Sdílet prostřednictvím

Attribute.GetCustomAttributes Metoda


Načte pole vlastních atributů použitých u sestavení, modulu, člena typu nebo parametru metody.


GetCustomAttributes(ParameterInfo, Boolean)

Načte pole vlastních atributů použitých u parametru metody. Parametry určují parametr metody a zda se mají hledat předky parametru metody.

GetCustomAttributes(MemberInfo, Type, Boolean)

Načte pole vlastních atributů použitých na člena typu. Parametry určují člena, typ vlastního atributu, který se má vyhledat, a zda se mají hledat nadřazené položky člena.

GetCustomAttributes(ParameterInfo, Type, Boolean)

Načte pole vlastních atributů použitých u parametru metody. Parametry určují parametr metody, typ vlastního atributu, který se má vyhledat, a zda se mají hledat nadřazené položky parametru metody.

GetCustomAttributes(Module, Type, Boolean)

Načte pole vlastních atributů použitých v modulu. Parametry určují modul, typ vlastního atributu, který se má vyhledat, a ignorovanou možnost hledání.

GetCustomAttributes(MemberInfo, Type)

Načte pole vlastních atributů použitých na člena typu. Parametry určují člena a typ vlastního atributu, který se má vyhledat.

GetCustomAttributes(Assembly, Type, Boolean)

Načte pole vlastních atributů použitých na sestavení. Parametry určují sestavení, typ vlastního atributu, který se má vyhledat, a ignorovanou možnost hledání.

GetCustomAttributes(Module, Type)

Načte pole vlastních atributů použitých v modulu. Parametry určují modul a typ vlastního atributu, který se má vyhledat.

GetCustomAttributes(ParameterInfo, Type)

Načte pole vlastních atributů použitých u parametru metody. Parametry určují parametr metody a typ vlastního atributu, který se má vyhledat.

GetCustomAttributes(MemberInfo, Boolean)

Načte pole vlastních atributů použitých na člena typu. Parametry určují člena, typ vlastního atributu, který se má vyhledat, a zda se mají hledat nadřazené položky člena.

GetCustomAttributes(Assembly, Type)

Načte pole vlastních atributů použitých na sestavení. Parametry určují sestavení a typ vlastního atributu, který se má vyhledat.

GetCustomAttributes(Assembly, Boolean)

Načte pole vlastních atributů použitých na sestavení. Parametry určují sestavení a ignorovanou možnost hledání.


Načte pole vlastních atributů použitých u parametru metody. Parametr určuje parametr metody.


Načte pole vlastních atributů použitých v modulu. Parametr určuje modul.


Načte pole vlastních atributů použitých na člena typu. Parametr určuje člena.


Načte pole vlastních atributů použitých na sestavení. Parametr určuje sestavení.

GetCustomAttributes(Module, Boolean)

Načte pole vlastních atributů použitých v modulu. Parametry určují modul a ignorovanou možnost hledání.

GetCustomAttributes(ParameterInfo, Boolean)


Načte pole vlastních atributů použitých u parametru metody. Parametry určují parametr metody a zda se mají hledat předky parametru metody.

 static cli::array <Attribute ^> ^ GetCustomAttributes(System::Reflection::ParameterInfo ^ element, bool inherit);
public static Attribute[] GetCustomAttributes (System.Reflection.ParameterInfo element, bool inherit);
static member GetCustomAttributes : System.Reflection.ParameterInfo * bool -> Attribute[]
Public Shared Function GetCustomAttributes (element As ParameterInfo, inherit As Boolean) As Attribute()



Objekt odvozený z třídy ParameterInfo, který popisuje parametr člena třídy.


Pokud true, určuje, že má hledat také nadřazené položky element pro vlastní atributy.


Pole Attribute obsahující vlastní atributy použité na elementnebo prázdné pole, pokud takové vlastní atributy neexistují.


Member vlastnost element je null.

element je null.

Vlastní typ atributu nelze načíst.


Následující příklad kódu ukazuje použití GetCustomAttributes, vzít ParameterInfo jako parametr.

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Reflection;
using namespace System::ComponentModel;

namespace CustAttrs5CS
   public ref class AClass
      void ParamArrayAndDesc(
         // Add ParamArray and Description attributes.
         [Description("This argument is a ParamArray")]
         array<Int32>^args )

   ref class DemoClass
      static void Main()
         // Get the Class type to access its metadata.
         Type^ clsType = AClass::typeid;

         // Get the type information for the method.
         MethodInfo^ mInfo = clsType->GetMethod( "ParamArrayAndDesc" );
         if ( mInfo != nullptr )
            // Get the parameter information.
            array<ParameterInfo^>^pInfo = mInfo->GetParameters();
            if ( pInfo != nullptr )
               // Iterate through all the attributes for the parameter.
               System::Collections::IEnumerator^ myEnum4 = Attribute::GetCustomAttributes( pInfo[ 0 ] )->GetEnumerator();
               while ( myEnum4->MoveNext() )
                  Attribute^ attr = safe_cast<Attribute^>(myEnum4->Current);

                  // Check for the ParamArray attribute.
                  if ( attr->GetType() == ParamArrayAttribute::typeid )
                                    Console::WriteLine( "Parameter {0} for method {1} "
                  "has the ParamArray attribute.", pInfo[ 0 ]->Name, mInfo->Name );
                  // Check for the Description attribute.

                  // Check for the Description attribute.
                  if ( attr->GetType() == DescriptionAttribute::typeid )
                     Console::WriteLine( "Parameter {0} for method {1} "
                     "has a description attribute.", pInfo[ 0 ]->Name, mInfo->Name );
                     Console::WriteLine( "The description is: \"{0}\"", (dynamic_cast<DescriptionAttribute^>(attr))->Description );

 * Output:
 * Parameter args for method ParamArrayAndDesc has the ParamArray attribute.
 * Parameter args for method ParamArrayAndDesc has a description attribute.
 * The description is: "This argument is a ParamArray"
using System;
using System.Reflection;
using System.ComponentModel;

namespace CustAttrs5CS {
    public class AClass {
        public void ParamArrayAndDesc(
            // Add ParamArray (with the keyword) and Description attributes.
            [Description("This argument is a ParamArray")]
            params int[] args)

    class DemoClass {
        static void Main(string[] args) {
            // Get the Class type to access its metadata.
            Type clsType = typeof(AClass);
            // Get the type information for the method.
            MethodInfo mInfo = clsType.GetMethod("ParamArrayAndDesc");
            if (mInfo != null) {
                // Get the parameter information.
                ParameterInfo[] pInfo = mInfo.GetParameters();
                if (pInfo != null) {
                    // Iterate through all the attributes for the parameter.
                    foreach(Attribute attr in
                        Attribute.GetCustomAttributes(pInfo[0])) {
                        // Check for the ParamArray attribute.
                        if (attr.GetType() == typeof(ParamArrayAttribute))
                            Console.WriteLine("Parameter {0} for method {1} " +
                                "has the ParamArray attribute.",
                                pInfo[0].Name, mInfo.Name);
                        // Check for the Description attribute.
                        else if (attr.GetType() ==
                            typeof(DescriptionAttribute)) {
                            Console.WriteLine("Parameter {0} for method {1} " +
                                "has a description attribute.",
                                pInfo[0].Name, mInfo.Name);
                            Console.WriteLine("The description is: \"{0}\"",

 * Output:
 * Parameter args for method ParamArrayAndDesc has the ParamArray attribute.
 * Parameter args for method ParamArrayAndDesc has a description attribute.
 * The description is: "This argument is a ParamArray"
open System
open System.Reflection
open System.ComponentModel

type AClass() =
    member _.ParamArrayAndDesc(
        // Add ParamArray and Description attributes.
        [<Description "This argument is a ParamArray">]
        args: int[]) = ()

// Get the Class type to access its metadata.
let clsType = typeof<AClass>

// Get the type information for the method.
let mInfo = clsType.GetMethod "ParamArrayAndDesc"
if mInfo <> null then
    // Get the parameter information.
    let pInfo = mInfo.GetParameters()
    if pInfo <> null then
        // Iterate through all the attributes for the parameter.
        for attr in Attribute.GetCustomAttributes pInfo[0] do
            match attr with 
            // Check for the ParamArray attribute.
            | :? ParamArrayAttribute ->
                printfn $"Parameter {pInfo[0].Name} for method {mInfo.Name} has the ParamArray attribute."
            // Check for the Description attribute.
            | :? DescriptionAttribute as attr ->
                printfn $"Parameter {pInfo[0].Name} for method {mInfo.Name} has a description attribute."
                printfn $"The description is: \"{attr.Description}\""
            | _ -> ()

// Output:
// Parameter args for method ParamArrayAndDesc has a description attribute.
// The description is: "This argument is a ParamArray"
// Parameter args for method ParamArrayAndDesc has the ParamArray attribute.
Imports System.Reflection
Imports System.ComponentModel

Module DemoModule
    Public Class AClass
        ' Add Description and ParamArray (with the keyword) attributes.
        Public Sub ParamArrayAndDesc( _
            <Description("This argument is a ParamArray")> _
            ByVal ParamArray args() As Integer)
        End Sub
    End Class

    Sub Main()
        ' Get the Class type to access its metadata.
        Dim clsType As Type = GetType(AClass)
        ' Get the type information for the method.
        Dim mInfo As MethodInfo = clsType.GetMethod("ParamArrayAndDesc")
        ' Get the Parameter information for the method.
        Dim pInfo() As ParameterInfo = mInfo.GetParameters()
        Dim attr As Attribute
        ' Iterate through each attribute of the parameter.
        For Each attr In Attribute.GetCustomAttributes(pInfo(0))
            ' Check for the ParamArray attribute.
            If TypeOf attr Is ParamArrayAttribute Then
                ' Convert the attribute to access its data.
                Dim paAttr As ParamArrayAttribute = _
                    CType(attr, ParamArrayAttribute)
                Console.WriteLine("Parameter {0} for method {1} has the " + _
                    "ParamArray attribute.", pInfo(0).Name, mInfo.Name)
            ' Check for the Description attribute.
            ElseIf TypeOf attr Is DescriptionAttribute Then
                ' Convert the attribute to access its data.
                Dim descAttr As DescriptionAttribute = _
                    CType(attr, DescriptionAttribute)
                Console.WriteLine("Parameter {0} for method {1} has a description " + _
                    "attribute. The description is:", pInfo(0).Name, mInfo.Name)
            End If
    End Sub
End Module

' Output:
' Parameter args for method ParamArrayAndDesc has the ParamArray attribute.
' Parameter args for method ParamArrayAndDesc has a description attribute. The description is:
' This argument is a ParamArray


Pokud element představuje parametr v metodě odvozeného typu, návratová hodnota zahrnuje zděděné vlastní atributy použité na stejný parametr v přepisovaných základních metodách.

Platí pro

GetCustomAttributes(MemberInfo, Type, Boolean)


Načte pole vlastních atributů použitých na člena typu. Parametry určují člena, typ vlastního atributu, který se má vyhledat, a zda se mají hledat nadřazené položky člena.

 static cli::array <Attribute ^> ^ GetCustomAttributes(System::Reflection::MemberInfo ^ element, Type ^ type, bool inherit);
 static cli::array <Attribute ^> ^ GetCustomAttributes(System::Reflection::MemberInfo ^ element, Type ^ attributeType, bool inherit);
public static Attribute[] GetCustomAttributes (System.Reflection.MemberInfo element, Type type, bool inherit);
public static Attribute[] GetCustomAttributes (System.Reflection.MemberInfo element, Type attributeType, bool inherit);
static member GetCustomAttributes : System.Reflection.MemberInfo * Type * bool -> Attribute[]
static member GetCustomAttributes : System.Reflection.MemberInfo * Type * bool -> Attribute[]
Public Shared Function GetCustomAttributes (element As MemberInfo, type As Type, inherit As Boolean) As Attribute()
Public Shared Function GetCustomAttributes (element As MemberInfo, attributeType As Type, inherit As Boolean) As Attribute()



Objekt odvozený z MemberInfo třídy, která popisuje konstruktor, událost, pole, metodu nebo vlastnost člen třídy.


Typ nebo základní typ vlastního atributu, který se má vyhledat.


Pokud true, určuje, že má hledat také nadřazené položky element pro vlastní atributy.


Pole Attribute obsahující vlastní atributy typu type použité na elementnebo prázdné pole, pokud takové vlastní atributy neexistují.


element nebo type je null.

type není odvozen z Attribute.

element není konstruktor, metoda, vlastnost, událost, typ nebo pole.

Vlastní typ atributu nelze načíst.


Následující příklad kódu ukazuje použití GetCustomAttributes, vzít MemberInfo jako parametr.

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Reflection;
using namespace System::Security;
using namespace System::Runtime::InteropServices;

namespace CustAttrs4CS
   // Create a class for Win32 imported unmanaged functions.
   public ref class Win32

      [DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet = CharSet::Unicode)]
      static int MessageBox( int hWnd, String^ text, String^ caption, UInt32 type );

   public ref class AClass

      // Add some attributes to the Win32CallMethod.

      [Obsolete("This method is obsolete. Use managed MsgBox instead.")]
      void Win32CallMethod()
         Win32::MessageBox( 0, "This is an unmanaged call.", "Be Careful!", 0 );


   ref class DemoClass
      static void Main()
         // Get the Class type to access its metadata.
         Type^ clsType = AClass::typeid;

         // Get the type information for the Win32CallMethod.
         MethodInfo^ mInfo = clsType->GetMethod( "Win32CallMethod" );
         if ( mInfo != nullptr )
            // Iterate through all the attributes for the method.
            System::Collections::IEnumerator^ myEnum3 = Attribute::GetCustomAttributes( mInfo )->GetEnumerator();
            while ( myEnum3->MoveNext() )
               Attribute^ attr = safe_cast<Attribute^>(myEnum3->Current);

               // Check for the Obsolete attribute.
               if ( attr->GetType() == ObsoleteAttribute::typeid )
                  Console::WriteLine( "Method {0} is obsolete. "
                  "The message is:", mInfo->Name );
                  Console::WriteLine( (dynamic_cast<ObsoleteAttribute^>(attr))->Message );
               // Check for the SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity attribute.

               // Check for the SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity attribute.
               if ( attr->GetType() == SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurityAttribute::typeid )
                  Console::WriteLine( "This method calls unmanaged code "
                  "with no security check." );
                  Console::WriteLine( "Please do not use unless absolutely necessary." );
                  AClass^ myCls = gcnew AClass;

 * Output:
 * Method Win32CallMethod is obsolete. The message is:
 * This method is obsolete. Use managed MsgBox instead.
 * This method calls unmanaged code with no security check.
 * Please do not use unless absolutely necessary.
using System;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Security;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

namespace CustAttrs4CS

    // Define an enumeration of Win32 unmanaged types
    public enum UnmanagedType

    // Define the Unmanaged attribute.
    public class UnmanagedAttribute : Attribute
        // Storage for the UnmanagedType value.
        protected UnmanagedType thisType;

        // Set the unmanaged type in the constructor.
        public UnmanagedAttribute(UnmanagedType type)
            thisType = type;

        // Define a property to get and set the UnmanagedType value.
        public UnmanagedType Win32Type
            get { return thisType; }
            set { thisType = Win32Type; }

    // Create a class for an imported Win32 unmanaged function.
    public class Win32 {
        [DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
        public static extern int MessageBox(int hWnd, String text,
            String caption, uint type);

    public class AClass {
        // Add some attributes to Win32CallMethod.
        [Obsolete("This method is obsolete. Use managed MsgBox instead.")]
        public void Win32CallMethod()
            Win32.MessageBox(0, "This is an unmanaged call.", "Caution!", 0);

    class DemoClass {
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Get the AClass type to access its metadata.
            Type clsType = typeof(AClass);
            // Get the type information for Win32CallMethod.
            MethodInfo mInfo = clsType.GetMethod("Win32CallMethod");
            if (mInfo != null)
                // Iterate through all the attributes of the method.
                foreach(Attribute attr in
                    Attribute.GetCustomAttributes(mInfo)) {
                    // Check for the Obsolete attribute.
                    if (attr.GetType() == typeof(ObsoleteAttribute))
                        Console.WriteLine("Method {0} is obsolete. " +
                            "The message is:",
                        Console.WriteLine("  \"{0}\"",

                    // Check for the Unmanaged attribute.
                    else if (attr.GetType() == typeof(UnmanagedAttribute))
                            "This method calls unmanaged code.");
                            String.Format("The Unmanaged attribute type is {0}.",
                        AClass myCls = new AClass();


This code example produces the following results.

First, the compilation yields the warning, "... This method is
obsolete. Use managed MsgBox instead."
Second, execution yields a message box with a title of "Caution!"
and message text of "This is an unmanaged call."
Third, the following text is displayed in the console window:

Method Win32CallMethod is obsolete. The message is:
  "This method is obsolete. Use managed MsgBox instead."
This method calls unmanaged code.
The Unmanaged attribute type is User.

open System
open System.Runtime.InteropServices

// Define an enumeration of Win32 unmanaged types
type UnmanagedType =
    | User = 0
    | GDI = 1
    | Kernel = 2
    | Shell = 3
    | Networking = 4
    | Multimedia = 5

// Define the Unmanaged attribute.
type UnmanagedAttribute(unmanagedType) =
    inherit Attribute()
    // Define a property to get and set the UnmanagedType value.
    member val Win32Type = unmanagedType with get, set

// Create a module for an imported Win32 unmanaged function.
module Win32 =
    [<DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)>]
    extern int MessageBox(IntPtr hWnd, String text, String caption, uint ``type``)

type AClass() =
    // Add some attributes to Win32CallMethod.
    [<Obsolete "This method is obsolete. Use managed MsgBox instead.">]
    member _.Win32CallMethod () =
        Win32.MessageBox(0, "This is an unmanaged call.", "Caution!", 0u)

// Get the AClass type to access its metadata.
let clsType = typeof<AClass>
// Get the type information for Win32CallMethod.
let mInfo = clsType.GetMethod "Win32CallMethod"
if mInfo <> null then
    // Iterate through all the attributes of the method.
    for attr in Attribute.GetCustomAttributes mInfo do
        match attr with 
        // Check for the Obsolete attribute.
        | :? ObsoleteAttribute as attr ->
            printfn $"Method {mInfo.Name} is obsolete. The message is:"
            printfn $"  \"{attr.Message}\""

        // Check for the Unmanaged attribute.
        | :? UnmanagedAttribute as attr ->
            printfn "This method calls unmanaged code."
            printfn $"The Unmanaged attribute type is {attr.Win32Type}."
            let myCls = AClass()
            myCls.Win32CallMethod() |> ignore
        | _ -> ()

// This code example produces the following results.
// First, the compilation yields the warning, "... This method is
// obsolete. Use managed MsgBox instead."
// Second, execution yields a message box with a title of "Caution!"
// and message text of "This is an unmanaged call."
// Third, the following text is displayed in the console window:

// Method Win32CallMethod is obsolete. The message is:
//   "This method is obsolete. Use managed MsgBox instead."
// This method calls unmanaged code.
// The Unmanaged attribute type is User.
Imports System.Reflection
Imports System.Security
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices

' Define an enumeration of Win32 unmanaged types
Public Enum UnmanagedType
End Enum 'UnmanagedType

' Define the Unmanaged attribute.
Public Class UnmanagedAttribute 
             Inherits Attribute

    ' Storage for the UnmanagedType value.
    Protected thisType As UnmanagedType
    ' Set the unmanaged type in the constructor.
    Public Sub New(ByVal type As UnmanagedType) 
        thisType = type
    End Sub
    ' Define a property to get and set the UnmanagedType value.
    Public Property Win32Type() As UnmanagedType 
            Return thisType
        End Get
            thisType = Win32Type
        End Set
    End Property
End Class

' Create a class for an imported Win32 unmanaged function.
Public Class Win32
    <DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet:=CharSet.Unicode)> _
    Public Shared Function MessageBox(ByVal hWnd As Integer, _
                                      ByVal Text As String, _
                                      ByVal caption As String, _
                                      ByVal type As Integer) As Integer
    End Function 'MessageBox
End Class

Public Class AClass
    ' Add some attributes to Win32CallMethod.
    <Obsolete("This method is obsolete. Use managed MsgBox instead."), _
     Unmanaged(UnmanagedType.User)>  _
    Public Sub Win32CallMethod() 
        Win32.MessageBox(0, "This is an unmanaged call.", "Caution!", 0)    
    End Sub
End Class

Class DemoClass
    Shared Sub Main(ByVal args() As String) 
        ' Get the AClass type to access its metadata.
        Dim clsType As Type = GetType(AClass)
        ' Get the type information for Win32CallMethod.
        Dim mInfo As MethodInfo = clsType.GetMethod("Win32CallMethod")
        If Not (mInfo Is Nothing) Then
            ' Iterate through all the attributes of the method.
            Dim attr As Attribute
            For Each attr In  Attribute.GetCustomAttributes(mInfo)
                ' Check for the Obsolete attribute.
                If attr.GetType().Equals(GetType(ObsoleteAttribute)) Then
                    Console.WriteLine("Method {0} is obsolete. The message is:", mInfo.Name)
                    Console.WriteLine("  ""{0}""", CType(attr, ObsoleteAttribute).Message)
                ' Check for the Unmanaged attribute.
                ElseIf attr.GetType().Equals(GetType(UnmanagedAttribute)) Then
                    Console.WriteLine("This method calls unmanaged code.")
                    Console.WriteLine( _
                            String.Format("The Unmanaged attribute type is {0}.", _
                            CType(attr, UnmanagedAttribute).Win32Type))
                    Dim myCls As New AClass()
                End If
            Next attr
        End If
    End Sub
End Class

'This code example produces the following results. 
'First, the compilation yields the warning, "... This method is 
'obsolete. Use managed MsgBox instead."
'Second, execution yields a message box with a title of "Caution!" 
'and message text of "This is an unmanaged call." 
'Third, the following text is displayed in the console window:
'Method Win32CallMethod is obsolete. The message is:
'  "This method is obsolete. Use managed MsgBox instead."
'This method calls unmanaged code.
'The Unmanaged attribute type is User.


Návratová hodnota obsahuje vlastní atributy pro předky element, pokud je inherittrue.


Počínaje rozhraním .NET Framework verze 2.0 tato metoda vrátí atributy zabezpečení pro metody, konstruktory a typy, pokud jsou atributy uloženy v novém formátu metadat. Sestavení zkompilovaná s verzí 2.0 nebo novější používají nový formát. Dynamická sestavení a sestavení zkompilovaná se staršími verzemi rozhraní .NET Framework používají starý formát XML. Viz generování deklarativních atributů zabezpečení.

Platí pro

GetCustomAttributes(ParameterInfo, Type, Boolean)


Načte pole vlastních atributů použitých u parametru metody. Parametry určují parametr metody, typ vlastního atributu, který se má vyhledat, a zda se mají hledat nadřazené položky parametru metody.

 static cli::array <Attribute ^> ^ GetCustomAttributes(System::Reflection::ParameterInfo ^ element, Type ^ attributeType, bool inherit);
public static Attribute[] GetCustomAttributes (System.Reflection.ParameterInfo element, Type attributeType, bool inherit);
static member GetCustomAttributes : System.Reflection.ParameterInfo * Type * bool -> Attribute[]
Public Shared Function GetCustomAttributes (element As ParameterInfo, attributeType As Type, inherit As Boolean) As Attribute()



Objekt odvozený z třídy ParameterInfo, který popisuje parametr člena třídy.


Typ nebo základní typ vlastního atributu, který se má vyhledat.


Pokud true, určuje, že má hledat také nadřazené položky element pro vlastní atributy.


Pole Attribute obsahující vlastní atributy typu attributeType použité na elementnebo prázdné pole, pokud takové vlastní atributy neexistují.


element nebo attributeType je null.

attributeType není odvozen z Attribute.

Vlastní typ atributu nelze načíst.


Následující příklad kódu ukazuje použití GetCustomAttributes, vzít ParameterInfo jako parametr.

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Reflection;
using namespace System::ComponentModel;

namespace CustAttrs5CS
   public ref class AClass
      void ParamArrayAndDesc(
         // Add ParamArray and Description attributes.
         [Description("This argument is a ParamArray")]
         array<Int32>^args )

   ref class DemoClass
      static void Main()
         // Get the Class type to access its metadata.
         Type^ clsType = AClass::typeid;

         // Get the type information for the method.
         MethodInfo^ mInfo = clsType->GetMethod( "ParamArrayAndDesc" );
         if ( mInfo != nullptr )
            // Get the parameter information.
            array<ParameterInfo^>^pInfo = mInfo->GetParameters();
            if ( pInfo != nullptr )
               // Iterate through all the attributes for the parameter.
               System::Collections::IEnumerator^ myEnum4 = Attribute::GetCustomAttributes( pInfo[ 0 ] )->GetEnumerator();
               while ( myEnum4->MoveNext() )
                  Attribute^ attr = safe_cast<Attribute^>(myEnum4->Current);

                  // Check for the ParamArray attribute.
                  if ( attr->GetType() == ParamArrayAttribute::typeid )
                                    Console::WriteLine( "Parameter {0} for method {1} "
                  "has the ParamArray attribute.", pInfo[ 0 ]->Name, mInfo->Name );
                  // Check for the Description attribute.

                  // Check for the Description attribute.
                  if ( attr->GetType() == DescriptionAttribute::typeid )
                     Console::WriteLine( "Parameter {0} for method {1} "
                     "has a description attribute.", pInfo[ 0 ]->Name, mInfo->Name );
                     Console::WriteLine( "The description is: \"{0}\"", (dynamic_cast<DescriptionAttribute^>(attr))->Description );

 * Output:
 * Parameter args for method ParamArrayAndDesc has the ParamArray attribute.
 * Parameter args for method ParamArrayAndDesc has a description attribute.
 * The description is: "This argument is a ParamArray"
using System;
using System.Reflection;
using System.ComponentModel;

namespace CustAttrs5CS {
    public class AClass {
        public void ParamArrayAndDesc(
            // Add ParamArray (with the keyword) and Description attributes.
            [Description("This argument is a ParamArray")]
            params int[] args)

    class DemoClass {
        static void Main(string[] args) {
            // Get the Class type to access its metadata.
            Type clsType = typeof(AClass);
            // Get the type information for the method.
            MethodInfo mInfo = clsType.GetMethod("ParamArrayAndDesc");
            if (mInfo != null) {
                // Get the parameter information.
                ParameterInfo[] pInfo = mInfo.GetParameters();
                if (pInfo != null) {
                    // Iterate through all the attributes for the parameter.
                    foreach(Attribute attr in
                        Attribute.GetCustomAttributes(pInfo[0])) {
                        // Check for the ParamArray attribute.
                        if (attr.GetType() == typeof(ParamArrayAttribute))
                            Console.WriteLine("Parameter {0} for method {1} " +
                                "has the ParamArray attribute.",
                                pInfo[0].Name, mInfo.Name);
                        // Check for the Description attribute.
                        else if (attr.GetType() ==
                            typeof(DescriptionAttribute)) {
                            Console.WriteLine("Parameter {0} for method {1} " +
                                "has a description attribute.",
                                pInfo[0].Name, mInfo.Name);
                            Console.WriteLine("The description is: \"{0}\"",

 * Output:
 * Parameter args for method ParamArrayAndDesc has the ParamArray attribute.
 * Parameter args for method ParamArrayAndDesc has a description attribute.
 * The description is: "This argument is a ParamArray"
open System
open System.Reflection
open System.ComponentModel

type AClass() =
    member _.ParamArrayAndDesc(
        // Add ParamArray and Description attributes.
        [<Description "This argument is a ParamArray">]
        args: int[]) = ()

// Get the Class type to access its metadata.
let clsType = typeof<AClass>

// Get the type information for the method.
let mInfo = clsType.GetMethod "ParamArrayAndDesc"
if mInfo <> null then
    // Get the parameter information.
    let pInfo = mInfo.GetParameters()
    if pInfo <> null then
        // Iterate through all the attributes for the parameter.
        for attr in Attribute.GetCustomAttributes pInfo[0] do
            match attr with 
            // Check for the ParamArray attribute.
            | :? ParamArrayAttribute ->
                printfn $"Parameter {pInfo[0].Name} for method {mInfo.Name} has the ParamArray attribute."
            // Check for the Description attribute.
            | :? DescriptionAttribute as attr ->
                printfn $"Parameter {pInfo[0].Name} for method {mInfo.Name} has a description attribute."
                printfn $"The description is: \"{attr.Description}\""
            | _ -> ()

// Output:
// Parameter args for method ParamArrayAndDesc has a description attribute.
// The description is: "This argument is a ParamArray"
// Parameter args for method ParamArrayAndDesc has the ParamArray attribute.
Imports System.Reflection
Imports System.ComponentModel

Module DemoModule
    Public Class AClass
        ' Add Description and ParamArray (with the keyword) attributes.
        Public Sub ParamArrayAndDesc( _
            <Description("This argument is a ParamArray")> _
            ByVal ParamArray args() As Integer)
        End Sub
    End Class

    Sub Main()
        ' Get the Class type to access its metadata.
        Dim clsType As Type = GetType(AClass)
        ' Get the type information for the method.
        Dim mInfo As MethodInfo = clsType.GetMethod("ParamArrayAndDesc")
        ' Get the Parameter information for the method.
        Dim pInfo() As ParameterInfo = mInfo.GetParameters()
        Dim attr As Attribute
        ' Iterate through each attribute of the parameter.
        For Each attr In Attribute.GetCustomAttributes(pInfo(0))
            ' Check for the ParamArray attribute.
            If TypeOf attr Is ParamArrayAttribute Then
                ' Convert the attribute to access its data.
                Dim paAttr As ParamArrayAttribute = _
                    CType(attr, ParamArrayAttribute)
                Console.WriteLine("Parameter {0} for method {1} has the " + _
                    "ParamArray attribute.", pInfo(0).Name, mInfo.Name)
            ' Check for the Description attribute.
            ElseIf TypeOf attr Is DescriptionAttribute Then
                ' Convert the attribute to access its data.
                Dim descAttr As DescriptionAttribute = _
                    CType(attr, DescriptionAttribute)
                Console.WriteLine("Parameter {0} for method {1} has a description " + _
                    "attribute. The description is:", pInfo(0).Name, mInfo.Name)
            End If
    End Sub
End Module

' Output:
' Parameter args for method ParamArrayAndDesc has the ParamArray attribute.
' Parameter args for method ParamArrayAndDesc has a description attribute. The description is:
' This argument is a ParamArray


Pokud element představuje parametr v metodě odvozeného typu, návratová hodnota zahrnuje zděděné vlastní atributy použité na stejný parametr v přepisovaných základních metodách.

Platí pro

GetCustomAttributes(Module, Type, Boolean)


Načte pole vlastních atributů použitých v modulu. Parametry určují modul, typ vlastního atributu, který se má vyhledat, a ignorovanou možnost hledání.

 static cli::array <Attribute ^> ^ GetCustomAttributes(System::Reflection::Module ^ element, Type ^ attributeType, bool inherit);
public static Attribute[] GetCustomAttributes (System.Reflection.Module element, Type attributeType, bool inherit);
static member GetCustomAttributes : System.Reflection.Module * Type * bool -> Attribute[]
Public Shared Function GetCustomAttributes (element As Module, attributeType As Type, inherit As Boolean) As Attribute()



Objekt odvozený z Module třídy, která popisuje přenosný spustitelný soubor.


Typ nebo základní typ vlastního atributu, který se má vyhledat.


Tento parametr je ignorován a nemá vliv na operaci této metody.


Pole Attribute obsahující vlastní atributy typu attributeType použité na elementnebo prázdné pole, pokud takové vlastní atributy neexistují.


element nebo attributeType je null.

attributeType není odvozen z Attribute.


Následující příklad kódu ukazuje použití GetCustomAttributes, vzít Module jako parametr.

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Reflection;
using namespace System::ComponentModel;

// Assign some attributes to the module.
// Set the module's CLSCompliant attribute to false
// The CLSCompliant attribute is applicable for /target:module.
[module:Description("A sample description")];
namespace CustAttrs2CS
   ref class DemoClass
      static void Main()
         Type^ clsType = DemoClass::typeid;

         // Get the Module type to access its metadata.
         Module^ module = clsType->Module;

         // Iterate through all the attributes for the module.
         System::Collections::IEnumerator^ myEnum1 = Attribute::GetCustomAttributes( module )->GetEnumerator();
         while ( myEnum1->MoveNext() )
            Attribute^ attr = safe_cast<Attribute^>(myEnum1->Current);

            // Check for the Description attribute.
            if ( attr->GetType() == DescriptionAttribute::typeid )
                        Console::WriteLine( "Module {0} has the description \"{1}\".", module->Name, (dynamic_cast<DescriptionAttribute^>(attr))->Description );
            // Check for the CLSCompliant attribute.

