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SharePoint SDKs Refreshed for Beta 2TR!

As part of the Beta 2 Technical Refresh (TR), we have updated our Software Development Kit (SDK) downloads on the Download Center. Read on for more details...


Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 (Beta)

You can download the updated SDK Content for Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 here:


The downloadable SDK Samples have also been updated for Beta 2TR. You can download the samples from the same download page.

· OSSSDKSamples.exe contains the following sample projects that relate to topics in the SDK: Business Data Catalog metadata samples, Custom Single Sign-On Provider, SampleWebService, and Custom Filter Web Parts. The sample projects use Microsoft Visual C#® and Microsoft Visual Studio® 2005.


You can also view the SDK documentation in the MSDN Library here:


What’s New and Updated for Beta 2TR

Our team of writers and editors have been busy adding and updating major sections of the SDK, including:

· Business Data Catalog object model

· Business Data Catalog - Warnings and Error Messages

· Updated Metadata Model and “How to” topics

· Custom Caching Overview: 4 new topics dedicated to caching in MOSS. The “How to: Extend Caching by Using the VaryByCustom Event Handler” topic has also been revised and expanded.

· Web Content Management (WCM) “How to” topics, including How To: Create a Minimal Master Page and How to: Customize Page Editing Toolbar Components

· ~370 member topics in the Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.* namespaces. More details can be found in this post:

· Field Controls and Control Templates

· And so much more!


Send your feedback on the content to or post a comment to this blog. We want to hear from you!


Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 (Beta)

You can download the updated SDK Content for Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 here:

Be sure to check out the Windows SharePoint Services Developer Center on MSDN for more great resources. The shortcut URL is


What’s New and Updated for Beta 2TR

Our team of writers and editors have been busy adding and updating major sections of the SDK, including:

· Solutions schemas

· Forms

· Web Services Nodes re-architected, legacy content updated

· The Content Types and Columns conceptual nodes extensively updated.

· Feature schema reference topics added for Content Types, Content Type Binding, and Workflow.

· Document Parser node added, including reference topics for the document parser API

· IRM node extensively updated/expanded, including reference topics for the revised IRM API

· XML Parser node added

· And so much more!


Send your feedback on the content to or post a comment to this blog. We want to hear from you!



Installing Beta 2TR

If you need to download the Technical Refresh, please see the following Blog Entries on the SharePoint Team Blog: