Comparteix a través de

TimeZoneInfo.TransitionTime.IsFixedDateRule Propiedad


Obtiene un valor que indica si se produce el cambio de hora en una fecha y hora fija (por ejemplo, el 1 de noviembre) o en una fecha y hora flotante (como el último domingo de octubre).

 property bool IsFixedDateRule { bool get(); };
public bool IsFixedDateRule { get; }
member this.IsFixedDateRule : bool
Public ReadOnly Property IsFixedDateRule As Boolean

Valor de propiedad

true si la regla de cambio horario es fecha fija; false si la regla de cambio horario es fecha flotante.


En el ejemplo siguiente se enumeran los tiempos de transición hacia y desde el horario de verano para todas las zonas horarias disponibles en el sistema local. En el caso de las zonas horarias con reglas de fecha fija, muestra información de tiempo de transición de las propiedades del TimeZoneInfo.TransitionTime objeto . En el caso de las zonas horarias sin reglas de fecha fija, usa un Calendar objeto que representa el calendario del sistema actual para determinar las fechas de inicio y finalización reales de la transición. En el ejemplo se muestran los resultados en la consola.

private void GetTransitionTimes(int year)
   // Instantiate DateTimeFormatInfo object for month names
   DateTimeFormatInfo dateFormat = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.DateTimeFormat;

   // Get and iterate time zones on local computer
   ReadOnlyCollection<TimeZoneInfo> timeZones = TimeZoneInfo.GetSystemTimeZones();
   foreach (TimeZoneInfo timeZone in timeZones)
      Console.WriteLine("{0}:", timeZone.StandardName);
      TimeZoneInfo.AdjustmentRule[] adjustments = timeZone.GetAdjustmentRules();
      int startYear = year;
      int endYear = startYear;

      if (adjustments.Length == 0)
         Console.WriteLine("   No adjustment rules.");
         TimeZoneInfo.AdjustmentRule adjustment = GetAdjustment(adjustments, year);
         if (adjustment == null)
            Console.WriteLine("   No adjustment rules available for this year.");
         TimeZoneInfo.TransitionTime startTransition, endTransition;
         // Determine if starting transition is fixed 
         startTransition = adjustment.DaylightTransitionStart;
         // Determine if starting transition is fixed and display transition info for year
         if (startTransition.IsFixedDateRule)
            Console.WriteLine("   Begins on {0} {1} at {2:t}", 
            DisplayTransitionInfo(startTransition, startYear, "Begins on");

         // Determine if ending transition is fixed and display transition info for year
         endTransition = adjustment.DaylightTransitionEnd;
         // Does the transition back occur in an earlier month (i.e., 
         // the following year) than the transition to DST? If so, make
         // sure we have the right adjustment rule.
         if (endTransition.Month < startTransition.Month)
            endTransition = GetAdjustment(adjustments, year + 1).DaylightTransitionEnd;
         if (endTransition.IsFixedDateRule)
            Console.WriteLine("   Ends on {0} {1} at {2:t}", 
            DisplayTransitionInfo(endTransition, endYear, "Ends on");

private static TimeZoneInfo.AdjustmentRule GetAdjustment(TimeZoneInfo.AdjustmentRule[] adjustments,
                                                  int year)
   // Iterate adjustment rules for time zone
   foreach (TimeZoneInfo.AdjustmentRule adjustment in adjustments)
      // Determine if this adjustment rule covers year desired
      if (adjustment.DateStart.Year <= year && adjustment.DateEnd.Year >= year)
         return adjustment;
   return null;

private void DisplayTransitionInfo(TimeZoneInfo.TransitionTime transition, int year, string label)
   // For non-fixed date rules, get local calendar
   Calendar cal = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.Calendar;
   // Get first day of week for transition
   // For example, the 3rd week starts no earlier than the 15th of the month
   int startOfWeek = transition.Week * 7 - 6;
   // What day of the week does the month start on?
   int firstDayOfWeek = (int) cal.GetDayOfWeek(new DateTime(year, transition.Month, 1)); 
   // Determine how much start date has to be adjusted
   int transitionDay; 
   int changeDayOfWeek = (int) transition.DayOfWeek;

   if (firstDayOfWeek <= changeDayOfWeek)
      transitionDay = startOfWeek + (changeDayOfWeek - firstDayOfWeek);
      transitionDay = startOfWeek + (7 - firstDayOfWeek + changeDayOfWeek);

