Comparteix a través de

ListView.ColumnClick Evento


Se produce cuando el usuario hace clic en un encabezado de columna en el control de vista de lista.

 event System::Windows::Forms::ColumnClickEventHandler ^ ColumnClick;
public event System.Windows.Forms.ColumnClickEventHandler ColumnClick;
public event System.Windows.Forms.ColumnClickEventHandler? ColumnClick;
member this.ColumnClick : System.Windows.Forms.ColumnClickEventHandler 
Public Custom Event ColumnClick As ColumnClickEventHandler 

Tipo de evento


En el ejemplo de código siguiente se crea un formulario que contiene un ListView control que ordena manualmente los elementos cuando se hace clic en una columna del ListView control. En el ejemplo se define una clase denominada ListViewItemComparer que implementa la System.Collections.IComparer interfaz que realiza la ListViewItem comparación. En el ejemplo se crea una instancia de ListViewItemComparer y se usa para establecer la ListViewItemSorter propiedad del ListView control. La Sort llamada al método en el ColumnClick controlador de eventos usa los métodos definidos en ListViewItemComparer para realizar el tipo de elementos, en función de la columna en la que se hace clic.

#using <System.dll>
#using <System.Drawing.dll>
#using <System.Windows.Forms.dll>

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Windows::Forms;
using namespace System::Drawing;
using namespace System::Collections;

// Implements the manual sorting of items by columns.
ref class ListViewItemComparer: public IComparer
   int col;

      col = 0;

   ListViewItemComparer( int column )
      col = column;

   virtual int Compare( Object^ x, Object^ y )
      return String::Compare( (dynamic_cast<ListViewItem^>(x))->SubItems[ col ]->Text,
                              (dynamic_cast<ListViewItem^>(y))->SubItems[ col ]->Text );

public ref class ListViewSortForm: public Form
   ListView^ listView1;

      // Create ListView items to add to the control.
      array<String^>^temp0 = {"Banana","a","b","c"};
      ListViewItem^ listViewItem1 = gcnew ListViewItem( temp0,-1,Color::Empty,Color::Yellow,nullptr );
      array<String^>^temp1 = {"Cherry","v","g","t"};
      ListViewItem^ listViewItem2 = gcnew ListViewItem( temp1,-1,Color::Empty,Color::Red,
                 gcnew System::Drawing::Font( "Microsoft Sans Serif",8.25F,FontStyle::Regular,GraphicsUnit::Point,0 ) );
      array<String^>^temp2 = {"Apple","h","j","n"};
      ListViewItem^ listViewItem3 = gcnew ListViewItem( temp2,-1,Color::Empty,Color::Lime,nullptr );
      array<String^>^temp3 = {"Pear","y","u","i"};
      ListViewItem^ listViewItem4 = gcnew ListViewItem( temp3,-1,Color::Empty,Color::FromArgb( 192, 128, 156 ),nullptr );

      //Initialize the ListView control and add columns to it.
      this->listView1 = gcnew ListView;

      // Set the initial sorting type for the ListView.
      this->listView1->Sorting = SortOrder::None;

      // Disable automatic sorting to enable manual sorting.
      this->listView1->View = View::Details;

      // Add columns and set their text.
      this->listView1->Columns->Add( gcnew ColumnHeader );
      this->listView1->Columns[ 0 ]->Text = "Column 1";
      this->listView1->Columns[ 0 ]->Width = 100;
      listView1->Columns->Add( gcnew ColumnHeader );
      listView1->Columns[ 1 ]->Text = "Column 2";
      listView1->Columns->Add( gcnew ColumnHeader );
      listView1->Columns[ 2 ]->Text = "Column 3";
      listView1->Columns->Add( gcnew ColumnHeader );
      listView1->Columns[ 3 ]->Text = "Column 4";

      // Suspend control logic until form is done configuring form.

      // Add Items to the ListView control.
      array<ListViewItem^>^temp4 = {listViewItem1,listViewItem2,listViewItem3,listViewItem4};
      this->listView1->Items->AddRange( temp4 );

      // Set the location and size of the ListView control.
      this->listView1->Location = Point(10,10);
      this->listView1->Name = "listView1";
      this->listView1->Size = System::Drawing::Size( 300, 100 );
      this->listView1->TabIndex = 0;

      // Enable editing of the items in the ListView.
      this->listView1->LabelEdit = true;

      // Connect the ListView::ColumnClick event to the ColumnClick event handler.
      this->listView1->ColumnClick += gcnew ColumnClickEventHandler( this, &ListViewSortForm::ColumnClick );

      // Initialize the form.
      this->ClientSize = System::Drawing::Size( 400, 400 );
      array<Control^>^temp5 = {this->listView1};
      this->Controls->AddRange( temp5 );
      this->Name = "ListViewSortForm";
      this->Text = "Sorted ListView Control";

      // Resume lay[Out] of* the form.
      this->ResumeLayout( false );


   // ColumnClick event handler.
   void ColumnClick( Object^ /*o*/, ColumnClickEventArgs^ e )
      // Set the ListViewItemSorter property to a new ListViewItemComparer 
      // object. Setting this property immediately sorts the 
      // ListView using the ListViewItemComparer object.
      this->listView1->ListViewItemSorter = gcnew ListViewItemComparer( e->Column );

int main()
   Application::Run( gcnew ListViewSortForm );
using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Collections;

namespace ListViewSortFormNamespace

    public class ListViewSortForm : Form
        private ListView listView1;
        public ListViewSortForm()
            // Create ListView items to add to the control.
            ListViewItem listViewItem1 = new ListViewItem(new string[] {"Banana","a","b","c"}, -1, Color.Empty, Color.Yellow, null);
            ListViewItem listViewItem2 = new ListViewItem(new string[] {"Cherry","v","g","t"}, -1, Color.Empty, Color.Red, new Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 8.25F, FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Point, ((System.Byte)(0))));
            ListViewItem listViewItem3 = new ListViewItem(new string[] {"Apple","h","j","n"}, -1, Color.Empty, Color.Lime, null);
            ListViewItem listViewItem4 = new ListViewItem(new string[] {"Pear","y","u","i"}, -1, Color.Empty, Color.FromArgb(((System.Byte)(192)), ((System.Byte)(128)), ((System.Byte)(156))), null);
            //Initialize the ListView control and add columns to it.
            this.listView1 = new ListView();

            // Set the initial sorting type for the ListView.
            this.listView1.Sorting = SortOrder.None;
            // Disable automatic sorting to enable manual sorting.
            this.listView1.View = View.Details;
            // Add columns and set their text.
            this.listView1.Columns.Add(new ColumnHeader());
            this.listView1.Columns[0].Text = "Column 1";
            this.listView1.Columns[0].Width = 100;
            listView1.Columns.Add(new ColumnHeader());
            listView1.Columns[1].Text = "Column 2";
            listView1.Columns.Add(new ColumnHeader());
            listView1.Columns[2].Text = "Column 3";
            listView1.Columns.Add(new ColumnHeader());
            listView1.Columns[3].Text = "Column 4";
            // Suspend control logic until form is done configuring form.
            // Add Items to the ListView control.
            this.listView1.Items.AddRange(new ListViewItem[] {listViewItem1,
            // Set the location and size of the ListView control.
            this.listView1.Location = new Point(10, 10);
            this.listView1.Name = "listView1";
            this.listView1.Size = new Size(300, 100);
            this.listView1.TabIndex = 0;
            // Enable editing of the items in the ListView.
            this.listView1.LabelEdit = true;
            // Connect the ListView.ColumnClick event to the ColumnClick event handler.
            this.listView1.ColumnClick += new ColumnClickEventHandler(ColumnClick);
            // Initialize the form.
            this.ClientSize = new Size(400, 400);
            this.Controls.AddRange(new Control[] {this.listView1});
            this.Name = "ListViewSortForm";
            this.Text = "Sorted ListView Control";
            // Resume layout of the form.

        // ColumnClick event handler.
        private void ColumnClick(object o, ColumnClickEventArgs e)
            // Set the ListViewItemSorter property to a new ListViewItemComparer 
            // object. Setting this property immediately sorts the 
            // ListView using the ListViewItemComparer object.
            this.listView1.ListViewItemSorter = new ListViewItemComparer(e.Column);

        public static void Main()
            Application.Run(new ListViewSortForm());

    // Implements the manual sorting of items by columns.
    class ListViewItemComparer : IComparer
        private int col;
        public ListViewItemComparer()
            col = 0;
        public ListViewItemComparer(int column)
            col = column;
        public int Compare(object x, object y)
            return String.Compare(((ListViewItem)x).SubItems[col].Text, ((ListViewItem)y).SubItems[col].Text);
Imports System.Windows.Forms
Imports System.Drawing
Imports System.Collections

