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Adventures In SoftwareLand

from the keyboard of Michael G. Lehman...

HansleMinutes podcast with Leon of SecretGeek

Scott Hanselman interviews Leon of SecretGeek discussing Leon's 25 steps to starting a MicroISV....

Author: Michael Lehman Date: 02/11/2007

The Money and Software blog

Ted Graham has started a cool series of link posts over at under...

Author: Michael Lehman Date: 02/10/2007

The MicroISV Show #11 - Windows Developer Power Tools

In episode #11 of The MicroISV Show, Bob Walsh and I interviewed Jim Holmes and James Avery, authors...

Author: Michael Lehman Date: 02/09/2007

Windows Vista Movie Maker Custom Profiles

In the interest of saving someone else a whole bunch of time... I was creating a video that I wanted...

Author: Michael Lehman Date: 02/08/2007

Check out the Windows Vista Team Blog

The Windows Vista development team has their own blog at:...

Author: Michael Lehman Date: 02/07/2007

Project Glidepath Windows Vista Spotlight Launches!

Greetings from the Microsoft Project code-name "Glidepath" team! We have updated the Project...

Author: Michael Lehman Date: 02/06/2007

Getting Started as a MicroISV in 25 easy steps

My new co-host of The MicroISV Show, Bob Walsh, linked on Monday to Leon Banbrick's post giving his...

Author: Michael Lehman Date: 02/01/2007

The MicroISV Show #10 - Joel Spolsky

Joining me as co-host of The MicroISV Show is Bob Walsh, Managing Director of Safari Software...

Author: Michael Lehman Date: 02/01/2007

VB6 Interop Forms Toolkit 1.0 Now Available

For those who are still supporting VB6 Applications, Microsoft has released the Interop Forms...

Author: Michael Lehman Date: 01/18/2007

MicroISVs/Shareware at TechEd Europe

Now that the European Shareware Conference ( is in the books, I've travelled to...

Author: Michael Lehman Date: 11/08/2006

ESWC - Another year, another great conference

The 6th annual European Shareware/MicroISV Conference ( is now history and a great...

Author: Michael Lehman Date: 11/08/2006

Project Glidepath WPF Packages added

We 've just updated the master MicroISV Project Glidepath repository to include both C# and VB.Net...

Author: Michael Lehman Date: 10/28/2006

European Shareware Conference

Next week I'm off to Cambridge, UK for the annual European Shareware Conference for MicroISVs. Bob...

Author: Michael Lehman Date: 10/27/2006

Project Glidepath Installation Video now available

I just posted a screencast of the Project Glidepath installation process on the...

Author: Michael Lehman Date: 10/26/2006

Project Glidepath / Vista Development / MicroISV "pain points"

Project Glidepath 2.0 ( is now shipping and we are preparing to develop...

Author: Michael Lehman Date: 10/25/2006

Microsoft Partner Programs for MicroISVs

If you are a MicroISV, or want to become one, there are two offerings from the Microsoft Partner...

Author: Michael Lehman Date: 10/14/2006

Lang.Net 2006 Compiler Symposium Wrap Up

The Lang.Net 2006 Compiler Symposium was held in Redmond on July 31-August 2nd. The videos of the...

Author: Michael Lehman Date: 09/14/2006

Lang.NET 2006 Compiler Symposium Continues

Today at the Lang.NET 2006 Symposium the lineup includes: Jim Purbrick Second Life Don Syme...

Author: Michael Lehman Date: 08/02/2006

Windows Principles

A couple of weeks ago we posted 12 principles that Microsoft will follow to enhance the appeal of...

Author: Michael Lehman Date: 08/01/2006

Deploying the .NET 3.0 Framework (BCL, ASP.Net, WinForms, WPF, WCF, WF, and WCS)

This post has full detailed information about installing and deploying .NET 3.0 applications on...

Author: Michael Lehman Date: 08/01/2006

Lang.Net 2006 Symposium is underway

Yesterday was Day 1 of the Lang.NET 2006 Compiler Symposium here at Microsoft. We have speakers from...

Author: Michael Lehman Date: 08/01/2006

Project Glidepath - Presentation at Shareware Industry Conference - deck/podcast

On Saturday, July 15th, I gave an hour long presentation at the Shareware Industry Conference in...

Author: Michael Lehman Date: 07/28/2006

Project Glidepath Webcast

Today I did a 45 minute webcast on MSDN talking about and demonstrating Project Glidepath. Starting...

Author: Michael Lehman Date: 07/10/2006

Shareware Industry Conference and The MicroISV Show

On Wednesday I'm off to Denver Colorado to attend and present at the Shareware Industry Conference...

