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Web Content Management (WCM) New and Updated Content in the SharePoint SDK for Beta 2TR

Here are the Web Content Management (WCM) details, including the classes by namespace that we prioritized and documented in this SDK update, along with other new/updated details that I didn’t include in my original post here


What’s New

· Custom Caching Overview: 4 new topics dedicated to caching in MOSS. The “How to: Extend Caching by Using the VaryByCustom Event Handler” topic has also been revised and expanded.

· How to: Create a Minimal Master Page

· ~370 member topics in the Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.* namespaces. Here’s the breakdown:


· CbqQueryCache

· CrossListQueryCache

· IDocumentConverterControl

· IWebPartVariationUpdate

· PageLayout

· PublishingCachablePage

· PublishingPage

· PublishingPageCollection

· PublishingWeb

· PublishingWebCollection

· ScheduledItem

· SummaryLink


· ContentDeploymentJob

· ContentDeploymentPath

· ContentMigration

· MigrationProfile


· HtmlValidationContext

· ImageFieldValue

· LinkFieldValue

· SummaryLinkFieldValue


· PortalListItemSiteMapNode

· PortalListSiteMapNode


· ConsoleNode

· SPUrlExpressionBuilder

What’s Updated

· Field Controls and Control Templates

· How to: Customize Page Editing Toolbar Components—(almost a new topic, really)

· How to: Customize the HTML Editor Field Control

· How to: Customize the Asset Picker

· How to: Customize Styles

· How to: Display Custom Fields in a Content Query Web Part

· Page Publishing Using Document Converters (all topics in this node thoroughly edited)

· How to: Customize the Variation Root Landing Logic

· How to: Customize the Variations Label Control Logic

· Almost all other topics were edited and edits were incorporated. Let me know if you’d like the full list.


If you need additional information on the SDK update for Beta 2TR, please see my related post here:


And don't forget the Upgrade and Migration Center for MOSS 2007, which is in the MOSS portal of the Office Developer Center: