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UTF32Encoding Constructores


Inicializa una nueva instancia de la clase UTF32Encoding.



Inicializa una nueva instancia de la clase UTF32Encoding.

UTF32Encoding(Boolean, Boolean)

Inicializa una nueva instancia de la clase UTF32Encoding. Los parámetros especifican si se usa el orden de bytes big endian y si el método GetPreamble() devuelve una marca de orden de bytes Unicode.

UTF32Encoding(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean)

Inicializa una nueva instancia de la clase UTF32Encoding. Los parámetros especifican si se usa el orden de bytes big endian, si se proporciona una marca de orden de bytes Unicode y si se produce una excepción cuando se detecta una codificación no válida.



Inicializa una nueva instancia de la clase UTF32Encoding.

public UTF32Encoding ();
Public Sub New ()


En el ejemplo siguiente se recupera y se muestra la marca de orden de bytes para diferentes UTF32Encoding instancias.

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Text;

void PrintHexBytes( array<Byte>^bytes );

int main()
   // Create instances of UTF32Encoding, with the byte order mark and without.
   UTF32Encoding ^ u32LeNone = gcnew UTF32Encoding;
   UTF32Encoding ^ u32BeNone = gcnew UTF32Encoding( true,false );
   UTF32Encoding ^ u32LeBom = gcnew UTF32Encoding( false,true );
   UTF32Encoding ^ u32BeBom = gcnew UTF32Encoding( true,true );
   // Display the preamble for each instance.
   PrintHexBytes( u32LeNone->GetPreamble() );
   PrintHexBytes( u32BeNone->GetPreamble() );
   PrintHexBytes( u32LeBom->GetPreamble() );
   PrintHexBytes( u32BeBom->GetPreamble() );

void PrintHexBytes( array<Byte>^bytes )
   if ( (bytes == nullptr) || (bytes->Length == 0) )
      Console::WriteLine( "<none>" );
      for ( int i = 0; i < bytes->Length; i++ )
         Console::Write( "{0:X2} ", bytes[ i ] );

This example displays the following output:
      FF FE 00 00
      FF FE 00 00
      00 00 FE FF
using System;
using System.Text;

public class SamplesUTF32Encoding
   public static void Main()
      // Create instances of UTF32Encoding, with the byte order mark and without.
      UTF32Encoding u32LeNone = new UTF32Encoding();
      UTF32Encoding u32BeNone = new UTF32Encoding( true, false );
      UTF32Encoding u32LeBom  = new UTF32Encoding( false, true );
      UTF32Encoding u32BeBom  = new UTF32Encoding( true, true );

      // Display the preamble for each instance.
      PrintHexBytes( u32LeNone.GetPreamble() );
      PrintHexBytes( u32BeNone.GetPreamble() );
      PrintHexBytes( u32LeBom.GetPreamble() );
      PrintHexBytes( u32BeBom.GetPreamble() );

   public static void PrintHexBytes( byte[] bytes )

      if (( bytes == null ) || ( bytes.Length == 0 ))
            Console.WriteLine( "<none>" );
        else  {
         for ( int i = 0; i < bytes.Length; i++ )
            Console.Write( "{0:X2} ", bytes[i] );
This example displays the following output.
      FF FE 00 00
      FF FE 00 00
      00 00 FE FF
Imports System.Text

Public Class SamplesUTF32Encoding   
   Public Shared Sub Main()
      ' Create instances of UTF32Encoding, with the byte order mark and without.
      Dim u32LeNone As New UTF32Encoding()
      Dim u32BeNone As New UTF32Encoding(True, False)
      Dim u32LeBom As New UTF32Encoding(False, True)
      Dim u32BeBom As New UTF32Encoding(True, True)

      ' Display the preamble for each instance.
   End Sub

   Public Shared Sub PrintHexBytes(bytes() As Byte)
      If bytes Is Nothing OrElse bytes.Length = 0 Then
         Dim i As Integer
         For i = 0 To bytes.Length - 1
            Console.Write("{0:X2} ", bytes(i))
         Next i
      End If
   End Sub
End Class
'This example displays the following output:
'       FF FE 00 00
'       FF FE 00 00
'       00 00 FE FF


Este constructor crea una instancia que usa el orden de bytes little endian, proporciona una marca de orden de bytes Unicode y no produce una excepción cuando se detecta una codificación no válida.


Por motivos de seguridad, debe habilitar la detección de errores llamando al UTF32Encoding(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) constructor y estableciendo su throwOnInvalidCharacters argumento en true.

