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IAttributeAccessor Interfaz


Define los métodos que utilizan los controles de servidor ASP.NET para proporcionar acceso mediante programación a cualquier atributo declarado en la etiqueta de apertura de un control de servidor.

public interface class IAttributeAccessor
public interface IAttributeAccessor
type IAttributeAccessor = interface
Public Interface IAttributeAccessor


// The following class creates a custom ASP.NET server control that implements
// the IAttributeAccessor interface. It creates a MyTextBox class that contains
// Width and Text properties that get and set their values from view state.
// Pages that use this control create an instance of this control and set the
// Width property using the IAttributeAccessor.SetAttribute method. 
// The page then displays the values of the Text and Width properties 
// using the IAttributeAccessor.GetAttribute method.
// When compiled, this assembly is named MyAttributeAccessor.
using System;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Security.Permissions;

namespace AttributeAccessor
   public sealed class MyTextBox : Control, IAttributeAccessor
      // Declare the Width property.
      public String Width
            return (String)ViewState["Width"];
            ViewState["Width"] = value;

      // Declare the Text property.
      public String Text
            return (String)ViewState["Text"];
            ViewState["Text"] = value;
      // Implement the SetAttribute method for the control. When
      // this method is called from a page, the control's properties
      // are set to values defined in the page.
      public void SetAttribute(String name, String value1)
         ViewState[name] = value1;

      // Implement the GetAttribute method for the control. When
      // this method is called from a page, the values for the control's
      // properties can be displayed in the page.
      public String GetAttribute(String name)
         return (String)ViewState[name];

      protected override void Render(HtmlTextWriter output)
         output.Write("<input type=text id= " + this.UniqueID);
         output.Write(" Value='" + this.Text);
         output.Write("' Size=" + this.Width + ">");
' The following class creates a custom ASP.NET server control that implements
' the IAttributeAccessor interface. It creates a MyTextBox class that contains
' Width and Text properties that get and set their values from view state.
' Pages that use this control create an instance of this control and set the
' Width property using the IAttributeAccessor.SetAttribute method. 
' The page then displays the values of the Text and Width properties 
' using the IAttributeAccessor.GetAttribute method.
' When compiled, this assembly is named MyAttributeAccessor.
Imports System.Web
Imports System.Web.UI
Imports System.Security.Permissions

Namespace AttributeAccessor

 <AspNetHostingPermission(SecurityAction.Demand, _
   Level:=AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.Minimal)> _
 Public NotInheritable Class MyTextBox
   Inherits Control
   Implements IAttributeAccessor 

   ' Declare the Width property.   
   Public Property Width() As String
         Return CType(ViewState("Width"), String)
      End Get
         ViewState("Width") = value
      End Set
   End Property
   ' Declare the Text property.
   Public Property Text() As String
         Return CType(ViewState("Text"), String)
      End Get
         ViewState("Text") = value
      End Set
   End Property
   ' Implement the SetAttribute method for the control. When
   ' this method is called from a page, the control's properties
   ' are set to values defined in the page.
   Public Sub SetAttribute(name As String, value1 As String) Implements IAttributeAccessor.SetAttribute
      ViewState(name) = value1
   End Sub
   ' Implement the GetAttribute method for the control. When
   ' this method is called from a page, the values for the control's
   ' properties can be displayed in the page.
   Public Function GetAttribute(name As String) As String Implements IAttributeAccessor.GetAttribute
      Return CType(ViewState(name), String)
   End Function 'GetAttribute
   Protected Overrides Sub Render(output As HtmlTextWriter)
      output.Write(("<input type=text id= " + Me.UniqueID))
      output.Write((" Value='" + Me.Text))
      output.Write(("' Size=" + Me.Width + ">"))
   End Sub
 End Class
End Namespace 'AttributeAccessor


Si crea un control de servidor personalizado que hereda de la WebControlclase , HtmlControlo ListItem , .NET Framework proporciona automáticamente acceso mediante programación a los atributos porque cada una de estas clases implementa la IAttributeAccessor interfaz.

Si crea un control de servidor personalizado que no hereda de una de estas clases y tiene previsto permitir el acceso mediante programación a los atributos que no se corresponden con las propiedades fuertemente tipadas del control, asegúrese de implementar la IAttributeAccessor interfaz.



Cuando se implementa mediante una clase, recupera la propiedad de atributo especificada desde el control de servidor.

SetAttribute(String, String)

Cuando se implementa mediante una clase, designa un atributo y un valor que se asignarán al control de servidor ASP.NET.

Se aplica a

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