Comparteix a través de

DetailsViewUpdatedEventHandler Delegado


Representa el método que controla el evento ItemUpdated de un control DetailsView. Esta clase no puede heredarse.

public delegate void DetailsViewUpdatedEventHandler(System::Object ^ sender, DetailsViewUpdatedEventArgs ^ e);
public delegate void DetailsViewUpdatedEventHandler(object sender, DetailsViewUpdatedEventArgs e);
type DetailsViewUpdatedEventHandler = delegate of obj * DetailsViewUpdatedEventArgs -> unit
Public Delegate Sub DetailsViewUpdatedEventHandler(sender As Object, e As DetailsViewUpdatedEventArgs)



Origen del evento.


Objeto DetailsViewUpdatedEventArgs que contiene los datos del evento.


En el ejemplo de código siguiente se muestra cómo agregar mediante programación un DetailsViewUpdatedEventHandler delegado al ItemUpdated evento de un DetailsView control .

<%@ Page language="C#" %>

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<script runat="server">
  void Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e)

    // Create a new DetailsView object.
    DetailsView customerDetailsView = new DetailsView();

    // Set the DetailsView object's properties.
    customerDetailsView.ID = "CustomerDetailsView";
    customerDetailsView.DataSourceID = "DetailsViewSource";
    customerDetailsView.AutoGenerateRows = true;
    customerDetailsView.AutoGenerateEditButton = true;
    customerDetailsView.AllowPaging = true;
    customerDetailsView.DataKeyNames = new String[1] { "CustomerID" };
    customerDetailsView.PagerSettings.Position = PagerPosition.Bottom;

    // Programmatically register the event-handling methods
    // for the DetailsView control.
    customerDetailsView.ItemUpdated += new DetailsViewUpdatedEventHandler(this.CustomerDetailsView_ItemUpdated);
    // Add the DetailsView object to the Controls collection
    // of the PlaceHolder control.

  void CustomerDetailsView_ItemUpdated(Object sender, 
    DetailsViewUpdatedEventArgs e)
    // Use the Exception property to determine whether an exception
    // occurred during the insert operation.
    if (e.Exception == null)
      // Use the Values property to get the value entered by 
      // the user for the CompanyName field.
      String keyFieldValue = e.Keys["CustomerID"].ToString();

      // Display a confirmation message.
      MessageLabel.Text = "Record " + keyFieldValue + 
        " updated successfully. ";

      // Display the old and new values.

      if (e.AffectedRows == 1)
        MessageLabel.Text += e.AffectedRows.ToString() + 
          " record updated.";
        MessageLabel.Text += e.AffectedRows.ToString() + 
          " records updated.";
      // Insert the code to handle the exception.
      MessageLabel.Text = e.Exception.Message;

      // Use the ExceptionHandled property to indicate that the 
      // exception is already handled.
      e.ExceptionHandled = true;

      // When an exception occurs, keep the DetailsView
      // control in edit mode.
      e.KeepInEditMode = true;

  void DisplayValues(DetailsViewUpdatedEventArgs e)
    MessageLabel.Text += "<br/></br>";
    // Iterate through the OldValue and NewValues
    // properties and display the values.
    for (int i = 0; i < e.OldValues.Count; i++)
      MessageLabel.Text += "Old Value=" + e.OldValues[i].ToString() +
        ", New Value=" + e.NewValues[i].ToString() + "<br/>";

    MessageLabel.Text += "</br>";

<html xmlns="" >
  <head runat="server">
    <title>DetailsViewUpdatedEventHandler Example</title>
    <form id="form1" runat="server">
      <h3>DetailsViewUpdatedEventHandler Example</h3>
      <!-- Use a PlaceHolder control as the container for the -->
      <!-- dynamically generated DetailsView control.         -->       
      <asp:PlaceHolder id="DetailsViewPlaceHolder"
      <asp:label id="MessageLabel"
      <!-- This example uses Microsoft SQL Server and connects  -->
      <!-- to the Northwind sample database. Use an ASP.NET     -->
      <!-- expression to retrieve the connection string value   -->
      <!-- from the web.config file.                            -->
      <asp:sqldatasource id="DetailsViewSource"
        selectcommand="Select [CustomerID], [CompanyName], [Address], 
          [City], [PostalCode], [Country] From [Customers]"
        updatecommand="Update [Customers] Set 
          [CompanyName]=@CompanyName, [Address]=@Address, 
          [City]=@City, [PostalCode]=@PostalCode, 
          Where [CustomerID]=@CustomerID"
          "<%$ ConnectionStrings:NorthWindConnectionString%>" 

<%@ Page language="VB" %>

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<script runat="server">
  Sub Page_Load(sender As Object, e as EventArgs)

    ' Create a new DetailsView object.
    Dim customerDetailsView As New DetailsView()

    ' Set the DetailsView object's properties.
    customerDetailsView.ID = "CustomerDetailsView"
    customerDetailsView.DataSourceID = "DetailsViewSource"
    customerDetailsView.AutoGenerateRows = True
    customerDetailsView.AutoGenerateEditButton = True
    customerDetailsView.AllowPaging = True
    customerDetailsView.PagerSettings.Position = PagerPosition.Bottom

    Dim keyArray() As String = {"CustomerID"}
    customerDetailsView.DataKeyNames = keyArray
    ' Programmatically register the event-handling methods
    ' for the DetailsView control.
    AddHandler customerDetailsView.ItemUpdated, _
      AddressOf CustomerDetailsView_ItemUpdated
    ' Add the DetailsView object to the Controls collection
    ' of the PlaceHolder control.

