moving through the collection.
        OidEnumerator oe = oc.GetEnumerator();
        //You must execute a MoveNext() to get to the first item in the collection.
        // Write out Oids in the collection.
        Console.WriteLine("First Oid in collection: {0},{1}", oe.Current.FriendlyName,oe.Current.Value);
        Console.WriteLine("Second Oid in collection: {0},{1}", oe.Current.FriendlyName, oe.Current.Value);
        //Return index in the collection to the beginning.
Imports System.Security.Cryptography

Public Class OidSample
   Shared msg As String
   Public Shared Sub Main()
      ' Assign values to strings.
      Dim Value1 As String = "1.2.840.113549.1.1.1"
      Dim Name1 As String = "3DES"
      Dim Value2 As String = ""
      Dim InvalidName As String = "This name is not a valid name"
      Dim InvalidValue As String = ""
      ' Create new Oid objects using the specified values.
      ' Note that the corresponding Value or Friendly Name property is automatically added to the object.
      Dim o1 As New Oid(Value1)
      Dim o2 As New Oid(Name1)
      ' Create a new Oid object using the specified Value and Friendly Name properties.
      ' Note that the two are not compared to determine if the Value is associated 
      '  with the Friendly Name.
      Dim o3 As New Oid(Value2, InvalidName)
      'Create a new Oid object using the specified Value. Note that if the value
      '  is invalid or not known, no value is assigned to the Friendly Name property.
      Dim o4 As New Oid(InvalidValue)
      'Write out the property information of the Oid objects.
    msg = "Oid1: Automatically assigned Friendly Name: " & o1.FriendlyName & ", " & o1.Value
      'Console.WriteLine("Oid1: Automatically assigned Friendly Name: {0}, {1}", o1.FriendlyName, o1.Value)

      'Console.WriteLine("Oid2: Automatically assigned Value: {0}, {1}", o2.FriendlyName, o2.Value)
    msg = "Oid2: Automatically assigned Value: " & o2.FriendlyName & ", " & o2.Value

      'Console.WriteLine("Oid3: Name and Value not compared: {0}, {1}", o3.FriendlyName, o3.Value)
    msg = "Oid3: Name and Value not compared: " & o3.FriendlyName & ", " & o3.Value

     ' Console.WriteLine("Oid4: Invalid Value used: {0}, {1} {2}", o4.FriendlyName, o4.Value, Environment.NewLine)
    msg = "Oid4: Invalid Value used: " & o4.FriendlyName & ", " & o4.Value

      'Create an Oid collection and add several Oid objects.
      Dim oc As New OidCollection()
     ' Console.WriteLine("Number of Oids in the collection: {0}", oc.Count)
      ' Console.WriteLine("Is synchronized: {0} {1}", oc.IsSynchronized, Environment.NewLine)

    msg = "Number of Oids in the collection: " & oc.Count
    msg = "Is synchronized: " & oc.IsSynchronized

      'Create an enumerator for moving through the collection.
      Dim oe As OidEnumerator = oc.GetEnumerator()
      'You must execute a MoveNext() to get to the first item in the collection.
      ' Write out Oids in the collection.
      'Console.WriteLine("First Oid in collection: {0},{1}", oe.Current.FriendlyName, oe.Current.Value)
    msg = "First Oid in collection: " & oe.Current.FriendlyName & ", " & oe.Current.Value

     ' Console.WriteLine("Second Oid in collection: {0},{1}", oe.Current.FriendlyName, oe.Current.Value)
    msg = "Second Oid in collection: " & oe.Current.FriendlyName & ", " & oe.Current.Value

      'Return index in the collection to the beginning.
   End Sub
End Class


Este constructor copia los valores de un objeto existente Oid en un nuevo objeto.

Se aplica a



Inicializa una nueva instancia de la clase Oid utilizando un valor de cadena de un objeto Oid.

 Oid(System::String ^ oid);
public Oid (string oid);
new System.Security.Cryptography.Oid : string -> System.Security.Cryptography.Oid
Public Sub New (oid As String)



Identificador de objeto.


En el ejemplo de código siguiente se muestra cómo se utiliza la clase Oid.