Author: Michael Lehman Date: 07/10/2006

Project Glidepath Early Access Program Announcement/Invitation

UPDATE 2: We will be supporting VB.NET for Project Glidepath. Content with VB.NET examples will be...

Author: Michael Lehman Date: 07/06/2006

Project Glidepath in the news!

Today, Project Glidepath got covered by Mary Jo Foley at Microsoft Watch! You can read all about it...

Author: Michael Lehman Date: 07/05/2006

Gnomedex is history!

Gnomedex 6.0 was great! Met lots of new people and caught up with many long-term relationships. I...

Author: Michael Lehman Date: 07/05/2006

Off to Gnomedex 6.0

Tomorrow and Saturday I'll be attending Gnomedex 6.0 in downtown Seattle. Among other things, I'm...

Author: Michael Lehman Date: 06/29/2006

Lang .Net 2006 Compiler Symposium

Registration is now open for the Lang .Net 2006 Compiler Symposium which will be held July 31st...

Author: Michael Lehman Date: 06/20/2006

The Project Glidepath Website and Blog launches today

Second update: If you are going to install on Windows Vista you must: Run the MSI installers from a...

Author: Michael Lehman Date: 06/14/2006

Looking for a blogging client that supports MetaWebLog API newPost with enclosures

I'm on the hunt for a blogging client application that supports the MetaWebLog API newPost method...

Author: Michael Lehman Date: 05/02/2006

The Front Page of Channel9

Ah to wake up to find out I'm on the front page of Channel9. :) I did a simultaneous video/podcast...

Author: Michael Lehman Date: 03/31/2006

MIX06 - Las Vegas Here I Come

UPDATE: Vegas is overcast outside but the Venetian hotel is always blue skies with wispy white...

Author: Michael Lehman Date: 03/18/2006

MicroISV Evangelism program code named "Glidepath"

As many of you who read this blog know, I'm the Technical Evangelist here at Microsoft responsible...

Author: Michael Lehman Date: 02/27/2006

Annual Compiler Lab March 13-16

In just a little over one month (March 13-16) Microsoft will be hosting our annual Compiler Lab....

Author: Michael Lehman Date: 02/10/2006

The MicroISV Show - New Interviews

Two interviews have now been posted on The MicroISV Show. First up, an interview with Gavin Bowman...

Author: Michael Lehman Date: 02/07/2006

Getting Naked in Bellevue...

Well, not actually "naked" but the party celebrating Robert Scoble and Shel Israel's new book Naked...

Author: Michael Lehman Date: 01/22/2006

Technorati Claim

Technorati Profile

Author: Michael Lehman Date: 01/22/2006

New Channel9 Podcast Show: The MicroISV Show

Welcome to a new podcast show I'm doing on Channel9, The MicroISV Show. First off, what is a...

Author: Michael Lehman Date: 01/18/2006

Upgrading VB6 to VB.Net

This just in. . . a page dedicated to porting VB6 apps to VB.Net Now that the .Net Framework will be...

Author: Michael Lehman Date: 01/17/2006

The Yule Blog (or put another blog on the wire)

Time for the traditional Yule Blog! Sitting here in front of a blazing fire (both literally and...

Author: Michael Lehman Date: 12/26/2005

European Shareware Conference - Nov 5 & 6 - Brussels

In less than two weeks (November 3rd) I'm headed to Brussels, Belgium for the European Shareware...

Author: Michael Lehman Date: 10/23/2005

WinFX in Silicon Valley (October 5th)

One of my fellow evangelists, Ben Riga, is going to be presenting WinFX at the SDForum Windows SIG...

Author: Michael Lehman Date: 09/29/2005

PDC is over but the podcasts arent!

Today I'll be posting 13 more podcasts that I did in the "Big Room" at PDC05. In retrospect it was...

Author: Michael Lehman Date: 09/29/2005

11 new podcasts on Channel9

I've done 11 interviews, mostly with PDC05 attendees, in the last 24 hours and they're now all live...

Author: Michael Lehman Date: 09/14/2005

Get On The Buzzcast

As I mentioned just find me at PDC05 and you can get on the Buzzcast Here's a picture of me in my...

Author: Michael Lehman Date: 09/13/2005

PDC05 Buzzcaster. . .Find me and get on the Buzzcast!

Arrived late last night and scouted out the LACC today. It's going to be an absolutely awesome PDC05...

Author: Michael Lehman Date: 09/11/2005

Hurricane Katrina - Take Action

Tonight when I got home from work I was once again struck by the extent of the suffering caused by...

Author: Michael Lehman Date: 09/08/2005

PDC05 Buzzcast - T-6 - Thomas Lewis and David Romig

Buzzcast #13 (T-6 days) features Thomas Lewis and David Romig talking about TCSC's .Net 2.0 based...

Author: Michael Lehman Date: 09/08/2005

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