            // Check for the CLSCompliant attribute.
            if ( attr->GetType() == CLSCompliantAttribute::typeid )
                        Console::WriteLine( "Module {0} {1} CLSCompliant.", module->Name, (dynamic_cast<CLSCompliantAttribute^>(attr))->IsCompliant ? (String^)"is" : "is not" );

 * Output:
 * Module CustAttrs2CS.exe is not CLSCompliant.
 * Module CustAttrs2CS.exe has the description "A sample description".
using System;
using System.Reflection;
using System.ComponentModel;

// Assign some attributes to the module.
[module:Description("A sample description")]

// Set the module's CLSCompliant attribute to false
// The CLSCompliant attribute is applicable for /target:module.

namespace CustAttrs2CS {
    class DemoClass {
        static void Main(string[] args) {
            Type clsType = typeof(DemoClass);
            // Get the Module type to access its metadata.
            Module module = clsType.Module;

            // Iterate through all the attributes for the module.
            foreach(Attribute attr in Attribute.GetCustomAttributes(module)) {
                // Check for the Description attribute.
                if (attr.GetType() == typeof(DescriptionAttribute))
                    Console.WriteLine("Module {0} has the description " +
                        "\"{1}\".", module.Name,
                // Check for the CLSCompliant attribute.
                else if (attr.GetType() == typeof(CLSCompliantAttribute))
                    Console.WriteLine("Module {0} {1} CLSCompliant.",
                        ((CLSCompliantAttribute)attr).IsCompliant ?
                            "is" : "is not");

 * Output:
 * Module CustAttrs2CS.exe is not CLSCompliant.
 * Module CustAttrs2CS.exe has the description "A sample description".
open System
open System.ComponentModel

// Assign some attributes to the module.
[<``module``: Description "A sample description">]

// Set the module's CLSCompliant attribute to false
// The CLSCompliant attribute is applicable for /target:module.
[<``module``: CLSCompliant false>]
do ()

type DemoClass = class end

// Get the Module type to access its metadata.
let ilmodule = typeof<DemoClass>.Module

// Iterate through all the attributes for the module.
for attr in Attribute.GetCustomAttributes ilmodule do
    match attr with
    // Check for the Description attribute.
    | :? DescriptionAttribute as attr ->
        printfn $"Module {ilmodule.Name} has the description \"{attr.Description}\"."
    // Check for the CLSCompliant attribute.
    | :? CLSCompliantAttribute as attr ->
        printfn $"""Module {ilmodule.Name} {if attr.IsCompliant then "is" else "is not"} CLSCompliant."""
    | _ -> ()
// Output:
// Module CustAttrs2CS.exe is not CLSCompliant.
// Module CustAttrs2CS.exe has the description "A sample description".
Imports System.Reflection
Imports System.ComponentModel

' Give the Module some attributes.
<Module: Description("A sample description")> 

' Make the CLSCompliant attribute False.
' The CLSCompliant attribute is applicable for /target:module.
<Module: CLSCompliant(False)> 

Module DemoModule

    Sub Main()
        ' Get the Module type to access its metadata.
        Dim modType As Reflection.Module = GetType(DemoModule).Module
        Dim attr As Attribute
        ' Iterate through all the attributes for the module.
        For Each attr In Attribute.GetCustomAttributes(modType)
            ' Check for the Description attribute.
            If TypeOf attr Is DescriptionAttribute Then
                ' Convert the attribute to access its data.
                Dim descAttr As DescriptionAttribute = _
                    CType(attr, DescriptionAttribute)
                Console.WriteLine("Module {0} has the description ""{1}"".", _
                    modType.Name, descAttr.Description)

            ' Check for the CLSCompliant attribute.
            ElseIf TypeOf attr Is CLSCompliantAttribute Then
                ' Convert the attribute to access its data.
                Dim CLSCompAttr As CLSCompliantAttribute = _
                    CType(attr, CLSCompliantAttribute)
                Dim strCompliant As String
                If CLSCompAttr.IsCompliant Then
                    strCompliant = "is"
                    strCompliant = "is not"
                End If
                Console.WriteLine("Module {0} {1} CLSCompliant.", _
                    modType.Name, strCompliant)
            End If
    End Sub
End Module

' Output:
' Module CustAttrs2VB.exe has the description "A sample description".
' Module CustAttrs2VB.exe is not CLSCompliant.


Návratová hodnota obsahuje vlastní atributy pro předky element, pokud je inherittrue.

Platí pro

GetCustomAttributes(MemberInfo, Type)


Načte pole vlastních atributů použitých na člena typu. Parametry určují člena a typ vlastního atributu, který se má vyhledat.

 static cli::array <Attribute ^> ^ GetCustomAttributes(System::Reflection::MemberInfo ^ element, Type ^ type);
 static cli::array <Attribute ^> ^ GetCustomAttributes(System::Reflection::MemberInfo ^ element, Type ^ attributeType);
public static Attribute[] GetCustomAttributes (System.Reflection.MemberInfo element, Type type);
public static Attribute[] GetCustomAttributes (System.Reflection.MemberInfo element, Type attributeType);
static member GetCustomAttributes : System.Reflection.MemberInfo * Type -> Attribute[]
static member GetCustomAttributes : System.Reflection.MemberInfo * Type -> Attribute[]
Public Shared Function GetCustomAttributes (element As MemberInfo, type As Type) As Attribute()
Public Shared Function GetCustomAttributes (element As MemberInfo, attributeType As Type) As Attribute()



Objekt odvozený z MemberInfo třídy, která popisuje konstruktor, událost, pole, metodu nebo vlastnost člen třídy.


Typ nebo základní typ vlastního atributu, který se má vyhledat.


Pole Attribute obsahující vlastní atributy typu type použité na elementnebo prázdné pole, pokud takové vlastní atributy neexistují.


element nebo type je null.

type není odvozen z Attribute.

element není konstruktor, metoda, vlastnost, událost, typ nebo pole.

Vlastní typ atributu nelze načíst.


Následující příklad kódu ukazuje použití GetCustomAttribute, vzít MemberInfo jako parametr.

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Reflection;
using namespace System::Security;
using namespace System::Runtime::InteropServices;

namespace CustAttrs4CS
   // Create a class for Win32 imported unmanaged functions.
   public ref class Win32

      [DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet = CharSet::Unicode)]
      static int MessageBox( int hWnd, String^ text, String^ caption, UInt32 type );

   public ref class AClass

      // Add some attributes to the Win32CallMethod.

      [Obsolete("This method is obsolete. Use managed MsgBox instead.")]
      void Win32CallMethod()
         Win32::MessageBox( 0, "This is an unmanaged call.", "Be Careful!", 0 );


   ref class DemoClass
      static void Main()
         // Get the Class type to access its metadata.
         Type^ clsType = AClass::typeid;

         // Get the type information for the Win32CallMethod.
         MethodInfo^ mInfo = clsType->GetMethod( "Win32CallMethod" );
         if ( mInfo != nullptr )
            // Iterate through all the attributes for the method.
            System::Collections::IEnumerator^ myEnum3 = Attribute::GetCustomAttributes( mInfo )->GetEnumerator();
            while ( myEnum3->MoveNext() )
               Attribute^ attr = safe_cast<Attribute^>(myEnum3->Current);

               // Check for the Obsolete attribute.
               if ( attr->GetType() == ObsoleteAttribute::typeid )
                  Console::WriteLine( "Method {0} is obsolete. "
                  "The message is:", mInfo->Name );
                  Console::WriteLine( (dynamic_cast<ObsoleteAttribute^>(attr))->Message );
               // Check for the SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity attribute.

               // Check for the SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity attribute.
               if ( attr->GetType() == SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurityAttribute::typeid )
                  Console::WriteLine( "This method calls unmanaged code "
                  "with no security check." );
                  Console::WriteLine( "Please do not use unless absolutely necessary." );
                  AClass^ myCls = gcnew AClass;

 * Output:
 * Method Win32CallMethod is obsolete. The message is:
 * This method is obsolete. Use managed MsgBox instead.
 * This method calls unmanaged code with no security check.
 * Please do not use unless absolutely necessary.
using System;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Security;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

namespace CustAttrs4CS

    // Define an enumeration of Win32 unmanaged types
    public enum UnmanagedType

    // Define the Unmanaged attribute.
    public class UnmanagedAttribute : Attribute
        // Storage for the UnmanagedType value.
        protected UnmanagedType thisType;

        // Set the unmanaged type in the constructor.
        public UnmanagedAttribute(UnmanagedType type)
            thisType = type;

        // Define a property to get and set the UnmanagedType value.
        public UnmanagedType Win32Type
            get { return thisType; }
            set { thisType = Win32Type; }

    // Create a class for an imported Win32 unmanaged function.
    public class Win32 {
        [DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
        public static extern int MessageBox(int hWnd, String text,
            String caption, uint type);

    public class AClass {
        // Add some attributes to Win32CallMethod.
        [Obsolete("This method is obsolete. Use managed MsgBox instead.")]
        public void Win32CallMethod()
            Win32.MessageBox(0, "This is an unmanaged call.", "Caution!", 0);

    class DemoClass {
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Get the AClass type to access its metadata.
            Type clsType = typeof(AClass);
            // Get the type information for Win32CallMethod.
            MethodInfo mInfo = clsType.GetMethod("Win32CallMethod");
            if (mInfo != null)
                // Iterate through all the attributes of the method.
                foreach(Attribute attr in
                    Attribute.GetCustomAttributes(mInfo)) {
                    // Check for the Obsolete attribute.
                    if (attr.GetType() == typeof(ObsoleteAttribute))
                        Console.WriteLine("Method {0} is obsolete. " +
                            "The message is:",
                        Console.WriteLine("  \"{0}\"",

                    // Check for the Unmanaged attribute.
                    else if (attr.GetType() == typeof(UnmanagedAttribute))
                            "This method calls unmanaged code.");
                            String.Format("The Unmanaged attribute type is {0}.",
                        AClass myCls = new AClass();


This code example produces the following results.

First, the compilation yields the warning, "... This method is
obsolete. Use managed MsgBox instead."
Second, execution yields a message box with a title of "Caution!"
and message text of "This is an unmanaged call."
Third, the following text is displayed in the console window:

Method Win32CallMethod is obsolete. The message is:
  "This method is obsolete. Use managed MsgBox instead."
This method calls unmanaged code.
The Unmanaged attribute type is User.

open System
open System.Runtime.InteropServices

// Define an enumeration of Win32 unmanaged types
type UnmanagedType =
    | User = 0
    | GDI = 1
    | Kernel = 2
    | Shell = 3
    | Networking = 4
    | Multimedia = 5

// Define the Unmanaged attribute.
type UnmanagedAttribute(unmanagedType) =
    inherit Attribute()
    // Define a property to get and set the UnmanagedType value.
    member val Win32Type = unmanagedType with get, set

// Create a module for an imported Win32 unmanaged function.
module Win32 =
    [<DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)>]
    extern int MessageBox(IntPtr hWnd, String text, String caption, uint ``type``)

type AClass() =
    // Add some attributes to Win32CallMethod.
    [<Obsolete "This method is obsolete. Use managed MsgBox instead.">]
    member _.Win32CallMethod () =
        Win32.MessageBox(0, "This is an unmanaged call.", "Caution!", 0u)

// Get the AClass type to access its metadata.
let clsType = typeof<AClass>
// Get the type information for Win32CallMethod.
let mInfo = clsType.GetMethod "Win32CallMethod"
if mInfo <> null then
    // Iterate through all the attributes of the method.
    for attr in Attribute.GetCustomAttributes mInfo do
        match attr with 
        // Check for the Obsolete attribute.
        | :? ObsoleteAttribute as attr ->
            printfn $"Method {mInfo.Name} is obsolete. The message is:"
            printfn $"  \"{attr.Message}\""

        // Check for the Unmanaged attribute.
        | :? UnmanagedAttribute as attr ->
            printfn "This method calls unmanaged code."
            printfn $"The Unmanaged attribute type is {attr.Win32Type}."
            let myCls = AClass()
            myCls.Win32CallMethod() |> ignore
        | _ -> ()

// This code example produces the following results.
// First, the compilation yields the warning, "... This method is
// obsolete. Use managed MsgBox instead."
// Second, execution yields a message box with a title of "Caution!"
// and message text of "This is an unmanaged call."
// Third, the following text is displayed in the console window:

// Method Win32CallMethod is obsolete. The message is:
//   "This method is obsolete. Use managed MsgBox instead."
// This method calls unmanaged code.
// The Unmanaged attribute type is User.
Imports System.Reflection
Imports System.Security
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices

' Define an enumeration of Win32 unmanaged types
Public Enum UnmanagedType
End Enum 'UnmanagedType

' Define the Unmanaged attribute.
Public Class UnmanagedAttribute 
             Inherits Attribute

    ' Storage for the UnmanagedType value.
    Protected thisType As UnmanagedType
    ' Set the unmanaged type in the constructor.
    Public Sub New(ByVal type As UnmanagedType) 
        thisType = type
    End Sub
    ' Define a property to get and set the UnmanagedType value.
    Public Property Win32Type() As UnmanagedType 
            Return thisType
        End Get
            thisType = Win32Type
        End Set
    End Property
End Class

' Create a class for an imported Win32 unmanaged function.
Public Class Win32
    <DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet:=CharSet.Unicode)> _
    Public Shared Function MessageBox(ByVal hWnd As Integer, _
                                      ByVal Text As String, _
                                      ByVal caption As String, _
                                      ByVal type As Integer) As Integer
    End Function 'MessageBox
End Class

Public Class AClass
    ' Add some attributes to Win32CallMethod.
    <Obsolete("This method is obsolete. Use managed MsgBox instead."), _
     Unmanaged(UnmanagedType.User)>  _
    Public Sub Win32CallMethod() 
        Win32.MessageBox(0, "This is an unmanaged call.", "Caution!", 0)    
    End Sub
End Class

Class DemoClass
    Shared Sub Main(ByVal args() As String) 
        ' Get the AClass type to access its metadata.
        Dim clsType As Type = GetType(AClass)
        ' Get the type information for Win32CallMethod.
        Dim mInfo As MethodInfo = clsType.GetMethod("Win32CallMethod")
        If Not (mInfo Is Nothing) Then
            ' Iterate through all the attributes of the method.
            Dim attr As Attribute
            For Each attr In  Attribute.GetCustomAttributes(mInfo)
                ' Check for the Obsolete attribute.
                If attr.GetType().Equals(GetType(ObsoleteAttribute)) Then
                    Console.WriteLine("Method {0} is obsolete. The message is:", mInfo.Name)
                    Console.WriteLine("  ""{0}""", CType(attr, ObsoleteAttribute).Message)
                ' Check for the Unmanaged attribute.
                ElseIf attr.GetType().Equals(GetType(UnmanagedAttribute)) Then
                    Console.WriteLine("This method calls unmanaged code.")
                    Console.WriteLine( _
                            String.Format("The Unmanaged attribute type is {0}.", _
                            CType(attr, UnmanagedAttribute).Win32Type))
                    Dim myCls As New AClass()
                End If
            Next attr
        End If
    End Sub
End Class

'This code example produces the following results. 
'First, the compilation yields the warning, "... This method is 
'obsolete. Use managed MsgBox instead."
'Second, execution yields a message box with a title of "Caution!" 
'and message text of "This is an unmanaged call." 
'Third, the following text is displayed in the console window:
'Method Win32CallMethod is obsolete. The message is:
'  "This method is obsolete. Use managed MsgBox instead."
'This method calls unmanaged code.
'The Unmanaged attribute type is User.


Návratová hodnota obsahuje vlastní atributy pro předky element.


Počínaje rozhraním .NET Framework verze 2.0 tato metoda vrátí atributy zabezpečení pro metody, konstruktory a typy, pokud jsou atributy uloženy v novém formátu metadat. Sestavení zkompilovaná s verzí 2.0 nebo novější používají nový formát. Dynamická sestavení a sestavení zkompilovaná se staršími verzemi rozhraní .NET Framework používají starý formát XML. Viz generování deklarativních atributů zabezpečení.

Platí pro

GetCustomAttributes(Assembly, Type, Boolean)


Načte pole vlastních atributů použitých na sestavení. Parametry určují sestavení, typ vlastního atributu, který se má vyhledat, a ignorovanou možnost hledání.

 static cli::array <Attribute ^> ^ GetCustomAttributes(System::Reflection::Assembly ^ element, Type ^ attributeType, bool inherit);
public static Attribute[] GetCustomAttributes (System.Reflection.Assembly element, Type attributeType, bool inherit);
static member GetCustomAttributes : System.Reflection.Assembly * Type * bool -> Attribute[]
Public Shared Function GetCustomAttributes (element As Assembly, attributeType As Type, inherit As Boolean) As Attribute()



Objekt odvozený z Assembly třídy, která popisuje opakovaně použitelnou kolekci modulů.


