Sdílet prostřednictvím

BitConverter.ToUInt64 Metoda



ToUInt64(Byte[], Int32)

Vrátí 64bitové celé číslo bez znaménka převedené z osmi bajtů na zadané pozici v bajtovém poli.


Převede bajty na nepodepsané dlouhé.

ToUInt64(Byte[], Int32)


Toto rozhraní API neodpovídá specifikaci CLS.

Vrátí 64bitové celé číslo bez znaménka převedené z osmi bajtů na zadané pozici v bajtovém poli.

 static System::UInt64 ToUInt64(cli::array <System::Byte> ^ value, int startIndex);
public static ulong ToUInt64 (byte[] value, int startIndex);
static member ToUInt64 : byte[] * int -> uint64
Public Shared Function ToUInt64 (value As Byte(), startIndex As Integer) As ULong



Pole bajtů, které obsahuje osm bajtů, které se mají převést.


Počáteční pozice uvnitř value.



64bitové celé číslo bez znaménka vytvořené osmi bajty počínaje startIndex.



startIndex je větší nebo rovna délce value minus 7 a je menší nebo rovna délce value minus 1.

value je null.

startIndex je menší než nula nebo větší než délka value minus 1.


Následující příklad kódu převede prvky Byte polí na UInt64 hodnoty pomocí ToUInt64 metody.

// Example of the BitConverter::ToUInt64 method.
using namespace System;

// Convert eight byte array elements to an unsigned __int64 value and 
// display it.
void BAToUInt64( array<unsigned char>^bytes, int index )
   unsigned __int64 value = BitConverter::ToUInt64( bytes, index );
   Console::WriteLine( "{0,5}{1,27}{2,24}", index, BitConverter::ToString( bytes, index, 8 ), value );

// Display a byte array, using multiple lines if necessary.
void WriteMultiLineByteArray( array<unsigned char>^bytes )
   const int rowSize = 20;
   int iter;
   Console::WriteLine( "initial unsigned char array" );
   Console::WriteLine( "---------------------------" );
   for ( iter = 0; iter < bytes->Length - rowSize; iter += rowSize )
      Console::Write( BitConverter::ToString( bytes, iter, rowSize ) );
      Console::WriteLine( "-" );

   Console::WriteLine( BitConverter::ToString( bytes, iter ) );

int main()
   array<unsigned char>^byteArray = {255,255,255,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,100,167,179,182,224,13,0,202,154,59,0,0,0,0,170,170,170,170,170,170,0,0,232,137,4,35,199,138,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,127};
   Console::WriteLine( "This example of the BitConverter::ToUInt64( unsigned "
   "char[ ], int ) \nmethod generates the following output. It "
   "converts elements of a \nbyte array to unsigned __int64 "
   "values.\n" );
   WriteMultiLineByteArray( byteArray );
   Console::WriteLine( "{0,5}{1,27}{2,24}", "index", "array elements", "unsigned __int64" );
   Console::WriteLine( "{0,5}{1,27}{2,24}", "-----", "--------------", "----------------" );
   // Convert byte array elements to unsigned __int64 values.
   BAToUInt64( byteArray, 3 );
   BAToUInt64( byteArray, 0 );
   BAToUInt64( byteArray, 21 );
   BAToUInt64( byteArray, 7 );
   BAToUInt64( byteArray, 29 );
   BAToUInt64( byteArray, 13 );
   BAToUInt64( byteArray, 35 );
   BAToUInt64( byteArray, 44 );
   BAToUInt64( byteArray, 43 );

This example of the BitConverter::ToUInt64( unsigned char[ ], int )
method generates the following output. It converts elements of a
byte array to unsigned __int64 values.

initial unsigned char array

index             array elements        unsigned __int64
-----             --------------        ----------------
    3    00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00                       0
    0    FF-FF-FF-00-00-00-00-00                16777215
   21    00-CA-9A-3B-00-00-00-00              1000000000
    7    00-00-00-00-01-00-00-00              4294967296
   29    AA-AA-AA-AA-AA-AA-00-00         187649984473770
   13    00-00-64-A7-B3-B6-E0-0D     1000000000000000000
   35    00-00-E8-89-04-23-C7-8A    10000000000000000000
   44    FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-7F     9223372036854775807
   43    FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF    18446744073709551615
// Example of the BitConverter.ToUInt64 method.
using System;

class BytesToUInt64Demo
    const string formatter = "{0,5}{1,27}{2,24}";

    // Convert eight byte array elements to a ulong and display it.
    public static void BAToUInt64( byte[ ] bytes, int index )
        ulong value = BitConverter.ToUInt64( bytes, index );

        Console.WriteLine( formatter, index,
            BitConverter.ToString( bytes, index, 8 ), value );

    // Display a byte array, using multiple lines if necessary.
    public static void WriteMultiLineByteArray( byte[ ] bytes )
        const int rowSize = 20;
        int iter;

