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ForEachEnumeratorInfos.Contains(Object) Method


Specifies whether an item can be retrieved from the ForEachEnumeratorInfos collection using indexing without throwing an exception.

 bool Contains(System::Object ^ index);
public bool Contains (object index);
member this.Contains : obj -> bool
Public Function Contains (index As Object) As Boolean



The name, ID, or index of the object to return from the collection.


A Boolean that indicates whether items can be retrieved using indexing. A value of true indicates that the syntax ForEachEnumeratorInfos[x] can be used without throwing an exception. A value of false indicates that indexing cannot be used to retrieve items from the ForEachEnumeratorInfos collection.


The following code sample uses the Contains method to determine if an enumerator with the name "For Each File Enumerator" is in the collection. The method returns a Boolean.


To use the following code sample with a locale other than English, change the string, "For Each File Enumerator", to the localized name of the enumerator.

using System;  
using System.Collections;  
using System.Collections.Generic;  
using System.Text;  
using Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime;  
using Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Enumerators.Item;  

namespace ForEachEnums  
    class Program  
        static void Main(string[] args)  
            Application app = new Application();  
            ForEachEnumeratorInfos feInfos = app.ForEachEnumeratorInfos;  

            // Search the collection by name.  
            if (feInfos.Contains("For Each File Enumerator"))  
                Console.WriteLine("The collection contains {0} enumerator", feInfos[0].Name);  
                Console.WriteLine("The collection does not contain {0} enumerator", feInfos[0].Name);  

Sample Output:

The collection contains For Each File Enumerator enumerator

Applies to