Typ nebo základní typ vlastního atributu, který se má vyhledat.


Tento parametr je ignorován a nemá vliv na operaci této metody.


Pole Attribute obsahující vlastní atributy typu attributeType použité na elementnebo prázdné pole, pokud takové vlastní atributy neexistují.


element nebo attributeType je null.

attributeType není odvozen z Attribute.


Následující příklad kódu ukazuje použití GetCustomAttributes, vzít Assembly jako parametr.

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Reflection;

[assembly:AssemblyDescription("GetCustomAttributes() Demo")];

ref class Example

static void main()
    Type^ clsType = Example::typeid;

    // Get the Assembly type to access its metadata.
    Assembly^ assy = clsType->Assembly;

    // Iterate through the attributes for the assembly.
    System::Collections::IEnumerator^ myEnum = Attribute::GetCustomAttributes( assy )->GetEnumerator();
    while ( myEnum->MoveNext() )
       Attribute^ attr = safe_cast<Attribute^>(myEnum->Current);

       // Check for the AssemblyTitle attribute.
       if ( attr->GetType() == AssemblyTitleAttribute::typeid )
          Console::WriteLine( "Assembly title is \"{0}\".", (dynamic_cast<AssemblyTitleAttribute^>(attr))->Title );
          // Check for the AssemblyDescription attribute.
          // Check for the AssemblyDescription attribute.
          if ( attr->GetType() == AssemblyDescriptionAttribute::typeid )
             Console::WriteLine( "Assembly description is \"{0}\".", (dynamic_cast<AssemblyDescriptionAttribute^>(attr))->Description );
          // Check for the AssemblyCompany attribute.
          else if ( attr->GetType() == AssemblyCompanyAttribute::typeid )
             Console::WriteLine( "Assembly company is {0}.", (dynamic_cast<AssemblyCompanyAttribute^>(attr))->Company );
// The example displays the following output:
//     Assembly description is "GetCustomAttributes() Demo".
//     Assembly company is Microsoft.
//     Assembly title is "CustAttrs1CPP".
using System;
using System.Reflection;

[assembly: AssemblyTitle("CustAttrs1CS")]
[assembly: AssemblyDescription("GetCustomAttributes() Demo")]
[assembly: AssemblyCompany("Microsoft")]

class Example {
    static void Main() {
        // Get the Assembly object to access its metadata.
        Assembly assy = typeof(Example).Assembly;

        // Iterate through the attributes for the assembly.
        foreach(Attribute attr in Attribute.GetCustomAttributes(assy)) {
            // Check for the AssemblyTitle attribute.
            if (attr.GetType() == typeof(AssemblyTitleAttribute))
                Console.WriteLine("Assembly title is \"{0}\".",

            // Check for the AssemblyDescription attribute.
            else if (attr.GetType() ==
                Console.WriteLine("Assembly description is \"{0}\".",

            // Check for the AssemblyCompany attribute.
            else if (attr.GetType() == typeof(AssemblyCompanyAttribute))
                Console.WriteLine("Assembly company is {0}.",
// The example displays the following output:
//     Assembly title is "CustAttrs1CS".
//     Assembly description is "GetCustomAttributes() Demo".
//     Assembly company is Microsoft.
open System
open System.Reflection

[<assembly: AssemblyTitle "CustAttrs1CS">]
[<assembly: AssemblyDescription "GetCustomAttributes() Demo">]
[<assembly: AssemblyCompany"Microsoft">]
do ()

type Example = class end

// Get the Assembly object to access its metadata.
let assembly = typeof<Example>.Assembly

// Iterate through the attributes for the assembly.
for attr in Attribute.GetCustomAttributes assembly do
    match attr with
    // Check for the AssemblyTitle attribute.
    | :? AssemblyTitleAttribute as attr ->    
        printfn $"Assembly title is \"{attr.Title}\"."
    // Check for the AssemblyDescription attribute.
    | :? AssemblyDescriptionAttribute as attr ->
        printfn $"Assembly description is \"{attr.Description}\"."
    // Check for the AssemblyCompany attribute.
    | :? AssemblyCompanyAttribute as attr ->
        printfn $"Assembly company is {attr.Company}."
    | _ -> ()
// The example displays the following output:
//     Assembly title is "CustAttrs1CS".
//     Assembly description is "GetCustomAttributes() Demo".
//     Assembly company is Microsoft.
Imports System.Reflection

<Assembly: AssemblyTitle("CustAttrs1VB")> 
<Assembly: AssemblyDescription("GetCustomAttributes() Demo")> 
<Assembly: AssemblyCompany("Microsoft")> 

Module Example
    Sub Main()
        ' Get the Assembly type to access its metadata.
        Dim assy As Reflection.Assembly = GetType(Example).Assembly

        ' Iterate through all the attributes for the assembly.
        For Each attr As Attribute In Attribute.GetCustomAttributes(assy)
            ' Check for the AssemblyTitle attribute.
            If TypeOf attr Is AssemblyTitleAttribute Then
                ' Convert the attribute to access its data.
                Dim attrTitle As AssemblyTitleAttribute = _
                    CType(attr, AssemblyTitleAttribute)
                Console.WriteLine("Assembly title is ""{0}"".", _

            ' Check for the AssemblyDescription attribute.
            ElseIf TypeOf attr Is AssemblyDescriptionAttribute Then
                ' Convert the attribute to access its data.
                Dim attrDesc As AssemblyDescriptionAttribute = _
                    CType(attr, AssemblyDescriptionAttribute)
                Console.WriteLine("Assembly description is ""{0}"".", _

            ' Check for the AssemblyCompany attribute.
            ElseIf TypeOf attr Is AssemblyCompanyAttribute Then
                ' Convert the attribute to access its data.
                Dim attrComp As AssemblyCompanyAttribute = _
                    CType(attr, AssemblyCompanyAttribute)
                Console.WriteLine("Assembly company is {0}.", _
            End If
    End Sub
End Module
' The example displays the following output:
'     Assembly company is Microsoft.
'     Assembly description is "GetCustomAttributes() Demo".
'     Assembly title is "CustAttrs1VB".



Počínaje rozhraním .NET Framework verze 2.0 tato metoda vrátí atributy zabezpečení, pokud jsou atributy uloženy v novém formátu metadat. Sestavení zkompilovaná s verzí 2.0 nebo novější používají nový formát. Dynamická sestavení a sestavení zkompilovaná se staršími verzemi rozhraní .NET Framework používají starý formát XML. Viz generování deklarativních atributů zabezpečení.

Platí pro

GetCustomAttributes(Module, Type)


Načte pole vlastních atributů použitých v modulu. Parametry určují modul a typ vlastního atributu, který se má vyhledat.

 static cli::array <Attribute ^> ^ GetCustomAttributes(System::Reflection::Module ^ element, Type ^ attributeType);
public static Attribute[] GetCustomAttributes (System.Reflection.Module element, Type attributeType);
static member GetCustomAttributes : System.Reflection.Module * Type -> Attribute[]
Public Shared Function GetCustomAttributes (element As Module, attributeType As Type) As Attribute()



Objekt odvozený z Module třídy, která popisuje přenosný spustitelný soubor.


Typ nebo základní typ vlastního atributu, který se má vyhledat.


Pole Attribute obsahující vlastní atributy typu attributeType použité na elementnebo prázdné pole, pokud takové vlastní atributy neexistují.


element nebo attributeType je null.

attributeType není odvozen z Attribute.


Následující příklad kódu ukazuje použití GetCustomAttributes, vzít Module jako parametr.

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Reflection;
using namespace System::ComponentModel;

// Assign some attributes to the module.
// Set the module's CLSCompliant attribute to false
// The CLSCompliant attribute is applicable for /target:module.
[module:Description("A sample description")];
namespace CustAttrs2CS
   ref class DemoClass
      static void Main()
         Type^ clsType = DemoClass::typeid;

         // Get the Module type to access its metadata.
         Module^ module = clsType->Module;

         // Iterate through all the attributes for the module.
         System::Collections::IEnumerator^ myEnum1 = Attribute::GetCustomAttributes( module )->GetEnumerator();
         while ( myEnum1->MoveNext() )
            Attribute^ attr = safe_cast<Attribute^>(myEnum1->Current);

            // Check for the Description attribute.
            if ( attr->GetType() == DescriptionAttribute::typeid )
                        Console::WriteLine( "Module {0} has the description \"{1}\".", module->Name, (dynamic_cast<DescriptionAttribute^>(attr))->Description );
            // Check for the CLSCompliant attribute.

            // Check for the CLSCompliant attribute.
            if ( attr->GetType() == CLSCompliantAttribute::typeid )
                        Console::WriteLine( "Module {0} {1} CLSCompliant.", module->Name, (dynamic_cast<CLSCompliantAttribute^>(attr))->IsCompliant ? (String^)"is" : "is not" );

 * Output:
 * Module CustAttrs2CS.exe is not CLSCompliant.
 * Module CustAttrs2CS.exe has the description "A sample description".
using System;
using System.Reflection;
using System.ComponentModel;

// Assign some attributes to the module.
[module:Description("A sample description")]

// Set the module's CLSCompliant attribute to false
// The CLSCompliant attribute is applicable for /target:module.

namespace CustAttrs2CS {
    class DemoClass {
        static void Main(string[] args) {
            Type clsType = typeof(DemoClass);
            // Get the Module type to access its metadata.
            Module module = clsType.Module;

            // Iterate through all the attributes for the module.
            foreach(Attribute attr in Attribute.GetCustomAttributes(module)) {
                // Check for the Description attribute.
                if (attr.GetType() == typeof(DescriptionAttribute))
                    Console.WriteLine("Module {0} has the description " +
                        "\"{1}\".", module.Name,
                // Check for the CLSCompliant attribute.
                else if (attr.GetType() == typeof(CLSCompliantAttribute))
                    Console.WriteLine("Module {0} {1} CLSCompliant.",
                        ((CLSCompliantAttribute)attr).IsCompliant ?
                            "is" : "is not");

 * Output:
 * Module CustAttrs2CS.exe is not CLSCompliant.
 * Module CustAttrs2CS.exe has the description "A sample description".
open System
open System.ComponentModel

// Assign some attributes to the module.
[<``module``: Description "A sample description">]

// Set the module's CLSCompliant attribute to false
// The CLSCompliant attribute is applicable for /target:module.
[<``module``: CLSCompliant false>]
do ()

type DemoClass = class end

// Get the Module type to access its metadata.
let ilmodule = typeof<DemoClass>.Module

// Iterate through all the attributes for the module.
for attr in Attribute.GetCustomAttributes ilmodule do
    match attr with
    // Check for the Description attribute.
    | :? DescriptionAttribute as attr ->
        printfn $"Module {ilmodule.Name} has the description \"{attr.Description}\"."
    // Check for the CLSCompliant attribute.
    | :? CLSCompliantAttribute as attr ->
        printfn $"""Module {ilmodule.Name} {if attr.IsCompliant then "is" else "is not"} CLSCompliant."""
    | _ -> ()
// Output:
// Module CustAttrs2CS.exe is not CLSCompliant.
// Module CustAttrs2CS.exe has the description "A sample description".
Imports System.Reflection
Imports System.ComponentModel

' Give the Module some attributes.
<Module: Description("A sample description")> 

' Make the CLSCompliant attribute False.
' The CLSCompliant attribute is applicable for /target:module.
<Module: CLSCompliant(False)> 

Module DemoModule

    Sub Main()
        ' Get the Module type to access its metadata.
        Dim modType As Reflection.Module = GetType(DemoModule).Module
        Dim attr As Attribute
        ' Iterate through all the attributes for the module.
        For Each attr In Attribute.GetCustomAttributes(modType)
            ' Check for the Description attribute.
            If TypeOf attr Is DescriptionAttribute Then
                ' Convert the attribute to access its data.
                Dim descAttr As DescriptionAttribute = _
                    CType(attr, DescriptionAttribute)
                Console.WriteLine("Module {0} has the description ""{1}"".", _
                    modType.Name, descAttr.Description)

            ' Check for the CLSCompliant attribute.
            ElseIf TypeOf attr Is CLSCompliantAttribute Then
                ' Convert the attribute to access its data.
                Dim CLSCompAttr As CLSCompliantAttribute = _
                    CType(attr, CLSCompliantAttribute)
                Dim strCompliant As String
                If CLSCompAttr.IsCompliant Then
                    strCompliant = "is"
                    strCompliant = "is not"
                End If
                Console.WriteLine("Module {0} {1} CLSCompliant.", _
                    modType.Name, strCompliant)
            End If
    End Sub
End Module

' Output:
' Module CustAttrs2VB.exe has the description "A sample description".
' Module CustAttrs2VB.exe is not CLSCompliant.

Platí pro

GetCustomAttributes(ParameterInfo, Type)


Načte pole vlastních atributů použitých u parametru metody. Parametry určují parametr metody a typ vlastního atributu, který se má vyhledat.

 static cli::array <Attribute ^> ^ GetCustomAttributes(System::Reflection::ParameterInfo ^ element, Type ^ attributeType);
public static Attribute[] GetCustomAttributes (System.Reflection.ParameterInfo element, Type attributeType);
static member GetCustomAttributes : System.Reflection.ParameterInfo * Type -> Attribute[]
Public Shared Function GetCustomAttributes (element As ParameterInfo, attributeType As Type) As Attribute()



Objekt odvozený z třídy ParameterInfo, který popisuje parametr člena třídy.


Typ nebo základní typ vlastního atributu, který se má vyhledat.


Pole Attribute obsahující vlastní atributy typu attributeType použité na elementnebo prázdné pole, pokud takové vlastní atributy neexistují.


element nebo attributeType je null.

attributeType není odvozen z Attribute.

Vlastní typ atributu nelze načíst.


Následující příklad kódu ukazuje použití GetCustomAttributes, vzít ParameterInfo jako parametr.

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Reflection;
using namespace System::ComponentModel;

namespace CustAttrs5CS
   public ref class AClass
      void ParamArrayAndDesc(
         // Add ParamArray and Description attributes.
         [Description("This argument is a ParamArray")]
         array<Int32>^args )

   ref class DemoClass
      static void Main()
         // Get the Class type to access its metadata.
         Type^ clsType = AClass::typeid;

         // Get the type information for the method.
         MethodInfo^ mInfo = clsType->GetMethod( "ParamArrayAndDesc" );
         if ( mInfo != nullptr )
            // Get the parameter information.
            array<ParameterInfo^>^pInfo = mInfo->GetParameters();
            if ( pInfo != nullptr )
               // Iterate through all the attributes for the parameter.
               System::Collections::IEnumerator^ myEnum4 = Attribute::GetCustomAttributes( pInfo[ 0 ] )->GetEnumerator();
               while ( myEnum4->MoveNext() )
                  Attribute^ attr = safe_cast<Attribute^>(myEnum4->Current);

                  // Check for the ParamArray attribute.
                  if ( attr->GetType() == ParamArrayAttribute::typeid )
                                    Console::WriteLine( "Parameter {0} for method {1} "
                  "has the ParamArray attribute.", pInfo[ 0 ]->Name, mInfo->Name );
                  // Check for the Description attribute.

