Comparteix a través de

Type.MakeArrayType Método


Devuelve un objeto Type que representa una matriz del tipo actual.



Devuelve un objeto Type que representa una matriz unidimensional del tipo actual, con un límite inferior de cero.


Devuelve un objeto Type que representa una matriz del tipo actual, con el número de dimensiones especificado.


En el ejemplo de código siguiente se crea una matriz , ref (ByRef en Visual Basic) y tipos de puntero para la Test clase .

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Reflection;

public ref class Example
   static void Main()
      // Create a Type object that represents a one-dimensional
      // array of Example objects.
      Type^ t = Example::typeid->MakeArrayType();
      Console::WriteLine( L"\r\nArray of Example: {0}", t );
      // Create a Type object that represents a two-dimensional
      // array of Example objects.
      t = Example::typeid->MakeArrayType( 2 );
      Console::WriteLine( L"\r\nTwo-dimensional array of Example: {0}", t );
      // Demonstrate an exception when an invalid array rank is
      // specified.
         t = Example::typeid->MakeArrayType(  -1 );
      catch ( Exception^ ex ) 
         Console::WriteLine( L"\r\n{0}", ex );
      // Create a Type object that represents a ByRef parameter
      // of type Example.
      t = Example::typeid->MakeByRefType();
      Console::WriteLine( L"\r\nByRef Example: {0}", t );
      // Get a Type object representing the Example class, a
      // MethodInfo representing the "Test" method, a ParameterInfo
      // representing the parameter of type Example, and finally
      // a Type object representing the type of this ByRef parameter.
      // Compare this Type object with the Type object created using
      // MakeByRefType.
      Type^ t2 = Example::typeid;
      MethodInfo^ mi = t2->GetMethod( L"Test" );
      ParameterInfo^ pi = mi->GetParameters()[ 0 ];
      Type^ pt = pi->ParameterType;
      Console::WriteLine( L"Are the ByRef types equal? {0}", (t == pt) );
      // Create a Type object that represents a pointer to an
      // Example object.
      t = Example::typeid->MakePointerType();
      Console::WriteLine( L"\r\nPointer to Example: {0}", t );

   // A sample method with a ByRef parameter.
   void Test( interior_ptr<Example^> /*e*/ )

int main()

/* This example produces output similar to the following:

Array of Example: Example[]

Two-dimensional array of Example: Example[,]

System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array.
   at System.RuntimeType.MakeArrayType(Int32 rank) in c:\vbl\ndp\clr\src\BCL\System\RtType.cs:line 2999
   at Example.Main()

ByRef Example: Example&
Are the ByRef types equal? True

Pointer to Example: Example*

using System;
using System.Reflection;

public class Example
    public static void Main()
        // Create a Type object that represents a one-dimensional
        // array of Example objects.
        Type t = typeof(Example).MakeArrayType();
        Console.WriteLine("\r\nArray of Example: {0}", t);

        // Create a Type object that represents a two-dimensional
        // array of Example objects.
        t = typeof(Example).MakeArrayType(2);
        Console.WriteLine("\r\nTwo-dimensional array of Example: {0}", t);

        // Demonstrate an exception when an invalid array rank is
        // specified.
            t = typeof(Example).MakeArrayType(-1);
        catch(Exception ex)
            Console.WriteLine("\r\n{0}", ex);

        // Create a Type object that represents a ByRef parameter
        // of type Example.
        t = typeof(Example).MakeByRefType();
        Console.WriteLine("\r\nByRef Example: {0}", t);

        // Get a Type object representing the Example class, a
        // MethodInfo representing the "Test" method, a ParameterInfo
        // representing the parameter of type Example, and finally
        // a Type object representing the type of this ByRef parameter.
        // Compare this Type object with the Type object created using
        // MakeByRefType.
        Type t2 = typeof(Example);
        MethodInfo mi = t2.GetMethod("Test");
        ParameterInfo pi = mi.GetParameters()[0];
        Type pt = pi.ParameterType;
        Console.WriteLine("Are the ByRef types equal? {0}", (t == pt));

