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Send Azure service health alerts with ServiceNow using webhooks

This article shows you how to integrate Azure service health alerts with ServiceNow using a webhook. After setting up webhook integration with your ServiceNow instance, you get alerts through your existing notification infrastructure when Azure service issues affect you. Every time an Azure Service Health alert fires, it calls a webhook through the ServiceNow Scripted REST API.

Creating a scripted REST API in ServiceNow

  1. Make sure you have signed up for and are signed into your ServiceNow account.

  2. Navigate to the System Web Services section in ServiceNow and select Scripted REST APIs.

    The "Scripted Web Service" section in ServiceNow

  3. Select New to create a new Scripted REST service.

    The "New Scripted REST API" button in ServiceNow

  4. Add a Name to your REST API and set the API ID to azureservicehealth.

  5. Select Submit.

    The "REST API Settings" in ServiceNow

  6. Select the REST API you created, and under the Resources tab select New.

    The "Resource Tab" in ServiceNow

  7. Name your new resource event and change the HTTP method to POST.

  8. In the Script section, add the following JavaScript code:


    You need to update the <secret>,<group>, and <email> value in the script below.

    • <secret> should be a random string, like a GUID
    • <group> should be the ServiceNow group you want to assign the incident to
    • <email> should be the specific person you want to assign the incident to (optional)
    (function process( /*RESTAPIRequest*/ request, /*RESTAPIResponse*/ response) {
        var apiKey = request.queryParams['apiKey'];
        var secret = '<secret>';
        if (apiKey == secret) {
            var event = request.body.data;
            var responseBody = {};
            if (event.data.context.activityLog.operationName == 'Microsoft.ServiceHealth/incident/action') {
                var inc = new GlideRecord('incident');
                var incidentExists = false;
                inc.addQuery('number', event.data.context.activityLog.properties.trackingId);
                if (inc.hasNext()) {
                    incidentExists = true;
                } else {
                var short_description = "Azure Service Health";
                if (event.data.context.activityLog.properties.incidentType == "Incident") {
                    short_description += " - Service Issue - ";
                } else if (event.data.context.activityLog.properties.incidentType == "Maintenance") {
                    short_description += " - Planned Maintenance - ";
                } else if (event.data.context.activityLog.properties.incidentType == "Informational" || event.data.context.activityLog.properties.incidentType == "ActionRequired") {
                    short_description += " - Health Advisory - ";
                short_description += event.data.context.activityLog.properties.title;
                inc.short_description = short_description;
                inc.description = event.data.context.activityLog.properties.communication;
                inc.work_notes = "Impacted subscription: " + event.data.context.activityLog.subscriptionId;
                if (incidentExists) {
                    if (event.data.context.activityLog.properties.stage == 'Active') {
                        inc.state = 2;
                    } else if (event.data.context.activityLog.properties.stage == 'Resolved') {
                        inc.state = 6;
                    } else if (event.data.context.activityLog.properties.stage == 'Closed') {
                        inc.state = 7;
                    responseBody.message = "Incident updated.";
                } else {
                    inc.number = event.data.context.activityLog.properties.trackingId;
                    inc.state = 1;
                    inc.impact = 2;
                    inc.urgency = 2;
                    inc.priority = 2;
                    inc.assigned_to = '<email>';
                    var subscriptionId = event.data.context.activityLog.subscriptionId;
                    var comments = "Azure portal Link: https://app.azure.com/h";
                    comments += "/" + event.data.context.activityLog.properties.trackingId;
                    comments += "/" + subscriptionId.substring(0, 3) + subscriptionId.slice(-3);
                    var impactedServices = JSON.parse(event.data.context.activityLog.properties.impactedServices);
                    var impactedServicesFormatted = "";
                    for (var i = 0; i < impactedServices.length; i++) {
                        impactedServicesFormatted += impactedServices[i].ServiceName + ": ";
                        for (var j = 0; j < impactedServices[i].ImpactedRegions.length; j++) {
                            if (j != 0) {
                                impactedServicesFormatted += ", ";
                            impactedServicesFormatted += impactedServices[i].ImpactedRegions[j].RegionName;
                        impactedServicesFormatted += "\n";
                    comments += "\n\nImpacted Services:\n" + impactedServicesFormatted;
                    inc.comments = comments;
                    responseBody.message = "Incident created.";
            } else {
                responseBody.message = "Hello from the other side!";
        } else {
            var unauthorized = new sn_ws_err.ServiceError();
            unauthorized.setMessage('Invalid apiKey');
    })(request, response);
  9. In the security tab, uncheck Requires authentication and select Submit. The <secret> you set protects this API instead.

    The "Requires Authentication" checkbox in ServiceNow

  10. Back at the Scripted REST APIs section, you should find the Base API Path for your new REST API:

    The "Base API Path" in ServiceNow

  11. Your full Integration URL looks like:


Create an alert using ServiceNow in the Azure portal

For a new action group:

  1. Follow steps 1 through 8 in this article to create an alert with a new action group.

  2. Define in the list of Actions:

    a. Action Type: Webhook

    b. Details: The ServiceNow Integration URL you previously saved.

    c. Name: Webhook's name, alias, or identifier.

  3. Select Save when done to create the alert.

For an existing action group:

  1. In the Azure portal, select Monitor.

  2. In the Settings section, select Action groups.

  3. Find and select the action group you want to edit.

  4. Add to the list of Actions:

    a. Action Type: Webhook

    b. Details: The ServiceNow Integration URL you previously saved.

    c. Name: Webhook's name, alias, or identifier.

  5. Select Save when done to update the action group.

Testing your webhook integration via an HTTP POST request

  1. Create the service health payload you want to send. You can find an example service health webhook payload at Webhooks for Azure activity log alerts.

  2. Create an HTTP POST request as follows:

    POST        https://<yourInstanceName>.service-now.com/<baseApiPath>?apiKey=<secret>
    HEADERS     Content-Type: application/json
    BODY        <service health payload>
  3. You should receive a 200 OK response with the message "Incident created."

  4. Go to ServiceNow to confirm that your integration was set up successfully.

Next steps