                  // Check for the Description attribute.
                  if ( attr->GetType() == DescriptionAttribute::typeid )
                     Console::WriteLine( "Parameter {0} for method {1} "
                     "has a description attribute.", pInfo[ 0 ]->Name, mInfo->Name );
                     Console::WriteLine( "The description is: \"{0}\"", (dynamic_cast<DescriptionAttribute^>(attr))->Description );

 * Output:
 * Parameter args for method ParamArrayAndDesc has the ParamArray attribute.
 * Parameter args for method ParamArrayAndDesc has a description attribute.
 * The description is: "This argument is a ParamArray"
using System;
using System.Reflection;
using System.ComponentModel;

namespace CustAttrs5CS {
    public class AClass {
        public void ParamArrayAndDesc(
            // Add ParamArray (with the keyword) and Description attributes.
            [Description("This argument is a ParamArray")]
            params int[] args)

    class DemoClass {
        static void Main(string[] args) {
            // Get the Class type to access its metadata.
            Type clsType = typeof(AClass);
            // Get the type information for the method.
            MethodInfo mInfo = clsType.GetMethod("ParamArrayAndDesc");
            if (mInfo != null) {
                // Get the parameter information.
                ParameterInfo[] pInfo = mInfo.GetParameters();
                if (pInfo != null) {
                    // Iterate through all the attributes for the parameter.
                    foreach(Attribute attr in
                        Attribute.GetCustomAttributes(pInfo[0])) {
                        // Check for the ParamArray attribute.
                        if (attr.GetType() == typeof(ParamArrayAttribute))
                            Console.WriteLine("Parameter {0} for method {1} " +
                                "has the ParamArray attribute.",
                                pInfo[0].Name, mInfo.Name);
                        // Check for the Description attribute.
                        else if (attr.GetType() ==
                            typeof(DescriptionAttribute)) {
                            Console.WriteLine("Parameter {0} for method {1} " +
                                "has a description attribute.",
                                pInfo[0].Name, mInfo.Name);
                            Console.WriteLine("The description is: \"{0}\"",

 * Output:
 * Parameter args for method ParamArrayAndDesc has the ParamArray attribute.
 * Parameter args for method ParamArrayAndDesc has a description attribute.
 * The description is: "This argument is a ParamArray"
open System
open System.Reflection
open System.ComponentModel

type AClass() =
    member _.ParamArrayAndDesc(
        // Add ParamArray and Description attributes.
        [<Description "This argument is a ParamArray">]
        args: int[]) = ()

// Get the Class type to access its metadata.
let clsType = typeof<AClass>

// Get the type information for the method.
let mInfo = clsType.GetMethod "ParamArrayAndDesc"
if mInfo <> null then
    // Get the parameter information.
    let pInfo = mInfo.GetParameters()
    if pInfo <> null then
        // Iterate through all the attributes for the parameter.
        for attr in Attribute.GetCustomAttributes pInfo[0] do
            match attr with 
            // Check for the ParamArray attribute.
            | :? ParamArrayAttribute ->
                printfn $"Parameter {pInfo[0].Name} for method {mInfo.Name} has the ParamArray attribute."
            // Check for the Description attribute.
            | :? DescriptionAttribute as attr ->
                printfn $"Parameter {pInfo[0].Name} for method {mInfo.Name} has a description attribute."
                printfn $"The description is: \"{attr.Description}\""
            | _ -> ()

// Output:
// Parameter args for method ParamArrayAndDesc has a description attribute.
// The description is: "This argument is a ParamArray"
// Parameter args for method ParamArrayAndDesc has the ParamArray attribute.
Imports System.Reflection
Imports System.ComponentModel

Module DemoModule
    Public Class AClass
        ' Add Description and ParamArray (with the keyword) attributes.
        Public Sub ParamArrayAndDesc( _
            <Description("This argument is a ParamArray")> _
            ByVal ParamArray args() As Integer)
        End Sub
    End Class

    Sub Main()
        ' Get the Class type to access its metadata.
        Dim clsType As Type = GetType(AClass)
        ' Get the type information for the method.
        Dim mInfo As MethodInfo = clsType.GetMethod("ParamArrayAndDesc")
        ' Get the Parameter information for the method.
        Dim pInfo() As ParameterInfo = mInfo.GetParameters()
        Dim attr As Attribute
        ' Iterate through each attribute of the parameter.
        For Each attr In Attribute.GetCustomAttributes(pInfo(0))
            ' Check for the ParamArray attribute.
            If TypeOf attr Is ParamArrayAttribute Then
                ' Convert the attribute to access its data.
                Dim paAttr As ParamArrayAttribute = _
                    CType(attr, ParamArrayAttribute)
                Console.WriteLine("Parameter {0} for method {1} has the " + _
                    "ParamArray attribute.", pInfo(0).Name, mInfo.Name)
            ' Check for the Description attribute.
            ElseIf TypeOf attr Is DescriptionAttribute Then
                ' Convert the attribute to access its data.
                Dim descAttr As DescriptionAttribute = _
                    CType(attr, DescriptionAttribute)
                Console.WriteLine("Parameter {0} for method {1} has a description " + _
                    "attribute. The description is:", pInfo(0).Name, mInfo.Name)
            End If
    End Sub
End Module

' Output:
' Parameter args for method ParamArrayAndDesc has the ParamArray attribute.
' Parameter args for method ParamArrayAndDesc has a description attribute. The description is:
' This argument is a ParamArray


Pokud element představuje parametr v metodě odvozeného typu, návratová hodnota zahrnuje zděděné vlastní atributy použité na stejný parametr v přepisovaných základních metodách.

Platí pro

GetCustomAttributes(MemberInfo, Boolean)


Načte pole vlastních atributů použitých na člena typu. Parametry určují člena, typ vlastního atributu, který se má vyhledat, a zda se mají hledat nadřazené položky člena.

 static cli::array <Attribute ^> ^ GetCustomAttributes(System::Reflection::MemberInfo ^ element, bool inherit);
public static Attribute[] GetCustomAttributes (System.Reflection.MemberInfo element, bool inherit);
static member GetCustomAttributes : System.Reflection.MemberInfo * bool -> Attribute[]
Public Shared Function GetCustomAttributes (element As MemberInfo, inherit As Boolean) As Attribute()



Objekt odvozený z MemberInfo třídy, která popisuje konstruktor, událost, pole, metodu nebo vlastnost člen třídy.


Pokud true, určuje, že má hledat také nadřazené položky element pro vlastní atributy.


Pole Attribute obsahující vlastní atributy použité na elementnebo prázdné pole, pokud takové vlastní atributy neexistují.


element je null.

element není konstruktor, metoda, vlastnost, událost, typ nebo pole.

Vlastní typ atributu nelze načíst.


Následující příklad kódu ukazuje použití GetCustomAttributes, vzít MemberInfo jako parametr.

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Reflection;
using namespace System::Security;
using namespace System::Runtime::InteropServices;

namespace CustAttrs4CS
   // Create a class for Win32 imported unmanaged functions.
   public ref class Win32

      [DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet = CharSet::Unicode)]
      static int MessageBox( int hWnd, String^ text, String^ caption, UInt32 type );

   public ref class AClass

      // Add some attributes to the Win32CallMethod.

      [Obsolete("This method is obsolete. Use managed MsgBox instead.")]
      void Win32CallMethod()
         Win32::MessageBox( 0, "This is an unmanaged call.", "Be Careful!", 0 );


   ref class DemoClass
      static void Main()
         // Get the Class type to access its metadata.
         Type^ clsType = AClass::typeid;

         // Get the type information for the Win32CallMethod.
         MethodInfo^ mInfo = clsType->GetMethod( "Win32CallMethod" );
         if ( mInfo != nullptr )
            // Iterate through all the attributes for the method.
            System::Collections::IEnumerator^ myEnum3 = Attribute::GetCustomAttributes( mInfo )->GetEnumerator();
            while ( myEnum3->MoveNext() )
               Attribute^ attr = safe_cast<Attribute^>(myEnum3->Current);

               // Check for the Obsolete attribute.
               if ( attr->GetType() == ObsoleteAttribute::typeid )
                  Console::WriteLine( "Method {0} is obsolete. "
                  "The message is:", mInfo->Name );
                  Console::WriteLine( (dynamic_cast<ObsoleteAttribute^>(attr))->Message );
               // Check for the SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity attribute.

               // Check for the SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity attribute.
               if ( attr->GetType() == SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurityAttribute::typeid )
                  Console::WriteLine( "This method calls unmanaged code "
                  "with no security check." );
                  Console::WriteLine( "Please do not use unless absolutely necessary." );
                  AClass^ myCls = gcnew AClass;

 * Output:
 * Method Win32CallMethod is obsolete. The message is:
 * This method is obsolete. Use managed MsgBox instead.
 * This method calls unmanaged code with no security check.
 * Please do not use unless absolutely necessary.
using System;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Security;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

namespace CustAttrs4CS

    // Define an enumeration of Win32 unmanaged types
    public enum UnmanagedType

    // Define the Unmanaged attribute.
    public class UnmanagedAttribute : Attribute
        // Storage for the UnmanagedType value.
        protected UnmanagedType thisType;

        // Set the unmanaged type in the constructor.
        public UnmanagedAttribute(UnmanagedType type)
            thisType = type;

        // Define a property to get and set the UnmanagedType value.
        public UnmanagedType Win32Type
            get { return thisType; }
            set { thisType = Win32Type; }

    // Create a class for an imported Win32 unmanaged function.
    public class Win32 {
        [DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
        public static extern int MessageBox(int hWnd, String text,
            String caption, uint type);

    public class AClass {
        // Add some attributes to Win32CallMethod.
        [Obsolete("This method is obsolete. Use managed MsgBox instead.")]
        public void Win32CallMethod()
            Win32.MessageBox(0, "This is an unmanaged call.", "Caution!", 0);

    class DemoClass {
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Get the AClass type to access its metadata.
            Type clsType = typeof(AClass);
            // Get the type information for Win32CallMethod.
            MethodInfo mInfo = clsType.GetMethod("Win32CallMethod");
            if (mInfo != null)
                // Iterate through all the attributes of the method.
                foreach(Attribute attr in
                    Attribute.GetCustomAttributes(mInfo)) {
                    // Check for the Obsolete attribute.
                    if (attr.GetType() == typeof(ObsoleteAttribute))
                        Console.WriteLine("Method {0} is obsolete. " +
                            "The message is:",
                        Console.WriteLine("  \"{0}\"",

                    // Check for the Unmanaged attribute.
                    else if (attr.GetType() == typeof(UnmanagedAttribute))
                            "This method calls unmanaged code.");
                            String.Format("The Unmanaged attribute type is {0}.",
                        AClass myCls = new AClass();


This code example produces the following results.

First, the compilation yields the warning, "... This method is
obsolete. Use managed MsgBox instead."
Second, execution yields a message box with a title of "Caution!"
and message text of "This is an unmanaged call."
Third, the following text is displayed in the console window:

Method Win32CallMethod is obsolete. The message is:
  "This method is obsolete. Use managed MsgBox instead."
This method calls unmanaged code.
The Unmanaged attribute type is User.

open System
open System.Runtime.InteropServices

// Define an enumeration of Win32 unmanaged types
type UnmanagedType =
    | User = 0
    | GDI = 1
    | Kernel = 2
    | Shell = 3
    | Networking = 4
    | Multimedia = 5

// Define the Unmanaged attribute.
type UnmanagedAttribute(unmanagedType) =
    inherit Attribute()
    // Define a property to get and set the UnmanagedType value.
    member val Win32Type = unmanagedType with get, set

// Create a module for an imported Win32 unmanaged function.
module Win32 =
    [<DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)>]
    extern int MessageBox(IntPtr hWnd, String text, String caption, uint ``type``)

type AClass() =
    // Add some attributes to Win32CallMethod.
    [<Obsolete "This method is obsolete. Use managed MsgBox instead.">]
    member _.Win32CallMethod () =
        Win32.MessageBox(0, "This is an unmanaged call.", "Caution!", 0u)

// Get the AClass type to access its metadata.
let clsType = typeof<AClass>
// Get the type information for Win32CallMethod.
let mInfo = clsType.GetMethod "Win32CallMethod"
if mInfo <> null then
    // Iterate through all the attributes of the method.
    for attr in Attribute.GetCustomAttributes mInfo do
        match attr with 
        // Check for the Obsolete attribute.
        | :? ObsoleteAttribute as attr ->
            printfn $"Method {mInfo.Name} is obsolete. The message is:"
            printfn $"  \"{attr.Message}\""

        // Check for the Unmanaged attribute.
        | :? UnmanagedAttribute as attr ->
            printfn "This method calls unmanaged code."
            printfn $"The Unmanaged attribute type is {attr.Win32Type}."
            let myCls = AClass()
            myCls.Win32CallMethod() |> ignore
        | _ -> ()

// This code example produces the following results.
// First, the compilation yields the warning, "... This method is
// obsolete. Use managed MsgBox instead."
// Second, execution yields a message box with a title of "Caution!"
// and message text of "This is an unmanaged call."
// Third, the following text is displayed in the console window:

// Method Win32CallMethod is obsolete. The message is:
//   "This method is obsolete. Use managed MsgBox instead."
// This method calls unmanaged code.
// The Unmanaged attribute type is User.
Imports System.Reflection
Imports System.Security
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices

' Define an enumeration of Win32 unmanaged types
Public Enum UnmanagedType
End Enum 'UnmanagedType

' Define the Unmanaged attribute.
Public Class UnmanagedAttribute 
             Inherits Attribute

    ' Storage for the UnmanagedType value.
    Protected thisType As UnmanagedType
    ' Set the unmanaged type in the constructor.
    Public Sub New(ByVal type As UnmanagedType) 
        thisType = type
    End Sub
    ' Define a property to get and set the UnmanagedType value.
    Public Property Win32Type() As UnmanagedType 
            Return thisType
        End Get
            thisType = Win32Type
        End Set
    End Property
End Class

' Create a class for an imported Win32 unmanaged function.
Public Class Win32
    <DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet:=CharSet.Unicode)> _
    Public Shared Function MessageBox(ByVal hWnd As Integer, _
                                      ByVal Text As String, _
                                      ByVal caption As String, _
                                      ByVal type As Integer) As Integer
    End Function 'MessageBox
End Class

Public Class AClass
    ' Add some attributes to Win32CallMethod.
    <Obsolete("This method is obsolete. Use managed MsgBox instead."), _
     Unmanaged(UnmanagedType.User)>  _
    Public Sub Win32CallMethod() 
        Win32.MessageBox(0, "This is an unmanaged call.", "Caution!", 0)    
    End Sub
End Class

Class DemoClass
    Shared Sub Main(ByVal args() As String) 
        ' Get the AClass type to access its metadata.
        Dim clsType As Type = GetType(AClass)
        ' Get the type information for Win32CallMethod.
        Dim mInfo As MethodInfo = clsType.GetMethod("Win32CallMethod")
        If Not (mInfo Is Nothing) Then
            ' Iterate through all the attributes of the method.
            Dim attr As Attribute
            For Each attr In  Attribute.GetCustomAttributes(mInfo)
                ' Check for the Obsolete attribute.
                If attr.GetType().Equals(GetType(ObsoleteAttribute)) Then
                    Console.WriteLine("Method {0} is obsolete. The message is:", mInfo.Name)
                    Console.WriteLine("  ""{0}""", CType(attr, ObsoleteAttribute).Message)
                ' Check for the Unmanaged attribute.
                ElseIf attr.GetType().Equals(GetType(UnmanagedAttribute)) Then
                    Console.WriteLine("This method calls unmanaged code.")
                    Console.WriteLine( _
                            String.Format("The Unmanaged attribute type is {0}.", _
                            CType(attr, UnmanagedAttribute).Win32Type))
                    Dim myCls As New AClass()
                End If
            Next attr
        End If
    End Sub
End Class

'This code example produces the following results. 
'First, the compilation yields the warning, "... This method is 
'obsolete. Use managed MsgBox instead."
'Second, execution yields a message box with a title of "Caution!" 
'and message text of "This is an unmanaged call." 
'Third, the following text is displayed in the console window:
'Method Win32CallMethod is obsolete. The message is:
'  "This method is obsolete. Use managed MsgBox instead."
'This method calls unmanaged code.
'The Unmanaged attribute type is User.


Návratová hodnota obsahuje vlastní atributy pro předky element, pokud je inherittrue.


Počínaje rozhraním .NET Framework verze 2.0 tato metoda vrátí atributy zabezpečení pro metody, konstruktory a typy, pokud jsou atributy uloženy v novém formátu metadat. Sestavení zkompilovaná s verzí 2.0 nebo novější používají nový formát. Dynamická sestavení a sestavení zkompilovaná se staršími verzemi rozhraní .NET Framework používají starý formát XML. Viz generování deklarativních atributů zabezpečení.

Platí pro

GetCustomAttributes(Assembly, Type)


Načte pole vlastních atributů použitých na sestavení. Parametry určují sestavení a typ vlastního atributu, který se má vyhledat.

 static cli::array <Attribute ^> ^ GetCustomAttributes(System::Reflection::Assembly ^ element, Type ^ attributeType);
public static Attribute[] GetCustomAttributes (System.Reflection.Assembly element, Type attributeType);
static member GetCustomAttributes : System.Reflection.Assembly * Type -> Attribute[]
Public Shared Function GetCustomAttributes (element As Assembly, attributeType As Type) As Attribute()



Objekt odvozený z Assembly třídy, která popisuje opakovaně použitelnou kolekci modulů.


Typ nebo základní typ vlastního atributu, který se má vyhledat.


Pole Attribute obsahující vlastní atributy typu attributeType použité na elementnebo prázdné pole, pokud takové vlastní atributy neexistují.


element nebo attributeType je null.

attributeType není odvozen z Attribute.


Následující příklad kódu ukazuje použití GetCustomAttributes, vzít Assembly jako parametr.

