Comparteix a través de

TimeZoneInfo.GetAdjustmentRules Método


Recupera una matriz de objetos TimeZoneInfo.AdjustmentRule que se aplican al objeto TimeZoneInfo actual.

 cli::array <TimeZoneInfo::AdjustmentRule ^> ^ GetAdjustmentRules();
public TimeZoneInfo.AdjustmentRule[] GetAdjustmentRules ();
member this.GetAdjustmentRules : unit -> TimeZoneInfo.AdjustmentRule[]
Public Function GetAdjustmentRules () As TimeZoneInfo.AdjustmentRule()



Matriz de objetos para esta zona horaria.


El sistema no tiene suficiente memoria para realizar una copia en memoria de las reglas de ajuste.


En el ejemplo siguiente se recuperan todas las zonas horarias definidas en el sistema local y se muestra información completa sobre sus reglas de ajuste en la consola.

private enum WeekOfMonth 
   First = 1,
   Second = 2,
   Third = 3,
   Fourth = 4,
   Last = 5,

private static void ShowStartAndEndDates()
   // Get all time zones from system
   ReadOnlyCollection<TimeZoneInfo> timeZones = TimeZoneInfo.GetSystemTimeZones();
   string[] monthNames = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.DateTimeFormat.MonthNames;
   // Get each time zone
   foreach (TimeZoneInfo timeZone in timeZones)
      TimeZoneInfo.AdjustmentRule[] adjustments = timeZone.GetAdjustmentRules();
      // Display message for time zones with no adjustments
      if (adjustments.Length == 0)
         Console.WriteLine("{0} has no adjustment rules", timeZone.StandardName);
         // Handle time zones with 1 or 2+ adjustments differently
         bool showCount = false;
         int ctr = 0;
         string spacer = "";
         Console.WriteLine("{0} Adjustment rules", timeZone.StandardName);
         if (adjustments.Length > 1)
            showCount = true;
            spacer = "   ";
         // Iterate adjustment rules
         foreach (TimeZoneInfo.AdjustmentRule adjustment in adjustments)
            if (showCount)
               Console.WriteLine("   Adjustment rule #{0}", ctr+1);
            // Display general adjustment information
            Console.WriteLine("{0}   Start Date: {1:D}", spacer, adjustment.DateStart);
            Console.WriteLine("{0}   End Date: {1:D}", spacer, adjustment.DateEnd);
            Console.WriteLine("{0}   Time Change: {1}:{2:00} hours", spacer, 
                              adjustment.DaylightDelta.Hours, adjustment.DaylightDelta.Minutes);
            // Get transition start information
            TimeZoneInfo.TransitionTime transitionStart = adjustment.DaylightTransitionStart;
            Console.Write("{0}   Annual Start: ", spacer);
            if (transitionStart.IsFixedDateRule)
               Console.WriteLine("On {0} {1} at {2:t}", 
                                 monthNames[transitionStart.Month - 1], 
               Console.WriteLine("The {0} {1} of {2} at {3:t}", 
                                 monthNames[transitionStart.Month - 1], 
            // Get transition end information
            TimeZoneInfo.TransitionTime transitionEnd = adjustment.DaylightTransitionEnd;
            Console.Write("{0}   Annual End: ", spacer);
            if (transitionEnd.IsFixedDateRule)
               Console.WriteLine("On {0} {1} at {2:t}", 
                                 monthNames[transitionEnd.Month - 1], 
               Console.WriteLine("The {0} {1} of {2} at {3:t}", 
                                 monthNames[transitionEnd.Month - 1], 
type WeekOfMonth = 
    | First = 1
    | Second = 2
    | Third = 3
    | Fourth = 4
    | Last = 5

let showStartAndEndDates () =
    // Get all time zones from system
    let timeZones = TimeZoneInfo.GetSystemTimeZones()
    let monthNames = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.DateTimeFormat.MonthNames
    // Get each time zone
    for timeZone in timeZones do
        let adjustments = timeZone.GetAdjustmentRules()
        // Display message for time zones with no adjustments
        if adjustments.Length = 0 then
            printfn $"{timeZone.StandardName} has no adjustment rules"
            // Handle time zones with 1 or 2+ adjustments differently
            let mutable ctr = 0
            let showCount, spacer = 
                if adjustments.Length > 1 then
                    true, "   "
                    false, ""
            printfn $"{timeZone.StandardName} Adjustment rules"