Namespace ListViewSortFormNamespace

    Public Class ListViewSortForm
        Inherits Form

        Private listView1 As ListView

        Public Sub New()
            ' Create ListView items to add to the control.
            Dim listViewItem1 As New ListViewItem(New String() {"Banana", "a", "b", "c"}, -1, Color.Empty, Color.Yellow, Nothing)
            Dim listViewItem2 As New ListViewItem(New String() {"Cherry", "v", "g", "t"}, -1, Color.Empty, Color.Red, New Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 8.25F, FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Point, CType(0, System.Byte)))
            Dim listViewItem3 As New ListViewItem(New String() {"Apple", "h", "j", "n"}, -1, Color.Empty, Color.Lime, Nothing)
            Dim listViewItem4 As New ListViewItem(New String() {"Pear", "y", "u", "i"}, -1, Color.Empty, Color.FromArgb(CType(192, System.Byte), CType(128, System.Byte), CType(156, System.Byte)), Nothing)

            'Initialize the ListView control and add columns to it.
            Me.listView1 = New ListView

            ' Set the initial sorting type for the ListView.
            Me.listView1.Sorting = SortOrder.None
            ' Disable automatic sorting to enable manual sorting.
            Me.listView1.View = View.Details
            ' Add columns and set their text.
            Me.listView1.Columns.Add(New ColumnHeader)
            Me.listView1.Columns(0).Text = "Column 1"
            Me.listView1.Columns(0).Width = 100
            listView1.Columns.Add(New ColumnHeader)
            listView1.Columns(1).Text = "Column 2"
            listView1.Columns.Add(New ColumnHeader)
            listView1.Columns(2).Text = "Column 3"
            listView1.Columns.Add(New ColumnHeader)
            listView1.Columns(3).Text = "Column 4"
            ' Suspend control logic until form is done configuring form.
            ' Add Items to the ListView control.
            Me.listView1.Items.AddRange(New ListViewItem() {listViewItem1, listViewItem2, listViewItem3, listViewItem4})
            ' Set the location and size of the ListView control.
            Me.listView1.Location = New Point(10, 10)
            Me.listView1.Name = "listView1"
            Me.listView1.Size = New Size(300, 100)
            Me.listView1.TabIndex = 0
            ' Enable editing of the items in the ListView.
            Me.listView1.LabelEdit = True
            ' Connect the ListView.ColumnClick event to the ColumnClick event handler.
            AddHandler Me.listView1.ColumnClick, AddressOf ColumnClick

            ' Initialize the form.
            Me.ClientSize = New Size(400, 400)
            Me.Controls.AddRange(New Control() {Me.listView1})
            Me.Name = "ListViewSortForm"
            Me.Text = "Sorted ListView Control"
            ' Resume layout of the form.
        End Sub

        ' ColumnClick event handler.
        Private Sub ColumnClick(ByVal o As Object, ByVal e As ColumnClickEventArgs)
            ' Set the ListViewItemSorter property to a new ListViewItemComparer 
            ' object. Setting this property immediately sorts the 
            ' ListView using the ListViewItemComparer object.
            Me.listView1.ListViewItemSorter = New ListViewItemComparer(e.Column)
        End Sub

    End Class

    ' Implements the manual sorting of items by columns.
    Class ListViewItemComparer
        Implements IComparer

        Private col As Integer

        Public Sub New()
            col = 0
        End Sub

        Public Sub New(ByVal column As Integer)
            col = column
        End Sub

        Public Function Compare(ByVal x As Object, ByVal y As Object) As Integer _
           Implements IComparer.Compare
            Return [String].Compare(CType(x, ListViewItem).SubItems(col).Text, CType(y, ListViewItem).SubItems(col).Text)
        End Function
    End Class
End Namespace


El ColumnClick evento se produce cuando el usuario hace clic en uno de los encabezados de columna en una vista de detalles de los elementos de un ListView control (cuando la View propiedad se establece Detailsen ). Normalmente, el ColumnClick evento se controla para ordenar los elementos de ListView mediante la columna en la que se hace clic como columna por la que se va a ordenar.

Para obtener más información sobre el manejo de eventos, consulte controlar y provocar eventos.

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