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Reflection;

[assembly:AssemblyDescription("GetCustomAttributes() Demo")];

ref class Example

static void main()
    Type^ clsType = Example::typeid;

    // Get the Assembly type to access its metadata.
    Assembly^ assy = clsType->Assembly;

    // Iterate through the attributes for the assembly.
    System::Collections::IEnumerator^ myEnum = Attribute::GetCustomAttributes( assy )->GetEnumerator();
    while ( myEnum->MoveNext() )
       Attribute^ attr = safe_cast<Attribute^>(myEnum->Current);

       // Check for the AssemblyTitle attribute.
       if ( attr->GetType() == AssemblyTitleAttribute::typeid )
          Console::WriteLine( "Assembly title is \"{0}\".", (dynamic_cast<AssemblyTitleAttribute^>(attr))->Title );
          // Check for the AssemblyDescription attribute.
          // Check for the AssemblyDescription attribute.
          if ( attr->GetType() == AssemblyDescriptionAttribute::typeid )
             Console::WriteLine( "Assembly description is \"{0}\".", (dynamic_cast<AssemblyDescriptionAttribute^>(attr))->Description );
          // Check for the AssemblyCompany attribute.
          else if ( attr->GetType() == AssemblyCompanyAttribute::typeid )
             Console::WriteLine( "Assembly company is {0}.", (dynamic_cast<AssemblyCompanyAttribute^>(attr))->Company );
// The example displays the following output:
//     Assembly description is "GetCustomAttributes() Demo".
//     Assembly company is Microsoft.
//     Assembly title is "CustAttrs1CPP".
using System;
using System.Reflection;

[assembly: AssemblyTitle("CustAttrs1CS")]
[assembly: AssemblyDescription("GetCustomAttributes() Demo")]
[assembly: AssemblyCompany("Microsoft")]

class Example {
    static void Main() {
        // Get the Assembly object to access its metadata.
        Assembly assy = typeof(Example).Assembly;

        // Iterate through the attributes for the assembly.
        foreach(Attribute attr in Attribute.GetCustomAttributes(assy)) {
            // Check for the AssemblyTitle attribute.
            if (attr.GetType() == typeof(AssemblyTitleAttribute))
                Console.WriteLine("Assembly title is \"{0}\".",

            // Check for the AssemblyDescription attribute.
            else if (attr.GetType() ==
                Console.WriteLine("Assembly description is \"{0}\".",

            // Check for the AssemblyCompany attribute.
            else if (attr.GetType() == typeof(AssemblyCompanyAttribute))
                Console.WriteLine("Assembly company is {0}.",
// The example displays the following output:
//     Assembly title is "CustAttrs1CS".
//     Assembly description is "GetCustomAttributes() Demo".
//     Assembly company is Microsoft.
open System
open System.Reflection

[<assembly: AssemblyTitle "CustAttrs1CS">]
[<assembly: AssemblyDescription "GetCustomAttributes() Demo">]
[<assembly: AssemblyCompany"Microsoft">]
do ()

type Example = class end

// Get the Assembly object to access its metadata.
let assembly = typeof<Example>.Assembly

// Iterate through the attributes for the assembly.
for attr in Attribute.GetCustomAttributes assembly do
    match attr with
    // Check for the AssemblyTitle attribute.
    | :? AssemblyTitleAttribute as attr ->    
        printfn $"Assembly title is \"{attr.Title}\"."
    // Check for the AssemblyDescription attribute.
    | :? AssemblyDescriptionAttribute as attr ->
        printfn $"Assembly description is \"{attr.Description}\"."
    // Check for the AssemblyCompany attribute.
    | :? AssemblyCompanyAttribute as attr ->
        printfn $"Assembly company is {attr.Company}."
    | _ -> ()
// The example displays the following output:
//     Assembly title is "CustAttrs1CS".
//     Assembly description is "GetCustomAttributes() Demo".
//     Assembly company is Microsoft.
Imports System.Reflection

<Assembly: AssemblyTitle("CustAttrs1VB")> 
<Assembly: AssemblyDescription("GetCustomAttributes() Demo")> 
<Assembly: AssemblyCompany("Microsoft")> 

Module Example
    Sub Main()
        ' Get the Assembly type to access its metadata.
        Dim assy As Reflection.Assembly = GetType(Example).Assembly

        ' Iterate through all the attributes for the assembly.
        For Each attr As Attribute In Attribute.GetCustomAttributes(assy)
            ' Check for the AssemblyTitle attribute.
            If TypeOf attr Is AssemblyTitleAttribute Then
                ' Convert the attribute to access its data.
                Dim attrTitle As AssemblyTitleAttribute = _
                    CType(attr, AssemblyTitleAttribute)
                Console.WriteLine("Assembly title is ""{0}"".", _

            ' Check for the AssemblyDescription attribute.
            ElseIf TypeOf attr Is AssemblyDescriptionAttribute Then
                ' Convert the attribute to access its data.
                Dim attrDesc As AssemblyDescriptionAttribute = _
                    CType(attr, AssemblyDescriptionAttribute)
                Console.WriteLine("Assembly description is ""{0}"".", _

            ' Check for the AssemblyCompany attribute.
            ElseIf TypeOf attr Is AssemblyCompanyAttribute Then
                ' Convert the attribute to access its data.
                Dim attrComp As AssemblyCompanyAttribute = _
                    CType(attr, AssemblyCompanyAttribute)
                Console.WriteLine("Assembly company is {0}.", _
            End If
    End Sub
End Module
' The example displays the following output:
'     Assembly company is Microsoft.
'     Assembly description is "GetCustomAttributes() Demo".
'     Assembly title is "CustAttrs1VB".



Počínaje rozhraním .NET Framework verze 2.0 tato metoda vrátí atributy zabezpečení, pokud jsou atributy uloženy v novém formátu metadat. Sestavení zkompilovaná s verzí 2.0 nebo novější používají nový formát. Dynamická sestavení a sestavení zkompilovaná se staršími verzemi rozhraní .NET Framework používají starý formát XML. Viz generování deklarativních atributů zabezpečení.

Platí pro

GetCustomAttributes(Assembly, Boolean)


Načte pole vlastních atributů použitých na sestavení. Parametry určují sestavení a ignorovanou možnost hledání.

 static cli::array <Attribute ^> ^ GetCustomAttributes(System::Reflection::Assembly ^ element, bool inherit);
public static Attribute[] GetCustomAttributes (System.Reflection.Assembly element, bool inherit);
static member GetCustomAttributes : System.Reflection.Assembly * bool -> Attribute[]
Public Shared Function GetCustomAttributes (element As Assembly, inherit As Boolean) As Attribute()



Objekt odvozený z Assembly třídy, která popisuje opakovaně použitelnou kolekci modulů.


Tento parametr je ignorován a nemá vliv na operaci této metody.


Pole Attribute obsahující vlastní atributy použité na elementnebo prázdné pole, pokud takové vlastní atributy neexistují.


element je null.


Následující příklad kódu ukazuje použití GetCustomAttributes, vzít Assembly jako parametr.

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Reflection;

[assembly:AssemblyDescription("GetCustomAttributes() Demo")];

ref class Example

static void main()
    Type^ clsType = Example::typeid;

    // Get the Assembly type to access its metadata.
    Assembly^ assy = clsType->Assembly;

    // Iterate through the attributes for the assembly.
    System::Collections::IEnumerator^ myEnum = Attribute::GetCustomAttributes( assy )->GetEnumerator();
    while ( myEnum->MoveNext() )
       Attribute^ attr = safe_cast<Attribute^>(myEnum->Current);

       // Check for the AssemblyTitle attribute.
       if ( attr->GetType() == AssemblyTitleAttribute::typeid )
          Console::WriteLine( "Assembly title is \"{0}\".", (dynamic_cast<AssemblyTitleAttribute^>(attr))->Title );
          // Check for the AssemblyDescription attribute.
          // Check for the AssemblyDescription attribute.
          if ( attr->GetType() == AssemblyDescriptionAttribute::typeid )
             Console::WriteLine( "Assembly description is \"{0}\".", (dynamic_cast<AssemblyDescriptionAttribute^>(attr))->Description );
          // Check for the AssemblyCompany attribute.
          else if ( attr->GetType() == AssemblyCompanyAttribute::typeid )
             Console::WriteLine( "Assembly company is {0}.", (dynamic_cast<AssemblyCompanyAttribute^>(attr))->Company );
// The example displays the following output:
//     Assembly description is "GetCustomAttributes() Demo".
//     Assembly company is Microsoft.
//     Assembly title is "CustAttrs1CPP".
using System;
using System.Reflection;

[assembly: AssemblyTitle("CustAttrs1CS")]
[assembly: AssemblyDescription("GetCustomAttributes() Demo")]
[assembly: AssemblyCompany("Microsoft")]

class Example {
    static void Main() {
        // Get the Assembly object to access its metadata.
        Assembly assy = typeof(Example).Assembly;

        // Iterate through the attributes for the assembly.
        foreach(Attribute attr in Attribute.GetCustomAttributes(assy)) {
            // Check for the AssemblyTitle attribute.
            if (attr.GetType() == typeof(AssemblyTitleAttribute))
                Console.WriteLine("Assembly title is \"{0}\".",

            // Check for the AssemblyDescription attribute.
            else if (attr.GetType() ==
                Console.WriteLine("Assembly description is \"{0}\".",

            // Check for the AssemblyCompany attribute.
            else if (attr.GetType() == typeof(AssemblyCompanyAttribute))
                Console.WriteLine("Assembly company is {0}.",
// The example displays the following output:
//     Assembly title is "CustAttrs1CS".
//     Assembly description is "GetCustomAttributes() Demo".
//     Assembly company is Microsoft.
open System
open System.Reflection

[<assembly: AssemblyTitle "CustAttrs1CS">]
[<assembly: AssemblyDescription "GetCustomAttributes() Demo">]
[<assembly: AssemblyCompany"Microsoft">]
do ()

type Example = class end

// Get the Assembly object to access its metadata.
let assembly = typeof<Example>.Assembly

// Iterate through the attributes for the assembly.
for attr in Attribute.GetCustomAttributes assembly do
    match attr with
    // Check for the AssemblyTitle attribute.
    | :? AssemblyTitleAttribute as attr ->    
        printfn $"Assembly title is \"{attr.Title}\"."
    // Check for the AssemblyDescription attribute.
    | :? AssemblyDescriptionAttribute as attr ->
        printfn $"Assembly description is \"{attr.Description}\"."
    // Check for the AssemblyCompany attribute.
    | :? AssemblyCompanyAttribute as attr ->
        printfn $"Assembly company is {attr.Company}."
    | _ -> ()
// The example displays the following output:
//     Assembly title is "CustAttrs1CS".
//     Assembly description is "GetCustomAttributes() Demo".
//     Assembly company is Microsoft.
Imports System.Reflection

<Assembly: AssemblyTitle("CustAttrs1VB")> 
<Assembly: AssemblyDescription("GetCustomAttributes() Demo")> 
<Assembly: AssemblyCompany("Microsoft")> 

Module Example
    Sub Main()
        ' Get the Assembly type to access its metadata.
        Dim assy As Reflection.Assembly = GetType(Example).Assembly

        ' Iterate through all the attributes for the assembly.
        For Each attr As Attribute In Attribute.GetCustomAttributes(assy)
            ' Check for the AssemblyTitle attribute.
            If TypeOf attr Is AssemblyTitleAttribute Then
                ' Convert the attribute to access its data.
                Dim attrTitle As AssemblyTitleAttribute = _
                    CType(attr, AssemblyTitleAttribute)
                Console.WriteLine("Assembly title is ""{0}"".", _

            ' Check for the AssemblyDescription attribute.
            ElseIf TypeOf attr Is AssemblyDescriptionAttribute Then
                ' Convert the attribute to access its data.
                Dim attrDesc As AssemblyDescriptionAttribute = _
                    CType(attr, AssemblyDescriptionAttribute)
                Console.WriteLine("Assembly description is ""{0}"".", _

            ' Check for the AssemblyCompany attribute.
            ElseIf TypeOf attr Is AssemblyCompanyAttribute Then
                ' Convert the attribute to access its data.
                Dim attrComp As AssemblyCompanyAttribute = _
                    CType(attr, AssemblyCompanyAttribute)
                Console.WriteLine("Assembly company is {0}.", _
            End If
    End Sub
End Module
' The example displays the following output:
'     Assembly company is Microsoft.
'     Assembly description is "GetCustomAttributes() Demo".
'     Assembly title is "CustAttrs1VB".

Platí pro



Načte pole vlastních atributů použitých u parametru metody. Parametr určuje parametr metody.

 static cli::array <Attribute ^> ^ GetCustomAttributes(System::Reflection::ParameterInfo ^ element);
public static Attribute[] GetCustomAttributes (System.Reflection.ParameterInfo element);
static member GetCustomAttributes : System.Reflection.ParameterInfo -> Attribute[]
Public Shared Function GetCustomAttributes (element As ParameterInfo) As Attribute()



Objekt odvozený z třídy ParameterInfo, který popisuje parametr člena třídy.


Pole Attribute obsahující vlastní atributy použité na elementnebo prázdné pole, pokud takové vlastní atributy neexistují.


element je null.

Vlastní typ atributu nelze načíst.


Následující příklad kódu ukazuje použití GetCustomAttributes, vzít ParameterInfo jako parametr.

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Reflection;
using namespace System::ComponentModel;

namespace CustAttrs5CS
   public ref class AClass
      void ParamArrayAndDesc(
         // Add ParamArray and Description attributes.
         [Description("This argument is a ParamArray")]
         array<Int32>^args )

   ref class DemoClass
      static void Main()
         // Get the Class type to access its metadata.
         Type^ clsType = AClass::typeid;

         // Get the type information for the method.
         MethodInfo^ mInfo = clsType->GetMethod( "ParamArrayAndDesc" );
         if ( mInfo != nullptr )
            // Get the parameter information.
            array<ParameterInfo^>^pInfo = mInfo->GetParameters();
            if ( pInfo != nullptr )
               // Iterate through all the attributes for the parameter.
               System::Collections::IEnumerator^ myEnum4 = Attribute::GetCustomAttributes( pInfo[ 0 ] )->GetEnumerator();
               while ( myEnum4->MoveNext() )
                  Attribute^ attr = safe_cast<Attribute^>(myEnum4->Current);

                  // Check for the ParamArray attribute.
                  if ( attr->GetType() == ParamArrayAttribute::typeid )
                                    Console::WriteLine( "Parameter {0} for method {1} "
                  "has the ParamArray attribute.", pInfo[ 0 ]->Name, mInfo->Name );
                  // Check for the Description attribute.