Se aplica a

UTF32Encoding(Boolean, Boolean)


Inicializa una nueva instancia de la clase UTF32Encoding. Los parámetros especifican si se usa el orden de bytes big endian y si el método GetPreamble() devuelve una marca de orden de bytes Unicode.

 UTF32Encoding(bool bigEndian, bool byteOrderMark);
public UTF32Encoding (bool bigEndian, bool byteOrderMark);
new System.Text.UTF32Encoding : bool * bool -> System.Text.UTF32Encoding
Public Sub New (bigEndian As Boolean, byteOrderMark As Boolean)



true para usar el orden de bytes big endian (primero el byte más significativo) o false para usar el orden de bytes little endian (primero el byte menos significativo).


Es true para especificar que se proporciona una marca de orden de bytes Unicode; en caso contrario, es false.


En el ejemplo siguiente se recupera y se muestra la marca de orden de bytes para diferentes UTF32Encoding instancias.

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Text;

void PrintHexBytes( array<Byte>^bytes );

int main()
   // Create instances of UTF32Encoding, with the byte order mark and without.
   UTF32Encoding ^ u32LeNone = gcnew UTF32Encoding;
   UTF32Encoding ^ u32BeNone = gcnew UTF32Encoding( true,false );
   UTF32Encoding ^ u32LeBom = gcnew UTF32Encoding( false,true );
   UTF32Encoding ^ u32BeBom = gcnew UTF32Encoding( true,true );
   // Display the preamble for each instance.
   PrintHexBytes( u32LeNone->GetPreamble() );
   PrintHexBytes( u32BeNone->GetPreamble() );
   PrintHexBytes( u32LeBom->GetPreamble() );
   PrintHexBytes( u32BeBom->GetPreamble() );

void PrintHexBytes( array<Byte>^bytes )
   if ( (bytes == nullptr) || (bytes->Length == 0) )
      Console::WriteLine( "<none>" );
      for ( int i = 0; i < bytes->Length; i++ )
         Console::Write( "{0:X2} ", bytes[ i ] );

This example displays the following output:
      FF FE 00 00
      FF FE 00 00
      00 00 FE FF
using System;
using System.Text;

public class SamplesUTF32Encoding
   public static void Main()
      // Create instances of UTF32Encoding, with the byte order mark and without.
      UTF32Encoding u32LeNone = new UTF32Encoding();
      UTF32Encoding u32BeNone = new UTF32Encoding( true, false );
      UTF32Encoding u32LeBom  = new UTF32Encoding( false, true );
      UTF32Encoding u32BeBom  = new UTF32Encoding( true, true );

      // Display the preamble for each instance.
      PrintHexBytes( u32LeNone.GetPreamble() );
      PrintHexBytes( u32BeNone.GetPreamble() );
      PrintHexBytes( u32LeBom.GetPreamble() );
      PrintHexBytes( u32BeBom.GetPreamble() );

   public static void PrintHexBytes( byte[] bytes )

      if (( bytes == null ) || ( bytes.Length == 0 ))
            Console.WriteLine( "<none>" );
        else  {
         for ( int i = 0; i < bytes.Length; i++ )
            Console.Write( "{0:X2} ", bytes[i] );
This example displays the following output.
      FF FE 00 00
      FF FE 00 00
      00 00 FE FF
Imports System.Text

Public Class SamplesUTF32Encoding   
   Public Shared Sub Main()
      ' Create instances of UTF32Encoding, with the byte order mark and without.
      Dim u32LeNone As New UTF32Encoding()
      Dim u32BeNone As New UTF32Encoding(True, False)
      Dim u32LeBom As New UTF32Encoding(False, True)
      Dim u32BeBom As New UTF32Encoding(True, True)

      ' Display the preamble for each instance.
   End Sub

   Public Shared Sub PrintHexBytes(bytes() As Byte)
      If bytes Is Nothing OrElse bytes.Length = 0 Then
         Dim i As Integer
         For i = 0 To bytes.Length - 1
            Console.Write("{0:X2} ", bytes(i))
         Next i
      End If
   End Sub
End Class
'This example displays the following output:
'       FF FE 00 00
'       FF FE 00 00
'       00 00 FE FF


Este constructor crea una instancia que no produce una excepción cuando se detecta una codificación no válida.


Por motivos de seguridad, debe habilitar la detección de errores llamando al UTF32Encoding(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) constructor y estableciendo su throwOnInvalidCharacters argumento en true.