  End Sub
  Sub CustomerDetailsView_ItemUpdated(ByVal sender As Object, _
    ByVal e As DetailsViewUpdatedEventArgs)
    ' Use the Exception property to determine whether an exception
    ' occurred during the insert operation.
    If e.Exception Is Nothing Then
      ' Use the Values property to get the value entered by 
      ' the user for the CompanyName field.
      Dim keyFieldValue As String = e.Keys("CustomerID").ToString()

      ' Display a confirmation message.
      MessageLabel.Text = "Record " & keyFieldValue & _
        " updated successfully. "

      ' Display the old and new values.

      If e.AffectedRows = 1 Then

        MessageLabel.Text &= e.AffectedRows.ToString() & _
          " record updated."
        MessageLabel.Text &= e.AffectedRows.ToString() & _
          " records updated."
      End If
      ' Insert the code to handle the exception.
      MessageLabel.Text = e.Exception.Message

      ' Use the ExceptionHandled property to indicate that the 
      ' exception is already handled.
      e.ExceptionHandled = True

      ' When an exception occurs, keep the DetailsView
      ' control in edit mode.
      e.KeepInEditMode = True
    End If
  End Sub

  Sub DisplayValues(ByVal e As DetailsViewUpdatedEventArgs)
    MessageLabel.Text &= "<br/></br>"
    ' Iterate through the OldValue and NewValues
    ' properties and display the values.
    Dim i As Integer
    For i = 0 To e.OldValues.Count - 1
      MessageLabel.Text &= "Old Value=" & e.OldValues(i).ToString() & _
        ", New Value=" & e.NewValues(i).ToString() & "<br/>"

    MessageLabel.Text &= "</br>"
  End Sub

<html xmlns="" >
  <head runat="server">
    <title>DetailsViewUpdatedEventHandler Example</title>
    <form id="form1" runat="server">
      <h3>DetailsViewUpdatedEventHandler Example</h3>
      <!-- Use a PlaceHolder control as the container for the -->
      <!-- dynamically generated DetailsView control.         -->       
      <asp:PlaceHolder id="DetailsViewPlaceHolder"
      <asp:label id="MessageLabel"
      <!-- This example uses Microsoft SQL Server and connects  -->
      <!-- to the Northwind sample database. Use an ASP.NET     -->
      <!-- expression to retrieve the connection string value   -->
      <!-- from the web.config file.                            -->
      <asp:sqldatasource id="DetailsViewSource"
        selectcommand="Select [CustomerID], [CompanyName], [Address], 
          [City], [PostalCode], [Country] From [Customers]"
        updatecommand="Update [Customers] Set 
          [CompanyName]=@CompanyName, [Address]=@Address, 
          [City]=@City, [PostalCode]=@PostalCode, 
          Where [CustomerID]=@CustomerID"
          "<%$ ConnectionStrings:NorthWindConnectionString%>" 

En el ejemplo de código siguiente se muestra cómo agregar mediante declaración un DetailsViewUpdatedEventHandler delegado al ItemUpdated evento de un DetailsView control.

<%@ Page language="C#" %>

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<script runat="server">
  void CustomerDetailsView_ItemUpdated(Object sender, 
    DetailsViewUpdatedEventArgs e)
    // Use the Exception property to determine whether an exception
    // occurred during the insert operation.
    if (e.Exception == null)
      // Use the Values property to get the value entered by 
      // the user for the CompanyName field.
      String keyFieldValue = e.Keys["CustomerID"].ToString();

      // Display a confirmation message.
      MessageLabel.Text = "Record " + keyFieldValue + 
        " updated successfully. ";

      // Display the old and new values.

      if (e.AffectedRows == 1)
        MessageLabel.Text += e.AffectedRows.ToString() + 
          " record updated.";
        MessageLabel.Text += e.AffectedRows.ToString() + 
          " records updated.";
      // Insert the code to handle the exception.
      MessageLabel.Text = e.Exception.Message;

      // Use the ExceptionHandled property to indicate that the 
      // exception is already handled.
      e.ExceptionHandled = true;

      // When an exception occurs, keep the DetailsView
      // control in edit mode.
      e.KeepInEditMode = true;

  void DisplayValues(DetailsViewUpdatedEventArgs e)
    MessageLabel.Text += "<br/></br>";
    // Iterate through the OldValue and NewValues
    // properties and display the values.
    for (int i = 0; i < e.OldValues.Count; i++)
      MessageLabel.Text += "Old Value=" + e.OldValues[i].ToString() +
        ", New Value=" + e.NewValues[i].ToString() + "<br/>";