        // Create a Type object that represents a pointer to an
        // Example object.
        t = typeof(Example).MakePointerType();
        Console.WriteLine("\r\nPointer to Example: {0}", t);

    // A sample method with a ByRef parameter.
    public void Test(ref Example e)

/* This example produces output similar to the following:

Array of Example: Example[]

Two-dimensional array of Example: Example[,]

System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array.
   at System.RuntimeType.MakeArrayType(Int32 rank) in c:\vbl\ndp\clr\src\BCL\System\RtType.cs:line 2999
   at Example.Main()

ByRef Example: Example&
Are the ByRef types equal? True

Pointer to Example: Example*

type Example() =
    // A sample method with a ByRef parameter.
    member _.Test(e: Example byref) = ()

    // Create a Type object that represents a one-dimensional
    // array of Example objects.
    let t = typeof<Example>.MakeArrayType()
    printfn $"\r\nArray of Example: {t}"

    // Create a Type object that represents a two-dimensional
    // array of Example objects.
    let t = typeof<Example>.MakeArrayType 2
    printfn $"\r\nTwo-dimensional array of Example: {t}"

    // Demonstrate an exception when an invalid array rank is
    // specified.
        let t = typeof<Example>.MakeArrayType -1
    with ex ->
        printfn $"\r\n{ex}"

    // Create a Type object that represents a ByRef parameter
    // of type Example.
    let t = typeof<Example>.MakeByRefType()
    printfn $"\r\nByRef Example: {t}"

    // Get a Type object representing the Example class, a
    // MethodInfo representing the "Test" method, a ParameterInfo
    // representing the parameter of type Example, and finally
    // a Type object representing the type of this ByRef parameter.
    // Compare this Type object with the Type object created using
    // MakeByRefType.
    let t2 = typeof<Example>
    let mi = t2.GetMethod "Test"
    let pi = mi.GetParameters()[0]
    let pt = pi.ParameterType
    printfn $"Are the ByRef types equal? {t = pt}"

    // Create a Type object that represents a pointer to an
    // Example object.
    let t = typeof<Example>.MakePointerType()
    printfn $"\r\nPointer to Example: {t}"

(* This example produces output similar to the following:

Array of Example: Example[]

Two-dimensional array of Example: Example[,]

System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array.
   at System.RuntimeType.MakeArrayType(Int32 rank) in c:\vbl\ndp\clr\src\BCL\System\RtType.cs:line 2999
   at Example.Main()

ByRef Example: Example&
Are the ByRef types equal? True

Pointer to Example: Example*
Imports System.Reflection

Public Class Example
    Public Shared Sub Main()
        ' Create a Type object that represents a one-dimensional
        ' array of Example objects.
        Dim t As Type = GetType(Example).MakeArrayType()
        Console.WriteLine(vbCrLf & "Array of Example: " & t.ToString())

        ' Create a Type object that represents a two-dimensional
        ' array of Example objects.
        t = GetType(Example).MakeArrayType(2)
        Console.WriteLine(vbCrLf & "Two-dimensional array of Example: " & t.ToString())

        ' Demonstrate an exception when an invalid array rank is
        ' specified.
            t = GetType(Example).MakeArrayType(-1)
        Catch ex As Exception
            Console.WriteLine(vbCrLf & ex.ToString())
        End Try

        ' Create a Type object that represents a ByRef parameter
        ' of type Example.
        t = GetType(Example).MakeByRefType()
        Console.WriteLine(vbCrLf & "ByRef Example: " & t.ToString())

        ' Get a Type object representing the Example class, a
        ' MethodInfo representing the "Test" method, a ParameterInfo
        ' representing the parameter of type Example, and finally
        ' a Type object representing the type of this ByRef parameter.
        ' Compare this Type object with the Type object created using
        ' MakeByRefType.
        Dim t2 As Type = GetType(Example)
        Dim mi As MethodInfo = t2.GetMethod("Test")
        Dim pi As ParameterInfo = mi.GetParameters()(0)
        Dim pt As Type = pi.ParameterType
        Console.WriteLine("Are the ByRef types equal? " & (t Is pt))