   // Adjust for months with no fifth week
   if (transitionDay > cal.GetDaysInMonth(year, transition.Month))  
      transitionDay -= 7;

   Console.WriteLine("   {0} {1}, {2:d} at {3:t}", 
                     new DateTime(year, transition.Month, transitionDay), 
open System
open System.Globalization

let displayTransitionInfo (transition: TimeZoneInfo.TransitionTime) year label =
    // For non-fixed date rules, get local calendar
    let cal = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.Calendar
    // Get first day of week for transition
    // For example, the 3rd week starts no earlier than the 15th of the month
    let startOfWeek = transition.Week * 7 - 6
    // What day of the week does the month start on?
    let firstDayOfWeek = cal.GetDayOfWeek(DateTime(year, transition.Month, 1)) |> int 
    // Determine how much start date has to be adjusted
    let changeDayOfWeek = int transition.DayOfWeek

    let transitionDay = 
        if firstDayOfWeek <= changeDayOfWeek then
            startOfWeek + (changeDayOfWeek - firstDayOfWeek)
            startOfWeek + (7 - firstDayOfWeek + changeDayOfWeek)

    // Adjust for months with no fifth week
    let transitionDay =
        if transitionDay > cal.GetDaysInMonth(year, transition.Month) then  
            transitionDay - 7

    printfn $"   {label} {transition.DayOfWeek}, {DateTime(year, transition.Month, transitionDay):d} at {transition.TimeOfDay:t}"   

let getAdjustment (adjustments: TimeZoneInfo.AdjustmentRule seq) year =
    // Iterate adjustment rules for time zone
    // Determine if this adjustment rule covers year desired
    |> Seq.tryFind (fun adjustment -> adjustment.DateStart.Year <= year && adjustment.DateEnd >= DateTime year)
    |> Option.defaultValue null

let getTransitionTimes year =
    // Instantiate DateTimeFormatInfo object for month names
    let dateFormat = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.DateTimeFormat

    // Get and iterate time zones on local computer
    let timeZones = TimeZoneInfo.GetSystemTimeZones()
    for timeZone in timeZones do
        printfn $"{timeZone.StandardName}:"
        let adjustments = timeZone.GetAdjustmentRules()
        let startYear = year
        let mutable endYear = startYear

        if adjustments.Length = 0 then
            printfn "   No adjustment rules."
            let adjustment = getAdjustment adjustments year
            if adjustment = null then
                Console.WriteLine("   No adjustment rules available for this year.")
                // Determine if starting transition is fixed 
                let startTransition = adjustment.DaylightTransitionStart
                // Determine if starting transition is fixed and display transition info for year
                if startTransition.IsFixedDateRule then
                    printfn $"   Begins on {dateFormat.GetMonthName startTransition.Month} {startTransition.Day} at {startTransition.TimeOfDay:t}"
                    displayTransitionInfo startTransition startYear "Begins on"

                // Determine if ending transition is fixed and display transition info for year
                let mutable endTransition = adjustment.DaylightTransitionEnd
                // Does the transition back occur in an earlier month (i.e., 
                // the following year) than the transition to DST? If so, make
                // sure we have the right adjustment rule.
                if endTransition.Month < startTransition.Month then
                    endTransition <- (getAdjustment adjustments (year + 1)).DaylightTransitionEnd
                    endYear <- endYear + 1
                if endTransition.IsFixedDateRule then
                    printfn $"   Ends on {dateFormat.GetMonthName endTransition.Month} {endTransition.Day} at {endTransition.TimeOfDay:t}"
                    displayTransitionInfo endTransition endYear "Ends on"
Private Sub GetTransitionTimes(year As Integer)
   ' Get and iterate time zones on local computer
   Dim timeZones As ReadOnlyCollection(Of TimeZoneInfo) = TimeZoneInfo.GetSystemTimeZones()
   For Each timeZone As TimeZoneInfo In timeZones
      Console.WriteLine("{0}:", timeZone.StandardName)
      Dim adjustments() As TimeZoneInfo.AdjustmentRule = timeZone.GetAdjustmentRules()
      Dim startYear As Integer = year
      Dim endYear As Integer = startYear