#using <system.dll>

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Security::Cryptography;
int main()
   // Assign values to strings.
   String^ Value1 = "1.2.840.113549.1.1.1";
   String^ Name1 = "3DES";
   String^ Value2 = "";
   String^ InvalidName = "This name is not a valid name";
   String^ InvalidValue = "";
   // Create new Oid objects using the specified values.
   // Note that the corresponding Value or Friendly Name property is automatically added to the object.
   Oid ^ o1 = gcnew Oid( Value1 );
   Oid ^ o2 = gcnew Oid( Name1 );
   // Create a new Oid object using the specified Value and Friendly Name properties.
   // Note that the two are not compared to determine if the Value is associated 
   //  with the Friendly Name.
   Oid ^ o3 = gcnew Oid( Value2,InvalidName );
   //Create a new Oid object using the specified Value. Note that if the value
   //  is invalid or not known, no value is assigned to the Friendly Name property.
   Oid ^ o4 = gcnew Oid( InvalidValue );
   //Write out the property information of the Oid objects.
   Console::WriteLine( "Oid1: Automatically assigned Friendly Name: {0}, {1}", o1->FriendlyName, o1->Value );
   Console::WriteLine( "Oid2: Automatically assigned Value: {0}, {1}", o2->FriendlyName, o2->Value );
   Console::WriteLine( "Oid3: Name and Value not compared: {0}, {1}", o3->FriendlyName, o3->Value );
   Console::WriteLine( "Oid4: Invalid Value used: {0}, {1} {2}", o4->FriendlyName, o4->Value, Environment::NewLine );
   //Create an Oid collection and add several Oid objects.
   OidCollection ^ oc = gcnew OidCollection;
   oc->Add( o1 );
   oc->Add( o2 );
   oc->Add( o3 );
   Console::WriteLine( "Number of Oids in the collection: {0}", oc->Count );
   Console::WriteLine( "Is synchronized: {0} {1}", oc->IsSynchronized, Environment::NewLine );
   //Create an enumerator for moving through the collection.
   OidEnumerator ^ oe = oc->GetEnumerator();
   //You must execute a MoveNext() to get to the first item in the collection.
   // Write out Oids in the collection.
   Console::WriteLine( "First Oid in collection: {0},{1}", oe->Current->FriendlyName, oe->Current->Value );
   Console::WriteLine( "Second Oid in collection: {0},{1}", oe->Current->FriendlyName, oe->Current->Value );
   //Return index in the collection to the beginning.
using System;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
public class OidSample
    public static void Main()
        // Assign values to strings.
        string Value1 = "1.2.840.113549.1.1.1";
        string Name1 = "3DES";
        string Value2 = "";
        string InvalidName = "This name is not a valid name";
        string InvalidValue = "";

        // Create new Oid objects using the specified values.
        // Note that the corresponding Value or Friendly Name property is automatically added to the object.
        Oid o1 = new Oid(Value1);
        Oid o2 = new Oid(Name1);

        // Create a new Oid object using the specified Value and Friendly Name properties.
        // Note that the two are not compared to determine if the Value is associated
        //  with the Friendly Name.
        Oid o3 = new Oid(Value2, InvalidName);

        //Create a new Oid object using the specified Value. Note that if the value
        //  is invalid or not known, no value is assigned to the Friendly Name property.
        Oid o4 = new Oid(InvalidValue);

        //Write out the property information of the Oid objects.
        Console.WriteLine("Oid1: Automatically assigned Friendly Name: {0}, {1}", o1.FriendlyName, o1.Value);
        Console.WriteLine("Oid2: Automatically assigned Value: {0}, {1}", o2.FriendlyName, o2.Value);
        Console.WriteLine("Oid3: Name and Value not compared: {0}, {1}", o3.FriendlyName, o3.Value);
        Console.WriteLine("Oid4: Invalid Value used: {0}, {1} {2}", o4.FriendlyName, o4.Value, Environment.NewLine);

        //Create an Oid collection and add several Oid objects.
        OidCollection oc = new OidCollection();
        Console.WriteLine("Number of Oids in the collection: {0}", oc.Count);
        Console.WriteLine("Is synchronized: {0} {1}", oc.IsSynchronized, Environment.NewLine);