Consulte también

Se aplica a

UTF32Encoding(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean)


Inicializa una nueva instancia de la clase UTF32Encoding. Los parámetros especifican si se usa el orden de bytes big endian, si se proporciona una marca de orden de bytes Unicode y si se produce una excepción cuando se detecta una codificación no válida.

 UTF32Encoding(bool bigEndian, bool byteOrderMark, bool throwOnInvalidCharacters);
public UTF32Encoding (bool bigEndian, bool byteOrderMark, bool throwOnInvalidCharacters);
new System.Text.UTF32Encoding : bool * bool * bool -> System.Text.UTF32Encoding
Public Sub New (bigEndian As Boolean, byteOrderMark As Boolean, throwOnInvalidCharacters As Boolean)



true para usar el orden de bytes big endian (primero el byte más significativo) o false para usar el orden de bytes little endian (primero el byte menos significativo).


Es true para especificar que se proporciona una marca de orden de bytes Unicode; en caso contrario, es false.


true para especificar que se produzca una excepción cuando se detecte una codificación no válida, en caso contrario, false.


En el ejemplo siguiente se muestra el comportamiento de , ambos con la detección de UTF32Encodingerrores habilitada y sin .

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Text;
void PrintDecodedString( array<Byte>^bytes, Encoding^ enc );
int main()
   // Create an instance of UTF32Encoding using little-endian byte order.
   // This will be used for encoding.
   UTF32Encoding^ u32LE = gcnew UTF32Encoding( false,true );
   // Create two instances of UTF32Encoding using big-endian byte order: one with error detection and one without.
   // These will be used for decoding.
   UTF32Encoding^ u32withED = gcnew UTF32Encoding( true,true,true );
   UTF32Encoding^ u32noED = gcnew UTF32Encoding( true,true,false );
   // Create byte arrays from the same string containing the following characters:
   //    Latin Small Letter Z (U+007A)
   //    Latin Small Letter A (U+0061)
   //    Combining Breve (U+0306)
   //    Latin Small Letter AE With Acute (U+01FD)
   //    Greek Small Letter Beta (U+03B2)
   String^ myStr = L"za\u0306\u01FD\u03B2\xD8FF\xDCFF";
   // Encode the string using little-endian byte order.
   array<Byte>^myBytes = gcnew array<Byte>(u32LE->GetByteCount( myStr ));
   u32LE->GetBytes( myStr, 0, myStr->Length, myBytes, 0 );
   // Decode the byte array with error detection.
   Console::WriteLine( "Decoding with error detection:" );
   PrintDecodedString( myBytes, u32withED );
   // Decode the byte array without error detection.
   Console::WriteLine( "Decoding without error detection:" );
   PrintDecodedString( myBytes, u32noED );

// Decode the bytes and display the string.
void PrintDecodedString( array<Byte>^bytes, Encoding^ enc )
      Console::WriteLine( "   Decoded string: {0}", enc->GetString( bytes, 0, bytes->Length ) );
   catch ( System::ArgumentException^ e ) 
      Console::WriteLine( e );

using System;
using System.Text;

public class Example
   public static void Main()
     // Create a UTF32Encoding object with error detection enabled.
      var encExc = new UTF32Encoding(! BitConverter.IsLittleEndian, true, true);
      // Create a UTF32Encoding object with error detection disabled.
      var encRepl = new UTF32Encoding(! BitConverter.IsLittleEndian, true, false);

      // Create a byte arrays from a string, and add an invalid surrogate pair, as follows.
      //    Latin Small Letter Z (U+007A)
      //    Latin Small Letter A (U+0061)
      //    Combining Breve (U+0306)
      //    Latin Small Letter AE With Acute (U+01FD)
      //    Greek Small Letter Beta (U+03B2)
      //    a high-surrogate value (U+D8FF)
      //    an invalid low surrogate (U+01FF)
      String s = "za\u0306\u01FD\u03B2";

      // Encode the string using little-endian byte order.
      int index = encExc.GetByteCount(s);
      Byte[] bytes = new Byte[index + 4];
      encExc.GetBytes(s, 0, s.Length, bytes, 0);
      bytes[index] = 0xFF;
      bytes[index + 1] = 0xD8;
      bytes[index + 2] = 0xFF;
      bytes[index + 3] = 0x01;

      // Decode the byte array with error detection.
      Console.WriteLine("Decoding with error detection:");
      PrintDecodedString(bytes, encExc);

      // Decode the byte array without error detection.
      Console.WriteLine("Decoding without error detection:");
      PrintDecodedString(bytes, encRepl);

