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HttpParseException.GetObjectData(SerializationInfo, StreamingContext) Método


Cuando se invalida en una clase derivada, establece el objeto SerializationInfo con información sobre la excepción.

 override void GetObjectData(System::Runtime::Serialization::SerializationInfo ^ info, System::Runtime::Serialization::StreamingContext context);
public override void GetObjectData (System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo info, System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext context);
override this.GetObjectData : System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo * System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext -> unit
Public Overrides Sub GetObjectData (info As SerializationInfo, context As StreamingContext)



SerializationInfo que contiene los datos serializados del objeto que hacen referencia a la excepción que se va a producir.


StreamingContext que contiene información contextual sobre el origen o el destino.


El parámetro info es null.


En el ejemplo de código siguiente se muestra cómo definir una clase serializable Exception derivada que implementa el GetObjectData método , que realiza cambios menores en dos propiedades y, a continuación, llama a la clase base para realizar la serialización. En el ejemplo se fuerza un error de división por 0 y, a continuación, se crea una instancia de la derivada Exception. El código serializa la instancia en un archivo, deserializa el archivo en un nuevo Exception, que inicia y, a continuación, detecta y muestra los datos de la excepción.

#using <System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Soap.dll>

using namespace System;
using namespace System::IO;
using namespace System::Runtime::Serialization;
using namespace System::Runtime::Serialization::Formatters::Soap;

// Define a serializable derived exception class.

ref class SecondLevelException: public Exception, public ISerializable

   // This public constructor is used by class instantiators.
   SecondLevelException( String^ message, Exception^ inner )
      : Exception( message, inner )
      HelpLink = "";
      Source = "Exception_Class_Samples";


   // This protected constructor is used for deserialization.
   SecondLevelException( SerializationInfo^ info, StreamingContext context )
      : Exception( info, context )


   // GetObjectData performs a custom serialization.
   virtual void GetObjectData( SerializationInfo^ info, StreamingContext context ) override
      // Change the case of two properties, and then use the 
      // method of the base class.
      HelpLink = HelpLink->ToLower();
      Source = Source->ToUpperInvariant();
      Exception::GetObjectData( info, context );


int main()
   Console::WriteLine( "This example of the Exception constructor "
   "and Exception.GetObjectData\nwith Serialization"
   "Info and StreamingContext parameters "
   "generates \nthe following output.\n" );
      // This code forces a division by 0 and catches the 
      // resulting exception.
         int zero = 0;
         int ecks = 1 / zero;
      catch ( Exception^ ex ) 
         // Create a new exception to throw again.
         SecondLevelException^ newExcept = gcnew SecondLevelException( "Forced a division by 0 and threw "
         "another exception.",ex );
         Console::WriteLine( "Forced a division by 0, caught the "
         "resulting exception, \n"
         "and created a derived exception:\n" );
         Console::WriteLine( "HelpLink: {0}", newExcept->HelpLink );
         Console::WriteLine( "Source:   {0}", newExcept->Source );
         // This FileStream is used for the serialization.
         FileStream^ stream = gcnew FileStream( "NewException.dat",FileMode::Create );
            // Serialize the derived exception.
            SoapFormatter^ formatter = gcnew SoapFormatter( nullptr,StreamingContext(StreamingContextStates::File) );
            formatter->Serialize( stream, newExcept );
            // Rewind the stream and deserialize the 
            // exception.
            stream->Position = 0;
            SecondLevelException^ deserExcept = dynamic_cast<SecondLevelException^>(formatter->Deserialize( stream ));
            Console::WriteLine( "\nSerialized the exception, and then "
            "deserialized the resulting stream "
            "into a \nnew exception. "
            "The deserialization changed the case "
            "of certain properties:\n" );
            // Throw the deserialized exception again.
            throw deserExcept;
         catch ( SerializationException^ se ) 
            Console::WriteLine( "Failed to serialize: {0}", se->ToString() );


   catch ( Exception^ ex ) 
      Console::WriteLine( "HelpLink: {0}", ex->HelpLink );
      Console::WriteLine( "Source:   {0}", ex->Source );
      Console::WriteLine( ex->ToString() );


This example of the Exception constructor and Exception.GetObjectData
with SerializationInfo and StreamingContext parameters generates
the following output.