                  // Check for the Description attribute.
                  if ( attr->GetType() == DescriptionAttribute::typeid )
                     Console::WriteLine( "Parameter {0} for method {1} "
                     "has a description attribute.", pInfo[ 0 ]->Name, mInfo->Name );
                     Console::WriteLine( "The description is: \"{0}\"", (dynamic_cast<DescriptionAttribute^>(attr))->Description );

 * Output:
 * Parameter args for method ParamArrayAndDesc has the ParamArray attribute.
 * Parameter args for method ParamArrayAndDesc has a description attribute.
 * The description is: "This argument is a ParamArray"
using System;
using System.Reflection;
using System.ComponentModel;

namespace CustAttrs5CS {
    public class AClass {
        public void ParamArrayAndDesc(
            // Add ParamArray (with the keyword) and Description attributes.
            [Description("This argument is a ParamArray")]
            params int[] args)

    class DemoClass {
        static void Main(string[] args) {
            // Get the Class type to access its metadata.
            Type clsType = typeof(AClass);
            // Get the type information for the method.
            MethodInfo mInfo = clsType.GetMethod("ParamArrayAndDesc");
            if (mInfo != null) {
                // Get the parameter information.
                ParameterInfo[] pInfo = mInfo.GetParameters();
                if (pInfo != null) {
                    // Iterate through all the attributes for the parameter.
                    foreach(Attribute attr in
                        Attribute.GetCustomAttributes(pInfo[0])) {
                        // Check for the ParamArray attribute.
                        if (attr.GetType() == typeof(ParamArrayAttribute))
                            Console.WriteLine("Parameter {0} for method {1} " +
                                "has the ParamArray attribute.",
                                pInfo[0].Name, mInfo.Name);
                        // Check for the Description attribute.
                        else if (attr.GetType() ==
                            typeof(DescriptionAttribute)) {
                            Console.WriteLine("Parameter {0} for method {1} " +
                                "has a description attribute.",
                                pInfo[0].Name, mInfo.Name);
                            Console.WriteLine("The description is: \"{0}\"",

 * Output:
 * Parameter args for method ParamArrayAndDesc has the ParamArray attribute.
 * Parameter args for method ParamArrayAndDesc has a description attribute.
 * The description is: "This argument is a ParamArray"
open System
open System.Reflection
open System.ComponentModel

type AClass() =
    member _.ParamArrayAndDesc(
        // Add ParamArray and Description attributes.
        [<Description "This argument is a ParamArray">]
        args: int[]) = ()

// Get the Class type to access its metadata.
let clsType = typeof<AClass>

// Get the type information for the method.
let mInfo = clsType.GetMethod "ParamArrayAndDesc"
if mInfo <> null then
    // Get the parameter information.
    let pInfo = mInfo.GetParameters()
    if pInfo <> null then
        // Iterate through all the attributes for the parameter.
        for attr in Attribute.GetCustomAttributes pInfo[0] do
            match attr with 
            // Check for the ParamArray attribute.
            | :? ParamArrayAttribute ->
                printfn $"Parameter {pInfo[0].Name} for method {mInfo.Name} has the ParamArray attribute."
            // Check for the Description attribute.
            | :? DescriptionAttribute as attr ->
                printfn $"Parameter {pInfo[0].Name} for method {mInfo.Name} has a description attribute."
                printfn $"The description is: \"{attr.Description}\""
            | _ -> ()

// Output:
// Parameter args for method ParamArrayAndDesc has a description attribute.
// The description is: "This argument is a ParamArray"
// Parameter args for method ParamArrayAndDesc has the ParamArray attribute.
Imports System.Reflection
Imports System.ComponentModel

Module DemoModule
    Public Class AClass
        ' Add Description and ParamArray (with the keyword) attributes.
        Public Sub ParamArrayAndDesc( _
            <Description("This argument is a ParamArray")> _
            ByVal ParamArray args() As Integer)
        End Sub
    End Class

    Sub Main()
        ' Get the Class type to access its metadata.
        Dim clsType As Type = GetType(AClass)
        ' Get the type information for the method.
        Dim mInfo As MethodInfo = clsType.GetMethod("ParamArrayAndDesc")
        ' Get the Parameter information for the method.
        Dim pInfo() As ParameterInfo = mInfo.GetParameters()
        Dim attr As Attribute
        ' Iterate through each attribute of the parameter.
        For Each attr In Attribute.GetCustomAttributes(pInfo(0))
            ' Check for the ParamArray attribute.
            If TypeOf attr Is ParamArrayAttribute Then
                ' Convert the attribute to access its data.
                Dim paAttr As ParamArrayAttribute = _
                    CType(attr, ParamArrayAttribute)
                Console.WriteLine("Parameter {0} for method {1} has the " + _
                    "ParamArray attribute.", pInfo(0).Name, mInfo.Name)
            ' Check for the Description attribute.
            ElseIf TypeOf attr Is DescriptionAttribute Then
                ' Convert the attribute to access its data.
                Dim descAttr As DescriptionAttribute = _
                    CType(attr, DescriptionAttribute)
                Console.WriteLine("Parameter {0} for method {1} has a description " + _
                    "attribute. The description is:", pInfo(0).Name, mInfo.Name)
            End If
    End Sub
End Module

' Output:
' Parameter args for method ParamArrayAndDesc has the ParamArray attribute.
' Parameter args for method ParamArrayAndDesc has a description attribute. The description is:
' This argument is a ParamArray


Pokud element představuje parametr v metodě odvozeného typu, návratová hodnota zahrnuje zděděné vlastní atributy použité na stejný parametr v přepisovaných základních metodách.

Platí pro



Načte pole vlastních atributů použitých v modulu. Parametr určuje modul.

 static cli::array <Attribute ^> ^ GetCustomAttributes(System::Reflection::Module ^ element);
public static Attribute[] GetCustomAttributes (System.Reflection.Module element);
static member GetCustomAttributes : System.Reflection.Module -> Attribute[]
Public Shared Function GetCustomAttributes (element As Module) As Attribute()



Objekt odvozený z Module třídy, která popisuje přenosný spustitelný soubor.


Pole Attribute obsahující vlastní atributy použité na elementnebo prázdné pole, pokud takové vlastní atributy neexistují.


element je null.


Následující příklad kódu ukazuje použití GetCustomAttributes, vzít Module jako parametr.

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Reflection;
using namespace System::ComponentModel;

// Assign some attributes to the module.
// Set the module's CLSCompliant attribute to false
// The CLSCompliant attribute is applicable for /target:module.
[module:Description("A sample description")];
namespace CustAttrs2CS
   ref class DemoClass
      static void Main()
         Type^ clsType = DemoClass::typeid;

         // Get the Module type to access its metadata.
         Module^ module = clsType->Module;

         // Iterate through all the attributes for the module.
         System::Collections::IEnumerator^ myEnum1 = Attribute::GetCustomAttributes( module )->GetEnumerator();
         while ( myEnum1->MoveNext() )
            Attribute^ attr = safe_cast<Attribute^>(myEnum1->Current);

            // Check for the Description attribute.
            if ( attr->GetType() == DescriptionAttribute::typeid )
                        Console::WriteLine( "Module {0} has the description \"{1}\".", module->Name, (dynamic_cast<DescriptionAttribute^>(attr))->Description );
            // Check for the CLSCompliant attribute.

            // Check for the CLSCompliant attribute.
            if ( attr->GetType() == CLSCompliantAttribute::typeid )
                        Console::WriteLine( "Module {0} {1} CLSCompliant.", module->Name, (dynamic_cast<CLSCompliantAttribute^>(attr))->IsCompliant ? (String^)"is" : "is not" );

 * Output:
 * Module CustAttrs2CS.exe is not CLSCompliant.
 * Module CustAttrs2CS.exe has the description "A sample description".
using System;
using System.Reflection;
using System.ComponentModel;

// Assign some attributes to the module.
[module:Description("A sample description")]

// Set the module's CLSCompliant attribute to false
// The CLSCompliant attribute is applicable for /target:module.

namespace CustAttrs2CS {
    class DemoClass {
        static void Main(string[] args) {
            Type clsType = typeof(DemoClass);
            // Get the Module type to access its metadata.
            Module module = clsType.Module;

            // Iterate through all the attributes for the module.
            foreach(Attribute attr in Attribute.GetCustomAttributes(module)) {
                // Check for the Description attribute.
                if (attr.GetType() == typeof(DescriptionAttribute))
                    Console.WriteLine("Module {0} has the description " +
                        "\"{1}\".", module.Name,
                // Check for the CLSCompliant attribute.
                else if (attr.GetType() == typeof(CLSCompliantAttribute))
                    Console.WriteLine("Module {0} {1} CLSCompliant.",
                        ((CLSCompliantAttribute)attr).IsCompliant ?
                            "is" : "is not");

 * Output:
 * Module CustAttrs2CS.exe is not CLSCompliant.
 * Module CustAttrs2CS.exe has the description "A sample description".
open System
open System.ComponentModel

// Assign some attributes to the module.
[<``module``: Description "A sample description">]

// Set the module's CLSCompliant attribute to false
// The CLSCompliant attribute is applicable for /target:module.
[<``module``: CLSCompliant false>]
do ()

type DemoClass = class end

// Get the Module type to access its metadata.
let ilmodule = typeof<DemoClass>.Module

// Iterate through all the attributes for the module.
for attr in Attribute.GetCustomAttributes ilmodule do
    match attr with
    // Check for the Description attribute.
    | :? DescriptionAttribute as attr ->
        printfn $"Module {ilmodule.Name} has the description \"{attr.Description}\"."
    // Check for the CLSCompliant attribute.
    | :? CLSCompliantAttribute as attr ->
        printfn $"""Module {ilmodule.Name} {if attr.IsCompliant then "is" else "is not"} CLSCompliant."""
    | _ -> ()
// Output:
// Module CustAttrs2CS.exe is not CLSCompliant.
// Module CustAttrs2CS.exe has the description "A sample description".
Imports System.Reflection
Imports System.ComponentModel

' Give the Module some attributes.
<Module: Description("A sample description")> 

' Make the CLSCompliant attribute False.
' The CLSCompliant attribute is applicable for /target:module.
<Module: CLSCompliant(False)> 

Module DemoModule

    Sub Main()
        ' Get the Module type to access its metadata.
        Dim modType As Reflection.Module = GetType(DemoModule).Module
        Dim attr As Attribute
        ' Iterate through all the attributes for the module.
        For Each attr In Attribute.GetCustomAttributes(modType)
            ' Check for the Description attribute.
            If TypeOf attr Is DescriptionAttribute Then
                ' Convert the attribute to access its data.
                Dim descAttr As DescriptionAttribute = _
                    CType(attr, DescriptionAttribute)
                Console.WriteLine("Module {0} has the description ""{1}"".", _
                    modType.Name, descAttr.Description)

            ' Check for the CLSCompliant attribute.
            ElseIf TypeOf attr Is CLSCompliantAttribute Then
                ' Convert the attribute to access its data.
                Dim CLSCompAttr As CLSCompliantAttribute = _
                    CType(attr, CLSCompliantAttribute)
                Dim strCompliant As String
                If CLSCompAttr.IsCompliant Then
                    strCompliant = "is"
                    strCompliant = "is not"
                End If
                Console.WriteLine("Module {0} {1} CLSCompliant.", _
                    modType.Name, strCompliant)
            End If
    End Sub
End Module

' Output:
' Module CustAttrs2VB.exe has the description "A sample description".
' Module CustAttrs2VB.exe is not CLSCompliant.

Platí pro



Načte pole vlastních atributů použitých na člena typu. Parametr určuje člena.

 static cli::array <Attribute ^> ^ GetCustomAttributes(System::Reflection::MemberInfo ^ element);
public static Attribute[] GetCustomAttributes (System.Reflection.MemberInfo element);
static member GetCustomAttributes : System.Reflection.MemberInfo -> Attribute[]
Public Shared Function GetCustomAttributes (element As MemberInfo) As Attribute()



Objekt odvozený z MemberInfo třídy, která popisuje konstruktor, událost, pole, metodu nebo vlastnost člen třídy.


Pole Attribute obsahující vlastní atributy použité na elementnebo prázdné pole, pokud takové vlastní atributy neexistují.


element je null.

element není konstruktor, metoda, vlastnost, událost, typ nebo pole.

Vlastní typ atributu nelze načíst.


Následující příklad kódu ukazuje použití GetCustomAttribute, vzít MemberInfo jako parametr.

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Reflection;
using namespace System::Security;
using namespace System::Runtime::InteropServices;

namespace CustAttrs4CS
   // Create a class for Win32 imported unmanaged functions.
   public ref class Win32

      [DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet = CharSet::Unicode)]
      static int MessageBox( int hWnd, String^ text, String^ caption, UInt32 type );

   public ref class AClass

      // Add some attributes to the Win32CallMethod.

      [Obsolete("This method is obsolete. Use managed MsgBox instead.")]
      void Win32CallMethod()
         Win32::MessageBox( 0, "This is an unmanaged call.", "Be Careful!", 0 );


   ref class DemoClass
      static void Main()
         // Get the Class type to access its metadata.
         Type^ clsType = AClass::typeid;

         // Get the type information for the Win32CallMethod.
         MethodInfo^ mInfo = clsType->GetMethod( "Win32CallMethod" );
         if ( mInfo != nullptr )
            // Iterate through all the attributes for the method.
            System::Collections::IEnumerator^ myEnum3 = Attribute::GetCustomAttributes( mInfo )->GetEnumerator();
            while ( myEnum3->MoveNext() )
               Attribute^ attr = safe_cast<Attribute^>(myEnum3->Current);

               // Check for the Obsolete attribute.
               if ( attr->GetType() == ObsoleteAttribute::typeid )
                  Console::WriteLine( "Method {0} is obsolete. "
                  "The message is:", mInfo->Name );
                  Console::WriteLine( (dynamic_cast<ObsoleteAttribute^>(attr))->Message );
               // Check for the SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity attribute.

               // Check for the SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity attribute.
               if ( attr->GetType() == SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurityAttribute::typeid )
                  Console::WriteLine( "This method calls unmanaged code "
                  "with no security check." );
                  Console::WriteLine( "Please do not use unless absolutely necessary." );
                  AClass^ myCls = gcnew AClass;

 * Output:
 * Method Win32CallMethod is obsolete. The message is:
 * This method is obsolete. Use managed MsgBox instead.
 * This method calls unmanaged code with no security check.
 * Please do not use unless absolutely necessary.
using System;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Security;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

namespace CustAttrs4CS

    // Define an enumeration of Win32 unmanaged types
    public enum UnmanagedType

    // Define the Unmanaged attribute.
    public class UnmanagedAttribute : Attribute
        // Storage for the UnmanagedType value.
        protected UnmanagedType thisType;

        // Set the unmanaged type in the constructor.
        public UnmanagedAttribute(UnmanagedType type)
            thisType = type;

        // Define a property to get and set the UnmanagedType value.
        public UnmanagedType Win32Type
            get { return thisType; }
            set { thisType = Win32Type; }

    // Create a class for an imported Win32 unmanaged function.
    public class Win32 {
        [DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
        public static extern int MessageBox(int hWnd, String text,
            String caption, uint type);

    public class AClass {
        // Add some attributes to Win32CallMethod.
        [Obsolete("This method is obsolete. Use managed MsgBox instead.")]
        public void Win32CallMethod()
            Win32.MessageBox(0, "This is an unmanaged call.", "Caution!", 0);

    class DemoClass {
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Get the AClass type to access its metadata.
            Type clsType = typeof(AClass);
            // Get the type information for Win32CallMethod.
            MethodInfo mInfo = clsType.GetMethod("Win32CallMethod");
            if (mInfo != null)
                // Iterate through all the attributes of the method.
                foreach(Attribute attr in
                    Attribute.GetCustomAttributes(mInfo)) {
                    // Check for the Obsolete attribute.
                    if (attr.GetType() == typeof(ObsoleteAttribute))
                        Console.WriteLine("Method {0} is obsolete. " +
                            "The message is:",
                        Console.WriteLine("  \"{0}\"",

                    // Check for the Unmanaged attribute.
                    else if (attr.GetType() == typeof(UnmanagedAttribute))
                            "This method calls unmanaged code.");
                            String.Format("The Unmanaged attribute type is {0}.",
                        AClass myCls = new AClass();


This code example produces the following results.