        //Create an enumerator for moving through the collection.
        OidEnumerator oe = oc.GetEnumerator();
        //You must execute a MoveNext() to get to the first item in the collection.
        // Write out Oids in the collection.
        Console.WriteLine("First Oid in collection: {0},{1}", oe.Current.FriendlyName,oe.Current.Value);
        Console.WriteLine("Second Oid in collection: {0},{1}", oe.Current.FriendlyName, oe.Current.Value);
        //Return index in the collection to the beginning.
Imports System.Security.Cryptography

Public Class OidSample
   Shared msg As String
   Public Shared Sub Main()
      ' Assign values to strings.
      Dim Value1 As String = "1.2.840.113549.1.1.1"
      Dim Name1 As String = "3DES"
      Dim Value2 As String = ""
      Dim InvalidName As String = "This name is not a valid name"
      Dim InvalidValue As String = ""
      ' Create new Oid objects using the specified values.
      ' Note that the corresponding Value or Friendly Name property is automatically added to the object.
      Dim o1 As New Oid(Value1)
      Dim o2 As New Oid(Name1)
      ' Create a new Oid object using the specified Value and Friendly Name properties.
      ' Note that the two are not compared to determine if the Value is associated 
      '  with the Friendly Name.
      Dim o3 As New Oid(Value2, InvalidName)
      'Create a new Oid object using the specified Value. Note that if the value
      '  is invalid or not known, no value is assigned to the Friendly Name property.
      Dim o4 As New Oid(InvalidValue)
      'Write out the property information of the Oid objects.
    msg = "Oid1: Automatically assigned Friendly Name: " & o1.FriendlyName & ", " & o1.Value
      'Console.WriteLine("Oid1: Automatically assigned Friendly Name: {0}, {1}", o1.FriendlyName, o1.Value)

      'Console.WriteLine("Oid2: Automatically assigned Value: {0}, {1}", o2.FriendlyName, o2.Value)
    msg = "Oid2: Automatically assigned Value: " & o2.FriendlyName & ", " & o2.Value

      'Console.WriteLine("Oid3: Name and Value not compared: {0}, {1}", o3.FriendlyName, o3.Value)
    msg = "Oid3: Name and Value not compared: " & o3.FriendlyName & ", " & o3.Value

     ' Console.WriteLine("Oid4: Invalid Value used: {0}, {1} {2}", o4.FriendlyName, o4.Value, Environment.NewLine)
    msg = "Oid4: Invalid Value used: " & o4.FriendlyName & ", " & o4.Value

      'Create an Oid collection and add several Oid objects.
      Dim oc As New OidCollection()
     ' Console.WriteLine("Number of Oids in the collection: {0}", oc.Count)
      ' Console.WriteLine("Is synchronized: {0} {1}", oc.IsSynchronized, Environment.NewLine)

    msg = "Number of Oids in the collection: " & oc.Count
    msg = "Is synchronized: " & oc.IsSynchronized

      'Create an enumerator for moving through the collection.
      Dim oe As OidEnumerator = oc.GetEnumerator()
      'You must execute a MoveNext() to get to the first item in the collection.
      ' Write out Oids in the collection.
      'Console.WriteLine("First Oid in collection: {0},{1}", oe.Current.FriendlyName, oe.Current.Value)
    msg = "First Oid in collection: " & oe.Current.FriendlyName & ", " & oe.Current.Value

     ' Console.WriteLine("Second Oid in collection: {0},{1}", oe.Current.FriendlyName, oe.Current.Value)
    msg = "Second Oid in collection: " & oe.Current.FriendlyName & ", " & oe.Current.Value

      'Return index in the collection to the beginning.
   End Sub
End Class


Este constructor copia los valores de un objeto existente Oid en un nuevo objeto.

Se aplica a

Oid(String, String)


Inicializa una nueva instancia de la clase Oid con el nombre descriptivo y el valor especificados.

 Oid(System::String ^ value, System::String ^ friendlyName);
public Oid (string? value, string? friendlyName);
public Oid (string value, string friendlyName);
new System.Security.Cryptography.Oid : string * string -> System.Security.Cryptography.Oid
Public Sub New (value As String, friendlyName As String)



El número con punto del identificador.