        Console.WriteLine( "initial byte array" );
        Console.WriteLine( "------------------" );

        for( iter = 0; iter < bytes.Length - rowSize; iter += rowSize )
                BitConverter.ToString( bytes, iter, rowSize ) );
            Console.WriteLine( "-" );

        Console.WriteLine( BitConverter.ToString( bytes, iter ) );
        Console.WriteLine( );

    public static void Main( )
        byte[ ] byteArray = {
            255, 255, 255,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,
              0,   1,   0,   0,   0, 100, 167, 179, 182, 224,
             13,   0, 202, 154,  59,   0,   0,   0,   0, 170,
            170, 170, 170, 170, 170,   0,   0, 232, 137,   4,
             35, 199, 138, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255,
            255, 127 };

            "This example of the BitConverter.ToUInt64( byte[ ], " +
            "int ) \nmethod generates the following output. It " +
            "converts elements \nof a byte array to ulong values.\n" );

        WriteMultiLineByteArray( byteArray );

        Console.WriteLine( formatter, "index", "array elements",
            "ulong" );
        Console.WriteLine( formatter, "-----", "--------------",
            "------" );

        // Convert byte array elements to ulong values.
        BAToUInt64( byteArray, 3 );
        BAToUInt64( byteArray, 0 );
        BAToUInt64( byteArray, 21 );
        BAToUInt64( byteArray, 7 );
        BAToUInt64( byteArray, 29 );
        BAToUInt64( byteArray, 13 );
        BAToUInt64( byteArray, 35 );
        BAToUInt64( byteArray, 44 );
        BAToUInt64( byteArray, 43 );

This example of the BitConverter.ToUInt64( byte[ ], int )
method generates the following output. It converts elements
of a byte array to ulong values.

initial byte array

index             array elements                   ulong
-----             --------------                  ------
    3    00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00                       0
    0    FF-FF-FF-00-00-00-00-00                16777215
   21    00-CA-9A-3B-00-00-00-00              1000000000
    7    00-00-00-00-01-00-00-00              4294967296
   29    AA-AA-AA-AA-AA-AA-00-00         187649984473770
   13    00-00-64-A7-B3-B6-E0-0D     1000000000000000000
   35    00-00-E8-89-04-23-C7-8A    10000000000000000000
   44    FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-7F     9223372036854775807
   43    FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF    18446744073709551615
open System

let print obj1 obj2 obj3 = printfn $"{obj1,5}{obj2,27}{obj3,24}"

// Convert eight byte array elements to a ulong and display it.
let BAToUInt64 bytes index =
    let value = BitConverter.ToUInt64(bytes, index)

    print index (BitConverter.ToString(bytes, index, 8)) value

// Display a byte array, using multiple lines if necessary.
let writeMultiLineByteArray (bytes: byte []) =
    let rowSize = 20

    printfn "initial byte array"
    printfn "------------------"

    let mutable iter = 0
    for i in 0 .. rowSize .. bytes.Length - rowSize - 1 do
        printfn $"{BitConverter.ToString(bytes, i, rowSize)}-"
        iter <- i

    printfn $"{BitConverter.ToString(bytes, iter + rowSize)}\n"

let byteArray =
    [| 255uy; 255uy; 255uy; 0uy; 0uy; 0uy; 0uy; 0uy; 0uy; 0uy
       0uy; 1uy; 0uy; 0uy; 0uy; 100uy; 167uy; 179uy; 182uy; 224uy
       13uy; 0uy; 202uy; 154uy; 59uy; 0uy; 0uy; 0uy; 0uy; 170uy
       170uy; 170uy; 170uy; 170uy; 170uy; 0uy; 0uy; 232uy; 137uy; 4uy
       35uy; 199uy; 138uy; 255uy; 255uy; 255uy; 255uy; 255uy; 255uy; 255uy
       255uy; 127uy |]

printfn "This example of the BitConverter.ToUInt64(byte [], int) \nmethod generates the following output. It converts elements \nof a byte array to ulong values.\n"

writeMultiLineByteArray byteArray 

print "index" "array elements" "ulong"
print "-----" "--------------" "------"

// Convert byte array elements to ulong values.
BAToUInt64 byteArray 3
BAToUInt64 byteArray 0
BAToUInt64 byteArray 21
BAToUInt64 byteArray 7
BAToUInt64 byteArray 29
BAToUInt64 byteArray 13
BAToUInt64 byteArray 35
BAToUInt64 byteArray 44
BAToUInt64 byteArray 43

