Comparteix a través de

Type.Attributes Propiedad


Obtiene los atributos asociados al objeto Type.

 property System::Reflection::TypeAttributes Attributes { System::Reflection::TypeAttributes get(); };
public System.Reflection.TypeAttributes Attributes { get; }
member this.Attributes : System.Reflection.TypeAttributes
Public ReadOnly Property Attributes As TypeAttributes

Valor de propiedad


Objeto TypeAttributes que representa el conjunto de atributos del objeto Type, a menos que el objeto Type represente un parámetro de tipo genérico, en cuyo caso el valor no se especifica.



En el ejemplo siguiente se usa la Attributes propiedad .

using System;
using System.Reflection;

internal struct S
    public int X;

public abstract class Example
    protected sealed class NestedClass {}

    public interface INested {}

    public static void Main()
        // Create an array of types.
        Type[] types = { typeof(Example), typeof(NestedClass),
                         typeof(INested), typeof(S) };

        foreach (var t in types) 
           Console.WriteLine("Attributes for type {0}:", t.Name);

           TypeAttributes attr = t.Attributes;

           // To test for visibility attributes, you must use the visibility mask.
           TypeAttributes visibility = attr & TypeAttributes.VisibilityMask;
           switch (visibility)
               case TypeAttributes.NotPublic:
                   Console.WriteLine(" not public");
               case TypeAttributes.Public:
                   Console.WriteLine(" public");
               case TypeAttributes.NestedPublic:
                   Console.WriteLine(" nested and public");
               case TypeAttributes.NestedPrivate:
                   Console.WriteLine(" nested and private");
               case TypeAttributes.NestedFamANDAssem:
                   Console.WriteLine(" nested, and inheritable only within the assembly" +
                      "\n         (cannot be declared in C#)");
               case TypeAttributes.NestedAssembly:
                   Console.WriteLine(" nested and internal");
               case TypeAttributes.NestedFamily:
                   Console.WriteLine(" nested and protected");
               case TypeAttributes.NestedFamORAssem:
                   Console.WriteLine(" nested and protected internal");

           // Use the layout mask to test for layout attributes.
           TypeAttributes layout = attr & TypeAttributes.LayoutMask;
           switch (layout)
               case TypeAttributes.AutoLayout:
                   Console.WriteLine(" AutoLayout");
               case TypeAttributes.SequentialLayout:
                   Console.WriteLine(" SequentialLayout");
               case TypeAttributes.ExplicitLayout:
                   Console.WriteLine(" ExplicitLayout");

           // Use the class semantics mask to test for class semantics attributes.
           TypeAttributes classSemantics = attr & TypeAttributes.ClassSemanticsMask;
           switch (classSemantics)
               case TypeAttributes.Class:
                   if (t.IsValueType)
                       Console.WriteLine(" a value type");
                       Console.WriteLine(" a class");
               case TypeAttributes.Interface:
                   Console.WriteLine(" an interface");

           if ((attr & TypeAttributes.Abstract) != 0)
               Console.WriteLine(" abstract");

           if ((attr & TypeAttributes.Sealed) != 0)
               Console.WriteLine(" sealed");
// The example displays the following output:
// Attributes for type Example:
// public
// AutoLayout
// a class
// abstract

// Attributes for type NestedClass:
// nested and protected
// AutoLayout
// a class
// sealed

// Attributes for type INested:
// nested and public
// AutoLayout
// an interface
// abstract

// Attributes for type S:
// not public
// SequentialLayout
// a value type
// sealed
Imports System.Reflection

Friend Structure S
    Public X As Integer
End Structure

Public MustInherit Class Example
    Protected NotInheritable Class NestedClass
    End Class

    Public Interface INested
    End Interface

    Public Shared Sub Main()
        ' Create an array of types.
        Dim types() As Type = { GetType(Example), GetType(NestedClass),
                                GetType(INested), GetType(S) }

        For Each t In types
           Console.WriteLine("Attributes for type {0}:", t.Name)