   // Decode the bytes and display the string.
   public static void PrintDecodedString(Byte[] bytes, Encoding enc)
      try {
         Console.WriteLine("   Decoded string: {0}", enc.GetString(bytes, 0, bytes.Length));
      catch (DecoderFallbackException e) {
// The example displays the following output:
//    Decoding with error detection:
//    System.Text.DecoderFallbackException: Unable to translate bytes [FF][D8][FF][01] at index
//    20 from specified code page to Unicode.
//       at System.Text.DecoderExceptionFallbackBuffer.Throw(Byte[] bytesUnknown, Int32 index)
//       at System.Text.DecoderExceptionFallbackBuffer.Fallback(Byte[] bytesUnknown, Int32 index
//    )
//       at System.Text.DecoderFallbackBuffer.InternalFallback(Byte[] bytes, Byte* pBytes)
//       at System.Text.UTF32Encoding.GetCharCount(Byte* bytes, Int32 count, DecoderNLS baseDeco
//    der)
//       at System.Text.UTF32Encoding.GetString(Byte[] bytes, Int32 index, Int32 count)
//       at Example.PrintDecodedString(Byte[] bytes, Encoding enc)
//    Decoding without error detection:
//       Decoded string: zăǽβ�
Imports System.Text

Public Module Example
   Public Sub Main()
      ' Create a UTF32Encoding object with error detection enabled.
      Dim encExc As New UTF32Encoding(Not BitConverter.IsLittleEndian, True, True)
      ' Create a UTF32Encoding object with error detection disabled.
      Dim encRepl As New UTF32Encoding(Not BitConverter.IsLittleEndian, True, False)

      ' Create a byte arrays from a string, and add an invalid surrogate pair, as follows.
      '    Latin Small Letter Z (U+007A)
      '    Latin Small Letter A (U+0061)
      '    Combining Breve (U+0306)
      '    Latin Small Letter AE With Acute (U+01FD)
      '    Greek Small Letter Beta (U+03B2)
      '    a high-surrogate value (U+D8FF)
      '    an invalid low surrogate (U+01FF)
      Dim s As String = "za" & ChrW(&H0306) & ChrW(&H01FD) & ChrW(&H03B2)

      ' Encode the string using little-endian byte order.
      Dim index As Integer = encExc.GetBytecount(s)
      Dim bytes(index + 3) As Byte
      encExc.GetBytes(s, 0, s.Length, bytes, 0)
      bytes(index) = &hFF
      bytes(index + 1) = &hD8
      bytes(index + 2) = &hFF
      bytes(index + 3) = &h01

      ' Decode the byte array with error detection.
      Console.WriteLine("Decoding with error detection:")
      PrintDecodedString(bytes, encExc)

      ' Decode the byte array without error detection.
      Console.WriteLine("Decoding without error detection:")
      PrintDecodedString(bytes, encRepl)
   End Sub

   ' Decode the bytes and display the string.
   Public Sub PrintDecodedString(bytes() As Byte, enc As Encoding)
         Console.WriteLine("   Decoded string: {0}", enc.GetString(bytes, 0, bytes.Length))
      Catch e As DecoderFallbackException
      End Try
   End Sub
End Module
' The example displays the following output:
'    Decoding with error detection:
'    System.Text.DecoderFallbackException: Unable to translate bytes [FF][D8][FF][01] at index
'    20 from specified code page to Unicode.
'       at System.Text.DecoderExceptionFallbackBuffer.Throw(Byte[] bytesUnknown, Int32 index)
'       at System.Text.DecoderExceptionFallbackBuffer.Fallback(Byte[] bytesUnknown, Int32 index
'    )
'       at System.Text.DecoderFallbackBuffer.InternalFallback(Byte[] bytes, Byte* pBytes)
'       at System.Text.UTF32Encoding.GetCharCount(Byte* bytes, Int32 count, DecoderNLS baseDeco
'    der)
'       at System.Text.UTF32Encoding.GetString(Byte[] bytes, Int32 index, Int32 count)
'       at Example.PrintDecodedString(Byte[] bytes, Encoding enc)
'    Decoding without error detection:
'       Decoded string: zăǽβ�


Si throwOnInvalidCharacters es true, un método que detecta una secuencia de bytes no válida produce System.ArgumentException. De lo contrario, el método no produce una excepción y se omite la secuencia no válida.


Por motivos de seguridad, debe habilitar la detección de errores llamando al UTF32Encoding(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) constructor y estableciendo su throwOnInvalidCharacters argumento en true.

Consulte también

Se aplica a