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TimeZone Clase



System.TimeZone has been deprecated. Please investigate the use of System.TimeZoneInfo instead.


System.TimeZone has been deprecated. Investigate the use of System.TimeZoneInfo instead.

Representa una zona horaria.

public ref class TimeZone abstract
[System.Obsolete("System.TimeZone has been deprecated.  Please investigate the use of System.TimeZoneInfo instead.")]
public abstract class TimeZone
[System.Obsolete("System.TimeZone has been deprecated. Investigate the use of System.TimeZoneInfo instead.")]
public abstract class TimeZone
public abstract class TimeZone
public abstract class TimeZone
[<System.Obsolete("System.TimeZone has been deprecated.  Please investigate the use of System.TimeZoneInfo instead.")>]
type TimeZone = class
[<System.Obsolete("System.TimeZone has been deprecated. Investigate the use of System.TimeZoneInfo instead.")>]
type TimeZone = class
type TimeZone = class
type TimeZone = class
Public MustInherit Class TimeZone


En el ejemplo siguiente se hace referencia a los elementos de clase seleccionados y se muestran los elementos de clase seleccionados TimeZone .

// Example of selected TimeZone class elements.
using namespace System;
using namespace System::Globalization;
int main()
   String^ dataFmt = "{0,-30}{1}";
   String^ timeFmt = "{0,-30}{1:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm}";
   Console::WriteLine( "This example of selected TimeZone class "
   "elements generates the following \n"
   "output, which varies depending on the "
   "time zone in which it is run.\n" );
   // Get the local time zone and the current local time and year.
   TimeZone^ localZone = TimeZone::CurrentTimeZone;
   DateTime currentDate = DateTime::Now;
   int currentYear = currentDate.Year;
   // Display the names for standard time and daylight saving 
   // time for the local time zone.
   Console::WriteLine( dataFmt, "Standard time name:", localZone->StandardName );
   Console::WriteLine( dataFmt, "Daylight saving time name:", localZone->DaylightName );
   // Display the current date and time and show if they occur 
   // in daylight saving time.
   Console::WriteLine( String::Concat( "\n", timeFmt ), "Current date and time:", currentDate );
   Console::WriteLine( dataFmt, "Daylight saving time?", localZone->IsDaylightSavingTime( currentDate ) );
   // Get the current Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) and UTC 
   // offset.
   DateTime currentUTC = localZone->ToUniversalTime( currentDate );
   TimeSpan currentOffset = localZone->GetUtcOffset( currentDate );
   Console::WriteLine( timeFmt, "Coordinated Universal Time:", currentUTC );
   Console::WriteLine( dataFmt, "UTC offset:", currentOffset );
   // Get the DaylightTime object for the current year.
   DaylightTime^ daylight = localZone->GetDaylightChanges( currentYear );
   // Display the daylight saving time range for the current year.
   Console::WriteLine( "\nDaylight saving time for year {0}:", currentYear );
   Console::WriteLine( "{0:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm} to "
   "{1:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm}, delta: {2}", daylight->Start, daylight->End, daylight->Delta );

This example of selected TimeZone class elements generates the following
output, which varies depending on the time zone in which it is run.

Standard time name:           Pacific Standard Time
Daylight saving time name:    Pacific Daylight Time

Current date and time:        2006-01-06 16:47
Daylight saving time?         False
Coordinated Universal Time:   2006-01-07 00:47
UTC offset:                   -08:00:00

Daylight saving time for year 2006:
2006-04-02 02:00 to 2006-10-29 02:00, delta: 01:00:00
// Example of selected TimeZone class elements.
using System;
using System.Globalization;

class TimeZoneDemo
    static void Main( )
        const string dataFmt = "{0,-30}{1}";
        const string timeFmt = "{0,-30}{1:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm}";

            "This example of selected TimeZone class " +
            "elements generates the following \n" +
            "output, which varies depending on the " +
            "time zone in which it is run.\n" );

        // Get the local time zone and the current local time and year.
        TimeZone localZone = TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone;
        DateTime currentDate = DateTime.Now;
        int      currentYear = currentDate.Year;

        // Display the names for standard time and daylight saving 
        // time for the local time zone.
        Console.WriteLine( dataFmt, "Standard time name:", 
            localZone.StandardName );
        Console.WriteLine( dataFmt, "Daylight saving time name:", 
            localZone.DaylightName );

        // Display the current date and time and show if they occur 
        // in daylight saving time.
        Console.WriteLine( "\n" + timeFmt, "Current date and time:",
            currentDate );
        Console.WriteLine( dataFmt, "Daylight saving time?", 
            localZone.IsDaylightSavingTime( currentDate ) );

        // Get the current Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) and UTC 
        // offset.
        DateTime currentUTC = 
            localZone.ToUniversalTime( currentDate );
        TimeSpan currentOffset = 
            localZone.GetUtcOffset( currentDate );

        Console.WriteLine( timeFmt, "Coordinated Universal Time:", 
            currentUTC );
        Console.WriteLine( dataFmt, "UTC offset:", currentOffset );

        // Get the DaylightTime object for the current year.
        DaylightTime daylight = 
            localZone.GetDaylightChanges( currentYear );

        // Display the daylight saving time range for the current year.
            "\nDaylight saving time for year {0}:", currentYear );
        Console.WriteLine( "{0:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm} to " +
            "{1:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm}, delta: {2}", 
            daylight.Start, daylight.End, daylight.Delta );

This example of selected TimeZone class elements generates the following
output, which varies depending on the time zone in which it is run.