// This example of the BitConverter.ToUInt64( byte[ ], int )
// method generates the following output. It converts elements
// of a byte array to ulong values.
// initial byte array
// ------------------
// FF-FF-FF-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-01-00-00-00-64-A7-B3-B6-E0-
// 0D-00-CA-9A-3B-00-00-00-00-AA-AA-AA-AA-AA-AA-00-00-E8-89-04-
// 23-C7-8A-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-7F
// index             array elements                   ulong
// -----             --------------                  ------
//     3    00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00                       0
//     0    FF-FF-FF-00-00-00-00-00                16777215
//    21    00-CA-9A-3B-00-00-00-00              1000000000
//     7    00-00-00-00-01-00-00-00              4294967296
//    29    AA-AA-AA-AA-AA-AA-00-00         187649984473770
//    13    00-00-64-A7-B3-B6-E0-0D     1000000000000000000
//    35    00-00-E8-89-04-23-C7-8A    10000000000000000000
//    44    FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-7F     9223372036854775807
//    43    FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF    18446744073709551615
' Example of the BitConverter.ToUInt64 method.
Module BytesToUInt64Demo

    Const formatter As String = "{0,5}{1,27}{2,24}"
    ' Convert eight Byte array elements to a UInt64 and display it.
    Sub BAToUInt64( bytes( ) As Byte, index As Integer )

        Dim value As UInt64 = BitConverter.ToUInt64( bytes, index )

        Console.WriteLine( formatter, index, _
            BitConverter.ToString( bytes, index, 8 ), value )
    End Sub 

    ' Display a Byte array, using multiple lines if necessary.
    Sub WriteMultiLineByteArray( bytes( ) As Byte )
        Const rowSize As Integer = 20 
        Dim iter As Integer

        Console.WriteLine( "initial Byte array" )
        Console.WriteLine( "------------------" )

        For iter = 0 To bytes.Length - rowSize - 1 Step rowSize
            Console.Write( _
                BitConverter.ToString( bytes, iter, rowSize ) )
            Console.WriteLine( "-" )
        Next iter

        Console.WriteLine( BitConverter.ToString( bytes, iter ) )
        Console.WriteLine( )
    End Sub

    Sub Main( )
        Dim byteArray as Byte( ) = { _
            255, 255, 255,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0, _
              0,   1,   0,   0,   0, 100, 167, 179, 182, 224, _
             13,   0, 202, 154,  59,   0,   0,   0,   0, 170, _
            170, 170, 170, 170, 170,   0,   0, 232, 137,   4, _
             35, 199, 138, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, _
            255, 127 }

        Console.WriteLine( _
            "This example of the BitConverter.ToUInt64( Byte( ), " & _
            "Integer ) " & vbCrLf & "method generates the " & _
            "following output. It converts elements " & vbCrLf & _
            "of a Byte array to UInt64 values." & vbCrLf )

        WriteMultiLineByteArray( byteArray )

        Console.WriteLine( formatter, "index", "array elements", _
            "UInt64" )
        Console.WriteLine( formatter, "-----", "--------------", _
            "------" )
        ' Convert Byte array elements to UInt64 values.
        BAToUInt64( byteArray, 3 )
        BAToUInt64( byteArray, 0 )
        BAToUInt64( byteArray, 21 )
        BAToUInt64( byteArray, 7 )
        BAToUInt64( byteArray, 29 )
        BAToUInt64( byteArray, 13 )
        BAToUInt64( byteArray, 35 )
        BAToUInt64( byteArray, 44 )
        BAToUInt64( byteArray, 43 )
    End Sub 
End Module

' This example of the BitConverter.ToUInt64( Byte( ), Integer )
' method generates the following output. It converts elements
' of a Byte array to UInt64 values.
' initial Byte array
' ------------------
' FF-FF-FF-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-01-00-00-00-64-A7-B3-B6-E0-
' 0D-00-CA-9A-3B-00-00-00-00-AA-AA-AA-AA-AA-AA-00-00-E8-89-04-
' index             array elements                  UInt64
' -----             --------------                  ------
'     3    00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00                       0
'     0    FF-FF-FF-00-00-00-00-00                16777215
'    21    00-CA-9A-3B-00-00-00-00              1000000000
'     7    00-00-00-00-01-00-00-00              4294967296
'    29    AA-AA-AA-AA-AA-AA-00-00         187649984473770
'    13    00-00-64-A7-B3-B6-E0-0D     1000000000000000000
'    35    00-00-E8-89-04-23-C7-8A    10000000000000000000
'    44    FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-7F     9223372036854775807
'    43    FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF    18446744073709551615


Metoda ToUInt64 převede bajty z indexu startIndex na startIndex + 7 na UInt64 hodnotu. Pořadí bajtů v poli musí odrážet koncovost architektury počítačového systému. Další informace najdete v části Poznámky tématu předmětu BitConverter .

Viz také

Platí pro



Toto rozhraní API neodpovídá specifikaci CLS.

Převede bajty na nepodepsané dlouhé.

 static System::UInt64 ToUInt64(ReadOnlySpan<System::Byte> value);
public static ulong ToUInt64 (ReadOnlySpan<byte> value);
static member ToUInt64 : ReadOnlySpan<byte> -> uint64
Public Shared Function ToUInt64 (value As ReadOnlySpan(Of Byte)) As ULong



Rozsah jen pro čtení obsahující bajty, které se mají převést.



64bitové celé číslo bez znaménka představující převedené bajty.



Délka value je menší než 8.

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