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TimeSpan.Duration Método


Devuelve un nuevo objeto TimeSpan cuyo valor es el valor absoluto del objeto TimeSpan actual.

 TimeSpan Duration();
public TimeSpan Duration ();
member this.Duration : unit -> TimeSpan
Public Function Duration () As TimeSpan


Nuevo objeto cuyo valor es el valor absoluto del objeto TimeSpan actual.


El valor de esta instancia es TimeSpan.MinValue.


En el ejemplo siguiente se aplica el Duration método a varios TimeSpan objetos .

// Example of the TimeSpan::Duration( ) and TimeSpan::Negate( ) methods,
// and the TimeSpan Unary Negation and Unary Plus operators.
using namespace System;
const __wchar_t * protoFmt = L"{0,22}{1,22}{2,22}";
void ShowDurationNegate( TimeSpan interval )
   // Display the TimeSpan value and the results of the 
   // Duration and Negate methods.
   Console::WriteLine( gcnew String( protoFmt ), interval, interval.Duration(), interval.Negate() );

int main()
   Console::WriteLine( "This example of TimeSpan::Duration( ), "
   "TimeSpan::Negate( ), \nand the TimeSpan Unary "
   "Negation and Unary Plus operators \n"
   "generates the following output.\n" );
   Console::WriteLine( gcnew String( protoFmt ), "TimeSpan", "Duration( )", "Negate( )" );
   Console::WriteLine( gcnew String( protoFmt ), "--------", "-----------", "---------" );
   // Create TimeSpan objects and apply the Unary Negation
   // and Unary Plus operators to them.
   ShowDurationNegate( TimeSpan(1) );
   ShowDurationNegate( TimeSpan( -1234567) );
   ShowDurationNegate(  +TimeSpan(0,0,10,-20,-30) );
   ShowDurationNegate(  +TimeSpan(0,-10,20,-30,40) );
   ShowDurationNegate(  -TimeSpan(1,10,20,40,160) );
   ShowDurationNegate(  -TimeSpan( -10,-20,-30,-40,-50) );

This example of TimeSpan::Duration( ), TimeSpan::Negate( ),
and the TimeSpan Unary Negation and Unary Plus operators
generates the following output.

              TimeSpan           Duration( )             Negate( )
              --------           -----------             ---------
      00:00:00.0000001      00:00:00.0000001     -00:00:00.0000001
     -00:00:00.1234567      00:00:00.1234567      00:00:00.1234567
      00:09:39.9700000      00:09:39.9700000     -00:09:39.9700000
     -09:40:29.9600000      09:40:29.9600000      09:40:29.9600000
   -1.10:20:40.1600000    1.10:20:40.1600000    1.10:20:40.1600000
   10.20:30:40.0500000   10.20:30:40.0500000  -10.20:30:40.0500000
// Example of the TimeSpan.Duration( ) and TimeSpan.Negate( ) methods,
// and the TimeSpan Unary Negation and Unary Plus operators.
using System;

class DuraNegaUnaryDemo
    const string dataFmt = "{0,22}{1,22}{2,22}" ;

    static void ShowDurationNegate( TimeSpan interval )
        // Display the TimeSpan value and the results of the 
        // Duration and Negate methods.
        Console.WriteLine( dataFmt, 
            interval, interval.Duration( ), interval.Negate( ) );

    static void Main()
            "This example of TimeSpan.Duration( ), " +
            "TimeSpan.Negate( ), \nand the TimeSpan Unary " +
            "Negation and Unary Plus operators \n" +
            "generates the following output.\n" );
        Console.WriteLine( dataFmt, 
            "TimeSpan", "Duration( )", "Negate( )" );
        Console.WriteLine( dataFmt, 
            "--------", "-----------", "---------" );

        // Create TimeSpan objects and apply the Unary Negation
        // and Unary Plus operators to them.
        ShowDurationNegate( new TimeSpan( 1 ) );
        ShowDurationNegate( new TimeSpan( -1234567 ) );
            + new TimeSpan( 0, 0, 10, -20, -30 ) );
            + new TimeSpan( 0, -10, 20, -30, 40 ) );
            - new TimeSpan( 1, 10, 20, 40, 160 ) );
            - new TimeSpan( -10, -20, -30, -40, -50 ) );

This example of TimeSpan.Duration( ), TimeSpan.Negate( ),
and the TimeSpan Unary Negation and Unary Plus operators
generates the following output.