      If adjustments.Length = 0 Then
         Console.WriteLine("   No adjustment rules.")
         Dim adjustment As TimeZoneInfo.AdjustmentRule = GetAdjustment(adjustments, year)
         If adjustment Is Nothing Then
            Console.WriteLine("   No adjustment rules available for this year.")
            Continue For
         End If
         Dim startTransition, endTransition As TimeZoneInfo.TransitionTime

         ' Determine if starting transition is fixed 
         startTransition = adjustment.DaylightTransitionStart
         ' Determine if starting transition is fixed and display transition info for year
         If startTransition.IsFixedDateRule Then
            Console.WriteLine("   Begins on {0} {1} at {2:t}", _
                              MonthName(startTransition.Month), _
                              startTransition.Day, _
            DisplayTransitionInfo(startTransition, startYear, "Begins on")
         End If    

         ' Determine if ending transition is fixed and display transition info for year
         endTransition = adjustment.DaylightTransitionEnd
         ' Does the transition back occur in an earlier month (i.e., 
         ' the following year) than the transition to DST? If so, make
         ' sure we have the right adjustment rule.
         If endTransition.Month < startTransition.Month Then
            endTransition = GetAdjustment(adjustments, year + 1).DaylightTransitionEnd
            endYear += 1
         End If

         If endTransition.IsFixedDateRule Then
            Console.WriteLine("   Ends on {0} {1} at {2:t}", _
                              MonthName(endTransition.Month), _
                              endTransition.Day, _
            DisplayTransitionInfo(endTransition, endYear, "Ends on")
         End If    
      End If   
End Sub

Private Function GetAdjustment(adjustments As TimeZoneInfo.AdjustmentRule(), _
                               year As Integer) As TimeZoneInfo.AdjustmentRule
   ' Iterate adjustment rules for time zone
   For Each adjustment As TimeZoneInfo.AdjustmentRule In adjustments
      ' Determine if this adjustment rule covers year desired
      If adjustment.DateStart.Year <= year And adjustment.DateEnd.Year >= year Then
         Return adjustment
      End If
   Return Nothing
End Function
Private Sub DisplayTransitionInfo(transition As TimeZoneInfo.TransitionTime, year As Integer, label As String)
   ' For non-fixed date rules, get local calendar
   Static cal As Calendar = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.Calendar

   ' Get first day of week for transition
   ' For example, the 3rd week starts no earlier than the 15th of the month
   Dim startOfWeek As Integer = transition.Week * 7 - 6
   ' What day of the week does the month start on?
   Dim firstDayOfWeek As Integer = cal.GetDayOfWeek(New Date(year, transition.Month, 1))
   ' Determine how much start date has to be adjusted
   Dim transitionDay As Integer 
   Dim changeDayOfWeek As Integer = transition.DayOfWeek

   If firstDayOfWeek <= changeDayOfWeek Then
      transitionDay = startOfWeek + (changeDayOfWeek - firstDayOfWeek)
      transitionDay = startOfWeek + (7 - firstDayOfWeek + changeDayOfWeek)
   End If
   ' Adjust for months with no fifth week
   If transitionDay > cal.GetDaysInMonth(year, transition.Month) Then  
      transitionDay -= 7
   End If
   Console.WriteLine("   {0} {1}, {2:d} at {3:t}", _
                     label, _
                     transition.DayOfWeek, _
                     New DateTime(year, transition.Month, transitionDay), _
End Sub


Una regla de fecha fija indica que la transición se produce en la misma fecha y hora de cada año a la que se aplica la regla de ajuste. Por ejemplo, un cambio de hora que se produce cada 3 de noviembre sigue una regla de fecha fija. Una regla de fecha flotante indica que la transición se produce en un día específico de una semana específica de un mes específico para cada año al que se aplica la regla de ajuste. Por ejemplo, un cambio de hora que se produce el primer domingo de noviembre sigue una regla de fecha flotante.

El valor de la IsFixedDateRule propiedad determina qué propiedades de un TimeZoneInfo.TransitionTime objeto tienen valores válidos. En la tabla siguiente se indica qué propiedades se ven afectadas por el valor de la IsFixedDateRule propiedad .

Propiedad TransitionTime IsFixedDateRule = true IsFixedDateRule = false
Day Válido No utilizado
DayOfWeek No utilizado Válido
Week No utilizado Válido
Month Válido Válido
TimeOfDay Válido Válido

Se aplica a