Forced a division by 0, caught the resulting exception,
and created a derived exception:

Source:   Exception_Class_Samples

Serialized the exception, and then deserialized the resulting stream into a
new exception. The deserialization changed the case of certain properties:


SecondLevelException: Forced a division by 0 and threw another exception. ---> S
ystem.DivideByZeroException: Attempted to divide by zero.
   at main()
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at main()

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Soap;

// Define a serializable derived exception class.
class SecondLevelException : Exception, ISerializable
    // This public constructor is used by class instantiators.
    public SecondLevelException(string message, Exception inner) :
        base(message, inner)
        HelpLink = "";
        Source = "Exception_Class_Samples";

    // This protected constructor is used for deserialization.
    protected SecondLevelException(SerializationInfo info,
        StreamingContext context) :
            base(info, context)
    { }

    // GetObjectData performs a custom serialization.
    public override void GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info,
        StreamingContext context)
        // Change the case of two properties, and then use the
        // method of the base class.
        HelpLink = HelpLink.ToLower();
        Source = Source.ToUpperInvariant();

        base.GetObjectData(info, context);

class SerializationDemo
    public static void Main()
            "This example of the Exception constructor " +
            "and Exception.GetObjectData\nwith Serialization" +
            "Info and StreamingContext parameters " +
            "generates \nthe following output.\n");

            // This code forces a division by 0 and catches the
            // resulting exception.
                int zero = 0;
                int ecks = 1 / zero;
            catch (Exception ex)
                // Create a new exception to throw again.
                SecondLevelException newExcept =
                    new SecondLevelException(
                        "Forced a division by 0 and threw " +
                        "another exception.", ex);

                    "Forced a division by 0, caught the " +
                    "resulting exception, \n" +
                    "and created a derived exception:\n");
                Console.WriteLine("HelpLink: {0}",
                Console.WriteLine("Source:   {0}",

                // This FileStream is used for the serialization.
                FileStream stream =
                    new FileStream("NewException.dat",

                    // Serialize the derived exception.
                    SoapFormatter formatter =
                        new SoapFormatter(null,
                            new StreamingContext(
                    formatter.Serialize(stream, newExcept);

                    // Rewind the stream and deserialize the
                    // exception.
                    stream.Position = 0;
                    SecondLevelException deserExcept =

                        "\nSerialized the exception, and then " +
                        "deserialized the resulting stream " +
                        "into a \nnew exception. " +
                        "The deserialization changed the case " +
                        "of certain properties:\n");

                    // Throw the deserialized exception again.
                    throw deserExcept;
                catch (SerializationException se)
                    Console.WriteLine("Failed to serialize: {0}",
        catch (Exception ex)
            Console.WriteLine("HelpLink: {0}", ex.HelpLink);
            Console.WriteLine("Source:   {0}", ex.Source);

This example displays the following output.

Forced a division by 0, caught the resulting exception,
and created a derived exception:

Source:   Exception_Class_Samples

Serialized the exception, and then deserialized the resulting stream into a
new exception. The deserialization changed the case of certain properties:


NDP_UE_CS.SecondLevelException: Forced a division by 0 and threw another except
ion. ---> System.DivideByZeroException: Attempted to divide by zero.
   at NDP_UE_CS.SerializationDemo.Main()
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at NDP_UE_CS.SerializationDemo.Main()
' If compiling with the Visual Basic compiler (vbc.exe) from the command
' prompt, be sure to add the following switch:
'    /reference:System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Soap.dll 
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Runtime.Serialization
Imports System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Soap
Imports System.Security.Permissions

 ' Define a serializable derived exception class.
 <Serializable()>  _
 Class SecondLevelException
     Inherits Exception

     ' This public constructor is used by class instantiators.
     Public Sub New( message As String, inner As Exception )
         MyBase.New( message, inner )