Nombre descriptivo del identificador.


En el ejemplo de código siguiente se muestra cómo se utiliza la clase Oid.

#using <system.dll>

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Security::Cryptography;
int main()
   // Assign values to strings.
   String^ Value1 = "1.2.840.113549.1.1.1";
   String^ Name1 = "3DES";
   String^ Value2 = "";
   String^ InvalidName = "This name is not a valid name";
   String^ InvalidValue = "";
   // Create new Oid objects using the specified values.
   // Note that the corresponding Value or Friendly Name property is automatically added to the object.
   Oid ^ o1 = gcnew Oid( Value1 );
   Oid ^ o2 = gcnew Oid( Name1 );
   // Create a new Oid object using the specified Value and Friendly Name properties.
   // Note that the two are not compared to determine if the Value is associated 
   //  with the Friendly Name.
   Oid ^ o3 = gcnew Oid( Value2,InvalidName );
   //Create a new Oid object using the specified Value. Note that if the value
   //  is invalid or not known, no value is assigned to the Friendly Name property.
   Oid ^ o4 = gcnew Oid( InvalidValue );
   //Write out the property information of the Oid objects.
   Console::WriteLine( "Oid1: Automatically assigned Friendly Name: {0}, {1}", o1->FriendlyName, o1->Value );
   Console::WriteLine( "Oid2: Automatically assigned Value: {0}, {1}", o2->FriendlyName, o2->Value );
   Console::WriteLine( "Oid3: Name and Value not compared: {0}, {1}", o3->FriendlyName, o3->Value );
   Console::WriteLine( "Oid4: Invalid Value used: {0}, {1} {2}", o4->FriendlyName, o4->Value, Environment::NewLine );
   //Create an Oid collection and add several Oid objects.
   OidCollection ^ oc = gcnew OidCollection;
   oc->Add( o1 );
   oc->Add( o2 );
   oc->Add( o3 );
   Console::WriteLine( "Number of Oids in the collection: {0}", oc->Count );
   Console::WriteLine( "Is synchronized: {0} {1}", oc->IsSynchronized, Environment::NewLine );
   //Create an enumerator for moving through the collection.
   OidEnumerator ^ oe = oc->GetEnumerator();
   //You must execute a MoveNext() to get to the first item in the collection.
   // Write out Oids in the collection.
   Console::WriteLine( "First Oid in collection: {0},{1}", oe->Current->FriendlyName, oe->Current->Value );
   Console::WriteLine( "Second Oid in collection: {0},{1}", oe->Current->FriendlyName, oe->Current->Value );
   //Return index in the collection to the beginning.
using System;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
public class OidSample
    public static void Main()
        // Assign values to strings.
        string Value1 = "1.2.840.113549.1.1.1";
        string Name1 = "3DES";
        string Value2 = "";
        string InvalidName = "This name is not a valid name";
        string InvalidValue = "";

        // Create new Oid objects using the specified values.
        // Note that the corresponding Value or Friendly Name property is automatically added to the object.
        Oid o1 = new Oid(Value1);
        Oid o2 = new Oid(Name1);

        // Create a new Oid object using the specified Value and Friendly Name properties.
        // Note that the two are not compared to determine if the Value is associated
        //  with the Friendly Name.
        Oid o3 = new Oid(Value2, InvalidName);

        //Create a new Oid object using the specified Value. Note that if the value
        //  is invalid or not known, no value is assigned to the Friendly Name property.
        Oid o4 = new Oid(InvalidValue);

        //Write out the property information of the Oid objects.
        Console.WriteLine("Oid1: Automatically assigned Friendly Name: {0}, {1}", o1.FriendlyName, o1.Value);
        Console.WriteLine("Oid2: Automatically assigned Value: {0}, {1}", o2.FriendlyName, o2.Value);
        Console.WriteLine("Oid3: Name and Value not compared: {0}, {1}", o3.FriendlyName, o3.Value);
        Console.WriteLine("Oid4: Invalid Value used: {0}, {1} {2}", o4.FriendlyName, o4.Value, Environment.NewLine);