    MessageLabel.Text += "</br>";

<html xmlns="" >
  <head runat="server">
    <title>DetailsViewUpdatedEventHandler Example</title>
    <form id="form1" runat="server">
      <h3>DetailsViewUpdatedEventHandler Example</h3>
      <asp:detailsview id="CustomerDetailsView"
        <pagersettings position="Bottom"/> 
      <asp:label id="MessageLabel"
      <!-- This example uses Microsoft SQL Server and connects  -->
      <!-- to the Northwind sample database. Use an ASP.NET     -->
      <!-- expression to retrieve the connection string value   -->
      <!-- from the web.config file.                            -->
      <asp:sqldatasource id="DetailsViewSource"
        selectcommand="Select [CustomerID], [CompanyName], [Address], 
          [City], [PostalCode], [Country] From [Customers]"
        updatecommand="Update [Customers] Set 
          [CompanyName]=@CompanyName, [Address]=@Address, 
          [City]=@City, [PostalCode]=@PostalCode, 
          Where [CustomerID]=@CustomerID"
          "<%$ ConnectionStrings:NorthWindConnectionString%>" 

<%@ Page language="VB" autoeventwireup="false" %>

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<script runat="server">
  Sub CustomerDetailsView_ItemUpdated(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As DetailsViewUpdatedEventArgs) Handles CustomerDetailsView.ItemUpdated
    ' Use the Exception property to determine whether an exception
    ' occurred during the insert operation.
    If e.Exception Is Nothing Then
      ' Use the Values property to get the value entered by 
      ' the user for the CompanyName field.
      Dim keyFieldValue As String = e.Keys("CustomerID").ToString()

      ' Display a confirmation message.
      MessageLabel.Text = "Record " & keyFieldValue & _
        " updated successfully. "

      ' Display the old and new values.

      If e.AffectedRows = 1 Then

        MessageLabel.Text &= e.AffectedRows.ToString() & _
          " record updated."
        MessageLabel.Text &= e.AffectedRows.ToString() & _
          " records updated."
      End If
      ' Insert the code to handle the exception.
      MessageLabel.Text = e.Exception.Message

      ' Use the ExceptionHandled property to indicate that the 
      ' exception is already handled.
      e.ExceptionHandled = True

      ' When an exception occurs, keep the DetailsView
      ' control in edit mode.
      e.KeepInEditMode = True
    End If
  End Sub

  Sub DisplayValues(ByVal e As DetailsViewUpdatedEventArgs)
    MessageLabel.Text &= "<br/></br>"
    ' Iterate through the OldValue and NewValues
    ' properties and display the values.
    Dim i As Integer
    For i = 0 To e.OldValues.Count - 1
      MessageLabel.Text &= "Old Value=" & e.OldValues(i).ToString() & _
        ", New Value=" & e.NewValues(i).ToString() & "<br/>"

    MessageLabel.Text &= "</br>"
  End Sub

<html xmlns="" >
  <head runat="server">
    <title>DetailsViewUpdatedEvent Handler Example</title>
    <form id="form1" runat="server">
      <h3>DetailsViewUpdatedEvent Handler Example</h3>
      <asp:detailsview id="CustomerDetailsView"
        <pagersettings position="Bottom"/> 
      <asp:label id="MessageLabel"
      <!-- This example uses Microsoft SQL Server and connects  -->
      <!-- to the Northwind sample database. Use an ASP.NET     -->
      <!-- expression to retrieve the connection string value   -->
      <!-- from the web.config file.                            -->
      <asp:sqldatasource id="DetailsViewSource"
        selectcommand="Select [CustomerID], [CompanyName], [Address], 
          [City], [PostalCode], [Country] From [Customers]"
        updatecommand="Update [Customers] Set 
          [CompanyName]=@CompanyName, [Address]=@Address, 
          [City]=@City, [PostalCode]=@PostalCode, 
          Where [CustomerID]=@CustomerID"
          "<%$ ConnectionStrings:NorthWindConnectionString%>" 


El DetailsView control genera el ItemUpdated evento cuando se hace clic en un botón Actualizar (un botón con su CommandName propiedad establecida en "Actualizar") dentro del control, pero después de que el DetailsView control actualice el registro. Esto le permite proporcionar un controlador de eventos que realice una rutina personalizada, como comprobar los resultados de una operación de actualización, siempre que se produzca este evento.

Cuando se crea un delegado DetailsViewUpdatedEventHandler, se identifica el método que controlará el evento. Para asociar el evento al controlador, se debe agregar una instancia del delegado al evento. Siempre que se produce el evento, se llama a su controlador, a menos que se quite el delegado. Para obtener más información sobre los delegados del controlador de eventos, vea Control y generación de eventos.

Métodos de extensión


Obtiene un objeto que representa el método representado por el delegado especificado.

Se aplica a

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