         HelpLink = ""
         Source = "Exception_Class_Samples"
     End Sub

     ' This protected constructor is used for deserialization.
     Protected Sub New( info As SerializationInfo, _
         context As StreamingContext )
             MyBase.New( info, context )
     End Sub

     ' GetObjectData performs a custom serialization.
     <SecurityPermissionAttribute(SecurityAction.Demand, _
                                  SerializationFormatter:=True)> _
     Overrides Sub GetObjectData( info As SerializationInfo, _
         context As StreamingContext)

         ' Change the case of two properties, and then use the
         ' method of the base class.
         HelpLink = HelpLink.ToLower()
         Source = Source.ToUpperInvariant()

         MyBase.GetObjectData(info, context)
     End Sub
 End Class

 Module SerializationDemo

     Sub Main()
         Console.WriteLine( _
             "This example of the Exception constructor " & _
             "and Exception.GetObjectData " & vbCrLf & _
             "with SerializationInfo and StreamingContext " & _
             "parameters generates " & vbCrLf & _
             "the following output." & vbCrLf )

         ' This code forces a division by 0 and catches the
         ' resulting exception.
                 Dim zero As Integer = 0
                 Dim ecks As Integer = 1 \ zero

             ' Create a new exception to throw again.
             Catch ex As Exception

                 Dim newExcept As New SecondLevelException( _
                     "Forced a division by 0 and threw " & _
                     "another exception.", ex )

                 Console.WriteLine( _
                     "Forced a division by 0, caught the " & _
                     "resulting exception, " & vbCrLf & _
                     "and created a derived exception:" & vbCrLf )
                 Console.WriteLine( "HelpLink: {0}", _
                     newExcept.HelpLink )
                 Console.WriteLine( "Source:   {0}", _
                     newExcept.Source )

                 ' This FileStream is used for the serialization.
                 Dim stream As New FileStream( _
                     "NewException.dat", FileMode.Create )

                 ' Serialize the derived exception.
                     Dim formatter As New SoapFormatter( Nothing, _
                         New StreamingContext( _
                             StreamingContextStates.File ) )
                     formatter.Serialize( stream, newExcept )

                     ' Rewind the stream and deserialize the
                     ' exception.
                     stream.Position = 0
                     Dim deserExcept As SecondLevelException = _
                         CType( formatter.Deserialize( stream ), _
                             SecondLevelException )

                     Console.WriteLine( vbCrLf & _
                         "Serialized the exception, and then " & _
                         "deserialized the resulting stream " & _
                         "into a " & vbCrLf & "new exception. " & _
                         "The deserialization changed the case " & _
                         "of certain properties:" & vbCrLf )

                     ' Throw the deserialized exception again.
                     Throw deserExcept

                 Catch se As SerializationException
                     Console.WriteLine( "Failed to serialize: {0}", _
                         se.ToString( ) )

                     stream.Close( )
                 End Try
             End Try
         Catch ex As Exception
             Console.WriteLine( "HelpLink: {0}", ex.HelpLink )
             Console.WriteLine( "Source:   {0}", ex.Source )

             Console.WriteLine( )
             Console.WriteLine( ex.ToString( ) )
         End Try
     End Sub
 End Module
' This example displays the following output:
' Forced a division by 0, caught the resulting exception,
' and created a derived exception:
' HelpLink:
' Source:   Exception_Class_Samples
' Serialized the exception, and then deserialized the resulting stream into a
' new exception. The deserialization changed the case of certain properties:
' HelpLink:
' NDP_UE_VB.SecondLevelException: Forced a division by 0 and threw another exce
' ption. ---> System.DivideByZeroException: Attempted to divide by zero.
'    at NDP_UE_VB.SerializationDemo.Main()
'    --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
'    at NDP_UE_VB.SerializationDemo.Main()


El GetObjectData método establece un SerializationInfo objeto con todos los datos del objeto de excepción destinados a la serialización. Durante la deserialización, la excepción se reconstituye a partir del elemento SerializationInfo que se transmite en la secuencia.

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