First, the compilation yields the warning, "... This method is
obsolete. Use managed MsgBox instead."
Second, execution yields a message box with a title of "Caution!"
and message text of "This is an unmanaged call."
Third, the following text is displayed in the console window:

Method Win32CallMethod is obsolete. The message is:
  "This method is obsolete. Use managed MsgBox instead."
This method calls unmanaged code.
The Unmanaged attribute type is User.

open System
open System.Runtime.InteropServices

// Define an enumeration of Win32 unmanaged types
type UnmanagedType =
    | User = 0
    | GDI = 1
    | Kernel = 2
    | Shell = 3
    | Networking = 4
    | Multimedia = 5

// Define the Unmanaged attribute.
type UnmanagedAttribute(unmanagedType) =
    inherit Attribute()
    // Define a property to get and set the UnmanagedType value.
    member val Win32Type = unmanagedType with get, set

// Create a module for an imported Win32 unmanaged function.
module Win32 =
    [<DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)>]
    extern int MessageBox(IntPtr hWnd, String text, String caption, uint ``type``)

type AClass() =
    // Add some attributes to Win32CallMethod.
    [<Obsolete "This method is obsolete. Use managed MsgBox instead.">]
    member _.Win32CallMethod () =
        Win32.MessageBox(0, "This is an unmanaged call.", "Caution!", 0u)

// Get the AClass type to access its metadata.
let clsType = typeof<AClass>
// Get the type information for Win32CallMethod.
let mInfo = clsType.GetMethod "Win32CallMethod"
if mInfo <> null then
    // Iterate through all the attributes of the method.
    for attr in Attribute.GetCustomAttributes mInfo do
        match attr with 
        // Check for the Obsolete attribute.
        | :? ObsoleteAttribute as attr ->
            printfn $"Method {mInfo.Name} is obsolete. The message is:"
            printfn $"  \"{attr.Message}\""

        // Check for the Unmanaged attribute.
        | :? UnmanagedAttribute as attr ->
            printfn "This method calls unmanaged code."
            printfn $"The Unmanaged attribute type is {attr.Win32Type}."
            let myCls = AClass()
            myCls.Win32CallMethod() |> ignore
        | _ -> ()

// This code example produces the following results.
// First, the compilation yields the warning, "... This method is
// obsolete. Use managed MsgBox instead."
// Second, execution yields a message box with a title of "Caution!"
// and message text of "This is an unmanaged call."
// Third, the following text is displayed in the console window:

// Method Win32CallMethod is obsolete. The message is:
//   "This method is obsolete. Use managed MsgBox instead."
// This method calls unmanaged code.
// The Unmanaged attribute type is User.
Imports System.Reflection
Imports System.Security
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices

' Define an enumeration of Win32 unmanaged types
Public Enum UnmanagedType
End Enum 'UnmanagedType

' Define the Unmanaged attribute.
Public Class UnmanagedAttribute 
             Inherits Attribute

    ' Storage for the UnmanagedType value.
    Protected thisType As UnmanagedType
    ' Set the unmanaged type in the constructor.
    Public Sub New(ByVal type As UnmanagedType) 
        thisType = type
    End Sub
    ' Define a property to get and set the UnmanagedType value.
    Public Property Win32Type() As UnmanagedType 
            Return thisType
        End Get
            thisType = Win32Type
        End Set
    End Property
End Class

' Create a class for an imported Win32 unmanaged function.
Public Class Win32
    <DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet:=CharSet.Unicode)> _
    Public Shared Function MessageBox(ByVal hWnd As Integer, _
                                      ByVal Text As String, _
                                      ByVal caption As String, _
                                      ByVal type As Integer) As Integer
    End Function 'MessageBox
End Class

Public Class AClass
    ' Add some attributes to Win32CallMethod.
    <Obsolete("This method is obsolete. Use managed MsgBox instead."), _
     Unmanaged(UnmanagedType.User)>  _
    Public Sub Win32CallMethod() 
        Win32.MessageBox(0, "This is an unmanaged call.", "Caution!", 0)    
    End Sub
End Class

Class DemoClass
    Shared Sub Main(ByVal args() As String) 
        ' Get the AClass type to access its metadata.
        Dim clsType As Type = GetType(AClass)
        ' Get the type information for Win32CallMethod.
        Dim mInfo As MethodInfo = clsType.GetMethod("Win32CallMethod")
        If Not (mInfo Is Nothing) Then
            ' Iterate through all the attributes of the method.
            Dim attr As Attribute
            For Each attr In  Attribute.GetCustomAttributes(mInfo)
                ' Check for the Obsolete attribute.
                If attr.GetType().Equals(GetType(ObsoleteAttribute)) Then
                    Console.WriteLine("Method {0} is obsolete. The message is:", mInfo.Name)
                    Console.WriteLine("  ""{0}""", CType(attr, ObsoleteAttribute).Message)
                ' Check for the Unmanaged attribute.
                ElseIf attr.GetType().Equals(GetType(UnmanagedAttribute)) Then
                    Console.WriteLine("This method calls unmanaged code.")
                    Console.WriteLine( _
                            String.Format("The Unmanaged attribute type is {0}.", _
                            CType(attr, UnmanagedAttribute).Win32Type))
                    Dim myCls As New AClass()
                End If
            Next attr
        End If
    End Sub
End Class

'This code example produces the following results. 
'First, the compilation yields the warning, "... This method is 
'obsolete. Use managed MsgBox instead."
'Second, execution yields a message box with a title of "Caution!" 
'and message text of "This is an unmanaged call." 
'Third, the following text is displayed in the console window:
'Method Win32CallMethod is obsolete. The message is:
'  "This method is obsolete. Use managed MsgBox instead."
'This method calls unmanaged code.
'The Unmanaged attribute type is User.


Návratová hodnota obsahuje vlastní atributy pro předky element.


Počínaje rozhraním .NET Framework verze 2.0 tato metoda vrátí atributy zabezpečení pro metody, konstruktory a typy, pokud jsou atributy uloženy v novém formátu metadat. Sestavení zkompilovaná s verzí 2.0 nebo novější používají nový formát. Dynamická sestavení a sestavení zkompilovaná se staršími verzemi rozhraní .NET Framework používají starý formát XML. Viz generování deklarativních atributů zabezpečení.

Platí pro



Načte pole vlastních atributů použitých na sestavení. Parametr určuje sestavení.

 static cli::array <Attribute ^> ^ GetCustomAttributes(System::Reflection::Assembly ^ element);
public static Attribute[] GetCustomAttributes (System.Reflection.Assembly element);
static member GetCustomAttributes : System.Reflection.Assembly -> Attribute[]
Public Shared Function GetCustomAttributes (element As Assembly) As Attribute()



Objekt odvozený z Assembly třídy, která popisuje opakovaně použitelnou kolekci modulů.


Pole Attribute obsahující vlastní atributy použité na elementnebo prázdné pole, pokud takové vlastní atributy neexistují.


element je null.


Následující příklad načte vlastní atributy nalezené v aktuálním sestavení.

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Reflection;

[assembly:AssemblyDescription("GetCustomAttributes() Demo")];

ref class Example

static void main()
    Type^ clsType = Example::typeid;

    // Get the Assembly type to access its metadata.
    Assembly^ assy = clsType->Assembly;

    // Iterate through the attributes for the assembly.
    System::Collections::IEnumerator^ myEnum = Attribute::GetCustomAttributes( assy )->GetEnumerator();
    while ( myEnum->MoveNext() )
       Attribute^ attr = safe_cast<Attribute^>(myEnum->Current);

       // Check for the AssemblyTitle attribute.
       if ( attr->GetType() == AssemblyTitleAttribute::typeid )
          Console::WriteLine( "Assembly title is \"{0}\".", (dynamic_cast<AssemblyTitleAttribute^>(attr))->Title );
          // Check for the AssemblyDescription attribute.
          // Check for the AssemblyDescription attribute.
          if ( attr->GetType() == AssemblyDescriptionAttribute::typeid )
             Console::WriteLine( "Assembly description is \"{0}\".", (dynamic_cast<AssemblyDescriptionAttribute^>(attr))->Description );
          // Check for the AssemblyCompany attribute.
          else if ( attr->GetType() == AssemblyCompanyAttribute::typeid )
             Console::WriteLine( "Assembly company is {0}.", (dynamic_cast<AssemblyCompanyAttribute^>(attr))->Company );
// The example displays the following output:
//     Assembly description is "GetCustomAttributes() Demo".
//     Assembly company is Microsoft.
//     Assembly title is "CustAttrs1CPP".
using System;
using System.Reflection;

[assembly: AssemblyTitle("CustAttrs1CS")]
[assembly: AssemblyDescription("GetCustomAttributes() Demo")]
[assembly: AssemblyCompany("Microsoft")]

class Example {
    static void Main() {
        // Get the Assembly object to access its metadata.
        Assembly assy = typeof(Example).Assembly;

        // Iterate through the attributes for the assembly.
        foreach(Attribute attr in Attribute.GetCustomAttributes(assy)) {
            // Check for the AssemblyTitle attribute.
            if (attr.GetType() == typeof(AssemblyTitleAttribute))
                Console.WriteLine("Assembly title is \"{0}\".",

            // Check for the AssemblyDescription attribute.
            else if (attr.GetType() ==
                Console.WriteLine("Assembly description is \"{0}\".",

            // Check for the AssemblyCompany attribute.
            else if (attr.GetType() == typeof(AssemblyCompanyAttribute))
                Console.WriteLine("Assembly company is {0}.",
// The example displays the following output:
//     Assembly title is "CustAttrs1CS".
//     Assembly description is "GetCustomAttributes() Demo".
//     Assembly company is Microsoft.
open System
open System.Reflection

[<assembly: AssemblyTitle "CustAttrs1CS">]
[<assembly: AssemblyDescription "GetCustomAttributes() Demo">]
[<assembly: AssemblyCompany"Microsoft">]
do ()

type Example = class end

// Get the Assembly object to access its metadata.
let assembly = typeof<Example>.Assembly

// Iterate through the attributes for the assembly.
for attr in Attribute.GetCustomAttributes assembly do
    match attr with
    // Check for the AssemblyTitle attribute.
    | :? AssemblyTitleAttribute as attr ->    
        printfn $"Assembly title is \"{attr.Title}\"."
    // Check for the AssemblyDescription attribute.
    | :? AssemblyDescriptionAttribute as attr ->
        printfn $"Assembly description is \"{attr.Description}\"."
    // Check for the AssemblyCompany attribute.
    | :? AssemblyCompanyAttribute as attr ->
        printfn $"Assembly company is {attr.Company}."
    | _ -> ()
// The example displays the following output:
//     Assembly title is "CustAttrs1CS".
//     Assembly description is "GetCustomAttributes() Demo".
//     Assembly company is Microsoft.
Imports System.Reflection

<Assembly: AssemblyTitle("CustAttrs1VB")> 
<Assembly: AssemblyDescription("GetCustomAttributes() Demo")> 
<Assembly: AssemblyCompany("Microsoft")> 

Module Example
    Sub Main()
        ' Get the Assembly type to access its metadata.
        Dim assy As Reflection.Assembly = GetType(Example).Assembly

        ' Iterate through all the attributes for the assembly.
        For Each attr As Attribute In Attribute.GetCustomAttributes(assy)
            ' Check for the AssemblyTitle attribute.
            If TypeOf attr Is AssemblyTitleAttribute Then
                ' Convert the attribute to access its data.
                Dim attrTitle As AssemblyTitleAttribute = _
                    CType(attr, AssemblyTitleAttribute)
                Console.WriteLine("Assembly title is ""{0}"".", _

            ' Check for the AssemblyDescription attribute.
            ElseIf TypeOf attr Is AssemblyDescriptionAttribute Then
                ' Convert the attribute to access its data.
                Dim attrDesc As AssemblyDescriptionAttribute = _
                    CType(attr, AssemblyDescriptionAttribute)
                Console.WriteLine("Assembly description is ""{0}"".", _

            ' Check for the AssemblyCompany attribute.
            ElseIf TypeOf attr Is AssemblyCompanyAttribute Then
                ' Convert the attribute to access its data.
                Dim attrComp As AssemblyCompanyAttribute = _
                    CType(attr, AssemblyCompanyAttribute)
                Console.WriteLine("Assembly company is {0}.", _
            End If
    End Sub
End Module
' The example displays the following output:
'     Assembly company is Microsoft.
'     Assembly description is "GetCustomAttributes() Demo".
'     Assembly title is "CustAttrs1VB".



Počínaje rozhraním .NET Framework verze 2.0 tato metoda vrátí atributy zabezpečení, pokud jsou atributy uloženy v novém formátu metadat. Sestavení zkompilovaná s verzí 2.0 nebo novější používají nový formát. Dynamická sestavení a sestavení zkompilovaná se staršími verzemi rozhraní .NET Framework používají starý formát XML. Viz generování deklarativních atributů zabezpečení.

Platí pro

GetCustomAttributes(Module, Boolean)


Načte pole vlastních atributů použitých v modulu. Parametry určují modul a ignorovanou možnost hledání.

 static cli::array <Attribute ^> ^ GetCustomAttributes(System::Reflection::Module ^ element, bool inherit);
public static Attribute[] GetCustomAttributes (System.Reflection.Module element, bool inherit);
static member GetCustomAttributes : System.Reflection.Module * bool -> Attribute[]
Public Shared Function GetCustomAttributes (element As Module, inherit As Boolean) As Attribute()



Objekt odvozený z Module třídy, která popisuje přenosný spustitelný soubor.


Tento parametr je ignorován a nemá vliv na operaci této metody.


Pole Attribute obsahující vlastní atributy použité na elementnebo prázdné pole, pokud takové vlastní atributy neexistují.


element je null.


Následující příklad kódu ukazuje použití GetCustomAttributes, vzít Module jako parametr.

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Reflection;
using namespace System::ComponentModel;

// Assign some attributes to the module.
// Set the module's CLSCompliant attribute to false
// The CLSCompliant attribute is applicable for /target:module.
[module:Description("A sample description")];
namespace CustAttrs2CS
   ref class DemoClass
      static void Main()
         Type^ clsType = DemoClass::typeid;

         // Get the Module type to access its metadata.
         Module^ module = clsType->Module;

         // Iterate through all the attributes for the module.
         System::Collections::IEnumerator^ myEnum1 = Attribute::GetCustomAttributes( module )->GetEnumerator();
         while ( myEnum1->MoveNext() )
            Attribute^ attr = safe_cast<Attribute^>(myEnum1->Current);

            // Check for the Description attribute.
            if ( attr->GetType() == DescriptionAttribute::typeid )
                        Console::WriteLine( "Module {0} has the description \"{1}\".", module->Name, (dynamic_cast<DescriptionAttribute^>(attr))->Description );
            // Check for the CLSCompliant attribute.

            // Check for the CLSCompliant attribute.
            if ( attr->GetType() == CLSCompliantAttribute::typeid )
                        Console::WriteLine( "Module {0} {1} CLSCompliant.", module->Name, (dynamic_cast<CLSCompliantAttribute^>(attr))->IsCompliant ? (String^)"is" : "is not" );

 * Output:
 * Module CustAttrs2CS.exe is not CLSCompliant.
 * Module CustAttrs2CS.exe has the description "A sample description".
using System;
using System.Reflection;
using System.ComponentModel;

// Assign some attributes to the module.
[module:Description("A sample description")]

// Set the module's CLSCompliant attribute to false
// The CLSCompliant attribute is applicable for /target:module.

namespace CustAttrs2CS {
    class DemoClass {
        static void Main(string[] args) {
            Type clsType = typeof(DemoClass);
            // Get the Module type to access its metadata.
            Module module = clsType.Module;

            // Iterate through all the attributes for the module.
            foreach(Attribute attr in Attribute.GetCustomAttributes(module)) {
                // Check for the Description attribute.
                if (attr.GetType() == typeof(DescriptionAttribute))
                    Console.WriteLine("Module {0} has the description " +
                        "\"{1}\".", module.Name,
                // Check for the CLSCompliant attribute.
                else if (attr.GetType() == typeof(CLSCompliantAttribute))
                    Console.WriteLine("Module {0} {1} CLSCompliant.",
                        ((CLSCompliantAttribute)attr).IsCompliant ?
                            "is" : "is not");

 * Output:
 * Module CustAttrs2CS.exe is not CLSCompliant.
 * Module CustAttrs2CS.exe has the description "A sample description".
open System
open System.ComponentModel

// Assign some attributes to the module.
[<``module``: Description "A sample description">]

// Set the module's CLSCompliant attribute to false
// The CLSCompliant attribute is applicable for /target:module.
[<``module``: CLSCompliant false>]
do ()

type DemoClass = class end

// Get the Module type to access its metadata.
let ilmodule = typeof<DemoClass>.Module

// Iterate through all the attributes for the module.
for attr in Attribute.GetCustomAttributes ilmodule do
    match attr with
    // Check for the Description attribute.
    | :? DescriptionAttribute as attr ->
        printfn $"Module {ilmodule.Name} has the description \"{attr.Description}\"."
    // Check for the CLSCompliant attribute.
    | :? CLSCompliantAttribute as attr ->
        printfn $"""Module {ilmodule.Name} {if attr.IsCompliant then "is" else "is not"} CLSCompliant."""
    | _ -> ()
// Output:
// Module CustAttrs2CS.exe is not CLSCompliant.
// Module CustAttrs2CS.exe has the description "A sample description".
Imports System.Reflection
Imports System.ComponentModel

' Give the Module some attributes.
<Module: Description("A sample description")> 

' Make the CLSCompliant attribute False.
' The CLSCompliant attribute is applicable for /target:module.
<Module: CLSCompliant(False)> 

Module DemoModule

    Sub Main()
        ' Get the Module type to access its metadata.
        Dim modType As Reflection.Module = GetType(DemoModule).Module
        Dim attr As Attribute
        ' Iterate through all the attributes for the module.
        For Each attr In Attribute.GetCustomAttributes(modType)
            ' Check for the Description attribute.
            If TypeOf attr Is DescriptionAttribute Then
                ' Convert the attribute to access its data.
                Dim descAttr As DescriptionAttribute = _
                    CType(attr, DescriptionAttribute)
                Console.WriteLine("Module {0} has the description ""{1}"".", _
                    modType.Name, descAttr.Description)

            ' Check for the CLSCompliant attribute.
            ElseIf TypeOf attr Is CLSCompliantAttribute Then
                ' Convert the attribute to access its data.
                Dim CLSCompAttr As CLSCompliantAttribute = _
                    CType(attr, CLSCompliantAttribute)
                Dim strCompliant As String
                If CLSCompAttr.IsCompliant Then
                    strCompliant = "is"
                    strCompliant = "is not"
                End If
                Console.WriteLine("Module {0} {1} CLSCompliant.", _
                    modType.Name, strCompliant)
            End If
    End Sub
End Module

' Output:
' Module CustAttrs2VB.exe has the description "A sample description".
' Module CustAttrs2VB.exe is not CLSCompliant.


Návratová hodnota obsahuje vlastní atributy pro předky element, pokud je inherittrue.

Platí pro