        //Create an Oid collection and add several Oid objects.
        OidCollection oc = new OidCollection();
        Console.WriteLine("Number of Oids in the collection: {0}", oc.Count);
        Console.WriteLine("Is synchronized: {0} {1}", oc.IsSynchronized, Environment.NewLine);

        //Create an enumerator for moving through the collection.
        OidEnumerator oe = oc.GetEnumerator();
        //You must execute a MoveNext() to get to the first item in the collection.
        // Write out Oids in the collection.
        Console.WriteLine("First Oid in collection: {0},{1}", oe.Current.FriendlyName,oe.Current.Value);
        Console.WriteLine("Second Oid in collection: {0},{1}", oe.Current.FriendlyName, oe.Current.Value);
        //Return index in the collection to the beginning.
Imports System.Security.Cryptography

Public Class OidSample
   Shared msg As String
   Public Shared Sub Main()
      ' Assign values to strings.
      Dim Value1 As String = "1.2.840.113549.1.1.1"
      Dim Name1 As String = "3DES"
      Dim Value2 As String = ""
      Dim InvalidName As String = "This name is not a valid name"
      Dim InvalidValue As String = ""
      ' Create new Oid objects using the specified values.
      ' Note that the corresponding Value or Friendly Name property is automatically added to the object.
      Dim o1 As New Oid(Value1)
      Dim o2 As New Oid(Name1)
      ' Create a new Oid object using the specified Value and Friendly Name properties.
      ' Note that the two are not compared to determine if the Value is associated 
      '  with the Friendly Name.
      Dim o3 As New Oid(Value2, InvalidName)
      'Create a new Oid object using the specified Value. Note that if the value
      '  is invalid or not known, no value is assigned to the Friendly Name property.
      Dim o4 As New Oid(InvalidValue)
      'Write out the property information of the Oid objects.
    msg = "Oid1: Automatically assigned Friendly Name: " & o1.FriendlyName & ", " & o1.Value
      'Console.WriteLine("Oid1: Automatically assigned Friendly Name: {0}, {1}", o1.FriendlyName, o1.Value)

      'Console.WriteLine("Oid2: Automatically assigned Value: {0}, {1}", o2.FriendlyName, o2.Value)
    msg = "Oid2: Automatically assigned Value: " & o2.FriendlyName & ", " & o2.Value

      'Console.WriteLine("Oid3: Name and Value not compared: {0}, {1}", o3.FriendlyName, o3.Value)
    msg = "Oid3: Name and Value not compared: " & o3.FriendlyName & ", " & o3.Value

     ' Console.WriteLine("Oid4: Invalid Value used: {0}, {1} {2}", o4.FriendlyName, o4.Value, Environment.NewLine)
    msg = "Oid4: Invalid Value used: " & o4.FriendlyName & ", " & o4.Value

      'Create an Oid collection and add several Oid objects.
      Dim oc As New OidCollection()
     ' Console.WriteLine("Number of Oids in the collection: {0}", oc.Count)
      ' Console.WriteLine("Is synchronized: {0} {1}", oc.IsSynchronized, Environment.NewLine)

    msg = "Number of Oids in the collection: " & oc.Count
    msg = "Is synchronized: " & oc.IsSynchronized

      'Create an enumerator for moving through the collection.
      Dim oe As OidEnumerator = oc.GetEnumerator()
      'You must execute a MoveNext() to get to the first item in the collection.
      ' Write out Oids in the collection.
      'Console.WriteLine("First Oid in collection: {0},{1}", oe.Current.FriendlyName, oe.Current.Value)
    msg = "First Oid in collection: " & oe.Current.FriendlyName & ", " & oe.Current.Value

     ' Console.WriteLine("Second Oid in collection: {0},{1}", oe.Current.FriendlyName, oe.Current.Value)
    msg = "Second Oid in collection: " & oe.Current.FriendlyName & ", " & oe.Current.Value

      'Return index in the collection to the beginning.
   End Sub
End Class


Este constructor se puede usar para copiar los valores de un objeto existente Oid . Tenga en cuenta que si no se reconoce el valor Oid, los value parámetros y friendlyName no se comprueban para determinar si se corresponden entre sí. Esto se debe a que hay identificadores de objeto que .NET no reconoce, aunque una aplicación puede interpretarlos.

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