Standard time name:           Pacific Standard Time
Daylight saving time name:    Pacific Daylight Time

Current date and time:        2006-01-06 16:47
Daylight saving time?         False
Coordinated Universal Time:   2006-01-07 00:47
UTC offset:                   -08:00:00

Daylight saving time for year 2006:
2006-04-02 02:00 to 2006-10-29 02:00, delta: 01:00:00
' Example of selected TimeZone class elements.
Imports System.Globalization

Module TimeZoneDemo

    Sub Main( )

        Const dataFmt As String = "{0,-30}{1}"
        Const timeFmt As String = "{0,-30}{1:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm}"

        Console.WriteLine( "This example of selected " & _
            "TimeZone class elements generates the following " & _
            vbCrLf & "output, which varies depending on the " & _
            "time zone in which it is run." & vbCrLf )

        ' Get the local time zone and the current local time and year.
        Dim localZone As TimeZone = TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone
        Dim currentDate As DateTime = DateTime.Now
        Dim currentYear As Integer = currentDate.Year

        ' Display the names for standard time and daylight saving 
        ' time for the local time zone.
        Console.WriteLine( dataFmt, "Standard time name:", _
            localZone.StandardName )
        Console.WriteLine( dataFmt, "Daylight saving time name:", _
            localZone.DaylightName )

        ' Display the current date and time and show if they occur 
        ' in daylight saving time.
        Console.WriteLine( vbCrLf & timeFmt, _
            "Current date and time:", currentDate )
        Console.WriteLine( dataFmt, "Daylight saving time?", _
            localZone.IsDaylightSavingTime( currentDate ) )

        ' Get the current Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) and UTC 
        ' offset.
        Dim currentUTC As DateTime = _
            localZone.ToUniversalTime( currentDate )
        Dim currentOffset As TimeSpan = _
            localZone.GetUtcOffset( currentDate )

        Console.WriteLine( timeFmt, "Coordinated Universal Time:", _
            currentUTC )
        Console.WriteLine( dataFmt, "UTC offset:", currentOffset )

        ' Get the DaylightTime object for the current year.
        Dim daylight As DaylightTime = _
            localZone.GetDaylightChanges( currentYear )

        ' Display the daylight saving time range for the current year.
        Console.WriteLine( vbCrLf & _
            "Daylight saving time for year {0}:", currentYear )
        Console.WriteLine( "{0:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm} to " & _
            "{1:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm}, delta: {2}", _
            daylight.Start, daylight.End, daylight.Delta )
    End Sub 
End Module 

'This example of selected TimeZone class elements generates the following
'output, which varies depending on the time zone in which it is run.
'Standard time name:           Pacific Standard Time
'Daylight saving time name:    Pacific Daylight Time
'Current date and time:        2006-01-06 16:47
'Daylight saving time?         False
'Coordinated Universal Time:   2006-01-07 00:47
'UTC offset:                   -08:00:00
'Daylight saving time for year 2006:
'2006-04-02 02:00 to 2006-10-29 02:00, delta: 01:00:00


Una zona horaria es una región geográfica en la que se usa la misma hora estándar.


Siempre que sea posible, use la TimeZoneInfo clase en lugar de la TimeZone clase .

Puede usar la TimeZone clase para recuperar información sobre la zona horaria actual y convertir las horas de la hora local a hora universal coordinada (UTC) o viceversa. Sin embargo, no puede usar la TimeZone clase para representar zonas horarias distintas de la zona local o para controlar las conversiones de fecha y hora de una zona horaria a otra. Para ello, use la TimeZoneInfo clase . Puede usar esta clase para recuperar información sobre cualquier zona horaria definida en el sistema local, crear zonas horarias personalizadas y convertir horas de una zona horaria a otra.

La TimeZone clase solo admite una única regla de ajuste de horario de verano para la zona horaria local. Como resultado, la TimeZone clase puede informar con precisión de la información del horario de verano o convertir entre utc y hora local solo para el período en el que está vigente la regla de ajuste más reciente. En cambio, la TimeZoneInfo clase admite varias reglas de ajuste, lo que permite trabajar con datos históricos de zona horaria.

Notas a los implementadores

Además de proporcionar implementaciones para sus abstract miembros (los marcados MustOverride en Visual Basic), es importante que las clases derivadas de TimeZone invaliden el comportamiento predeterminado del ToLocalTime(DateTime) método. Esto se debe a que el comportamiento predeterminado de ToLocalTime(DateTime) en la versión 2.0 de .NET Framework no depende de una llamada a GetUtcOffset(DateTime), como hizo en las versiones 1.0 y 1.1 de la .NET Framework. Para más información, consulte el ToLocalTime(DateTime) método .



Inicializa una nueva instancia de la clase TimeZone.



Obtiene la zona horaria del equipo actual.


Obtiene el nombre de la zona de horario de verano.


Obtiene el nombre estándar de la zona horaria.



Determina si el objeto especificado es igual que el objeto actual.

(Heredado de Object)

Devuelve el período de horario de verano de un año determinado.


Sirve como la función hash predeterminada.

(Heredado de Object)

Obtiene el Type de la instancia actual.

(Heredado de Object)

Devuelve el desplazamiento de la hora universal coordinada (UTC) con respecto a la hora local especificada.


Devuelve un valor que indica si la fecha y hora especificadas se encuentran dentro del período de horario de verano.

IsDaylightSavingTime(DateTime, DaylightTime)

Devuelve un valor que indica si la fecha y hora especificadas se encuentran dentro del período de horario de verano especificado.


Crea una copia superficial del Object actual.

(Heredado de Object)

Devuelve la hora local correspondiente a un valor especificado de fecha y hora.


Devuelve una cadena que representa el objeto actual.

(Heredado de Object)

Devuelve la hora universal coordinada (UTC) correspondiente a una hora local especificada.

Se aplica a

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