           Dim attr As TypeAttributes = t.Attributes

           ' Use the visibility mask to test for visibility attributes.
           Dim visibility As TypeAttributes = attr And TypeAttributes.VisibilityMask
           Select Case visibility
               Case TypeAttributes.NotPublic:
                   Console.WriteLine(" not Public")
               Case TypeAttributes.Public:
                   Console.WriteLine(" Public")
               Case TypeAttributes.NestedPublic:
                   Console.WriteLine(" nested and Public")
               Case TypeAttributes.NestedPrivate:
                   Console.WriteLine(" nested and Private")
               Case TypeAttributes.NestedFamANDAssem:
                   Console.WriteLine(" nested, and inheritable only within the assembly" & _
                      vbLf & "         (cannot be declared in Visual Basic)")
               Case TypeAttributes.NestedAssembly:
                   Console.WriteLine(" nested and Friend")
               Case TypeAttributes.NestedFamily:
                   Console.WriteLine(" nested and Protected")
               Case TypeAttributes.NestedFamORAssem:
                   Console.WriteLine(" nested and Protected Friend")
           End Select

           ' Use the layout mask to test for layout attributes.
           Dim layout As TypeAttributes = attr And TypeAttributes.LayoutMask
           Select Case layout
               Case TypeAttributes.AutoLayout:
                   Console.WriteLine(" AutoLayout")
               Case TypeAttributes.SequentialLayout:
                   Console.WriteLine(" SequentialLayout")
               Case TypeAttributes.ExplicitLayout:
                   Console.WriteLine(" ExplicitLayout")
           End Select

           ' Use the class semantics mask to test for class semantics attributes.
           Dim classSemantics As TypeAttributes = attr And TypeAttributes.ClassSemanticsMask
           Select Case classSemantics
               Case TypeAttributes.Class:
                   If t.IsValueType Then
                       Console.WriteLine(" a value type")
                       Console.WriteLine(" a class")
                   End If
               Case TypeAttributes.Interface:
                   Console.WriteLine(" an interface")
           End Select

           If 0 <> (attr And TypeAttributes.Abstract) Then _
               Console.WriteLine(" MustInherit")

           If 0 <> (attr And TypeAttributes.Sealed) Then _
               Console.WriteLine(" NotInheritable")
    End Sub
End Class
' The example displays the following output:
'       Attributes for type Example:
' Public
' AutoLayout
' a class
' MustInherit
'       Attributes for type NestedClass:
' nested and Protected
' AutoLayout
' a class
' NotInheritable
'       Attributes for type INested:
' nested and Public
' AutoLayout
' an interface
' MustInherit
'       Attributes for type S:
' not Public
' SequentialLayout
' a value type
' NotInheritable


Algunos miembros de la TypeAttributes enumeración son máscaras que representan un grupo de valores. Cada grupo incluye un miembro cuyo valor subyacente es cero. Por ejemplo, el valor subyacente del miembro del grupo TypeAttributes.NotPublic TypeAttributes.VisibilityMask es cero, al igual que el TypeAttributes.AutoLayout miembro del TypeAttributes.SequentialLayout grupo. Por este problema, debe usar la máscara antes de probar esos valores. En este ejemplo se ilustra.


Para la mayoría de los propósitos, las propiedades IsClass como , y son más IsAutoLayout IsSpecialName fáciles de usar que los atributos de tipo.

Si el objeto Type actual representa un tipo genérico construido, esta propiedad devuelve los atributos de la definición de tipo genérico. Por ejemplo, los atributos devueltos para ( en Visual Basic) son MyGenericClass<int> los atributos de ( en MyGenericClass(Of Integer) MyGenericClass<T> MyGenericClass(Of T) Visual Basic).

Si el objeto actual representa un parámetro de tipo genérico , es decir, si la propiedad devuelve , el valor devuelto por esta Type IsGenericParameter propiedad no se true TypeAttributes especifica.

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