        ' Create a Type object that represents a pointer to an
        ' Example object.
        t = GetType(Example).MakePointerType()
        Console.WriteLine(vbCrLf & "Pointer to Example: " & t.ToString())
    End Sub

    ' A sample method with a ByRef parameter.
    Public Sub Test(ByRef e As Example)
    End Sub
End Class

' This example produces output similar to the following:
'Array of Example: Example[]
'Two-dimensional array of Example: Example[,]
'System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array.
'   at System.RuntimeType.MakeArrayType(Int32 rank) in c:\vbl\ndp\clr\src\BCL\System\RtType.cs:line 2999
'   at Example.Main()
'ByRef Example: Example&
'Are the ByRef types equal? True
'Pointer to Example: Example*



Devuelve un objeto Type que representa una matriz unidimensional del tipo actual, con un límite inferior de cero.

 abstract Type ^ MakeArrayType();
 virtual Type ^ MakeArrayType();
public abstract Type MakeArrayType ();
public virtual Type MakeArrayType ();
abstract member MakeArrayType : unit -> Type
abstract member MakeArrayType : unit -> Type
override this.MakeArrayType : unit -> Type
Public MustOverride Function MakeArrayType () As Type
Public Overridable Function MakeArrayType () As Type


Objeto Type que representa una matriz unidimensional del tipo actual, con un límite inferior de cero.


El método invocado no se admite en la clase base. Las clases derivadas deben proporcionar una implementación.

El tipo actual es TypedReference.

O bien

El tipo actual es un tipo ByRef. Es decir, IsByRef devuelve true.


El MakeArrayType método proporciona una manera de generar tipos de matriz cuyos tipos de elemento se calculan en tiempo de ejecución.

Nota Common Language Runtime distingue entre vectores (es decir, matrices unidimensionales que siempre están basadas en cero) y matrices multidimensionales. Un vector, que siempre tiene una sola dimensión, no es la misma que una matriz multidimensional que tiene solo una dimensión. Esta sobrecarga de método solo se puede usar para crear tipos de vector y es la única manera de crear un tipo de vector. Use la sobrecarga del MakeArrayType(Int32) método para crear tipos de matriz multidimensional.

Consulte también

Se aplica a



Devuelve un objeto Type que representa una matriz del tipo actual, con el número de dimensiones especificado.

 abstract Type ^ MakeArrayType(int rank);
 virtual Type ^ MakeArrayType(int rank);
public abstract Type MakeArrayType (int rank);
public virtual Type MakeArrayType (int rank);
abstract member MakeArrayType : int -> Type
abstract member MakeArrayType : int -> Type
override this.MakeArrayType : int -> Type
Public MustOverride Function MakeArrayType (rank As Integer) As Type
Public Overridable Function MakeArrayType (rank As Integer) As Type



Número de dimensiones de la matriz. Este número debe ser menor o igual que 32.


Objeto que representa una matriz del tipo actual, con el número de dimensiones especificado.


rank no es válido. Por ejemplo, 0 o negativo.

No se admite el método invocado en la clase base.

El tipo actual es TypedReference.

O bien

El tipo actual es un tipo ByRef. Es decir, IsByRef devuelve true.

O bien

rank es mayor que 32.


El MakeArrayType método proporciona una manera de generar tipos de matriz cuyos tipos de elemento se calculan en tiempo de ejecución.


Common Language Runtime distingue entre vectores (es decir, matrices unidimensionales que siempre están basadas en cero) y matrices multidimensionales. Un vector, que siempre tiene una sola dimensión, no es la misma que una matriz multidimensional que tiene solo una dimensión. No se puede usar esta sobrecarga de método para crear un tipo vectorial; Si rank es 1, esta sobrecarga de método devuelve un tipo de matriz multidimensional que tiene una dimensión. Use la sobrecarga del MakeArrayType() método para crear tipos de vector.

Consulte también

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