            // Iterate adjustment rules
            for adjustment in adjustments do
                if showCount then
                    printfn $"   Adjustment rule #{ctr + 1}"
                    ctr <- ctr + 1
                // Display general adjustment information
                printfn $"{spacer}   Start Date: {adjustment.DateStart:D}"
                printfn $"{spacer}   End Date: {adjustment.DateEnd:D}"
                printfn $"{spacer}   Time Change: {adjustment.DaylightDelta.Hours}:{adjustment.DaylightDelta.Minutes:D2} hours"
                // Get transition start information
                let transitionStart = adjustment.DaylightTransitionStart
                printf $"{spacer}   Annual Start: "
                if transitionStart.IsFixedDateRule then
                    printfn $"On {monthNames[transitionStart.Month - 1]} {transitionStart.Day} at {transitionStart.TimeOfDay:t}"
                    printfn $"The {transitionStart.Week |> enum<WeekOfMonth>} {transitionStart.DayOfWeek} of {monthNames[transitionStart.Month - 1]} at {transitionStart.TimeOfDay:t}"
                // Get transition end information
                let transitionEnd = adjustment.DaylightTransitionEnd
                printf $"{spacer}   Annual End: "
                if transitionEnd.IsFixedDateRule then
                    printfn $"On {monthNames[transitionEnd.Month - 1]} {transitionEnd.Day} at {transitionEnd.TimeOfDay:t}"
                    printfn $"The {enum<WeekOfMonth> transitionEnd.Week} {transitionEnd.DayOfWeek} of {monthNames[transitionEnd.Month - 1]} at {transitionEnd.TimeOfDay:t}" 
Private Enum WeekOfMonth As Integer
   First = 1
   Second = 2
   Third = 3
   Fourth = 4
   Last = 5
End Enum

Private Sub ShowStartAndEndDates()
   ' Get all time zones from system
   Dim timeZones As ReadOnlyCollection(Of TimeZoneInfo) = TimeZoneInfo.GetSystemTimeZones()
   ' Get each time zone
   For Each timeZone As TimeZoneInfo In timeZones
      Dim adjustments() As TimeZoneInfo.AdjustmentRule = timeZone.GetAdjustmentRules()
      ' Display message for time zones with no adjustments
      If adjustments.Length = 0 Then
         Console.WriteLine("{0} has no adjustment rules", timeZone.StandardName)
         ' Handle time zones with 1 or 2+ adjustments differently
         Dim showCount As Boolean = False
         Dim ctr As Integer = 0
         Dim spacer As String = ""
         Console.WriteLine("{0} Adjustment rules", timeZone.StandardName)
         If adjustments.Length > 1 Then showCount = True : spacer = "   "  
         ' Iterate adjustment rules
         For Each adjustment As TimeZoneInfo.AdjustmentRule in adjustments
            If showCount Then 
               Console.WriteLine("   Adjustment rule #{0}", ctr+1)
               ctr += 1
            End If
            ' Display general adjustment information
            Console.WriteLine("{0}   Start Date: {1:D}", spacer, adjustment.DateStart)
            Console.WriteLine("{0}   End Date: {1:D}", spacer, adjustment.DateEnd)
            Console.WriteLine("{0}   Time Change: {1}:{2:00} hours", spacer, _
                              adjustment.DaylightDelta.Hours, adjustment.DaylightDelta.Minutes)
            ' Get transition start information
            Dim transitionStart As TimeZoneInfo.TransitionTime = adjustment.DaylightTransitionStart
            Console.Write("{0}   Annual Start: ", spacer)
            If transitionStart.IsFixedDateRule Then
               Console.WriteLine("On {0} {1} at {2:t}", _
                                 MonthName(transitionStart.Month), _
                                 transitionStart.Day, _
               Console.WriteLine("The {0} {1} of {2} at {3:t}", _
                                 CType(transitionStart.Week, WeekOfMonth).ToString(), _
                                 transitionStart.DayOfWeek.ToString(), _
                                 MonthName(transitionStart.Month), _
            End If
            ' Get transition end information
            Dim transitionEnd As TimeZoneInfo.TransitionTime = adjustment.DaylightTransitionEnd
            Console.Write("{0}   Annual End: ", spacer)
            If transitionEnd.IsFixedDateRule Then
               Console.WriteLine("On {0} {1} at {2:t}", _
                                 MonthName(transitionEnd.Month), _
                                 transitionEnd.Day, _
               Console.WriteLine("The {0} {1} of {2} at {3:t}", _
                                 CType(transitionEnd.Week, WeekOfMonth).ToString(), _
                                 transitionEnd.DayOfWeek.ToString(), _
                                 MonthName(transitionEnd.Month), _
            End If
      End If   
End Sub


El GetAdjustmentRules método recupera una matriz de System.TimeZoneInfo.AdjustmentRule objetos . Cada objeto de la matriz define la fecha de inicio y finalización efectiva de ese ajuste de zona horaria, así como su delta (la cantidad exacta por la que el ajuste hace que cambie el tiempo). Además, dos propiedades devuelven System.TimeZoneInfo.TransitionTime objetos que definen cuándo se produce cada transición anual a y desde la hora estándar.

Si una zona horaria tiene varias reglas de ajuste, generalmente se ordenan de la más antigua (en el índice 0) a la más reciente (en el índice Length - 1).

Si una zona horaria no tiene reglas de ajuste, el GetAdjustmentRules método devuelve una matriz vacía (una matriz cuyo Length es cero).

Las modificaciones en los elementos de la matriz devueltas por el GetAdjustmentRules método no se reflejan en las reglas de ajuste que pertenecen a una zona horaria determinada. Para modificar las reglas de ajuste de una zona horaria (por ejemplo, para reflejar su transición histórica a y desde el horario de verano), debe crear una nueva zona horaria con las reglas de ajuste adecuadas, en lugar de modificar la existente.

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