              TimeSpan           Duration( )             Negate( )
              --------           -----------             ---------
      00:00:00.0000001      00:00:00.0000001     -00:00:00.0000001
     -00:00:00.1234567      00:00:00.1234567      00:00:00.1234567
      00:09:39.9700000      00:09:39.9700000     -00:09:39.9700000
     -09:40:29.9600000      09:40:29.9600000      09:40:29.9600000
   -1.10:20:40.1600000    1.10:20:40.1600000    1.10:20:40.1600000
   10.20:30:40.0500000   10.20:30:40.0500000  -10.20:30:40.0500000
// Example of the TimeSpan.Duration( ) and TimeSpan.Negate( ) methods,
// and the TimeSpan Unary Negation and Unary Plus operators.
open System

let showDurationNegate (interval: TimeSpan) =
    // Display the TimeSpan value and the results of the 
    // Duration and Negate methods.
    printfn $"{interval,22}{interval.Duration(),22}{interval.Negate(),22}"

printfn "This example of TimeSpan.Duration( ), TimeSpan.Negate( ), \nand the TimeSpan Unary Negation and Unary Plus operators \ngenerates the following output.\n" 
printfn "%22s%22s%22s" "TimeSpan" "Duration( )" "Negate( )"
printfn "%22s%22s%22s" "--------" "-----------" "---------"

// Create TimeSpan objects and apply the Unary Negation
// and Unary Plus operators to them.
showDurationNegate (TimeSpan 1)
showDurationNegate (TimeSpan -1234567)
showDurationNegate (+ TimeSpan(0, 0, 10, -20, -30) )
showDurationNegate (+ TimeSpan(0, -10, 20, -30, 40) )
showDurationNegate (- TimeSpan(1, 10, 20, 40, 160 ) )
showDurationNegate (- TimeSpan(-10, -20, -30, -40, -50) )

This example of TimeSpan.Duration( ), TimeSpan.Negate( ),
and the TimeSpan Unary Negation and Unary Plus operators
generates the following output.

              TimeSpan           Duration( )             Negate( )
              --------           -----------             ---------
      00:00:00.0000001      00:00:00.0000001     -00:00:00.0000001
     -00:00:00.1234567      00:00:00.1234567      00:00:00.1234567
      00:09:39.9700000      00:09:39.9700000     -00:09:39.9700000
     -09:40:29.9600000      09:40:29.9600000      09:40:29.9600000
   -1.10:20:40.1600000    1.10:20:40.1600000    1.10:20:40.1600000
   10.20:30:40.0500000   10.20:30:40.0500000  -10.20:30:40.0500000
' Example of the TimeSpan.Duration( ) and TimeSpan.Negate( ) methods,
' and the TimeSpan Unary Negation and Unary Plus operators.
Module DuraNegaUnaryDemo

    Const dataFmt As String = "{0,22}{1,22}{2,22}"

    Sub ShowDurationNegate( interval As TimeSpan )

        ' Display the TimeSpan value and the results of the 
        ' Duration and Negate methods.
        Console.WriteLine( dataFmt, _
            interval, interval.Duration( ), interval.Negate( ) )
    End Sub

    Sub Main( )

        Console.WriteLine( _
            "This example of TimeSpan.Duration( ), " & _
            "TimeSpan.Negate( ), " & vbCrLf & _
            "and the TimeSpan Unary Negation and " & _
            "Unary Plus operators " & vbCrLf & _
            "generates the following output." & vbCrLf )
        Console.WriteLine( dataFmt, _
            "TimeSpan", "Duration( )", "Negate( )" )    
        Console.WriteLine( dataFmt, _
            "--------", "-----------", "---------" )    

        ' Create TimeSpan objects and apply the Unary Negation
        ' and Unary Plus operators to them.
        ShowDurationNegate( new TimeSpan( 1 ) )
        ShowDurationNegate( new TimeSpan( -1234567 ) )
        ShowDurationNegate( TimeSpan.op_UnaryPlus( _
            new TimeSpan( 0, 0, 10, -20, -30 ) ) )
        ShowDurationNegate( TimeSpan.op_UnaryPlus( _
            new TimeSpan( 0, -10, 20, -30, 40 ) ) )
        ShowDurationNegate( TimeSpan.op_UnaryNegation( _
            new TimeSpan( 1, 10, 20, 40, 160 ) ) )
        ShowDurationNegate( TimeSpan.op_UnaryNegation( _
            new TimeSpan( -10, -20, -30, -40, -50 ) ) )
    End Sub 
End Module 

' This example of TimeSpan.Duration( ), TimeSpan.Negate( ),
' and the TimeSpan Unary Negation and Unary Plus operators
' generates the following output.
'               TimeSpan           Duration( )             Negate( )
'               --------           -----------             ---------
'       00:00:00.0000001      00:00:00.0000001     -00:00:00.0000001
'      -00:00:00.1234567      00:00:00.1234567      00:00:00.1234567
'       00:09:39.9700000      00:09:39.9700000     -00:09:39.9700000
'      -09:40:29.9600000      09:40:29.9600000      09:40:29.9600000
'    -1.10:20:40.1600000    1.10:20:40.1600000    1.10:20:40.1600000
'    10.20:30:40.0500000   10.20:30:40.0500000  -10.20:30:40.0500000

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